
  • Episode 280-God Wants to Rebuild Us

    280-God Wants To Rebuild Us

    God knows our hearts. He knows what we need. He speaks right to us whether it comes through me, you, or someone else. We need to always have an attentive ear to listen to Him. We need to learn to listen to Him.

    This podcast contains words that God asked me to share with you. These are words directly from Him. The show notes will include only a small amount. Please listen to the podcast for more.

    God said, “Whatever happens on the outside of you, and in your body, in your brain, in your physical nature is totally governed by you. I, God, am not in charge of that. I make suggestions. I plan things to help you even if it is something you don’t like in the moment.

    “When I lead you to change something or give something up you think you can’t live without, because it seems dear to you, it’s because I have better plans for you. I have over-the-top, greater than you can think or imagine dreams for you. It is abundance until it overflows, abundance that just keeps coming.

    “The only thing that can stop the flow of My abundance to you is what you choose to love more than Me. When you choose things you think you have to have, you are not putting Me first. I must be first without a second in your life for everything to work together. I don’t demand that you do what I want. As a matter of fact, I always give you a choice.

    “Remember, it is your choice. Don’t blame it on what you crave. Don‘t blame it on your body that you think is giving up on you. No, it’s not that your body is giving up on you. Your body only responds to what you tell it to do. Trace the causes, the roots. Go to the deep places you’ve been unwilling to visit for so many years.

    “All you have to do is listen to Me, follow, and obey. I will uplift you. You will not die when you give up those things you think you can’t live without. You may scream. You may cry. But think about this, how long has it been since you have allowed yourself to do wail and mourn over your sins?

    “Tears wash the soul. Cry and get it out. Leave your cravings behind you so I can move you forward. They only drag you down. Don’t pick them up again.

    “Come to Me. Let Me fill you with everything positive you need, so you will never want for anything else. Never again. Really desire to surrender everything. Surrender it to me. Completely, totally, and finally surrender it all to Me.

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  • Episode 279-Fighting For or Against You?

    There’s a recurring question that has been playing throughout my mind. Are we fighting for God or are we maybe unknowingly, or knowingly, fighting against Him? As Christians we better know that we are in a war. The problem is we likely really aren’t cognitively aware of the war until our attention is called to it.

    The evil one’s main weapon is that little three letter word s-i-n. If he can get us to sell out to sin, he can destroy any influence or effectiveness we have in the world.

    God has weapons too. His most effective weapon is that five-letter, living word of Grace. We have to want to implement the strength of His grace to defeat sin. In other words, we have to push the grace button if we want help.

    We have grace if we have accepted Christ, but we in order to win the war, in order to apply the strength of God’s grace in our lives, we must admit we are weak and need God’s help in order to live in God’s freedom rather than the bondage of sin.

    Psalm 139:23-24 NLT is what I want to leave you with. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”

    Make that your prayer.

    If you are interested in joining us for my coaching group, please go to

    Until Next week, Sweet Grace for Your Journey.

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  • Episode 278-Becoming a Living Sacrifice

    Why does God want us to be living sacrifices? Is it the same thing as surrendering to God? What does it mean to be a living sacrifice? Why would God even want us to do that?

    Being a living sacrifice means that as God’s children, we do what He says and go where He leads. This is paramount as a child of God, but its also really difficult.

    Paul tells us this in Romans 12:1 AMP: “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies, dedicating all of yourselves, set apart, as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational, logical, intelligent act of worship.”

    Who He is and who we are makes surrendering every single part of our lives to Him a rational, and at the same time a very emotional, course of action. Doing this now and every single day is more than a starting place. It will define how we live in tandem with Him for the rest of our lives.

  • Episode 277-Can God Do That?

    If I came up to you and said, “Do you believe God can do anything? Do you believe He is all-powerful?” you’d probably say, “Yes!”

    You’d say you serve a mountain-making, mountain-moving, earth-shaking, sky-shattering, miracle-working, dead-raising, sick-healing God who can do anything!

    But let me ask you this: Do you believe He will do those things for YOU?

    Do you believe He will move mountains in your life? Or does part of you feel like those miracles were for long ago or for other people—but not for you?

    I wrestled with this question for a long time. I knew God was powerful, but when it came to my own struggles—especially with my weight—I acted as if He couldn’t (or wouldn’t) help me. I prayed, but deep down, I didn’t believe my situation could change.

    That mindset kept me stuck. I kept trying to fix things on my own, relying on diets and willpower, and ignoring the one thing God had already shown me—His plan for me.

    The truth is, nothing is impossible for God. But we have to believe Him enough to follow His lead instead of taking matters into our own hands.

    That’s what I want to talk about today.

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  • Episode 276-Conflicting Desires

    Years ago I did an activity from a workbook where I wrote down every desire I had good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. I thought about what I really wanted in life and what my desires or passions were.

    I wrote down everything that came to mind without evaluating it. I was honest with myself and didn’t judge my desires, wants, lusts, addictions, etc. I “threw up” on paper for lack of a better term.

    With each desire I asked is this a true, God-given desire? Is it noble? Is it right? Is it pure. Hey right there my list got a lot shorter! Just being honest. Is it lovely, and not like new car lovely, but lovely in God’s eyes. Is it admirable? Is it excellent? Is it praiseworthy?

    Many were good desires, but they were in conflict with another good desire. So I had to make some well-defined choice.

    I learned that to get anywhere on my journey conflicting desires will keep me stuck. We can’t do everything, but we must do what God wants us to do.

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  • Episode 275-Renew Your Mind

    Are you stuck? Do you want to do something to change how you feel and how you can get out of the funk you find yourself in daily? Do you want to renew your life? You can but it will take intentional effort.

    Basically, you cannot renew your life unless you change your habits. Habit-change requires renewing your mind in order to renew your life.

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  • Episode 274-Tell a Better Story

    Stories are the fabric of our lives. God loves stories. The Bible is made up of true stories of success and failure in life. God uses the stories of failures of people to show the fall of man, but also the redemption of man. He shows how those destined to create better stories follow Him to their destinies or their demise.

    He also shows us how when He appears in our lives, things change. Here are some changes that happened to people in the Bible. See if you can recognize who these men are.

    A former killer turned shepherd turns into one of the greatest leaders and freedom fighters for an entire nation of enslaved people.

    A lowly shepherd boy is anointed king but becomes one of the greatest leaders after deep heart-felt repentance for the sin of adultery and murder.

    A former head-hunter of Christians turns into the author of the majority of the New Testament.

    To find the names of those individuals, listen to podcast 274.

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  • Episode 273-Food and Curses

    Every mother knows somewhere in the back of her mind that there are two types of food. There is nutritious food every child needs in order to grow strong and healthy. And then there’s the stuff that masquerades as food that really just medicates kids. It makes them happy. It comforts them when they are sad or crying, but there is nothing nutritious in ice cream, cake, candy, and soda pop.

    What does every mom say when toddlers are crying they don’t want to leave a fun place? Something similar to, “Stop crying and you can have an ice cream after you eat lunch.” Like magic, the wailing stops. What has Mom just taught that child? Food comforts. What does she also know? Ice cream has no real nutritional value, but includes 25 grams of sugar and 32 carbs.

    As we will discover in this podcast, the way we eat can cause a curse that we can pass down through the generations. It definitely happened to me, but we can break these.

    If you have this issue or other similar issues, I invite you right now to join us in Overcomers Academy. For more information, go to

  • Episode 272-Intentional Choices

    We all know that if we want anything in our lives to change we have to intentionally make different choices. We have to change the way we’ve done things for years. If we continue eating the same way we always have, we will either stay the same or continue to gain weight.

    If we don’t add some intentional times of exercise, we will likely not lose weight even if we are eating healthy. If we don’t forgive issues in our past that have us stuck in the cycle of eating to overcome emotional issues we won’t change our situation. If we don’t change our minds we won’t change our behaviors.

    So the big question is how do we make intentional choices that lead to a permanent change in our behaviors?

    God wants to help us create the intention to make the right choices so that our desires are aligned with His desires.

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  • Episode 271-Thoughts Have Power

    What kind of mind games do you allow to take residence inside you? One of the biggest mind games I allowed was that I have to act on every directive that enters my mind. This is a lie that the evil one loves to perpetuate.

    The devil and demons do have power to speak to humans, but not to read our minds. The devil and demons can speak to us. The devil can anticipate what we will do in a given because of his knowledge of humankind and of each of us. Yes, the devil knows us better than we know ourselves, luckily so does God!

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  • Episode 270-Write the Vision

    “Write the vision. Make it plain so that those who read it will run with it.”

    Habakkuk 2:2

    What is your vision? What is your message? What is the passion that grabs your heart? What do you desperately want people to know?

    Make it plain.

    Be sure people understand what you are saying. Use scripture. Make it real. Make it known. Don’t write something no one understands.

    So those who READ. Nothing happens unless someone reads what you’ve written. Show don’t just tell. Make readers cry or laugh. Incorporate God moments.

    Will Run With It

    If you engage your readers they will want to tell others about your book. Provide at least one sensory detail, color, sounds, smells, textures, tastes, seasons, locations, sight, sound, smell, taste, touch in all your chapters and encounters between characters.

    Make sure there is both conflict and character transformation in your book. Without these, there is no story.

    In the end, writing a book is not about money, fame, or star status, it’s about the message. However, you never know when your first book just might make it to be a #1 Bestseller. Plan for it. Believe it. And then leave in God’s Hands to show you what to do next.

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  • Episode 269-Listen!

    I tried to avoid it. I didn’t want it to be my word for the year, but everywhere I turned it followed me. I finally gave in because it was the only word that God would give me. It was everywhere I turned.

    The last straw was when I was filling my calendar in for January. And right there on Jan. 1, 2025, I had written down Listen! In reality, I had not forgotten that word. It had been following me around like a nagging three-year-old wanting a piece of candy. I had pretended listen wasn’t my word for 2025.

    My word for the year is always something God gives me so I will remember to focus on that topic. Last year was rest and I was always being reminded of that by people who knew that was my word.

    This year it’s listen. I went to the Bible first to see what it says about that word. I found that in the NLT version that word is mentioned 584 times. It’s a pretty important word. It doesn’t just mean to hear but also to understand, apply, and carry out whatever is being said. That’s the reason we listen.

    Rebuilding Jayne by Teresa Shields Parker:

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  • Episode 268-Jesus and His Dad

    Have you ever had a question you’d like an answer to, but the answer is not available. For years I’ve thought about this question because Jesus was divine. But then when He came to earth, He was fully human.

    So when did Jesus figure out who He is and who told Him? When He was in Heaven He knew who He was. But when He came to earth He became a human. He came right out of His Momma’s box. He had the same abilities as His Daddy God, but when did He discover all of that?

    Was there a time that Father God said, “OK, Listen Son, this is who you are? This is your job here on earth. You will become the Savior of all people. It will be a really big deal.”

    I love to think of these kinds of conversation. Jesus came to earth as a helpless baby. He did that of His own free will. No one made Him do it. If you have never trusted Jesus as Your Savior, now is the time to do it. Let it be your Christmas gift to yourself.

    Pray with me.


    I confess. I love only myself. I try to fix issues in my favor. I don’t like people. I’d never die for anyone.

    Still, I live in terror every day afraid someone will kill me. I need Jesus to help me, but I’m such a big sinner I don’t know how to change. I’ve been told once a sinner always a sinner.

    But that’s not what Jesus says. He says no matter what, He loves me. Right now, I’m choosing to follow Him instead of my earthly desires. Jesus I give You every sin I’ve committed and every sinful thought.

    I hand to you all these things that are bringing me down, breaking me down, and making me worried, anxious, and fearful to You, Lord.

    Save me from myself, Lord. I need You.

    If you prayed this prayer, send us an email to [email protected].

    If you are interested in joining Overcomers Christian Weight Loss Academy, go here:

  • Episode 267-Craving Sugar?

    It’s Christmas and you know what that means. Lots and lots of cake, candy, pies, and every other kind of desserts. It’s the day we celebrate Jesus’ birth. It’s the day we get together with family and friends.

    Most of us, though, aren’t focusing on the people we will see or even worshipping Jesus, who made a willful decision to come to earth, live as a human, and die on cross in our place. He did it for no other reason but to let us know how much He loves us.

    Still, all we can think about is getting our next sugar high. Yes, it’s very addictive. It’s like a drug. It is eight times more addictive than drugs or alcohol. And, it’s a killer. Sugar feeds cancer. It promotes obesity from which all kinds of diseases take hold of us.

    The devil knows all of this. He has become a drug pusher to us who consider ourselves good Christians. It’s his voice speaking when we hear, “Go ahead and eat another piece of cake! As a matter of fact take two or three because it will be gone before you have time to finish everything on your plate. It tastes so good. It has to be good for you.”

    However, my Friends, the devil is a liar. We know this, but we still want sugary foods because we feel like they make us feel better. And they do for a short-time and then our bodies crave more sugar. Only this time we have to eat more than before. It’s always a matter of more.

    Can we stop craving sugar? Yes, we can. Are you ready? Join us in Overcomers Christian Weight Loss Academy and start the New Year off right.


  • Episode 266-Bitten by the Fiction Bug

    I’ve been bitten by the fiction bug, and no it didn’t hurt. It felt pretty good. After writing 10 nonfiction books, I finally wrote and published the fiction book God gave me the storyline to 10 years ago.

    “Rebuilding Jayne” is on Amazon now in Kindle, paperback, and will soon be out in Audible and a little later in hardback. It is Fiction That Transforms. This particular book’s tagline is “Her Father’s Protection.

    The best way I can describe this series is that it is the fiction version of my best-selling book, which is my memoir entitled, Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds.

    It was a fun book to write because God was there the entire way. There was one time when I was writing a very integral chapter. It was a key piece of the book. I wrote the chapter and then went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, God clearly spoke to me and said, “Throw out that last chapter and start over. I will show you what to write.”

    From the minute I put my hands on the computer keys to the end of that chapter, not one word had been in my head. It was if I was the scribe and God was the author dictating the words to me. That chapter set the tone for the entire book. He gave me places, people, and the depth of the story line. It was nothing I did except be obedient and write.

    Get the book. Write a review so others can find it.

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  • Episode 265-Build Each Other Up

    In Romans 15 and 16, Paul covers a lot of ground to make sure he’s telling those in the church at Rome everything they need to go forward until he comes to them again in person. He’s teaching them and us how to build each other up. This is critical to any forward motion. We don’t do our journeys alone. We do them in a community of faith.

    He encourages mature Christians, while at the same time warning them. Romans 15:1 AMP: “We who are strong in our convictions and faith ought to patiently put up with the weaknesses of those who are not strong and not please ourselves.”

    In order to follow Jesus we need to deny ourselves or not just please ourselves. In John 5:30 AMP Jesus defines that as setting aside our selfish interests. If we are mature followers of Christ one of the first things we must let go of is our reliance on anything other than Jesus.

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  • Episode 264-Through it All

    How can we be thankful in the midst everything is going on in the world today? We’ve been through a lot in the last few years and I just want to stop a minute and thank God even for the difficulties many of us have gone through.

    One of my favorite songs is Through It All, written by Andre Crouch in 1971 after having purchased an engagement ring for a young woman. He was heart-broken when she announced that she was getting married, but not to him.

    He wrote these words: “I thank God for the mountains, and I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He brought me through; for if I’d never had a problem I wouldn’t know that He could solve them…I’d never know what faith in God could do.

    “Through it all, through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God;

    “Through it all, through it all, I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.”

    Even though it was written 50 years ago, this song seems perfect for today.

    We weren’t designed to do life on our own. We need God. So I challenge you this Thanksgiving to think about how going through difficulties has made you stronger and thank God for them.

    1 Thess. 5:18 TPT: “And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.”

    For more about giving thanks in the midst of both the good and the bad, listen to episode 264—Through It All.

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  • Episode 263-Focus on Jesus, Not Sugar

    I’ve been reading and studying Romans 14 for several weeks. I thought when I first read it that it would an easy passage to talk about. I knew it related to my journey but in what way?

    So I asked Jesus, “What is the message of Romans 14 for my listeners?” And He said, “Focus on Me, not on anything else. Not on sugar, not on food, not on diet laws, not on what to celebrate or not celebrate. Just focus on Me and everything will fall into place.”

    Then it finally made sense. As a kid, I learned Romans 14:17 in the KJV, but I didn’t know the context of the verse. “The kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

    The Amplified Version says it this way: “The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking what one likes, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Did you hear that? It’s not about eating and drinking what we like. It’s all about the Kingdom of God. It’s about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Nothing else matters but allowing Him to lead us.

    The MSG adds, “God’s kingdom isn’t a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness’ sake. It’s what God does with your life as He sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy.”

    That makes a lot of sense because verse 18 in every version talks about serving God. We have to get our focus right before we can serve Jesus. I know that was certainly true in my case. For most of my life, my focus was definitely on sugar and not on Jesus.

    Romans 14:18 AMP says, “For the one who serves Christ in this way, recognizing that food choice is secondary, is acceptable to God and is approved by men.”

    This entire chapter is about the freedom Christ brought. This was especially important to the Jewish believers. When Jesus brought us His freedom, it cancelled the rules about what foods are clean and OK to eat and which were unclean and shouldn’t be eaten.

    I get it. I really do. All their lives they had lived by what their “church” told them was proper. They knew that Christ’s liberty had set them free from all of the rules, but they weren’t ready to make the switch just yet. This was causing arguments in the church. In this chapter Paul is trying to tell the new Christians that what we eat or don’t eat is not something that matters regarding our heavenly destiny.

    I talk about this as well as my own journey with sugar addiction in this episode.

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  • Episode 262-Time to Wake Up

    It’s time for Christians to wake up to what’s going on in the world around us. The time is growing short. We are closer to meeting Jesus now than we were first saved.

    In Romans 13:11-14 Paul gives a dire warning about the future and describes how we as Christians we are still always one day closer to meeting Him.

    He tells us how we should live by describing a normal day. First we have to wake up to the spiritual issues around us. Romans 13:11 tells us to wake up from our slumber. Second, we have take off the old clothes we were wearing in the darkness. Romans 13:12 tells us to “strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes.

    Next we must dress for battle by “putting on the armor of light,” as it says in Romans 13:12. We also must know our enemy and how to defeat strongholds.

    Finally, we have to know where we are going. We have to be dressed to run with Jesus. Romans 13:14 MSG tells us we can’t loiter or linger. We have to be up and about what God is calling us to do.

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  • Episode 261-Holy Spirit Glow

    Do you want glow with the power of the Holy Spirit? It’s certainly something I desire. This is lesson 20 in our study of the book of Romans. We’ve learned that Romans is all about the foundations of the Christian life, how to follow Jesus, how to renounce our fleshly desires, how to renew our minds and how to transform our lives.

    Now in the latter part of Romans 12 we learn about serving God. After we learn to lay down our selfish desires, we begin focusing on what God wants us to do with our lives. It’s then that He starts showering us with His grace gifts so we can do the tasks He has called us to do.

    These aren’t gifts to hoard. They are gifts to be used to serve Him. This where Romans 12:11 TPT says, “Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward Him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let Him fill you with excitement as you serve Him.” The Message says, “Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.”

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