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# Carrots and Suffering: A D&D Odyssey**An actual (let's) play unofficial D&D campaign podcast featuring 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, by a group of friends from Portland Oregon**Campaign 1: The ancient kingdom of Fenrir, blessed with prosperity from the queen of fairy for a millennia, has fallen. The once bountiful forests are teeming now with thorns and monsters. Each prick of the brambles poison turns man into beast, one drop at a time. Our heroes, 18 year old Sylpha Lunari, 16 year old Sable Mirkwood, and 17 year old Jaelen Evans fight to end the century of isolation and the ill effects on man and fey that that is has. Can they change the world they inherited, or will it change them?Campaign 2: The Northern Kingdom, the Empire of Astragaar, a theocracy dedicated to the true and only 10 gods of the mortal lands has taken over the province of Ol' Fenrir after the environmental disaster of the kingdom. Our heroes, Zirus of Sister Truth, Bulain of The Silent Judge, and Krieden of Divine Mercy, attempt to serve the empire and its people, but all is not as one would hope. Will the history of the empire be too much for the faithful to overcome?Notes: All the curse words; English language; Medium level of mechanical adherence; Once or twice a month posting.
Maffiabaas don Cornetto Boonaparte werd vermoord, maar over het graf heen is hij erin geslaagd de aanwijzingen naar zijn moordenaar of moordenares te verstoppen in de playlist voor een maffiaconcert. Zijn advocaat Silly Willy organiseert dit moordspel nu om het mysterie te ontsluieren. Elk van de vijf verdachten kan op een of andere manier in verband gebracht worden met twee nummers op de playlist, de ware schuldige krijgt er drie achter zijn of haar naam.
Een muzikaal moordspel met een maffia-thema, opgebouwd volgens het Cluedo-principe. U kunt het spel individueel spelen, of met verschillende detectives of detective teams die het tegen elkaar opnemen. Alle instructies krijgt u van de E.T. of Executeur Testamentair van don Cornetto, Silly Willy. U dient alleen pen en papier bij de hand te nemen en, eventueel voor elke ronde, met elkaar een timing af te spreken. Misschien kan het ook nuttig zijn tijd uit te trekken om een aantal nummers op de playlist te beluisteren via Youtube of Spotify.
Een PDF met het draaiboek voor de organisatie of spelleid(st)er van dit moordspel, kan samen met de verklaringen van de verdachten, meer informatie over de playlist, een invulblad en uiteraard de oplossingen besteld worden via [email protected] (30 euro) of De oplossingen bevinden zich ook in een luisterboek, dat o.a. kan besteld worden bij Luisterrijk (9,99 euro):
Stem en scenario: Patrick Bernauw. Montage en geluidseffecten: Antoine Derksen. Muziek: Productie: -
“What Happened in the Malachite Wastes” is a slice-of-life, modern fantasy podcast that spends each episode following a different denizen of the Malachite Archipelago. Each story is a chance for you to explore the life of an ordinary person in an extraordinary world, and share the unique trials, tribulations, and joys of the human (or not-so-human) experience.
Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore Altheya: The Dragon Empire on Europe's biggest independent TTRPG stream. Episodes go live Tuesdays and Thursdays, or watch live every Sunday at 5pm UK Time on or!
Talk about historical boardgames and boardgaming. Tabletop conflict simulation boardgames, from old school hex-and-counter to modern card driven games and beyond. If it's a historical game, a political game, or a wargame, we'll talk about it.
We dive into specific games in detail each episode, with tips on how to play and how the game fits in with other similar games. As well, we usually have an interview with a designer or publisher. And finally, we have news from the history gaming world as well as tips for new players and general chatter about what's happening in the hobby we love. -
Do you ever struggle to make fun and engaging encounters in your tabletop role playing games? Come join the Encounter Table where each week three friends discuss how to make great encounters, game design, and leave you with a fun encounter you could put on your table. Whether you play Dungeons and Dragons, Genesys, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Powered by the Apocalypse or any other RPG come join us as we figure out how to make our games better!
Boards Alive is a podcast where we talk about tabletop games. Our goal is to show that tabletop gaming can be just as exciting and engaging as Hollywood movies or big budget video games. We try to highlight games that have a rich theme that connects with the mechanics of the game. We want to help people escape into tabletop games and enjoy the competition and camaraderie of gaming.
Follow the Leader is an actual play podcast with a focus on telling character-driven stories through the use of GMless tabletop games where we can all take the lead. We’re an LGBTQ actual play podcast that uses collaborative storytelling and world-building to create satisfying story arcs with a colorful cast of characters across different settings and genres. With stories ranging from fantasy to science-fiction to horror, there’s something for everyone. Check out our site at for suggestions on where to begin, and find us on Bluesky @
Member of the Standing Stones Podcast Guild. Find us on Twitter at @stones_standing -
Jump into a classic fantasy story, set in the original world of All'Terra, and told through the collaborative story structure of 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons!
Join Josh, our Dungeon Master, as he leads four unlikely heroes on an adventure that will change their lives and might even save the world!
The Party:
Joan Stormcrown, a human cleric of the grey god, played by Kelsey.
Dalfin Mugwart, a halfling monk, played by Ricky.
Winnie Dumplekin, a gnome evocation wizard, played by Erin.
Relnor Windhelm, a human fighter/member of Lestraad's Navy, played by Eric. -
Join us on a hilarious RPG adventure through the weird worlds of pop culture! Our heroes travel to the universes of forgotten fictional properties on a quest to save reality itself, using the RPG systems of the worlds the characters are currently in. It's funny, chaotic, and awesome. Let the quest begin!
New episodes every other Wednesday.