Mom life is busy and stressful, but it doesn't have to be lacking in joy. Join Kristen as she explains how to enjoy the "glory days" of motherhood, and learn from King David's struggles to find strength in those moments where it may be failing. Plus, as in every episode, a "blast from the past" Mom Moment and an essential Mom Must Have Bible Study tool.
Join Kristen as she chats with friend Katie J. Trent about her new book Dishing Up Devotions. The interview focuses on how to combine life, cooking, and teaching our children about Jesus all into one easy activity. You'll love Katie and her new book! Plus, Katie shares her own Mom Moments and Mom Must Haves.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Marriage is so much more than just the wedding day! Kristen shares and reflects on what she has learned in her 14 years of marriage--how marriage is really the beautiful combining of two lives into one. Plus, a "kids say the darnedest things" Mom Moment, and another fabulous author for the Mom Must Have.
Continuing the interview with Steph Thurling from the Raising Prayerful Kids ministry, Kristen and Steph discuss ways to help cover your kids in prayer while they're at school, as well as ways to help your kids pray for themselves at school. And, the Mom Moment and Mom Must Have are vacation themed!
Join Kristen as she interview her friend, Steph Thurling, Co-founder of the Raising Prayerful Kids ministry. Learn how to teach kids of all ages to become prayerful kids! Great ideas and resources! Plus, Steph shares a Mom Moment and a couple of her Mom Must Haves.
All moms mess up, but it's what we do AFTER we mess up that makes a difference. Join Kristen as she shares one of her mess ups and how to handle them to keep the power of God flowing in your life. Plus, a messy Mom Moment and an epic Mom Must Have.
If anything can make you feel weak and underqualified, it's motherhood. But thankfully, we have a God who stands ready to "take the wheel" for us. Find out the key to unlocking God's strength for us as mothers. Also, enjoy a sweet Mom Moment and Mom Must Have!
It's hard to see our children suffer, but God is always in control: of our lives and our kids' lives. With God's word and his help, we can remember this and keep the faith even when our kids struggle. Also, don't miss this episode's Mom Moment and new Mom Must Have!
We may easily say we trust God with our kids, but when we see them struggle or watch them be sick, is saying that so easy? In this episode, Kristen provides encouragement and truth for moms to reassure them that yes, God can be trusted with our kids. Plus, another funny Mom Moment and a cleaning Mom Must Have.
Moms who are believers want to raise kids who choose to be believers too, and part of that is teaching them to read the Bible. Kristen shares tips to read the Bible with your kids and help them understand and apply what they read. Plus, a spring-related Mom Moment and Kristen's favorite iced coffee drinks.
As she wraps up her series on worship, Kristen takes a look at the popular song "The Joy of the Lord is My Strength" by Rend Collective. What does it mean? How can we be strengthened by joy? Kristen dives into the word to answer those questions and more. Plus a spring-related Mom Moment and an essential summer Mom Must Have.
Continuing on with her series on worship, Kristen takes a look at God's creation, how it reveals God's glory, and how it prompts us to praise. A fun, boy-themed Mom Moment and another great Mom Must Have book recommendation follow the faith conversation.
Sometimes it's easy to worship God. We're thankful for a certain blessing, or we have a strong sense of his presence. But sometimes, it's hard. More often than not, it's when we find ourselves in the hallways of life: the waiting, the in-between. Kristen discusses how we can worship even in these hard moments because God calls us to do just that. But when we do, he brings the blessing! Plus, a meal-time Mom Moment and a yummy Mom Must-Have.
This episode begins a new series focusing on worship. To start things off, Kristen interviewed Andrea Olson: worship leader, song-writer, and founder of Overflow Worship. She shares how to create a home that inspires worship and gratitude towards God. The Mom Moments and Mom Must-Haves also come from her!
On the last episode, Kristen talked about the weapon we have against Satan: God's word. But we also have a pretty good defense system: the armor of God. Learn how to "put on" each piece and live life victoriously! As always, enjoy a funny Mom Moment, and a Mom Must-Have from the beauty department.
In this next installment of the Living Life Without Fear Series, Kristen looks at the power we have over our enemy, Satan. She shares how to use Sword Scriptures to keep Satan off your back. Plus, a funny, maybe a little gross, Mom Moment, and another Mom Must-Have Netflix recommendation.
This episode continues on with the importance of prayer, but adds a crucial element: we are to pray and then leave our requests with God. Kristen shares with you how to do just that. In addition, listen to a funny "time out" related Mom Moment, and discover one of Kristen's favorite authors.
Kristen continues on with her mission to live a fearless life. This episode teaches you how to turn worries and anxious thoughts into prayers using Philippians 4:6-7. During Mom Moments she plays a fun "Never Have I Ever" game and shares a Mom Must-Have kitchen hack.
One sure way to fight fear, worry and anxiety is through praise and worship. Kristen shares the how and why because, after all, it is impossible to praise God and simultaneously worry. After the faith talk, hear the latest mom moment and mom must-have.
Pursuing abundant life is a noble cause, but without Jesus, all our efforts will be futile. How do you get Jesus in your life and have access to true abundant life? Listen to find out.
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