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Pest Control is an actual-play horror tabletop show from AltHaven. Join Keeper Sam R, and players William, Jonas, and Sam D as they get lost in fantastical worlds featuring compelling characters, engaging story, and thrilling twists!
Season 1, "Fate", originally ran in 2019 as a livestream on the AltHaven (formerly Queuetimes) main YouTube channel. It uses the Monster of the Week game system. It follows a group of found-family monster Hunters as they set off on a journey across the United States, dealing with the creatures they encounter and drawing ever nearer to the end of the road...
Season 2, "Norfork", uses Monster of the Week as well as a mix of other indie tabletop role-playing games to tell the story of a world where everyone knows monsters exist, and a town that is slowly losing its identity to the enormous neighboring City. -
Hello, my name is JaneyLaney and I have been working hard the last 5 years to create BlackMinecraft, the initiative that will bridge the gap for a more diversified space within Minecraft (both in-game and content creator-wise), focusing on BLACK and POC representation. I wanted to bring the voices of people together, so I thought about creating a podcast that can do just that! I hope that you will all enjoy each episode as I team up with friends and other Minecrafters to discuss the age-old concept of why representation really does matter :)
The Gears of War Podcast is a weekly podcast for fans of the Gears of War franchise. Join us, Killa Mike, Typhus Piscium and Popsicle Runner, as we explore updated game modes, new characters, and the changes we love and hate within each new round of game play. Spend time with us every week for entertaining and authentic commentary from the guys who love this game as much as you do.
Blake and Dan discuss what they are playing, why they are playing it, and why you should or should not play it as well. Support this podcast:
Kirby Conversations is a weekly podcast on Nintendo's famous video game character Kirby, presented by writer and podcaster Sean Douglass, Kirby collector and artist Bridget, Nintendo Affiliate and photographer Ky "Captain Dangerous" Parker, and WiKirby Editor-in-Chief Gigi. Together they explore more than 30 years of Kirby games, history, and culture, along with adjacent subjects like Super Smash Bros., Kirby's developer HAL Laboratory, and other related Nintendo games.
Whether you're a casual Nintendo fan or an avid player of Kirby games, we hope Kirby Conversations can be a fun, funny, and even educational show on the impact this popular Japanese character is having on the video game industry and world at large.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Добро пожаловать на подкаст канала Goblin Roll!Мы — фанаты ролевых настольных игр, таких как Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Starfinder и других.Наша основная кампания на данный момент — тёмное фэнтези в авторском сеттинге Расколотого Солнца, в которое мы играем по системе D&D-5e.
Welcome to "The Flipside" with RetroRalph, where arcade nostalgia meets pinball passion! Known for his YouTube channel dedicated to arcade gaming, RetroRalph now explores the pinball world after three years of fascination with flippers and bumpers. Join Ralph on this journey as he aims to bring new life to pinball, just as he did for arcades. "The Flipside" dives deep into retro gaming and pinball culture through discussions, gameplay, and interviews. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the hobby, Ralph's enthusiasm promises an exciting exploration of gaming history. Join RetroRalph on "The Flipside" for a tilt-worthy adventure through the arcade and pinball realms!
Welcome to ZarGates Pulse – your weekly deep dive into the heart of crypto gaming! Hosted by Duncan Scott, this podcast brings you the latest from ZarGates, a pioneering Web 3 gaming platform with immersive gaming experiences. Every week, we'll cover essential community questions, provide updates, and offer exclusive sneak peeks into what's next at ZarGates.
Stay tuned for engaging discussions on game development, insights into the blockchain space, and the latest news that matters to you. Whether you're a gamer, developer, or crypto enthusiast, ZarGates Pulse is your source for staying ahead in the rapidly evolving world of crypto gaming.
Don't miss our exciting giveaways and airdrop announcements as we reward our community and listeners. Subscribe to ZarGates Pulse and be part of our journey to revolutionize gaming with blockchain.
„BITCH“ is back!
Teatridiiva Merle Palmiste ja ajakirjanik Teele Kaljuvee võtavad igal neljapäeval ette põletavad teemad. Juttu tuleb sellest, kuidas peaks üks edukas ja enesekindel bitch ellu suhtuma ja mida päevakajalistest teemadest arvama. Ikka selleks, et siin elus kõike saada!
Koos uute episoodidega soovitame ära kuulata ka kõik varasemad saated.
"BITCH" podcasti ülipopulaarsel ja skandaalsel avahooajal osalesid saates kolm Eesti tuntud „bitch'i“ Anu Saagim, Brigitte Susanne Hunt ja Laura Valk, kes kinnitasid ja lükkasid ümber erinevaid ihaldusprintsiipe, toetudes oma kogemustele. Podcastis sai selgeks, kas mehed armastavad Eestis ka „mõrdasid“ või pigem mitte.
"BITCH"-i teisel hooajal jätkas "bitchimist" Brigitte Susanne Hunt, kes kutsus stuudiosse külla spetsiaalselt välja valitud lemmikmehed.
"BITCH"-i kolmandat hooaega juhtisid Brigitte Susanne Hunt ja Kristina Suuroja-Pärtelpoeg.
Saatesarja neljandal hooajal olid stuudios külalistega vestlemas kaunid ja särtsakad Elisa Kolk ning Marlee Karja.
Julgemadki meist ei seostaks ajakirjanikku ja seltskonnadiivat Anu Saagimit sõnapaariga „hea tüdruk”, aga just „Hea tüdruk” on tema podcast. „Headus on uus kurjus” nagu Anu ütleb. Nagu ka valge on uus must ja 50aastased on uued 30sed. Kes ei usu, vaadake „Seksi ja linna” uusi osi. Skandaalitari slogan võiks vabalt olla "Elus pole midagi hullemat, kui olla tavaline."
„Hea tüdruk” on rohkem kui lihtsalt podcast – see on lugude kogum, mis on pikalt sees kriipinud ja mille välja ütlemine võib kaasa tuua verd, higi ja pisaraid. Anu koos ajakirjanik Piret Taliga võtab pulkadeks lahti naiseks olemise temaatika, kartmata ebamugavaid teemasid ja teravaid küsimusi.
Lisaks „Heale tüdrukule” on kuulajateni jõudnud ka erisaade „Peeglijutud”, mida võiks nimetada iga naise iluraamatuks helivormis. Põnevas ja palju ilunippe pakkuvas saates vestlevad Anu Saagim ja Reet Härmat, kelle igapäevastest ilujuttudest on võimalik nüüd kõigil osa saada. -
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