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Bli en bedre markedsfører – én episode av gangen! Hver uke gir vi deg konkrete tips, spennende gjester og smarte verktøy du kan bruke i hverdagen. Hold deg oppdatert på de nyeste trendene eller få praktiske råd som du kan implementere umiddelbart. Ta lønsjen din med oss!
En podcast fra Markedssjefene og MFO.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I denne podcasten utforsker vi hvordan smarte investeringer kan forandre livene våre på flere måter. Ikke bare økonomisk, men også på jobben og personlig. Her dykker vi ned i de mange aspektene av investering – fra økonomisk frihet og karriereutvikling til personlig vekst og velvære.
Gjennom inspirerende samtaler og ekte suksesshistorier, får du verktøyene du trenger for å oppnå både personlig og profesjonell vekst.
Du kan også lære mer i Stackappen, eller ved å følge oss på instagram.
Målet vårt er å bryte ned barrierer og åpne opp muligheter, uansett hvor du starter fra. Vi ønsker å gjøre kunnskap om velvære og økonomi tilgjengelig for alle, og spesielt bidra til å redusere det økonomiske gapet mellom kjønnene.
Bli med oss og begynn din investeringsreise i dag – fordi den beste investeringen du kan gjøre, er investeringen i deg selv.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vi brenner for å hjelpe folk med å sette fart på sin eiendomskarriere. Mange tror de stoppes av mangel på kapital, men det som egentlig stopper dem er mangel på kunnskap. I denne podkasten lærer Rajeev Lehar fra Eiendomskoden deg hans rammeverk for hvordan du gradvis bygger deg opp innen eiendom.
Slå på støtte for skjermlesere -
Podcasten for deg som vil skape en business og et liv du elsker - sprinklet med spiritualitet og magi. Hadde ikke det vært gøy?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
What are the secret ingredients to a successful international school? Join three experienced school leaders on their journey to unravel the enigma of international education today. Richard Henry, James Dalziel and James MacDonald host a series of interviews with trailblazers, experts and thought leaders to gain from their experiences and discover the keys to success so that schools can thrive.
The Expedition is a podcast that searches the answer to the questions: what is leadership for a better world? How can you (yeah, you - listening to this podcast) contribute?
In order to contribute to a better world, we need leadership that works in harmony with nature. Sounds good right? But what does this mean? How does 'leadership for a better world' work in practice? What do you do as a professional, a consultant, a manager if you want to contribute?
The Expedition interviews guests from all kinds of fields: professors, nature lovers, knowledge keepers of aboriginal wisdom, managers, consultants - yet all of them have one thing in common: they can contribute to finding the answer how YOU can contribute to a better world.
Our climate, safety and equality are more and more under pressure. We may feel that, but how do we change it? Where do we go, what do we do in our daily lives in order to make things 'better'?
The episodes are in English or in Dutch, depending on the guest.
This search is hosted by Daan van Lith, founder of -
Hey Curl Pros! Welcome to our little corner of this podcast world where facts are favored over opinions and food goes in our bellies.
We are Aeleise (left) and Aishia (right), founders of Cut It Kinky + Black Girl Curls, licensed practicing natural hair stylists, brand agnostic curl educators, moms to tiny humans, upsetters of the Internet, and just your overall snarky aunties who really know our 'ish.
Curls Disrupted was started because mainstream beauty outlets weren’t teaching relevant or accurate to the women that look just like us. Women who spend thousands of dollars yearly and still unsatisfied with their natural texture and the services and products marketed to them.
We just want to give DOPE A** hair to natural hair wearers and set a quality standard for professional curl services and service providers. Join us as we disrupt the curl paradigm.
To learn more about us go to:
Licensed Professionals -
Interview programme with journalist and producer, Ben Hansen-Hicks, asking questions of leading figures in journalism, TV, art, culture and more. Finding out what life is really like and what tips and advice they might have for those wanting to break into or move across into the industry.
Du kommer bag kulissen hos verdens bedste corporate storytellere.
Fantastiske fortællere lykkes med at skabe fortællinger, der skaber forandring, flytter holdninger, bevæger mennesker – og skaber resultater på bundlinjen.
Jeg spørger nogle af dem, der er bedst til at mestre denne disciplin, om de vil dele ud af deres tilgang og erfaring.
Du får konkrete anbefalinger fra gæsten i hver episode.
Om lidt går tæppet op, og du bliver inviteret bag kulissen hos nogle af verdens bedste storytellers.
Er du klar?
Vært: Helle Rosendahl
En podcast fra Storytelling Akademiet
Find et væld af freebies og rådgivning via og kom i gang med at skabe en stærk fortælling i dag. -
SparePodden er en podcast fra SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge.
I hver episode får du høre programleder Anna Lærdal Skuland og bankens sjeføkonom Kyrre Knudsen snakke om aktuelle tema som renter, sparing, boliglån og mye annet!
Det kommer ny episode annenhver tirsdag.
Har du noen spørsmål, send inn til [email protected], så kanskje vi svarer på ditt spørsmål i neste episode.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vi deler våre tanker rundt netthandelens dynamiske verden og hvorfor vi tror en ukentlig oppdatering er nødvendig for deg som driver netthandel. Med en mer uformell tilnærming enn tidligere podcast-prosjekter, sikter vi mot en enklere og mer direkte dialog om aktuelle temaer innen netthandelssektoren.
SEO Explained: Decoding SEO with Expert Insight and Science-Backed Strategies is a new podcast hosted by Kyle Roof and Adam Truszkowski, the leaders behind High Voltage SEO. This podcast is your essential guide to all things SEO and digital visibility.
Join us on a journey through the dynamic world of Search Engine Optimization as we dive into topics like selecting the right SEO agency, building Google's trust, and achieving SEO greatness. Whether you're a newcomer to online marketing or a seasoned pro, our podcast will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to excel in the digital landscape. Take your SEO journey to new heights with the SEO Explained podcast!
The series of these podcast is going to cover what machinery safety is, why it matters, how you can apply engineering solutions to solve problems while also keeping them safe and complaint with the relevant characteristics and requirements.
I have been in an engineering position, surrounded by machinery of some description since 1992, I have a strong background in electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines, and I have always had a curiosity to learn about engineering. I've studied it academically all the way up to degree, and post graduate level. I have travelled the far reaches of the globe and seen and assessed 1000's of machines in all different industries. I have consulted on the design following directives, regulations and standards on multimillion pound projects, and I still haven't learned everything there is to know. I think I will be an eternal student wanting to know more about machinery safety.
Machinery safety is a niche of general health and safety, and requires specialist knowledge to be able to apply it correctly. While occupational H&S safety concentrate on human behaviour, the management and safe systems of work, machinery safety deals with how that machine will manage the task it is being designed to do in a safe and reliable way. Its design should not to create any undue risk to the person using the machine. We all want a machine to be safe and not harm us or our friends and loved ones.
My aim is to share my experiences so that when you are faced with a scenario that will be discussed, in any one of the episodes, you will have the right steps to take. You might not, know the answer, but you will, have an idea on how to get to the right place, that is safe and compliant.
Health and Safety, but more specifically, machinery safety, is a learned skill, and with the right approach, framework and knowledge you will soon be on your way to making the right choices, if done correctly there is no need to fear or shy away from taking the first steps.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Der Business-Podcast für dich und all diejenigen, die mehr vom Leben wollen. Für Frauen, die den Willen haben jetzt mit ihrem eigenen Business zu starten und für Unternehmerinnen, die ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich weiter auf- und ausbauen wollen.
Businessaufbau einfach? Wie geht Unternehmensaufbau leichter, freudvoller und intuitiver? Wie nutzt du deine Energie und dein Potenzial maximal? Wie bekommst du mehr Klarheit, Unternehmer-Know-how und wie viel Struktur und Strategie ist für deinen Businessaufbau sinnvoll? Wie bleibst du an deiner Vision und deinen Zielen dran? Was ist wichtig für dein ganzheitliches Business Wachstum?
Selbstständigen Frauen und all jene, die es werden wollen, erfahren hier, wie sie mit ihrem eigenen Business immer freier, selbstbestimmter und unabhängiger werden.
Der Podcast verbindet Wissen und Inspirationen rund um das Thema Business, persönliche Weiterentwicklung, Bewusstsein und Spiritualität. Hier bekommst du Tipps & innere Klarheit, wie du in deinem Leben reich im Innen und im Außen sein kannst. Es gibt Interviews mit Menschen, die lieben, was sie tun und gerne ihre Erfahrungen weitergeben, die du für dich nutzen kannst. Lerne dir selbst und deinem Erfolg zu vertrauen!
Madlen Heller ist Spirit- und Businessmentorin, Gründerin von HellerZauber®, Visionärin und verliebt in ihr Herzensbusiness.
Mit mehr als 18 Jahren Erfahrung in der Selbstständigkeit, dem eigenen Aufbau von Offline- und Online-Business, begleitet & motiviert Madlen von HellerZauber® in ihren Programmen Frauen, die groß denken und bereit sind für Business & Expertenwissen, Mindset & Manifestation sowie Leichtigkeit & Freude.
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