Coming out of January and February, months when lots of curveballs hit, it's hard to motivate to plan after likely weeks of plans getting derailed. Let's talk about that frustration – AND why it's still worth planning (even when those plans later get derailed).
Ep. 8 gives you a high-level overview of my weekly planning session if you're curious.
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Sometimes, we realize we're the ones giving ourselves too-tight deadlines – either out of a desire to show how eager we are or because the sense of urgency makes us react too frantically. Instead of beating ourselves up for that tendency, let's talk about why this can actually be a great thing to realize – and what to do about it!
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We've talked about how to handle sick kids at home (resources on that below), but what about all of the scheduled days off of school. Someone asked me to discuss those days, so let's do it!
Sick kid resources:
Eps. 26 and 27 of this podcast (though missing some updated info in the article) This article - tip 1 contains the updated informationOther kid-related resources mentioned:
What do working moms do in the summer - 12 practical strategies 13 strategies to plan for maternity leave Career or Kids: When to stay, leave, or scale down your career for kids – at least for nowA full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Often, women I work with or talk to online share that, while they want to use the Bright Method, they resist implementation because of, what I can see, two buckets of very understandable reasons:
They want to understand what the end result looks like before they start and they can't see it right now, and/or They know on some level that they have too much work for their available capacity, and there's part of them that doesn't want to really see it and the have to make tough calls and have tough conversations to deal with it.Both make total sense. So, let's talk about them more.
Resources mentioned:
Episode on calendaring your current reality first – and then calendaring in the more aspirational things you're trying to do: Episode 25 (one of my favorites!) "How I Structure My Day" series on Instagram Data Privacy Specialist Associate Dean of a Medical School Chief of Staff at a Tech Company College Professor with older kids with after-school sports.A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
So often, we calendar a deadline or an event and think either there's not much that goes into it or we'll just remember what do to for it. But when you actually write down everything that goes into it, it's a surprising lot of stuff, takes up more time than we realize, and the sheer volume of things explains why we forget to do some of it every time.
Let's talk workflows, their benefits, how to do them (simplicity is great!), and walk through an example relating to personal travel.
Resources mentioned:
The travel checklist: The work travel podcast episode: ep. 46 The article about how to check out of work for a vacation: (please see the publish date – always cracks me up)A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
This is definitely not my most articulate, succinct podcast, but I think there's something here that's worth sharing – and it'll continue to evolve. The older I get, the more I see the value of shirking American culture's "quick results now"/focus on short-term time horizons and focusing on the long game. Let's talk about it, and I'd love to hear what you think!
And as I mention at the end, if you'd like my travel checklist of things to calendar for each personal trip you take, you can get your copy here. Hope it's helpful!
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
So often, when we get free 15-minute windows we didn't anticipate during work hours, we spend too much time deciding what to do and/or fritter them away on stuff that doesn't matter (cough*social media*cough). But these small windows of time add up, and using them effectively can help you leave work earlier and feel more accomplished. Let's talk about how to do that.
This episode also spends some time focusing on time management strategies for phsycians in a related context. Enjoy – and share with a physician in your life!
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Decluttering and home organization projects can be a major time management painpoint for people on the home front. To help with that, I'm thrilled to have Laura Kinsella on the podcast to help us hear about how to manage our time around it, how to do it, how to get support doing it, and more.
Follow Laura on Instagram here:
Or reach out to Laura via her website here:
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Email and/or Slack/Teams can often interrupt the time we've set aside and protected for focused, heads-down work. Let's dig into some strategies to help us get the focused time during work hours that we crave.
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
I hear from many women that they have no energy after work to do "productive" things. Let's talk about what to do about that.
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
One of the most common time management pain points many women experience is trying to find time (and energy) for their own health, whether that's working out, eating how they want, sleeping, and even medical appointments. Let's discuss.
Referenced episodes:
Ep. 33. Long-Term Planning: How to feel like YOU & create long-term plans Ep. 29. Outsourcing at Home Ep. 9. Strategies to Get More Ease In Your LifeA full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
One of the most common time management challenges working women have is that their work hours are dominated by meetings, pushing heads-down work into nights and weekends. Let's talk about what to do if this is your work life.
Referenced episodes:
Ep. 43. Five Strategies to Improve Your Meetings Ep. 4. How to Prioritize in a Way that Actually Works Ep. 23. Managers v. Makers (And What It Means for Your Schedule)
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Are you clear about what you do with every to-do or idea that comes your way?
Not how you actually do the thing or use the idea – just how you process it?
i.e., Do you have a system that helps you take in that to-do/idea, process it, and then bring it to life?
It's a basic question perhaps, but one that I don't think we always get clear on. And clarity here helps us in our day-to-day lives, where such much is flying at us all the time.
So, let's talk about it.
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Regardless of when your next performance review happens, let's talk about things you can do now to make writing your self-evaluation easier – and then how to use this gathered information to make your self-eval more effective.
This episode is based off of this article if you also want to see it written out.
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
While I love the Bright Method's ability to help you plan long term (e.g., calendaring when to start your passport renewal process in three years), one thing missing from the Bright Method is a high-level snapshot of your long-term planning.
Enter Kelsey Wharton's "The Years are Short" spreadsheet.
Here's my written article about it, too.
Here's an article about the Bird's Eye View.
And finally, episode 33 is about "Long-Term Planning: How to feel like YOU & create long-term plans."
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Around now is when the holiday logistics overwhelm can kick in. Let's talk about it!
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
While there are many great approaches for sharing the load at home with a partner, like Fair Play, for those of us with partners who aren't around consistently (e.g., some physicians, travel, military), those approaches don't really work. A partner can't own, e.g., taking out the trash or cleaning up the kitchen or staying on top of what groceries you need and ordering them when they're not home when those things need to happen.
So, let's talk about it. This is somewhat more of a personal share about our situation and how we manage things. I'm not saying it's totally right, and I'm more than willing to hear how you do something that works for you if you're in a similar boat! That said, I hope it's helpful – if only to normalize the struggle of it a bit!
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
This time of year reminds me of a post I wrote two years ago about doing or not doing things we want to do take care of ourselves and make us happy – because of what others will think of us. Let's dig into it.
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
Today, I'm joined my Woody Taylor, someone with far more knowledge about AI than me, to discuss AI applications at work and in our personal lives. I find all of this new and fascinating, and this discussion dove into a lot of topics that I think you'll find thought-provoking and practical. Let me know what you think once you listen!
To learn more about Woody's work, please visit his website:
Platforms mentioned:
ChatGPT Claude Perplexity NotebookLM
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! -
A few weeks ago, when I asked people on Instagram what to record a podcast episode about next, three people asked me to share about my time management journey. So, here goes!
In addition, a heads up that:
My Jan-Mar 2025 program is the last time I plan to run it in a "cohort" format (i.e., you go through it with the same women for eight weeks) as I'm going to have it open more often on a rolling basis to allow people to jump in when it works for them between September and April each year. Enrollment for the Jan-Mar 2025 Bright Method program opens this Friday, November 1 at 10am CT. You can jump on the waitlist & add it to your calendar here.Thanks for being here!
A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select the episode.
To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here:
To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here:
I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! - Laat meer zien