
  • The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 15. Deep Transformation and Embodiment | Channeled Message and Full Channel Mode Session


    This episode features a full channel mode session originally uploaded to the Let’s Go Higher Membership, a monthly membership that Brandon facilitates. This is a potent full channel mode session geared towards assisting you with embodying your soul, your higher self, and Source (should it be in the highest good), and having that lead to a deep transformation for you and your world. There is no pressure on this. You can see what shows up for you over the next few months to year after listening to this, and you can register to this if you’d like to compound the effects. 





     Intro 0:20 Full Channel Mode Begins 7:14



    Resources Mentioned

    The Let's Go Higher Membership!

    (Receive a 57% discount on your first month of The Let’s Go Higher Membership when you sign up through the page this link leads to)



    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)





    Social Media






  • In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal on a collection of questions Kat brings to the table. This inspires a few more questions from Kat around the various topics that come up. Xorbítal then launches into a bit of information around encouragement towards you creating and generating the reality you’d like to have.

    Some topics channeled on in this episode include boundaries and energetic boundaries, bringing joy and wonder back into the holidays as an adult (if you seem to lack those during the holidays), ascension symptoms, enlightenment, and more!



     Intro 0:00 Full Channel Mode Begins 1:28 How do we best balance showing love to family this holiday season while protecting our wellbeing at the same time? 1:52 Is there a way to distance yourself from some family without feeling a lot of guilt? 7:14 How to let go of stress and come back to the feelings of joy and wonder I used to have around this time of year? 15:38 How to best set energetic boundaries with emotionally immature or narcissistic people? 20:11 What about a story that I’m abandoning them if I move on? 28:31 Is it possible to avoid having ‘ascension symptoms’ altogether? Is this a real concept? 32:31 Is enlightenment a possibility for everyone who chooses it in this life? 36:18 Xorbital takes the floor with some more channeled information 43:49


    Resources Mentioned


    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.


    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)




    Social Media






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  • The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 13. What if Life Doesn’t Have to Be Serious? What if it’s NOT About Harsh Lessons? | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)

    In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal on a collection of questions Kat brings to the table that are a bit more out there this time. This inspires a few more questions from Kat around the various topics that come up. Xorbítal then launches into a bit of information around taking their words lightly, playing, and living more in joy.

    Some topics channeled on in this episode include going further regarding information that came through last episode, lifetimes on other planets, whether or not life has to be serious and hard, approaching enlightenment intuitively, and way more!



     Intro 0:00 Full Channel Mode Begins 2:00 What did you mean (in episode 12) when you said part of us is always on the other side? 2:56 Have I incarnated on planets other than Earth? 9:34 Is heart energy more unique to Earth? 10:47 Is my higher self part of this personality framework or beyond it? 14:27 Is enlightenment coming from the higher self at all times? 16:31 Is life a serious thing or is it just an experience? 18:24 What if you can learn everything through joy? What if you don’t need harsh lessons all the time? 22:43 From your perspective, why did Source choose to have the experience of Earth? 25:42 What accelerates the integration of the crystalline light body? 31:02 AoX Takes the floor with what they’d like to say for the end of the episode 39:24


    Resources Mentioned


    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.


    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)




    Social Media






  • The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 12. Joy and Death  | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)


    In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal on a collection of questions Kat brings to the table that are centered around joy. This inspires a few more questions from Kat around the various topics that come up. Xorbítal then launches into a bit of information around death, by their own prompting, to begin shifting those listening regarding the topic for the highest good, to contribute to those listening getting to a place where they can live their best life, etc. (all for the highest good.)


    Some topics channeled on in this episode include living according to your knowing and awareness instead of your emotions, following your joy to generate a greater life in an effective way, coloring outside the lines of society’s judgements, projections, etc. regarding what your life “should” be so you can live your best life, have the impact you’re meant to have, etc., doing what will bring you joy in the future vs. doing only what’s comfortable now, and more!




     Intro 0:00 Full Channel Mode Begins 2:48 There are days when I trust myself and everything is great, and then there are times when the feeling of insecurity is overwhelming. I’m following my joy and surrendering to the higher flow more. Then a worry comes that while I have been in joy I have missed doing a really important thing that everyone in scarcity mindset knows about. It feels like missing a step on the stairs—that plummeting feeling. Is there any grounds to that feeling? If not, how can I soothe it and get back into trusting the flow? 4:53 A follow-up to the flow question: I know that the best way forward is to follow my joy in every moment. What if that looks like hanging out with my cat and doing nothing for eight straight hours? Do I trust that or is there a degree of negotiation that should be happening? 15:28 Something that came up for me while you were talking about that, is feeling the difference between comfort and joy, and feeling like, sometimes, when I’m choosing to hang out with my cat for 8 hours, or choosing something that’s maybe not in my future best interest, it’s because it’s bringing me comfort and not having to step out into the unknown into that expansive joy… it feels like this dance between “following this joy could mean coming out of my comfort zone, so I’ll just do this thing over here”… 19:49 How do I incorporate more joy or feel more joy during times when my dominant feeling is apathy? For example, is it possible to still be in the flow during times of depression or is the lesson to go through it and wait to come out the other side? 22:59 Putting myself out there with my spiritual gifts and learnings is something I have been thinking about since I first had my spiritual awakening. It has been a process, and I have to various degrees done that, but not to the extent I am capable of. Could you please shed some insight on why I have done this back and forth dance towards it for so long now? What is the best way to simply move forward? 27:50 Why did I choose to put myself through lifetimes that had me shunned for my beliefs? 34:48 How do I deepen my trust that all things are working out for the highest good? 39:23 Are my emotions serving me or holding me back? 46:15 The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal takes the floor to bring through what they’d like to bring through 56:16 Is there something I need to do to prepare for death so I don’t… Well I’ve heard this theory that if you’re not in the right space, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, when you die, there’s a possibility to go through lower realms first… …it’s like the unknown, when you die it’s like surrendering to the process, and how will I know that I’ll be ok or that I’ll find where to go? 1:03:40 Are ghosts real? And then how do ghosts happen if it’s simple to go back? 1:06:16 Ok… so just to clarify, hell does not exist and we’re all going to be ok? 1:08:32 Brandon and Kat chat a bit about the channel, about coming from a place where it doesn’t matter to you if people like you, and more. 1:14:39


    Resources Mentioned


    Channeled MP3 Store



    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)





    Social Media






  • The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 11. Is Protection Necessary? Is Evil Eye Real? Discerning The Voice of Your Spirit Team, and More!  | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)


    In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal on listener submitted questions that he was divinely guided in choosing for this episode. Kat joins in once again to read aloud the submitted questions and ask some additional questions.


    Some topics channeled on in this episode include whether surrounding yourself with protection is necessary or not, discerning the voice of your spirit guides, raising your vibration, overcoming resistance, whether or not evil eye is real, and more!



     Intro 0:00 Full Channel Mode Portion Begins 3:15 Source is me; I am Source and everything. Is it necessary to put protection around us (e.g. I put myself in a protection bubble)? Can you expand on what ideas are from a human construct vs what is necessary for our spiritual construct? 4:36  After already asking and intending from my spirit guides, angels, source, higher self, inner being to differentiate their voice, tone, feeling, sensation from my own thoughts and ideas: how can we better distinguish and clearly differentiate when we are channeling thoughts and ideas from Spirit versus our own contemplation? 11:00  If we can manifest anything we want by just raising our vibration, (inviting good energy, allowing improved emotions/ feelings/ moods), is taking antidepressants a direct shortcut? Are people on antidepressants able to manifest desired results faster? Logically this would make sense. 17:28  Any tips for getting over the resistance to putting yourself out there (romantically). I can finally admit I want romance as part of my life again but I feel... the way you feel after you get over food sickness but eating still makes you wary. 21:51 I can sometimes get into these moments where I feel very vulnerable and like everyone can pick up on everything about me when I’m around them, usually when I go to class for some reason. And I’ve sat with it and gone “I’m not even sure all of these people are even energetically sensitive or able to pick up on me.” Basically, I’m wondering how based in reality is that feeling, and what do people typically pick up on about us? And is it best to just let go of their perceptions and not really worry about it? 29:02 Is there any reality to evil eye? Do we need to care at all about other people’s throwing things at us energetically if we do own our power and own our success and anything like that. 36:09 I’ve been noticing I can fall into a more depressed mood, lately it’s been 1 or 2 days out of the week. I was wondering if it was because I have habituated to it and the pendulum just keeps swinging back to that because I’m used to it or if it’s because I’m still actively healing? 40:38 The Angels and Source take the floor to say more of what they’d like to say for this crowd listening at this time. 44:59 Brandon and Kat talking about the episode, talking about more of the offerings facilitated by Brandon that are available, to end of episode 51:44


    Resources Mentioned


    Step Out Into the World and Shine Channeled Audio Bundle



    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.


    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)





    Social Media






  • The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 10. The Angels are Channeled on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, Finding the Right Modality, and other Topics | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)

    In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal on listener submitted questions that he was divinely guided in choosing for this episode. Kat joins in once again to read aloud the submitted questions and ask some of their own.


    Some topics in this episode include overcoming limiting beliefs, overcoming self sabotage, getting unstuck, shifting out of emotional eating, and more!



     Intro 0:00 Full Channel Mode Portion Begins 2:05 I’ve felt inspired to take action on something, and felt inspired at the time, however the excitement has fizzled out. Should I still take action towards that idea even though I’m sliding back into a depression? I have this view that for something to have stability it has to be built on high energy from the start. 2:41 I feel so stuck in life. How do I know if I’m self sabotaging or that I’m guided to stay here for now? This is mostly regarding career, but in general as well.  7:31 How do I find the right modality for myself? I’m thinking Reiki or Akashic Records, that sort of thing. 11:46 How do I let go of limiting beliefs when it feels they are sticking around no matter what? 14:53 How do I shift out of emotional eating when the urge can be so strong sometimes? 23:30 The Angels and Source take the floor to say more of what they’d like to say for this crowd listening at this time 27:53 Brandon and Kat talk about channeling 38:17 


    Resources Mentioned


    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.


    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)





    Social Media






  • The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 9. The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal Channels Through Regarding YOUR Questions! | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)


    In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels on listener submitted questions that he was divinely guided in choosing for this episode. Kat joins in once again to read aloud the submitted questions and is prompted by The Angelic Collective Xorbítal to ask a few more questions on the spot for them to channel on towards the end of the episode.


    Some topics in this episode include busting spiritual myths around sex, inviting in love, dealing with lack of truth and authenticity in the news around world events, releasing patterns that no longer serve, mental health, and more!





     Intro 0:00 Full Channel Mode Portion Begins 3:23 How do you recommend to best release a pattern that you know no longer serves you, but you seem to be repeatedly caught in anyways? For me, it’s a romantic one. 4:35 Am I just meant to be alone in this life? Dating is not going so well. 8:33 I do have a question after listening to episode 6 of the podcast! I have heard from other persons that having sex and/or orgasms is like giving part of yourself away or your creative and magical juices (no pun intended!) away. They say that holding onto the energy used for sex or orgasms helps you to be more creative or better connect to your spirit, therefore you should refrain from partaking, even from self pleasure. I have also heard that having multiple partners (not referring to multiple at one time) breaks a part of your spirit down because you are giving to so many people and it leaves you fragmented and not whole. Thank you for this opportunity! 12:50

    (Every time Brandon reads the above question, his spirit guides just say, “no”, “absolutely not” to all of those listed beliefs.)

     How can we distinguish fact from falsity on world issues when the media is no longer authentic and clear? 16:15 How do I know that I’m doing things right? 22:14 The Angels and Source take the floor to say more of what they’d like to say for this crowd listening at this time 26:30 There are certain situations and people that I’m around sometimes where it feels like no matter how much joy and lightness I bring with me, or that I have going into it (the situation or interaction with them), pretty much the (lower) frequency they’re blasting feels so strong I feel compressed around it or I can’t sustain my joy and lightness. I’m able to shake it off afterwards, however, I’m wondering… is the point to try and like strengthen those muscles and try to hold that joy more around that type of (lower vibrational) energy, or is the point more to avoid that type of (lower vibrational) energy and be around it less? 33:18 I had to read a bunch of the DSM (Psychology “bible” with all of the diagnoses and criteria for them, etc.), and reading it and taking it in felt so heavy and like there was an underlying message in it that once you have a mental illness it’s hard to heal that completely. (It’s like you just have bipolar, or you have chronic depression, chronic anxiety (and that’s that). I know not all counselors or psychiatrists believe that, however, it’s just what I was feeling as I as reading it. I know what I believe, but I’d love to hear from you guys your take on that and the possibility of healing for those struggling with mental illness. 35:53 Signing out for this episode 42:07



    Resources Mentioned




    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal


    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.





    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material


    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)








    Social Media









  • The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 8. The Angels Answer a Bunch of Questions | Full Channel Mode Interview


    In this full channel mode interview episode, Kat returns to grill The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal on a smorgasbord of questions and topics, including how to call in aligned friendships as an adult, how to stop punishing yourself for past mistakes, how to call in your highest timeline, and more!

    As Xorbítal said in the beginning, there’s a strong energetic component to these full channel mode interview sessions, so you will probably notice a frequency of light and healing with this, and more for the highest good.



     0:18 Intro  Full Channel Mode Interview Begins 1:52 How do you make friends with people of resonance for you as an adult? 3:36 How to feel more comfortable around people instead of pulling back or getting more shy after meeting them? 8:13 Is there a way to accept myself in a deeper way before venturing more into work as a counselor? 11:27 How to do things that are helpful for you (meditation, channeling for yourself, etc.) when you don’t feel like doing them? 16:45 How to stop punishing yourself for past mistakes when it’s not serving you? 22:04 What about a “hook” that seems to keep me thinking I can’t forgive myself until another person I’ve ostensibly hurt forgives me? 29:16 How do I not compare myself to others creatively? 32:20 How to choose the best timeline available to us in any given moment? 36:17 Would making a quantum leap feel overwhelming? 40:35 A Closing Message from The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal 42:55


    Resources Mentioned



     About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal


    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



     Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material


    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)





     Social Media







  • In this episode, Brandon delves into 5 (or so) things he learned along his spiritual journey that he was guided to include for this. Kat wasn't able to join for this one due to scheduling and timing, so it is not a full channel mode interview like the last two episodes. 



    1:44  Not everyone in the spiritual field has your best interest at heart


    14:45 Fear is a lie. (If it’s fear based, it’s probably not true.)


    24:44 Trust YOUR intuition first.


    29:31 There’s probably (or usually) a better way than the commonly held belief 


    46:18 Energetic Boundaries are HUGE as you get to a healed, very aware, connected to Source, and expansive place.

    51:46 One last thing and some additional channeled messages 



    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)






    Social Media







  • (Content Warning! As a heads up, while it doesn’t get graphic or explicit, this episode features content related to sexual violence that may be triggering for some viewers. Discretion is advised.)


    In this full channel mode interview episode, Brandon’s spirit guides, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal, are interviewed by Kat Collins and channel information and messages on, and have a conversation regarding, sex, sexual fantasies, different types of relationships, and more! Brandon spends almost the entirety of the episode in full channel mode channeling his spirit guides, the angels, and Source, while Kat delves into asking them personal and overarching questions about sex, healing around sex, and other things related to sex.



    2:34 Full Channel Mode


    4:24 Is there any best way to do sex?


    5:23 How did society become so sex negative? Are we going in a different direction in the future?


    8:34 Why “can’t” we have sex without guilt or shame as easily as the rest of the species on Earth (that reproduce sexually)?


    11:01 About sexual repression


    12:45 If someone is assaulted, are they stuck with the dark energies of their assaulter?


    15:16 Can those who’ve experienced sexual trauma ever fully heal and recover from it?


    18:05 Are some methods of narrative therapy helpful regarding sexual trauma?


    19:50 What direction might therapy be going in the future?


    22:51 Are any sexual fantasies wrong? Do they align with what people truly believe? Are they random?


    29:15 If you masturbate to a sexual fantasy, is that energy going to be wrong somehow and manifest something of a lower nature? (Followed by, what about BDSM or power dynamics in sexual fantasies? What about individuals interested in BDSM or power dynamics who’ve experienced assault?


    39:26 Are polyamorous relationships going to be more common in the future? Is society going to shift where there are all types of relationship structures without a judgement of certain ones being more wrong?


    47:07 ACX takes the floor with a finishing message.


    52:17 Ending Chat



    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)






    Social Media







  • In this full channel mode interview episode, Brandon’s spirit guides, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal, are interviewed by Kat Collins and have a conversation on prosperity. Brandon spends almost the entirety of the episode in full channel mode channeling his spirit guides, the angels, and Source, while Kat delves into asking them personal and collective questions on abundance and prosperity that could help those who are interested in the topic.



    0:15 Intro 

    3:35 How to be in prosperity without dimming it down for other people (out of fear, worry about what they’ll think, etc.) 

    6:35 An exercise to work through fear that comes up regarding having prosperity

    8:58 Can manifestations or being in full prosperity be blocked because of what a soul signed up for when incarnating, or can we all step into prosperity? 


    16:06 “I recently started working from home so I could be in more flow with my work so I could be in more abundance more often and feel that. I’m finding that when I give myself over to that flow, I don’t necessarily get as much done, so then I go the opposite direction and force myself to create a 9 to 5 type structure again, but then start finding myself feeling more depressed. Do you have any recommendations in making the shift into more abundance where we’re able to be productive while feeling good, and not just recreating the paradigm of needing to force ourselves to do things?”


    20:07 ACX responds to “I was raised by a single mom who was go go go as a form of survival, and it seems I’ve adopted that to some point where if I’m in too much ease, I’m like, “my mom worked so hard to get me here, so I need to work hard to pay that back to her, which, as I’m saying it, I’m realizing it doesn’t make sense, as she worked hard so that I could have that ease.”


    24:08 ACX responds regarding something coming up wherein Kat was feeling the need to prepare for retirement, and feeling the need to work really hard right now to save up right now for the future.


    27:24 ACX responds to, “When I’m gripping hard on a scarcity mindset, or feeling like I need to work so hard, or become small in order to follow a plan that doesn’t suit me but it will make me money, it doesn’t have the return that I’d want it to…”


    28:48 ACX talks about breaking untrue beliefs or agreements you might have on what having a certain amounts of money means to you in order to receive more money. 33:18 Why do certain people just seem to have more money, or it’s just easier for some people? Is there a block of deserving it too, for a lot of people?


    39:42 Overcoming a sense of loyalty to an income class when maneuvering towards prosperity.


    44:21 A closing message from ACX



    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)






    Social Media







  • In this episode, Brandon talks about some things he was guided to talk about that he learned after going full time with a spiritual business, and also brings through and reads some other channeled messages that came through for the episode. This one doesn’t sport a full channel mode session at the end, however, for the highest good, may it be a helpful and fruitful episode nonetheless!



     Some things I was getting to say before the 6 things! 2:02  Walk Your Own Road, Go Your Own Way.  17:40  Authenticity and Being Yourself is SO key 30:52 Have Authentic Experience in The Field You’re Working and or Teaching In 38:21 Sometimes the thing you THINK is going to work isn’t the optimal route, and following and trusting your intuition is way more powerful and effective. 45:02 Working on yourself = working on your business. 47:19  Self Care is so key. 50:03 Additional Channeled and Intuitive Messages 53:55


    Resources Mentioned




    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)






    Social Media







  • In this episode, Brandon channels and intuits on abundance, talks about some personal experiences with abundance, and brings through a full channel mode session with an energetic transmission geared towards bringing a being towards abundance for the highest good. You are worthy of an abundant life!


    0:00 Intro 2:25 Extra Bonus Message6:46 Abundance is about enjoying your life, not necessarily just about money or one physical thing. It can be tempting to look at it as just a physical thing, but there’s so much more to abundance and you have to look at it holistically.15:46 There’s Nothing Wrong with Money33:04 Is it ok for you to have abundance if other people don’t seem to have it? (Yes.)52:07 Be Honest with yourself.59:08 (Some) ways to increase or work on abundance:1:11:44 Full Channel Mode Session on Abundance1:35:26 Farewell for now and additional resources and recommendations


    *Note, it probably goes without saying that when it comes to generating money and abundance, integrity  and doing what's for the highest good is encouraged.



    Resources Mentioned



The Let’s Go Higher Membership


    Lee Harris’s Website (No affiliation)

    (Course recommended was the Upshift Your Abundance Course) 


    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)







    Social Media








  • In this episode, Brandon channels and intuits on channeling, and talks about his experiences with channeling while delving into how you can begin channeling too! He talks about 5 channeled points his spirit guides gave him to talk about in this episode when it comes to learning to channel, and goes way deeper with additional information that came through while he was recording this. The episode finishes off with a potent full channel mode session and then delves into various resources you can take a look at if you'd like to go further with learning to channel and growing your channeling!



    2:49 Some benefits of channeling and learning to channel11:04 More information about channeling22:30 Practicing Your Channeling and Intuition +36:52 Going on Your Journey +48:35 Listen to, Read, Watch, etc. Channeled Content52:55 Energyhealing +57:30 Taking Opportunities to Practice Intuition+1:13:52 Full Channel Mode Session on Channeling and Learning to Channel


    Resources Mentioned

    Enhance Your Gifts Channeled Guided Meditation


    Spirit Guides, Angels, and Speaking with Source (channeled book on hearing from your spirit guides) (Amazon)

    (or click here to purchase it on thriftbooks if you don't like Amazon)


    Intro to Channeling Class

    (Class is available on the scheduler that can be found on the home page at If an Intro to Channeling class is currently available, you can book it directly through this link here.) 

    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.


    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The Messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)



     Social Media




  • In this episode, Brandon talks about 5 channeled messages that came through on owning your power, as well as a few ways to move towards owning your power, then facilitates a full channel mode session on the topic as well.

    You can find timestamps, info on channeling, info on his spirit guides, as well as links to his website and other social media below.


    *Also, here's an extra quote on owning your power from a channeled timeless reading Brandon facilitated during a live session.

    "Owning your power can be NOT operating just how people want you to just because it's convenient for them. Owning your power can be making your own choices regardless of what anyone else thinks, does, chooses, judges, or is upset about."

    "You didn't come to Earth just to cater to people's feelings. God didn't put you on Earth just to cater to people's feelings."

    Of course, consider balancing this concept talked about in the quotes above with highest consciousness and your intuition, empowered kindness, (empowered kindness could be something akin to being kind, yet not being a doormat or someone people can easily take advantage of. They can't take advantage of you because you operate from highest consciousness, awareness, and intuition, and you have firm, healthy boundaries.), and operating from a place that's for the highest good of all as Source would see it (and that includes the highest good of you too, not just everyone else!)


    2:19 The Purpose of Owning Your Power (or One of Them!)

2:53 (1.) Hone Your Intuition and Divine Guidance (and Listen to It)

19:14 (2.) Be Willing to Have Abundance (Money) and Enough Power for You25:56 (3.) Healthy Boundaries

35:05 (4.) Owning Your Value49:05 (5.) Being (Authentically) Yourself1:01:44 Full Channel Mode Session on Owning Your Power


    About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

    When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.


    Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

    •The messages themselves

    •An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

    •Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

    •Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

    •Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)




    Social Media


