
  • The Benefits of Co-ops: Building Wealth and Empowering Communities

    About the Guest(s):
    Vernon Oakes is the General Partner at Everything Co-op Communications, LLC, a media company that promotes cooperative business models. With over 40 years of experience in property and asset management, Vernon became familiar with cooperative business models as the owner of a residential property management company. He is also the host of the leading weekly national radio program for the US Cooperative community. Vernon holds an MBA from Stanford University and has significant national and international experience in various business activities, including marketing, sales, forecasting, distribution, and service and systems design.

    Episode Summary:
    In this episode of The Chris Voss Show, host Chris Voss interviews Vernon Oakes, the General Partner at Everything Co-op Communications, LLC. Vernon shares his passion for cooperative business models and explains how they benefit individuals, families, and communities. He discusses the different types of co-ops, including worker co-ops, consumer co-ops, purchasing co-ops, and marketing co-ops. Vernon emphasizes the importance of cooperation among co-ops and the value of education, training, and information in the success of co-op businesses. He also highlights the resilience of co-ops during economic downturns and the positive impact they have on self-worth and dignity.

    Key Takeaways:
    Co-ops are businesses created by and for their members, providing benefits to the community and families in those communities.
    There are four main types of co-ops: worker co-ops, consumer co-ops, purchasing co-ops, and marketing co-ops.
    Co-ops operate based on values and principles such as cooperation among co-ops, education, training, and information sharing.
    Co-ops are more resilient than non-co-ops during economic downturns and have a higher chance of long-term success.
    The biggest benefits of co-ops are the financial wealth and self-worth and dignity they provide to individuals and communities.

    Notable Quotes:
    "Co-ops are always training each other on best principles, best ways of doing businesses, best practices." - Vernon Oakes
    "Co-ops are operated by values and principles. One of the principles is cooperation among co-ops." - Vernon Oakes
    "Co-ops end up helping each other. Credit unions help housing co-ops, housing co-ops help food co-ops." - Vernon Oakes
    "Co-ops are businesses that really help the community. If you want your family and community to be successful, look at starting a co-op." - Vernon Oakes

  • The Long November by Walt Gragg

    In the tradition of Red Storm Rising and Red Metal, an American military force fights a desperate battle against an overwhelming enemy.

    What started as a military coup in Pakistan has ignited South Asia and threatens to spread to the world's largest democracy in India.

    American and British allies struggle to rescue Western civilians who have been cut off in Islamabad. What starts as a desperate race turns into a grim siege.

    But the fate of a few innocents pales in comparison to one inescapable fact: Pakistan is a nuclear power and some of those weapons are unaccounted for.About the author
    Walt Gragg lives in the Austin, Texas area with his wife, children, and grandchildren. He is a retired attorney. Prior to law school, he spent a number of years in the military. His time with the Army involved many interesting assignments including three years in the middle of the Cold War at United States European Headquarters in Germany where the idea for

    The RED LINE took shape.

    In this assignment he was privy to many of the elements of the actual American plan in place at the time for the conduct of the defense of Germany. While there, he also participated in a number of war games that became the basis for many of the novel’s events.

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  • The Divine Economy: How Religions Compete for Wealth, Power, and People by Paul Seabright

    A novel economic interpretation of how religions have become so powerful in the modern world

    Religion in the twenty-first century is alive and well across the world, despite its apparent decline in North America and parts of Europe. Vigorous competition between and within religious movements has led to their accumulating great power and wealth. Religions in many traditions have honed their competitive strategies over thousands of years. Today, they are big business; like businesses, they must recruit, raise funds, disburse budgets, manage facilities, organize transportation, motivate employees, and get their message out. In The Divine Economy, economist Paul Seabright argues that religious movements are a special kind of business: they are platforms, bringing together communities of members who seek many different things from one another—spiritual fulfilment, friendship and marriage networks, even business opportunities. Their function as platforms, he contends, is what has allowed religions to consolidate and wield power.

    This power can be used for good, especially when religious movements provide their members with insurance against the shocks of modern life, and a sense of worth in their communities. It can also be used for harm: political leaders often instrumentalize religious movements for authoritarian ends, and religious leaders can exploit the trust of members to inflict sexual, emotional, financial or physical abuse, or to provoke violence against outsiders. Writing in a nonpartisan spirit, Seabright uses insights from economics to show how religion and secular society can work together in a world where some people feel no need for religion, but many continue to respond with enthusiasm to its call.

  • The Profiteers How Business Privatizes Profits and Socializes Costs By Christopher Marquis

    An exposé of how society pays for corporations' "free lunch" and the cost of environmental damage, low wages, systemic discrimination, and cheap goods.

    In an age when business leaders solemnly profess dedication to principles of environmental and social justice, Christopher Marquis’s provocative investigation into the real costs of doing business reveals the way that leaders of the corporate world gaslight to evade responsibilities by privatizing profits and socializing costs. “Who pays?” for the resulting climate and environmental damage, racism, low wages, and cheap goods: the average citizen and the taxpayer.

    By bringing to light ideas that today are on the fringe but rapidly making their way into the mainstream, Marquis outlines a new regenerative paradigm for business in society. He tells of a group of pioneers trying to not just reform but transform the way business is conducted all over the world. By taking novel actions to reimagine business operations in responsible ways, minimize their negative impacts, and create new ways for business to properly absorb their hidden costs, these leaders provide blueprints to move the needle on vexing social and environmental issues.

    What’s in it for leaders of the corporate world? The model of reform presented provides clear guidance on how to get ahead of the curve as an emerging economic order is formed. No business can lead from the front if it is morally-backward looking. History has shown time and again that those who get out in front of emerging changes in our social and environmental landscape protect themselves from inevitable eclipse.

  • The Klansman’s Son: My Journey from White Nationalism to Antiracism: A Memoir by R. Derek Black

    From the former heir-apparent to white nationalism, The Klansman’s Son is an astonishing memoir of a childhood built on fear, of breaking from a community of hate.

    Derek Black was raised to take over the white nationalist movement in the United States. Their father, Don Black, was a former Grand Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan and started Stormfront, the internet’s first white supremacist website—Derek built the kids’ page. David Duke, was also their close family friend and mentor. Racist hatred, though often wrapped up in respectability, was all Derek knew.

    Then, while in college in 2013, Derek publicly renounced white nationalism and apologized for their actions and the suffering that they had caused. The majority of their family stopped speaking to them, and they disappeared into academia, convinced that they had done so much harm that there was no place for them in public life. But in 2016, as they watched the rise of Donald Trump, they immediately recognized what they were hearing—the spread and mainstreaming of the hate they had helped cultivate—and they knew that they couldn’t stay silent.

    This is a thoughtful, insightful, and moving account of a singular life, with important lessons for our troubled times. Derek can trace a uniquely insider account of the rise of white nationalism, and how a child indoctrinated with hate can become an anti-racist adult. Few understand the ideology, motivations, or tactics of the white nationalist movement like Derek, and few have ever made so profound a change. When coded language and creeping authoritarianism spread the ideas of white nationalists, this is an essential book with a powerful voice.

  • Global development executive discusses bridging the gap for vulnerable communities

    About the Guest(s):

    Gretchen Viegas is a global development executive with over 25 years of experience in the field. She specializes in mission-driven, innovative programming for vulnerable communities through partnership development, impact scaling, and revenue growth. For the first 15 years of her career, Gretchen lived and worked in Latin America and East and Southern Africa. In the past decade, she has been forging partnerships between non-profits and for-profits to do business for good. Gretchen is passionate about finding solutions to global challenges and believes in the power of collaboration to create positive change.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of The Chris Voss Show, host Chris Voss interviews Gretchen Viegas, a global development executive with extensive experience in the field. Gretchen shares her insights and experiences working in emerging markets and developing nations, where she focuses on helping vulnerable communities gain access to necessities such as clean water, food, housing, and education. She emphasizes the importance of listening to the needs of the community and working together to find sustainable solutions. Gretchen also discusses the role of for-profit and non-profit partnerships in addressing global challenges and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Key topics discussed in this episode include the impact of poverty, homelessness, and lack of clean water on communities worldwide, the need for collaboration between for-profit and non-profit sectors to address global challenges, the importance of empathy and understanding different cultures, and the role of youth in driving positive change.

    Key Takeaways:

    Global development is about partnering with vulnerable communities to help them access necessities and improve their quality of life.
    Collaboration between for-profit and non-profit sectors is crucial in addressing global challenges and achieving sustainable development goals.
    Understanding and empathizing with different cultures is essential for effective global development work.
    The youth play a significant role in driving positive change and shaping the future of global development.
    Businesses can make a profit while also making a positive impact on society and the environment.

    Notable Quotes:

    "It's not about showing up with the answers or with money and resources. It's about listening to what's important to the community and being a partner in finding solutions." - Gretchen Viegas
    "We need the for-profits and the innovation and creativity, along with the nonprofit boots on the ground, to come together and solve the big challenges we face." - Gretchen Viegas

  • Plan to Recover: Your Mini Journal for Recovery and Self-Discovery By Andrea M Epting

    Plan to Recover: Your Mini Journal for Recovery and Self-Discovery is an essential tool and helpful resource in the initial phases of any recovery and self discovery journey.
    Thoughtfully curated and specifically designed for the person looking to achieve long-term success in recovery while gaining personal insight, awareness, emotional intelligence and spiritual integrity.

    Use the “Plan to Recover” journal to stay recovery minded, practice priorities, and build healthy relationships with Self and Others - 12 hours at a time.

    Your 90-day mini journal to get started on your recovery. Enjoy finding joy in the journey!

  • Home Run King: The Remarkable Record of Hank Aaron by Dan Schlossberg the fifty years that have passed since Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run and supplanted Babe Ruth as baseball's home run king, his legend and legacy have only grown. Humble and modest to a fault, he always insisted that he didn't want people to forget Babe Ruth but only to remember Henry Aaron. Though he never had the benefit of playing in the media spotlight of New York or Los Angeles, he remains the career leader in total bases, runs batted in, and All-Star selections; shares records for home runs by brothers (with Tommie Aaron) and by teammates (with Eddie Mathews); and is remembered with respect and admiration for his outspoken advocacy of civil rights for all minorities. Written by a lifelong Braves fan who became a sportswriter, this book traces Aaron's odyssey from the segregated south to the baseball world revolutionized by Jackie Robinson, who became an early an important ally against bigotry and prejudice. It reveals how the New York Giants nearly beat the Boston Braves in signing Aaron, when the young slugger caught his first break, and why he changed his hitting style after the Braves moved from Milwaukee to Atlanta. Though he never won a Triple Crown or hit for the cycle, he won virtually every major honor, including an MVP award, a World Series ring, and a berth in the Baseball Hall of Fame. But he should have won more, as the author contends he was often taken for granted by voters (nine of whom left him off their Cooperstown ballots!). Turn these pages to find out what home run Aaron considered his greatest, what pitcher proved his easiest mark, and what managers he liked or disliked the most. Even the disappointments are included -- his team's move south, its inability to establish a dynasty, and his quests to become a manager, general manager, or even Commissioner of Baseball. This is also a book of personal tragedy: the death of a child, a difficult divorce, and the stunning loss of the 43-year-old brother-in-law who became the first black GM. Not to mention the deluge of hate mail as it became obvious that he was approaching the most cherished record in sports. Through it all, Henry Louis Aaron kept his composure, preferring to let his bat do the talking. He lacked the notoriety of Willie, Mickey & the Duke but he just might have been the best player in baseball history. He's certainly in the conversation.

  • Tom Clancy Act of Defiance By Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson Part of A Jack Ryan Novel

    A rogue nuclear Russian submarine is steaming toward the East Coast of the United States. For President Jack Ryan, memories of past events may seem stunningly vivid, but the dangers are terrifyingly real in the latest entry in this #1 New York Times bestselling series.

    US intelligence is reporting turmoil in the Russian navy. Their deadliest submarine, the Belgorod, has unexpectedly launched, and taken along with it a long list of questions. Who authorized the departure? What mission is it on? And, most disturbing of all, what weapons do the giant doors on the sub’s bow hide?

    It's been four decades since a similar incident with the Soviet sub, Red October, ended happily, thanks to a young CIA analyst named Jack Ryan.

    Now, President Jack Ryan finds himself with fleets of ships, squadrons of jets, and teams of SEALs at his command, but what he doesn’t have is insight into the plans of the Belgorod’s commander. It falls to a younger generation of Ryans to do the dangerous work that will reveal that information.

    But there’s always a price to be paid. When the final moments tick away, will Jack Ryan have to choose between the safety of his country and the safety of his child?

  • The Hunter's Daughter By Nicola Solvinic

    A hypnotic, sinister debut mystery about a seemingly good cop who is secretly the daughter of a notorious serial killer.

    Anna Koray escaped her father’s darkness long ago. When she was a girl, her childhood memories were sealed away from her conscious mind by a controversial hypnosis treatment. She’s now a decorated sheriff’s lieutenant serving a rural county, conducting an ordinary life far from her father’s shadow.

    When Anna kills a man in the line of duty, her suppressed memories return. She dreams of her beloved father, his hands red with blood, surrounded by flower-decked corpses he had sacrificed to the god of the forest.

    To Anna’s horror, a serial killer emerges who is copying her father – and who knows who she really is. Is her father still alive, or is this the work of another? Will the killer expose her, destroying everything she has built for herself? Does she want him to?

    But as she haunts the forest, using her father’s tricks to the hunt the killer, will she find what she needs most…or lose herself in the gathering darkness?

    Nicola Solvinic has a master’s degree in criminology and has worked in and around criminal justice for more than a decade. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and cats, where she is surrounded by a secret garden full of beehives.

  • The Unstoppable Franchisee: 7 Drivers of Next-Level Growth by Gary Prenevost

    Selected by USA Today as a Top 10 Business Book To Help You Scale in 2024

    Unlock your business’s full potential and achieve continuous growth with proven wisdom from top global franchisees and franchisors.

    Why is incremental, year-over-year progress toward operational excellence elusive for so many franchisees? What distinguishes top-performing franchisees and their ability to build sustainable businesses? Through decades of experience working in the franchise industry, author and franchise consultant Gary Prenevost has seen firsthand that top performance isn’t reserved for a select few who possess a magical blend of personality traits, education, and work history. He asserts that any franchisee—regardless of brand, system, or market experience—can progressively scale their business if they apply seven key growth drivers.

    Grow a Next-Level Mindset
    Grow Your Awareness
    Grow Your Operational Management Skills
    Grow Your People
    Master the System
    Grow Your Interdependence
    Cultivate the Neural Network of Your Business
    Supported by extensive research and insights from more than 50 top-performing franchisees and franchisors across systems of all sizes, and accompanied by actionable workbook exercises, The Unstoppable Franchisee challenges current thinking about franchise ownership and management. No matter your industry, the strategies and systems presented here will enable you to spur engagement, generate growth, and drive profitability.

  • From Garage Startup to Multimillion Dollar Brand: The Journey of Beautiful Disaster Clothing

    About the Guest(s):

    Christina DuVarney is the founder and CEO of Beautiful Disaster Clothing. With over 20 years of experience in the fashion industry, Christina has built her company from a garage startup to a multimillion-dollar brand. Growing up in a broken home with an alcoholic father, Christina learned resilience and self-reliance at a young age. She discovered the transformative power of fashion and realized that what you wear is a reflection of your inner strength and identity. Christina's journey showcases the power of resilience, determination, and creativity in overcoming adversity and building a successful business.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, host Chris Voss interviews Christina DuVarney, the founder and CEO of Beautiful Disaster Clothing. Christina shares her inspiring journey of building her company from a garage startup to a multimillion-dollar brand. Growing up with an alcoholic father, Christina faced adversity from a young age, but she learned resilience and self-reliance. She discovered the power of fashion as a form of self-expression and empowerment. Christina discusses the challenges she faced as an entrepreneur, including the rapid changes in the digital landscape and the need to adapt to new technologies and platforms. She also shares her plans for the future, including strategic partnerships and expanding the product line. This episode is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the belief that fashion can be a transformative force.

    Key Takeaways:

    Beautiful Disaster Clothing is a women empowerment brand that celebrates the beautifully broken and the perfectly imperfect.
    Christina DuVarney's journey from a challenging childhood to a successful entrepreneur underscores the profound impact of resilience, determination, and the belief in the power of fashion as a form of self-expression.
    Building a brand in the digital age comes with its own set of challenges, including the need to navigate social media platforms, algorithms, and the ever-changing digital landscape.
    Strategic partnerships and alliances are crucial for scaling a business and reaching a wider audience.
    The Beautiful Disaster tribe, consisting of hundreds of thousands of women, provides a supportive community where women can share their stories and find empowerment.

    Notable Quotes:

    "We like to celebrate the imperfections. We would not be who we are if we didn't fail." - Christina DuVarney
    "You don't have to abandon everything and just jump in and suffer. You can build your dream in the pockets of your life." - Christina DuVarney
    "A rising tide lifts all boats. It's important that we give back and lift each other up." - Christina DuVarney

  • The Main Character A Novel By Jaclyn Goldis

    A bestselling thriller author arranges a luxury train trip that is not what it appears to be in this electrifying modern homage to Agatha Christie from the author of the “tense and twisty” (Julie Clark, New York Times bestselling author) The Chateau.

    Reclusive, mysterious author Ginevra Ex is famous for her unusual approach to crafting her big bestselling thrillers: she hires real people and conducts intensive interviews, then fictionalizes them. Her latest main character, Rory, is thrilled when Ginevra presents her with an extravagant bonus—a lavish trip along Italy’s Mediterranean coast on the famed, newly renovated Orient Express. But when Rory boards the train, she’s stunned to discover that her brother, her best friend, and even her ex-fiancé are passengers, as well. All invited by Ginevra, all hiding secrets.

    With each stop, from Cinque Terre to Rome to Positano, it becomes increasingly clear that Ginevra has masterminded the ultimate real life twisty plot with Rory as her main character. And as Ginevra’s deceptions mount, and the lies and machinations of Rory’s travel companions pile up, Rory begins to fear that her trip will culminate like one of Ginevra’s books: with a murder or two. In the opulent compartments of the iconic train, Rory must untangle the shocking reasons why Ginevra wanted them all aboard—and to what deadly end.

    Another stylish and compulsively readable mystery from Jaclyn Goldis, this is the perfect read for fans of Ruth Ware, Lucy Foley, and Paula Hawkins.

  • The Third Perspective: Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance by Africa Brooke


    In our deeply divided, binary world, honest discussion is stressful for all sides. International thought leader Africa Brooke says there is another way: the Third Perspective.

    In this manifesto, Africa teaches us how to return to critical thinking and reduce societal divides by opening our minds and being more self-questioning in difficult discussions. This book will help you figure out what you truly believe—as opposed to parroting or having knee-jerk reactions in conversation. You’ll learn to share your views, hear theirs, make a point you feel must be made, and try to find common ground without self-censorship or self-sabotage.

    This personal guide helps readers move away from rigid thinking, allowing them to enter any potentially difficult discussion about politics, work, personal responsibility, race, sex, gender, religion — whatever the subject — while maintaining integrity, authenticity, and openness, and successfully expressing opinions while listening to contrary points of view.

    Africa has built a successful business coaching an exclusive roster of high-profile clients seeking to handle themselves in the public eye. The tools offered in The Third Perspective have been honed over years of that experience: hers is a proven system that works. She offers readers a new path for communication, and because communication is everything, critical to building trust and fruitful relationships, a life transforming experience.

    Africa Brooke’s framework has three pillars—Awareness, Responsibility, and Expression—that ask: what is stopping you from speaking your mind, what do you stand for, what are you willing to risk?

  • Building Success: A Toolbox for Coming Out on Top by Tommy Whitehead

    Know who you are.
    Embrace what makes you different.
    And don’t be afraid to be a little disruptive.

    Success stories rarely follow straight lines, something Tommy Whitehead knows firsthand. His story of climbing out of poverty to run a hugely successful contracting firm has more twists and turns than a cheap garden hose. In this funny and authentic book, Tommy opens up about awkward pool conversations, hard hats with a message, and colossal failures that became huge opportunities.

    His disruptor approach to the construction industry will show you how M&Ms can predict trends and how a simple hamburger can improve your accounting practices. Tommy is not your average contractor—and this book is not your average toolbox of tips.

  • May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases―And What We Can Do about It by Alex Edmans

    How our biases cause us to fall for misinformation—and how to combat it.

    Our lives are minefields of misinformation. It ripples through our social media feeds, our daily headlines, and the pronouncements of politicians, executives, and authors. Stories, statistics, and studies are everywhere, allowing people to find evidence to support whatever position they want. Many of these sources are flawed, yet by playing on our emotions and preying on our biases, they can gain widespread acceptance, warp our views, and distort our decisions.

    In this eye-opening book, renowned economist Alex Edmans teaches us how to separate fact from fiction. Using colorful examples—from a wellness guru’s tragic but fabricated backstory to the blunders that led to the Deepwater Horizon disaster to the diet that ensnared millions yet hastened its founder’s death—Edmans highlights the biases that cause us to mistake statements for facts, facts for data, data for evidence, and evidence for proof.

    Armed with the knowledge of what to guard against, he then provides a practical guide to combat this tide of misinformation. Going beyond simply checking the facts and explaining individual statistics, Edmans explores the relationships between statistics—the science of cause and effect—ultimately training us to think smarter, sharper, and more critically. May Contain Lies is an essential read for anyone who wants to make better sense of the world and better
    About the author
    Alex Edmans is Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex has a PhD from MIT as a Fulbright Scholar, and was previously a tenured professor at Wharton and an investment banker at Morgan Stanley. Alex has spoken at the World Economic Forum in Davos, testified in the UK Parliament, and given the TED talk “What to Trust in a Post-Truth World” and the TEDx talks “The Pie-Growing Mindset” and “The Social Responsibility of Business” with a combined 2.8 million views. He serves as non-executive director of the Investor Forum, on the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Responsible Investing, and on Royal London Asset Management’s Responsible Investment Advisory Committee.

    Alex’s book, “Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit”, was a Financial Times Book of the Year for 2020 and has been translated into nine languages, and he is a co-author of “Principles of Corporate Finance” (with Brealey, Myers, and Allen). He has won 25 teaching awards at Wharton and LBS and was named Professor of the Year by Poets & Quants in 2021. His latest book, "May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases – And What We Can Do About It" will be published by Penguin Random House in April 2024.

  • Everything Is Predictable: How Bayesian Statistics Explain Our World by Tom Chivers

    A captivating and user-friendly tour of Bayes’s theorem and its global impact on modern life from the acclaimed science writer and author of The Rationalist’s Guide to the Galaxy.

    At its simplest, Bayes’s theorem describes the probability of an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. But in Everything Is Predictable, Tom Chivers lays out how it affects every aspect of our lives. He explains why highly accurate screening tests can lead to false positives and how a failure to account for it in court has put innocent people in jail. A cornerstone of rational thought, many argue that Bayes’s theorem is a description of almost everything.

    But who was the man who lent his name to this theorem? How did an 18th-century Presbyterian minister and amateur mathematician uncover a theorem that would affect fields as diverse as medicine, law, and artificial intelligence?

    Fusing biography, razor-sharp science writing, and intellectual history, Everything Is Predictable is an entertaining tour of Bayes’s theorem and its impact on modern life, showing how a single compelling idea can have far reaching consequences.

  • Dr. Fred Moss: Helping People Find Their True Voice and Undo Mental Illness

    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Fred Moss is a mental health advocate, psychiatrist, keynote speaker, and author. With over 45 years of experience in the field, Dr. Moss has dedicated his career to helping people find their true voice and providing high-quality care. He is the creator of Welcome to Humanity, the True Voice Course, and the Moss Method. Dr. Moss has traveled around the world, studying mental health practices in different cultures and sharing his expertise through podcasts, workshops, and coaching sessions. He is passionate about promoting authentic communication and connection as the foundation for healing and personal growth.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of The Chris Voss Show, host Chris Voss interviews Dr. Fred Moss, a psychiatrist and mental health advocate. Dr. Moss shares his journey from being a childcare worker to becoming a psychiatrist and his realization that authentic communication is the key to healing. He discusses the impact of psychiatric medications and the importance of finding one's true voice. Dr. Moss introduces the concept of the Moss Method, a holistic approach to mental health that focuses on gratitude, mindfulness, nutrition, and other factors that contribute to overall well-being. Listeners are encouraged to embrace their authentic selves and connect with others on a deeper level.

    Key Takeaways:

    Authentic communication is more powerful than agreement. Speaking from our true selves allows for genuine connection and opens up space for others to be authentic as well.
    Many people have learned to pretend to be someone they're not in order to protect themselves, but this can lead to feelings of disconnection and unhappiness.
    The Moss Method, developed by Dr. Moss, emphasizes gratitude, mindfulness, nutrition, and other practices that promote overall well-being and help individuals align with their true selves.
    Psychiatric medications can be helpful for some individuals, but they can also cause imbalances and perpetuate symptoms. It's important to consider alternative approaches and explore the root causes of mental health issues.
    Finding one's true voice and speaking authentically is a powerful form of healing. It allows individuals to connect with others on a deeper level and embrace the full range of human experiences.

    Notable Quotes:

    "Being authentic and speaking from our genuine core values and inner self allows us to be free from the burden of pretending and remembering who we're supposed to be." - Dr. Fred Moss
    "Authenticity is even more powerful than agreement. Even in times of disagreement, speaking authentically creates a space for genuine connection and understanding." - Dr. Fred Moss
    "When we connect with others and share our authentic selves, healing takes place. It's a reminder that we're not alone in our experiences." - Dr. Fred Moss

  • Justin Fortier, Founder, CEO/CTO of FYC Labs Discusses Scaling Services Businesses and the Future of AI
    FYC Labs:
    Fractal Group:
    AC Crew Co:

    About the Guest(s):

    Justin is the founder and CEO/CTO of FYC Labs, a boutique dev and design agency specializing in web development and software solutions. With a background in tech entrepreneurship, Justin has built a successful career as a tech entrepreneur, advisor, and influencer. He has worked with notable clients such as National University, Budweiser, and Pepsi, and has been recognized for his expertise in web design and development. Justin holds top-level technical and business advisory positions at various companies, including 11.2 Ventures, Blush Design Incorporated, Ed ORF Finance, and Inter Ratio Corporation.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of The Chris Voss Show, host Chris Voss interviews Justin, the founder and CEO/CTO of FYC Labs. They discuss Justin's journey as a tech entrepreneur, his insights on building a successful company, and the unique approach FYC Labs takes in providing web development and design services. Justin shares his experiences in scaling a services business and introduces the concept of the Fractal Group, a consortium of businesses that collaborate and support each other. They also touch on the future of AI and its impact on creativity and human existence.

    Key topics discussed in this episode include:

    Justin's background and journey as a tech entrepreneur
    The challenges of scaling a services business
    The concept of the Fractal Group and its benefits for small businesses
    The future of AI and its implications for creativity and human existence

    Key Takeaways:

    Scaling a services business can be challenging due to the limitations of reselling time and the need for highly skilled talent.
    The Fractal Group model, which involves collaborating with other businesses and sharing resources, can help overcome the scalability issues of a services business.
    AI has the potential to enhance creativity and enable new possibilities in various industries.
    The future of AI raises ethical concerns, such as deep fakes and the spread of misinformation, which need to be addressed.
    The younger generation, particularly Gen Z, shows promise in terms of emotional intelligence and adapting to technological advancements.

    Notable Quotes:

    "I just knew at that point this was gonna happen. I cannot see myself working anywhere else. I can't see myself not having a piece at the top." - Justin
    "We're keeping the agency small enough. We're at 50 people, which isn't tiny by any means, but it's also not a big roster that you're gonna pick from. So that's what's kind of unique." - Justin
    "The more extremely is watching my kids grow up with this because I'll probably be curmudgeonly and old by the time it all hits you." - Justin
    "AI enabled you as someone who basically didn't have the design skill or whatever it may be. It unlocked that particular blocker for you." - Justin

  • Tibetan Pharmacy Offers Advanced CBD Formulas for Healing and Pain Relief

    About the Guest(s):
    Trinn Hatch is the founder of Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy, a company that specializes in creating advanced expressions of plant medicine. Tr was born into a multi-generational military family and spent over 10 years providing personal security to various high-profile individuals. However, his career and health took a turn when he was assaulted and left with a severely broken leg. This incident led him on a journey to find healing, and he discovered the power of CBD and terpenes. Trinn Hatch and his wife started Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy to share their knowledge and provide high-quality CBD products to others.

    Episode Summary:
    In this episode, host Chris Voss interviews Trinn Hatch, the founder of Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy. Trinn Hatch shares his personal journey of healing after a severe leg injury and how he discovered the benefits of CBD and terpenes. He explains how Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy combines ancient Tibetan healing science with modern advancements to create advanced plant medicine. Trinn Hatch discusses the importance of terpenes in plant medicine and how they enhance the healing potential of botanicals. He also highlights the various products offered by Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy, including tinctured infusions, Tibetan pill medicines, and SETI formulas. Trinn Hatch emphasizes the importance of using clean and tested CBD products and shares his own experience with tainted CBD oil. He concludes by discussing the transformative power of Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy's formulas and how they can support the body's innate healing systems.

    Key Takeaways:
    Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy combines ancient Tibetan healing science with modern advancements to create advanced plant medicine.
    Terpenes are the constituents of plants responsible for environmental balance and hold the healing potential of the plant.
    Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy offers a wide range of products, including tinctured infusions, Tibetan pill medicines, and SETI formulas.
    It is crucial to use clean and tested CBD products to ensure safety and effectiveness.
    Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy's formulas can support the body's innate healing systems and provide relief from various health issues.

    Notable Quotes:
    "When you remove inflammation from the body, the body is able to heal and regenerate itself." - Trinn Hatch
    "CBD is marvelous for relieving inflammation, and when combined with terpenes, it enhances the healing potential of botanicals." - Trinn Hatch
    "Our bodies have innate healing systems that, when brought online, can bring us back into health and balance." - Trinn Hatch
    "Inflammation and parasites are the silent killers that can block physical healing." - Trinn Hatch
    "Activating the heart's electromagnetic field can open the third eye to greater inspiration, intuition, and inner vision." - Trinn Hatch