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In this podcast, Taylor and Andrew investigate the past, present, and future of materials science and engineering. Topic areas ranging from cutting edge materials technology, the history of different materials, the commercialization of new materials, and exciting advances in processing and characterization are all covered in detail. Our episodes include things like the unlikely discovery of superglue or teflon, the fascinating backstories about modern biomaterials like dialysis filters, and updates on new technologies including wearable electronics, next generation batteries, and nanomaterials. In short, we hope to help listeners understand the critical role that materials have played in society and even glimpse into what the future may hold for new materials.
Dr. Alex Peroff and Dr. Neil Spinner host the electrochemistry podcast where we discuss all things electrochemistry. We discuss troubleshooting electrochemistry problems in a light hearted and fun way. We also have interviews with other electrochemists and play electrochemistry based games such as madlibs, 2 truths and a lie, and password (all electrochemistry themed).
Scientists Daniel and Kelly cannot stop talking about our amazing, wonderful, weird Universe! Each episode is a fun, easy-to-understand, and in-depth explanation of topics in science, from particles to black holes to moon colonies to ecosystems to parasites and everything else in the Universe!
Der Elektrotechnik Podcast ist DER Podcast, um elektrotechnische Inhalte besser zu verstehen. Von den einfachsten, aber dennoch elementaren Basics, über detailliertes Fachwissen, bis hin zu nützlichem Wissen sowohl für den Alltag als auch für die Zukunft, ist für den Berufseinsteiger bis zum Facharbeiter/Student alles dabei.Elektrotechnik für deine Ohren!Der jüngste Vergangenheit hat vor allem die Schulen gelehrt, dass digitale Medien zunehmend im Austausch mit traditioneller Präsenzlehre das Lehrangebote erweitern müssen. Aber nicht nur die Rahmenbedingungen von allgemeinen Lehrveranstaltungen unterliegen dieser Anpassung, sondern auch die Vermittlung fachlicher Inhalte, kann mithilfe dieser Medien effizienter und vor allem interessanter gestaltet werden. Aus diesen Gründen und der Tatsache, dass es Lerninhalte im Bereich der Elektrotechnik gibt, die sowohl durch auditive, als auch audiovisuelle Materialien erläutert werden können, entstand dieser Podcast.Giancarlo the Teacher, der Lehrer des Volkes, erläutert Themen & Inhalte, die zum einen in der Berufsausbildung zum Elektroniker vermittelt werden und zum anderen sowohl Elektrofachkräfte, Techniker und Meister, als auch Elektrofachverkäufer, Hobbybastler und Heimwerker interessieren und weiterhelfen.Es geht darum, die Welt der Elektrotechnik mit einfachsten Worten verständlich zu machen, sodass auch ein „Nicht-Fachmann“ Spaß daran hat.
Chemistry is everywhere, and involves everything. But how did chemistry get to be what it is? I'm Steve Cohen, a chemist and writer, bringing you The History of Chemistry. This podcast explores the development of chemistry from prehistoric times to the present, including the people and societies who made chemistry what it is today. The History of Chemistry is for you, whether you hated chemistry in high school, or got a PhD in inorganic chemistry. We'll explore how chemistry affected art, music, language, politics and vice-versa. Whether it's ancient Greek philosophers, medieval alchemists, or modern laboratory apparatus, it's all here. Don't forget to support my series at !
Welcome Bedtime Astronomy Podcast. We invite you to unwind and explore the wonders of the universe before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Join us as we take you on a soothing journey through the cosmos, sharing captivating stories about stars, planets, galaxies, and celestial phenomena.
Let's go through the mysteries of the night sky, whether you're a seasoned stargazer or simply curious about the cosmos, our bedtime astronomy podcast promises to inspire wonder, spark imagination, and lull you into a restful sleep under the starlit sky.
Podcast music by Synthena
More like this: Curiouscity: Exploring Science and Wonders -
Scotland's Secret Space Race takes you into government departments, research labs, launch sites and even into orbit.Dr Murray Collins and Kim McAllister interview politicians, astronauts, space scientists and satellite experts to unveil the incredible innovation going on in Scotland.Wonder where the growth is going to come from post-Covid?The space industry in Scotland is likely to be worth £4bn by 2030 - and the country will soon have launch capacity.
Calling all truth seekers! Has it all been one BIG LIE?? We dig deep into the news stories and events of the past and present that really matter and effect us. A fact based podcast that shares what the mainstream media does not report. Whether it is Aliens, Spirituality, or Elite Powerful Families, no topic is too controversial. Truth or Propaganda? We do the research and present the facts- so you decide.
The Building Science Podcast is a show hosted by MEP engineering firm Positive Energy principal Kristof Irwin. The show covers everything from the basics of building science to adjacent scientific disciplines to more fully understand how the built environment shapes our lives as human beings on planet earth.
Les recherches menées au sein de la chaire du Pr Antoine Georges portent sur la « matière quantique à fortes corrélations ». Les électrons d'une molécule ou d'un solide, les fluides quantiques d'atomes ultra froids constituent autant d'exemple de systèmes quantiques constitués d'un très grand nombre de particules en interaction. Nous nous intéressons aux phénomènes collectifs fascinants qui se développent dans ces systèmes comme la supraconductivité, les transitions métal-isolant, le magnétisme ou encore les effets topologiques.
Notre équipe de recherche développe des méthodes permettant de comprendre la physique de ces systèmes et d'en prédire les propriétés, en lien constant avec les données expérimentales. Ce programme de recherche associe de manière étroite des aspects conceptuels et computationnels/algorithmiques (théorie du champ moyen dynamique et ses extensions, méthodes de Monte Carlo diagrammatique, réseaux de neurones ou circuits quantiques pour la représentation des fonctions d'ondes). Notre équipe participe au développement de la librairie numérique TRIQS et dispose de moyens de calculs significatifs.
Les cours des trois premières années (2015-2018) ont été consacrés aux développements récents de la physique hors d'équilibre, d'abord dans l'optique de la thermodynamique stochastique (théorèmes de fluctuation, relations de Jarzysnki, grandes déviations), puis dans une analyse des propriétés de modèles de transport (processus d'exclusion, chaînes d'oscillateurs anharmoniques) ou de croissance (équation Kardar Parisi Zhang, matrices aléatoires, polymères dirigés). L'année 2018-2019 a présenté une introduction aux idées de renormalisation en physique statistique (universalité, calcul d'exposants) et l'année 2019-2020 a porté sur la dynamique des fronts, en particulier sur des résultats récents relatifs à l'équation de Fisher-KPP.
Les cours des années qui viennent (2020-) porteront sur la théorie des systèmes désordonnés (localisation, verres de spins, réseaux de neurones) et ses applications.
The Bonding and Beer podcast, hosted by Rolando Nuñez, combines Ro's two favorite things: adhesive restorative dentistry and beer. Every other week, he picks a new beer to enjoy while educating his audience on a topic relevant to the dental bonding world. Make sure you stay until the end, when Ro gives his beer review and answers questions submitted by you. Watch it on YouTube or listen on your favorite podcast platform.
If you want to know the disruptive innovations from the inventors themselves and the meaningful
impact of practical principles of cannabis science, this is the podcast to explore. I review the current
peer-reviewed literature, the inventors, the experts, and the business owners in cannabis. In the
cannabis industry, it has been said that the cart is ahead of the horse. I respectfully disagree. I believe
the horse has yet to be born.