
  • Don’t miss a beat as our guest Dr. Noble Maleque guides us through dominating narrow complex tachyarrhythmias (while keeping our own heart rates under control too). @Nobility75 (Emory University)

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    Show Segments

    IntroCase 1, part 1: Unstable narrow tachyarrhythmiasCase 1, part 2: Stable, narrow tachyarrhythmias – regular rhythmVagal tone: Valsalva, Modified Valsalva, or Carotid Massage?Adenosine2nd line AV nodal blockade: metoprolol, diltiazemCase 2: Stable, narrow tachyarrhythmias – irregular rhythmAV nodal blockadeAmiodarone and diltiazemRapid fire questions/Picks of the WeekOutro

    Please consolidate if performing multiple jobs (e.g. Written and Produced by: Cyrus Askin MD; cover art and infographic by Kate Grant)Producer, writer, Infographic, cover art, and show notes by: Caroline Coleman, MDHosts: Meredith Trubitt, MD and Monee Amin, MDReviewer: Rahul Ganatra, MD MPHShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Noble Maleque, MD
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  • Join us as we review recent articles and news featured in The DIGEST issues #59-61, including cfDNA and incidental detection of cancer in pregnancy, vitamin K2 for nocturnal leg cramps, the danger of as-needed anti-hypertensive medications in the hospital, GLP-1 agonists for alcohol use disorder, short-course (7 vs 14 days) antibiotics for bacteremia, and patient-collected HPV testing for cervical cancer screening. Fill your brain hole with a fully digestible meal! Featuring Laura Glick MD, Nora Taranto (@norataranto), Paul Williams (@paulnwilliamz), and Matt Watto (@doctorwatto).

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    Show Segments

    00:00 Introduction and Overview02:57 The IDENTIFY study: Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing and Cancer Detection with cfDNA05:54 Implications of Non-Reportable Results in Prenatal Testing08:51 Vitamin K2: A New Approach to Managing Nocturnal Leg Cramps12:07 Practicality and Future of Vitamin K2 in Clinical Practice23:21 The Dangers of As-Needed Antihypertensives in the hospital32:21 Exploring GLP-1 Agonists for Alcohol Use Disorder40:24 Shorter Antibiotic Courses in Sepsis46:09 Advancements in Patient-Collected HPV Screening for cervical cancer


    Written and Produced by: Nora Taranto MD, Laura Glick MD, Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPShow Notes: Nora Taranto MDCover Art: Matthew Watto MD, FACPHosts: Nora Taranto MD, Laura Glick MD, Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPaste

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  • Conquer the art of managing patients with iron deficiency anemia. We are joined by the amazing Dr. Tom DeLoughery, @Bloodman (Oregon Health & Science University).

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    Show Segments

    IntroRapid fire questions/Picks of the WeekCaseHistory and PhysicalLaboratory FindingsManagement of Iron Deficiency AnemiaDietOral SupplementationUnexplained Iron DeficiencyCase 2IV Iron SupplementationIV iron reactionsCase 3Laboratory Follow Up Post SupplementationWhen to Refer to a Hematology/Oncology specialist?Outro

    Producer,Writer, Show Notes, Cover Art, and Infographics: Sai S Achi MD MBA FACP Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Leah Witt, MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Dr. Tom DeLoughery MD, MACP, FAWM
    Sponsor: Mint Mobile

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  • Management and Ongoing Monitoring of Thyroid Neoplasms

    Join us as we dive deep into the approach for thyroid nodules with our two fantastic guests, Dr. Kaniksha Desai (Stanford Medicine) and Dr. Ana Chindris (Mayo Clinic)! Learn how to stratify these nodules for cancer risk and walk alongside our patients during treatment for thyroid cancer.

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    Show Segments

    Intro, guest biosCase From KashlakThyroid nodule evaluation and managementThyroid cancer diagnosis and treatmentGLP-1s relationship to thyroid nodules and cancerOutro

    Writer, producer, show notes, infographic, cover art: Alise Burke, MD Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Kaniksha Desai MD and Ana Chindris MD
    Sponsor: Panacea

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  • Diuresing ‘til the heart's content

    Master inpatient heart failure management! Learn key tips for initiating guideline-directed medical therapy, diuretic therapy pearls, and ensuring smooth transitions of care. We are joined by Dr. Gurusher Panjrath @PanjrathG (GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences-Dr. Panjrath)

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    Show Segments

    IntroRapid Fire Questions/Picks of the WeekCase Aliquot 1Defining Heart FailurePOCUS in Heart FailureTiming/Indications for EchocardiographyInitiating Diuretic TherapyAdjusting Diuretic Therapy/Drip vs BolusAdjunct Diuretic TherapyAfterload ReductionMonitoring Diuretic ResponseInpatient Sodium and Fluid RestrictionCase Aliquot 2Classifying Heart FailurePharmacotherapy for HFrEFPharmacotherapy for HFpEFIschemic EvaluationInterval Summary/HighlightsCase Aliquot 3Considerations for Initial Care of Cardiogenic ShockChoosing Inotrope/VasopressorRight Heart CatheterizationCase Aliquot 4Discharge Medications for Heart FailureTitration of Goal Directed Medical TherapyPost Discharge Follow UpWashout Period for ACEi/ARBCost/Barriers of ARNIPatient EducationTake Home PointsOutro

    Writer, Producer, and Show Notes by: Reaford Blackburn, Jr., MDInfographic & Cover Art: Caroline Coleman MDHosts: Monee Amin, MD and Meredith Trubitt, MD Reviewer: Rahul Ganatra MDTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Gurusher Panjrath, MDSponsor: CME Meeting

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  • 2024 GINA Strategy, peak expiratory flow insights, SMART therapy, and other asthma pearls that will leave you breathless

    Master the art of diagnosing and managing asthma with practical, evidence-based strategies. Learn how to approach the initial interview, gain comfort with key diagnostic tools like spirometry and PEF, and optimize therapy using the latest GINA report. We’re joined by Dr. Cyrus Askin, a longtime Curbsiders member returning as our guest expert to share his insights as a pulmonologist.

    X profile (formerly twitter): @Askins_Razor

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    Show Segments

    IntroCaseTopicRapid fire questions/Picks of the WeekOutro

    Written and produced by Paul Wurtz MD. Show notes, cover art, and infographic also created by Paul Wurtz MD.

    Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Sai S Achi MD, MBA, FACPShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Cyrus Askin MDSponsor: Babble

    Babbel is gifting our listeners 60% off subscriptions at

    Sponsor: Bombas

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    Sponsor: Pretty Litter

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  • Become a mini geriatrician in our new Geriatrics series!

    Geriatricize your knowledge of caring for older adults with unintentional weight loss! You’ll round out your history taking and weight gain plan by harnessing the age-friendly “5Ms”. We’re joined by Dr. Eva Szymanski (@eva_szy), expert geriatrician at Penn Medicine.

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    Show Segments

    IntroRapid fire questionsCaseDefining Unintentional Weight LossApplying the Geriatric 5Ms FrameworkDiagnostic Work-UpAddressing Ageism in Medical DecisionsDefining Geriatric SyndromesWeight Loss TreatmentsOutro

    Producer: Leah Witt, MD, Rachel Miller, MD, MSEdWriters: Abigail Schmucker, MD, Joseph Young, MD, Margaret Heller, MD, Alyson Michener, MD, Leah Witt, MDShow Notes, Infographic and Cover Art: Leah Witt, MDHosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Molly Heublein, MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Eva Szymanski, MD
    Sponsor: Quince

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  • Update your approach to cirrhosis evaluation and management with Dr. Scott Matherly Associate Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology at Virginia Commonwealth University

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    Show Segments

    Intro, disclaimer, guest bioCase from Kashlak; DefinitionsCirrhosis Diagnosis and Initial Evaluation Cirrhosis Physical Examination Decompensated Cirrhosis Management Ascites and TIPSMELD and transplant considerationOutro

    Written and Produced by: Elena Gibson MDInfographic and Cover Art: Edison Jyang MDHosts: Paul Williams MD, FACP; Elena Gibson MD Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Scott Matherly MD
    Sponsor: Rocket Money

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  • We're taking a short winter break, but we’ll be back with new shows in time for Christmas and New Years! Can’t wait for more new episodes? Sign up for our Patreon with 15% off an annual membership at ( and get instant access to 40 plus bonus episodes!

    Conquer your fear of antiphospholipid syndrome! Dr. Arielle Langer leads us through what clinical features raise suspicion for antiphospholipid syndrome, how to interpret laboratory testing, and the nuances of antiphospholipid syndrome management.

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  • Join us as Monee and Meredith with the rest of the hospital medicine team reflect on the past year, discussing some favorite insights gained covering a range of topics, including diabetic foot infections, sepsis, sickle cell inpatient management, syncope, psychiatry for the hospitalist, and acute coronary syndrome.

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    Show Segments

    IntroductionPicks of the YearDiabetic Foot Infections SepsisSickle Cell Inpatient Management Psychiatry PrimerSyncope Acute Coronary Syndrome Reflections from the Year

    Written, Produced, and hosted by: Meredith Trubitt MD; Monee Amin MDScript Written: Caroline Coleman, MD, RJ Blackburn, MDCover Art: Caroline Coleman, MDReviewer: Rahul Ganatra MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPaste
    Sponsor: Rosetta Stone

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  • Join us as Paul and Watto reflect on the past year, discussing some favorite insights gained covering a range of topics, including dental pain management, cardiac amyloidosis, the impact of continuous glucose monitoring on diabetes care, the complexities of diagnosing primary hyperparathyroidism, hepatitis B screening and vaccination, GLP-1 agonists, travel medicine, endometriosis, rhinitis, and recurrent UTIs. Plus, we feature listener voicemails sharing their favorite episodes and why they love the Curbsiders!

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    Show Segments

    00:00 Introduction and Year-End Reflections02:59 Picks of the Year05:53 Dental Pain and Oral Care Insights10:25 Cardiac Amyloidosis14:33 Listener mail- diabetes16:33 Neck Pain19:08 Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes23:57 Hyperparathyroidism30:48 Hepatitis B 34:01 Listener mail- obesity36:14 Travel Medicine: Malaria, Diarrhea, and Vaccination40:38 Endometriosis46:08 Rhinitis and Environmental Allergies49.24 Recurrent UTIs55:08 Reflections on Nine Years of Curbsiders

    Written, Produced, and hosted by: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPCover Art: Matthew Watto MD, FACPHosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Molly Heublein MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPaste
    Sponsor: AquaTru

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  • We're taking a short winter break, but we’ll be back with new shows in time for Christmas and New Years! Can’t wait for more new episodes? Sign up for our Patreon with 15% off an annual membership at ( and get instant access to 40 plus bonus episodes!

    Elevate your primary care management of anxiety. Become confident in counseling patients about a new anxiety diagnosis, 2nd and 3rd line medications, augmentation for anxiety treatment, and options for non-pharmacological anxiety treatment. We are joined by psychiatrist and mental health expert Dr. Jessi Gold, @drjessigold (University of Tennessee System; Check out her book, How Do You Feel?

    Visit our website for detailed show notes for this episode.

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  • We're taking a short winter break, but we’ll be back with new shows in time for Christmas and New Years! Can’t wait for more new episodes? Sign up for our Patreon with 15% off an annual membership at ( and get instant access to 40 plus bonus episodes!

    Step up your diabetes game! Learn the ins and outs of continuous glucose monitors (CGM) including key features, what and how to order, interpreting CGM data (time in range, time above range, etc.), and how to make adjustments to a patient’s insulin regimen, aka “insulin pattern matching”. We discuss common scenarios including overnight hypoglycemia, exercise-induced hypoglycemia, post-prandial hyperglycemia, what to do when the patient runs high all the time, and how to incorporate GLP1 agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors into a patient's regimen. Returning guest and Paul’s favorite frenemy, Dr. Jeff Colburn (VCU Health) returns!

    Visit our website for detailed show notes for this episode.

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  • We're taking a short winter break, but we’ll be back with new shows in time for Christmas and New Years! Can’t wait for more new episodes? Sign up for our Patreon with 15% off an annual membership at ( and get instant access to 40 plus bonus episodes!

    Diagnosing and treating bipolar disorder is not always black-and-white. Dr. Kevin Johns teaches us how to not get tripped up on this tricky diagnosis. (The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center)

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  • Join us as we review recent practice-changing articles on a new triple pill for hypertension, how arm position affects blood pressure, early TAVR for asymptomatic patients with severe AS, liberal versus restrictive transfusion strategy in patients with acute brain injury, and a quick overview of the 2024 ACC/AHA perioperative medicine guidelines. Fill your brain hole with a delicious stack of tofurkey cakes! Featuring Paul Williams (@PaulNWilliamz), Rahul Ganatra (@rbganatra), Jen DeSalvo (@drjendesalvo), and Matt Watto (@doctorwatto).

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    Written and Hosted by: Rahul Ganatra MD, MPH; Jen DeSalvo MD; Paul Williams, MD, FACP, Matthew Watto MD, FACPCover Art: Matthew Watto MD, FACPReviewer: Rahul Ganatra MD, MPHTechnical Production: Pod PasteShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP

    Show Segments

    Intro, disclaimerA new triple pill for hypertensionHow arm position affects blood pressureEarly TAVR for asymptomatic patients with severe ASLiberal versus restrictive transfusion strategy in patients with acute brain injuryA quick overview of the 2024 ACC/AHA perioperative medicine guidelinesOutro
    Sponsor: Freed

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    Sponsor: AquaTru

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    Sponsor: Uncommon Goods

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  • Risks/benefits in older males, when to test, fertility considerations, and more.

    Master male hypogonadism diagnosis and management. Discover when and how to test, how to tackle confounding conditions, and why lifestyle changes may be more effective than testosterone therapy in certain patients. We are joined by Dr. Brad Anawalt, an expert in endocrine care, to guide us through the essentials.

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    Show Segments

    IntroCase 1History and Physical Laboratory Testing Effect of Lifestyle on TestosteroneCase 2Prostate and Cardiovascular riskTreatment Options and ConsiderationsSecondary Causes of HypogonadismCase 3Testicular Size and Klinefelter SyndromehCG and ClomipheneMonitoring and Follow-UpTake-Home PointsOutro

    Written and produced by Paul Wurtz MD. Show notes, cover art, and infographic also created by Paul Wurtz MD. Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Sai S Achi MD, MBA, FACPShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Bradley D. Anawalt MD
    Sponsor: Freed

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    Sponsor: Pattern

    With huge discounts for doctors in training, now is truly the best time to request your disability insurance quotes with Pattern at

    Sponsor: Litter Robot

    As a special holiday offer, Whisker is offering up to $100 off Litter-Robot bundles. AND, as a special offer to listeners, you can get an additional $50 off when you go to

  • A Bell-Ringer of a Presentation

    Is it a stroke or is it botox? No, it’s Bell’s palsy! Learn how to differentiate facial palsy from other sinister diagnoses. Join us as Dr. Jordan Amar (Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology at USC Keck School of Medicine) gives us Bell’s palsy pointers (and a great mnemonic, if there is such a thing).

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    Show Segments

    IntroductionRapid fire questions and Reflex HammersCase #1: Ms. MelanieFramework for Bell's PalsyBell's Palsy vs Stroke: How to Differentiate Approach to History and Physical Exam Case #2: Mr. LopezRed Flags in Facial Palsy (GROWLS FACE)Workup: From Imaging to Labs and What Not to DoTreatment: The Role of Steroids and AntiviralsSupportive Care, Complications and PrognosisTake-Home PointsOutro

    Producer and Writer: Isabel Valdez, PA-C Show Notes: Paul Wurtz MD, Ben Furman MPH MS3, Isabel Valdez, PA-CInfographic and Cover Art: Zoya Surani, MS2Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Leah Witt, MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Jordan Amar, MD
    Sponsor: Beginly Health

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    Sponsor: OpenEvidence

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    Sponsor: Freed

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  • Preserve your sanity while treating heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Dr Michelle Kittleson @MKittlesonMD (Cedars Sinai) illuminates this confounding cardiac condition.

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    Show Segments

    00:00 Introduction and Advice for Physicians02:24 Case Presentation04:16 Understanding HFpEF08:11 Differential Diagnosis of Dyspnea and Edema11:30 Diagnosing HFPEF: H2F-PEF Score and Testing17:07 Managing Comorbidities in HFpEF20:54 Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Weight Loss and Exercise23:16 Understanding the Challenges of HFpEF25:08 Medications30:13 Promising Results of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists36:38 Managing Salt and Water Intake

    Writer and Producer: Deborah Gorth MD, PhDInfographic and Cover Art: Zoya SuraniHosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Michelle Kittleson MD, PhD
    Sponsor: Freed

    You can try Freed for free right now by going to And listeners of Curbsiders can use code CURB50 for $50 off their first month.

    Sponsor: Bombas

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    Sponsor: Beginly Health

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  • Join us as we review recent articles and news featured in The DIGEST issues #56 and #57, including finerenone for heart failure, the skinny on pneumonia vaccines and the latest, PCV21, long-term oxygen therapy (the REDOX trial), and the PREVENT vs PCE cardiovascular risk equations. Fill your brain hole with a fully digestible meal! Featuring Alex Chaitoff (@alexchaitoff), Rahul Ganatra (@rbganatra), Nora Taranto (@norataranto), and Matt Watto (@doctorwatto).

    Note: **Update on Pneumonia Vaccine from ACIP: After we recorded and just before we published this episode, the CDC updated its vaccine guidance to include pneumonia vaccination for all adults aged 50 years and older to receive either PCV20, PCV21, or the combination of PCV15 followed by PPSV23 one year later (CDC site accessed 24 Oct 2024).**

    Claim CME for this episode at curbsiders.vcu!

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    Written and Hosted by: Nora Taranto MD; Rahul Ganatra MD, MPH, Alex Chaitoff MD, MPH, Matthew Watto MD, FACPCover Art: Matthew Watto MD Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MD Technical Production: Pod PasteShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP
    Show Segments

    Introduction + Pun Exploring Finerenone in Heart FailurePneumonia Vaccines: The PCV21 TrialLong-Term Oxygen Therapy: The REDOX TrialCardiovascular Risk Calculators: The PREVENT Equation
    Sponsor: Freed

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  • Kittleson Rules Outpatient Heart Failure Volume 1

    Provide superb outpatient care for your patients with HFrEF. Identify underlying causes of heart failure and titrate medications with ease. Dr Michelle Kittleson @MKittlesonMD (Cedars Sinai) breaks down the nuances of treating this common cardiac condition.

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    Show Segments

    00:00 Introduction 03:22 Case Presentation: Newly Diagnosed Heart Failure07:26 Using Physical Exam Findings to Guide Diuresis11:58 The Four Pillars of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy for Heart Failure15:07 Optimizing Therapy and Follow-Up in Heart Failure Patients22:10 The Benefits of High-Intensity Initiation and Titration of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy28:02 Consideration of Other Medications40:02 Referral to Advanced Heart Failure Specialist49:11 Optimizing Therapy and Follow-Up55:33 Conclusion and Book Recommendation

    Writer and Producer: Deborah Gorth MD, PhDInfographic and Cover Art: Zoya SuraniHosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Michelle Kittleson MD, PhD
    Sponsor: Freed

    You can try Freed for free right now by going to And listeners of Curbsiders can use code CURB50 for $50 off their first month.

    Sponsor: Litter Robot

    Right now, Whisker is offering $75 off Litter-Robot bundles. AND, as a special offer to listeners, you can get an additional $50 off when you go to

    Sponsor: Beginly Health

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