I’m delighted to be bringing another guest to the show today, Penny Hopkinson. Penny is an Operations Manual specialist and author of Manual Magic. Join us as we delve into the world of learning and discover why it’s changed so much over the generations.
Here’s how you can get in touch with Penny:
Everything under one ‘roof':
Here are the highlights for this episode:
(2.22) 30% of global workforce under 30
(8.21) The single source of truth
(10.31) Five generations under one workplace
(30.01) The importance of consistency
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Today I’m welcoming another guest to the show, Simon Bennett. Simon is a friend of mine, a fellow coach and is keen to bring the concept of kindness to our attention.
Simon’s coaching practice builds on his experience of leading teams in high pressure organisations. He is passionate about working with leaders to best navigate the challenges and opportunities of the modern working world.
Simon shares a home in London with his husband, and teaches Aikido, a Japanese martial art. Simon is an Affiliate member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.
Simon would love to hear any thoughts or feedback on the podcast, or any enquiries about working together in coaching. You can learn more about his work at and email him at
Join us as we delve into what kindness means at home and at work, and how we can be more kind to ourselves and others.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(5.16) Trying to fix the world to fix yourself
(10.14) Boundaries
(12.20) Authority structures
(14.35) Kindness in the workplace
(19.40) Everyone deserves to prioritise kindness for themselves
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This week’s episode marks a special occasion—both my birthday and the podcast’s one-year anniversary! We’re exploring the dynamics of birthdays: what they mean to us, the expectations we place on them, and how they reveal our deeper unconscious patterns. Freud wasn’t a fan of birthdays (except for the gifts!), and that got me thinking; how do we truly feel about getting older?
Plus, I share some reflections on personal growth, the stories we tell ourselves, and why birthdays can be a great moment to check in with where we are in life.
I’m launching a new course, Psychodynamics for Beginners! Initially designed for coaches, but soon to be available for anyone curious about how psychodynamic theory can help them make better choices in their everyday lives. Click here for more info:
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(0.34) How Freud felt about birthdays
(2.40) Bridget Jones
(3.07) Are we where we want to be?
(6.21) How other people respond to our birthdays
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Why does silence make us uncomfortable? We’ve all been in those moments where the quiet stretches just a little too long, and we feel the need to fill it. But what if silence isn’t empty at all? What if it’s one of the most powerful tools we have?
In this episode, we explore the impact of silence, when it serves us, when it doesn’t, and how to use it to our advantage. We’ll also learn what Freud thought about it, why my son used it as a form of protest, and how silence can be both a gift and a weapon.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(0.56) The paradox of silence on a podcast
(1.17) What I thought good listening was
(1.51) Silence as a response
(3.37) The silent treatment
(4.15) Freud’s take on silence
(6.49) It’s always about the other person
New Training Course: Psychodynamics for Beginners
I’m launching a new course designed to make psychodynamic theory accessible—so we’re not just relying on social media soundbites to understand ourselves. Initially aimed at coaches, but soon available to a wider audience. If you’re interested, subscribe to my newsletter or book a chat with me for more details.
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In this episode, I’m sharing a personal story about how my confidence took a hit, how I unknowingly held myself back, and what ultimately helped me rebuild my sense of self. Spoiler alert: it involves pole dancing, platform boots, and a whole lot of fun!
We’ll have a look at how our defence mechanisms get in our way and how they can subtly keep us stuck. Plus, I’ll invite you to reflect on where you might be self-sabotaging and what small (or big!) steps you can take to reclaim your confidence and joy.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(1.40) The moment I realised my confidence had taken a knock
(2.10) The surprising impact of stepping out of my comfort zone (hello, pole dancing!)
(5.03) Building ourselves back up from adversity
(6.09) Why we can get over busy at times
My invitation for you to consider this week is where in your life are you holding yourself back? What stories are keeping you stuck? I encourage you to explore what’s stopping you and to take one step, big or small, towards moving forwards.
If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review. I’d love to hear what your ‘fabulous boots’ moment looks like!
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How often have you found yourself mid-story, only to realise you’ve completely lost track of the point you were trying to make? You’re not alone. Sometimes, our words take on a life of their own, and there’s usually something deeper going on beneath the surface.
In this episode, I take a look at why I (and maybe you, too) sometimes talk in circles, what this has to do with defence mechanisms, and the unexpected realisation I had during a discovery call. We’ll also touch on why excitement isn’t always excitement and how a simple question stopped me in my tracks.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(0.27) Why do we verbally process?
(1.27) FOMO and panic
(3.15) The desire to connect
(5.32) The unexpected fear behind my excitement
(6.49) Denial and the link to reaction formation
Looking at ourselves at this level can feel unsettling, so take your time with it. And if you’d like extra support, I’ve put together a resource sheet to help. You’ll find the link below.
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Today I’m delighted to welcome Gwenne Dickson, spiritual empowerment coach, to the show. Gwenne and I are tackling a subject that all of us will experience and yet so many of us find difficult; and that’s grief. Join us as we talk about what we find surprising about the grieving process and how we can support each other during these times.
You can contact Gwenne at:
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(4.40) Connecting with our higher selves
(8.20) Making meanings out of things
(10.20) Keeping a lot to ourselves
(16.20) The unexpected things
(20.40) Not allowing ourselves to move on
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Why do we wear shoes that hurt our feet? We’ve all been in the situation where we’ve known that our choice of footwear isn’t ideal, but we love how our shoes make us look and feel, so put up with the pain. Is this the only area of our lives that we do this, or can we see this elsewhere?
In this episode we explore what might be going on for us when we put on shoes (metaphorical or otherwise) that pinch our feet. We’ll also learn what Marilyn Monroe thinks and why I don’t travel in heels anymore.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(1.50) Travelling in heels
(3.36) Marilyn Monroe
(4.59) Denial
(5.10) Repression
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It’s been famously said by Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, that Netflix is not a family. And work is not a family - unless of course you are the Carringtons in Dynasty or the Ewings in Dallas. However, are there some elements of family dynamics that get played out in our work environments?
In this episode we explore the phenomena of being drawn into work scenarios that remind us of our family of origin. We find out why we might want to shove some people off Waltons Mountain, how I agree with my mother-in-law and if we are going back to the DIY store for milk. And Barry from accounts makes a welcome return.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(2.12) Who are we trying to convince?
(3.47) Being part of a system
(5.16) Sibling rivalry
(6.19) Transference
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Life isn’t a fairy tale, yet we might have some fairy tale moments throughout our lives. What happens when we reach the conclusion of the fairy tale? Are we skipping off into the sunset or are we left with a mixed bag of conflicting and complex feelings not knowing what might be going on for us?
In this episode we explore some of the less talked about emotions that we experience once the fairy tale has ended. We’ll be staring anxiety in the face and exploring why guilt can be a stepping stone into the defence mechanisms. And Dorothy Parker also pops up amongst the fairy tale characters to help us make sense of our feelings. I bet that’s something she never thought she would be doing…
Here are the highlights for this episode:
(3.09) Do Cinderella and Prince Charming live happily ever after?
(3.30) Anxiety
(3.51) Guilt
(6.54) Questioning our own identity
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Most of us will have had the post break up haircut, or equivalent. That response to an event that has made us decide that something needs to change as we are no longer that person anymore. But why do we do this? Are we avoiding thinking about something that could actually help us move forward?
In this episode we explore what might be going on for us as we reach for the scissors, or throw out all our clothes. We’ll look at what defence mechanisms could be getting in our way and why we are feeling anxious. And why was I trying to look like a kids tv presenter?
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(2.23) Why do we decide on a post break up haircut?
(4.38) Denial
(6.04) Rationalisation
(6.44) Sublimation
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It’s tempting to think that we should always be moving forward, that we must forever be making progress, no matter how slowly. And there is a lot of truth in that. Our defence mechanisms can tempt us to avoid looking at our behaviour with the promise that by continuing to move forward we will get to the promised land – whatever that might look like for us.
In this episode I’ll be inviting you to consider what defence mechanisms might have come out to play for you over the festive period and what they might be telling you. Roland Rat, Tufty the Squirrel (remember him?!) and A1 all join us along the way. What’s not to enjoy?
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(1.22) No “new year, new me”
(3.00) How did you feel when the OOO went on?
(4.24) Denial
(7.54) Regression
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Why do we feel alive around some people and like we’ve been through the wringer when we are around others? What’s going on for us when some people lift us up and with others we can feel as if it’s they have dropped us from a great height? In this episode I’m exploring what’s going on from a psychodynamic perspective when we take on the energy of other people and consider ways that we can manage this so that we can feel better.
Along the way we’ll meet the Grinch, the Dementors from Harry Potter, James Bond and Stan Wawrinka. Now that would be a night out…
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(1.02) Feeling like the Grinch
(4.07) Recollections may vary
(5.12) Transference
(8.34) Projection
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How do we feel when someone makes a comment about us? There are probably times when we can brush it off and not think about it again, and there are others where we end up ruminating over it for days afterwards. But what’s going on in the making of these comments? Are they just as innocuous as the person who made them (possibly) believes? Or is there something deeper at play here?
In this episode I put these comments under the psychodynamic spotlight to see if we can understand what is happening. We take a trip to Waltons’ mountain and learn why these days I’m more likely to be wearing glittery leggings instead of neon fruit print ones. What’s not to enjoy?
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(2.06) The mohair jumper scenario
(4.02) Defence mechanism bingo
(8.43) Awareness is key
(10.40) Setting boundaries
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It’s an easy trap to fall into, thinking we should be brilliant at everything the minute we try it, and then berating ourselves when we aren’t. What’s happening for us when we set ourselves up in this way? What stories are we telling ourselves about where we think we should be?
In this episode I explore the psychodynamics behind the ‘comparisonitis’ and why we can create false narratives around our growth and achievements. We’ll take a trip through reality television shows and Anne Widdecombe will be dancing the light fantastic. What’s not to enjoy?
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(3.38) What imposter syndrome really means
(5.45) Conscious, preconscious and unconscious
(8.34) Projection and projective identification
(9.59) False expectations and ideals
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How do we make sense of our worlds? How do we understand what seems incomprehensible? It’s no surprise to discover that we will create stories and meanings for what happens to us, in order for us to make sense of our worlds. But why do we do this? And is it any good for us?
Find out what Freud has to do with a cotton wheel, learn why you might want to swap Nik Kershaw for Simon le Bon and discover why you will never find me in a trilby hat. There’s a lot going on.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(2.00) Creating meaning for ourselves
(6.24) What is going on here?
(7.25) The Fort/ Da game
(10.05) This week’s invitation
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There’s a million and one different things that distract us in our day to day lives. Just putting this episode together I had to ensure that my phone was away and I had done everything that I needed to before I sat down to work. Why do we do this? Is it just that we live in a very busy world, or could there be some psychodynamic concepts playing into all this?
Join me as I take a trip into the world of distraction, via the Champs-Élysées and my own coaching sessions. We’ll find out exactly who Ricky is, and why did I become Miss Piggy for a moment?
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(4.20) Anna Freud
(5.20) Repression
(6.14) Displacement and Sublimation
(9.20) Reaction Formation
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What’s going on for us when we feel we need to hoover up all the food on the breakfast buffet? Are we being selfish or are there other things at play for us? In this episode I look at hoarding and what might be the psychodynamic reasons for us taking more than we actually need.
Join me as I discover that cabaret at breakfast never disappoints, there wasn’t a great banana shortage of 2024, and that Paddington Bear hard stares don’t work on everyone.
Here are this episode’s highlights:
(3.00) Why do people behave like this?
(3.50) Unconscious meanings
(6.00) Significant loss
(7.35) Compulsion to repeat
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I'm thrilled to welcome another guest to the show today, Rozalyn Willocks. Rozalyn is a Recruitment Director, career coach, mentor, and Amazon bestselling author of Get Your Career Unstuck. She’s here to discuss career transitions and to explore why many of us remain in unfulfilling jobs.
Join us as we discuss all things career related from considering what makes us stay in jobs that leave us unfulfilled to why we no longer have Terry and June style work trajectories.
If you'd like to connect with Rozalyn or learn more about her work, you can reach her here:
Here are the highlights of the episode:
(5.15) Definition of success
(17.24) Rationalisation
(25.20) Workplace Stockholm syndrome
(31.45) Job satisfaction wheel
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Just in time for Halloween I am bringing out a ghosting special. Ghosting is a particularly unkind and unfeeling way of treating people and can be extremely difficult to come to terms with. Not every ghost is friendly like Casper…
In this episode I’m exploring what ghosting is, why it happens and what we can do about it – whether we are the ones being ghosted, or even doing the ghosting ourselves. We’ve also got our old favourite the defence mechanism bingo cards, Maya Angelou and Scooby Doo. It’s a Halloween party not to be missed!
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(1.43) What is ghosting?
(2.29) Why do people ghost?
(6.38) What to do if you’ve been ghosted.
(8.50) What should you do if you are tempted to ghost someone?
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