Discover why many of us dislike work and the underlying factors fueling this sentiment. We delve into David Graeber's perspectives on the mechanisms behind work dissatisfaction and explore his visions for a more promising future.
00:00: Sponsor introduction01:10: Exploring attitudes towards work04:35: Personal experiences with work09:40: New gateways of workplace abuse13:31: The history of U.S. work relations26:46: David Graeber's concept of 'Bullsh*t Jobs'34:51: Modern religious hierarchy and work41:10: Exploring potential improvements in work culture49:34: Credits
#workdissatisfaction #DavidGraeber #Bullsh*tJobs #workculture #workplaceabuse
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I am joined today by fellow YouTuber and Anarchist, Anark. A channel I
have enjoyed for quite some time. Anark is a longtime Anarchist who has
been involved in local organizing for decades. We go into some of the
history of Anarchism, it's differences in relation to other leftist
movements, and how we might build a better, more just, equal and
emancipatory future.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Today I am joined by Adam from Acid Horizon where we talk about the his
time writing Anti-Oculus, a collaborative text from Acid Horizon, and
how he is contending with questions emerging from it. We talk about the
speed and velocity of neoliberalism, digital autonomy, power, and in an
exclusive section his PhD thesis on Max Stirner and some breaks from
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In our information-saturated world, how can we find solutions to emerging challenges? The answer might lie in returning to simplicity, where kindness plays a key role. Join us as we delve into the political philosophy of kindness, examining perspectives that encourage a compassionate approach to societal issues.
00:00:00: Sponsor
00:01:00: I. The Question of Kindness
00:04:30: II. Goffman and Our Sociological State
00:10:21: III. The Systemic Poison of Irony
00:13:14: IV. Society Built Upon Antagonism
00:15:40: V. So, What is the Solution?
00:20:41: VI. Possibilities of a Better World
00:27:31: VII: Credits
#philosophy #kindness #simplicity #sociologicalstate #irony #antagonism
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Explore Giorgio Agamben's profound insights into the intersection of law and life, delving into the ancient Roman paradigm of power and exclusion that continues to influence modern society. Agamben questions whether the rule of law or exceptions define democracy today, offering thought-provoking perspectives that may shape future understanding.
00:00: Introduction: What The State?
02:24: Exploring Modern Political Theory
07:16: Understanding the State of Exception
11:49: Concept of Homo Sacer and Bare Life
15:00: Examining Force-of-Law
18:05: Society as Concentration Camps
26:30: Credits and Closing Remarks
#GiorgioAgamben #HomoSacer #StateofException #law #moderndemocracy #politicaltheory #power #exclusion
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Analyzing Trump from the perspective of political theory and philosophy is difficult. We attempt to do so here.
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Explore the historical evolution of punishment and its sociological impacts, as discussed in Foucault's work. Join us with special guest Will from @AcidHorizon, delving into concepts like panopticism and the transformation of social control.
0:00: Changing Cultural Relations Today
2:11: Historical Punishment and The Body
7:44: Newer Gentler Punishment
9:54: Panopticism
15:55: Our Hidden Agency
17:13: Credits
#Foucault #DisciplineandPunish #Historyofpunishment #Panopticism #Sociologicalimpacts
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Delve into the often overlooked realm of Native American Philosophy, with a focus on its unique perspectives of self. Discover how these ideas contrast and relate to Western philosophical concepts. Learn about V.F. Cordova's insights and explore key aspects of Indigenous philosophy.
00:00: Introduction to non-Western philosophical perspectives.
7:18: Understanding the dissolution of traditional categories.
11:16: Exploration of the process of self.
17:35: Insights into Indigenous Monism.
22:34: Discussion on epistemology and domination.
27:12: Conclusion and final message.
#NativeAmericanPhilosophy #conceptsofself #Westernphilosophy #IndigenousMonism #epistemology
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Discover the philosophical insights of Cormac McCarthy, who delves into the darker aspects of humanity through his novels. This episode explores the hidden philosophical themes in McCarthy's works, offering a unique perspective not often found in traditional philosophy. Books discussed include 'Blood Meridian,' 'No Country for Old Men,' 'Suttree,' 'The Passenger,' and 'The Road.' Join us as we examine McCarthy's impact on literature and philosophy.
00:00: Introduction to Cormac McCarthy
06:46: Blood Meridian and Thomas Hobbes' philosophy
10:29: Discussion on The Epilogue
11:49: Exploring themes of Violence & History
16:24: Analyzing the Dream Scene in No Country For Old Men
18:00: The concept of Eternal Recurrence of Violence
21:12: Existentialism in McCarthy's works
23:50: Reality under Reality: McCarthy's narrative style
28:32: Legacy of Cormac McCarthy
#CormacMcCarthy #darkphilosophy #BloodMeridian #NoCountryforOldMen #existentialism #violence #humanity
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Explore Shoshana Zuboff's insightful work on surveillance capitalism and discover digital strategies to safeguard your privacy in today's exploitative digital landscape. Gain practical advice and insights into privacy, agency, and ownership to empower your online presence.
0:00: Introduction and sponsor acknowledgment0:48: Discussion on Privacy, Agency, and Ownership6:10: Exploration of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism13:25: Current state of Surveillance and Digital Exploitation24:06: Strategies and Guide to Fight Back against digital exploitation43:40: Information on Patreon support
#surveillancecapitalism #ShoshanaZuboff #digitalprivacy #onlinesafety #privacystrategies #digitalexploitation
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Artificial intelligence has long been a fixture in society, from Hollywood to technological advancements. Today, AI captivates our imagination and pushes societal boundaries, leading to a deeper exploration of its complexities. Dive into this episode as we unravel the fascinating relationship between AI, fear, and new humanism. We also discuss insights from Isabel Millar's book, 'Psychoanalysis of Artificial Intelligence,' which played a key role in shaping our discussion.
0:00: Introduction
2:46: The Psychoanalysis of A.I.
9:22: Fear, Ideology, and New Theology
23:26: Humanism Amidst Posthumanism
26:46: Ending Message
#ArtificialIntelligence #AIPhilosophy #Humanism #Posthumanism #FearinAI #TechnologicalInnovation #SociologicalImpact #PsychoanalysisofAI
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Delve into the influential work of Max Weber, one of sociology's founding figures, as we explore his seminal text, "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism." This episode examines Weber's revolutionary ideas that reshape the humanities and philosophy, extending their significance to contemporary society. Join us as we summarize his thesis and discuss its far-reaching consequences.
#MaxWeber #ProtestantEthic #SpiritofCapitalism #sociology #humanities #philosophy #contemporarysociety
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New podcast featuring the political philosophy YouTuber 1Dime. There's so many topics we talk about in this, it's impossible to list them all. From the advent of contemporary populism, "post-leftism", and some modern monetary theory.
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Delve into the transformative impact of neoliberalism in the 21st century as we explore cultural theories from Mark Fisher to Byung-Chul Han. This episode examines how our evolving socioeconomic and political environments necessitate a fresh analysis. Discover insights on Psychopolitics and The Burnout Society, with special thanks to @ThenNow for contributing his voice.
0:00: Introduction
1:38: Marking and History of Neoliberalism
5:53: Transition from Biopolitics to Psychopolitics
10:16: Exploring the Violence of Positivity
13:55: Discussion on Excess
16:34: Insights into The Burnout Society
23:56: Concluding Message
#neoliberalism #culturaltheory #Byung-ChulHan #Psychopolitics #BurnoutSociety #socioeconomicenvironments #politicalanalysis
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Dive into the metaphysical and linguistic layers of the game 'Stray.' This episode explores how 'Stray' pushes narrative boundaries and raises intriguing philosophical questions. Discover how Deleuze's 'Difference and Repetition' plays a role in this unique narrative approach.
0:00: Introduction to Stray, the Video Game2:30: Connecting Language and Metaphysics8:33: Exploring Difference and Repetition12:20: Analyzing the Philosophy of Stray20:30: Closing Remarks and Thanks
#Stray #Deleuze #DifferenceandRepetition #philosophy #metaphysics #narrative
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Dive into the transformative critique of modernity with Nietzsche's 'The Genealogy of Morality.' Explore how Nietzsche's ideas signal the end of modernism and shape postmodern thought. Unravel the philosophical underpinnings that question traditional moral values.
#Nietzsche #GenealogyofMorality #postmodernism #modernity #philosophy #moralvalues
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Discover how Ernst Bloch's philosophy offers a vision of hope for a better world. Join us for an in-depth exploration into Bloch's ideas, with special contributions from Jon, highlighting key interpretations of Bloch's work. Understand the transformative power of hope and its relevance in today's world.
0:00: Introduction to the episode.1:35: Discussing the importance of hope in times of catastrophe.6:15: Exploring Ernst Bloch's role as a philosopher of hope.10:43: Delving into the concept of hope and the 'Not-Yet'.17:14: Analyzing hope within the dialectics of history.23:42: Examining the relationship between hope, politics, Marxism, and utopia.27:50: Strategies for preserving hope amidst widespread cynicism.31:56: Conclusion of the discussion.
#ErnstBloch #PhilosophyofHope #Marxism #Utopia #Dialectics #Not-Yet #Transformation #Catastrophe
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Discover how the film 'Don't Look Up' smartly critiques late capitalism by delving into its structural issues beyond hedonism and ignorance. Learn how it uses satire as a lens to examine the political economy and cultural dynamics. This discussion is inspired by Zizek's views on ideology and mass cynical unacceptance. Join the conversation about one of the most thought-provoking movies.
0:00: Introduction to the episode and its themes.4:22: Exploration of the history and emergence of late capitalism.11:54: Discussion on postmodern systems and their impact on subjects.28:52: Analysis of art as an affective experience and existential exploration.34:10: Concluding message and reflections.
#Don'tLookUp #latecapitalism #satire #politicaleconomy #Zizek #ideology #hedonism #culture
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Discover how Jesus of Nazareth transcends his role as a historical figure to embody a lived experience, echoing themes from the Cynic school of thought in Ancient Greece. Delve into the impact of Jesus on Western civilization's history, exploring the intersections of humanity, history, and philosophy.
00:00: Introduction
02:55: Humanity, History and Lived Experience
11:55: Jesus and Cynic Philosophy
15:44: Ascetic Life-Affirmation and the Demand of Everything
19:48: A Message
#JesusofNazareth #CynicPhilosophy #Westerncivilization #livedexperience #AncientGreece
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In the past few decades we have seen an increasingly rightward tilt towards liberalism that has culminated in a general decline of liberalism proper. We often forget about the aim of genuine emancipation within liberal frameworks. This begs another question, where are we going? Aaron Ross Powell, a former libertarian think tanker and current podcast host of Re-imagining Liberty joins me to discuss more.
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