
  • In this episode, you are in for a treat! đŸ€© I sit down with special guest Sheri. She’s a food relationship coach that helps women heal their relationship with food, and most importantly THEMSELVES so that they can quit their binge-restrict cycles and find lasting food freedom and THRIVE in life.


    She is a wealth of knowledge, and I take full advantage of that to bring you all things:

    ✅food relationships


    ✅cultivating a holistic approach that’s actually going to WORK this time

    ✅picking the right coach for you

    ✅keys & quick tips to stop binge eating

    ✅understanding your urges, and how to reduce them quickly, AND for the long run

     So if any of that sounds good, then this ep is a must listen!


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • What you’re doing might not actually be in alignment with what you want your body to look like
 and that’s what today’s episode is all about. The 3 BIGGEST mistakes I see when people are trying to achieve a toned physique.


    So if you want to look freakin’ FIT AF, you want to build muscle, and get lean, but all the things you’re doing is driving you crazy, and you’re seeing seeing no results, especially for the amount of effort you’re putting in, and if you want toned glutes, a snatched waist, a firm lean body, and to do all of that without calorie counting so that you can actually see real sustainable change in your body, then this episode is for you.



    When people don’t look like they work out, they’ll typically focus on lowering their calories, and doing more exercise, but it doesn’t work, and they get confused as to why.


    They often think they need to lower their calories even MORE, but this completely destroys their relationship with food, and they start questioning everything they put in their mouth.


    “Am I eating too much?” “Will eating this make me gain fat?” etc...


    If you’re here you might be

    📉avoiding family dinners

    📉so food focused and fixated on calories

    📉unable to enjoy times with friends


because if you don’t, you’re probably worried you might undo your progress, and you are scared you might gain weight, especially after all the hard work you put in to try to get to where you are now with your body.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

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  • What if a calorie deficit WASN’T the fastest way to reaching your body goals?


    What if all this time you’ve been focusing on trying to eat low calories, and burn calories with your exercise, when that’s actually taking you FURTHER AWAY from your goals?! đŸ˜± For some people, that is absolutely a reality!


    So if you’re someone who’s thinking about food all the freaking time, then you’ve probably been:

    đŸ„Źtracking every single calorie you eat, down to the last lettuce leaf,

    đŸ„Źand the second you can’t track the calories (for example when you eat out) you either won’t eat it at all, OR you’ll eat it anyways, and then beat yourself up for it.


    You might even be making up rules and restrictions about when you should and shouldn’t eat, like:

    📉“I’ve had such a big breakfast, I should have a small lunch”

    📉“I’ve already had a piece of bread for breakfast, so I can’t have any for lunch”

    📉“I’ve already eaten too much today”


    And you’re probably even comparing your food to other people’s saying things to yourself like:

    đŸ˜±â€œOMG how can I eat so much more than those people? I must be over-eating”


    If you’re doing 1 or more of these things I’ll bet you’re still not happy with your body composition, despite your best efforts!


    That’s why in this episode, we’re breaking down 8 signs you actually need to stop eating in a calorie deficit if you want to reach your body goals.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • There’s a HUGE misconception out there that I’ve been seeing all over my TikTok comments, and that’s that people think that:


    “If you just lose weight, you’re gonna get a toned body”


    I want to challenge that challenge that, because I did that! I lost 10kg and I was still not happy with my body because I STILL didn’t look TONED.


    And I know this is not everyone’s goal, but for the girls want a perky butt, beautiful toned arms, and a snatched waist, you do need to be doing the right exercise and eating in the right way to achieve that.


    If you just want to lose a bit of weight, feel good, and have more energy, that’s a COMPLETELY different conversation


but if you’re in the other boat like ME and you want your body to look a certain way, then your exercise, nutrition & mindset need to be in alignment with that.


    If you’re

    đŸ’ȘShowing up consistently exercising 5x a week and eating under 1400 calories

    đŸ’ȘHitting step count, always closing rings on your watch

    đŸ’ȘEat really well eat healthy, and always stick to your calorie targets

    đŸ« yet you don’t look toned/ your body doesn’t reflect the effort you’re putting in


    If you’re already showing up, wouldn’t you want a method that ACTUALLY works? Because for a lot of people that’s all it comes down to in the end. So in this episode, I’m going to show you how to ACTUALLY go from skinny fat to toned, and finally be freakin’ confident in your body SUSTAINABLY, ie. FOR LIFE, instead of for a couple of weeks.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • When people don't see results with their bodies, typically the FIRST conclusion they jump to is that their NUTRITION is the problem. This might be true in some cases, but in A LOT of cases, it's actually their exercise. 


    Specifically, how they STRUCTURE their exercise. And look, if you're just trying to move your body to get the health benefits of exercise, and you don't have a body goal, then this episode is NOT for you...but if you want a perky butt, a snatched waist, and toned arms, and you're:


    showing up almost DAILY with your exercise and nutrition,

    thinking the more exercise you do, the faster you'll reach your goals,

    focused on getting sweaty fat burning workouts, and burning as many calories as you can

    feeling guilty when you have a rest day,


    yet you DON'T look like you work out, this episode is going to help you figure out whether your exercise is the problem, AND going to give you tangible tips you can implement that will allow you to get the most out of your exercise routine so that you ACTUALLY see results towards your toning goals 😎. 


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • Just because your Pilates instructor looks super lean & toned, doesn't mean that if YOU do Pilates, you will also have that body. âŹ‡ïž

    Just because someone looks the way they do in that specific moment, doesn’t mean what they're currently doing is how they got there! 


    This is a huge trap I see so many people fall into. You only have to take 1 look at your TikTok For You Page, or a Google search, and in 30 seconds you're already bombarded with 1000 different versions of:

    “I lost weight when I started doing X"...

    Whether it's pilates, "hot girl walks", hot yoga, cardio, or whatever, it's easy to start wondering:

    "should I be doing this? What should I do to get the body I want?"


    Chances are that NO. No it's not what you should be doing. SO that's why in this episode I break down in detail the science behind how I'm personally setting up my nutrition, exercise and mindset to build my best body in 2024, so you can get a much deeper understanding how to achieve any sort of body composition goal for YOURSELF. ALSO, it's going to show you that you DON'T have to keep dropping your calories lower and lower and lower to get the body you want, and there is a much better way! ✹


    And again, just because I’m doing this doesn’t meant mean you should be doing this. The point of this episode is to show you HOW I'm achieving MY goal, so you can set up your nutrition, exercise and mindset to achieve YOURS.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • 42% of girls are already thinking about losing weight in primary school đŸ˜±

    50-70% of girls are not satisfied with certain parts of their bodies by the time they reach middle school.


    How's THAT for some terrifying stats?!


    I think it's safe to say poor body image is a pandemic, and culturally, and socially, especially via social media, the world is constantly perpetuating the notion of the "perfect body"...Tall, thin, big breasts, and a big butt. This image of the perfect body can be an extremely powerful, destructive force in our lives. 


    That's why in this episode we are joined by the lovely Sigi. She's a seasoned health and mindset coach, and eating psychology practitioner, and been a health & fitness coach since 2014. She's an absolute wealth of knowledge, and specialises in the body image and mindset space, and so today we dive deep into body image!


    how to improve your body image,what to do when you’re stuck in a comparison loop,and what to do when you’re stuck in the negative self-talk spiral,how to overcome fear of weight gain, so that you can eat more and fuel your body correctly

    and practical things that you can do with your nutrition, exercise and mindset starting TODAY to break free from these vicious cycles/ debilitating thought processes, and improve your body image, so that you can actually start seeing some consistent positive change in your body.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • In this episode I sit down with psychologist (and former client!) Kim Edwards. We had an amazing conversation about the missing piece that SO many women are missing when it comes to reaching their physique goals, which is their SELF-WORTH.


    Having negative self-talk, a low self-esteem or a low self-worth a low sense of self-worth can REALLY put the brakes on your body goals more than ANY exercise or nutrition strategy ever could, and that's why in this episode we dive deep into WHY that is, as well as giving you tangible tips on how you can improve your self-talk, which in turn will help you with your body goals!

    I hope this episode sheds light onto, and brings into awareness something you may not have been aware of (A.K.A. a BLIND SPOT!) that might be blocking you from reaching your body goals. 


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • I used to be ADDICTED to MyFitnessPal. đŸ˜±

    I'd set my target at 1500 a day... and that was it! I HAD to reach those numbers every single day...


    On the days I'd eat under 1500 I'd be SO proud and happy with myself...

    but on the days I went over was an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. 🎱 I'd be DEVASTATED, and promise myself I'd restrict my calories further/eat even less the next day.


    At the time I didn’t know what I was doing. Using a random calculator here, a randome piece of advice there. I was stuck in a cycle of always being a calorie deficit, because I was always trying to lose weight. 


    Because I was always trying so hard to stick to a number in MFP, I completely lost touch with my body. It destroyed my relationship with food, and I started looking at food as just numbers...


    In this episode I take you through my journey, and how I broke free from from my MyFitnessPal addiction, in hopes it makes you think about your own relationship with tracking, and potentially help you beat yours! ❀



    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • A few years ago I was doing ALLLL the right things with my nutrition and exercise...

    I was showing up with my exercise daily

    I was eating in a calorie deficit.

    I was cutting out food that would undo my progress

    I was skipping meals and social events out to stay on track


    but STILL, I had nothing to show for it in terms of body composition results... something was missing.



    That's the reason that today, when it comes to nutrition & exercise I preach a 50/50 approach. You need to be fuelling your body correctly and you need the exercise routine that tones and sculpts your body. But that's JUST 50% of it!

    What's the other 50, then, you might ask?


    In this episode I take you through how I learned about the other 50% the HARD way.


    What it is might surprise you when you listen, because it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with my lack of willpower or discipline...but it changed the game completely for me.


    ...and that’s why I want to share this with you because I know for a lot of you willpower and discipline is not your problem either, and hopefully I can shed some light on something you haven't been aware of up to this point, so that it can change the game for you too!



    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • Strap in for a raw & honest conversation! 


    I sat down with fellow exercise physiologist Karla Bosnar. We had a beautiful conversation about Karla's journey, and her struggles with her body, food & with exercise, and how she overcame them.


    Karla shares her struggles with her body image for 10 years, which lead her down a dark path of trying diet after diet, detoxes, restrictions, and 8 week challenges, gaining weight and losing it again, constantly ending back where she started, each diet becoming harder and harder to maintain, all the way up to a full blown eating disorder.


    NOW, on the other side of it, she's a changed woman. She's a mother of 2 AND business owner, AND SHE'S NEVER LOOKED BETTER! Karla is a PERFECT example of just what you are capable of if you are willing to do the work!


    So how did she do it? FIND OUT in this episode.

    Karla's page:


    P.S. I'm dropping the juice on exactly how to go from skinny-fat to toned. What you need to do with your nutrition, your exercise and most importantly your MINDSET so that you can eat more, & look better!

    It’s absolutely free, and it’s happening next week, on the 4th of April, so if you want in, so if you want clarity on what you need to do to achieve your dream body in 2024, click the link below


    P.S.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:  


  • As you can see by the title of this episode, it is the SECOND part in my 30 lessons from 30 years series. This episode is going to be a flow on from the last episode, so if you haven’t listened to that I highly suggest you go and listen to that one first, because otherwise this one won’t make much sense to you.


    For lessons 16 - 30, I've included gems and principles that apply BOTH specifically to nutrition & exercise, as well as ones that apply to nutrition & exercise AS WELL as other areas of life. 


    As I said last week, there was a version of me that was so shy, and scared of most things, but I'm so proud of the person I've become after overcoming all of this, because there is NO WAY the old version of me would:

    be sitting here even recording this podcast for yoube running a successful online businesseven still have a fiancĂ©e (I was a LOT to handle 😅)


    A lot of the lessons have come from the last 5 years of my life, where I have gone all-in on my personal development. This one's a full-on rollercoaster going super deep, revealing huge personal struggles and breakthroughs, all the way through to simple tips that just make your life a bit better 😉. I share with you the lessons I’ve learned, the main thing I’ve taken out of it, why it was important to me, the main takeaway, and how it has rippled into other areas of my life!


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • I turned 30 this month, and to celebrate that, I decided to share with you the 30 biggest lessons I've learned to date. 🎉


    I think this might have been one of my favourite episodes to plan and record! When I sat down to plan this episode I reflected on everything I've learned up to this point, when it comes to nutrition, and exercise, but especially LIFE, and I found SO MUCH.


    There was a version of me that was so shy, and scared of most things, but I'm so proud of the person I've become after overcoming all of this, because there is NO WAY the old version of me would:

    be sitting here even recording this podcast for yoube running a successful online businesseven still have a fiancĂ©e (I was a LOT to handle 😅)


    A lot of the lessons have come from the last 5 years of my life, where I have gone all-in on my personal development. This one's a full-on rollercoaster going super deep, revealing huge personal struggles and breakthroughs, all the way through to simple tips that just make your life a bit better 😉. I share with you the lessons I’ve learned, the main thing I’ve taken out of it, why it was important to me, the main takeaway, and how it has rippled into other areas of my life!


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • This week I'm brining on special guest Robyn Shaw.

    Robyn has over 7 years of experience as an online coach, and it was SO great having this conversation with her, because we have so many aligned values when it comes to nutrition & exercise!


    She mentions this beautiful quote which I totally align with, and it's consequently exactly what I teach all the girls in the Fit & Free Academy as well.:


    "I LIVE in the grey area when it comes to exercise & nutrition" 


    How to live in that grey area pretty much sums up what this entire episode is about. What does it mean?

    It means finding that perfect balance between losing weight and toning up consistently AND also just living life, enjoying foods you love, and not being miserable, stressing about food & your body all the time, so that you can create an environment that allows you to stay in a calorie deficit for long enough to actually see the results you want.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • Let me tell you a little story about a woman I knew a few years ago. Picture this:

    She sits down for breakfast and have the same thing she has most days. Half an hour to an hour later, she's hungry again, thinking to herself: "I just ate a big meal, WHY do I need to eat more right now? I don't even WANT to eat more, because if I do it'll just ruin my progress..."

     ...but there's a part of her that's just so freaking hungry she can't handle it anymore. So she tried to eat some low calorie rice cakes, with powdered peanut butter...

    30 minutes later, she's STILL hungry and STILL not satisfied...đŸ«  She tried to wait until 12 o clock so that she can push out her calories until lunch time, so that she doesn't end up over for the day.

    For lunch, she has a big portion of protein, with HEAPS of vegetables, thinking "the more vegetables I eat, the more it'll fill me up, and I'll be full and satisfied, and I can go on with my day. 

    30 minute after lunch she's hungry AGAIN...At this point she just can't handle it anymore, and starts eating everything she's forbidden herself to eat. Chocolate, sweets, cakes, pizza, pasta, you get the picture.

    Now she feels TERRIBLE about herself...Ashamed, could she be so undisciplined and lose control like that? Undoing all of her progress? 

    She KNOWS she's gone over her cals for the day, so she decides she HAS to do a second workout today to compensate for the extra calories she ate....

    If any of this woman's story just resonated with you...if you feel freaking stressed about counting every last calorie you eat in MyFitnessPal, or if you feel so guilty any time you go over your calories for the day, and even though you know you WANT to stick to your calories, because you WANT to reach your body goals, for some reason you just keep going over your calories for the day/week/month...

    THEN don’t worry, because this episode has got YOU covered 😉


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • I'm willing to bet 80% (if not more!) of women have been here at SOME point:

    Trying to use EXERCISE to compensate for food that they ate.

    Maybe you're trying to stick to a certain calorie target, or maybe you're just trying to use the calories you're burning with exercise to put you in a further calorie deficit, so that you can see weight loss/fat loss results in your body faster.

    In this episode I tell you WHY this is an INEFFECTIVE, and often even COUNTERPRODUCTIVE strategy, and dive into my story around coming to this realisation years ago. 

    We'll go through the long-term health risks of not changing this mistake, and what you CAN do to see results faster instead 😉.

    So if any of this resonates with you, come join me this week and give this one a listen!


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • In this episode we build upon the previous one titled "How to eat out guilt free, without impacting your body goals",  but instead of talking about the biggest mistakes women are making around this topic, we go more in depth on WHY the food guilt is happening in the first place. Because as soon as you figure out WHY you've got a certain problem, it puts all the power back in your court, giving you the opportunity to change it easily.


    So if you've ever said something like this to yourself:

    đŸ«  "I can’t go to the restaurant because they use too much oil"

    đŸ«  "I can’t eat at my friends house because I don’t know how many calories are in the foods, so I can’t track it"

    đŸ«  "I can’t go out with the girls, because they’re going for Italian, and Pizza has too many carbs which has too many calories, which is going to undo all my progress."


    ...then first of all you're probably STILL unhappy with your body, so you KNOW this strategy isn't working, and something has to change. I'll explain the root cause of WHY that is, and give you the first steps to STOPPING it, so that you can finally see results with your body that ACTUALLY stick around.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:

  • Ever felt like eating out just un-does all your weight loss progress when it comes to your body goals? 

    Ever wonder if it would be possible to eat out, enjoy drinks on the weekend, and go on holidays without worrying about how it was going to affect your body? Then THIS ONE'S FOR YOU.

    In this episode I go through my experience with this, I talk through some of the biggest mistakes I see women making when it comes to this, and how I learned how to do eat out without impacting my physique, so that you can do it TOO. 


    LIVE Masterclass link HERE

  • If you've ever felt like your body was different, like your metabolism is just slower, or getting the body you want simply isn't possible for you, like maybe YOU'RE THE PROBLEM, then keep reading 👇

    There was a version of me that didn't believe  I was EVER going to be able to get a body I was proud of.

    I was never the smallest girl in school

    This carried on into adulthood, where I started to believe that maybe my body was different...that maybe I was just big boned, or had too slow of a metabolism, because no matter what I tried, nothing was working for me.


    For AGES the ONLY way I knew how to see results was through cutting my calories low, being super restrictive, eat super clean, and do as much cardio and HIIT as I could, and I STILL wasn't seeing the results I wanted. This only strengthened the belief that IT WAS ME. I was the problem.


    So if you can relate to any of this message, then this episode is absolutely for you, because I'm going to show you exactly why this is happening to you, AND exactly how getting the body you want IS possible for YOU.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:


  • There is a BIG chance if you're in my world that you have this blind spot.

    "I need to lose weight/be in a calorie deficit to get the body I want"

    If you've ever said this or thought this to yourself, I recommend listening in closely to this episode to see how this might apply to you, because it could be the VERY thing that is STOPPING you from actually getting the body that you want.


    P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:

    P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz: