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旧青年街垒是由三个来自苏南县城但不幸流落世界各地的旧青年创立的podcast,这三人分别是在瑞典斯德哥尔摩艰苦奋斗的Officer Li, 位于北美湾区的非典型程序员一横以及在苏南县城坚守阵地的民间艺术家烤肉。
做Podcast的念头最早来源于学校社团。2017年,同为摇滚青年的Officer Li和一横于社团公众号上开启了一档以夹带私货的乐评闻名的新栏目,名为反声(Anti-Voice)。反声之名取自哈利波特中的的巫师小报《唱唱反调》(The Quibbler)以及美国朋克乐队反旗(Anti-Flag),然而在用完社团储备人才库(6人以及场外嘉宾烤肉)后,反声就此终结,而Officer Li在反声某期中承诺的电台也被搁置。幸运的是,期间Officer Li通过一横结识了烤肉,经过长达数年的酝酿及拖延,终于决定于2021年12月13日重启podcast计划。
街垒来自于歌曲《到街垒去》,其也反应了我们三人的基本立场:反对一切形式的压迫。我们希望在某种程度上进行有意义的讨论,并以podcast为载体在我们的听众和外部世界的喧嚣中筑起一道街垒,借此重建与我们一样的“旧”青年之间的连接。 -
Welcome to the Sustainability Speaks podcast, where Anastasia and Saskia chat with innovative entrepreneurs and businesses about sustainability, business strategy, finance, science, politics, fashion, diet and everything in between!
More of Sustainability Speaks: -
A storytelling platform for individuals from all walks of life - tune in to enjoy a moment of meditation and listen to enlightening discussions from our wonderful guests!
請您進來聽一聽不同嘉賓的故事與成長經歷,希望能對您們有所啓發。 😊
Website 網站:
Instagram: (@echohk_org)
Email 電郵: [email protected] -
Call or text us now at +1 415-910-4278 to talk with Eva! We love to hear from you
Our podcast features 100% original sex stories from a variety of authors. Our manager Hannah accepts quality erotic story submissions from amateur authors and holds story contests for contributors. We offer a huge selection of adult fantasies to choose from, and are always on the lookout for new and exciting ideas. We encourage you to contact us with any comments or suggestions on how we can make this sexy sleep story collection more pleasurable for you. Have fun and enjoy yourselves at -
SustainaPod is a podcast that delves into various sustainability stories across different sectors. Each episode will put youth in direct dialogue with leading sustainability professionals, thinkers, activists and more. We explain each topic with the experienced guest and help listeners understand more about the diverse components (or should we say ‘pods’!) of sustainability today for young people.
The Community Constituency Covid-19 Front (Covid-19 aims to provide a hub of information and contacts for distribution and engagement through our members across the country.
The Community Constituency Covid-19 Front was established as a formal advisory body to facilitate the participation of civil society sectors and networks, including those represented in the national response and implementations of Community-Based Measures in response to the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19). -