In celebration of the 1st World Day of Glaciers Néfur offers a Global Sound Meditation with the sounds of glaciers she recorded in Iceland for people from all over the world to listen to glaciers' direct voices.
In this episode, Marcela Fernández, Cymene Howe and Néfur introduce you to some of the endangered or already disappeared glaciers of the world, and Néfur takes you on a listening journey to open your heart to receive the voices of glaciers in combination with her voice.
For a powerful experience, during the sound meditation part of this episode we recommend you close your eyes and use headphones.
The Glaciers we introduced and invited into the meditation are:
Anderson Glacier (United States)
Pico Humbolt (Venezuela)
Monte Perdido & Aneto (Spain)
Hofsjökull (Iceland)
Santa Isabel (Colombia)
You can find all of their stories in the Global Glacier Casualty List
Episode hosted by Néfur in collaboration with activist and NGO founder Marcela Fernández from Cumbres Blancas Colombia and climate anthropologist Cymene Howe from Rice University and Global Glacier Casualty List.
In recent years, singer, composer & sound-artist Néfur has recorded the sounds of Icelandic glaciers, has sung with them and listened with them, while also creating original compositions, performances, workshops and meditative sound journeys uniting her voice to the ones of glaciers.
A reflection on a missing key in the climate conversation.Join us on the Global Glacier Sound Meditation on the 22nd of March in celebration of the 1st World Day of Glaciers.Info & Free registration at: recorded music made with the sounds of Icelandic Glaciers, The Egg and The Human, part of my upcoming album The Water, The Lover:nefur.bandcamp.comTrailer of my Live Performative Concert The Water, The Lover: me on Instagram @nefurmusic
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In preparation for the Global Glacier Sound Meditation that I am offering in celebration of the 1st World Day of Glaciers in collaboration with Cumbres Blancas, I had an inspirational conversation with Marcela Fernández, the founder of this movement that is inspiring people around the world, one country at a time, to join forces to take action for glaciers and their ecosystems from multidisciplinary angles.
From our conversation sprouts a mutual understanding of glaciers as living beings with capacity to communicate to us, humans.
Glaciers speak to all of us through metaphor - ‘glaciers melting want us to understand that we need to melt frozen emotions’ - and through unconditional love - ‘glaciers are melting so we can wake up’.
And then I wonder, once more, who is ready to listen? When did we lose the connection with the sacred ice that is the source of water that is vital to life?
Both Marcela and I know that now is time for action, time to build connections and make kin with glaciers.
We are one of the last generations that has the opportunity to rebuild the bridge to the heart of glaciers.
It is time for legacy, time to get to know the glaciers, honour them for what they are and create something together with them that passes on their memory to the future generations.
As a starting point, we ask you: Do you know if your country has glaciers?
On the 22nd of March, you will be able to connect with a glacier through listening to glaciers' vibration and sound. We are looking forward to welcome you to the Global Glacier Sound Meditation on the 22nd of March, in celebration of the 1st World Day of Glaciers.
Register for free to join the
Global Glacier Sound Meditation here:
Other relevant links:
We are in the age of magic -says writer Andri Magnason-, we are doing rain dances in the hope that our words and our music will spread around the planet and influence our behaviour, our laws, our creativity, our consumption… in a way that we will harm the glaciers less or even save them.
Writer Andri Snaer Magnason has the power to stir your imagination to infinite corners of thought and thread them together in a train of clear, intelligible ideas.
Composer and singer Néfur has the power to give voice to glaciers, singing the memories of water through her music and providing a deep, embodied, transcendent experience to her audiences.
How old would you be if you were to measure your age in relation to the receding of glaciers?
Could a Japanese butoh dancer move at the speed glaciers are melting today?
What does the union and rebalance of feminine and masculine have to do with healing the Earth?
In what ways have Andri and Néfur experienced Ok, the first Icelandic lost glacier?
In this inspiring chat, Andri and Néfur hope that their rain dances will contribute to a better collective care of glaciers and the bodies of water of this planet.
Andri Magnason book On Time and Water:
Néfur's project The Water, The Lover:
Purchase The Egg on Bandcamp:
Welcome to the first collaborative podcast episode of The Glacier's Song :)
Here you've got an unmissable inspiring chat with my friend and collaborator Yin Cheng-Kokott, explorer of the body, erotic power and ancestry from many angles.
Don't miss on the living archive of our laughter when Yin and I first connected in Berlin. It will be contagious, and it may be what we need right now.
According to Píndola Estés, "laughter is a hidden side of women's sexuality, it is physical, elemental, passionate, vitalising, and therefore arousing. It is a sexuality that does not have a goal, as does genital arousal. It is a sexuality of joy, just for the moment, a true sensual love that flies free and lives and dies and live again on its own energy. It is sacred because it is so healing. It is sensual for it awakens the body and the emotions It is sexual because it is exciting and causes waves of pleasure. It is a woman's wildest sexuality.
Books we mention:
"Woman who run with the wolves" by Clarissa Píndola Estés (essay)
"The uses of the erotic" by Audre Lorde (essay)
"Parable of the sower" by Octavia Butler (novel)
"The festival of Serpents" by Sarojini Naidu (poem)
The Egg, my first single made in collaboration with Icelandic glaciers will be released the 15th November.
Pre-save it now on Spotify here to help The Egg to reach a wider audience. thank you!!!
In the context of the current tragedy of floods in Spain, I decided to make available for everyone this sound journey, with the intention to be useful for anyone who might need a moment of serenity, inner peace, grief, prayer, processing and transmuting the feelings of collective rage and sadness.
Originally, this sound journey was recorded as part of the Mermaid Sound Session for the New Moon in Scorpio for the members of my Leap of Fire - Activate your creative power program, on the 1st of November 2024.
In Mermaid Sound Sessions, I create an intuitive, improvisation-based sound journey combining my voice with the sounds of nature I recorded around the world.
Mermaid Sound Sessions combine sound journeys with New Moon manifestation practice through journaling prompts and astrological insights. The sound journey has the purpose of helping you feel the emotions in the body and enter the frequency field of co-creation for your life and art.
Instagram: @nefurmusic
In this second part of 'How does a glacier sound like?' I invite you to travel with me to Falljökull, Jökulsárlon and Diamond Beach, Seljalandfoss waterfall and Ok, the lost glacier. Jump on to this audio journey into Iceland water bodies based on glaciers and discover their fascinating sounds, which I used to produce my upcoming album The Water, The Lover :)
Related recommended episodes:
9. How does a glacier sound like? (Part I)
10. Walking meditation with Ok, the lost glacier
4. Love overflow. Surrender, love is a waterfall
8. Nine minutes of intuitive singing with Langjökull Glacier
My Instagram:
My offers based on voice, sound healing & astrology:
Last weekend in Iceland, people walked in procession to Ok, the first Icelandic glacier to be lost due to climate change. A range of events took place to raise awareness of glaciers melting around the world.
I couldn't be there although I would have loved to. I hiked Ok in 2021 as part of my project to listen, sing and record with glaciers, and it was one of the most transformational experiences of my life.
Who I am now and everything I do is impregnated of the Ok, which told me about surrendering, pleasure, the feminine. The glacier told me about a climate activism from the heart and from the womb, from the joy and the excitement.
Maybe, like me, you could not attend the procession to the glacier, but you would like to connect with this being.
Here is an invitation for a walking meditation together to Ok, in which you will listen to my steps into the snow and my breathing into its air as I hiked to it the 29th October 2021. You are invited to go walking with me and Ok for 15 minutes, wherever you are in the world.
Glaciers are guardians of water and guardians of life in this planet. When a glacier like Ok dies, we become the guardians and the messengers of their spirits.
Mentioned in this episode:
Writer Andri Snaer Magnason
My Instagram:
Taking you on a journey to the glaciers! Are you ready? Come with me to the glaciers of Iceland, feel their landscapes and listen to their sounds through the lens of my experience recording and singing with them in 2021.
In this episode I am taking you to Snafellsjökull and Solheimajökull, the first two glaciers I met, recorded and sang with. Discover how does a glacier sound like from the waves of its nearby ocean to the ice particles melting underwater on a glacier lagoon.
In a second part episode we will continue to Falljökull (part of Vatnajökull, Jokulsarlon, Diamond Beach and Ok, the lost glacier.
Mentioning on the episode
Instagram: @nefurmusic
Mermaid Sound Sessions
Sounds of You
This episode is to stir up your imagination and ask you, through a collective vocal performance with Snaefellsjökull Glacier in Iceland, if you can imagine glaciers, rivers and forests as representatives of nations: as Presidents. I am proudly part of a campaign happening right now in Iceland to nominate Snaefellsjoküll glacier for President. How would it feel that each country votes for a glacier, river, sea or forest for President, establishing in reciprocity special attention, love, protection & guardianship? Sometimes we complain about our reality but we do not dare to imagine new solutions. Are you a dreamer? Do you dare? If you've got Icelandic citizenship you can now nominate Snafellsjokull Glacier at, until 26th April
To get to know more on the campaign:
Work further with your imagination to make possible the life of your dreams with my Mermaid Sound Sessions. Open to new possibilities through soothing and empowering sound journeys:
My instagram: @nefurmusic
Listen and follow my music on Spotify:
Tens dret a la teua expressió única i lliure. Tens dret a la teua creativitat. Tens dret a la teua veu. Tens dret a anar més enllà. Tens dret a satisfer els desitjos del teu cor.
Moltes vegades tot això no és fàcil deugt al condicionament social i educatie que hem rebut.
Però quan algú creu radicalment en tu i sap què ets capaç d'aconseguir, tu també hi comences a creure, aquest algú t'impulsa suaument cap endavant i llavors saltes i desplegues les ales.
Ovella o Lloba? Descobreix què inspira i configura cada arquetip psicològic d'estos dos animals. Des de quin arquetip t'expresses, perceps i crees la teua realitat?
Mencionat a l'episodi:
Uneix-te la comunitat INSTINT
Preu especial fins al 28 de Gener
Llibre Women who run with the wolves / Mujeres que corren con lobos de Clarissa Píndola Estés
Podcast 'Fair Folk' de Danica Boyce / February almanac @danica.boyce
Podcast 'El Coraje de Ser tú' de Nora Navarro @nora.visions
Instagram Vicente Méndez @vivir_es_un_arte
Instagram Agustina Brun @soyagus_chamanika
El meu instagram: @nefurmusic
Estaré molt agraïda de que em comenteu com l'heu rebut i de que el compartiu si us ha agradat :)
Listen to this episode with headphones, close your eyes and relax :)
There are no words in this episode, just intuitive, soothing singing recorded on Langjökull glacier (Iceland) in April 2023.
My memory of performing intuitive singing in Langjökull glacier is one of articulating brushstrokes of sound in the midst of the most majestic and pure silence.
Listening to the live recording taken through sensitive microphones, I realised that recording even in the most remote, quiet landscapes on Earth, there is always the emergence of a distant buzz of motorised human activity, at some point.
Still, I hope this intuitive melody in the glacier and with her felt silence caresses you, gives you warmth and embraces you with Mother Earth and the mysteries of our existence.
I would love to hear how does it make you feel.
Wishing you a very happy 2024
Spotify Artist Profile:
Newsletter sign up:
Langjökull Song:
Vocal performance by Néfur
Sound by Francesco Fabris and Néfur
En aquest episodi en català parlo de la brúixola interna del desig o de l'instint, que ens guia amb autoritat interna a partir de l'energia sexual i de com integrar aquesta energia femenina en el nostre dia a dia, en una societat on impera la competitivitat, el fer, l'aconseguir i el guanyar.
Segueix-me a instagram @nefurmusic
Escolta la meva música a
Afegeix-te al meu butlletí a
It is from alchemising darkness that we reach the light.
Let yourself be whispered along about a journey into self-love and confidence, about finding strength in vulnerability, about the power of pleasure and its role in healing the Earth and about the glorious feeling of love overflow that makes me feel I finally arrived home within my soul.
Let yourself explore your own definition of love.
I hope you find it inspiring.
Materials mentioned in the episode:
Book - Free Play by Stephen Nachmanovitch
Poem - Sex without love by Sharon Olds
My instagram: @nefurmusic
My music on Spotify:
My YouTube channel:
Subscribe to my newsletter on:
Bodies of fire and bodies of water share an endless dance that shapes the land. Volcanoes are under most glaciers in Iceland, and sometimes they open up the Earth surface with tongues of fire giving birth to new land, like the new volcanic eruption in Fagradalsfjall, Litli Hrútur, from which I am talking to you in this episode.
In this episode of The glacier's song and my journey into exploring the intersections with nature, sound and the erotic, I invite you to feel all the alive matter beneath your feet, all that is made of earth, water and fire that supports you and nourishes you on this planet. I share some volcanic poetry and I reflect into stepping into our feminine energy -regardless of our gender- and trusting our time and the time of the Earth, like a flower does.
My instagram
My music
My YouTube channel
with love,
The connection between nature, sound and the erotic is something I am exploring both in my life and in my new music. In this episode, recorded next to a waterfall in East Iceland, I unveil my own definitions of the erotic as personal and collective power. You will also dive into the sensuality of the sounds of water through poetry and listening to the stream that was behind me while recording this episode.
Find more about me and my creative process on IG @nefurmusic
Listen here to my improvised song with Langjökull Glacier
In the first episode of The Glacier's Song, Néfur unveils the story of The Singer who Dreamed with a Glacier, how she -a singer that grew up in an isolated Delta in the Mediterranean Sea- came to meet and listen to the glaciers of Iceland to make music with them. What is the important message that the glaciers shared with her?
The Singer who Dreamed with a Glacier story is a creative way in which I tell you my own personal story, as an introduction to this podcast.
Here's some links mentioned in the episode:
The Sensual Nature of Silence - An Improvised Song with Langjökull Glacier (I) by Néfur:
Néfur's released music on Spotify:
Find me and connect on instagram @nefurmusic
Thanks a lot for listening!
with love,