
  • Hi, Do you have a question for us? Ask away!

    In this thoughtful Mailbox episode, Justine and Gemma respond to a listener’s heartfelt question about navigating the confusion between green flags and subtle red flags in a relationship. 'Laura', the listener, describes her experience dating a man who seemed like a wonderful partner—kind, attentive, successful, and emotionally vulnerable. However, despite these positive qualities, Laura noticed subtle signs of emotional detachment and avoidance that left her questioning whether she was overreacting or misinterpreting the situation.

    Gemma and Justine guide 'Laura' through the process of recognizing that what she saw as subtle red flags were, in fact, pretty significant signs of deeper issues. They discuss how behaviors like rushing into intimacy, oversharing trauma early on, and withdrawing during difficult conversations are often clear markers of emotional unavailability. These red flags can be easily overlooked when our schemas—particularly abandonment or anxious attachment schemas—get in the way, making us doubt our instincts or take too much responsibility for relationship challenges.

    Gemma and Justine emphasize that Laura’s experience is a common one, especially for those whose schemas may cloud their ability to accurately assess a partner’s behavior. They offer practical advice on how to trust your instincts, stay attuned to how you feel in a relationship, and avoid the trap of self-blame when things don’t seem to add up.

    Topics discussed:

    Emotional vulnerability vs. trauma bonding: Understanding when vulnerability feels meaningful versus when it’s used to create a quick emotional connection that isn’t sustainable.Rushing intimacy: Why too much attention or time too quickly can signal unmet emotional needs in the other person, rather than a healthy, steady connection.Emotional withdrawal: How detachment during sex, lack of affection, or avoidance of difficult topics are often red flags for emotional unavailability—even when a partner seems attentive in other areas.The role of schemas: How an abandonment schema can lead to self-doubt, causing us to overlook or minimize important warning signs.Balancing green and red flags: Why even a relationship filled with positive traits can be problematic if subtle, but significant, red flags are undermining emotional intimacy and trust.

    This episode is essential listening for anyone navigating the complexities of dating, especially if you're finding it difficult to interpret mixed signals. Justine and Gemma remind us that trusting your gut and recognizing your schemas can help you make clearer, more empowered decisions in relationships.

    Reach out to us by email if you are interested in our new exciting group coaching program "Date Differently".

    Information about private coaching with Dr Gemma or Dr Justine email us: [email protected]

    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.

    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.

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    In this episode, Gemma & Justine dive into a listener's question that touches on the emotional impact of casual sex, particularly for those who struggle with an abandonment schema. Using a listener’s experience with one-night stands and emotional triggers, we explore how unresolved attachment wounds can complicate what is often thought of as a carefree encounter. They discuss why casual sex may not feel so casual for individuals with abandonment wounds and offer insights into why emotional responses can be heightened in these situations.

    Key Takeaways:

    Emotional Attachment During Casual Sex: Even if the intent is to keep things casual, those with an abandonment schema often experience deep emotional responses, which can make casual sex far more complicated.The Role of Childhood Trauma: Unmet emotional needs from childhood, such as parental abandonment or lack of care, can resurface during intimate encounters, leading to feelings of vulnerability or sadness.Understanding the Schema’s Influence: Individuals with an abandonment schema may unconsciously seek emotional connection and validation during casual encounters, despite knowing logically that the interaction is meant to be non-committal.Navigating "Situationships": Long-term casual sexual relationships may develop emotional attachments, further reinforcing feelings of rejection and abandonment when the other partner doesn’t reciprocate deeper connection.Healing and Moving Forward: Gemma and Justine encourage setting boundaries and communicating needs clearly, while also doing the inner work to heal the wounded child. This helps avoid reinforcing harmful emotional patterns and promotes healthier relationships.

    Tips for Listeners:

    Recognize Your Emotional Needs: If casual sex leaves you feeling hurt or triggered, it’s essential to acknowledge the role your abandonment schema may be playing.Be Honest With Yourself: Are you hoping for something more from your partner? It’s crucial to recognize when you’re longing for a deeper emotional connection that the other person may not be able to provide.Set Clear Boundaries: If casual sex is not working for you emotionally, it might be time to reassess your boundaries and be upfront about what you want from your relationships.Focus on Healing: Work on healing your core abandonment wounds through therapy or self-reflection to reduce vulnerability in intimate situations.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Schema Therapy and Abandonment Wound HealingPrevious episodes on dating and the abandonment schema (Parts 1 & 2)Join the conversation on Instagram: @theredflagprojectofficialVisit our websites: |

    Stay Connected: Subscribe to the podcast for more insightful conversations about relationships, emotional healing, and overcoming personal barriers.

    Information about private therapy/coaching with Dr Gemma or Dr Justine email us: [email protected]

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    In this episode, we unpack the complexities of the entitlement schema—a schema that's often linked to narcissistic traits and one that rarely brings individuals to therapy. Unlike schemas like abandonment or self-sacrifice, those with an entitlement schema often believe their way of thinking is justified, which makes it hard to seek change. We explore how this schema is formed, how it manifests in relationships, and what it takes for someone to recognize and work on it. This episode is particularly useful for those in relationships with someone exhibiting entitlement or for parents wanting to avoid fostering this trait in their children.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Entitlement Schema Basics:Entitlement schema involves a belief that one’s needs and desires trump others, often without consideration for reciprocity.Unlike other schemas, those with entitlement often don’t recognize it as a problem, making it difficult for them to seek help.Connection to Narcissism:The entitlement schema is closely linked to narcissism, with individuals often displaying a lack of empathy, grandiosity, and demanding behavior.People with this schema rarely self-reflect and are usually satisfied with their approach to life, making therapy engagement rare.Two Main Origins of Entitlement:Overindulgence in Childhood: Children who grow up without learning limits or consequences may develop a sense of entitlement.Overcompensation for Emotional Deprivation: Those who felt unseen or neglected may overcompensate by developing an entitlement schema to meet their unmet needs in adulthood.Entitlement in Relationships:Entitlement can cause significant strain in relationships, often pairing with someone who feels under-entitled or self-sacrificing.These dynamics lead to an imbalance, with the entitled partner often making decisions unilaterally and disregarding the needs of others.Challenges in Therapy:People with an entitlement schema may only seek therapy when their relationships are on the rocks or they are losing important connections.Therapy focuses on building rapport and slowly confronting the entitlement through empathic confrontation, helping the person recognize the impact of their behavior.How to Recognize Entitlement in a Partner:Lack of empathy or curiosity about your needs.Always prioritizing their own desires and making decisions without consultation.Low tolerance for frustration, impulsivity, or demanding behavior.Managing Entitlement in Relationships:Establishing clear boundaries is key, but can lead to pushback or anger from the entitled partner.Partners often feel like they need to subjugate their own needs, which can lead to long-term resentment and emotional exhaustion.

    Takeaway Message: Recognizing and addressing entitlement in relationships is challenging but necessary. It requires both partners to work on understanding schemas and finding healthier ways to communicate and meet each other’s needs. For those with an entitlement schema, change is possible, but it takes time, empathy, and a willingness to confront deep-seated patterns.

    Information about private therapy/coaching with Dr Gemma or Dr Justine email us: [email protected]

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    Episode Summary:
    Dr Gemma Gladstone and Justine Corry dive into the Failure Schema, a schema that is often overlooked but can be profoundly impactful in many areas of life, particularly in achievement and work-related contexts. They explore how this schema manifests, its origins, and how it often intertwines with other schemas such as defectiveness, dependence, and even unrelenting standards.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding the Failure Schema: The Failure Schema is a pervasive belief that one is destined to fail or is inherently inadequate, especially when compared to others. It often surfaces in academic, career, and achievement-related areas.Origins and Development: This schema may develop from childhood experiences such as being labeled as "slow," having learning difficulties, or growing up with unrealistic expectations from parents. It can also be linked to feeling inadequate compared to siblings or peers.Coping Styles: The failure schema can lead to various coping behaviors, including avoidance (not trying new things due to fear of failure), surrender (believing fully in the schema and setting low standards for oneself), and overcompensation (attempting to prove the schema wrong by setting unrealistic goals).Self-Sabotage: One of the most significant ways the failure schema manifests is through self-sabotage, where individuals might avoid challenges, procrastinate, or engage in behaviors that ensure they fail, thus reinforcing the schema.Interrelation with Other Schemas: The failure schema often does not exist in isolation. It may be accompanied by schemas like defectiveness (feeling inherently flawed) or unrelenting standards (setting impossibly high standards to avoid failure).

    Practical Advice:

    Challenge the Schema: Start by identifying the origins of your failure schema. Reflect on past experiences that may have contributed to its development and consider alternative explanations for these experiences.Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway: Overcoming the failure schema requires pushing through the fear of failure and taking risks. Setting achievable goals and gradually exposing yourself to new challenges can help shift this deep-seated belief.Break the Cycle: Recognize the coping behaviors that reinforce the failure schema and actively work to change them. Whether it's avoidance, surrender, or overcompensation, addressing these patterns is key to overcoming the schema.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.

    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Information about private therapy/coaching with Gemma or Justine email us: [email protected]

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    Episode Summary: In this episode, Gemma Gladstone tackles a listener's question about break-up recovery and the elusive concept of closure. Drawing from her extensive experience as a therapist over the last 25 years, she provides practical advice on healing after a painful breakup, what to do and what not to do as well as managing lingering feelings.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to Listener's Question:A listener, referred to as "Lisa," shares her experience of a difficult breakup with a partner who exhibited love-bombing behavior.Lisa is conflicted about seeking closure by expressing her feelings to her ex versus moving on without further contact.Understanding Love Bombing:Gemma explains the dynamics of love bombing and its association with narcissistic traits.The importance of recognizing red flags early in relationships.Healing Tips Post-Breakup:No Contact Rule: Avoid all forms of contact with the ex-partner, including social media, to facilitate healing.Avoid Rumination: Recognize and interrupt patterns of overthinking and counterfactual thinking to prevent emotional stagnation.Validate Your Emotions: Acknowledge and accept your feelings of grief and sadness as a natural part of the healing process.Mindfulness and Self-Compassion:Techniques to become aware of and manage unhelpful thoughts.The role of self-compassion in validating and soothing your emotional pain.Avoiding Rebound Relationships:The dangers of jumping into new relationships or casual encounters too soon.The importance of self-reflection and understanding personal patterns before starting a new relationship.The Concept of Closure:Differentiating between seeking resolution and seeking closure.Understanding that closure often involves needing something from the other person, which may not always be possible.The importance of finding closure within oneself rather than relying on external validation or apologies.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The Red Flag Project: A comprehensive course on identifying and understanding red flags in relationships. For more information, visit


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.

    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Information about private therapy/coaching with Gemma or Justine email us: [email protected]

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    Schema Circle Membership - Join Now!

    Information about private therapy/coaching with Gemma or Justine email us: [email protected]

    In today's episode, Gemma explores the impact of Defensiveness on relationships, its root causes, and practical steps to overcome it.

    Key Points:

    Defensive Phrases:Common examples: "It's not my fault," "You always," "You never," "You're overreacting."Recognize these as signs of defensiveness.Impact on Relationships:Defensiveness is a relationship killer, identified by John and Julie Gottman as one of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."High levels of defensiveness can predict relationship breakup and divorce.Triggers and Responses:Often triggered by low to medium-level criticisms or requests from a partner.Immediate emotional responses include feelings of threat, anger, and injustice.Behavioral Patterns:Refusing to acknowledge wrongdoing.Redirecting blame or overly justifying actions.Counterattacking or withdrawing.Underlying Causes:Common schemas involved: defectiveness, emotional deprivation, mistrust, subjugation.Often stems from childhood experiences with critical or narcissistic parents.Steps to Overcome Defensiveness:Reflect on defensive incidents when calm.Identify triggers and feelings.Recognize the part of yourself you're defending.Acknowledge and validate your vulnerable inner child.Reassure the defensive part of you that you're now an adult and safe.Practice responding calmly and reasonably.Practical Exercise:Sit quietly and recall a recent defensive episode.Identify your reaction and underlying feelings.Visualize a conversation with your inner child and defender.Reassure them and imagine a healthier response in future interactions.

    Conclusion: Defensiveness is common but can be managed with self-awareness and compassionate inner dialogue. Reflect, identify triggers, and practice calm responses to improve relationship dynamics.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.

    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.

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    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!
    Schema Circle Membership - Join Now!

    Reparenting is at the heart of schema therapy and you can learn how to do it yourself.
    In this episode Gemma and Justine discuss how to start reparenting yourself and provide several practical suggestions for how to get started. Reparenting is central to psychological and schema healing. The more you practice, the easier it gets and the psychologically integrated and connected you will feel.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.

    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.

    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

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    Get the Free Guide on Breaking the toxic ties of Narcissistic parents

    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!
    Schema Circle Membership - Join Now!

    In this episode Gemma discusses what puts people at risk of having narcissistic friends. What are some of the schemas that play a role in this? What can you do if you realise that you have 1 too many self-absorbed people in your life? It can feel demoralizing and you might feel like giving up. Gemma then discusses ways for taking care of yourself and increasing your social contact with others.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.

    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.

    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

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    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!
    Schema Circle Membership - Join Now!

    In this episode Gemma and Justine go back to basics and take a deep-dive into what is a schema or an Early Maladaptive Schema to be precise. This episode will provide you with the basics of what you need to know if you're wanting to understand schemas more thoroughly or are perhaps confused about the concept and can't quite grasp it. Hope you enjoy the episode!


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.

    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.

    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

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    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    Today we share a clip from our "Schema In Focus" series in our Schema Circle Membership.
    Gemma and Justine discuss this schema in-depth, including its origins, what it feels like, how it is typically triggered and other things to look out for with this schema.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.

    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

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    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    In today's episode Gemma discusses the invisible reasons why so many women find it hard to leave an unhealthy relationship EARLY. Based on her experience and knowledge gained from hearing the stories of hundred's of women, Gemma outlines her top 3 schema-related reasons why women don't exit relationships with partners who shows signs of unavailability, control and or narcissism.
    Tune in to find out why you may have gone against your best instincts and hung in there too long hoping for your new partner to change.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.

    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

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    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    In today's episode we play an excerpt from a deep dive discussion on the abandonment schema from our monthly membership program, The Schema Circle.
    We discuss the abandonment schema and fine tune it's origins, what it actually feels like and the many triggers for this schema.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.

    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.

    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    We talk about this so much with our clients. Sometimes spotting red flags isn't the problem, its acting on them for your own best interests. In today's episode we discuss the main reasons why you might ignore red flags when dating. We look at the role of core schemas such as 'abandonment', 'emotional deprivation' and 'defectiveness' and how these schema can negatively influence our decision making. We think you'll enjoy this one if you have ever struggled with leaving a new relationship even though one part of you knew it wasn't right for you. Hope you enjoy.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from love-traps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.


    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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    When a schema is triggered, we typically have an urge to respond in 1 of 3 (unhelpful) ways. In this episode Gemma talks about 'over-compensation' as one of those coping style.

    Over-compensation (also referred to a counter-attack) is one of 3 maladaptive coping styles discussed in schema therapy.

    Gemma reviews examples of over-compensation behaviours associated with each of the 18 schemas (in the original schema model).


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from lovetraps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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    Dear Therapist, Carer or anyone witnessing the emotional pain & suffering of a client or another person or friend. You are invited to take a breath, stop and notice how you are feeling. Spend 20 minutes doing this compassion-based exercise with Dr Gemma Gladstone as she guides you through a journey of loving-kindness towards both yourself and the person you are choosing to focus on.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from lovetraps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

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    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    Parenting Teenagers

    You'll love this episode if you're looking for tips and clues for parenting your teen or tween.

    In this episode we discuss a question asked by a member of our Schema Circle. The questions asks how to manage and deal with teenagers when they are being "disrespectful" difficult and or angry and you are in the firing line!

    How can we be the "Lighthouse" for our teens and give them the love , support and inclusion that they need while also having limits and boundaries.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from lovetraps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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  • Hi, Do you have a question for us? Ask away!

    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    In this episode, Gemma and Justine answer a question from one of their Schema Circle members.

    The question asks how can we know if our reaction to a break-up is fuelled by an abandonment schema or not? Before getting into this question, Gemma provides a review of the abandonment schema, it's origin and how it tends to play out in romantic relationships.

    The 3 ways this schema plays out in romantic relationships are (1) - an avoidance pattern; (2) - a surrendering pattern and (3) - an over-compensating pattern. Gemma gives examples and explains each of these patterns.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from lovetraps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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  • Hi, Do you have a question for us? Ask away!

    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from lovetraps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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  • Hi, Do you have a question for us? Ask away!

    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    In this episode, we discuss the emotional deprivation schema and how to start to heal this schema from the inside out.

    This is probably the most common schema - about 50% of people have this schema. It's the one that can be the hardest to recognise because we are often not aware of what we didn't get.

    Stay tuned to hear us discuss how we start to work with this schema and what you can do in a practical way to start the healing process yourself.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from lovetraps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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  • Hi, Do you have a question for us? Ask away!

    Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

    Are you unsure about the difference between these 2 common schemas.

    In this bitesize episode we discuss the difference and similarities between these schemas. These schemas are often considered to be 'conditional' schemas in that they develop as a way to cope with and respond to the core schemas - like abandonment for example.


    The Red Flag Project: a place for women to do the self-development they need to choose loving, respectful relationships.



    Click the link below to find out more about our online dating course, our course on schema chemistry and how to break free from lovetraps and our online membership The Schema Circle.


    Schema Therapy for Life: For anyone who wants to become their own pattern-breaker using the wisdom and clarity of Schema Therapy.



    Click below for more information on our online membership The Schema Circle - the first membership to help you break free from your unhelpful patterns using the wisdom of Schema Therapy.



    The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

    If you enjoy listening to the podcast please do leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts - even a few words helps! You can also email us with any feedback, thoughts on what you have learned from the episodes or even suggest future topics.

    Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

    Are you a regular listener who loves what we do on this podcast? If so, would you consider helping us continue to put out great content by making a small monthly contribution? If you'd like to help support the show please click the link below.

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