
  • It sounds ridiculous, but despite the face value of the dictum "physician, heal thyself" doctors need primary care too! In this episode, Health In Harlem's Reid Vero sits with Dr. Moe Selb to talk about his visit to his primary care physician and how to optimize your visit to your primary care provider. Learn why primary care is not only lifesaving, but also a vital part of longevity and living a healthy life.

    Weill Cornell- Optimizing Your Care-

    5 Steps to Optimize Your Doctor's Visit by Dr. Zoe McMillen of LifeScape Premier-

    The Importance of Primary Care- The Economist-

  • Amidst the miracles of modern medicine that we see in semaglutide, endovascular therapies for stroke, and pandemic ending vaccines, there is one that has been largely overlooked in our day-to-day discourse on what is hot and what is not on the health news scene. LiveOnNY is a non-for-profit organization whose mission is to provide the logistics and infrastructure needed to coordinate successful organ and tissue donation in New york State. In this episode, we sat down with Mr. Leonard Achan, CEO of LiveOnNY to learn about this amazing organization and how we can all save and improve lives through organ and tissue donation.

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  • We are in the midst of a weight loss revolution, and it's not thanks to your local quack-doctor or health guru. Semaglutide, a glucagon like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1) agonist, is approved by the FDA for weight loss and has been all over the mainstream and social media as a miracle drug that millions are turning to to shed excess weight. But where did this medicine come from and what is the science, and even the risks behind it? That is the topic for this episode of Health In Harlem. As always, we welcome your questions and comments and we hope that you learn from our program and the only thing we ask is that you share what you learn with anyone that will listen. Harlem (aka people of the World), take care of yourself.

    Frontiers in Endocrinology: The Discovery and Development of Liraglutide and Semaglutide

    Associated Press: New Guidance: Use Drugs, Surgery Early for Obesity in Kids

    New England Journal of Medicine- Weight and Health

    New England Journal of Medicine- When Weight Impacts Health

    Pediatrics: Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Obesity

    The New York Times: Ozempic Can Cause Major Weight Loss. What Happens When You Stop Taking It?

  • Alt milk? as strange as this term sounds, it's largely true as many plant-based milks are not simply substitutes to dairy milk (especially when comparing the nutritional profiles of dairy and plant-based milks). In this episode we give you the low down on the history, production, pros and cons of plant-based milks and how you might use them in pursuit of your health goals. Also, check out the resources below for more background information regarding this program. As always, the only thing we ask s that you share what you learn with anyone that will listen. Harlem, take care of yourself.

    U.S. News and World Report: Which Kind of Milk is Healthiest?

    Cleveland Clinic: What You Need to Know When Choosing Milk and Milk Alternatives

    New York Times: Are Plant Milks Good for You?

    New York Times: I’m Lactose Intolerant, What’s the Best Nondairy Milk Alternative?

    Which Alternative Milk is Best for the Environment

    Meta-Analysis; Soy Intake and Breast Cancer Risk

    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public health Blog Site: The Nutrition Source- Milk

    Prevalence of Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA)

    Food Manufacturing: Exploring the Growth of Plant-based Milk,East%20in%20the%2013th%20century.

  • Got (soy, almond, rice, cashew, oat, etc.) milk? Considering the varieties and the various pros and cons associated with each, choosing which milk (or milk-like beverage) to drink can be harder than making a decision which car insurance to purchase. Well, Health In Harlem is here to help you sort through the madness and decide which milk or milk-alternative is the best for you. This two-part series will start with the ins and outs of dairy milk and next week we will discuss the various plant-based alternatives out there and compare and contrast them to their dairy counterparts. Please check out the links below to learn more and be sure to hit us up with any questions, comments, or concerns. As always, Harlem, take care of yourself.

    U.S. News and World Report: Which Kind of Milk is Healthiest?

    Cleveland Clinic: What You Need to Know When Choosing Milk and Milk Alternatives

    New York Times: Are Plant Milks Good for You?

    New York Times: I’m Lactose Intolerant, What’s the Best Nondairy Milk Alternative?

    Which Alternative Milk is Best for the Environment

  • It's 2023 and while the year is still new, there are many of us who have already reneged on one or more of our resolutions. But no need for sorrow or disappointment as the Health In Harlem team is here to get you back on your path to success! In this episode, Dr. Maurice Selby, Reid Vero, and Anastasia Deda share their resolutions from last year and discuss their ups and downs and their reasons for success and/or failure in pursuit of their goals. Then we flip the script and apply lessons from last year to optimize success and flourish in 2023! Please see the links below for more information and to kick this year off the right way.

    Psychology Today: The Practice and Habit of Happiness by Jeffrey Davis

    NPR: Time is Fleeting. Here's how to stay on track with New Years' goals

    The Atlantic: New Years' Resolutions That Will Actually Lead to Happiness

    Red Cross: CPR Certification Class

  • On Sunday September 18, 2022, in an interview on 60 Minutes President Joseph R. Biden declared "the pandemic is over." While some experts (mainly epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists) would disagree with the President's assessment, it's kind of hard to say he is flat out wrong. We are in a very different place as the rates of COVID had been falling for weeks before recently plateauing along with hospitalizations and deaths from the illness. Things have certainly gotten better. But the fact remains that SARS-CoV-2 is still out there, and if the pattern for the last two years holds up, we'll be seeing surges of cases this Fall and Winter season. Thus, on Health In Harlem this week, we have a cozy chat about the bivalent vaccines/boosters that will be paramount in preventing severe illness and death as well as decreasing the economic and social burden of the disease. While you listen in, check out the resources below to learn more about recent COVID guidelines, vaccine information, and a vaccine eligibility tool! Enjoy and as always, Harlem, take care of yourself."

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC Streamlines COVID-19 Guidance to help the public better protect themselves and understand their risk

    Centers for Disease Control and prevention: The Update on “Up to Date”

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID Vaccine Eligibility Tool

  • It is no surprise that a the distribution and consumption of probiotics has grown multi-billion dollar industry. Spurred by breakthroughs in understanding of the way the human microbiome impacts our health and wellness, it seems like a sure bet that the consumption of beneficial microorganism will contribute to improved health and wellness. However, there are many indications that the science is unsettled. In this episode of Health In Harlem we are joined by Dr. Pieter Cohen, Associate Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and Director of the Supplement Research Program and Dr. Daniel Merenstein, Professor of Family Medicine at the Georgetown University and an expert in probiotics that has recruited more than 2000 patients for clinical trials involving probiotics. So, are probiotics for you and are they the key to you living the healthiest life possible, listen in to find out.

    National Institutes of Health: Probiotics Fact Sheet

    The New York Times: What are the Benefits of Probiotics?

    The New york Times: The Problem with Probiotics

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Regulatory Oversight and Safety of Probiotic Use

  • We on Health In Harlem are fans of enjoying the sun and getting those vitamin D levels up, but we are also very aware that scorched skin is no fun. July is UV Safety Month and that is because as ubiquitous as the sun is, the damage it causes is just as widespread. In this episode we discuss the danger of UV radiation and deliver the information you need to stay safe while enjoying the best that Summer has to offer. As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns about the program, please hit us up on our message board or via our social media pages.

    UV Safety Sources

    Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology: Ten-year Follow-Up of Persons with Sun-damaged Skin Associated with Subsequent Development of Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    Summit Medical Group Blog: UV Safety Month 2022

    Wirecutter (The New York Times): Lots of People Apply Sunscreen Wrong: Here’s How to Do It Right

  • With more than 40,000 procedures performed in 2020 and a 90% increase in the number of procedures performed between 2015 and 2019, the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)- aka buttocks augmentation or gluteal augmentation- is among the most popular cosmetic surgeries. But buyer beware, as it is also the most deadly. In this episode, the Health In Harlem team is joined by Doris Hansen, a Surgical Physician Assistant working in plastic and cosmetic surgery sits with us to discuss the ins and out of this procedure and how to select the right surgeon to get the job done. Please be sure to leave your questions and comments and we will be sure to answer them as best we can. As always, Harlem, take care of yourself.

    *The price range for BBLs mentioned in the show varies according to the location, surgical practice, practitioner and can even vary state-to-state. The price in the United States can range from $3000 to $30,000 and does not always include the costs of aftercare and other supplies, garments, medications, etc. that will be necessary to ensure success of the procedure. Please read the resources below to learn more.

    American Society of Plastic Surgery: How Do I Choose a Surgeon for Buttock Enhancement?

    American Board of Cosmetic Surgery: Are Brazilian Butt Lifts Safe?

    Harper's Bazaar: Just How Dangerous is a Brazilian Butt Lift?,anywhere%20from%20%243%2C000%20to%20%2430%2C000.

    The New York Times: Brazilian Butt lifts Surge, Despite Risks

    Vox: The $5000 Quest for the Perfect Butt

    American Board of Cosmetic Surgery: Cosmetic Vs. Plastic Surgery

  • No matter your politics, religious beliefs, income level, Facebook status, everyone can agree that It's hot as heck right now! All across the United States (and around the World), the heat is almost unbearable as a heat wave has lead to record high temperatures and we are undoubtedly paying a price (other than high energy costs). There are literally people losing their lives to heat-related illness and the Health In Harlem team is here to say it does not have to be that way. We give you the critical information regarding heat-related illness and the tips and strategies to stay cool and above all else, stay healthy. Please hit us up with any questions or concerns on our message board and as always, enjoy the show!

    Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators: Heat-related deaths,set%20shown%20in%20Figure%201.

    NYC Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

    NYC.Gov Cooling centers:

    Cool It! NYC Parks map

  • The bad news is that there is another viral pathogen floating around out there! The good news is that the premier public health agency in the world is on the case and working actively to contain the spread of the virus. In this episode of Health In Harlem, we discuss the specifics of this outbreak as well as the work done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to surveil emerging infectious diseases and prevent the spread of such illness in the United States and around the world. As always, we hope that you learn from our program and please let us know how we can best serve you in future shows!

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Monkeypox in a traveler returning from Nigeria

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Monkeypox Clinical Recognition

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Traveler's Health

  • If there were such a thing as a post-COVID world, this is what I imagine it would feel like. Masks, while optional (and in some establishments, still required), seem to be present on faces in smaller and smaller amounts. Graduation parties and cookouts have resumed, along with concerts, conferences, and conventions. You can even fly maskless again. But the harsh reality is that SARS-CoV-2 is still circulating and there are upwards of 300 Americans dying form the illness each day. With cases and hospitalizations rising throughout the country yet again, some experts are bracing for yet another wave of illness that can again overwhelm our healthcare systems and hobble the economy. In this latest episode of Health In Harlem, we discuss COVID-19 testing, new therapeutics, and more ways in which you can keep yourself and your family safe in the face of this seemingly omnipresent and stubborn virus.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19 Testing

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Use and Care of Masks

    National Institutes of Health: COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

  • It's Spring!!!!! With trees budding and flowers blooming, the world is teeming with life! But amidst the beautiful weather and optimism of nature reborn, there is suffering. Millions of Americans (including some of our very own on Health In Harlem) suffer with seasonal allergies and it can be a challenge getting through each day as the sneezing, coughing, congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc. can be unbearable. In this episode, Dr. Maurice Selby and Reid Vero break down the science behind allergies and hypersensitivity reactions and the things we can do personally, in our homes, and outdoors to reduce symptoms and get the most out of this wonderful time of year.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Allergies and Pollen

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Pollen and Your Health

    Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Allergy Facts and Figures

    Cleveland Clinic: Food Allergies

    Mayo Clinic: Drug Allergy

  • Despite the widespread relaxation of mask mandates and social distancing measures, the SARS-CoV-2 Virus is still circulating amongst us and there are still people dying from the illness. On Health In Harlem we too agree that it is time to move forward, but living life with abandon and not acknowledging the fact that COVID still kills will only lead to more unnecessary deaths and more closures, mandates, and restrictions when the virus surges again. Thus we crafted this episode to discuss the best ways of protecting yourself, your family, and friends from SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID Data Tracker

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Use and Care of Masks

  • In observance of World Sleep Day and paying homage to the "children's" classic Go the Fuck to Sleep by Adam Mansbach, our title for this episode says it all; get some sleep! The health implications of sleep disruption and sleep deprivation are real and can lead to not just poor quality of life and mental health challenges, but possibly serious disability and even death from myriad chronic diseases. In this episode we discuss everything from why we sleep to strategies and tips that can allow us to get more regular, restful, quality sleep. As always, rather than be talking heads, we'd much rather engage you all in this conversation thus we look forward to addressing any comments, questions, or concerns you have about our program! Sleep tight (after the program of course 😁)!

    Johns Hopkins Medicine- The Science of Sleep: Understanding What Happens When You Sleep

    World Sleep Society- World Sleep Day

    CNN: Sleep Myths that May Be Keeping You From a Good Night's Sleep

    The New York Times: How to Get a Better Night's Sleep

    The New York Times: The Pandemic Messed With Your Sleep. Here's How to Feel Rested Again

  • Its American Heart Month, and on this episode of Health In Harlem we are going to focus on the "Mind-Heart Connection" as there is more information being learned about how our mental health and cardiovascular health is so intertwined. As we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, social upheaval, looming war, it's easy to feel stressed, anxious, depressed, etc. However that is not the end of the damage being done as the our mood and emotions lead to physiologic changes in our bodies that could be detrimental to our cardiovascular health and long-term health and well-being. With that said, the Health In Harlem team is here to bring awareness to this problem as well as provide realistic tips, strategies and solutions to mitigate stress and other negative emotions and improve our heart health. As always folks, please hit us up with any questions, concerns, or comments about the program.

    American Heart Association: Stress and Heart Health

    Johns Hopkins Medicine: Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Don't Underestimate Stress

    Harvard Health: Mindfulness Can Improve Heart Health

  • It seems we have moved on from the idea that SARS-CoV-2 might someday be eradicated. Rather, it is likely that this will be an endemic disease that we learn to live with indefinitely. While this might sound like admitting defeat, our team on Health In Harlem believe that we can all still triumph and live beyond COVID-19. With lessons from the past and extraordinary advances in scientific knowledge and technology, there will be a day where we can live happy, productive, and safe lives despite SARS-CoV-2 being present amongst us. The best thing is that it might not require much beyond what we have been doing already, just a better understanding of the necessary steps to truly live beyond the fear, anxiety, and isolation that dominated our lives with this virus up to this point. In this episode of Health In Harlem, we outline 5 steps that will be key to living and thriving in a new post-pandemic world.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The Possibility of COVID-19 after Vaccination: Breakthrough Infections

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Your Guide to Masks

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: How to Use Your N95 Respirator

    The New York Times Wire Cutter Magazine: 12 Signs You Have a Fake N95, KN95, or KF94 Mask

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Counterfeit Respirators / Misrepresentation of NIOSH-Approval

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19 Testing: What You Need to Know

    The New York Times: Track Coronavirus Cases in Places Important to You

  • In November 2021, the American Heart Association (AHA) released its latest Dietary Guide to Improve Cardiovascular Health. Gone are the proclamations of the "best diets" and the focus on taking out saturated fats and the preachy 'eat this, not that' ethos. In this most recent set of guidelines, the AHA expands the notions of what is considered a "healthy diet" and discloses 10 features of a heart healthy diet that many people, regardless of their age, gender, race, ethnic background, spiritual beliefs, can follow. In this episode of Health In Harlem we discuss the guidelines and lay out the highlighted features of heart healthy diets. Enjoy folks and please hit us up with any questions, comments or concerns about the show!

    New York Times: Your Heart and Diet: A Heart-Healthy Way to Eat

    American Heart Association: 2021 Dietary Guidance to Improve Cardiovascular Health

    New York Times: 10 Lessons We’ve Learned About Eating Well

    United States Food and Drug Administration: How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label

  • Happy New Year! For much of recorded human history, the start of a new year has been the time to start anew with good habits and lifestyle practices that could lead to future good health and well-being. Unfortunately, the number of people that are successful in realizing their resolution is so low! In this episode, we share with you the things we want to change and improve upon in 2022 and share with you the best evidence-based tips and strategies to optimize the chances of success! I promise you, by the end of this episode, you will be ready to tackle any resolution that you have made with a clear and positive mind and with your future success in mind! Enjoy, best of luck, and we wish everyone much peace, love, and blessings in 2022!

    History Channel: The History of New Year’s Resolutions (Intro)

    Business Insider: A Psychotherapist says there are 3 common reasons so many people’s New Year’s resolutions end in failure (Intro)

    Popular Science: How to Trick Your Brain Into Keeping Your New Year Resolution (Moe)

    Hidden Brain: Creatures of Habit