
  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast is returning soon with new episodes. Here's the complete transcript of this teaser:

    Hey! It's been a minute! I'm reaching out to ask for your input for an upcoming episode of The Heart of Jacks Podcast.

    I'm currently editing a multi-episode piece on “sex positivity” that started over a year ago and was put on a shelf (with the rest of the pod) when my club restarted operations and I got a new job and my music group began live performances again. Those three big things interrupted the HOJ project in a big way… which… you might have noticed.

    AAAAAnyway, I'm now circling back to The Heart of Jacks and this particular episode and it would benefit from a few more voices and that’s where your input comes in.

    Here’s what I’d like you to do, if you’re up for it. I’m going to give you a conversation starter—a few short questions and I’d like you to call The Heart of Jacks phone line and simply respond with your thoughts in a voicemail. You don’t have to answer every question like it’s a quiz. Just listen, mull it over a little and call with your response. If you write it out before you call, that’s fine but absolutely not required. I’d like your feedback to sound spontaneous, honest, just your take on the subject, and it can be just one or two sentences.

    If you were one of the fine folks who contributed to this in the past, you don't need to do it again.

    Now, please don't worry about being perfect. Just consider the questions for a few seconds or a few minutes and then send me your response. Here goes!

    Are you familiar with the term, “sex positive?” Does it mean anything to you? Have you never encountered it or is it a term you or somebody you know uses? Do you have any particular thoughts about what “sex positive” is or isn’t? Is it just jargon or a trend or is it an important idea? How about this: do you have any… feelings or judgements about somebody who casually uses the term, “sex positive?” What does it bring up for you?

    Again, consider all of that as a conversation starter, not the fucking SAT or a job application. Nothing is on the line here and your input is anonymous. I’m going to edit responses to be pretty short, so don’t think about it too much and don’t worry about being perfect. I just want your honest take. Simply consider the subject and send me your thoughts.

    When you’re ready, call The Heart of Jacks phone line at (206) 580-3120. You can also record a voice memo with your smart phone and email that to - And if you really want to contribute but you’re just super shy about using your voice, you can email me your response too. It’s just more likely that I’ll actually use it if you call in and leave voicemail or send me a voice memo.

    If you mess something up, just repeat it. I’ll make you sound good. I really just want to know what YOU think about this thing called “sex positivity.”

    Thank you so much for helping me out with this and for listening to The Heart of Jacks Podcast. I can’t wait to serve up all the good stuff that’s been cooking over the past year… or so.

    I’m Paul Rosenberg.

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast
    Episode #22 - What is "Sex?"
    Guest: Dr. Eric Sprankle
    Released November 29, 2021

    Supported by Patreon at

    Celery, Soccer and Solosex
    Character limitations,
    And getting back to basics

    Segment 1: Paul connects the dots between vegetables, sports and masturbation… but not how you might think.

    Segment 2: Dr. Eric Sprankle returns for a deep dive into the fundamentals of sex. “Fundamentals” as in, what the hell is it? He is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology and Co-Director of the Sexuality Studies program at Minnesota State University, Mankato, as well as a licensed clinical psychologist and an AASECT-certified sex therapist affiliated with the Minnesota Sexual Health Institute. After we chew on what sex gets to be thought of as “sex,” we look at sexual health.

    Email the show:
    Call the show: 206-580-3120
    The Heart of Jacks on Twitter:
    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast at

    Dr. Sprankle Links:
    Scarlet Letters:
    Minnesota State University:

    Mentioned in this podcast:
    3TƎETH (Soundcloud)
    Howard Stern interview with Chris Rock

    Seeking men with experience at JO clubs for interviews!

    If you have a significant experience of masturbation groups, consider being interviewed on The Heart of Jacks Podcast. Just complete this short survey to be considered:

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  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #21 - Coming Out

    Guest: Jallen Rix

    Released July 5, 2021

    Supported by Patreon at

    A six and a half year promise

    The common ground of all LGBT people

    And Jallen Rix on coming out

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    The Heart of Jacks on Twitter: @theheartofjacks

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Jallen Rix Links:

    Jallen’s website

    Jallen’s OnlyFans page (NSFW)

    Jallen on Youtube

    Jallen on Twitter

    Facilitator of Angel City Jacks

    Book: Ex-Gay No Way: Survival and Recovery from Religious Abuse

    Film: Lewd & Lascivious

    Theater: Stake in the Ground

    Music: The Sacred & The Queer by Jallen Rix (1997-10-21)

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Derek DelGaudio’s In & Of Itself (Hulu)

    “Sometimes I Wonder if I’m a Mistake” (Daniel Striped Bear & Lady Aberlin)

    Mister Rogers Neighborhood, episode 1578 (May 6, 1987)

    - - - - -

    Seeking men with experience at JO clubs for interviews!

    If you have a significant experience of masturbation groups, consider being interviewed on The Heart of Jacks Podcast. Just complete this short survey to be considered:

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #20 - The Hero’s Journey

    Guest: Brian McNaught

    Released June 21, 2021

    Supported by Patreon at

    The mellowing of an atheist,

    The best little boy in the world,

    and the hero’s journey

    Brian McNaught has been a pioneering educator on LGBTQ issues since he was fired by the Catholic Church in 1974 for being gay. He’s the author of 11 books, the best known of which are the groundbreaking On Being Gay, Gay Issues in the Workplace, which is now in the Library of Congress, and Sex Camp, required reading in some graduate classes. He’s a columnist, has hosted radio and television programs in Provincetown, has a podcast, has spoken to corporate senior executives around the world AND, he received a lengthy standing ovation from the NSA. Brian now offers most of his books and DVDs free. He’s certified as a sexuality educator, and is in a 45-year relationship with his husband, Ray.

    Paul mentions the Michael Shermer book, "The Believing Brain"

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Tweet at the show: @theheartofjacks

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Brian McNaught website

    Brian on YouTube

    Brian on Facebook


    On Being Gay

    Gay Issues in the Workplace (Library of Congress)

    A Disturbed Peace — Selected Writings of an Irish Catholic Homosexual

    Sex Camp

    The Brian McNaught Resources page (books and videos)


    “Why Do Young Gay Men Try to Be the Best?” article in Psychology Today

    Study Says Brains of Gay Men and Women Are Similar (Scientific American)

    Two Guys and a Dog | Sexual Pleasuring in Our Senior Years (Brian’s column in South Florida Gay News)


    Remembering Jesuit Priest And Anti-War Activist Daniel Berrigan (example of resistance to the Vietnam War by members of the Catholic clergy | NPR - Fresh Air)

    Malcolm Boyd (Wikipedia)

    Are You Running with Me, Jesus? by Malcom Boyd

    Michael McConnell and Jack Baker (Wikipedia)

    Thich Nhat Hanh (Plum Village website)

    Pema Chödrön (Pema Chödrön Foundation website)

    Martin Luther King (The King Center)

    Robert Kennedy (Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights website)

    Harvey Milk (The Official Biography - Milk Foundation)

    Rev. Elder Troy Perry | Profile (LGBTQ Religious Archives Network)

    Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia)

    - - - - -

    Seeking men with experience at JO clubs for interviews!

    If you have a significant experience of masturbation groups, consider being interviewed on The Heart of Jacks Podcast. Just complete this short survey to be considered!

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #19 - Going Under

    Guest: Daniel McGlothlen (part 2)

    Released June 2, 2021

    Listener supported! Find out more and add your support at Patreon.

    Ethics of a 12-year-old boy

    Sticking with the wizards

    And Going Under with Daniel McGlothlen

    Daniel McGlothlen is a bondage performer and photographer, a рornographer, an erotic hypnotist, a sex educator, a sex-positive community organizer and a multi-year Seattle Erotic Art Festival juror. He is the proprietor of, the web platform for his homemade amateur bondage рorn. He lives in Seattle with his husband and their cats.

    This episode is final half of a 2-part interview. In this show, Daniel tells the story of his interest in hypnosis, a skill he came by honestly, and his exploration and development of his current expertise in erotic hypnosis, taking Paul on a tour via an exhibition of “guided gooning” conducted via private Discord server, as well as a demonstration of a pre-installed trigger connecting horniness with math impairment.

    Listen to part 1, The Spicy Factor

    - - - - -


    Twitter: @theheartofjacks

    Call: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Mind Play: A Guide to Erotic Hypnosis by Mark Wiseman

    The Mind Play Study Guide by Mark Wiseman

    Two Hyp Chicks podcast

    Brainwashing by Kathleen Taylor

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #18 - The Spicy Factor

    Guest: Daniel McGlothlen (part 1)

    Released May 31, 2021

    Supported by Patreon at

    Bursting the vanilla bubble

    Finding your spicy star-level

    And talking kink with Daniel McGlothlen

    Daniel McGlothlen. Daniel is a bondage performer and photographer, a рornographer, an erotic hypnotist, a sex educator, a sex-positive community organizer and a multi-year Seattle Erotic Art Festival juror. He is the proprietor of, the web platform for his homemade amateur bondage рorn. He lives in Seattle with his husband and their cats.

    This episode is part 1 of a 2-show interview. In this installment, Paul and Daniel discuss kink, levels of spiciness, the “hot sauce effect” and Rain City Jacks.

    Part two, Going Under, will be posted June 2, 2021.

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    DM the show on Twitter @theheartofjacks

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Bridey Murphy (Wikipedia)

    Past Life Regression Therapy: Encouraging Fantasy

    Rain City Jacks

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #17 - Fourth Monday, May 2021

    Released May 24, 2021

    Supported by Patreon

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Simplify Podcast

    Simplify Podcast Episode 5, Christopher Ryan: Don’t Take Sex So Seriously

    Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jetha

    Rain City Jacks

    New York Jacks

    Music from this Episode

    Monday Again, Frankie Lane with Carl Fischers Orchestra (1948)

    I Could Write a Book, Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians (1941)

    Please Tell Me Now, Billie Holiday (1949)

    Tell Me More, Billie Holiday (1940)

    Memories, Harry Horlick and his Orchestra (1941)

  • There’s a reason why the podcast has taken an occasional hiatus since it’s launch in the fall, and it’s not vacations. I’ve been cagey about it but I’ve decided that it’s time to come clean. Here’s a short, personal history of the last couple of years to serve as a placeholder until the next full episode. Please send your feedback to

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #16 - James Goes to the Jacks

    Guest: James

    Released April 5, 2021

    Supported by listeners like you, patrons through Patreon

    Sorting out the sorting out
    Appearances can be deceiving
    and James goes to the Jacks

    Segment 1: Age is an issue in many places and in some ways, it’s less of an issue in jack-off clubs than in many other places, but it still presents challenges for the members and managers of the Jacks everywhere. Paul has some thoughts.

    Segment 2: James was 24 when he first attended Rain City Jacks. It was also only his second experience having sex with men and remarkably, that was the night he met his current boyfriend, some 5 years ago. At 29, both he and his boyfriend still attend Jacks events regularly. His experience isn’t wildly different from other Jacks members, but it is uniquely his and we get into it together.

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Rain City Jacks

    New York Jacks

    Der Boiler, Berlin

    Gay City, Seattle’s LGBTQ Center


    Hamilton Morris


    Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia

    Standard Ebooks

  • Fourth Monday is a once-monthly alternative to The Heart of Jacks Podcast’s interview format. Fourth Monday will be all Paul shows (no interviews) with a few unique features:

    No AdsLess Editing (more raw, “live” feeling production)Feedback from ListenersShoutouts to SupportersBook Report! (The state of The Heart of Jacks, The History and Culture of Jack-Off Clubs)Coming Up (previews of what’s coming in future episodes)

    All music for Fourth Monday is from public domain recordings of 78 rpm discs.

    Theme music for Fourth Monday is Monday Again, sung by Frankie Lane with Carl Fischer’s Orchestra, recorded in 1948.

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    Support The Heart of Jacks Project! Visit

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #14 - A Tantra Primer with Rick Laska

    Guest: Rick Laska

    Released March 15, 2021

    Sponsored by Woodhull Freedom Foundation at

    Supported by Patreon at

    Barking dogs and garage doors

    Pursuing the bate-life balance

    And a mindful talk about tantra with Rick Laska

    Segment 1: Paul wants to talk to you about your "Bate/Life Balance," how adults who masturbate frequently balance this part of their lives with everything else being a grownup requires of us. It may sound strange, but the extension of our cultural reticence with regard to masturbation can leave people in a "denial/release" cycle of cutting out self-pleasure followed by periods of sacrificing everything else. Paul is looking for guest suggestions to chew on this topic of making healthy self-pleasuring a balanced part of our adult lives.

    Segment 2: Rick Laska is a clinical social worker and certified sex therapist in the Twin Cities Metro Area in Minnesota. He has been involved in the field of sexual health and wellness for over 2 decades. He is passionate about pleasure, intimacy, and connection as well as overcoming the oppressive forces trying to stifle those things. Paul and Rick talk about his path to social work and sex therapy, and dive into the fundamentals of sexual mindfulness and tantra.

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Rick Laska (AASECT profile)

    Rick Laska (Director of Clinical Services, JustUs Health, St. Paul Minnesota)

    Mentioned in this podcast:


    Diana Fosha, PhD

    About Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)

    Esther Perel

    "Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel" (podcast)

    "How’s Work?" (podcast)

    "Rethinking infidelity… a talk for anyone who has ever loved" Esther Perel at TED2015


    "Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the Twenty-First Century" by Barbara Carrellas

    "Tantra for Gay Men" by Bruce Anderson

    "It's Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self" by Hilary Jacobs Hendel

    Sex Education on Netflix

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #13 - True Stories & Sex Clubs with David Quantic

    Guest: David Quantic

    Released March 8, 2021

    Sponsored by Woodhull Freedom Foundation at

    Supported by Patreon at

    Fanboying all over the place

    podcasters interviewing podcasters interviewing podcasters…

    And dipping into true stories and sex clubs with David Quantic

    Originally from Kansas, David Quantic has lived in Texas, New York and in 1999 he moved to L.A. to attend UCLA’s MFA Film Production/Directing program, graduating in 2004. He worked freelance in the L.A. film industry in production and post-production until 2016 when he moved to Seattle to work for the Queer Film Festival. He has been producing the Fruitbowl documentary and podcast series since 2018. Fruitbowl is an oral history of queer sex. Each episode of the podcast features one person describing their coming of age and how they discovered their sexual preferences.

    In this interview, we talk about Fruitbowl Podcast; its accidental genesis and its uniquely real and human take on queer sex. We also talk about Rain City Jacks (where we met), me being on his podcast and about the differences between jack-off clubs and (other) sex clubs.

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    Fruitbowl Website

    Fruitbowl on Patreon

    Fruitbowl on Twitter

    Fruitbowl Podcast on Apple (leave him a sweet review!)

    Paul’s Fruitbowl interview

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    HUMP (Dan Savage’s HUMP Film Festival)

    Rain City Jacks (NSFW)


    Paris is Burning

    Jennie Livingston

    Grey Gardens (1975)

    Albert and David Maysles

    Frederick Wiseman

    David Lynch


    Terry Gross

    Fresh Air


    Cary Grant

    Bringing Up Baby (1938)

    Holiday (1938)

    The Philadelphia Story (1940)

    42nd Street (1933)

    Grand Hotel (1932)

    Top Hat (1935)

    Gypsy (1962)

    Paul butts in: Guy Maddin

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #12 - Talking Shame with Dr. Eric Sprankle

    Guest: Dr. Eric Sprankle

    Released March 1, 2021

    Sponsored by Woodhull Freedom Foundation at

    Supported by Patreon at

    Important lessons for a nine-year-old snoop

    Missing lessons in mid-century school

    And talking shame with Dr. Eric Sprankle

    Segment 1: Paul talks about how he learned about sex before most of his friends did (hint: It wasn’t from his parents or school) and about the ways that queer kids learn nothing at all about sex or relationships and are still left to kludge their lives together without guidance, a monologue inspired by his conversation with today’s guest.

    Segment 2: Dr. Eric Sprankle is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology and Co-Director of the Sexuality Studies program at Minnesota State University, Mankato, as well as a licensed clinical psychologist and an AASECT-certified sex therapist affiliated with the Minnesota Sexual Health Institute. He joins Paul to talk about shame and sexual shame.

    Questions that we chewed on:

    What is shame?Is sexual shame unique from other kinds of shame?Where does sexual shame and overall sex negativity come from?Is shame ever a good thing?What’s a good alternative focus?What's behind the cultural pressure to feel shame?Is the rise of secularism alone a solution to sexual shame?

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Dr. Sprankle Links:

    Website, Scarlet Letters, Twitter, Instagram

    Dr. Sprankle at Minnesota State University

    Mentioned in this podcast:


    Jerry Seinfeld

    Howard Stern

    Rob Zombie


    Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving, Betty Dodson

    The Myth of Sex Addiction, Dr. David Ley

    Books by Mary Roach

    Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex

    Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife

    Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #11 - Tim Goes to the Jacks

    Guest: Tim

    Released February 15, 2021

    Sponsored by Woodhull Freedom Foundation

    Supported by Patreon

    Painting a Picture with Stories

    Playing an orchestra of one

    And Tim Goes to the Jacks

    Segment 1: Why interview men who go to jack-off clubs? Paul makes the case for how multiple individual conversations help paint a singular big picture.

    Segment 2: Tim is a member and volunteer at Rain City Jacks and he offers up his story of finding the Jacks and discovering all that's unique, erotic, surprising and inspiring about the experience, and then going off on a delicious tangent about an actual video store and enjoying art house movie screenings at home.

    - - - - -

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Rain City Jacks (NSFW)

    Angel City Jacks (site under construction)

    Healthy Friction (NSFW)

    BateWorld (NSFW)

    Scarecrow Video (Seattle)

    Gloria Grahame

    Peter Bagdanovich

    TCM: The Plot Thickens


    Guy Maddin

    The Saddest Music in the World


    My Winnipeg

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #10 - Dr. Joe Kort

    Guest: Dr. Joe Kort

    Released January 18, 2021

    Mining for material on social media

    Making your own happiness chemicals

    And choosing sides with Doctor Joe Kort

    Sponsor: The Woodhull Freedom Foundation

    Supported by Patreon at

    Segment 1: Paul returns with a little inspiration from a friend’s FB feed and a little advice about making your own “happiness chemicals” the easy way.

    Segments 2 & 3: Paul is joined by Dr. Joe Kort, Licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist, to talk about coming out kinky, “side guys” and our perennial favorite topic, straight guys into penis play… with other guys’ penises.

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Dr. Kort's Links (Hint: "drjoekort")

    Web Site:




    Books by Dr. Joe Kort:

    10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do To Improve Their Lives

    10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do To Find Real Love

    LGBTQ Clients in Therapy: Clinical Issues and Treatment Strategies

    Is My Husband Gay, Straight, or Bi?: A Guide for Women Concerned about Their Men

    Dr. Joe Kort on Psychology Today

    The Center for Relationship and Sexual Health

    Modern Sex Therapy Institutes

    Smart Sex Smart Love podcast

    Guys on the ‘Side’: Looking Beyond Gay Tops and Bottoms (Huffington Post article about “Side Guys”) by Dr. Joe Kort

    BateWorld (NSFW)

    Garfunkel and Oates

    The Loophole

    Brian McNaught

    Esther Perel

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast
    Episode #9 - Sophia Sky
    Guest: Sophia Iannicelli
    Released December 28, 2020

    The activism of the erotic
    I’ll be comin’ down the mountain
    And talking about sex and art with Sophia Sky

    Supported by patrons through Patreon

    Segment 0: This will be the last full episode of The Heart of Jacks Podcast for a few weeks. Medical hinderances are why. I will be back "soon" and in the meantime, you can reach me on Twitter @theheartofjacks

    Segment 1: Reading from the 2015 welcome letter of the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, written by Sophia Iannicelli (Sophia Sky), Paul draws parallels between her vision of the power of erotic art, and his own reason for doing this podcast.

    Segment 2: Sophia Sky, executive director of the Pan Eros Foundation, discusses sex, erotic art, the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, Elfquest and true crime podcasts!

    Email the show:
    Call the show: 206-580-3120
    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg
    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp
    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Pan Eros Foundation

    Seattle Erotic Art Festival

    Consent Academy

    Gallery Erato 309 1st Ave S., Seattle, WA 98104

    Center for Sex Positive Culture


    Joycelyn Elders

    Rae Akino

    Reclaiming Ourselves (Work by Rae Akino)

    Remembering Allena Gabosch (CSPC site page)

    Criminalia (True Crime/History podcast)

    Rate and Review The Heart of Jacks Podcast!

  • [Not a full episode. Let’s call this a bonus!]

    Before the bupivacaine wears off and the first dose of painkillers kick in, just after that first post-op cup of coffee, there’s a sweet window of opportunity to knock out a quick non-episode so your ears aren’t lonely on Solstice morning.

    Rather than post an oh-so-close-but-as-yet-unfinished episode of the podcast, I made this End of 2020 support pitch on the fly, a standalone semi-show to remind you that I love you, that I’m really doing just fine (even if I did just have my third orthopedic surgery of the year just this morning) and to highlight three important things I need for the health of this podcast:

    You really should listen to the episodes you missed.I need more Patreon patrons and there’s a sneaky way to make just one payment.I urgently need more ratings and reviews on Apple Podcasts.

    If you’re enjoying the show but not yet a patron, please consider supporting the project by going to and contributing what you can either monthly or annually. New subscribers get two free months with an *annual* subscription through February 2021.

    Really, the best thing you can do for any podcaster is to help increase their visibility on Apple Podcasts! Please take a minute to find The Heart of Jacks Podcast on Apple Podcasts, rate and review the show. In fact, consider doing that for every podcast you love. If you can’t contribute your hard-earned cash to the cause, you can help other listeners hear the shows you love and that is the Holy Grail for every podcaster.

    Thank you for all you’ve done already to put The Heart of Jacks Podcast into more than 2,500 sets of ears in just three months. That’s over 5,000 ears!

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #8 - Tyler the Bad Wolf

    Guest: Tyler Darlig Ulv

    Released December 14, 2020

    Looking for sponsors in all the right places

    Asking an expert about straight Jacks

    And talking sex work and the awesomeness of masturbation with Tyler The Bad Wolf

    Supported by Patreon

    Segment 1a: Hey sponsors! I’m looking to sell some ad space on the show. If you have a product or service you'd like my listeners to know about, shoot me an email at or call 206-580-3120.

    Segment 1b: Michael, a listener in San Francisco wants to know how I know who the straight members of the Jacks are. I give him my take on it and reason for approaching member sexual orientation the way I do, and then I call in a lifeline in the form of Dr. David Ley, clinical psychologist and sex therapist (you may have seen him on TV or heard him on radio or other podcasts before) and Dr. Ley shares his take… "It's complicated."

    Segment 2: Tyler The Bad Wolf. Guest, Tyler Darlig Ulv's last name literally translates from the Norwegian as "bad wolf." Tyler is a professional sex worker living in Berlin, a writer, designer and blogger and an ex-New Yorker who I met at NY Jacks. He made an impression and we became friends. I'm thrilled to share our conversation with you. We talk about sex work, NY Jacks, the awesomeness of masturbation and Kylie Minogue!

    Email the show:

    Sponsor the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Tyler's Links (NSFW)

    Main site:




    Dr. David Ley (web site)

    Dr. David Ley on Twitter


    Books by Dr. David Ley:

    Insatiable Wives (2009)

    The Myth of Sex Addiction (2012)

    Ethical Porn for Dicks: A Man’s Guide to Responsible Viewing Pleasure (2016)


    NY Jacks (NSFW)

    Handobs Magazine (NSFW)

    Tales From The City, Armisted Maupin

    Tyler Interviews Dad, Creator of Handjobs Magazine (NSFW)

    Masturbation is Amazing (NSFW)

    Cockrings: Every Day (NSFW blog entry)

    Kylie Minogue, DISCO

    The Crown

    The Favourite

    The Four Agreements

  • The Heart of Jacks Podcast

    Episode #7 - Hezekiah Goes to the Jacks

    Guest: Hezekiah

    Released December 7, 2020

    Back in the Saddle Again

    Secure your own oxygen mask first

    And Hezekiah Goes to the Jacks

    Sponsored by The Seattle Erotic Art Festival presenting SEAF 2020: The Pandemic Edition

    Supported by Patreon at

    Segment 1: Has it really been four weeks? Wow. I'm back in the podcast saddle after four weeks of recovery from surgery and ready to talk Shakespeare, the gift of LGBTQ+ people to the world and, more than anything, the importance of being honest.

    Segments 2 & 3: Hezekiah Goes to the Jacks

    Hezekiah has been to JO clubs all over the world and has a lot to share about body image, nudity, authenticity and masturbation as a primary source of sexual satisfaction.

    Segment 4: A tribute to Allena Gabosch who died on November 25, 2020. She was a friend, a mentor and the very first guest on The Heart of Jacks Podcast, episode #1.

    Email the show:

    Call the show: 206-580-3120

    Send your questions and they might be included in future episodes.

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, written and produced by Paul Rosenberg

    Theme Music is Carouselophane by Jake Bradford Sharp

    Podcast distribution by Simplecast at

    - - - - -

    Mentioned in this podcast:

    Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Act I, Scene III (lines 78–80)

    Rain City Jacks (NSFW)

    Philadelphia Jacks (NSFW)

    Melbourne Wankers (NSFW)

    BateWorld (NSFW)

    Allena Gabosch - In Memoriam (by Sophia Sky Iannicelli)

    Allena Gabosch - Obituary (by Mac McGregor)

    Sex Positive Now: Everything you need to know about sex positivity, by Jeremy Shub (Editor), Gabosch Allena (Editor)

    The Heart of Jacks Podcast, Episode #1, Talking about Talking About Sex with Allena Gabosch

  • No podcast this week or next! I am taking medical leave to mend after a bit of work. I’m getting the hitch removed from my giddy-up. I’m also being rather cagey. Sorry not sorry. I’ll be dropping a new full episode before you know it. Stay tuned and stay safe out there.