
  • In this episode, Justin, Nathan, and Cesar dive deep into the theme of "Identity Crisis." Together, they explore the challenging process of finding one's true identity in recovery. The trio shares personal insights and experiences, revealing how addiction created a false sense of self and shaped their beliefs about who they were.

    Join them as they discuss the painful yet liberating journey of giving up the only thing that once made them feel alive, only to discover the person they always wished to be. Through heartfelt conversations, they highlight the struggles and triumphs of reclaiming their true selves and how shedding the facade of addiction has allowed them to embrace their authentic identities.

    Tune in for an episode filled with raw honesty, powerful stories, and valuable lessons on navigating the complexities of identity in recovery.

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  • On this episode, hosts Justin, Cesar, and Nathan jump into a critical topic that many in recovery face: how the very blessings we gain in recovery can become burdens if we're not careful. As we rebuild our lives and start acquiring new things, we often find ourselves distracted from the one thing that brought us those blessings in the first place – our recovery.

    Join us as we discuss the challenges of maintaining focus on recovery while managing the newfound responsibilities and opportunities that come our way. We explore how these blessings can sometimes lead us astray, causing us to see them as problems and potentially sliding backward in our recovery journey.

    This episode emphasizes the importance of prioritizing recovery to sustain the blessings it brings. Tune in for heartfelt discussions, personal stories, and practical advice to help you stay grounded and committed to your recovery path.

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  • In this episode hosts Justin, Nathan, and Cesar share their personal journeys of navigating recovery while overcoming the lingering defenses from their past lives. They explore how, during their using days, they developed survival skills to adapt to dangerous and hostile environments. These defenses, initially necessary for survival, often followed them into early recovery, making everything seem like a threat to their well-being. Through their stories, they reflect on the emotional and spiritual growth that helped them find their footing and embrace the art of equanimity—maintaining steadiness amidst life's waves.

    Listeners will learn how the hosts transitioned from being reactive and drama-prone to viewing challenges with a calm, balanced perspective. They discuss how early recovery's emotional turbulence subsides over time, replaced by a deep-seated belief in their ability to overcome difficulties. Highlighting the importance of flexibility, service, and meditation, they illustrate how they have become more comfortable with themselves, making thoughtful choices and responding differently to life's challenges. This episode offers a powerful message of hope and resilience, showing how embracing equanimity has allowed them to relax into a new relationship with life, be fully present, and stand strong amidst whatever comes their way.

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  • In this episode, we explore how the lies we tell ourselves—rooted in limiting and destructive belief systems—can be the biggest obstacles to recovery and personal growth. We'll discuss how recovery provides the unique opportunity to identify these lies and begin rewriting the narrative we live by. From confronting deep-seated myths about our worth and capabilities to embracing new, empowering truths, this episode is a guide to reshaping your inner dialogue.

    Ito shares personal stories and professional insights on how altering our belief systems can lead to profound transformations, with the help of a loving GOD. Together, we'll uncover practical strategies to dismantle harmful beliefs and replace them with narratives that support and uplift us in our recovery journey.

    Whether you're in recovery, supporting someone who is, or looking to transform your own belief system, this episode is filled with valuable insights and actionable advice. Join us for a candid and empowering conversation, and let's start changing the stories we tell ourselves for a healthier, more authentic life.

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  • In this week's episode, hosts Justin, Cesar, and Nathan are joined by special guest Rachael for a no-holds-barred discussion on "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Recovery." Together, they share their personal experiences, offering an unfiltered glimpse into the realness of the recovery journey.

    From the triumphs of sobriety to the tough realities of relapse and societal stigmas, this episode doesn't shy away from the truth. Each host opens up about their falls and failures, the times they didn’t get it right, and how they continue to overcome – even with years of recovery under their belts.

    We believe in sharing it all, no matter what people think, because that’s how we grow and avoid going back to the places we once were. Tune in for a candid conversation that will resonate with anyone on the recovery path or supporting someone who is

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  • In this episode of "Buffet Style Spirituality," hosts Justin, Cesar, and Nathan dive deep into the concept of keeping an open mind to various sources of recovery. They explore the foundational principles of H.O.W.—honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness—and challenge listeners to consider how broadly they apply these tenets in their lives. Join the trio as they discuss the importance of drawing from a wide array of spiritual and recovery resources, examining personal experiences and stories that highlight the benefits of a diverse spiritual diet. Whether you’re well into your recovery journey or just beginning to explore your options, this episode offers fresh perspectives on building a fulfilling path to healing and growth

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  • In this episode, host Justin sits down with Mary Beth, whose video has reached hundreds of thousands through a viral TikTok video. This video shows her emotional reunion with her daughter after Mary Beth's release from federal prison. Mary Beth shares the details of her past, including arrests, trafficking drugs and a shooting of her baby daddy that all led to her incarceration. Tune in as she recounts the struggles and spiritual awakenings that marked her journey, highlighting the power of forgiveness and second chances. Join us for this powerful conversation about finding faith and hope in the most challenging times

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  • In this episode of "Life Unscripted," hosts Justin, Nathan, Cesar, and guest Melissa explore the theme of building success from scratch. They share their personal recovery of overcoming obstacles and turning challenges into opportunities. Each narrative emphasizes the journey from nothing to something, underscoring resilience, creativity, and the importance of support networks. Melissa from Sober-Now adds a unique perspective on navigating life's hurdles and the path to recovery, highlighting how facing life's lows can lead to personal growth and transformation.

    The discussion also touches on the common reservations about recovery, including the fear that achieving milestones might trigger relapse. The hosts and Melissa talk openly about how milestones in recovery are not endpoints but part of a continuous journey of improvement. They share strategies for celebrating achievements without complacency, reinforcing the message that progress doesn't have to lead back to square one. This episode serves as a reminder that with the right mindset and support, turning life's nothing into something remarkable is within reach, and that every step forward is a victory in its own right

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  • In this episode, we explore the impact of choice in the journey of recovery with Justin, Nathan, and Cesar. This episode dives into the critical role that personal decisions play in the path toward healing and empowerment.

    Justin, celebrating six years of recovery, offers an intimate look into his journey, revealing the power of the daily commitment to making choices that support growth. Nathan and Cesar contribute their perspectives on the challenges and victories encountered in recovery, emphasizing the freedom and strength gained through exercising the power of choice. Together, they paint a vivid picture of the ongoing process of healing and the remarkable growth that comes from choosing to engage in this work every day.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the dynamics of recovery, the impact of personal choice, and the collective wisdom that emerges from shared experiences. Join us as we navigate the empowering journey of recovery, choice by choice

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  • In this episode your hosts Justin and Nathan take a moment to slow down and reflect on the journey of recovery and navigating through the shadow of tragedy. With Cesar missing from tonight's conversation, the duo jumps into a topic close to their hearts—how to find strength and solace in the face of loss and hardship.

    Last week, Justin faced a personal loss with the passing of his mother-in-law, a tragedy that brings to the forefront the true test of one's journey in recovery. It's in these moments of profound loss that the essence of our resilience and the depth of the work we've put into our recovery truly shine. Justin and Nathan open up about the complexities of grieving while maintaining the progress they've made in their personal journeys of recovery.

    The episode is not just a reflection on loss but also a celebration of life and the importance of enjoying the journey. The hosts share their insights on how to honor our loved ones in the way we choose to live our lives after they're gone. They remind us that those we've lost would want us to find happiness, not be consumed by depression or sorrow in their absence.

    Join Justin and Nathan as they explore the delicate balance of mourning and living, emphasizing that even in our darkest times, we can find ways to appreciate life and the beauty of the journey. It's a reminder to all of us to cherish the moments, big and small, and to live in a way that honors those who are no longer with us, but whose memories and love continue to guide us

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  • In this episode, hosts Justin, Nathan, and Cesar, alongside special guest Mary Beth, jump into the power of saying "YES" to life, especially in recovery. They discuss the moments when saying "yes" opened doors to healing, self-discovery, and renewed purpose. The episode sheds light on the contrasts between the limitations and refusals of their lives in addiction versus the boundless possibilities that emerged with their commitment to recovery.

    Whether you're navigating your own recovery, supporting a loved one, or simply seeking to live more openly and positively, this episode offers valuable lessons on the power of acceptance and the beauty of saying "yes" to life's opportunities.

    Join us for an episode filled with hope, inspiration, and the compelling message that in saying "yes," we open the door to endless possibilities and a richer, more fulfilling life

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  • In this episode hosts Justin, Nathan, and Cesar, along with special guest Jon, jump into the depths of the internal dialogue that often dictates our actions, especially in the beginning of recovery. They share insights into how this 'committee' once commanded their lives, making decisions that led them away from their intended paths. The discussion opens up about the struggle between wanting to make positive choices and being swayed by the compelling yet destructive urges that lead one astray, like the pull towards the 'dope man's house' despite better judgment. They speak on this topic about the successes overshadowed by a single rejection or failure, and the power it holds to derail progress.

    This episode isn't just about sharing struggles, It emphasizes that no matter how isolating the journey may seem, we are not alone. Join us to find out how you, too, can navigate through the noise of your internal dialogue and embrace the peace on the other side

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  • In this episode of our podcast, join Justin, Nathan, Cesar and special guest Matt Keegan, as they talk about the sensitive topic of fentanyl, a substance that has transformed recreational drug use into a deadly gamble. They confront the reality of a crisis that is claiming lives with alarming numbers. What was once perceived as fun and innocent activities in youth and adulthood, is now a dangerous and often fatal pursuit.

    Justin, Nathan, Cesar, and Matt engage in a discussion on the significance of every individual's voice in the journey towards recovery, no matter how fresh or how long they've been on this path. They emphasize the value of life and the power of recovery, urging you not to underestimate your worth or the miraculous potential for change that recovery can bring.

    Join us in this conversation that's not only about the dangers of fentanyl but also about the strength found in unity, the importance of awareness, and the undying hope that recovery offers

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  • In this episode, hosts Justin Cesar and Nathan journey into the art of taking stock of our lives. As we navigate through the clutter of daily existence, it's easy to lose connection with our true source. They talk about the process of conducting a thorough inventory of our lives, identifying and removing the blockages that prevent us from living in alignment with our deepest selves.

    Together, they explore the liberating power of confession and the importance of sharing our truths with another human being. This act of vulnerability is not just about admitting flaws or mistakes; it's about opening up spaces for growth, healing, and ultimately, freedom.

    Join Justin Cesar and Nathan as they offer insights into how embracing honesty, doing the hard work, and being willing to face our inner selves can transform our lives. This episode is not just a conversation; it's an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and to reconnect with the source of our true power. Whether you're feeling stuck, seeking clarity, or simply in need of inspiration, this episode is your guide to unlocking a more fulfilled and unblocked life.

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  • In this episode, we hear about the life of Matt Keegan, a recovery rapper. Born and raised in a small town in Ohio, Matt's early life was dominated by addiction, steering him away from his passion for music. As a metalhead, he never imagined his path would lead to rap. However, in his recovery, Matt discovered a new avenue for his creativity and began to express his journey through rap. His music quickly gained traction on social media, bringing him into the spotlight and challenging his recovery with newfound popularity and ego. After experiencing a relapse and coming clean to his fans, Matt received an outpouring of support, reinforcing his commitment to his sobriety and his music. Now, Matt is using his voice to speak out against the pitfalls of big pharma and the importance of genuine support systems in recovery. Join us as we sit down with Matt Keegan to hear his powerful story of falling down, standing up, and using his music to shine a light on the darker corners of addiction and recovery.

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  • In this episode, hosts Justin, Nathan, and Cesar sit down with a very special guest—Melissa from Sober-Now, a voice of experience and encouragement in the recovery community. They do a recovery check-in, sharing personal stories and reflections on their journeys of sobriety and healing. This episode offers a candid look at what recovery truly looks like for each of them, highlighting the unique paths they've taken, the challenges they've faced, and, most importantly, the victories they've celebrated along the way. From everyday wins to monumental milestones, join us as we explore the importance of support, the power of sharing, and the joy found in each step forward. Whether you're on a recovery journey yourself or supporting someone who is, this episode promises to uplift, inspire, and remind us all of the strength found in community. Don't miss this special check-in episode that feels more like a gathering of friends than a podcast.

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  • Join Justin, Nathan, and Rachael in this episode as they dive deep into the powerful journey of self-examination and growth. In a world filled with distractions and external pressures, this trio reminds us that the key to transformation begins with an authentic look within.

    They understand that nobody knows us better than we do, and it's in this self-awareness that we find the strength to confront our past, heal our wounds, and pave the way for spiritual and emotional growth

    Whether you're on a path of recovery, seeking personal growth, or simply looking to live a more authentic life, this episode will empower you to embrace your true self and navigate the complex landscape of your emotions and spirituality. Tune in to this episode of our podcast, where authenticity is the compass guiding you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

    Go deeper into this topic with the workbook for this episode

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  • In this episode, Justin, Nathan and Cesar dive deep into the profound and transformative experiences of spiritual awakenings and their undeniable connection to the journey of recovery.

    We unravel the intricate web of connections between recovery and spirituality. We discuss how spiritual practices, mindfulness, meditation, and faith have played pivotal roles in their recovery journeys, offering them strength, resilience, and a renewed sense of hope.

    Join us on this enlightening and inspiring episode as we explore the profound impact of spiritual awakenings on the recovery process, and how they have transformed lives, providing newfound meaning and a guiding light on the path to wellness and wholeness. Whether you're on your own recovery journey or simply seeking inspiration, this episode will leave you with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the remarkable power of the human spirit

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  • Join host Justin Incredible in this episode, as he sits down with special guest Ryan Hampton, a renowned advocate, speaker, author, and media commentator. Ryan shares his incredible journey to recovery from a decade-long opioid addiction.

    Ryan's story begins in south Florida, where he found himself caught in the grip of addiction amidst the prevalence of pill mills on every corner. After enduring a life-altering injury, he quickly became hooked on opioids. However, his path to recovery took a turn when he sought treatment at a center in California.

    Having experienced the devastating effects of addiction firsthand, Ryan has become a leading figure in America's addiction recovery advocacy and drug policy reform movements. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Ryan travels across the country, offering solutions to the national addiction and drug overdose crisis.

    Previously working at the Clinton White House and collaborating with various non-profits and addiction recovery organizing campaigns, Ryan has emerged as a prominent face and voice of recovery advocacy. His mission is to challenge the negative narratives surrounding addiction, recovery, and overdose, and bring about meaningful change.

    Tune in to this insightful conversation as Justin and Ryan delve into the highs and lows of Ryan's journey, gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding addiction and the urgent need for policy reform.

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  • In this episode of the podcast, host Justin Incredible sits down with special guest Quinn as he shares his inspiring recovery journey. Quinn took a different path to recovery, choosing plant medicine over prescription drugs like Adderall and Xanax. He delves into the reasons behind his decision and how psychedelics and cannabis have played a pivotal role in his healing process.

    Quinn's advocacy for plant medicine led him to co-manage a cannabis-friendly sober living facility called Men's Tribal House in Utah. Through his personal experiences and content creation on social media, Quinn has been able to spread the message of alternative recovery methods that include the use of plant medicine instead of strict abstinence.

    Join us in this enlightening conversation as Quinn takes us through his transformative journey and explores the benefits and potential of plant medicine in recovery

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    Men's Tribal House Utah