The Hunt For The Perfect Album
Australië · Poddy Mouth Radio
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Join Billy and Dave as they celebrate the magic of a day gone by, challenging each other week to week with an album that one of them thinks is “perfect”, and has zero skippable tracks; which the other has never listened to before. Now, kids, once upon a time, many moons ago, when streaming services were just a dream Steve Jobs had after eating too much cheese before bed; we listened to music in carefully curated lists that the artists had painstakingly put together in such a way as to take the listener on an emotional journey. These lists were hard-coded onto disks of vinyl, or recorded onto magnetic tape in little plastic cases. We called these magical items “albums”. In the before times you couldn’t skip tracks, or (god forbid) put the album on shuffle. That would have been like watching the scenes of a movie out of order. Madness.