Don Tolman is an international recognised personality within the health and wellness community. He has been leading the way for over 3 decades.
Don is in his 70's now and is as sharp as ever. This was probably the most impactful interview for me personally since speaking with Don I have got back into juice fasting, reduced my meat consumption and cut out pig altogether from my diet and started eating a lot more vegetarian meals as opposed to my meat with every meal.
Don has been featured in multiple documentaries including food maters and over fed and undernourished and consults with cancer patients all over the planet to help them understand their dis-ease better and how to heal naturally through principles of health from our ancient ancestors.
Truly a real character and what you see on stage or in the audio is how he is in real life. My right hand man (woman) Amelia and I had the pleasure of hanging out with Don for most of the day.
Don will be here in October for a free full day event which you can get tickets to his FREE day event at
Also as always for more links and info go to
You won't believe this...
Biology of belief. This was the title of Dr. Bruce's best selling book and a must read.
Bruce has been in medical research and was one of the pioneers of stem cell cloning. He has been a tenured professor at a prestigious medial school in the USA and has taught all over the world.
After decades of working within the medical world Bruce came to a shocking realisation... Everything that is being taught is wrong. The foundation of modern medicine is wrong and based on old outdated thinking.
Modern day science and discoveries around quantum mechanics explains how our 50 trillion cells can work in harmony which defy conventional newtonian thinking and the laws of thermodynamics.
Bruce is bridging the gap between modern day physics, genetic cell biology and health and wellbeing.
He has now left the medical community which for the most part refuses to join the 21st century and start to appreciate the importance of positive thought, the placebo affect, the power of human touch, the role of love, the role of negative thoughts in disease, the power of the chiropractic adjustment and the unquestionable interaction of our energies with each other which bruce describes the science behind "good vibes" and "bad vibes".
Such a pleasure to intervew Bruce you will get so so so much out of this episode. Check out his books.. he recommends starting with the "Honey moon affect".
Peace and Love Dr. Trent
More at
and always at
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
The mother of one of my 5 year old patients told me that her son thinks Dr. Dan is the coolest doctor ever!
Obviously offended that I didn't receive little Noah's coolest doctor ever award I thought I better interview Dr. Dan for myself. What I found out is that he is not your typical dentist. Pretty cool dude after all.
I had previously met Dan at his holistic practise a few years ago when I was getting a check up at heal Dental but hadn't crossed paths since.
Dr Dan is co-founder of the holistic dental practice, Heal Dental Care on the Gold Coast.
He lectures internationally on the subjects of early childhood orthodontics and breathing dysfunction, and has had several articles published in professional journals relating to these subjects.
He has invented "The sleepy strip" ( learn about in the episode ) and is one of the leading experts in tongue tie diagnosis and procedures.
He is also an avid kite boarder and is super passionate about health and wellness and sharing it with the world.
Check for contact details and free info.
Ronaldo is one of those guys who just seem to be getting more done than 99.9% of people. He is a true inspiration and a wealth of knowledge. His first cookbook is one of the only few I ever use and I've had the pleasure of working with him on a number of occasions.
Born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, nutritionist and chef Ronaldo Fulieriās first book, Ronaldoās Kitchen: The Superpower of Nutrition brings not only delicious and simple recipes to your dining room table but, well informed nutritional information that will help you to enjoy good food and experience weight loss at the same time.
Having experienced weight challenges as a child, Ronaldo speaks a familiar language when it comes to understanding the need for a well balanced diet. Passionate, unpretentious and charismatic, you will feel as though Ronaldo is right at your side!
We did this interview over Skype in a crossfit gym. This is really a fun and impactful episode with heaps of great takeaways.
Hope you enjoy.
For more Ronaldo or to buy his cook book go to.
This was one of my favourite interviews so far as kids health and in particular kids nutrition is one of my favourite topics and one that i have explored a great deal with my own daughter.
When the book "Bubba yum yum" came out the was massive up roar from the medical profession and dieticians about the dangers of paleo for kids. it was like the most controversial book for kids ever!
Sorry but WTF? It's dangerous for your kids to avoid damaged milk products sugar and refined whet products????
You can feed your kid ice cream, lollies, coca cola and Mcdonalds no one cares yet you promote clean healthy eating and it's like your promoting child abuse.
Anyways... A bit about our guest.
"Hi there Iām Charlotte Carr. I am an actress, voice artist, presenter and now Author and Holistic Health Coach. In late 2012 I was cast in my greatest role ā being a Mother to my beautiful baby boy Willow. This certainly was the beginning of a big journey into whole foods and healing foods. A journey that helped heal my little manās compromised immune system, reverse toxicity and illness, and enabled him to heal and thrive. Things for us started out a little rocky, but thanks to this wonderful way of eating and living, I can say we have never looked back and thatās why Iām so passionate about sharing my journey and learnings with you.
A little about me.
I love pineapple on Pizza.
I canāt eat anything off a spoon that isnāt in a shape of a circle. Oval shaped spoons are not for me.
I love cooking with local produce and having a wine with my nearest and dearest.
Nothing makes me as happy as my little boys giggles.
Iām paid money to make funny voices for a living,
and my favourite colour is pink. Iāve been denial about this for 37 years."
Anyways I could rant and rave about this topic all day so if you want to help your kids get and stay healthy have a listen. If your happy with your kids state of physical and emotional health you obviously have no need.
Check out all links to resources and book here
Thanks for tuning in. Stay happy and healthy. Dr. Trent
In this episode I discuss the big fat reality behind BPA and other environmental toxins after my interview with health expert and owner of The Divine Company Therese Kerr.
There is a huge pool of research now on the dangers of BPA and other endocrine disrupting chemicals.
These are found in plastics and personal care products including shampoo, toothpaste, dishwashing detergent and kids toys to name a few common places.
They are linked now with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
That's right your plastic water bottle can make you fat.
In one study the authors concluded..."Urinary BPA concentration was significantly associated with obesity in this cross-sectional study of children and adolescents."
JAMA. 2012 Sep 19;308(11):1113-21."Association between urinary bisphenol A concentration and obesity prevalence in children and adolescents."
Another study concluded... "...there is evidence from the large body of cross-sectional studies that individuals with higher uBPA concentrations are more likely to suffer from diabetes, general/abdominal obesity and hypertension than those with lower uBPA concentrations."
Environ Health. 2015 May 31;14:46."Bisphenol A and the risk of cardiometabolic disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis of the epidemiological evidence."
What you can do...
Avoid all plastics where possible, particularly soft water bottles. Switch to BPA free toys for your kids Switch to toxic free house hold and personal care products.Its no Eat foods that support the liver. Organic fruits and vegetables particularly beetroot, button mushrooms, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and take milk thistle. Have your salivary hormone levels checked by a natural health practitioner.Other references:
Am J Epidemiol. 2013 Jun 1;177(11):1263-70. doi: 10.1093/aje/kws391. Epub 2013 Apr 4."Urinary bisphenol A and obesity in U.S. children."
This was such a fun interview Therese is freakin awesome.. great talker i'm sure we could have done a 12 hour interview if time allowed. Lol.
After having had tumours in her spleen in 2001, Therese believes optimum health is achieved through taking a holistic approach to wellness, i.e. creating then nurturing a physical, emotional and spiritual alignment within the body, and everything she does reflects this approach..
Therese Kerr is a mum to Miranda and Matthew Kerr, a Visionary, Public Speaker, Author and advocate for holistic family health.
Through her website, Therese freely shares her knowledge, runs life-changing empowerment programs and retreats and engages health and wellness practitioners, healthy chefs and medical doctors alike in sharing information on all aspects of health.
The collective goal of Thereseās companies and the people who give freely of their time to contribute to her website, is to share wellness information and arm people with knowledge to make informed choices for their health and the health of their families.
Through Divine By Therese Kerr; Thereseās certified organic personal care line, Therese offers products that compliment her daughter, Miranda Kerrās, KORA Organics certified organic skincare range. The intent of the family is to provide certified organic goodness to the world.
Therese has created a world of wellness and within that world of wellness her overriding desire is to have people take a journey and discover for themselves how easy it is to have total vitality, inner peace, acceptance and happiness become their way of life.
In 2012, Therese joined forces with Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani and Chef Kate McAloon to create a state of the art i-book: Lunchbox Solutions.
check out for links and more info.
This is a recap episode from my interview with sports champion Trevor Hendy who shared his experience from going from good to great. Trevor talks about the difference between being fit and being healthy, what diets he experimented with at his peak and his friendship with kelly slater. He also talked about what strategies he used to come off all medications from being so unwell and in pain from pushing too hard. Listen to the recap episode of The Innate Doctor above.What do ENTREPRENEURS and ATHLETES have in common?I was thinking about this after my conversation with Trevor Hendy who was featured in the last episode of the Innate Doctor. Check out the recap of the episode above. But it got me thinking about the similarities between entrepreneurs and athletes and I believe both groups make similar mistakes that cost them now and later on in life.Here are the similarities that I have noticed. The main thing being that both are extremely driven to reach a goals. Athletes and Entrepreneurs will do anything to win. Both groups tend to.. Overtrain/overwork. Neglect relationships. Not listen to their bodies. Sacrifice the present moment to achieve something in the future. Reach their "goal" that they were chasing so bad and then feel unsatisfied or unfulfilled when they do.It's very important and admirable to have goals and accomplishments you wish to reach and it is the act of future thinking, planning and preparation that makes us different from all other species. But whether you're wanting to compete in the olympics or create a multi million dollar business, if you neglect the importance of having fun along the way, looking after your health and putting time and energy into the relationships around you that matter most those goals you've set out for won't mean squat if you're sick, lonely and miserable at the end of it.Here are my top 5 things of the week for everyone reading to consider whether you fall into this category (Athlete/Entrepreneur) or not. Take a rest/active recovery day (Make sure you get at least 1 day if not 2 to rest and recover from the week, you can't push your body and mind 7 days per week 365 days per year.) Cut out fake foods...Get rid of fake Processed foods because you think you don't have time to eat healthy. Also remove artificial sweeteners and chemicals particularly for athletes taking sports supplements these things are damaging your health and performance and natural products that will give you the desired affect are available and often cheaper. Cut down on stimulants (I'm talking to myself coffee coffee. Hopefully none of you are drinking energy drinks and I assume I don't need to mention why these aren't going to serve you.) Exercise regularly but don't smash yourself every single training session you will burn out your adrenals. Take at least 5-10 minutes out every day to sit and be still to meditate or visualise. No phones, no eating, relaxing music if you need, no talking. This has certainly made a profound difference to me and I'm probably only actively doing it 3-4 times per week.I really don't want this to be an excuse for people to do less or stop pushing as I know that doing the above mentioned will actually help you get more done, have more time and have more fun doing it. As Trevor Hendy put it you sometimes need to "Slow down to speed up".Have fun.Dr. Trent
Trevor Hendy, is a former Australian professional surf lifesaver. Throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hendy competed in Ironman races, winning the Australian Championship six times.
If your a Aussie male you probably grew up wanting to be Trevor Hendy. This was the guy on the cereal box... literally.
Not that I endorse eating cereal by any means if your an athlete or not but it was a real honour to be able to interview Trev and get some awesome life and health advise from some one who has been in the game for a long time. He shared his experience of coming up the ranks from no where to the best in his sport through shift in mindset and experimenting with new diets with Kelly Slater back in the 90's.
Trev says.. "our passions and abilities are obscured by junk thoughts, beliefs and memories. Some of those are thought up by us and others are taken on from others. Even just clearing a few of those aside will set you free and give you a taste of who you really are.
Trev now spends his time, coaching, mentoring and speaking on the power of the mind.
check his work out and online program "Bootcamp for the soul" at
I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the leading holisticmedical practitioners Dr. Jack Wolfson best selling author of "ThePaleo Cardiologist" and owner of the Wolfs integrative cardiologycentre.
The realization hit me that medical doctors were not preventingdisease but only attempting to treat symptoms. In 2004, I met themost amazing woman who would soon become my wife. Heather is achiropractor and has a heavy focus on nutrition and healthy,chemical free living. Since meeting her, I have changed my wholelife and medical practice style. I have switched from the sicknessparadigm to one of health and wellness. I read countless books,studied hundreds of articles, and attended as many conferences aspossible. I met with natural doctors including chiropractors,homeopaths,naturopaths and different types of healers (at whichmost medical docs would scoff). I immersed myself in the naturallifestyle. Most importantly, I opened my mind from the brainwashingof medical training.
My explicit goal in treating patients is finding the causeof disease instead of using the band-aid approach. The CAUSE is theCURE. In 2012, I decided to leave the large cardiology group andopen Wolfson Integrative Cardiology. Heather and I have twobeautiful, healthy boys, Noah and Brody, and our rescue Lab mix,Sal. Our sons were born at home with a midwife. Neither have evertaken a pharmaceutical, prescribed or OTC. We practiceattachment parenting, eat organic food, and instill a naturallifestyle into our children. We enjoy all the outdoor activitiesavailable in Phoenix. Heather and I together are The Drs. Wolfsonand our motto is āAwakening the World to Wellnessā.
Hope you enjoy the episode with Dr. Jack.
Find out more at -
Thanks for Listening to the Innate DoctorPodcast. In search for the cause of health; not disease, The InnateDoctor will be interviewing elite athletes, health professionals,scientific researchers, authors and high performance coaches tohelp understand where health actually comes from. If you want a simpler understanding of health, happiness andlongevity; you've tuned into the right place. You're listening to the innate doctor podcast and Here's yourhost for this life changing episode; Dr. Trent Headlam. Have fungetting healthy. Please subscribe and rate us on iTunes if you likewhat you hear. Check out