
  • If you've been following me for any length of time, you know how passionate I am about natural bodybuilding. For this episode, we welcome natural bodybuilding beast Eddie Saldana. He is an absolute stud in the natural bodybuilding community and I've got no doubt he will be a topic of conversation when he competes next year.

    What you'll hear:

    Previous bodybuilding competition and results (1:38) Bodybuilding competition weight classes and ideal weight for lean muscle gain (5:34) Viewing progress at different ages and the appeal of competing drug-free (9:23) Training and nutrition for muscle growth, with a focus on natural vs. enhanced methods (13:47) Workout routine, rep ranges, and muscle recovery (17:28) Full-body workouts and their benefits (22:29) Fitness training and nutrition (26:46) Challenges of reverse dieting after a bodybuilding competition (31:30) Various nutrition and fitness methods for competition prep (35:13) Ketogenic diet for bodybuilding, including macronutrient ratios and food sources (39:27) Handling hunger and maintaining energy levels following a ketogenic diet (43:57) Body fat percentage, weight fluctuations, and prep for his next competition (47:19) Taking time off between competitions and celebrating achievements (53:05) Competing against the best of the best (57:58)

    Where to follow Eddie:


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  • How do you face adversity? Good friend and client Peter Jeffs had been trying to make it to the stage since his first competition was canceled back in 2022 due to Covid. After a few setbacks, he finally made it to the stage to see his dream to fruition, and it was an honor to be a part of his journey. I know you'll find his story inspiring.

    What we discussed:

    Peter's journey from prep to stage and overcoming obstacles (1:14) Macronutrient ratios, protein threshold, and their impact on energy levels and food satisfaction (7:31) Reducing protein intake for optimal body composition and performance (12:54) Diet and training for a bodybuilding competition, with a focus on refeeds and fathead pizza (17:41) Two-day consecutive refeed for bodybuilding competitions and its effectiveness, and Peter's personal experience (23:32) Bodybuilding and fitness at the age of 61 (28:50) Post-prep experience (34:13) Challenges of post-competition dieting and the importance of setting goals for muscle growth and healthy weight gain (36:58) Body fat percentage, calorie intake, and sleep quality (43:28) Ketogenic diet for bodybuilding competition prep (49:43) Future plans and competition (56:15)

    Where to follow Peter:


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  • For this episode, we welcomed back friend and repeat guest, Coach Jen Winkler. We had both just returned from different keto conferences, so it was fun to trade stories with her but also delve into several issues, including the psychology of hormones, menopause, and hormone replacement. As usual, it was a pleasure chatting with her and I know you'll find this episode informational

    What we discussed:

    Ketogenic and carnivore diets, food addiction, and moderation vs. elimination approaches (5:36) Ketogenic approach and carbohydrate intake for female hormonal health (10:47) Hormone changes during perimenopause, carnivore diet impact, and individualized approach to hormone replacement therapy (15:38) Hormone levels and symptoms during perimenopause and postmenopause, with BHRT as a potential solution (20:27) Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopausal women, with insights on individualized approaches and lifestyle factors affect (25:53) How past experiences can impact current well-being and future generations (30:48) Homesteading and self-sufficiency (33:04) Nutrition coaching for blood sugar management and hormonal balance (38:16) Birth control's hormonal impact and long-term effects on women's health (41:15) Ketogenic diet for epilepsy and mental health, including Jen's personal experience and insights (46:24) Ice cream alternatives and controlling sugar cravings. (52:05) Cycling and nutrition coaching for weight loss (54:34) Fertility awareness and homeschooling (59:38)

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • Are processed seed and vegetable oils a regular part of your diet? Chances are, they could be causing health issues you've been trying to fix for years. Dr. Cate Shanahan is the leading authority on nutrition and human metabolism. A board-certified Family Physician with over 20 years of clinical experience, and NY Times bestselling author of The FatBurn Fix, Deep Nutrition and Food Rules, her expertise is fixing the underlying problems that cause metabolic damage and inflammation, leading to autoimmunity, weight gain, diabetes, cancer and accelerated aging processes. Her passion is helping people feel their best. ( I learned a ton during the episode and I know you will as well.

    What we discussed:

    The science behind the negative effects of seed oils on the body (1:52) Why she became interested in this field (3:08) The history and current narrative around nutrition in the medical community, including the role of seed oils and the challenges of changing beliefs (5:37) The dangers of vegetable oils and their impact on metabolism and weight gain (11:12) How vegetable oils contribute to metabolic disease epidemics through oxidative stress and inflammation (19:15) Healthy fats, smoke point, and insulin resistance (24:48) Insulin resistance, nutrition, and processed foods (30:30) How vegetable oils affect metabolism and weight loss on a ketogenic diet (33:47) Avoiding unhealthy fats and prioritizing quality sources (38:38) The importance of quality fats and the misinformation in the medical field (46:45) The benefits of removing seed oils from the diet for better health (51:10)

    Where to learn more:

    Dr. Cate Dark Calories

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • I'm beyond excited to launch the Savage System, a course I've been working on for over four years. This has been a labor of love for me, and I'm excited to share it with you and see your results!

    What you'll hear:

    Keto bodybuilding course with 150+ video lessons and real-time updates (1:58) What the course includes, with videos, modules, a workout app, and an AI database (6:35) AI-powered fitness coaching with personalized meal plans and community support (8:39) Six-month transformation challenge with a focus on fat loss and healthy habits (14:16) Hosting intimate, private retreats for a community of like-minded individuals (19:16) Tips for beginners and advanced users alike (22:56) Optimizing performance and fat loss with a ketogenic approach (28:08) Evolving AI for body transformation and fitness, and excitement for new features and potential in the bodybuilding community (33:43)

    Where to learn more:

    The Savage System

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • We all know we need to breathe to survive, but are you aware of the different breathwork techniques and how you can optimize your parasympathetic state? Dr. Justin Ternes, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Breathwork Specialist, and Mindset & Performance Coach, is the visionary founder of True Self Health & Human Performance. Residing in the scenic Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas, Dr. Ternes is a fervent advocate for holistic health optimization. With a career spanning over 7 years in physical therapy, he has evolved his practice to include holistic health and performance coaching, focusing on meditation, breathwork, psychophysiology, and mindset techniques. ( I learned a lot from this conversation and I can't wait to welcome him back to continue our discussion. I know you'll take something from this episode as well.

    What you'll learn:

    Justin's background and why he became interested in this work (2:41) Stress, breathwork, and meditation with a focus on their impact on physical and mental health (5:22) Cold therapy options for hot summer months (11:01) Cold plunging benefits and edge portable ice bathtub (16:25) Proper breathing techniques and their benefits for physical and mental health (21:28) Improving posture and breathing through body awareness and movement (29:08) Breathwork, sleep tape, and journaling for improved well-being (35:48) Discipline, self-care, and breathwork for mental wellness (42:28)

    Where to learn more:

    True Self Health Instagram

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  • Did you know that a carb-restricted diet can help manage the complications of epilepsy? David Robinson was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 28, and after traditionally treating his condition with medication, he found keto to be a viable solution to coping and managing his symptoms. He has a very compelling, inspiring story so I know you'll benefit from this episode.

    What we discussed:

    David's personal history of being diagnosed with epilepsy, managing his seizures, and having them return (4:59) Epilepsy diagnosis, medication, and driving restrictions (10:15) Treatment and dietary restrictions (15:29) Ketogenic protocols for epilepsy management and focusing on whole, nutritious foods (24:14) Ketogenic diet, gluten intolerance, and its impact on mental health (30:01) Overall health benefits of a ketogenic diet (36:44) Writing a book on on a ketogenic diet and its impact on health (41:05) Online course on metabolic health, including diabetes reversal and weight management (46:43)

    Where to learn more about David and his journey:

    Unremarkable Brain

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • I hadn't heard of Dr. Jade Teta before scheduling this episode, but I'm thrilled that we finally met and I found that we're kindred spirits. He chose to go into alternative medicine and takes it as a compliment when people call him "quack" or "witch doctor." This was an incredible conversation and I look forward to welcoming him back to the podcast in the future.

    What we discussed:

    The benefits of incorporating short bursts of exercise into your day (2:02) How humans evolved to move frequently with periods of rest, but modern lifestyles lack this balance (6:47) Breaking free from routine and monotony in various aspects of life, including mindset, movement patterns, and diet (11:30) Personal training, nutrition, and medicine with a focus on alternative approaches (16:06) Strength training and its impact on mental health, exercise, and overall well-being (21:27) The benefits of resistance training for hormonal balance and weight management (28:09) Hormonal balance and calorie deficit for weight loss (33:53) Calories and weight loss, with a focus on balancing hormones for sustainable results (39:01) Nutrition and exercise approaches for body composition changes (42:55) Changing identity and beliefs to improve habits and physical activity (50:11) The importance of aligning thoughts, feelings, choices, and actions for personal growth and success (54:55) Mindset, balance, and tensegrity in life (58:46)

    Where to learn more:

    Instagram Jade Teta

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  • Drew Decker is a graduate research assistant at Ohio State University, and on this episode, we dive into some of the science and research studies surrounding a ketogenic or low-carb diet. I have a lot of respect for Drew and the research he’s doing, and I have no doubt you’ll learn something from this episode.

    What we discussed:

    Ketogenic diet and its effects on exercise performance, with a focus on a recent study comparing Clif Bars and our Keto Bricks (4:31) Exogenous ketones for performance and cognitive function (12:02) Nutrition and supplements for athletes, with a focus on military populations (16:43) Ketogenic diet and muscle glycogen replenishment, with a focus on the importance of time and consistency (24:13) Ketogenic diets and exogenous ketones for military personnel (32:02) Keto and the potential benefits for mental health, including reducing depression symptoms (36:45) Current and upcoming studies on keto and nutrition in general (44:33)

    Where to learn more:

    Low Carb OSU

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • TJ West is an amazing human with a heart of gold, and he is promoting an upcoming natural bodybuilding competition in Central Arkansas. It was a pleasure to meet him and work out with him, and I'm super excited to welcome him to the podcast. Sit back and enjoy!

    What we discussed:

    Gym equipment, keto, and bodybuilding (2:45) Body fat percentage and cutting for fitness competitions (7:29) The optimal body fat percentage for natural competitors, with a focus on joint pain and inflammation (13:29) Fitness programming, including exercise selection and progression (18:45) Fitness, prison ministry, and personal growth (24:30) Entrepreneurship program, personal training certifications, and reentry into society after incarceration (29:19) Hosting a natural bodybuilding competition in Arkansas (33:29) Natural bodybuilding, drug testing, and competition (38:09) Growing pains of hosting a competition (45:10)

    Where to learn more:

    Rocktown Naturals Bodybuilding

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • For this episode, we welcome back repeat guest and friend, Colt Milton. He's a fellow natural bodybuilder and joined us to share a bit about his training protocols, nutrition, and his experience with the Lion Diet. It was a pleasure to welcome him back and I know you'll enjoy this episode.

    What you'll hear:

    His strength training protocol as of late (2:16) Body fat percentage, macronutrient ratios, and weight loss strategies for a bodybuilding competition (5:58) Macronutrient ratios and their impact on weight loss and muscle gain (12:10) Keto and its effects on a bodybuilder's health and performance and his experience with the Lion Diet (15:53) Treats and simplicity in nutrition (21:14) Incorporating vegetables (25:29) Entrepreneurship and podcasting (30:50) Bodybuilding prep, consistency, and mindset (35:59) Bodybuilding divisions and the appeal of classic physique (40:56) The use of performance-enhancing drugs in bodybuilding, including the risks and nuances of TRT (45:43) The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in bodybuilding and the ethical implications of competing against natural and TRT (50:08) Weightlifting workout routine and progress tracking (53:20) The importance of having a goal (57:57) Incorporating music (1:01:45)

    Where to find Colt:

    Instagram YouTube

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • If you're curious about supplements, this is the episode for you. Barton Scott, a chemical engineer, is the founder of Upgraded Formulas. After watching loved ones suffer and die from illness, and struggling with his own health issues, he knew something had to be done. Thus, Upgraded Formulas was born. I love their products, and it was a pleasure to pick Barton's brain. I know you'll take something from this episode.

    What we discussed:

    Sodium and iron levels in the body, with a focus on their importance for physical energy and emotional health (4:23) Sodium manipulation in bodybuilding and its effects on physiology and performance (10:59) Electrolyte balance and supplementation (15:15) The importance of magnesium and copper for energy and overall health, with references to electrolyte supplements and the effects of COVID (21:40) Iron recycling in the body and its impact on mood and health (28:50) Nutrition and mineral deficiencies during pregnancy and postpartum, with a focus on iron and magnesium (34:35) Iron levels, COVID vaccine, and heart health (39:38) Hair analysis and its impact on mineral levels and energy (45:04) Nutrient deficiencies and toxicity in modern society, with a focus on soil depletion and the importance of regular testing (48:47) Supplements for sleep and fertility, with a focus on magnesium (53:27) Supplements for testosterone boosting and overall health (57:46) Supplementation for mental health (1:03:06)

    Where to learn more:

    Upgraded Formulas (use code Barton10 for a discount!)

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • Are you curious about the benefits of exogenous ketones? For this episode, we welcomed Dr. Latt Mansor to the podcast. He is the lead researcher for Ketone-IQ and consultant to the world's top performers. He has a wealth of information about anything and everything you could ever want to know about metabolism, ketones, intermittent fasting, and much more. It was a pleasure to chat with him and I know you'll enjoy this episode.

    What you'll hear:

    His research into nutrition and exogenous ketones (1:21) Heart metabolism in hypoxia, with a focus on diabetic rats, and the details of that study (3:52) Exogenous ketones for military and athletic performance, with a focus on ketone IQ as a more affordable and easier option(13:51) Ketone supplements for cognitive function and athletic performance (20:08) Exogenous ketones for exercise and cognitive performance, with a focus on individual response and optimal use (26:26) Ketones' effects on brain function and potential for use in treating PTSD (31:22) Ketones and their effects on sleep and recovery in athletes (37:00) Ketone supplements, their effects on blood sugar and electrolytes, and potential risks for certain individuals (43:01) Ketone IQ and its potential uses for weight loss, appetite suppression, and improving overall health (49:41) The benefits of exogenous ketone supplementation for improving health and reducing chronic disease risks (55:49)

    Where to learn more:

    Podcast Instagram Visit to get 30% off your first subscription order of Ketone-IQ

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • This episode is for anyone interested in parenting, nutrition, or starting a podcast from the ground up. Andrew is a Podcast Producer, Host and Instructor. He's a husband and father of two incredible kids, and has been a Photographer, Videographer and Podcaster creating content for over a decade. He's worked random jobs his whole life, never having a sense of fulfillment or meaning. One day he realized that if he disappeared, no one would notice. That's when he decided to go all in and do whatever it took to leave his job to pursue his passion. We've got lots of great information for you in this episode, so grab a pen and a notebook and get started.

    What you'll learn:

    Andrew's backstory and why he got in to podcasting (1:34) Fatherhood, work-life balance, and prioritizing quality time with family (7:49) Raising children with a focus on self-sufficiency and sustainability (10:25) Raising and consuming animals with a focus on regenerative agriculture (16:07) Local food sources, quality vs. convenience, and the benefits of eating locally grown food (19:11) Diet quality's impact on body composition and performance in bodybuilding (25:17) Ketogenic diet and satiety, with a focus on macronutrient balance and calorie intake (27:57) The pros and cons of fruit consumption for metabolic health (33:11) Parenting and fostering healthy eating habits for toddlers (35:30) Personal responsibility for health and wellness (40:16) Alternative medicine and traditional healthcare (46:27) Podcasting as a medium for sharing information and connecting with experts (53:03) Podcasting journey, struggles, and lessons learned (57:40) Podcasting, its benefits, and Andrew's passion for helping others through his platform (1:01:54) The importance of active listening (1:06:53) Podcasting outlook and growth potential (1:10:58) Podcasting, equipment, and course creation (1:16:29)

    Where to learn more:

    FREE Podcast Equipment Purchasing Guide Pursue Podcasting Course Instagram All Other Social Platforms

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  • Craig Toni began his bodybuilding journey back in the 80's, when anabolic steroid use was the norm. He's suffered some health issues due to his experiences during that time, and it was a pleasure to welcome him to the podcast to share his story and his transition to a ketogenic way of life. I know you'll take something from this episode.

    What you'll hear:

    Craig's backstory and how we came to know one another (1:30) Natural bodybuilding, keto diet, and the importance of personal experience (3:44) The use of performance-enhancing drugs in bodybuilding, with a focus on the potential risks and side effects (9:00) Bodybuilding, gym culture, and drug use in the 1990s (14:51) How steroid use affected his body, including appetite muscle growth (19:33) The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and its potential benefits and drawbacks (24:48) Diet and steroid use for muscle gain and hormone levels (30:14) Bodybuilding dieting strategies and their effects on physique (33:41) How steroid use affects strength training and gains (37:50) Joint pain and inflammation as a result of steroid use (42:56) Battling migraines and migraine-related health issues (45:15) Blood pressure and dietary changes (50:58) Kidney damage and digestive issues (59:15) Protein intake and its impact on ketosis (1:05:13) Keto and carnivore diets for health and bodybuilding (1:10:58) The benefits of a ketogenic diet in bodybuilding, with a focus on hormone regulation and muscle growth (1:17:30)

    Where to hear more:

    Instagram Nutrition Hackers

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • Jayne Bullen has been with her research at the Noakes Foundation in South Africa by enlightening physicians on the therapeutic benefits of a low-carb diet. She is making such a difference with the people she works with and it was a pleasure to speak with her.

    What we discussed:

    What brought her to South Africa initially (1:56) Indigenous health, traditional diets, and the impact of Western diets on health (5:40) The popularity and knowledge of the ketogenic diet in Africa and South Africa, with a focus on the challenges faced by physicians (7:53) Bringing commercial knowledge to nonprofit research (13:36) Nutrition education for physicians to improve patient outcomes (16:38) Using ketogenic diet as a treatment for various diseases, with a focus on medical professionals and their role in promoting this approach (23:36) Empowering patients with diabetes to reverse their condition through self-research and coaching (26:32) Protecting children from marketing and sugar addiction (30:53) Improving nutrition in low-income communities through affordable, balanced meal plans (34:07) Improving diets in Africa and the challenges with donations of unhealthy foods (40:29) Her organization's impact on global nutrition (43:42)

    Where to learn more:

    Nutrition Network

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • Scott Myslinski just competed in his first bodybuilding endeavor and went the enhancement route. He pulls back the curtain and leaves everything on the table regarding nutrition, enhancement, training, and much more. His journey was a lot different than mine, but I know you'll get something out of this episode.

    What you'll hear:

    Digestive issues, bodybuilding prep, and nutrition (4:10) Experience with the carnivore diet and training (11:09) Bodybuilding enhancement and prep strategies (16:29) Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and its effects on body composition and mood (20:41) Using performance-enhancing drugs for bodybuilding, including testosterone and other anabolic steroids (25:01) Drug use in bodybuilding, including effects on blood markers and liver health (32:17) Using trenbolone for fat loss and muscle maintenance, side effects and precautions (36:39) Post-show supplementation (40:34) Post-show nutrition and (44:15) Competition prep experience, results, and relationship effects (49:30) The importance of a health approach to bodybuilding and not placing too much emphasis on external validation (54:08) What he's excited about in the near future (56:56)

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  • Wade Lightheart and Matt Galant are the head honchos behind BIOptimizers supplements, but they are also both big into the nutrition and bodybuilding space. Wade and Matt were both trainers working with pro athletes and other high performers. They both spent a decade in the gym helping people transform their health. Wade and Matt met in the gym, struck a friendship, and then started a business partnership that has been going strong since 2004. ( We discussed everything from veganism to bodybuilding, so I'm sure you'll take something from this episode.

    What you'll hear:

    Their backstory and how they became interested in the supplement industry (4:30) Protein absorption and digestive health in bodybuilding (8:06) Enzymes for digestive health in the sports industry, with a focus on keto diets and their benefits (12:04) The importance of lipase enzymes for fat digestion and energy production (16:08) The importance of enzymes to aid in digestion, especially given the modern nutritional protocols (21:06) Dietary choices and their impact on gut health, with a focus on enzymes and probiotics (27:29) Ketogenic diet and fat metabolism, with tips for optimizing protein and fiber intake (32:51) Diet approaches for weight loss, including keto, intermittent fasting, and macronutrient ratios (38:52) Nutrition and exercise for optimal body composition and muscle gain (42:17) Dieting for bodybuilding competitions and their effects on metabolism (46:36) Nutrition and dietary choices as a bodybuilder (51:40) Dietary choices and their impact on health, with a focus on plant-based and carnivore diets (58:09) Supplement recommendations for optimal health benefits (1:03:03) Biggest frustrations with the supplement industry (1:10:59)

    Where to learn more:


    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • There's something for everyone in this episode. Eric Edmeades is a serial entrepreneur with experience including wireless networking, military research, Hollywood film production, and award-winning and life-saving medical simulation. Today, Eric is a leading authority in Behavioral Change Dynamics. Eric has created and consulted on some of the most effective, transformative, and highly rated educational products and live events in the world. His dedication and passion for improving the quality of human lives all across the world was the inspiration behind his flagship program, WILDFIT®, globally recognized as the most effective health transformation program on the market. ( I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation and I've got no doubt you'll take something from it.

    What we discussed:

    His fascination with African conservation and early human history (1:25) Traditional hunting practices and daily life in a remote tribe (5:00) Indigenous people's health and lifestyle (8:34) The term "pre-diabetic" and its implications for medical advice (12:37) Diabetes diagnosis, lifestyle intervention, and food industry impact (16:15) Permanent psychological change in people for healthier habits (20:05) Nutrition, health, and personal transformation (24:34) The effectiveness of a nutrition program that incorporates seasonality, behavioral change, and storytelling (28:28) Ketosis and nutrition, with a focus on human history and evolutionary biology (32:38) Entrepreneurship and leadership (39:58) Parental involvement in children's education, including school choice and homeschooling (43:26) Psychology of food choices and their impact on health, with references to evolutionary biology and the manipulation of the food industry (47:57) Evolution, diet, and culture with a focus on the Garden of Eden and the Hadza people (51:57) What Eric has in store in the near future (55:22)

    Where to learn more:

    Eric Edmeades Postdiabetic

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

  • Are you aware of how environmental toxins and poor nutrition can affect your thyroid function? Risa Groux is a functional nutritionist and is an expert in all things thyroid health. It was a very interesting conversation and I know you'll learn a lot.

    What we discussed:

    Why Risa became so interested in thyroid function initially (1:18) The impact of social media and processed foods on mental and physical health (4:43) Childhood obesity, insulin resistance, and poor nutrition (11:25) Healthy eating, focusing on fiber, fats, and proteins (17:13) Diet, genetics, and health (24:57) Genetic testing and blood/stool analysis for personalized health insights (30:33) Functional medicine approach to nutrition and health, with emphasis on personalized dietary plans based on individual health status (34:40) Functional medicine certification programs and their acceptance in conventional Western medicine (39:28) Insurance issues (43:27) The growth of functional medicine (45:31)

    Where to learn more:

    Risa Groux Nutrition

    If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!