REJOICE for Jesus came for everyone! As we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we read from the Luke 2:41-51 "The Finding of Jesus in the Temple." How wonderful it is to adore the Savior, who came for everyone in the world! Let's all make haste to act on His Holy and Living Word and May God Bless you and your family! A Holy Invitation is in every Podcast to receive the Body and blood of our Lord, the Heavenly Banquet know as the Eucharist! Jesus welcomes all to receive Him! In Jesus' Name, amen.
Jesus came for everyone! As we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, we read from Matthew 1: 16, 18-21, 24a, which is the infancy narrative in the Gospel of Matthew! We also touch on the Gospel of Luke 2:41-51a "The Finding of Jesus in the Temple." How wonderful it is to adore the Savior, who came for everyone in the world! Let's all make haste to act on His Holy and Living Word and May God Bless you and your family! A Holy Invitation is in every Podcast to receive the Body and blood of our Lord, the Heavenly Banquet know as the Eucharist! Jesus welcomes all to receive Him! In Jesus' Name, amen.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Jesus Loves us and asks for all to receive Him in the Eucharist! Let's use our Rosaries to pray for Russia, for that is what the Heavenly Mother has asked for all to do! Come to Mass and attend faithfully and regularly and make haste to register for the Eucharist, which is His Body and blood in every Catholic Mass! and May God Bless you! In Jesus' Name, amen.
Jesus Came for all of us! Let's bring our babies to the Lord in Baptism, let's teach our children the Holy and Living Word of the Lord, and let's all make haste to receive every Sacrament given to us from the Lord in the Gospels and in the Bible. If you haven't yet received the Body and Blood of our Lord, or one or two or any of the Sacraments in the Holy Spirit that the Lord gives to us all, let's call our local Catholic Parish and inquire, sign up and register to receive every Sacrament, for the Lord is calling ALL to receive His Body and Blood, His Divine Mercy, and His Holy Presence that we receive in every Sacrament, in GREAT LOVE and ADORATION of our Lord! This I have received in the Holy Spirit, and may God Bless all in Jesus' Name, amen.
Jesus came at the appointed time! He is with us and He will come again! The Transfiguration of the Lord is the Gospel Study for today. The Transfiguration reveals the Glory of the Lord, and the Heavenly Father reveals that "This is My Beloved Son, Listen to Him." As we all listen and act on the Word of the Lord, it is the Lord's Word that shapes us, nourishes us and strengthens us in the Will of God the Father. Let's all Praise the Living Word of the Lord together! Come to Mass! Bring the family! In Jesus' Name, amen.
Jesus rebukes the wind and sea in today's Bible Study as everything is subject to the Lord! In today's Gospel, the apostles are afraid of the violent waves that endangered their lives. As Jesus rebukes the waves, the storm calms. Jesus helps the disciples understand that He is Lord of every matter, for all belong to Jesus! Jesus calls us to live a faith filled life and to trust in the Lord for all matters. Let's all make haste to sign up for the Body and Blood of our Lord, who came for every generation and gave His Life so that all could have life more abundantly by partaking in this Glorious Sacrament that Jesus Himself gave to us! It is Jesus who welcomes all to receive Him, it is the Lord who welcomes all to His Mass, and He loves as we act upon His Holy Living Word! This I have received in the Holy Spirit of the Lord with the assistance of the angels of the Lord. In Jesus' Name, amen
Jesus Calls all to Him! In today's Gospel, the Lord Calls Matthew, who received the Word of the Lord, the Glorious Call of the Lord to Follow Him! Jesus asks us to "Follow Him" and as we place our own heart into the Sacred Heart of the Lord, let's all make haste to act on His Living Word, attend Mass faithfully, and love the Lord with all our heart and mind and strength, to receive Him in Eucharist, and let's all praise the Lord! Halleluiah! This I have received in the Holy Spirit, with the assistance of the angels of the Lord, in Jesus 'Name, amen!
Jesus is with all, welcomes all to Him, loves all, and is always listening! Jesus loves all so very much, that He came for everyone!
Today’s Gospel shows Jesus with His Apostles Baptizing the Bride of Christ- that is His church! St.John the Baptist was baptizing next to Jesus and he proclaims that the Appointed Time of the Lord is at hand! “He must decrease, I must increase!”
“Lift all hearts to the Lord and give thanks to Jesus, for He has come so that all could have life more abundantly.” This I have received in the Holy Spirit with the assistance of the Angels, in Jesus’ Name, amen. -
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Christ the SAVIOR is Born! Born for all nations and every age- and every age to come! Jesus LOVES us all! He is with us! He loves you and He loves me, He loves our families and He always will! We celebrate the Light that came into the world on Christmas and in every morning and evening! The Holy Spirit reveals that Jesus is the long awaited Messiah, the Anointed One, Chosen Son, and Holy is His Name! We sing praise to the Lord of the Heavenly Host who sang (and still do!) “GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!” And we do so with every name in Heaven! Reading from the Nativity Mass Readings for the Night of Christmas, Gospel of Luke 2:1-14. With a holy invitation for all!
Jesus came for us all! As the Lord came for all in the world, let’s all praise the Lord! As we celebrate the Birth of our Lord, Jesus came at the appointed time for all, and He will come again and this time, in His Glory! Praise to the Lord! Hosannah in the Highest! Jesus loves as we come to Him! Place every matter into the Lord’s Mighty Hands, and allow the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who loves you, to guide every area of your heart and that of your family! Jesus loves us all and all belong to the Lord! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him, might not perish, but might have eternal life.” John 3:16. Praise be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Jesus is with every disciple! Spending time with the Lord gains peace, and provides every disciple with Strength, as the disciples were spending time with the Lord, the Lord was preparing their hearts in heading His Living Word! Jesus loves as we spend time with Him, walk with Him, and when we pray over every area of our lives! Jesus came for all in the world and is welcoming all to receive Him in Eucharist! Today’s reading is from Matthew 17:9a-13.
Come to Mass! All are welcome! Jesus loves as we invite others to Mass, asking for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and all in the world to glorify his name! May the Lord bless all nations! -
Jesus is with all in the world! Jesus who is the Good Shepherd! Jesus loves as all come before him, and place all details of every situation into His Hands. Jesus loves as all come before Him, for it is He who welcomes every nation, every person, all to follow Him! Jesus welcomes all to receive Him now and always in the Eucharistic Celebration that can only be found in the Catholic Church. All are invited to receive the Lord! All are invited to partake in the Holy Eucharistic Celebration that is known as the "Heavenly Banquet of the Lord"! If you have not received the Sacraments that are the Graces of the Lord, you can register for the Sacraments of the Lord, by calling your local Catholic Parish, and inquiring of the Sacraments of Baptism if needed, Holy Communion known as the Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. All are invited! The Glorious Call of the Lord is for all in the world and in every age! All ae so very loved by the Lord! He is with all, loves all and welcomes all to receive Him now and in every age! This I have received in the Holy Spirit from the Lord for all who read! May the Lord bless all who listen and all in the world! In Jesus' Holy and Perfect Name, Amen!
Praise be to the Lord! Who strengthens all hearts to hear His Living Word! Jesus loves as we trust in him! Asking the Lord to lift all hearts in His Holy Spirit, is how the Lord loves to send His Holy Spirit! For God loves when all ask for the Holy Spirit! As it is written; “How much more will God give when you ask for the Holy Spirit?” Let’s all ask the Lord to lift all in the world as one spiritual family prayer before the Lord! This I have received in the Holy Spirit! May the Lord bless and lift all who listen and all in the world! In Jesus’ Name , amen.
Lift every detail of your own heart into the Lord’s Sacred Heart! God who is with you, will always hear you! Heal every area of your heart in the Lord! God who is God of all, appointed His Son over all in the world! Today’s Gospel is for all, as Jesus gave His own life so that all could Live Eternally with Him! Jesus we trust in you! May the Lord bless you and your family this Holiday Season, as we enter into The Solemnity of Christ the King, Advent and as we prepare all hearts for the Second Coming, let’s all act on the very Word of the Lord! This I have received in the Holy Spirit for all! In Jesus’ Name , amen!
Jesus is with all in the world! For all belong to the Lord! As all belong to the Lord, let’s sing Praise to the Lord as one in the Lord, as all are welcomed by the Lord in Eucharist, in His Sacraments, and May all attend Mass regularly in every age! Today’s Gospel is from Luke 18:1-8, as Jesus discusses faith in prayer, the parable of the dishonest judge can reveal how much more the Heavenly Father will answer the prayer of the faithful! As all come to the Lord, giving thanks to the Lord, entering His courts with praise and thanksgiving, with faith, The Lord rewards those who do! For the Lord is with all, welcomes all, and it is the Lord who welcomes all to receive Him in every Mass! This I have received in the Holy Presence of the Lord for all to read! In Jesus Name, amen!
Lift all hearts to the Lord! For He is Lord! Giving thanks to the Lord in every area of our blessings, it is Jesus who loves us, is with us, and is welcoming us all to Him in His Holy Spirit; for all belong to Jesus! Today’s Gospel reveals to be trustworthy in small matters, for those who are trustworthy in small matters are also trustworthy in large ones! May the Lord bless us all and our families! This I have received in the Holy Spirit of the Lord who is with us, strengthens us, and loves as we act upon His Living Word! Let’s all share the Glorious Good News of the Lord with all we meet! In Jesus Name, Amen.
“Jesus loves us all! Glory be to the Father,The Son and the Holy Spirit! For the Lord loves as all come before Him, in faith, understanding that He is with us ,is listening, knows our hearts and what we are asking, and it is He who welcome us to Him in all matters!” This I have received in the Holy Spirit for all who listen. Today’s Gospel speaks of humility. Humility is love, for a prideful moment was never loving. It is the Spirit that gives life while the flesh is of no avail; as it is written in John 6:63. The Fruit of the Spirit requires humility to obtain. Humility is what God loves and is how a meek heart is developed. Shift every area of our own hearts into God’s Holy Spirit by asking the Lord in every morning to guide us all and guard us all in the Holy Spirit, and that of our families, “Glory to you oh Lord! For You are Lord! Lift us all in Your Holy Presence, in every area of our hearts and minds and in our thoughts, and that of our families, we ask this though Christ our Lord, AMEN!” This I have received for all in the Holy Spirit! In Jesus’ Name, amen.
“Glory to God in the Highest!” For this is the resounding acclaim in Heaven! “Shift us Lord, in Your Holy Presence! Lift us Lord in Your Holy Spirit, and forgive every area of our own hearts and minds, wherever needed, in You! Mend our hearts, heal all flesh and sanctify us oh Lord, for You are the Lord! This is our prayer, for us and all in the world. In Jesus, Name , Amen.” Jesus loves when we come before Him, in repentance, Metanoia, a change of heart, in following His Word! It is He who welcomes us, and always will. Jesus came for all in the world! He loves us all and this I have received in the Holy Spirit of the Lord!
True Blessedness is described by the Holy Lord in today’s Gospel, as “those who hear the Word of the Lord and act upon it.” “Lift your hearts to the Lord in every moment, asking the Lord to lift your heart into His Sacred Heart. For all belong to the Lord! Placing your own heart into His Sacred Heart, place all matters and every detail into the Sacred Heart of the Lord. For you are already there!” This I have received in the Holy Spirit of the Lord with the assistance of His Holy angels of the Lord in the Holy Spirit for all who read, share and listen- and for all in the world! May the Lord bless us and keep us. May His Face shine upon us and be gracious to us, May He look kindly upon us and grant us His Peace! In Jesus Name, amen.
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