
  • With everything that has happened in the world over the past four to five years, many Christian teachers and laypersons alike have begun to talk about the "end times" and how we're moving into this season of things getting worse and worse, apparently "just as God has planned it."

    But has he?

    In today's episode, Matt challenges the prevailing mindset that no matter what you and I do, the world will continue to come more and more under the sway of evil. What if you and I are put here to save the world? What if you and I have been given the authority to steer it towards heaven? What if, instead of getting worse all the time....the world is meant to get better as the Kingdom takes up more and more residence here?

    What if YOU are destined to win?

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

  • In this episode, Matt peels back the curtain on real life. And how everyone, you included, is meant to do great things. No one is any more gifted or any more equipped than any other. The main difference is how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as a Mighty Man? Or do you see yourself as less than? Listen in.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

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  • In this episode, discover a completely renewed take on life. Far from the passivity-inducing "God is in control of everything" paradigm, the way Jesus teaches us to live is as those who carry authority. Authority over darkness. Authority over disease. Authority to bless and to curse. Authority to decree God's promises into your life. You need to stop assuming that everything that happens to you is God's will.

    It's time for you to search out what his will actually is, and then use your authority to shape your life into an example of heaven on earth.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

    00:00:01-Introduction to Authority
    00:04:53-Understanding 'Exousia' and Delegating Authority
    00:11:37-Victim Mentality vs. Authority

    00:20:25-Shifting Mindsets and Declaring Promises

    00:26:04-Blessing Others with Authority

    00:29:48-Speaking Life Over Your Circumstances
    00:30:30-Aligning Thoughts and Taking Action

  • Understanding your true value as a man is crucial for a healthy marriage. And here's the thing, the kingdom doesn't deal in zero sum games. So you stepping into your worth doesn't equate to your wife getting trampled, domineered, etc. It equates to you leader her into a marriage where you both are living in your God-given royal identities. Together you rule over the domain God has entrusted to you.

    When you embrace your identity as worthy and valuable, you can love and serve your wife from a place of confidence and security, without neediness or manipulation.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

    Introduction and Personal Background

    Understanding Self-Worth and Misconceptions

    Mutual Value and Confidence in Relationships

    Living Up to Worthiness and Service

    Fostering a High View of each Spouse in a Marriage

    Action Plan for Identity Restoration

  • In this episode, discover the crucial Two Phase process that you can engage in order to revive your marriage. It's Phase One that most christian men know nothing about, and they spend their time spinning their wheels on Phase Two wondering why nothing is working!

    If you have wondered why all your attempts at serving, loving, and winning your wife have only seemed to push her away, then this episode is for you.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

    01:37 - 10:10

    Desire a fulfilling, fun, and connected marriage, challenging traditional views on marriage goals.Recognize the importance of two phases in improving marriage:Phase 1: Reclaim masculine individuality.Phase 2: Romance, kindness, understanding, serving.Acknowledge that misconceptions about marriage dynamics have been perpetuated, and it's time to understand God's design for relationships.

    09:30 - 19:38

    Many men feel their marriages are suffering, with a sense of lost respect and intimacy from their wives.Phase 1 focuses on reclaiming masculine individuality, essential for restoring marriage dynamics.Men often sacrifice their identities and interests for their wives, leading to resentment and loss of respect.It's important to establish boundaries and confront issues instead of avoiding conflict.Reclaiming individuality creates a healthy distance, enabling men to show self-respect without being mean.Phase 1 prepares men for Phase 2, where genuine kindness and romantic gestures are appreciated once they have their own identity and confidence.The lack of balance between these phases contributes to struggles in many marriages, particularly within Christian contexts.

    19:13 - 21:36

    Emphasizes the importance of balancing both "alpha" and "gentle" qualities in marriage.Warns against becoming distant and neglectful, leading to feelings of abandonment in partners.Encourages men to work on self-identity, desires, boundaries, and communication skills.Offers coaching and resources, including the book "The DNA of a Man."Urges men to embrace their value and contribute positively to their relationships and communities.Promotes engagement with the Man Warrior King community for support and growth.

  • Christian husbands, it's time to face a hard truth: being "nice" and passive isn't the key to a passionate marriage. Many of you have been misled by well-meaning but misguided advice that physical attraction doesn't matter in a godly union. This couldn't be further from the truth. The Bible speaks extensively about the importance of sexual intimacy in marriage, and it's time to reclaim this vital aspect of your relationship.

    To revive your marriage, you must embrace your God-given masculinity. This doesn't mean becoming a tyrant, but rather stepping up as a strong, confident leader who isn't afraid to pursue his wife. No more neediness or seeking validation - it's time to become the man your wife can't help but be attracted to. Remember, your faith alone won't ignite her desire. You need to embody the qualities of a true man warrior king: strength, passion, and unwavering commitment.

    Don't fall into the trap of believing that your wife's lack of attraction is solely her problem. Take ownership of your role in the relationship. Lead by example, both spiritually and physically. Reignite your own passion for life, for God, and for your wife. When you become the best version of yourself, your wife will naturally be drawn to you. This isn't about manipulation; it's about becoming the man God designed you to be.

    It's time to stop settling for a lukewarm marriage. You have the power to create the passionate, fulfilling relationship you both deserve. Don't let fear or false humility hold you back. Embrace your role as a leader, lover, and protector. Your wife is waiting for you to step up and be the man she can lean on, trust, and desire.

    Listen to the full episode of the Man Warrior King podcast to dive deeper into these truths. Then, take the next step in your journey to authentic masculinity by purchasing "The DNA of a Man." This book will equip you with the tools and insights you need to transform your marriage and become the man you were created to be. Don't wait another day - start reviving your marriage now.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

    Aim for a passionate, authentic life focused on faith and presence.Embrace your identity as a man, warrior, and king with conviction.Discusses the importance of physical attraction in marriage alongside godliness.Challenges the church's teachings that downplay attraction.Stresses that physical attraction is vital for a healthy marriage.Encourages men to seek ways to rekindle attraction rather than accept its decline.Emphasizes the need for personal growth to enhance marital desire.Understand who you need to become to reawaken physical attraction in your marriage.Avoid accepting the notion that attraction fades over time; strive to be undeniably attractive.Don't argue or plead for attraction; instead, lead by example and improve yourself.If you’re losing attraction for your wife, recognize that your own complacency may be influencing her.Physical attraction is essential for a healthy marriage and can help resolve conflicts.Don't rely solely on faith to maintain attraction; balance your spiritual and relational responsibilities.Seek help or coaching if needed to improve your marriage dynamics.
  • In this episode, explore the possible explanations for why prayers for healing may not be answered. Matt challenges the belief that God controls all things, and that he's up in heaven arbitrarily decided who will get healing and who won't. We look at the importance of faith in receiving healing, and Matt shares his personal experience of battling a physical disease. It's time that we all take responsibility for growing in faith and not giving up in the battle for healing. Matt offers to pray for anyone in need of healing.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.


    00:00 - 09:48
    Kingdom living, Physical healing, Miracles, Prayer, Health battles, God's control, Salvation, Authority, Sickness eradication

    09:54 - 19:49
    God's will, faith, prayer, growth, responsibility

    19:53 - 22:01
    Healing, Personal development, Belief, Rest, Faith, Self-improvement

  • In this episode, have your eyes opened to the Kingdom truth that shatters a very common religious lie that too many Christian men believe. "I have to get myself out of the way. And any acknowledgement that I can do something good is wrong." Let's see what Jesus himself ACTUALLY said.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.


    00:02 - 09:50
    Challenging church mindset, Understanding biblical manhood, Being the salt of the earth, Being the light of the world, Letting your light shine, Balancing humility and self-worth, Living in tension with kingdom truths, Being connected to the vine

    09:51 - 19:48
    Identity, Self-worth, Good works, Gospel message, Religious lies, Raw kingdom faith, Mission, Marriage revival, Christian teaching, Kingdom man

  • In this episode, learn how to persevere in your praying and not give up too soon. What if you've planted seeds and they are still germinating, but because you assume God answered no, you'll walk away and never see the harvest. God promises to answer prayer. It's traditions of men that have come up with stupid explanations like, "He will give you what you need but not necessarily what you want." I'm sorry...Psalms tell us that if you delight yourself in him, he will give you the DESIRES of your heart.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.


    00:01 - 09:33
    Seed time and harvest, Patience, Persistence, Transformation, Healing, Faith, Discouragement, Prayer, Transformation, Growth

    09:37 - 18:09
    Jacob's Promise, God's Presence, Faith and Belief, Trusting God's Favor, Overcoming Doubt, Growth and Change, Stewardship of Harvest, Hope and Healing, Awakening Faith, Experiencing God's Reality

  • In this episode, discover some of the little known truths in the christian marriage help world...the truths about cat energy vs dog energy. Unfortunately many of the church's teachings about how to be a Godly husband leave men acting like dogs running around their wives, tails wagging, trying to get her to notice them. It's time we discover how to be a MASCULINE husband, and a Kingdom man.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.


    00:00:01-Introduction to Man Warrior King Podcast

    Matt Hallock introduces the Man Warrior King podcast and expresses his excitement for the movement. He also mentions the topic of marriage and being a cat person versus a dog person.

    00:00:29-The Cat vs. Dog Discussion

    Matt discusses the common preference for dogs over cats, especially among men, and shares his personal experience of being a cat person. He also introduces the idea of being a cat person or a dog person in the context of marriage.

    00:03:39-Behavioral Comparison: Cat vs. Dog

    Matt describes the behavior of his dog and explains how it relates to the behavior of some men in their marriages. He draws parallels between the behavior of a dog and the behavior of a man in a marriage.

    00:07:56-Negative Impact of Dog-Like Behavior in Marriage

    Matt highlights the negative impact of behaving like a dog in a marriage, emphasizing the need for confidence and independence in a husband's behavior. He discusses the emotional and behavioral parallels between a dog and a husband in a marriage.

    00:14:19-Embracing Cat-Like Behavior in Marriage

    Matt encourages men to embrace cat-like behavior in their marriages, emphasizing the importance of confidence, independence, and allowing space for mutual pursuit in the relationship. He contrasts the behavior of a cat with that of a dog in the context of marriage.

    00:18:09-Final Thoughts

    Matt concludes with a message of love and encouragement for his audience, expressing his care and support for the gentlemen listening to the podcast.

    Topics Discussed:

    00:01 - 09:57

    marriage, cat person, dog person ,emotional dependency, husband wife relationship dynamics

    10:03 - 18:20

    Anticipation, Attention, Affection, Insecurity, Confidence, Masculinity, Femininity

  • In this episode, listen is as Matt discusses the healthy anger that it takes to step into your Promised Land, for yourself in your own life, and in your marriage.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Ready for intense transformation in yourself AND in your marriage? Check out The Masculine Husband Group Transformation Program here:

    The Masculine Husband Transformation Program

    If you have questions about the program, logistics, and whether it would be helpful for your specific situation...use the link below to schedule a free phone call with me so we can talk it over.

    Book a free call with Matt to discuss the program
  • In this episode, experience a war cry not often hear. A war cry for you to take back your marriage from the enemies that have set up camp in YOUR promised land. If you're going to lead yourself and your wife into the marriage that you both have dreamed of, but that feels a bit far away at the moment, you're going to have to learn how to kick out 3 particular enemies:


    Until you rise up and overcome these, you'll continue feeling the pain of a marriage that is suffering from your lack of identity, strength, confidence, and leadership.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Watch for the release on February 14th.

  • In this thought-provoking episode, Matt explores the profound impact of words in the life of a warrior. Your words carry incredible power to shape reality and influence all aspects of life, including health, emotions, and marriage. Your words will ALWAYS produce a harvest, whether good or bad. There is a very real responsibility that comes with spiritual authority.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here:

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:
  • In this episode, Matt delves into how extremely important it is for a man to have confidence in navigating conflicts, particularly within his marriage. He explores the challenges associated with cultivating confidence, especially for Christian men who may have been taught to view it as sinful.

    If you want to attract your wife, though, there is absolutely no way around the need to become confident. But how? Many of us were never taught.

    In this episode you'll learn how to build confidence using one way that the secular world has used for years, but that the church has stayed very ignorant of. Saying yes to yourself.

    Sounds shallow and trite. But it's deep, profound, powerful, and kingdom.

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here:

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:
  • Do you feel like your prayers rarely or never get answered? Have you ever felt frustrated by that? Confused? Like God doesn't seem to act as alive as he says he is? The truth is, there's an epidemic of answer-less prayers going up from the men in the church today. It may very well be that we've forgotten how to pray in REAL faith. And we don't pray in the way that Jesus told us to. If you want to live like a warrior then you need to know how to do battle with prayer. You need to know what your commander has told you to do. And you need to stop praying according to the old religious mindset.

    Believe, and speak to your mountain.

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:

    Get a spot on Matt's calendar right away here:

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here:

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Visit the Man Warrior King store for additional resources and trainings:

    Man:Conqueror - Your guide to building confidence, the kingdom way.Husband:Rebuilt - How to stop pushing your wife away and start attracting her again.Take Back Your Marriage - Overthrow the myths that the church has accidentally passed on to us men that have kept us spinning our wheels in building a fiery, passionate, fulfilling marriage.
  • You want to gain massive ground in your marriage? Want to create sexual sparks, but in a way that ACTUALLY WORKS? Then listen in to learn one of the most important battlefields that you must learn how to occupy for the sake of your sex life, your marriage, and your wife's heart. This right here is one of the top 3 most important reasons to be a confident man in your marriage.

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:

    Get a spot on Matt's calendar right away here:

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here:

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Visit the Man Warrior King store for additional resources and trainings:

    Man:Conqueror - Your guide to building confidence, the kingdom way.Husband:Rebuilt - How to stop pushing your wife away and start attracting her again.Take Back Your Marriage - Overthrow the myths that the church has accidentally passed on to us men that have kept us spinning our wheels in building a fiery, passionate, fulfilling marriage.
  • The Word of God is central to the DNA of a Warrior. But not necessarily in the way you might think. Listen in to learn how to approach God's word from a completely new and refreshing perspective, one where you see your entire life supernaturally change before your eyes. No longer are we looking to be self-made men. Nor are we looking to be God-made men. Men of the Kingdom. Warriors. We are Word-made men.

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:

    Get a spot on Matt's calendar right away here:

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here:

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Visit the Man Warrior King store for additional resources and trainings:

    Man:Conqueror - Your guide to building confidence, the kingdom way.Husband:Rebuilt - How to stop pushing your wife away and start attracting her again.Take Back Your Marriage - Overthrow the myths that the church has accidentally passed on to us men that have kept us spinning our wheels in building a fiery, passionate, fulfilling marriage.
  • The title of this episode says it all. If you find yourself hoping that someday "your wife will change" and become that sweet, adoring, attracted, melt-in-your-arms woman that you know she can be, then you need this shot in the arm.

    Angry wives are not merely broken and undesirable women. More often than you may want to admit, an angry wife is the result of a weak man.

    Want a happy woman? Become a man of strength.

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:

    Get a spot on Matt's calendar right away here:

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here:

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Visit the Man Warrior King store for additional resources and trainings:

    Man:Conqueror - Your guide to building confidence, the kingdom way.Husband:Rebuilt - How to stop pushing your wife away and start attracting her again.Take Back Your Marriage - Overthrow the myths that the church has accidentally passed on to us men that have kept us spinning our wheels in building a fiery, passionate, fulfilling marriage.
  • If you want to succeed at the things that have been put before you, then you're going to need to know how to live as a warrior. Men need to stop being soft and easily pushed around by their circumstances, always interpreting the things that happen to them as signs of God's will. If you want to truly leave an impact, look in the mirror and feel proud of the man you are, build an intimately connected marriage, and see true victory, then you're going to need to become disagreeable. As a warrior would.

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:

    Get a spot on Matt's calendar right away here:

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here:

    If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

    Visit the Man Warrior King store for additional resources and trainings:

    Man:Conqueror - Your guide to building confidence, the kingdom way.Husband:Rebuilt - How to stop pushing your wife away and start attracting her again.Take Back Your Marriage - Overthrow the myths that the church has accidentally passed on to us men that have kept us spinning our wheels in building a fiery, passionate, fulfilling marriage.
  • Matt and Corrie kick off their new Weekend Warrior Marriage series talking about the "why" behind the work Man Warrior King is about to do for your marriage. They discuss what marriage SHOULD look like versus what the church often teaches. Learn about the nature of God's intent for the passion, desire, and heat in your marriage.

    In the episode you'll be inspired to stop wasting time and make the changes in yourself for the good of your marriage...right NOW! You'll discover that marriage is not just you dying to yourself in order to meet your wife's needs...and vice versa. It is about your desires coming fully online in such a way that what FLOWS out of you is exactly what she has been yearning for, and vice versa.

    Get ready for the beginning of your new marriage journey.

    If you'd like to set up a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation with Matt himself to get to work right away on yourself as a man so you can architect the marriage you've been hungry for, visit:

    Get a spot on Matt's calendar right away here:

    To join the monthly membership program Ranks of Adullam, find out more information here: