Always thought you're just bad with languages? Didn't get the best grades in French class in school til the point that made you feel that new languages are just not your thing? Jessica Tulchin, co-founder, of Fluent House of language, is here to break all this self-limiting beliefs and tell that maybe it's not you, maybe it's actually the schools. The education system teaches languages in a way that is disconnected from the true essence of language - and that is communication with the people who actually speak it, the world they live in, and the culture they are brought in. Language and living go hand in hand and in order to get the perfect results, we must combine them.
Watch the video here:
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"Please don't tell my daughter she's lucky to have me, I am luck to have her".
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) affects millions of women around the globe, making it difficult for a lot of women to get pregnant. In this episode, Holly Jackson shares with us her experience with the condition alongside here one and only lifelong dream of becoming a mother and her choice of adopting a child. Holly takes us into a very personal journey of the emotions that she has felt dealing with infertility and how it affected her entire life. She generously provides a detailed picture of the adoption process in the UK for everyone who is considering the option and all of the questions and dilemmas that one has to face going through that process. We discuss the role of a parent in a child's life, and especially the identity of an adoptive child. -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, but also Lilo & Stitch, Mulan, and Tangled - What is the role of Disney in designing our thoughts? How did the movies we love and grew up with shaped our perception? Did they change over time? How? And why? All of this and more in this fascinating (and very amusing) conversation with Lisa Bonifacie hosting the talented Manon De Vincenzi (our logo designer!)
We recorded this episode a while ago actually. Laureana Byrne, who is first and foremost, a linguistic genius and works as a linguistics professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Pampa in Argentina takes us to a special experience that she's been through with the Ni Una Menos movement in Argentina. Laureana will take us through the rules and restrictions on abortions in Argentina, through the role of religion in personal choices and through the meaning of a fight for your right. She explains what the movement is about and how it all came together.
Michal became a mom 8 months ago, but she believes it actually happened much earlier, ever since the pregnancy. In this adorable episode, Sophia goes with Michal over the experience of being a new mom; the lessons that it teaches you, not only about motherhood, but also about life. Michal explains why it is so important to get to know your baby. The role of breastfeeding in the baby's journey, but also the way it's seen in society. Michal speaks about the power of nature and how important it is to understand that we are a part of nature and we must respect its rhythm.
In this episode, Arianna Lomolino & Sophia Avnilov go deep into the Jewish culture that’s behind Netflix’s TV show - Unorthodox. The conversation flows from the series, to orthodoxy in general, to different religious and their practices and to philosophy, as always. After watching the show, Arianna as an enthusiastic learner of cultures wants to know about the reality of the world that was presented on Unorthodox. Sophia lives in Israel and reports from her knowledge about orthodoxy in Israel and how secular people see it. Together they explore this world from an analytic, literary point of view, in the hopes of learning something new and interesting.
Nataly Suvilova is a practicing psychologist from Ukraine, a full time mother, wife, an amazing woman and an enthusiastic introvert. She has also opened a private group for her colleagues so that they can support and help each other during these times. In this episode, Nataly and Sophia cover all kinds of interesting and also difficult topics, such as anxiety, fears, uncertainty, the feeling of control, and domestic violence. Nataly gives professional tips on how to handle these kind of feelings during the lockdown that we're experiencing due the current COVID-19 situation.