
  • Trees offer tremendous wisdom. In coaching, I often talk about setting an intention to be like a tree for upcoming difficult meetings or conversations. Being like a tree is a surprisingly effective leadership and life strategy.

    At the Connect in Nature Mindful Healers Retreat a few weeks ago, one of my intentions was to encourage others to be more tree. Specifically to :

    Draw strength from others.

    Ask for help when you need it.

    Be authentic.

    Attend to your core.

    Don't be afraid to branch out.

    Get plenty of rest.

    Stand tall.

    Be open to change.

    These lessons come from an inspirational book called How To Be More Tree by Liz Marvin. Enjoy today’s mindful moment to hear many more lessons from this book.

    At the Connect in Nature Mindful Healers Retreat we share many lessons from the trees we stand amidst.

    Trees have roots and they use “their resources” creatively.

    Their roots are embedded in soil which provides nutrients and microorganisms.

    Why not “fertilize your own soil” with the essential nutrients for a healthy, happy, and aligned life?

    Redwood trees drink fog and live and grow in community. Their roots are one foot deep and football fields wide creating an extensive network of support. We are stronger together.

    Trees grow towards the sun and stand tall and proud. They don’t hide. The branches and leaves grow in the direction of sunlight reminding us to point in the direction of getting what we need and setting ourselves up for success.

    Many trees live through extreme temperatures, lack of water, too much water, and fires. They have scars and other marks but the trees remain as they are through it all leaning into their support systems and utilizing the resources they do have.

    Trees are calm and grounded. They are graceful and elegant despite irregularities, lumps, and bumps.

    Trees sway in storms and rarely fall except in extreme storms. Their wood is strong and flexible.

    There are all different kinds of trees but the inner anatomy of every tree is largely the same- roots, trunk, branches, leaves. Trees just like humans have more in common than different.

    How might you “be more tree”?

    Join us for the next Mindful Healers Connect in Nature Retreat in SPRING 2025.

    We will enjoy a different season, and different, but still amazing, natural wonders from a different home base - Nicasio Creek Farm.

    We will enjoy creeks, mountain tops, wildflowers, esteros, bays, and the wildlife of West Marin and Point Reyes National Seashore. We will explore food as nature and hands on experiences of mindful harvesting, preparing, and eating food.

    Sign up for Jessie’s email list to be notified when registration is open.

    Today's Mindful Moment is entitled Invitations from Trees. It includes some of my favorite excerpts from How to Be More Tree- Essential Life Lessons for Perennial Happiness, by Liz Marvin

    “This beautifully illustrated book celebrates the wisdom of trees and what they can teach us about everyday life, from basking in the sun to weathering the storm. As you learn about dozens of trees, from the Acai palm to the Yoshino cherry, you'll find that their means of survival are not so different from ours.

    The juniper tree proves that it's possible to flourish anywhere as long as we put down strong roots.

    A mountain hemlock finds strength basking in the sun while a black walnut's sturdiness comes from its thick, steely core.

    The hawthorn demonstrates resilience as it adapts to strong winds and storms by finding balance in its roots.

    Trees have many more lessons to offer, from letting go of the past, to branching out, to resisting the urge to overstretch ourselves.

    Trees have wisdom to offer parents, children, colleagues, leaders, physicians, spouses, and every person as an individual.

    How to Be More Tree is an essential companion for all those moments when we're having trouble seeing the forest for the trees.”

    - How to Be More Tree - Essential Life Lessons for Perennial Happiness, Liz Marvin

    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us.

    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • During times of stress or discomfort old and often maladaptive habits resurface.

    Many of these habits originate in our childhoods.

    This episode sheds light on “reparenting”- what it is and how it can help you meet needs that went unmet in childhood. The intention of reparenting is to move towards healing by creating new healthier patterns.

    Are there circumstances from your childhood that felt out of your control and like they harmed you? Might they be influencing your behavior as an adult?

    “Reparenting is when an adult meets their own needs that went unmet in their childhood. This is often affection, security, routines and structure, emotional regulation, and compassion." -

    Many of us in medicine took on the responsible “carer” role in our childhoods.

    A few tips to remember while reparenting. All are themes woven into almost every Mindful Healers. Podcast episode. They are also foundations of mindfulness.

    Stay curious.





    Presence can be the ultimate present.

    Learn more about reparenting in this article:

    This podcast is not medical or psychoanalytical advice. Please seek guidance from your own healthcare team regarding whether or not reparenting is something that might be helpful for you.

    We encourage you to listen to other episodes in our Parenting with Presence series.

    26. What to Do When You Parent Differently

    42. Parent with Presence Instead of Worry

    45. What to do When Parenting is A Lot

    61. Savor All the Moments of Parenthood

    63. Cultivating Mindful Families

    65. Stop Trying to FIx Your Kids

    67. Teen Mental Health

    71. How to Be An Even Better Mom

    78. Parent from Abundance: Step Out of The Rat Race

    93. Coaching in Action - Helping A Mama Bear Find Relief From Anxiety

    124. Great Parenting is Often Messy

    134. Mindful Wisdom from a New Grandmother

    142. Navigating Transitions Tips from a New Dad

    150. Parenting Your Athlete with Presence

    151. Tips to Launch Your Young Adult Children with Love

    167. The Invitation of the College Application Process

    187. Opting Out of Toxic Achievement Culture

    202. Finding Peace at the Family Dinner Table with Dr. Jaclyn Albin

    203. Coaching Can Help you Be a Better Dad with Dr. Adam Was

    218. How to Navigate the Early Acute Phase of Empty Nesting with Grace and Compassion

    We hope you will join us for coaching or a retreat to practice mindful awareness of your thought patterns and tendencies so you can begin to live an intentional, responsive and more fulfilling life.

    We strongly recommend that you move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    Information about the location and dates of the 2025 Connect in Nature Retreat will be available in the next few weeks.

    In the meantime, hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. Have. us create a team retreat, teach yoga, and/or offer experiential mindfulness for your team, group, grand rounds, institution, or conference.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach #themindfulhealerspodcast

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  • Every parent traverses into the space having an empty nest at some point. We want it to happen and we don’t. If it's not happening we worry. If it is happening we worry.

    This episode belongs in both the Parenting with Presence and Transition Well series. Jessie shares about her first week transitioning to an empty nest. The first week of a big life change is, “of course”, filled with intense and often conflicting emotions.

    It was a bit like landing in a foreign country. How you feel may be unexpected. It may be different than you think you should feel.

    I thought I would be excited…but I wasn’t. As I headed home, I felt chest pressure and was anxious. It was totally unexpected. And it continued to come and go unexpectedly for a week or so.

    Below are a few of the mindful tips shared in this episode. I hope they will help you handle the grief, anxiety, sadness or whatever else you might feel in the moment

    Pause and breathe and remember to trust and believe in yourself and them. You did the best you could in the moment with the resources, skills and experience that you had in the moment.

    Whatever you feel doesn’t have to go away or be controlled. Feel it. When we don’t strive to change it, it passes through more quickly.

    Somatic work really helps. Join me for a retreat to learn more about this.

    Be kind to yourself. Hand to heart.

    Be patient. Give yourself time to adjust.

    Try to show up “hands wide open” for the next phase. Be willing to accept the discomfort of uncertainty. Ask yourself “good” questions. What if it’s fun? What if it’s better than you expect? What if you aren’t lonely? What if it’s amazing?

    Don’t quarterback the past. Did you do a good enough job? Should you have spent more time doing…?

    Mindfulness and coaching help tremendously to navigate parenthood and big life and work transitions with buoyancy and grace.

    Consider joining me for Transition Well. You can join the fall group until October 1st.

    If you happen to be a new empty nester or about to be an empty nester, it is also a great time to enjoy a life reset at a Pause & Presence Retreat at Nicasio Creek Farm or Sagrada. Your next chapter will be much more fantastic if you do.

    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Enjoy this Curious About Coaching session and learn about the art of intention setting.

    Choosing the tone and energy with which you show up is a life changing way to approach challenging situations.

    How a plane lands is determined long before the wheels touch the ground. It takes awareness, attention, focus, and intention to land with safety and grace. If a plane pilot were to not approach a runway with care and planning, the outcome would likely not be optimal.

    What if you determined “your approach” before you landed at home after work?

    Or before a vacation? Or before an important meeting? Or before a date with your partner?

    Or before morning rush or bedtime struggles? Even before a clinic day, an exercise session or dinner.

    Listen to learn how to approach your life with intention and enjoy much smoother landings ahead.

    Learn how and why you should set yourself up for success with mindfulness practices. Learn the art of choosing guiding words to optimize your results and experience.

    Choosing your approach is especially helpful in transitions. Join me to learn all the ins and outs of this and many other tools in Transition Well which starts tomorrow!

    If you prefer to learn in person, join me at Nicasio Creek Farm or Sagrada for a retreat.

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • We often think we can’t pivot because "what if" …? What if the job I pick doesn't work out? What if my wife gets cancer?

    Last year, Dr. Rakesh Jotwani shared his journey leaving a long-time employed hospitalist position to pivot to lifestyle medicine. Listen to that episode Mindfulness Can Lead You to a Plant-Based Diet and a Fulfilling Career here.

    When we take a risk and make a big change, we all worry about the possibility of catastrophic "what if's".

    In this encore episode, Dr. Rakesh Jotwani shares what happened when many of these "what if’s" happened to him over the last year.

    Life-jarring events often give you even more clarity and motivation to follow your passions. Dr. Rak tells how and why chose to not live as a victim and double down on his values.

    Rakesh decided his best bet was to bet on himself. He recommends we all do the same.

    He chose to see all the steps in his journey, whether expected or not, as valuable information. He chose to embrace the acquired skills and wisdom to help him on his next step.

    His parting wisdom: “Pick yourself.”

    Find out more about Dr. Rak’s programs lifestyle medicine program, tribes @

    One of Dr. Rak’s favorite quotes is, “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

    Going far together is the premise behind the Transition Well Small Group Coaching.

    The fall cohort starts this week. There are only 4 spots left. Your future self in January 2025 will wish you had signed up.

    Retreats are also a great way to "pick yourself" and move forward on following your dream and choosing to live a more fulfilled life. Join me at Nicasio Creek Farm or Sagrada this year.

  • Listen to this Curious About Coaching Session with Dr. Jessie Mahoney to learn how to discern when something is unreasonable, what you can do about your own unreasonable expectations of yourself, and what you can do when others have unreasonable expectations of you.

    Most high achievers have unreasonable and/or unrealistic expectations of themselves. As parents, children, physicians, friends, and members of society. We were also trained in professional schools to have unreasonable expectations of ourselves (think residency!)

    The expectations of our patients and our employers are also often unreasonable and/or unrealistic. We don't have clarity or confidence to stand tall in what our job actually is. We default to it must be our job and we twist ourselves in knots trying to make it all work, please others, be enough, and get external validation. When we can’t do it all. we fall into blame, shame and guilt. We feel like an imposter.

    Others shouldn’t have unreasonable expectations of us. Their expectations should be reasonable (different) – and we can still make a difference with our own responses, thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    Listen to learn actionable and specific mindset, coaching, and communication tools that can help you navigate successfully when others' expectations of you are unreasonable.

    Learn how to implement these tools in your own life by engaging in coaching. Doing the work is much different than simply consuming this podcast. Join us for coaching or a retreat and change your life.

    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Are you frustrated by the constraints that the current healthcare system places on physicians?

    Is your well-being jeopardized by challenges at work?

    Would you like to embody practicing whole-hearted medicine?

    Dr. Michelle Biehl’s inspirational story will galvanize you to feel empowered to take steps towards both living and practicing medicine wholeheartedly.

    Dr. Michelle Biehl is a pulmonary and critical care physician at the Cleveland Clinic. She is the founder of the Post-ICU Recovery Clinic and a certified coach. She immigrated to the US from Brazil after her residency. She did another residency in the US, followed by her fellowship. Before starting at the Cleveland Clinic she and her physician husband worked in South Dakota to fulfill the requirements of their J-1 Visas. Along the way, they had two children.

    Dr. Biehl shares how coaching and a Pause & Presence Sagrada retreat gave her the courage to cut back to part-time and let go of a part of her job that used to be her passion but was now no longer in alignment.

    She shares how hard it was to give herself permission to not work full-time as an immigrant. She shares how she grew the courage to ask her chair and change her life at a recent Pause & Presence Retreat. Inspired, motivated, rested, and nourished, she returned home, took immediate action, and changed her life.

    What did Dr. Beihl learn on her retreat?

    How to practice nonjudgmental awareness, tune into her body, and notice alignment and misalignment.

    How to trust herself

    How to slow down and meditate

    She had previously been making decisions based on what she thought she was “supposed to do” and that she could and wanted to make decisions from her heart

    It is ok to focus on what she loves.

    Someone has to be “the first to do it”- why not her?

    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    If you would like to change your life, learn to trust yourself, grow courage, and make aligned heart-based decisions about how you spend your life, join a Pause & Presence retreat:

    If you want to get started right away, sign up to coach with Jessie on Zoom. Join the Fall 2024 Ongoing Presence or Transition Well small groups or treat yourself to 1:1 coaching. Both lead to incredible results.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • We don't like to disappoint people or be disappointed and we especially don't like it when our children are disappointed.

    Liam Mahoney is back for an encore episode. Listen to hear Liam’s story of navigating a big and unexpected disappointment. Hear how Jessie, as his mother, navigated his disappointment.

    Leave with some gold nuggets of advice to ease the bumps of frustration and anger that arise when we face disappointment. Our own or someone else’s.

    Coaching and mindfulness have dramatically changed how I react to disappointment whether it be with those I love, those I care for, those I work for, or those I am friends with.

    Life is full of disappointment and learning how to handle it with more ease and grace is truly life- changing.

    Managing disappointment more effectively and buoyantly is a topic that always comes up in group coaching. This is but one of the tools you will learn when you join me for Ongoing Presence, Transition Well, or an in-person retreat this fall.

    True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Do you find yourself frustrated when others show up late?

    Do you make it mean that others don’t respect you or don’t care when their “timing” and way of working through to-do lists, planning, and chores is different than yours?

    We hope this episode will leave you feeling liberated from chronic frustrations around timing, urgency, and the preferred paces of others.

    We all have different inner rhythms and preferences. Many of us were taught that there is a right and/or wrong way and/or a “polite” pace.

    We have stories about what the pace of others means.

    What do you make mismatches in pace mean?

    Those of us who work in medicine tend to have an urgency bias and a quick pace. We have painful stories about late patients and respecting our time.

    Some people are always late. Some people are always early. It isn't usually about you at all.

    When you want someone to be different, move faster, act, or respond differently than they are, you are resisting reality. This usually increases your suffering.

    Tips to Respond with more ease and grace when others have a different pace.

    Notice your bodily reactions, expectations, and stories

    Pause and breathe

    Move forward with intention

    Ask your future self for advice.

    Ask what would love do

    How might you respond to future timing mismatches with mindfulness and compassion?

    Join us for a retreat to practice responding with grace, ease, mindfulness, and compassion to everything in life that doesn't happen your preferred way. This skill is liberating and will change your life for the better every single day.

    If you can’t come to a retreat in person, join Jessie for coaching. You will be amazed by how much better your life feels after coaching. Without anyone else changing you will feel much better.

    Please consider moving beyond consuming this podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in person.

    Join us at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Do you think you don't practice mindfulness “right?"

    Are you concerned about not being able to “clear your mind?"

    Does your inability to practice mindfulness the way you think you should make you feel anxious, guilty, or like a failure?

    Do you have a list of reasons why you think mindfulness doesn't work for you?

    This episode addresses all of these questions and more.

    Mindfulness is accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere, doing or not doing anything at all.

    Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, and aware of where we are and what we’re doing, while not being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

    The media has made mindfulness sound complicated. Experts throw out lots of ways to practice that are “right.”

    We know you can get huge benefits from mindfulness without being fancy.

    It can be as simple as pausing and being present. Slowing down enough to notice. Remembering to breathe.

    Just like becoming more physically fit, exercise, repetition, and practice are needed. Mindfulness is exercise for the brain. It enables our minds and bodies to be together at the same place and the same time.

    Mindfulness has been shown in studies to help reduce burnout, but it doesn't heal or prevent burnout alone.

    You can’t meditate your way through the practice of medicine today. Medicine is a mess. Physicians and other providers are not the problem. Mindfulness is a tool to help us function in an inadequate, often harmful system. It is not a replacement for reasonable expectations of responsibilities, appropriate time to meet them, and resources

    Mindfulness is synergistic with mindset work (AKA coaching) and self-compassion practices. Together they can help you work within the system, if you want to, until it gets fixed. They help you be healthy enough to take care of yourself and advocate for yourself well despite the current situation.

    Move beyond consuming this podcast. True change happens when you work with us.

    We strongly encourage you to join us for the Mindful Healers Retreat Sept 6-8th 2024. You will learn all the tips and tricks to finally have a meaningful and impactful mindfulness practice. You will leave with “the lowest cortisol level you had in years.”

    You can also work with Jessie individually on incorporating mindfulness into your life strategically and effectively. It is the antidote to so many of our trained negative thought patterns. Without it, coaching isn’t nearly as effective. And the effects are not nearly as long-lasting. If you have tried coaching before and not had the results you wanted, this is likely part of the reason. The other reason may be the coach. Reach out to me if you want to discuss whether we might be the right fit.

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • If you have struggled with yoga, think you aren't a yogi, or simply want to understand you to make yoga work better for you and your ever-changing body, listen to this episode.

    Yoga is not what most of us think. With creativity and a good teacher, yoga, in some form, can work for all bodies.

    Every body is a yoga body.

    Yoga is not about flexibility or standing on your head.

    Medical conditions don't need to exclude you from enjoying yoga and its benefits. In fact, yoga has been shown to help with almost all medical issues and long-term morbidity, mobility, and mortality.

    What may get in the way of people trying yoga

    all or none thinking thinking there is a right way to practice thinking they have to be able to do everything in class or all of a class feeling uncomfortable about needing variations and modifications not understanding that there are many different kinds of yoga not understanding the purpose and intent of yoga Not understanding the structure of a yoga class

    Yoga is an ancient and complex practice, rooted in Indian philosophy. It began as a spiritual practice that incorporated physical movement. It is about much more than fitness. When taught well, yoga goes well beyond the physical practice.

    Yoga is a way of life and a way of promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It weaves together physiology and philosophy. It is a way of noticing, thinking, speaking, being, and living.

    Yoga is intended to help you

    practice being in your body

    decrease stress

    better balance your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system

    better balance your outlook and find new perspective

    give you tools to help decrease stress

    teach you how to breathe

    What makes a good yoga teacher?

    A good yoga teacher feels like a good fit for you in this moment of your life journey. A good yoga teacher has a flexible approach. They are open to variations and modifications for every human body. A good teacher is committed to doing-no-harm and accepts that there is no “right” way to practice.

    A good yoga teacher is also inclusive and makes their classes accessible. They encourage listening to your body and adapting as needed. They are nonjudgmental, kind, compassionate, and open-minded. They understand yoga philosophically, physiologically, and anatomically and are aware of the interplay between trauma and the nervous system.

    When you work with a good teacher, everyone can reap benefits from practicing yoga.

    *if you have significant medical issues, 1:1 yoga, in person, and/or yoga therapy is the place to start.

    Join Jessie for her free Zoom MIndful Yoga:

    Join Jessie for YouTube yoga:

    Join Jessie for in-person yoga at a retreat: You will discover a kind of yoga that works for you.

    Invite Jessie to teach her Mindful Yoga for Healers at your retreat or conference: . It's an experience your participants will love.

    Please share this podcast with your colleagues, friends, and patients.

    Invite them to do yoga with Jessie too.

    The more we all practice yoga the healthier, happier, more calm, and equanimous we will all be.

  • The world needs physician voices. Enjoy a fun conversation with Hilary Blair, founder of Articulate Real & Clear, about how mindfulness, intention, and most of all presence can help anyone, especially doctors, give a great talk.

    The way we are trained to think as physicians makes public speaking more of a challenge than it should be for most physicians.

    We are trained to:

    worry what others will think of us

    fear judgment, rejection, and shame

    talk fast and "not waste time"

    always share as much information as possible

    be sure others think we know "enough"

    not take risks

    blame ourselves if we make a mistake (or even if others think something not flattering about us)

    xatastrophize what might happen if we make a mistake or embarrass ourselves

    Most physicians find it very uncomfortable to be seen as an expert or a star. We were taught this could be perceived as gloating. It could also lead to complacency and maybe a mistake. We tend to prefer to “serve” others under the radar.

    We are trained that there is “a right way” and that, if you haven’t been trained, "you don’t know how."

    We tend to default to thinking that we are imposters. We fear that someone may discover we don’t know everything about everything.

    What can we do to improve our public speaking?

    Choose connection over perfection

    Do more of what’s working and less of what’s not

    Work with a mindset/life coach (AKA Jessie) to understand our patterns, how our brain works, and how we can optimize our performance in the exam room, on a stage, and at home

    Practice owning our authenticity, wisdom, and expertise every day

    Practice mindfulness and learn how to drop into our body

    Connect with our intentions, as a speaker and otherwise

    Work with a speaking coach to clarify our message, tone, and energy

    Hilary Blair is the CEO of ARTiculate: Real and Clear. She is an energized speaker, trainer, facilitator who capitalizes on her professional voice over and stage training techniques - where she used to put the drama in, she now takes the drama out of team and leadership communication. She facilitates and leads programs internationally for corporate teams and leadership to elevate presence, communication, and authentic connection. Clients include AWS, Starbucks, ACLU and MD Anderson. Hilary is a TedX speaker, a cofounder of ARTiculate: Real&Clear and holds an MFA in acting from the National Theatre Conservatory and a BA from Yale University.

    How to work with ARTiculate Real and Clear-

    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in a small group, or at a retreat.

    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • What is forest bathing?

    How does forest bathing impact mental health? How does it impact physical health?

    Nature is medicine.

    Forest = For Rest

    There have been many studies to show that forest bathing and simply being in nature is a way to decrease stress and improve well-being. It improves mental and physical health conditions. It impacts both our vital signs and our outlook.

    Dr. Suzanne Bartlett Hackenmille, MD, FACOG, ABoIM is board-certified in integrative medicine and ObGyn. She has additional certifications in herbal medicine, Ayurveda, and meditation. She is also certified as a Forest Bathing Therapist through The Association of Nature and Forest Bathing and she is the author of The Outdoor Adventurer’s Guide to Forest Bathing.

    In this episode, Doc Suzy shares her compelling and emotional story.

    She discovered integrative medicine and forest bathing. when she began seeking answers to burnout as an ObGYN on top of navigating having an autistic child and a husband diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer.

    Forest bathing, just like mindfulness, is primarily about noticing. It is also a practice of using all your senses. Listen to the episode to learn how to forest bathe.

    Suzy recommends a pyramid approach to forest bathing. This means, if possible, we should celebrate the awe and wonder of what we notice in nature amidst significant natural wonders (such as national parks) regularly. A plug to join us in Muir Woods, at Muir Beach, and in the gardens of the Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center for Connect in Nature. Our location is a site of much awe-inspiring nature. This is the last year we will host Connect in Nature in this location. Next year we will be moving this event to a TBD different spectacular spot in nature.

    Dr. Bartlett Hackenmille explains that we can also practice forest bathing weekly in urban local parks, botanical gardens, arboretums, and/or daily in our backyard. We can even practice nature therapy/nature medicine with a potted plant and/or on a construction site.

    We highly recommend Suzy's gorgeous book which is full of color pictures and a myriad of invitations to practice forest bathing.

    How might you like to practice more “nature medicine”? Where could you forest bathe today? This week? This year?

    Why not forest bathe with us in Muir Woods at Connect in Nature Sept 6-8th. ?

    If those dates don't work for you, consider signing up to forest bathe with Jessie at a Nicasio Creek Farm Wellness Retreat in October or, November 2024 or at Sagrada Wellness in November 2024, There are also many date options for Pause & Presence nature-based retreats in 2025.

    Today's Mindful Moment offering is a forest bathing meditation guided by Dr. Suzanne Bartlett Hackenmiller. For podcast listeners, please find a photo of your ideal forest space for this practice or listen outside.

    You can find Dr Suzanne at @docsuzy on IG or at her website

    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    If you can't make it to a retreat soon, coach with Jessie virtually 1:1 or in a small group. Coaching also helps you become happier and healthier.

    Hire Ni-Cheng, Jessie, or both of us to give a keynote talk or lead a workshop or breakout session on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • If you struggle with public speaking or you want to share your message more succinctly and more powerfully, listen to this episode.

    Diana Dresser, Jessie’s speaking coach this past winter, is our special guest. Diana is a self-described theater nerd and actress.

    We offer helpful tools and a new understanding of how working with a coach on speaking, and everything else in life, helps.

    What makes a talk compelling?

    Practice, the courage to be vulnerable, and a willingness to show more of yourself.

    Coaches have insight into you and your message that is hard to have on your own. I saw things and was able to own things about myself and my message that I had not previously appreciated.

    Diana connected with the “radicalness” of my message and encouraged me to lean into being dangerous.

    She also saw the uniqueness of my spirit. She strongly encouraged me to speak and lead even more with my heart which had a powerful effect of my audience. Leaning into my wisdom and experience did also.

    We share what worked to allow me to eliminate imposter syndrome as a public speaker as well as ways to connect and create intimacy and connection with in-person audiences vs Zoom.

    This episode speaks to the power of coaching as a tool in changing your presence, performance, and sense of purpose. After listening you will likely want to engage in coaching - speech coaching, life coaching, marriage coaching, and every other kind of coaching.

    Diana is a Commercial and Film Actor, Director, Choreographer, and Coach at ARTiculate: Real&Clear. Diana earned her BA from the University of Kansas.

    Hire Jessie to share the awesome talk discussed in this podcast at your conference, workshop, or event.

    Coach with Jessie and eliminate imposter syndrome and start leaning into your own wisdom and experience. 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

    Work with us in person at a retreat-

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Have you been ill and thought “I can tough this out” or “I don’t want to bother anyone?”

    When you seek care, do you apologize for the inconvenience and/or feel the need to justify why?

    In this episode, we normalize that it is hard for physicians to seek timely medical attention. We name some of the potential causes and share ideas about how you might take sooner action when it comes to addressing your own healthcare needs.

    The deep indoctrination of putting others' needs above our own is hard to change. In medical training we were not taught to advocate for our own health. Our training taught us that having a medical issue of your own was inconvenient and a weakness.

    We also know first-hand how hard it is to work in medicine these days. We often struggle to ask for care, even when reasonable and needed, because we don’t want to bother our colleagues. Sometimes we are even “guilty” about using up healthcare resources.

    We also don't want to be a patient in a system we know is broken. It makes us feel vulnerable.

    We know too much.

    Most of us especially don’t want to be perceived as “that patient.” The unreasonable, demanding one.

    We hope after listening you will have an easier time seeking care for yourself. We hope you will have some tools to give yourself permission to prioritize your needs.

    We hope you will have more awareness about what your barriers are and when you next set up an appointment for a loved one, you include yourself in the circle of care and set up care for yourself also.

    What if you could start caring for yourself AS WELL as you care for everyone else.

    Coaching and mindfulness can help you bring kindness and compassion to habitual thought patterns that don’t serve your highest self.

    We hope you will consider moving beyond consuming this podcast and choose to work with us in person at the Mindful Healers Connect in Nature Retreat, Sept 6-8th, 2024. There are only a few spots left.

    If the timing doesn't work, join a different retreat or coach with Jessie. She offers 1:1, small groups, and retreats.

    You can also hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • I LOVE helping physicians get back to loving what they trained for so long and so hard to do. Coaching and retreats are amazing tools to accomplish this outcome. It's possible even in medicine today. Even if you are in primary care. And even if you have been practicing for a long time and are exhausted.

    Lara shares how embracing authenticity and a positive mindset helped her get back to both joy-filled patient care and professional fulfillment.

    At a retreat in 2022, Lara learned how to listen to her body and calm her nervous system.

    She also realized for the first time that “ she was interesting.” This epiphany ultimately led her back to her true nature in the exam room with her patients. She began to bring her fun, and funny, self into the exam room with her patients. She began enjoying her visits more – and her patients did also. She started practicing medicine “her way.” Notably, she had more success working with patients on diet and lifestyle changes than she had ever had before.

    On her retreat, Lara also learned “the cost” of resisting reality and the power and energy that she could get back by simply changing her stories. She learned tools to change these stories. She acquired practical and accessible tools to replete and energize herself. She learned the importance of actually resting when she was tired. She discovered that being less tired was possible.

    After her retreat, Dr. Cavanaugh started believing that “she had enough energy.“

    She changed her story about her work and began to describe her days in the pediatric clinic as “time well spent.” These mindset shifts led her to feel contentment and peace with her life exactly as it is today. She experiences much less work-related stress and fatigue and opts out of most drama related to “office problems.” She is mostly caught up with her inbox. Her focus is no longer on retiring. Instead, she is content with where she is. She knows it will all happen when the time is right.

    If you want to get back to joy, fun, passion, and purpose while practicing clinical medicine like Lara, join me for a retreat or coaching.

    Find out about coaching and retreats @

    Connect with Lara @ [email protected]

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Do you want to know how to create vitality through simple daily choices?

    What does a sustainable life with vitality mean?

    How do you actually make a sustainable lifestyle happen?

    Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa, MD, MS, founder and CEO of Chandrima is a pioneering force in the realm of integrative, Ayurvedic, and lifestyle medicine. With over three decades of education, training, and clinical experience, Dr. Khalsa has dedicated her career to bridging the gap between traditional and modern healthcare practices. Her unique approach is rooted in the belief that true healing encompasses the mind, body, and spirit, and she is passionate about empowering physicians to adopt this holistic perspective in their own practices.

    Along the way, she started blogging and began developing her skills in web development and design. Visit her blog here.

    She joins us to share her nonlinear journey as a healer.

    She shares her passion for food as medicine.

    She uses the metaphor of our inner fire as representative of our vitality and how we can sustain this.

    Her social media outlets are her creative outlet she shares, and her content is full of light, bright, and beautiful pictures of food and plant forward recipes with Ayurvedic influence.

    Learn more about Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa here:











    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • This episode answers a question I get often- Do I coach men?

    The answer is yes! I am a mom of three young adult men, the sister of two brothers, and a wife. I am surrounded by men. As an institutional wellness leader for over twenty years, I worked with all comers.

    In honor of Father’s Day, Dr. Adam Was, joins me to chat about how coaching, which he came to primarily for help with career decision-making, also helped his family life.

    He shares the perspective of a physician dad, in a dual-physician household, with three small children, and two dogs.

    Coaching helped Adam let go of guilt about working part-time as an academic pediatric anesthesiologist and start taking time for himself.

    Adam came to coaching as a way to set himself up for success and to optimize his career satisfaction and work-life balance. He was not in distress or burnt out. And it improved his life tremendously.

    He shares that coaching was not at all what he expected and was so much more helpful than he imagined.

    Coaching helped increase his patience with his three children under five. It gave him the gift of “of course,” a mantra he uses frequently. It helped him focus on what matters most, improve his communication with his wife, and grow his tolerance for uncertainty.

    Mindfulness and meditation are key to Adam’s success. At the end of the episode, he shares how and when he practices it for optimal effect.

    Send your male colleagues and your spouses my way. It's often harder for men to reach out for coaching and support. They very often need a loving nudge.

    Consider gifting coaching to your co-parent or significant other for Father’s Day, a birthday, or your anniversary. Coaching ends up being a gift for the entire family.

    If your co-parent or partner isn't ready for their own coaching yet, jump in yourself. When you change, those around you change. Whether you are in distress and burnt out, under marital stress or parenting overwhelm, or you simply want to optimize, coaching is an incredible tool to change your life and your relationship for the better.

    Find out more about coaching.

    Join us, and bring a male partner or colleague to Connect in Nature, The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat. It's a coed retreat and great for couples as you can make a date weekend out of it by staying at local nearby inns

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Do you struggle with family dinners?

    Would you like to enjoy drama-free mealtimes?

    Are your children picky eaters?

    Find more peace and presence around the dinner table. Listen to this discussion about how families can gather, cook, and eat healthier together.

    Dr. Jaclyn Albin, a med-peds physician at UT Southwestern joins us today. She is the director of the culinary medicine program, an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, and practices primary care across the lifespan. She is the founding Associate Program Director for the combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Program, a trained in lifestyle medicine and a certified culinary medicine specialist (CCMS). She is on the national advisory board for the CCMS program at Health Meets Food and studies the impact of culinary medicine classes in medical education, patient care, and community settings.

    Feeding a family and building a healthy relationship with food is hard. It requires a hands-wide-open mindset as well as presence, acceptance, trust, and patience.

    Slow down, be fully present, and leave your devices elsewhere. Share stories and make mealtimes an experience of connection and love

    Listen to hear more practical strategies for healing your own relationship with food and gathering peacefully to enjoy family mealtimes with less drama.

    If you happen to be interested in incorporating culinary medicine and lifestyle medicine into your practice, Dr Albin shares many tips and tools for this as well.

    If you want to experience culinary medicine and lifestyle medicine yourself, join me for Yoga, Coaching, Mindfulness, and Culinary Medicine retreat at Sagrada or Nicasio Creek Farm.

    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

  • Wishing is not indulgent or fluff. Wishing is powerful, strategic, and fun.

    Alexa Fisher is the founder of Wishbeads “the original intention-setting jewelry.” Her Wishbead bracelets are an integral part of my retreat business.

    My personal Wishbead bracelets are partly responsible for my big wish (dream) coming to fruition recently.

    Wishing is a form of intention setting. As such it releases motivational neurochemicals such as dopamine and acetylcholine.

    Wishes don't just happen. They require courage. Courage to let your true desires be seen and to share them with others.

    When you choose a wish and live into manifesting it, you begin to actively call in what’s needed for your wish to come true. You connect with people who can help you. Those people connect you with others. You begin to see yourself as someone to whom things like your wishes happen. You grow to believe in yourself and the process.

    There is no right wish and no right way to wish.

    Many of us feel guilty about wishing for something we desire. And even more guilty when our wishes come true. Like it might not be allowed or fair to others. That we don’t deserve it. That our wish coming true might make others feel bad. Many people hide when wishes come true. They minimize the story of how their dreams and wishes happened because they are worried about being judged. Hiding our wishes and dreams helps no one. Hiding when they come true is wasteful.

    What if others are inspired to take action towards a more aligned authentic and joy-filled life because they witnessed wishes coming true?

    What if they choose to pursue their own dreams and wishes because their eyes have been opened to possibility?

    If you want to get started on wishing your own desires into existence, join me at a retreat. It's the first step out of waiting for things to get better and instead making them better. It's the first step towards your wishes coming true.

    “An unparalled expereince”

    “It's worth it and can help shift the trajectory of your life for the better in ways you may never have expected!”

    “More valuable than I can say. In the one week since the retreat, I have felt and made some big internal and external shifts in my life. I am living and practicing medicine in different ways."

    "This was a deep and profoundly healing experience.”

    “This is an investment in your health and that of your loved ones and your career. Invaluable!”

    If you can't make a retreat happen yet, coach with me- 1:1 or in a small group

    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.

    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach