
  • Success often comes with hidden struggles that are rarely discussed. In this episode, High-Performance Coach Rich Litvin unpacks the challenges faced by top achievers, such as loneliness, imposter syndrome, and the emptiness trap. You'll gain powerful knowledge and practical tools from Rich to navigate these hurdles and flourish both personally and professionally. If you've ever felt isolated at the top or doubted your achievements, this conversation will be a game-changer.

    Rich guides us through a transformative exercise, revealing the deeper motivations behind our actions and goals. This segment encourages profound introspection, helping you identify and connect with your core "why." Such clarity is crucial for sustaining motivation and achieving long-term fulfillment. The insights shared here are designed to help you break free from the common traps of high performance and rediscover joy and purpose in your journey.

    Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field. Tune in to uncover the surprising truths about success and fulfillment that can elevate your life to new heights. Whether you're seeking to overcome obstacles or simply looking for inspiration, Rich Litvin's wisdom will leave you feeling empowered and ready to take on your next challenge.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:00:22] Loneliness on the path to success.
    [00:06:39] Success traps and counterintuitive truths.
    [00:10:31] Creating a supportive community.
    [00:12:43] The imposter trap.
    [00:17:03] Finding your zone of genius.
    [00:18:30] Progressing in your career path.
    [00:21:36] The emptiness trap.
    [00:26:27] Living up to full potential.
    [00:29:29] Personal growth and global impact.
    [00:32:26] Changing lives and saving lives.

    Memorable Quotes

    "When you're the most interesting person in the room, you're in the wrong room, is the sign for you to either go out and find, or do what I did and create the community that stretches you and grows you." – Rich Litvin

    "The opposite of success isn't failure, it's mediocrity. Successful people aren't afraid of failure. In fact, it's one of the only ways to become successful, to keep taking risks and failing along the journey. But at some point, what I see in really successful people is there's a sense of there's something missing. And so what I tap into at that point is, what's the legacy you want to leave? What's the contribution you want to make?" – Rich Litvin

    "You can never have enough of what you don't really need. We're chasing fame, success, recognition, money, yachts, cars, homes, and yet we get them and there's something missing. So, we chase the next one." – Rich Litvin

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  • Perseverance leads to success. This is a common theme that we often hear in motivational speeches, self-help books, and success stories. But what does it really mean to persevere? And how does it lead to success?

    In this episode, you'll learn how Dariush Soudi, Dubai's sought-after Inspirational Speaker, navigated immense challenges, including a near-death experience and the loss of $100 million, to rebuild his empire from scratch. His story offers valuable insights into navigating business challenges, increasing your odds of success, and making impactful decisions.

    Dariush also delves into the concept of Gladiator Mastery, teaching entrepreneurs how to thrive in the competitive arenas of life and business. He shares his approach to serving others, creating effective processes, and seeking mastery in every endeavor. His wisdom and experiences provide practical strategies and profound motivation for anyone on their entrepreneurial journey.

    Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, you'll find inspiration and actionable advice in this conversation. Tune in to gain tips from one of Dubai's most remarkable leaders and learn how to turn your challenges into stepping stones for success.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:01:32] The power of energy and personal development.
    [00:06:42] Sacrifices for family.
    [00:10:03] Overcoming online stalking challenges.
    [00:11:34] Overcoming challenges and setbacks.
    [00:16:33] Social media company evolution.
    [00:20:26] Leaving a legacy through gladiator mentality.
    [00:24:02] Comfort as the enemy.
    [00:26:06] Embracing desire for growth.
    [00:30:06] Vulnerability and connection.
    [00:31:47] The science of business.
    [00:35:40] The power of process.
    [00:39:37] Starting a successful business.
    [00:43:07] Lessons from Muhammad Ali.
    [00:45:35] Value alignment in hiring.
    [00:51:25] Company values reflection and alignment.
    [00:53:28] Hiring for attitude and values.
    [00:58:34] Hiring process strategies.
    [01:01:49] The final interview hurdle.

    Memorable Quotes

    "What I teach people is that practice your maneuvers before you go into battle, before you go into that meeting, so you can see the moves coming. You've got a strategy. That gives you confidence." – Dariush Soudi

    "You create your own luck by taking your life seriously. You took your business seriously. Now, yes, the vision was to change the world for the better and help people. At the same time, you couldn't do that unless you made this a process, a systemized way." – Dariush Soudi

    "Stop worrying, because the reality is never as bad as your worry. And your best aphrodisiac is action." – Dariush Soudi

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  • Feeling trapped in life's routines? Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley's visionary Founder, shares seven powerful habits to help you get unstuck and elevate your performance toward your goals. Drawing from his experience and insights from thought leaders, Vishen provides unconventional advice to help you enhance your brain health, prioritize learning, embrace stagnation, challenge yourself, and more. 

    Learn how to cultivate a growth mindset, optimize your brain's performance, and harness the power of deliberate practice. Discover actionable steps to overcome obstacles, amplify productivity, and ignite your journey toward holistic transformation.

    Don't miss out on this transformative episode. Tune in to gain insights into unlocking your full potential, mastering productivity, and sculpting a life of purpose and fulfillment. It's time to shatter limitations, embrace growth, and embark on a path of unstoppable progress.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:00:41] The Importance of brain health.
    [00:01:13] Importance of good sleep.
    [00:04:45] Non-negotiable learning time.
    [00:08:03] Avoiding injury for productivity.
    [00:09:38] Gratitude and happiness levels.

    Memorable Quotes

    "Never, ever compromise sleep. The number one health practice in the world, you guessed it, is sleep. Your brain needs it." – Vishen Lakhiani

    "Always ensure that the projects you're working on are roughly 4% harder than what you think you're capable of. The 4% harder rule puts you at just the right zone where the project is challenging enough, where you can develop flow and you can grow." – Vishen Lakhiani

    "Do you know what is the single most important practice that has the highest correlation with overall human well-being? It's gratitude." – Vishen Lakhiani

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    Subscribe to 'Mindvalley Membership' to discover 65+ transformational Mindvalley programs – at a surprisingly low annual fee here 👉 

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  • Change is an inevitable part of life. Whether we like it or not, change is constantly happening around us and within us. It can be scary and uncomfortable, but it is also necessary for personal growth.

    In this captivating episode of The Mindvalley Show, Vishen Lakhiani takes us on a journey into the profound power of transformation. Discover how our experiences of suffering can become the driving force behind our life's purpose, igniting a mission fueled by resilience and determination.

    Throughout this episode, you'll gain valuable insights into the concepts of self-actualization and self-transcendence. Learn how to move beyond mere personal growth and channel your energy toward creating a positive impact on both yourself and the world around you.

    Vishen shares personal anecdotes, thought-provoking insights, and inspiring quotes that will empower you to take courageous steps toward a more fulfilling life. Explore the significance of evolving our meaning schema and the transformative potential of mimetic inoculation as you embark on a journey toward self-transcendence and meaningful contribution.

    If you're ready to delve deeper into personal growth, transformation, and the art of making a difference, this episode is for you. Join Vishen as he unveils the transformative power of embracing change and leveraging our growth to create a brighter future for ourselves and others.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:01:06] Creating personal growth communities.
    [00:02:14] Personal growth and learning.
    [00:04:21] Transformation in education.
    [00:08:25] The disorienting dilemma.
    [00:12:22] Self-transcendence.
    [00:15:36] Rate of self-evolution.
    [00:20:45] Finding your mission through wounding.
    [00:24:36] Forced to live like parole.
    [00:29:19] Taking a stand for unity.
    [00:32:24] The Earth Flag.
    [00:36:50] The importance of self-care.

    Memorable Quotes

    "Transformation is the idea that you start seeing the world in a radically different way. Transformation is going from the beliefs of your religion, or your culture, or the beliefs instilled in you by your parents, and then realizing that there are other ways of viewing the world." – Vishen Lakhiani

    "I share these two rules with you because I want everyone in our community to get to self-transcendence. Only when we see ourselves in unity can we truly go forth and create a better world." – Vishen Lakhiani

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." – Vishen Lakhiani

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
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  • This episode unveils an extraordinary tale of resilience, determination, and compassion. We are immensely proud to welcome back our special guest, Maria Conceicao, a former Emirates stewardess turned record-breaking athlete, who shares a narrative fueled by a mission to alleviate the plight of children in poverty.

    Uncover the profound impact of Maria's 10 Guinness World Records on helping countless children in poverty and inspiring others. Her journey, from conquering Everest to swimming the English Channel, epitomizes the strength of human perseverance, proving that one person can indeed change the world.

    Maria's story transcends mere record-breaking feats; it's a testament to channeling achievements into meaningful impact such as funding the education of hundreds of underprivileged children and transforming their lives. From overcoming challenges to celebrating triumphs, her journey will leave you inspired and in awe of the human spirit's resilience.

    For a potent dose of inspiration and a reminder of unwavering human resilience, this episode is a must-listen. Maria's narrative is a touching testament to the transformative power of perseverance and the enduring pursuit of dreams, even in the face of adversity. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into overcoming obstacles, fortifying mental strength, and embracing the unyielding pursuit of your aspirations. Tune in and let Maria's remarkable journey uplift and motivate you.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:02:31] Maria's athletic achievements. 
    [00:03:52] Maria's personal background and motivation.
    [00:08:14] Overcoming challenges to find success.
    [00:11:13] Learning to swim and overcoming setbacks.
    [00:14:42] The importance of perseverance.
    [00:15:28] Dedication to the children's education.
    [00:19:03] Philosophy on overcoming challenges.
    [00:22:03] How to support Maria's mission.
    [00:25:10] Maria's Approach to challenges and manifestation.
    [00:28:18] Maria's athletic training and mindset.
    [00:31:12] Guinness World Record journey.
    [00:36:18] Opportunities for the children and how to help.
    [00:38:07] Gratitude and overcoming obstacles.
    [00:42:31] Maria's experience as an Emirates stewardess.
    [00:44:05] Future Plans for helping single mothers.
    [00:51:15] Maintaining mental and emotional strength.
    [00:52:02] Community involvement in charity work.
    [00:53:18] Maria's commitment to the children's future.
    [00:54:17] Advice on pursuing your dreams.

    Memorable Quotes

    "More than seeing the poverty, all I could see was so much potential going down to waste. People, when they go to third world countries, they only see the poverty. But all I could see was so many kids with so much potential that would go to waste if no one did something to help them." – Maria Conceicao

    "What I learned with the English Channel is keep swimming. Even if you're going to the wrong direction, keep swimming because the tides, they will eventually change." – Maria Conceicao 

    "Dreams, they don't happen not because it's not possible. It's just because people, they give up too soon. And it will be a very tough journey. It will be incredibly hard. But remember, the harder it is, when things are really tough, that means you're going the right way." – Maria Conceicao

    Where to Find Our Guest



    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
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  • Water is a vital substance for our bodies, and its importance cannot be overstated. In our recent conversation with Shawn Stevenson, a renowned Health Expert, bestselling Author, and Creator of the #1 health podcast in the U.S., The Model Health Show, we uncovered the profound impact of water on our well-being. Ever thought a simple 17 ounces of water could spike your metabolism by 30% for the next 40 minutes? That's just the tip of the iceberg in this eye-opening discussion.

    Discover the secrets of optimal hydration and its direct link to improved health. Shawn breaks down the science behind water-induced thermogenesis, shedding light on how it aids in burning extra calories. Surprisingly, dehydration doesn't just leave you parched – it affects your mood, cognitive function, and yes, even your height!

    But it's not merely about quantity; we also explored the quality of water. Learn about the pitfalls of plastic-bottled water and how filtering with reverse osmosis and enriching with minerals can elevate your hydration game. And for those who find water dull, we've got you covered with tips to turn hydration into a delightful experience – from citrus infusions to investing in a sparkling water machine.

    If you're ready to transform your relationship with water and revolutionize your well-being, this episode is a must-listen. Shawn's insights and practical tips will leave you eager to embrace the simple yet powerful changes that can enhance your health journey. Tune in and start your hydration revolution now!

    Key Takeaways

    [00:02:10] Water-induced thermogenesis.
    [00:03:02] Metabolic benefits of water.
    [00:04:05] Brain's dependence on water.
    [00:05:08] Hydration and body function.
    [00:08:01] The science of diffusion and hydration.
    [00:09:00] Influence of water on mood.
    [00:11:30] Hydration and brain detoxification.
    [00:12:01] Glymphatic system and detoxification.
    [00:13:09] Starting the day with hydration.
    [00:16:43] Bottling water in glass.
    [00:19:07] Water treatment and its impact.
    [00:23:42] Tap water and filtration options.
    [00:28:13] Hydrating water hacks.
    [00:31:32] Quitting soda addiction.
    [00:35:39] Diet cola and health concerns.
    [00:39:29] Value of drinking water.

    Memorable Quotes

    "But simply, according to the latest research, drinking 17 ounces of water in one go, just within a minute, can boost your metabolism up upwards of about 30%." – Shawn Stevenson

    "If we're trying to be sharp, we're trying to be focused, we're trying to be our very best cognitively, and we're simply not drinking water. We're putting ourselves at a disadvantage. It's something so simple, but we overlook it." – Shawn Stevenson

    "We have overlooked the value of something so simple. This is literally the number one nutrient that we require is water. It's beyond the omega-3s and the biotin and all the different vitamins and minerals that we can conceive of, enzymes, phytonutrients, water. It's something so simple." – Shawn Stevenson

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    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
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  • In this must-listen episode, we join forces with acclaimed Documentary Filmmaker Jason Prall on a mesmerizing journey to decode the age-old secrets of longevity. From the serene beauty of Sardinia to the heart of Okinawa's vibrant traditions, we uncover the mystique of the world's oldest communities. This is not just a podcast episode; it's a gateway to transformative life lessons on health and longevity.

    Jason Prall doesn't just share knowledge; he reveals a treasure trove of wisdom on cultivating a culture of health that resonates both at home and in the workplace. Prepare to be captivated as we delve deep into the critical importance of sleep, unravel the hidden dangers of environmental toxins, and explore the profound influence of emotional well-being on our lifespan. This episode is a revelation, challenging and changing your perceptions of health through the power of mindset and the astonishing effects of the placebo.

    For CEOs and business leaders, this episode is a goldmine. It's packed with groundbreaking strategies to revolutionize workplace culture and boost employee well-being. These aren't just tips; they're life-changing strategies that promise to propel your business and personal health to new heights. Don't just listen to another podcast episode; experience a journey that could redefine the way you live and work. Tune in now for an episode you simply can't afford to miss!
    Key Takeaways

    [00:00:18] Sardinia's longevity phenomenon.
    [00:01:12] Enhancing longevity in kids and companies.
    [00:02:31] Jason's personal approach to longevity.
    [00:03:18] School start times and circadian rhythms.
    [00:04:11] Indoor lighting and health.
    [00:08:23] Importance of getting kids outdoors.
    [00:11:20] Misleading health claims by food companies.
    [00:14:31] Impact of artificial sweeteners.
    [00:15:19] What should we eat?
    [00:17:23] Creating a healthy working environment.
    [00:20:13] Unhealthy office habits.
    [00:25:40] Sleep and productivity.
    [00:27:13] Corporate health practices and productivity.
    [00:28:06] Emotional traumas and health.
    [00:29:09] Exercise and brain function.
    [00:32:08] Simplicity of the way of life.

    Memorable Quotes

    "One of the concepts that came to light for me in the work that we did traveling around to Sardinia and Ikaria, Greece, and these places where you have longevity, is that the environment is dictating the human behavior. So instead of getting an individual to try to be healthy at work, what if we created a healthy working environment that allowed people to take on healthy behaviors?" – Jason Prall

    "Actually, science has shown that doing the wrong things with people is healthier for you long term. So, what we need to change is we need to bring the group toward the health side of the equation." – Jason Prall

    "The key to longevity and being healthy and happy is not holding any grudges, being in a good state with those around you." – Jason Prall

    Where to Find Our Guest


    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
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  • Consciousness and the universe are intricately intertwined. Today, embark on a mind-bending journey with Nassim Haramein, a Spiritual Physicist, in this thought-provoking episode of The Mindvalley Show. Brace yourself as Nassim challenges conventional beliefs, merging spirituality with physics to redefine our understanding of consciousness. Curious minds, get ready to explore the profound impact of visualization and dive into the uncharted territories of humanity's evolution. This conversation is not just eye-opening; it's a paradigm-shifting experience that will have you questioning the very fabric of reality.

    Discover Nassim's groundbreaking perspective on spirituality as a yet-to-be-discovered equation in physics. As he unravels the mysteries of the interconnected universe, you'll find yourself contemplating the vast potential of your own mind. The fusion of science and spirituality presented by Nassim is nothing short of revolutionary, offering insights that may reshape the way you perceive existence itself. Get ready to expand your consciousness and challenge the boundaries of your beliefs.

    Join us for a riveting discussion with Nassim Haramein, where controversial and daring ideas collide. Regardless of whether you align with his views, the significance of this conversation is undeniable. Tune in and explore the uncharted realms of spirituality and physics, unlocking new dimensions of thought that might just reshape your worldview. It's a conversation that invites you to not only listen but actively engage in the exploration of limitless possibilities.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:01:03] Definition of consciousness.
    [00:02:20] Chicken or egg problem.
    [00:08:26] Self-directed evolution.
    [00:09:35] Modifying the past and future.
    [00:16:07] Changing physical appearance through meditation.
    [00:21:14] Changing our past experiences.
    [00:23:09] The concept of time.
    [00:29:33] Group consciousness and shared future.
    [00:33:17] Finding the lesson and beauty in difficult moments of history.
    [00:36:15] Understanding of evil as a level of confusion and awareness.
    [00:41:17] The ability to find meaning and lessons in difficult personal experiences.
    [00:43:05] Over-unity technology and zero-point field energy.
    [00:50:17] Gravity control.
    [00:53:49] Warp drive and space travel.
    [00:55:47] Controlling gravitational fields.
    [00:56:52] Relationship between science fiction and the future of technology.

    Memorable Quotes

    "To me, consciousness is the fundamental information structure of the universe. Information moving through its cycles. Feedforward, feedback information throughout the whole network of creation that produces complexity like a hundred trillion cell human being that eventually becomes self-aware." – Nassim Haramein

    "In our current society there's been a very strong capacity to influence global awareness by producing very specific information sets in our media and the way we think of things and so on. And there's been a huge influence on the group consciousness of our planet that way." – Nassim Haramein

    "Everything is connected. Everything is entangled. All particles are entangled. Everything is in this metric of space that connects everything together. And what we call energy, what we call mass, what we call gravity, what we call electromagnetic fields, is actually different modality on how the information is moving." – Nassim Haramein

    Where to Find Our Guest


    Instagram: @nassim.haramein

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
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  • Ever wondered why health is the true wealth of billionaires? In this eye-opening episode, Vishen Lakhiani explores the importance of prioritizing health for wealth. No, it's not just about crunching numbers or hitting the gym for hours – it's about the profound connection between the two and the transformative power of small, daily changes.

    Discover stories of successful billionaires willing to trade vast fortunes for good health, revealing a perspective that might just reshape the way you view success. Vishen shares insights into his own daily routine, a mere 90 minutes a day, packed with practices like meditation, intermittent fasting, and exercise. These aren't just habits; they're the building blocks to enhanced cognitive abilities, heightened energy, emotional balance, and improved sleep.

    Join Vishen as he unpacks practical strategies for weaving these habits into your life. From morning rituals to the importance of quality sleep, this episode offers a blueprint for optimizing your health and, in turn, your wealth. Get ready to explore the simple yet profound changes that can add not just years, but quality years to your life.

    Tune in and unlock the secrets of the health-wealth correlation, as Vishen guides you through a journey of transformation that begins with the small choices you make every day.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:01:10] Health Over Wealth: Billionaires' Perspective
    [00:03:50] Richard Branson's Example of Prioritizing Health
    [00:06:35] The Purpose of Health Optimization
    [00:10:50] Morning Routine and Meditation Practices
    [00:18:34] Intermittent Fasting and Its Benefits
    [00:21:16] The Impact of Diet on Brain Function and Wealth
    [00:23:16] Focus Time and Work Efficiency
    [00:27:30] The Rule of 4% for Achieving Flow
    [00:28:31] Supplements for Enhanced Focus and Cognition
    [00:33:12] Afternoon Routine and Mood Checks
    [00:35:02] High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
    [00:40:06] The Importance of Weight Training
    [00:43:21] Nighttime Routine and Reducing Alcohol
    [00:46:33] The Benefits of Saunas
    [00:48:43] Sleep Importance and Bedtime Routine
    [00:50:44] Biohacking Sleep
    [00:51:14] Daily Routine Timeline

    Memorable Quotes

    "Every billionaire I've had the benefit of interviewing, and I've interviewed over a thousand people, every single one of them would give up 99% of their money for their health." – Vishen Lakhiani

    "If you're an entrepreneur, it is vital that you start eating healthy to reduce fat because you're actually going to become a better entrepreneur. You'll be able to get more work done in less time. Your thinking is going to be better. Your decision-making is going to be better. You're going to feel better about yourself, and your lifespan will increase, which means more time to build your business and create intergenerational wealth for your family." – Vishen Lakhiani

    "Health magnifies wealth. We all need to be healthy, resilient, powerful entrepreneurs. Never, ever, ever sacrifice your health for money." – Vishen Lakhiani

    Links Mentioned In This Episode

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    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
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  • In a world constantly evolving, the art of self-disruption becomes a compass guiding us toward growth and fulfillment. Our latest episode embarks on a captivating exploration of this theme with none other than Miki Agrawal, the brilliant mind behind the visually enchanting book, "Disrupt Her."

    Join us as Miki takes us on a journey through her own remarkable transformation – from Meditation Teacher to the Founder of a successful technology company. Miki's book is not just a self-help guide; it's a masterpiece adorned with beautiful artworks and drawings that mirror her passion for authenticity and integrity.

    In this thought-provoking conversation, Miki shares insights into the discomfort that often accompanies change, emphasizing its role as a precursor to something beautiful. As one of INC Magazine's Most Impressive Women Entrepreneurs of 2016 and a Fast Company's Most Creative People honoree in 2018, Miki brings a wealth of experience and creativity to our discussion.

    Discover the concept of beautiful destruction and its potential to pave the way for greatness in your life. Our conversation delves into the importance of iteration, embracing imperfection, and drawing strength from past experiences to shape a more fulfilling future. Miki's inspiring journey serves as a guide, offering valuable insights into reinvention and finding your true passion.

    Don't miss this episode filled with wisdom and inspiration as we explore the art of disrupting yourself and embracing change. Whether you're seeking personal growth or contemplating a transformation in your life, this conversation with Miki Agrawal is a must-listen. Tune in now and join us on this enriching exploration of beautiful destruction and the path to a more fulfilling life.

    Key Takeaways

    [00:00:30] The art of disrupting yourself. 
    [00:04:23] TUSHY company.
    [00:08:12] Overcoming self-doubt.
    [00:10:23] Control your thoughts, create space.
    [00:12:05] Embrace childlike curiosity and playfulness.
    [00:13:12] Society's impact on creativity.
    [00:15:45] Shaking off adulthood seriousness.
    [00:19:20] Society shaming career switches.
    [00:22:41] Embracing past failures for growth.
    [00:24:34] Perfection vs. iterative process.
    [00:29:49] The Bonobo Apes.
    [00:32:19] What is a snag?

    Where to Find Our Guest


    Instagram: @mikiagrawal

    Facebook: @twinmiki

    Memorable Quotes

    "I really believe that if you have the discipline to do one or two things towards your business, towards your idea, towards your passion, you can disrupt anything." – Miki Agrawal

    "It's so important for us to put ourselves as adults in a container of playfulness." – Miki Agrawal

    "In our lives, not even just in business, but in our lives, if we just are focusing on being perfect, we are going to stagnate. You know, iteration is perfection. Stagnation is death. I talk about that in Disruptor all the time. When you stagnate is when you die. It's when you're literally in a box, you're dead. That's because you stop moving. It's really about moving and moving and moving again.-." – Miki Agrawal

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
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  • We believe this recent episode of The Mindvalley Show has the power to change lives, just like it changed ours.

    In this episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with the legendary Jay Shetty. Let us tell you, Jay is an absolute gem. He spoke at one of our Mindvalley events, and his insights were absolutely mind-blowing. Jay is an incredible speaker and watching him on stage is an experience like no other. It's no wonder he was the most followed human being on Facebook at that time, even surpassing Barack Obama!

    So, what's the secret behind Jay's success? Well, that's one of the questions we dive into during this episode. We explore how Jay built such a massive following and the strategies he used to connect with his audience. Trust us, the insights he shares are pure gold.

    Join us as we dive deep into Jay's incredible journey and discover the secrets behind his massive success. We dove into the importance of education over entertainment and the strategies he used to build a massive following. Get inspired by Jay's wisdom and insights on self-growth and discover how Mindvalley's social and entertaining approach makes personal development accessible to everyone. 

    Plus, find out how Jay's timeless content continues to impact lives and why social media skills are crucial for entrepreneurs. Don't miss this transformative episode that could change your life too!

    Key Takeaways

    [00:02:59] Building a following on social media.
    [00:04:05] Jay's journey as a monk.
    [00:08:15] Transitioning from monk to teacher.
    [00:11:23] Unique voice in social media.
    [00:13:09] Insights from monk life.
    [00:17:21] Rejection from media companies.
    [00:20:35] YouTube channel success.
    [00:23:52] Finding your unique performing element.
    [00:25:06] Creating meaningful content.
    [00:28:03] The ideal Facebook length.
    [00:30:10] Focus on storytelling in videos.
    [00:31:14] Starting and ending videos.
    [00:34:41] Making good quality content.
    [00:37:39] Building the foundations of business.
    [00:44:06] Breaking the linear journey.
    [00:48:51] How do you learn and grow?
    [00:49:43] Building a following on Instagram.
    [00:53:31] Monetizing niche followings.
    [00:55:46] Know your genre and format.

    Where to Find Our Guest


    Instagram: @jayshetty

    Facebook: Jay Shetty

    YouTube: @jayshetty

    Twitter: @jayshetty

    Memorable Quotes

    "I have this belief that we don't change and transform because of science, we change because of story. Science informs, but story transforms."– Jay Shetty

    "The focus behind each video is you should be able to watch it in 10 years and it should still make sense. It should have that timelessness. It should not become a trend or a fad. It should not be a video that isn't eternally relevant because I believe wisdom is timeless." – Jay Shetty

    "There's more of a responsibility for us to be more loyal, to be more committed, to really value our audience, because without them, we wouldn't even have a presence." – Jay Shetty

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
    Subscribe to 'Mindvalley Membership' to discover 65+ transformational Mindvalley programs – at a surprisingly low annual fee here 👉 
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  • Ready to embark on a transformative journey that will reshape your life in just minutes? Join us in this captivating episode as we unravel the secrets of hypnotherapy with the esteemed Paul McKenna, a true master in the art. Paul is a Hypnotist, Behavioral Scientist, and International Best-Selling Author.

    Discover how hypnotherapy can be your key to overcoming stress, anxiety, and unlocking personal and professional success. Paul unveils the latest psychological techniques, including hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, and the psychosensory technique, offering you a unique toolkit for profound and lasting change.

    Immerse yourself in the power of deep relaxation as we explore the hypnotic wonders that lead to a dramatic reduction in stress levels. Learn the secrets behind Paul's hypnotic language and unique techniques designed to create a sense of floating and unparalleled mental clarity.

    Moreover, whether you're a hypnosis novice or a seasoned practitioner, this episode is your ticket to a natural high on life. Grab your headphones, find a cozy spot, and let Paul guide you through a hypnotic experience that promises to unlock your inner resources and set you on a path to unparalleled personal growth.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to tap into the transformative power of hypnotherapy. Tune in now and get ready for a mesmerizing adventure that could be the key to unlocking your full potential!

    Key Takeaways

    [00:02:08] Stress-related health problems.
    [00:05:26] Hypnotic trance and health condition.
    [00:08:19] The course explanation and padding.
    [00:13:32] Alcohol's impact on stress levels.
    [00:15:37] Treating inescapable stress.
    [00:19:18] The effects of alcohol.
    [00:21:23] Lowering brain capacity with stress.
    [00:25:09] Overwriting the operating software.
    [00:30:40] Deep relaxation and awareness.
    [00:37:04] Inner peace within us.
    [00:41:05] Inner calm and letting go.
    [00:51:47] A different state.
    [00:52:00] Floating feeling after psychedelics.
    [00:56:09] Hypnosis for healing and transformation.

    Where to Find Our Guest


    Instagram: @iampaulmckenna

    Facebook: Paul McKenna

    YouTube: @impaulmckenna

    FREE Download:

    Memorable Quotes

    "In fact, when you're not freaking out, worrying about things and preparing for emergencies that are never going to happen, you're actually in better shape." – Paul McKenna

    "We have a saying in England, which is burning down the house to roast a pig, right? And so, when you're stressing about things too much, you're actually putting your system, if you like, through an unnecessary process, which will ultimately cause you problems." – Paul McKenna

    "So overeating, smoking, drinking too much, etc. And they are quite rightly, as you say, usually in response to too much stress. And so, what happens is you can talk to the unconscious mind, the part of the mind that is responsible for those programs, and you can ask it to fulfill all the positive intentions of a negative pattern of behavior, but without having to do that negative pattern of behavior in future." – Paul McKenna

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
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  • In a world where the harsh realities of poverty often cast shadows over the lives of the less fortunate, there emerges a beacon of hope—an individual whose unwavering determination and compassionate heart have ignited a transformative flame. In this inspiring episode, we hear the incredible story of how one person's determination and compassion transformed the lives of children living in poverty. 
    Join us as we listen to Maria Conceição, the visionary Founder of a Non-Profit Organization, who has dedicated herself to providing education, food, and hope to over 600 children living in the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. In the face of daunting challenges, Maria's resilience, and creativity shine through as she shares the story of her unconventional methods—reaching out to renowned personalities and embarking on daring adventures—all in the name of raising funds and awareness for her cause.
    Maria’s journey was not without its share of obstacles. From being a shy introvert to becoming a confident and talkative individual, she experienced personal growth through her interactions with others. It serves as a reminder that stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing new experiences can lead to incredible personal transformation.
    She also shines a light on the importance of community support and collaboration. Maria’s mission to change the lives of impoverished children in Dhaka, Bangladesh was made possible through the dedication and contributions of volunteers. Their selfless efforts and belief in the cause propelled her forward, enabling her to make a significant impact. It's a powerful reminder that we can achieve so much more when we come together and support one another.
    Get ready to be inspired and motivated as we explore the profound impact that a simple act of kindness can have on someone's life. The challenges, sacrifices, and triumphs that unfold along Maria’s journey make for a truly captivating tale. Don't miss out on this heartwarming episode of our podcast!

    Key Takeaways
    [00:00:12] Promises made can change lives.
    [00:03:53] Emirates Airlines recruiting cabin crew.
    [00:06:30] Promising to help struggling families.
    [00:09:07] Losing sponsors and despair.
    [00:18:06] Climbing Everest and its aftermath.
    [00:19:10] Running marathons on seven continents.
    [00:20:45] Persistence and resilience bring success.
    [00:24:37] Swimming in the wrong direction.
    [00:32:13] Guinness World Record accomplishments.
    [00:36:39] Transforming lives through education.
    [00:42:36] Maria's tireless dedication.
    [00:43:48] Overcoming adversity through resilience and support.
    [00:45:09] Collaboration can achieve great things.

    Where to Find Our Guest
    Instagram: @mariatrugrit

    Memorable Quotes
    "People, they thought I was being cruel to give hope, to tell these kids from the slums of Bangladesh to teach that one day they would come out of the slums. It was not done. But I believed in my vision." – Maria Conceição
    "The hardest thing I've ever done in my life has been honoring a promise I made to 100 mothers and families in Bangladesh that I was going to take them out of poverty. I never expected that helping someone would be so difficult in life. And it's only now, 18 years later, that I started to see results of my work." – Maria Conceição
    "In 2005, I went to the slums of Dhaka and I made these children and their impoverished families. I was going to change their life. But it has been them that they completely changed my life these last 18 years. I would have never been here." – Maria Conceição

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
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  • Explore the remarkable intersection of innovation, entrepreneurship, and defying the odds in our latest episode. Join us as we unravel the inspiring narrative of a leader who's reshaping industries, challenging norms, and carving a path toward a brighter future. This conversation offers invaluable insights into the world of entrepreneurship, innovation, and the unyielding spirit needed to overcome obstacles.
    In this episode, we had the privilege of interviewing Saba Yussouf, a Visionary Futurist, and the Founder of a remarkable $60 million biotech business.
    In just two short years, Saba has built an empire focused on infection prevention and has become a recognized global leader in her field. Her investment portfolio not only boasts impressive value but also reflects her unwavering vision for a brighter future for humanity through sustainability, science, education, and health.
    Saba shares her personal journey and the challenges she faced along the way. She speaks candidly about defying cultural and gender stereotypes to achieve her dreams. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and staying true to oneself.
    Saba's advice to aspiring entrepreneurs and inventors is both practical and inspiring. She emphasizes the importance of being fearless, staying focused on your goals, and not getting distracted by the noise and pressure of everyday life. Her words are a reminder that success is within reach if we believe in ourselves and let our work and voice speak for us.
    Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply seeking inspiration, this episode is a must-listen for all those ready to embark on a transformative journey!

    Key Takeaways
    [00:01:23] Feeling not accepted in London.
    [00:04:59] World heating up rapidly.
    [00:08:24] Decarbonizing the atmosphere.
    [00:11:17] Global warming and inventors.
    [00:14:51] Advice for women and men.
    [00:19:23] The carbon credit industry.
    [00:20:21] Supporting inventors and entrepreneurs.
    [00:23:12] Take action to save the planet.
    [00:24:17] Decline of wildlife.

    Where to Find Our Guest
    Instagram: @sabayussouf
    LinkedIn: Saba Yussouf
    Email: [email protected] 

    Memorable Quotes
    "But if there's a way we can stay here and actually use the power of Mother Nature to help our planet and undo all the crap that the humans have polluted the planet with. We have the capability using the Earth's minerals, ambient air, to reverse all of this harm that us humans have done." – Saba Yussouf
    "Just be fearless. Focus on the goal that you want, then work backwards to achieve that goal. Don't get distracted by all the nonsense that you probably are feeling every single day." – Saba Yussouf
    "Be whoever the hell you want, but care about the resources you are taking from every day. How about we give back so that our kids' kids can still be around? That's all. It's a really small ask. And if we all just do 1%, that is a lot." – Saba Yussouf
    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
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  • Intuition is a powerful skill that has the potential to greatly enhance our decision-making abilities and overall success in life. We often underestimate the power of our intuition. Our special guest in this episode, Sonia Choquette, emphasizes that by embracing our intuition, we can make better decisions and live a more authentic and creative life. Imagine being able to tap into your most authentic self and having it guide your choices. It's a total game changer!
    Sonia is a renowned teacher of human intuition and has written 27 internationally best-selling books on intuitive awakening, personal, and creative growth. Her work has been published in over 40 countries and translated into 37 languages. She is truly a master in her field.
    Throughout the episode, we delved into the power of intuition, its importance, how it can transform your life, and its role in guiding us towards our true passions. Developing this non-negotiable skill is essential in today's age, as it allows us to live a life that is both fulfilling and aligned with our authentic selves. We discussed techniques to connect with your spirit, make decisions from a place of authenticity, and expand your energy. Sonia also shared an exercise that you can try at home to access your intuition and receive intuitive guidance.
    If you're curious about how intuition works and want to tap into your own intuitive abilities, this episode is a must-listen. Sonia's insights and teachings will inspire you to trust your vibes and unlock your full potential. 

    Key Takeaways
    [00:01:25] Three shades of intuition.
    [00:03:24] Intuition is a non-negotiable skill.
    [00:07:04] Negative intuition in CEOs.
    [00:08:20] Trust your intuition, it's valuable.
    [00:12:21] Intuition and bad vibes.
    [00:14:45] Green light intuition.
    [00:18:19] Creating space.
    [00:19:35] Tap into your white light intuition.
    [00:23:11] White light intuition and meaning.
    [00:25:23] Red light intuition.
    [00:28:00] Tapping into intuition.
    [00:30:26] Develop your intuition for success.
    [00:32:29] Vibe checking everything.

    Where to Find Our Guest

    Memorable Quotes
    "Call it vibes. Call it your gut. Call it your hunch, but if you don't call it something comfortable, you have an almost 100% chance that you will ignore it to your detriment. In this world, I don't think it's optional to succeed without intuition, you can't." – Sonia Choquette
    "If you make decisions that are difficult and you're confused, simply say, well, what does your spirit say?" – Sonia Choquette
    "If you're not using your innate intuitive abilities, you are doing a huge disservice to yourself and the life of your dreams. So many geniuses and their successes have been attributed to this often mysterious form of intelligence called intuition." – Sonia Choquette

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
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  • Today on The Mindvalley Show we introduce you to Katherine Woodward Thomas, a renowned relationship expert and the brilliant mind behind the life-changing "Calling in the One" and "Conscious Uncoupling" programs. Katherine takes us on her journey of love, revealing her transformative approach to manifesting your soulmate. Her mission is clear: empowering individuals to create lasting, healthy, and fulfilling partnerships by unraveling the secrets of love's profound magic.
    Katherine underlines the importance of setting a bold intention for the future, igniting a powerful force that can reshape the course of your love life. Katherine encourages you to take responsibility for your relationship patterns and beliefs, shedding light on the pivotal role they play in your quest for love. Through this, you'll realize that love is not just something that happens to you; it's something you can actively shape and invite into your life.
    Liberate yourself from the shackles of the past. Katherine provides a roadmap to release resentments and toxic ties, allowing you to step into the future unburdened by the weight of previous relationships. Katherine guides you as you transform your core love identity, challenging and rewriting limiting beliefs that have held you back. By courageously embracing your desires and taking inspired actions, you will learn to co-create your ideal relationship. Join us to start your journey to the fulfilling love life you deserve.

    Key Takeaways:
    [01:01] The fear of being single
    [03:31] Visualizing to manifest a future partner
    [06:08] The energetic nature of love and attraction
    [08:32] The seven-step process of Calling in the One
    [11:36] Preparing for love 
    [14:23] Setting boundaries to elevate your relationships
    [19:55] Mentoring your younger self 
    [24:37]Embodying your vision for love and trusting desires
    [30:19] The Conscious Uncoupling program

    Where to Find Guest:

    Memorable Quotes:
    "You want a future that's going to inspire you to rise." [6:05] -Katherine Woodward Thomas 
    "We want to be in the center of our value. We want to be in the center of our worthiness. We want to be in the center of possibility." [7:37] -Katherine Woodward Thomas

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
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  • Today on The Mindvalley Show, Unleash the power of branding with Jeffrey Perlman, the former Chief Marketing Officer of Zumba and a strategic advisor to Mindvalley. In this episode, Jeffrey explains the concept of deep branding and going beyond the superficial aspects of logos and graphics. He reveals how great brands shape a company's visual identity and influence its culture and product design.
    Jeffrey highlights the significance of creating iconic personas in popular culture, explaining how they grant permission for a new type of human to emerge. He explores the intricate neurological connection between emotions and brand identity. This episode offers valuable insights into discovering the brand filter, understanding the contrarian worldview, and uncovering the elusive trigger crystal. Jeffrey's expertise emphasizes the importance of listening to your brand and following your intuition to build a successful brand.
    Join us in this episode to explore how deep branding can transform your business, creating a brand that resonates with all aspects of the human experience. Discover how deep branding can elevate your brand beyond the surface, forging a profound connection with your audience and shaping your business culture and product design. Learn to trust your intuition while building your brand to create a brand that truly stands out and transforms your business. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the world of deep branding with Jeffrey Perlman, a master in the field, and take your brand to new heights.

    Key takeaways:
    [02:12] Utilizing deep branding
    [04:03] Creating iconic brands
    [08:14] Defining the peak experience of a product 
    [10:07] How to find the brand filter and apply it everywhere
    [13:39] Creating a contrarian worldview within your brand
    [13:39] Brand filter and contrarian rule discussed
    [14:46] How Apple positioned its brand against complexity
    [18:49] Importance of a unique brand filter
    [24:38] Intuition and conviction
    [25:42] The Zumba's business model 
    [32:15] How transformational brands create a new type of human
    [38:00] Understanding your brand architecture

    Where to find our guest:
    Building an Unstoppable Brand

    Memorable Quotes:
    "Brands give permission for a new human to exist." [4:47] -Jefferey Perlman

    "Every brand is art, and every founder is an artist." [19:57] -Jefferey Perlman

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
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  • Today on The Mindvalley Show, we are joined by the renowned Dr. Amy Killen, a leading expert in sexual regenerative medicine. Dr. Killen specializes in advanced treatments that reverse aging and elevate sexual health. With notable appearances in the Mindvalley documentary "Longevity" and as a featured speaker at prestigious events such as AFest, she brings a wealth of expertise to the table!
    Dr. Amy Killen challenges the misconception that men over 40 require Viagra for a strong erection. She reveals how women can enhance their sexual experience as they age because, with the right strategy and mindset, sex can and should improve as you age!
    In this episode, Dr. Killen discusses how overall health can enhance blood flow to your intimate areas and explores cutting-edge therapies like shockwave therapy, vaginal lasers, and red light therapy. Tune in to revolutionize your perspective on sex and aging, and embark on a journey to a more vibrant and passionate intimate life.

    Key takeaways:
    [01:45] The truth behind sex in later years
    [06:14] Six solutions to improve your sex life as you age
    [16:18] Hormone optimization for better sexual health
    [19:06] Light, heat, and sound therapies for sexual health
    [21:40] Lasers and radio frequency treatments
    [22:48] Stem cells and regenerative medicine

    Where to find our guest:

    Memorable Quotes:
    "There are a lot of other things that men can do to actually repair or generate the tissue of the penis that will allow them to have great erections without Viagra if they want that." [3:01] -Dr. Amy Killen

    "The biggest sex killer that I see out there is actually stress and sort of the abundance of stress that we have and our inability to deal with that in a way that makes us able to have sex properly." [6:18] -Dr. Amy Killen 

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
    Subscribe to 'Mindvalley Membership' to discover 65+ transformational Mindvalley programs – at a surprisingly low annual fee here 👉  

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  • Today on The Mindvalley Show, meet Dave Asprey, the visionary biohacker behind Bulletproof—a brand synonymous with optimizing human performance and vitality. As a pioneering expert in the field, Dave's authored acclaimed books like "The Bulletproof Diet" and "Super Human," reshaping countless lives with innovative approaches to health and wellness.
    In this episode, Dave Asprey joins Vishen for a high-energy deep dive into the most pressing health and wellness topics of our time. Uncover the shocking truth about the decline in American lifespans, the hidden impact of environmental toxins, and the essential role of meat in your diet. Discover game-changing insights into stem cell treatments for sexual health and the power of supplements for detoxification. Explore the fascinating connection between sexual health and overall well-being with tips from the original biohacker himself.
    Dave Asprey shares practical, actionable advice to revitalize your health and longevity. You will unlock secrets to a longer, more vibrant life. Don't miss this opportunity to supercharge your well-being. Listen now, and embark on a journey to become your best self.

    Key takeaways:
    02:10] The decline in the average American lifespan
    [03:00] American policies and government regulations
    [13:17] Detox regimen: glutathione, calcium deglutinate, and glycine
    [18:00] Replenishing Minerals with Danger Coffee
    [22:18] Upgrade Labs AI-driven exercise routine
    [24:50] Why you need quality animal protein
    [27:11] Metabolic benefits of increased protein intake
    [33:06] Collagen for healthy skin and joints
    [36:27] Criticism of veganism and vegetarianism
    [42:53] The link between low testosterone and motivation
    [46:21] Biohacks for optimizing sexual performance.
    [50:10] Factors affecting sex drive and longevity

    Where to find our guest:
    Smarter Not Harder 
    The Human Upgrade Podcast
    Danger Coffee
    Upgrade Labs

    Memorable Quotes:
    "Right. And so the reason I'm talking about this is because everybody ages. Some of us more quickly than others, but there's no reason that if you're having pelvic pain, if you're having problems with urinary retention, especially after kids, or you're a guy who's just not having the same function that you had before, it's all hackable." [52:28] -Dave Asprey
    "Part of it could be attributed to the testosterone decline, which is down 50% since the 1980s. Other things could be the bad foods that we are putting in our body, but sex is a natural driver of human behavior and how much you're having sex actually will influence your longevity." [54:24] -Dave Asprey 

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
    Subscribe to 'Mindvalley Membership' to discover 65+ transformational Mindvalley programs – at a surprisingly low annual fee here 👉 
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  • Today on The Mindvalley Show, get ready to embark on your journey of financial empowerment with our esteemed guest, Jaspreet Singh. As the founder of Minority Mindset and a legal expert deeply versed in real estate, he's the perfect guide to help you navigate the complex world of wealth-building. With a knack for simplifying financial concepts and a passion for educating others, Jaspreet will lead you on a path to financial mastery in this eye-opening episode.
    Jaspreet shares invaluable insights on how to make the most of a $100,000 investment. You'll learn how to optimize your savings through high-interest accounts, unlocking the power of your idle money. Dive into the active versus passive investing debate and discover the perfect strategy for your unique financial goals. Whether you're considering real estate ventures or exploring the world of ETFs, you'll gain clarity on where to allocate your resources for maximum returns.
    Wealth-building is an art, and Jaspreet unveils the canvas for your financial masterpiece. Learn the importance of prioritizing assets over liabilities and discover how to harness the magic of cash flow to fuel your wealth journey. But that's not all—delve into the hidden treasure chest of real estate's tax benefits, and strategies that can significantly reduce your tax burden. This episode is your ticket to financial abundance and freedom, equipping you with actionable strategies and mindsets that can revolutionize your financial future. Don't miss this dynamic conversation—it's your gateway to prosperity!
    Key takeaways:
    [01:18] The Minority Mindset
    [04:27] Understanding Financial Education
    [07:46] Taking Control of Your Finances
    [14:10] The Power of Passive Income
    [20:51] Starting with Real Estate
    [25:44] The Role of Entrepreneurs
    [28:11] Investing Your First $100K
    [30:28] Index Funds and ETFs
    [33:07] Legal Loopholes in Real Estate
    [35:47] The Concept of Homeownership
    [36:34] Making Yourself Rich First
    Where to find our guest:
    Memorable Quotes:
    "There is something wrong when you don't learn a thing about financial education." [6:21] -Jaspreet Singh
    "Real estate is more than just appreciation of properties because in real estate, you get the physical asset, you get cash flow, and you get tax breaks."[20:23] -Jaspreet Singh
    "Use your money as a tool to make yourself rich first before you go out and spend all of your money to make everybody else rich."[46:53] -Jaspreet Singh
    Resources Mentioned:
    Master Your Money and Diversify Your Income: Financial Freedom Summit 2023:

    To stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below: 
    YouTube: @vishenlakhiani
    Instagram: @mindvalley
    Instagram: @vishen
    Facebook: @mindvalley
    Subscribe to 'Mindvalley Membership' to discover 65+ transformational Mindvalley programs – at a surprisingly low annual fee here 👉  
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