
  • Do you want to know the secret to building genuine connections with your customers and improving your sales numbers at scale? We're about to share the solution with you so that you can achieve that result.

    We are sure you've been told to focus on product information, tricks of selling, and not your mindset or motivation. But deep down, you know this approach isn't getting you the results you want. You're feeling stuck, frustrated, and struggling to hit your sales targets. Isn't it time to find a better way to unlock your true potential and achieve the success you deserve?

    Discover how active listening and a shift in mindset can revolutionize your sales performance. Get ready to be inspired and take your sales to new heights. Keep listening for the full story.

    Did you know that a former school teacher turned salesperson tripled his sales in just 30 to 60 days simply by shifting his mindset? And what if I told you that the key to his success wasn't just about learning new skills, but about understanding his purpose and values? This unexpected transformation is just one of the powerful stories shared in the book "Listen to Sell" by Mike Esterday, CEO of Integrity Solutions.

    This is Mike Esterday's story:

    The spark that ignited Mike Esterday's journey into the realm of active listening and sales was kindled by a personal experience that underscored the profound value of genuine connection. As he trod the intricate pathways of sales, he encountered instances where empathetic understanding was pivotal. This epiphany kindled a fervent passion within him to unravel the intricacies of active listening, propelling him to explore its profound impact on fostering authentic client relationships. The pivotal moment that propelled him on this odyssey resonates with a universal quest for forging meaningful connections in the sales sphere. Mike's narrative stands as a testament to the transformative influence of active listening, demonstrating how a singular realization can revolutionize an individual's approach to sales and relationship cultivation.

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Mario Martinez Jr. engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Mike Esterday, the CEO of Integrity Solutions and co-author of the book "Listen to Sell". Esterday shares valuable insights into the importance of active listening in sales, emphasizing the need for elevated skills in today's marketplace.

    He also highlights the negative stereotype attached to sales and stresses the significance of redefining selling as identifying needs, filling needs, and creating value for people. The conversation delves into the concept of three key conversations every salesperson needs to have, focusing on the impact of internal dialogue, coaching, and mentorship.

    Esterday's emphasis on mindset, achievement drive, and the human touch in sales offers practical and actionable insights for sales professionals aiming to enhance their approach and drive better outcomes. The episode provides a holistic understanding of what it takes to succeed in sales, encompassing not only product knowledge and skills but also the deeper components of mindset, motivation, and belief in one's abilities.

    Most people want to be part of a journey, want to be part of a story. They're actually drawn to people who are transparent, tell the truth. They're open with that. - Mike Esterday

    Mike Esterday, the CEO of Integrity Solutions, is the guest for this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast. He brings over three decades of experience in sales and sales coaching to the table. Growing up on a farm in Illinois and starting his sales career selling books door to door on straight commission, Mike's journey in sales began early. With a passion for helping companies globally improve their sales and sales coaching skills, he co-authored the book "Listen to Sell," drawing from his extensive knowledge and expertise. His unique background and practical insights make him an invaluable resource for understanding the importance of active listening in sales and building genuine relationships with customers.

    In this episode, you will learn how:

    Mastering active listening will transform your sales conversations and build genuine connections with customers.

    To discover the key to overcoming self-limiting beliefs in sales and unlocking your full potential.

    To elevate your sales coaching skills to lead and motivate your team to achieve global success.

    To uncover effective strategies for leading your sales team to new heights and achieving remarkable results.

    To create value through customer-focused selling and become a trusted advisor to your clients.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and

    00:01:24 - Introduction to Integrity Solutions

    00:04:33 - Personal Anecdote

    00:05:43 - The Role of Salespeople

    00:11:15 - The Three Conversations

    00:14:55 - Setting Expectations for Achievement Drive

    00:16:16 - Achieving Stretch Goals

    00:19:11 - Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

    00:21:26 - Importance of Active Listening

    00:25:11 - Mindset and Sales Training

    00:29:33 - Overcoming Negative Self-Talk in Sales

    00:30:48 - The Role of the Salesperson in the Age of Technology

    00:31:40 - Strategies to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

    00:36:19 - The Importance of Selling with Stories

    00:38:26 - The Role of a Sales Leader

    00:43:59 - The Power of Transparency and Storytelling in Sales

    00:44:51 - Customer Engagement and Motivation

    00:45:38 - Identifying Customer Needs and Solving Problems

    00:46:00 - Where to Find the Book "Listen to Sell"

    00:46:47 - Connecting with Mike

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and FlyMSG
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces himself and his company Vengreso, the creator of FlyMSG. He shares that the podcast will feature sales leaders, practitioners, and influencers to help listeners grow their sales numbers at scale.

    00:01:24 - Introduction to Integrity Solutions
    Mike Esterday introduces himself as the CEO of Integrity Solutions, a company that focuses on improving sales and sales coaching skills. He shares that they work with companies globally and have been in the industry for over 35 years.

    00:04:33 - Personal Anecdote
    Mike Esterday shares a personal anecdote about getting arrested for selling books door to door when he was 18. He emphasizes the importance of shifting the mindset about what professional selling truly entails.

    00:05:43 - The Role of Salespeople
    Mike Esterday discusses the importance of salespeople in today's market, emphasizing the need for elevated skills to interact with customers who have access to extensive information. He believes that salespeople are critical and not fading in relevance.

    00:11:15 - The Three Conversations
    Mike Esterday introduces the concept of the three conversations every salesperson needs to have: the conversation with the customer, the conversation with oneself, and the conversation with a manager, coach, or mentor. He highlights the impact of mindset and coaching on sales success.

    00:14:55 - Setting Expectations for Achievement Drive
    Mike talks about setting clear expectations for his son's academic performance and the importance of effort and accountability.

    00:16:16 - Achieving Stretch Goals
    Mike shares the lessons he hopes his son learned, including the importance of pushing hard, visualizing goals, and having an accountability partner.

    00:19:11 - Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
    Mike emphasizes the impact of negative self-talk and the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences to achieve more.

    00:21:26 - Importance of Active Listening
    Mike discusses the significance of active listening in sales and how it can help build rapport and trust with customers.

    00:25:11 - Mindset and Sales Training
    Mike addresses the gap in sales training, emphasizing the importance of mindset, motivation, and confidence over just product knowledge and selling skills.

    00:29:33 - Overcoming Negative Self-Talk in Sales
    The conversation addresses the importance of overcoming negative self-talk in sales and how individuals deserve, can achieve, and are able to attain success. It emphasizes the need to break down barriers and have the right mindset, motivation, and confidence.

    00:30:48 - The Role of the Salesperson in the Age of Technology
    Despite advancements in technology, the salesperson remains the most important factor in sales. The conversation highlights the importance of the salesperson's mindset, commitment, and continuous improvement in facing challenges and achieving success.

    00:31:40 - Strategies to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
    The discussion focuses on strategies for overcoming self-limiting beliefs that hinder sales performance. It emphasizes the importance of building confidence through small successes and understanding the impact on customers, even if it's not their own story.

    00:36:19 - The Importance of Selling with Stories
    The conversation emphasizes the need for internal sales training programs that focus on selling with stories. It underscores the value of articulating the business problem that the salesperson solves and understanding the buyer's love language.

    00:38:26 - The Role of a Sales Leader
    The conversation highlights the role of sales leaders in diagnosing and addressing skill and will issues in their team. It emphasizes the importance of asking questions, listening, understanding motivation, and aligning with the purpose of the salesperson.

    00:43:59 - The Power of Transparency and Storytelling in Sales
    Mike emphasizes the importance of transparency and storytelling in sales. He shares how sharing the journey with customers and being transparent about challenges can help build a strong connection and trust.

    00:44:51 - Customer Engagement and Motivation
    Mike discusses how customers are drawn to transparency, truth, and being part of a journey. He highlights the importance of customer engagement and motivation in sales.

    00:45:38 - Identifying Customer Needs and Solving Problems
    Mike and the host discuss the importance of identifying customer needs and solving problems. They emphasize the value of understanding customer needs and being able to tell success stories to the next group of customers.

    00:46:00 - Where to Find the Book "Listen to Sell"
    Mike shares where listeners can find his book "Listen to Sell," including options like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and his website. He also mentions the availability of free preview pages and additional content on his website.

    00:46:47 - Connecting with Mike
    Mike shares that LinkedIn is the best way to connect with him and encourages listeners to reach out with any questions. The host advises listeners to send a personalized connection request on LinkedIn to ensure Mike knows where they heard about him.

    Mastering Active Listening
    Effective sales professionals understand the importance of active listening, as it enables them to truly understand their customers' needs and concerns. By actively listening, salespeople can build rapport, establish trust, and tailor their solutions to meet the specific requirements of each customer. Mastering active listening not only enhances communication but also leads to more successful sales interactions.

    Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs
    Sales success is often hindered by self-limiting beliefs that prevent individuals from achieving their full potential. Overcoming these mental barriers is crucial for sales professionals to unlock their capabilities, boost confidence, and drive performance. By challenging and replacing negative thoughts with empowering beliefs, individuals can push past limitations and achieve greater success in their sales endeavors.

    Elevating Sales Leadership
    Strong sales leadership plays a pivotal role in fostering a culture of excellence and driving team performance. Effective sales leaders prioritize coaching, mentorship, and development to enhance the skills and motivation of their team members. Elevating sales leadership involves creating a supportive environment that encourages growth, collaboration, and continuous improvement to achieve sustainable sales success.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Get the book Listen to Sell by Mike Esterday on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or at for a preview and purchase.

    Access free sales training and coaching resources at, including blogs, videos, and other content.

    Connect with Mike Esterday on LinkedIn by sending a personalized connection request mentioning the Modern Selling Podcast.

    Download FlyMSG for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase productivity with a text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show your support and help others discover the podcast.

  • Struggling to book more sales meetings and increase productivity? Tired of ineffective prospecting methods that don't yield results, leaving you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? If you're ready to boost your productivity and engagement, it's time to discover the game-changing AI tool that's transforming sales workflows. Join us as we uncover the secrets to streamlining your sales process and boosting your results.

    Want to know how to supercharge your sales productivity and engagement? We've got the solution for you to achieve just that. Let's dive into the game-changing AI tools that will skyrocket your sales success. Sound good?

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Mario Martinez Jr. dives into the benefits of using AI to enhance sales productivity. Mario draws from his extensive 27 years of experience in B2B sales to shed light on the challenges faced by sales teams and the potential of AI in addressing these obstacles. He emphasizes the importance of personalization and value-driven engagements in the prospecting process, urging sales professionals to prioritize referrals and relationship-building. Mario also delves into the role of AI in streamlining workflows, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that leverages technology while maintaining human-to-human interaction. Throughout the episode, Mario shares practical insights and actionable strategies, making it a valuable resource for sales professionals looking to boost their productivity with AI. Whether you're seeking to refine your prospecting efforts, optimize sales engagement, or explore the possibilities of AI in sales, this episode offers a fresh perspective and practical advice to help you elevate your sales game.

    Was it 50% closer than where you were at? If so, keep on doing it. Save on productivity. Worth it. - Mario Martinez Jr.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Master Effective B2B sales prospecting strategies to land more high-quality leads.

    Enhance Sales productivity using AI for increased engagement and streamlined workflows.

    Build a successful digital sales playbook for staying ahead in a technology-driven market.

    Personalize sales outreach to foster stronger connections and drive better results.

    Leverage LinkedIn for sales prospecting to tap into a goldmine of potential leads.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to FlyMSG and the Modern Selling Podcast

    00:02:51 - Mario's Background and Vengreso's Success with FlyMSG

    00:08:27 - The Number One Challenge in B2B Sales Prospecting

    00:10:59 - The Impact of Scaling and Personalization on Prospecting

    00:14:07 - The Perfect Playbook for Prospecting

    00:15:30 - The Role of LinkedIn in Modern Networking

    00:17:25 - The Omnichannel Approach to Communication

    00:19:38 - The Importance of Personalization

    00:22:59 - The Pitfalls of Generic Email Templates

    00:27:55 - Enhancing Productivity in Sales Communication

    00:29:41 - The Role of AI in Sales Tools

    00:31:09 - Human-Assisted AI

    00:33:24 - The Importance of Value in Messaging

    00:35:40 - Omnichannel Prospecting and LinkedIn Engagement

    00:43:47 - The Role of Content in Prospecting

    00:44:07 - Social Media Engagement and Algorithm

    00:45:08 - Leveraging LinkedIn for Connection

    00:46:36 - Engaging with Reps

    00:48:36 - Thought Leadership and AI

    00:54:27 - Connecting with Mario

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to FlyMSG and the Modern Selling Podcast
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces FlyMSG.IO, a personal writing assistant and text expander application. He also previews the conversation with Daniel Bonds on the modern selling podcast.

    00:02:51 - Mario's Background and Vengreso's Success with FlyMSG
    Mario shares his extensive background in B2B sales and the success of Vengreso's FlyMSG software, including recent funding. He also discusses the growing popularity of FlyMSG in Brazil.

    00:08:27 - The Number One Challenge in B2B Sales Prospecting
    Mario highlights the biggest challenge in B2B sales prospecting, which is getting the first appointment. He discusses the difficulties in scaling, personalization, and productivity in prospecting efforts.

    00:10:59 - The Impact of Scaling and Personalization on Prospecting
    Mario explains how scaling and personalization play a crucial role in effective prospecting. He emphasizes the need for personalized, referral-based outreach to cut through the noise and engage potential buyers effectively.

    00:14:07 - The Perfect Playbook for Prospecting
    Mario outlines the perfect playbook for prospecting, emphasizing the importance of starting with a referral instead of traditional email, phone call, or LinkedIn connection requests. He provides insights into the key steps for effective prospecting.

    00:15:30 - The Role of LinkedIn in Modern Networking
    Mario discusses the importance of utilizing LinkedIn as a modern Rolodex for networking and making digital referrals. He emphasizes the need to leverage mutual connections and outlines a process for initiating a digital referral.

    00:17:25 - The Omnichannel Approach to Communication
    Mario explains the significance of an omnichannel approach in communication, including email, phone, LinkedIn, and text messaging when appropriate. He emphasizes the importance of personalization in communication and the need to tailor messages to the individual or buyer persona.

    00:19:38 - The Importance of Personalization
    Mario delves into the critical role of personalization in sales communication and highlights the need for hyper-personalization in the initial message. He stresses the importance of personalizing to the individual to demonstrate understanding and knowledge of the recipient.

    00:22:59 - The Pitfalls of Generic Email Templates
    Mario discusses the pitfalls of generic email templates and the need for personalization in sales communication. He emphasizes the impact of personalized messages and the significance of addressing the specific business problems of the recipient.

    00:27:55 - Enhancing Productivity in Sales Communication
    Mario addresses the productivity challenges in sales communication and the inefficiencies caused by disparate messaging sources. He emphasizes the need for a streamlined approach to messaging and the role of technology in enhancing productivity in sales communication.

    00:29:41 - The Role of AI in Sales Tools
    Mario discusses the abundance of AI sales tools available, emphasizing the importance of using AI to augment rather than replace human effort in sales.

    00:31:09 - Human-Assisted AI
    Mario introduces the concept of human-assisted AI, emphasizing the need for AI to assist and augment sales reps rather than replace them entirely.

    00:33:24 - The Importance of Value in Messaging
    Mario highlights the importance of bringing value to sales conversations and emphasizes the need to lead to the solution, not lead with the solution.

    00:35:40 - Omnichannel Prospecting and LinkedIn Engagement
    Mario discusses the power of omnichannel prospecting and shares insights on how LinkedIn engagement can drive content visibility in newsfeeds.

    00:43:47 - The Role of Content in Prospecting
    Mario emphasizes the need for sales reps to publish content and introduces Flypost AI as a tool to streamline content creation for sales prospecting.

    00:44:07 - Social Media Engagement and Algorithm
    Mario emphasizes the importance of using social media effectively, especially on LinkedIn. He highlights the need to understand the algorithm, engage with connections, and leverage AI to streamline the process.

    00:45:08 - Leveraging LinkedIn for Connection
    Mario discusses the strategic use of the follow button on LinkedIn, emphasizing the potential impact of notifications and emails generated through this action. He highlights the value of triggering events and using LinkedIn to create curiosity.

    00:46:36 - Engaging with Reps
    Mario addresses the common issue of reps not engaging effectively. He advocates for more meaningful interactions beyond simply liking posts and introduces the concept of using AI to craft thoughtful and personalized replies.

    00:48:36 - Thought Leadership and AI
    Mario demonstrates the use of AI to create thought leadership content. He emphasizes the role of AI as an augmentation tool, noting the need for human intervention to ensure contextual relevance and alignment with the seller's tone of voice.

    00:54:27 - Connecting with Mario
    Mario shares where to connect with him, highlighting the importance of personalized connection requests on LinkedIn. He also points to resources for further learning and engagement with the fly message platform.

    Master Effective B2B Sales Prospecting
    Effective B2B sales prospecting is crucial for sales success, with the first meeting being the most challenging part of the process. Sales professionals face difficulties related to scaling, personalization, and productivity in prospecting efforts. Shifting towards a referral-based prospecting approach can significantly improve success rates in booking meetings and driving sales growth.

    Uncover the Power of AI
    AI tools offer immense potential for augmenting sales productivity and efficiency. Leveraging AI to streamline workflows and enhance engagement can save time and assist sales reps in reaching their goals. Finding the balance between technology and human interaction is key to effectively utilizing AI in sales prospecting.

    Unlock the Secrets to Building Connections
    Building meaningful connections with potential clients is essential in modern selling. Personalized and value-driven engagements should be prioritized to establish relationships and drive sales growth. Utilizing AI tools like 'Fly Message' can assist in generating engaging content and accelerating productivity in building connections on social media platforms.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Connect with Mario Martinez Jr. on LinkedIn and send a personalized connection request mentioning the Playbooks 2024 conference in Brazil.

    Visit to explore and download FlyMSG, a free text expander and personal writing assistant to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase productivity.

    Check out the Modern Selling Podcast hosted by Mario Martinez Jr. for valuable insights and strategies on modern selling.

    Go to to access the FlyMSGSales Pro Plan for individuals and explore enterprise team support, layered training programs, and on-demand learning for prospecting.

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  • If you're feeling frustrated with your SDR BDR team's results and struggling to increase pipeline creation, then you are not alone!

    Have you heard the myths about building successful SDR BDR teams?

    Myth 1: SDR BDR teams can only focus on outbound or inbound, not both. Myth 2: Texting prospects is not effective for SDR BDR outreach. Myth 3: SDR BDR roles are just a stepping stone and don't require long-term commitment. Want to know the truth? Stay tuned for the secrets to building a high-performing SDR BDR team.

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Joey Vendel, the AVP of Sales Development at Seismic, joins host Mario Martinez Jr. to share his insights on building successful SDR/BDR teams. With over seven years of experience in sales development, Joey brings a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies to the table. The conversation delves into the pillars of a successful sales development team, including the architecture, activity optimization, omnichannel presence, and coaching. Joey's emphasis on nurturing SDRs for career growth and his innovative approach to pipeline development at Seismic offers valuable takeaways for sales development leaders and professionals.

    From discussing the challenges of engaging multiple buying groups to insights about the velocity program and the importance of personalized outreach, this episode provides actionable strategies to enhance pipeline creation and drive career development for SDRs. If you're looking to boost your team's performance and navigate the evolving landscape of sales development, this episode is a must-listen for practical guidance and inspiration.

    I think the key, Mario, is bringing value, right? That every touch point needs some form of value. And I think that's why we've seen the rise of how many touch points it takes to get ahold of a prospect is because more and more of it has become this, this, more mass message versus a personalized, relevant message for that specific person. - Joey Vendel

    Joey Vendel, the AVP of Sales Development at Seismic, brings over seven years of SDR experience, from honing his skills as an individual contributor to managing a team of successful SDRs. He has a knack for generating high-quality pipelines and has helped numerous SDRs advance into roles as account executives, sales engineers, and beyond. His passion for sports not only fuels his free time but also provides valuable parallels and practices that he seamlessly translates to the sales field. With a deep understanding of building scalable SDR teams and a commitment to coaching, Joey's insights promise an engaging and insightful conversation on the strategies and pillars essential for successful sales development teams.

    Skills you will learn in this Episode:

    Mastering the art of building high-performing SDR BDR teams.

    Accelerating your career through strategic sales development role progression.

    Crafting sales email frameworks that captivate and convert.

    Embracing the power of an omnichannel sales approach for amplified results.

    Elevating sales outreach with the impact of personalized strategies.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and FlyMSG

    00:01:14 - Importance of Sales Development

    00:06:55 - Personalization in Sales Outreach

    00:11:33 - The Role of Coaching in Sales Development

    00:14:41 - Creating Quality Pipeline

    00:16:00 - Multi-Threaded Selling

    00:17:33 - Career Development Path

    00:20:39 - Bridging the Skills Gap

    00:23:09 - SDR Role Duration

    00:29:41 - SDRs' Daily Activities and Time Management

    00:31:41 - Leveraging LinkedIn Engagement

    00:34:15 - Challenges and Solutions in Sales Development

    00:36:09 - Leveraging Text Messaging in Sales Outreach

    00:41:57 - Adding Value in Sales Touchpoints

    00:43:17 - Leveraging LinkedIn for Prospecting

    00:46:15 - Successful Reps' Cadence vs. Bottom Performing Reps' Cadence

    00:51:47 - Consolidating Inbound and Outbound Sales

    00:55:35 - Joey's Favorite Movie

    00:57:13 - Conclusion and Farewell

    00:00:00 - Introducing Joey Vendel

    00:15:45 - Importance of Personalized Selling

    00:30:22 - Leveraging Technology in Sales

    00:45:18 - Adapting to Changing Sales Landscape

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and FlyMSG
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces Vengreso and FlyMSG, an application to help sales leaders grow their sales numbers at scale.

    00:01:14 - Importance of Sales Development
    Mario Martinez Jr. and Joey Vendel discuss the challenges and importance of sales development, focusing on outbound and inbound strategies in the current sales landscape.

    00:06:55 - Personalization in Sales Outreach
    Joey Vendel emphasizes the importance of personalized outreach in sales, sharing his passion for Minnesota sports as a way to build rapport and connect with prospects.

    00:11:33 - The Role of Coaching in Sales Development
    Joey Vendel explains the key elements of effective coaching for SDRs, including reviewing sales activity, account strategy, pipeline development, and career aspirations to drive success in the role and beyond.

    00:14:41 - Creating Quality Pipeline
    Joey discusses the importance of creating a quality pipeline for outside sales to close deals effectively, especially when targeting enterprise customers with multiple stakeholders and buying groups.

    00:16:00 - Multi-Threaded Selling
    Mario and Joey delve into the concept of multi-threaded selling, which involves bringing in different personas and stakeholders to build a business case for account executives when selling to large organizations.

    00:17:33 - Career Development Path
    The conversation shifts to the career development path for BDRs and SDRs, highlighting the challenges of transitioning to management or AE roles. Joey shares how their velocity program helps SDRs develop closing skills and progress towards AE roles.

    00:20:39 - Bridging the Skills Gap
    Mario and Joey discuss the importance of bridging the skills gap between SDR and AE roles, emphasizing the need for coaching and development to prepare SDRs for handling deals and conversations effectively.

    00:23:09 - SDR Role Duration
    Joey provides insights into the average duration of SDR roles at Seismic, emphasizing the importance of learning and progression within the role before aspiring to transition into AE roles.

    00:29:41 - SDRs' Daily Activities and Time Management
    Joey discusses the average daily activities of their SDRs, including emails, dials, and LinkedIn steps. He emphasizes the importance of time management and framing these activities as "effort metrics" within their control.

    00:31:41 - Leveraging LinkedIn Engagement
    Mario and Joey discuss the importance of engaging on LinkedIn posts to stand out. They emphasize the need for personalized and thoughtful comments to make an impact, leading to a potential product enhancement idea for Joey's company.

    00:34:15 - Challenges and Solutions in Sales Development
    Joey highlights the challenge of tracking engagement on LinkedIn and mentions a tool called Surfy for synchronizing LinkedIn messages. They discuss the importance of an omni-channel approach in reaching prospects.

    00:36:09 - Leveraging Text Messaging in Sales Outreach
    Joey and Mario discuss the use of text messaging in sales outreach, emphasizing the need for an established relationship before using text as a channel. They also touch on the strategy of connecting all three channels - phone, text, and LinkedIn.

    00:41:57 - Adding Value in Sales Touchpoints
    The importance of bringing value in every touchpoint is highlighted. Joey emphasizes the need for personalized, relevant messages for specific prospects, and Mario shares insights on the PVC sales methodology - personalization, bringing value, and a call to action.

    00:43:17 - Leveraging LinkedIn for Prospecting
    Joey explains the importance of using the follow button on LinkedIn as part of the outbound cadence. He emphasizes the value of the follow button in engaging passive buyers and triggering a response from them.

    00:46:15 - Successful Reps' Cadence vs. Bottom Performing Reps' Cadence
    Joey discusses the key elements of a successful sales cadence, including personalization, problem statement, value proposition, and interest-based call to action. He highlights the importance of concise and value-driven messaging in both emails and cold calls.

    00:51:47 - Consolidating Inbound and Outbound Sales
    Joey talks about the decision to consolidate inbound and outbound sales under the same team at Seismic. He explains how this hybrid model has improved MQL to demo conversion rates and strengthened the partnership between the sales and marketing teams.

    00:55:35 - Joey's Favorite Movie
    Joey shares his all-time favorite movie, "Crazy, Stupid, Love," and mentions his tradition of asking SDRs about their favorite movie when they start at Seismic. He invites listeners to use the movie title in their subject line when reaching out to him.

    00:57:13 - Conclusion and Farewell
    Mario Martinez Jr. concludes the episode by thanking the listeners and encourages them to keep selling effectively until the next episode.

    00:00:00 - Introducing Joey Vendel
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces the guest, Joey Vendel, and sets the stage for the upcoming discussion on sales strategies.

    00:15:45 - Importance of Personalized Selling
    Joey Vendel emphasizes the significance of personalized selling and the impact it has on building strong customer relationships and driving sales success.

    00:30:22 - Leveraging Technology in Sales
    The conversation shifts to the role of technology in sales, with Joey Vendel sharing insights on how to effectively leverage technology to streamline sales processes and improve efficiency.

    00:45:18 - Adapting to Changing Sales Landscape
    Mario Martinez Jr. and Joey Vendel discuss the need for sales professionals to adapt to the evolving sales landscape and embrace new strategies and tools to stay competitive in the market.

    Crafting Irresistible Sales Email Frameworks for Maximum Impact
    Crafting sales email frameworks that are personalized, concise, and value-driven is key to maximizing impact in prospecting activities. Leveraging technology and the latest sales tools to enhance the effectiveness of sales cadences and outreach strategies is vital in the modern sales landscape. Storytelling can be a powerful tool in sales, allowing sales professionals to create compelling narratives that resonate with prospects and drive engagement.

    Mastering the Art of Building High-Performing SDR BDR Teams
    Crafting a successful sales development team involves understanding the key pillars of team architecture, activity optimization, omnichannel presence, and coaching to drive success. Aligning different roles within the team with the organization's sales process and customer base is essential for building a scalable and efficient team. Balancing volume and personalization in sales outreach is crucial for engaging prospects effectively.

    Accelerating Your Sales Development Career Progression
    SDRs can accelerate their career progression by gaining exposure to running inbound deals in addition to outbound responsibilities. Programs like Seismic's velocity program allow top-performing SDRs to showcase their skills in closing deals and prepare for advancement to AE roles. It's crucial to focus on skill development, refinement of discovery and demonstration skills, and preparing SDRs for future career growth opportunities within the organization.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Download FlyMSG for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity.

    Connect with Joey Vendel on LinkedIn and mention that you heard him on the modern selling podcast.

    Personalize your outreach to Joey Vendel to get a response, showing that you did research about him and his role.

    Use the subject line Crazy Stupid Love when reaching out to Joey Vendel to get his attention.

    Give the modern selling podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes.

  • Do you want to streamline your RFP response process and win more contracts? Imagine a more efficient and effective way to handle RFPs, ensuring your responses stand out. We'll be sharing a solution to help you achieve that result.

    Uncover the unexpected way AI can help you win more RFPs with a powerful tool. It's not just about streamlining responses; it's about gaining a competitive edge and uncovering hidden insights. Find out the surprising truth that's transforming the RFP game and putting you ahead of the pack. Ready to discover the game-changing tool that's making waves in the industry? Stay tuned for this groundbreaking reveal.

    This is Mark Shriner's story:

    Mark Shriner, a seasoned business development and growth specialist, shares his journey from an adventurous trip to Asia with only $117 in his pocket to leading a consulting company in Japan. Through a chance encounter, he found himself in the sales track after securing a job with a Taiwanese computer magazine publisher, which fueled his career in sales. Mark's experience in business expansion and his tenure with Memoq, a software provider, led him to co-found Memoq RFP, a company focused on streamlining RFP responses for small and medium-sized businesses. His story of resilience and adaptability serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the unexpected paths that can lead to success. Mark's unique journey showcases the unpredictable nature of life and how seizing opportunities, even with limited resources, can lead to remarkable achievements.

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Mario Martinez Jr. interviews Mark Shriner, the CEO and co-founder of Memoq RFP, diving into the challenges of responding to RFPs, RFIs, and RFQs. Mark shares his personal journey, including an adventurous stint in Asia with minimal funds, which eventually led him to a career in sales.

    The episode sheds light on the complexities of document requests in the sales process, emphasizing the significance of strategic decision-making, collaboration with subject matter experts, and the impact of AI tools in streamlining the response process. Mark's insights into the frustrations faced by subject matter experts and the potential for AI tools to alleviate these challenges offer practical takeaways for sales professionals. His emphasis on the importance of relationship-building and the value of informed competitive positioning in responding to RFPs and RFQs make this episode a must-listen for those seeking to enhance their approach to document requests. Mark's personal anecdotes and experiences add depth to the conversation, making it relatable and insightful for sales professionals navigating the complexities of RFPs and RFQs.

    You found a problem and then figured out a solution, and people buy that. You go in and help them fix something that's broken. - Mark Shriner

    My special guest is Mark Shriner

    Mark Shriner, hailing from Seattle, is the CEO and co-founder of Memoq RfP. With a career spanning over 20 years in leadership positions, including country manager, regional sales manager, and CEO in Asia Pacific, Mark has garnered extensive expertise in business development and growth. His involvement in assisting companies with market expansion led to his foray into RFP technology, driven by the need for enhanced response processes for small and medium-sized businesses. Mark's profound industry experience equips him to provide valuable insights into the integration of AI to streamline RFP responses, making him a knowledgeable and credible guest for the audience to glean insights from.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Mastering Winning Strategies: Learn how to craft winning strategies for RFPs and RFQs to stand out from the competition and win more business.

    Boosting Sales Efficiency: Discover how to streamline and improve sales with optimized RFP response processes for greater success and faster turnaround times.

    Harnessing AI for Optimization: Explore the power of leveraging AI in RFP response optimization to enhance efficiency and accuracy in the sales process.

    Nurturing Effective Relationships: Unlock the secrets to building effective sales relationships pre-RFP to foster trust and increase win rates.

    Small Business RFP Success: Uncover essential tips tailored for small businesses to achieve RFP success and compete effectively in the marketplace.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introducing FlyMSG

    00:01:11 - Mark Shriner's Background

    00:04:38 - RFP Challenges for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

    00:06:28 - Mario's Experience with RFPs

    00:11:37 - Mark's Journey to Asia

    00:12:55 - Understanding RFPs and Document Requests

    00:15:31 - Challenges in Responding to Document Requests

    00:18:11 - Communicating During RFPs

    00:19:42 - Helping Create RFPs

    00:24:39 - Process Tweaks for RFP Response

    00:25:48 - Go/No-Go Decision-making Process

    00:26:44 - Subject Matter Expert Collaboration

    00:29:24 - AI Tools for Efficiency

    00:36:28 - Relationship-building in RFPs

    00:39:01 - Strategic Pricing in RFPs

    00:39:18 - Understanding Key Requirements in RFPs

    00:41:50 - Asking Critical Questions

    00:44:06 - Reconsideration and Reevaluation

    00:47:23 - Finding Solutions to Problems

    00:49:45 - Competitive Intelligence in RFPs

    00:51:53 - Connecting with Mark Shriner

    00:52:28 - Grow Fast Podcast

    00:52:44 - Favorite Movies

    00:54:28 - Wrapping Up

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introducing FlyMSG
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces FlyMSG.IO, a free personal writing assistant and text expander application, and sets the stage for the podcast's focus on sales growth techniques.

    00:01:11 - Mark Shriner's Background
    Mark Shriner shares his background and experience in business development and growth, including his time living and working in Asia, which ultimately led him to start his career in sales.

    00:04:38 - RFP Challenges for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
    Mark discusses the challenges small and medium-sized businesses face in responding to RFPs, highlighting the resource limitations and opportunity costs involved in the decision-making process.

    00:06:28 - Mario's Experience with RFPs
    Mario Martinez Jr. shares his past experience with RFPs and the challenges he faced, emphasizing the importance of relationship building in winning RFPs and RFQs, despite his dislike for the process.

    00:11:37 - Mark's Journey to Asia
    Mark Shriner shares a personal story of his spontaneous trip to Asia with minimal resources, leading to a four-year adventure that ultimately shaped his career in business and sales.

    00:12:55 - Understanding RFPs and Document Requests
    Mark explains the differences between RFI, RFQ, and RFP and the challenges organizations face when responding to these document requests. He highlights the time-consuming nature of the process and the need for involvement from various subject matter experts.

    00:15:31 - Challenges in Responding to Document Requests
    Mark discusses the challenges organizations face in deciding whether to respond to an RFP, including understanding and meeting the requirements, as well as the repetitive nature of the work. He emphasizes the importance of developing a relationship with the customer during the process.

    00:18:11 - Communicating During RFPs
    Mark and Mario explore the issue of communication during RFPs, particularly when organizations are instructed not to communicate with anyone other than procurement. They share insights on how sales organizations can navigate this challenge and potentially leverage existing relationships.

    00:19:42 - Helping Create RFPs
    Mark highlights the strategic advantage of helping organizations create their RFPs, as it allows vendors to influence the content and requirements in their favor. He also discusses the importance of understanding the customer's real intentions behind issuing an RFP.

    00:24:39 - Process Tweaks for RFP Response
    Mark emphasizes the need for small and medium-sized businesses to establish a clear process for making go/no-go decisions when responding to RFPs. He underscores the importance of setting criteria and following a structured approach to managing the RFP response process.

    00:25:48 - Go/No-Go Decision-making Process
    Mark discusses the importance of making a go/no-go decision based on key factors and requirements, potential workarounds, and customer acceptance of workarounds.

    00:26:44 - Subject Matter Expert Collaboration
    Mark emphasizes the need for a pool of subject matter experts and a collaborative platform for efficient RFP response. He highlights the frustration of repeating tasks and the importance of setting clear expectations to gain SME support.

    00:29:24 - AI Tools for Efficiency
    Mark discusses the use of AI tools like Breeze for storing and accessing previously used responses, searching through reference documents, and even drafting responses. He emphasizes the efficiency and effectiveness of these tools in RFP response.

    00:36:28 - Relationship-building in RFPs
    Mario shares his experience with maintaining relationships and winning RFPs. He mentions the significance of building relationships early and leveraging past collaborations to secure contracts, even after losing an initial RFP.

    00:39:01 - Strategic Pricing in RFPs
    Mario describes a strategic approach to pricing in RFPs, highlighting the importance of understanding the true cost and value of services instead of solely meeting price reduction demands. He shares a successful example of re-evaluating pricing to secure a lucrative contract.

    00:39:18 - Understanding Key Requirements in RFPs
    Mark discusses the importance of understanding key requirements in RFPs and how failure to meet those requirements can result in losing the deal.

    00:41:50 - Asking Critical Questions
    Mark shares how he asked critical questions to the CIO, leading to a realization that the competition had not considered key integration and cost factors.

    00:44:06 - Reconsideration and Reevaluation
    The CPO admits they did not consider the integration factor, leading to a reevaluation of the RFP and potential reconsideration of the decision.

    00:47:23 - Finding Solutions to Problems
    Mark discusses identifying a problem with manual wireless orders and finding a solution through an integration with Ariba, resulting in a significant contract and business growth.

    00:49:45 - Competitive Intelligence in RFPs
    Lisa Reheark's advice on understanding competition's pricing and obtaining competitive intelligence through FOIA requests, highlighting the importance of understanding competition in RFP responses.

    00:51:53 - Connecting with Mark Shriner
    Mario asks Mark how to get in touch with him to discuss Breeze's technology and Mark suggests reaching out to him on LinkedIn or Twitter to schedule a demo or meeting.

    00:52:28 - Grow Fast Podcast
    Mark recommends listening to the Grow Fast Podcast to hear from industry experts like Mario and gain valuable knowledge and wisdom.

    00:52:44 - Favorite Movies
    Mark shares that his favorite movies are the Godfather I and II, and Lord of the Rings trilogy, while Mario reveals that his favorite movie is The Goonies due to its themes of aspiration and problem-solving.

    00:54:28 - Wrapping Up
    Mario and Mark continue to discuss their favorite movies and wrap up the conversation by encouraging listeners to rate and review the Modern Selling Podcast and to download FlyMSG for increased productivity.

    Mastering Winning Strategies
    Mark Shriner shares valuable insights on mastering winning strategies when responding to RFPs, RFIs, and RFQs, emphasizing the importance of understanding competition pricing and tailoring responses effectively. His personal anecdotes highlight the significance of problem-solving approaches and aligning offerings to meet clients' specific needs, contributing to successful responses.

    Boosting Sales Efficiency
    Shriner discusses how embracing AI technology, like Breeze, can boost sales efficiency by streamlining the RFP response process. By harnessing AI tools for knowledge retrieval, response drafting, and collaboration, sales professionals can optimize their responses to document requests and enhance their chances of success in competitive bidding scenarios.

    Harnessing AI for Optimization
    The conversation between Mario and Shriner reveals the transformative power of harnessing AI for optimization in the sales process. By leveraging AI tools like Breeze to simplify RFP responses, sales professionals can enhance their efficiency, decision-making, and competitiveness in the market. This strategic approach enables businesses to stay ahead of the curve and drive success in their sales endeavors.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Connect with Mark Shriner on LinkedIn to learn more about Breeze Docs AI and how it can help streamline the RFP process.

    Check out the Grow Fast Podcast to gain insights from sales and marketing experts, including tips on winning more RFPs.

    Download FlyMSG for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity with a text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Consider reaching out to Lisa Rehark at RFP Success Company for expert guidance on winning more RFPs and RFQs.

    Watch The Godfather and The Godfather Part II for a classic movie experience, or indulge in the Lord of the Rings trilogy for an epic adventure.

  • Have you heard these myths about SaaS sales led growth strategies? Myth 1: Product led growth is the only way to scale. Myth 2: Cold emails are ineffective for SaaS sales. Myth 3: Scaling a SaaS business requires massive funding. I'll reveal the truth about these myths, but brace yourself for some eye-opening strategies.

    Hey there! In this podcast episode, Mario Martinez Jr. was interviewed by Joana Inch for the SaaS stories podcast, and he shares his journey from a service-based company to a SaaS organization, shedding light on the challenges and dynamics of the SaaS industry. He delves into the transition of FlyMSG from product led growth to sales led growth, offering valuable insights into the pivotal moments and strategic considerations that shaped our approach. Mario emphasizes the significance of adaptability and the willingness to pivot in response to market dynamics and customer behavior. By discussing the challenges of engaging with enterprise clients and the importance of personalization in sales and marketing efforts, he offers actionable insights for SaaS founders and sales leaders. If you're keen on enhancing sales and marketing alignment and implementing growth strategies, this episode provides a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of SaaS. So, grab your headphones and tune in to gain valuable insights for driving growth in the SaaS industry!

    It's better to have 50% of something than 100% of nothing. - Mario Martinez Jr.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Master Sales Led Growth Strategies: Uncover the secrets to accelerating your SaaS business through effective sales tactics and strategic growth planning.

    Unravel the Power of Sales Led Growth: Discover the distinct advantages of sales led growth over product led growth and how it can drive your SaaS business to new heights.

    Harness the Potential of LinkedIn for Sales Success: Unlock the potential of LinkedIn as a powerful tool for enhancing your sales efforts and expanding your SaaS business reach.

    Navigate the Art of Scaling SaaS Startups: Learn the art of effectively scaling your SaaS startup, ensuring sustainable growth and long-term success in a competitive market.

    Embrace Personalization in Cold Outreach: Explore the impact of personalized cold outreach methods and how it can revolutionize your sales approach, leading to increased conversions and meaningful connections.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introducing Vengreso and FlyMSG

    00:02:31 - Vengreso's Pivot to FlyMSG

    00:06:29 - Challenges in Marketing and Sales

    00:11:44 - Product Led Growth vs. Sales Led Growth

    00:14:47 - The Struggle with PLG and Success with SLG

    00:15:41 - Understanding the Differences Between Group Licensing and Individual Sales

    00:16:27 - Overcoming Marketing and Technological Debt

    00:18:16 - Balancing Sales Led Growth and Product Led Growth

    00:19:39 - Identifying the Pivot Point

    00:27:39 - Securing Enterprise Clients and Funding

    00:29:32 - Landing Enterprise Clients

    00:30:14 - Engaging Enterprise Clients

    00:35:06 - Providing Value

    00:41:23 - Cold Email Approach

    00:43:37 - The Power of Marketing and Sales Email Differentiation

    00:45:23 - The Effectiveness of Omni-Channel Marketing

    00:46:25 - The Challenge of Scaling People in SaaS

    00:48:22 - Profitable Scaling in the VC Market

    00:52:57 - Finding Purpose and Mission in Business

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introducing Vengreso and FlyMSG
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces Vengreso, the creators of FlyMSG, a free personal writing assistant and text expander extension. The podcast will feature insights from sales leaders and influencers to help grow sales numbers at scale.

    00:02:31 - Vengreso's Pivot to FlyMSG
    Mario Martinez Jr. shares the story of Vengreso's pivot to FlyMSG. The company transitioned from a service-based model to a SaaS company, launching FlyMSG as a productivity tool that gained traction beyond the sales industry.

    00:06:29 - Challenges in Marketing and Sales
    Mario Martinez Jr. discusses the challenges in marketing and sales, particularly post-Covid. He emphasizes the mismatch between the way buyers shop and the way salespeople sell, leading to the need for innovative solutions like FlyMSG.

    00:11:44 - Product Led Growth vs. Sales Led Growth
    Mario Martinez Jr. explains the difference between product led growth (PLG) and sales led growth (SLG). He describes PLG as individual-driven decision-making with virality, while SLG is driven by corporate need and problem-solving.

    00:14:47 - The Struggle with PLG and Success with SLG
    Mario Martinez Jr. delves into the challenges with PLG and the success with SLG. He highlights the importance of understanding the dynamics of each approach and how Vengreso navigated the shift from SLG to PLG.

    00:15:41 - Understanding the Differences Between Group Licensing and Individual Sales
    The conversation delves into the nuances of selling group licenses and the challenges faced in convincing buying committees to invest in the technology.

    00:16:27 - Overcoming Marketing and Technological Debt
    The challenges of marketing debt, technological debt, and the need to master various marketing channels are discussed, highlighting the Herculean effort required to address these issues.

    00:18:16 - Balancing Sales Led Growth and Product Led Growth
    The conversation explores the challenge of balancing sales led growth and product led growth, and how shifting focus impacted the overall strategy and success of the business.

    00:19:39 - Identifying the Pivot Point
    The pivotal moment in the company's journey is revealed, where the decision to pivot towards sales led growth was made, leveraging the company's strong brand presence in the sales training space.

    00:27:39 - Securing Enterprise Clients and Funding
    The discussion highlights the success in securing enterprise clients and closing deals, leading to promising developments in securing funding for the company's growth.

    00:29:32 - Landing Enterprise Clients
    Mario discusses the challenge of landing enterprise clients and the importance of engaging with multiple decision makers. He emphasizes the need for pointed messaging and shares the PBC sales methodology for effective cold sales emails.

    00:30:14 - Engaging Enterprise Clients
    Mario explains that engaging with enterprise clients can take days to months, depending on the product and target buyer. He highlights the importance of personalization and value in outreach messages, as well as the use of multiple channels for increased buyer engagement.

    00:35:06 - Providing Value
    Mario delves into the importance of providing value to sales leaders through personalized content. He emphasizes the use of valuable resources such as articles and training videos to address specific challenges, ultimately leading to increased buyer engagement.

    00:41:23 - Cold Email Approach
    Mario discusses the difference between salesperson and marketer emails, emphasizing that sales emails for cold outreach should be plain text with minimal formatting. He highlights the need for experimentation and the use of pointed messages with one link in marketing emails.

    00:43:37 - The Power of Marketing and Sales Email Differentiation
    Mario emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between marketing and sales emails, highlighting the need for nurturing and engaging leads at different stages of the customer journey.

    00:45:23 - The Effectiveness of Omni-Channel Marketing
    Mario and the host discuss the effectiveness of omni-channel marketing, particularly the impact of email, LinkedIn, and SMS on engaging and reaching prospects in a cluttered digital space.

    00:46:25 - The Challenge of Scaling People in SaaS
    Mario shares insights on the challenges of scaling personnel in a SaaS organization, highlighting the need to match the number of employees with client servicing needs and the importance of focusing on sales to drive growth.

    00:48:22 - Profitable Scaling in the VC Market
    Mario provides valuable tips on profitable scaling in the current VC market, emphasizing the significance of achieving profitable growth and ensuring financial sustainability in the long term.

    00:52:57 - Finding Purpose and Mission in Business
    Mario discusses the importance of having a clear exit plan, finding purpose, and staying inspired in the entrepreneurial journey, highlighting the significance of having a vision for the future.

    Unraveling the Power of Sales Led Growth
    Unraveling the power of sales led growth involves retooling and training team members to fulfill multiple roles within the organization. Providing stock options to early employees incentivizes their commitment and investment in the company's success. Maintaining a clear vision and motivation as a leader is essential for navigating the challenges of scaling a SaaS organization.

    Mastering Sales Led Growth Strategies
    Implementing sales led growth strategies is crucial for SaaS founders and sales leaders to drive sustainable business growth. Understanding the distinction between marketing and sales emails is key to crafting effective outreach campaigns and nurturing leads. Focusing on profitable scaling rather than growth at all costs ensures long-term success in the competitive SaaS market.

    Harnessing the Potential of LinkedIn
    Harnessing the potential of LinkedIn is crucial for engaging with enterprise clients and reaching key decision-makers within organizations. Personalization and tailoring messages to individual personas and needs are paramount for successful cold outreach on the platform. Employing an omnichannel approach, including phone, email, LinkedIn, and video, enhances the effectiveness of engaging with potential clients on LinkedIn.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit to download FlyMSG, the free personal writing assistant and text expander application mentioned in the podcast.

    Go to to access the PVC Sales Methodology for creating effective sales cold outreach emails.

    Check out the article on sales referral at Vengreso for valuable insights on leveraging mutual connections for sales outreach.

    Consider using an omnichannel approach for engaging with prospects, including LinkedIn, email, phone, and other channels.

    Consider giving stock options to early team members to incentivize and retain talent, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment.

  • Want to make better investment decisions and strategic growth plans? I've got the solution for you to achieve that. Get ready to improve your venture capital investment strategies and take your business to the next level. Let's dive in and uncover the key to successful growth-stage investment strategies.

    Does this sound familiar? You've been bombarded with templatized outreach from investors who don't seem to know anything about your business? You're left feeling frustrated and disrespected, wondering if anyone took the time to understand your unique needs. It's time to change the game and experience a more strategic and tailored approach. Say goodbye to generic pitches and hello to a personalized, value-driven connection. It's time to engage with investors who truly understand your vision and goals.

    Discover the unexpected sales technology revolution that's reshaping the industry. Unveil the inside secrets of how a venture capitalist is transforming growth-stage investment strategies. Learn how AI and automation are augmenting the human touch in sales. Find out the surprising movie choice of a Boston native turned New York investor. Stay tuned for the jaw-dropping insights that will change the way you approach sales tech forever.

    This is Matt Melymuka's story:

    Matt Melymuka, co-founder and managing partner at Peakspan Capital, offers a unique perspective on venture capital investment strategies. His journey into the world of growth-stage investment began over 15 years ago, focusing on B2B software. His passion for this niche led him to establish Peakspan Capital, a firm dedicated solely to B2B software. Matt's approach emphasizes specialization and strategic partnerships, aiming for a collaborative, domain-specific engagement with companies. His commitment to a focused, growth-driven investment strategy has not only shaped his professional journey but also reflects his dedication to creating impactful, sustainable partnerships. This journey showcases Matt's unwavering dedication to the B2B software industry and his passion for strategic, growth-focused investment strategies.

    AI should not be thought of as replacing the seller or replacing a selling function or replacing even the seller's brain. AI is all about augmenting the seller. - Mario Martinez Jr.

    This week's special guest is Matt Melymuka, the co-founder and managing partner of Peakspan Capital. He brings over a decade of expertise in growth-stage investment strategies. With a focus on late-stage growth companies, Matt's leadership at Peakspan has resulted in managing $2 billion across three funds and a $600 million active investment vehicle. His specialized approach centers on B2B software, encompassing sales, marketing, and hospitality technology. Matt's philosophy of maintaining alignment with ambitious yet pragmatic objectives has led to a remarkably low capital loss ratio of 1.4%, demonstrating his commitment to collaborative and sustainable growth for entrepreneurs. As a guest on the Modern Selling Podcast, Matt promises an insightful conversation on venture capital investment strategies that will undoubtedly enlighten and inspire entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Mastering Venture Capital Investment Strategies: Uncover the secrets to successful growth-stage investments and maximize your returns.

    Navigating Sales Technology Trends 2023: Stay ahead of the curve with the latest advancements in sales tech, giving your business a competitive edge.

    Implementing B2B SaaS Marketing Best Practices: Learn how to effectively market your B2B SaaS product and boost your customer acquisition.

    Embracing AI and Automation in Sales: Streamline your sales processes and enhance productivity by harnessing the power of AI and automation.

    Excelling in Effective Fundraising for Startups: Discover the key tactics for successful fundraising, propelling your startup to new heights.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and FlyMSG

    00:01:21 - Focus and Specialization at Peakspan Capital

    00:07:23 - Contrarian Approach to Venture Capital

    00:10:03 - Fundraising Challenges and Personal Revelation

    00:13:14 - Traveling with Kids and Parenting

    00:13:44 - Parenting and Family Dynamics

    00:15:09 - Market Trends in 2023

    00:17:16 - Sales Organization Investment

    00:19:41 - Strategic Approach to Sales Investment

    00:24:24 - Buyer-Centric Sales Tech Trends

    00:28:23 - The Importance of Writing Skills in Sales

    00:29:07 - Personalization in Sales Outreach

    00:30:50 - Technology's Impact on Sales Training

    00:33:56 - The Role of Technology in Sales and Marketing

    00:39:27 - Strategic Relationship Building in Sales

    00:42:02 - The Role of AI in Sales Development

    00:43:26 - Technology as an Enabler

    00:44:06 - Augmenting the Seller with AI

    00:46:29 - Focus on Augmentation, not Replacement

    00:47:18 - Contact Information

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and FlyMSG
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces himself as the CEO and founder of Vengreso, the creators of FlyMSG, a personal writing assistant and text expander application.

    00:01:21 - Focus and Specialization at Peakspan Capital
    Matt Malamuka explains Peakspan Capital's focus on B2B software, with a specialized approach to investing in growth stage companies with real products, customers, and revenue. They aim to partner with capital-efficient companies and maintain optionality for the entrepreneur.

    00:07:23 - Contrarian Approach to Venture Capital
    Matt discusses Peakspan's philosophy of being "decidedly contra Silicon Valley," aiming to avoid the pitfalls of excessive funding and rapid growth at the expense of operational risk. They focus on aligned and pragmatic growth strategies with like-minded entrepreneurs.

    00:10:03 - Fundraising Challenges and Personal Revelation
    Mario Martinez shares his experience with fundraising for his second business and acknowledges the challenges and uncertainties of the process. Matt also reveals his personal passion for travel and his family's commitment to no screen time for their three-year-old daughter.

    00:13:14 - Traveling with Kids and Parenting
    Matt discusses the challenges of traveling with young children and their decision to avoid screen time for their daughter. He shares the creative ways they entertain her on long flights, emphasizing the importance of storytelling and interactive activities.

    00:13:44 - Parenting and Family Dynamics
    Matt discusses the challenges of balancing family life and parenting, particularly around mealtime and screen time for children. He emphasizes the importance of eating dinner together as a family without distractions.

    00:15:09 - Market Trends in 2023
    Matt shares insights into the challenging software market trends in 2023, highlighting a decline in growth rates and the impact on sales tech companies. He discusses the need for companies to navigate the tough market conditions and make strategic adjustments.

    00:17:16 - Sales Organization Investment
    Matt and the host discuss the importance of reinvesting in the sales organization during tough market conditions. They emphasize the value of retaining and investing in the right sales talent while focusing on customer base expansion and upselling.

    00:19:41 - Strategic Approach to Sales Investment
    The conversation delves into the strategic approach to sales investment during challenging times, emphasizing the need to cut non-performing personnel while re-investing in tools, technologies, and training for the sales team.

    00:24:24 - Buyer-Centric Sales Tech Trends
    Matt discusses the shift from sales-centric to buyer-centric trends in sales tech, emphasizing the importance of catering to buyer needs and providing relevant information in a non-intrusive way to drive informed decision-making.

    00:28:23 - The Importance of Writing Skills in Sales
    The conversation starts with a focus on increasing productivity by making sellers smarter. The inability to write well is identified as the biggest time suck for sellers, leading to the templatization of content.

    00:29:07 - Personalization in Sales Outreach
    The guest shares a personal experience of receiving a connection request and highlights the importance of personalization in sales outreach. Strategies to make outreach more personalized, such as adding a period after the first name, are discussed.

    00:30:50 - Technology's Impact on Sales Training
    The conversation delves into the challenges of adding technology without making sellers smarter or addressing their biggest problems, such as writing skills. The lack of training on the entire sales process and utilization of technology is identified as a common issue.

    00:33:56 - The Role of Technology in Sales and Marketing
    The impact of technology on sales and marketing stacks is discussed, emphasizing the need for a mindset shift towards technology as an enabler of sales rather than an obstacle. The importance of seamlessly integrating technology into the existing workflow of reps is highlighted.

    00:39:27 - Strategic Relationship Building in Sales
    The guest emphasizes the significance of leading with valuable content in sales outreach to build strategic relationships with entrepreneurs. The approach of personalizing emails and showing a strategic level of rapport is discussed as a respectful and effective strategy in investor conversations.

    00:42:02 - The Role of AI in Sales Development
    Matt discusses how AI augments the role of the SDR and enables full lifecycle sellers by automating tasks like creating collateral and content for prospects.

    00:43:26 - Technology as an Enabler
    Matt emphasizes that technology should enhance the seller's ability to have personalized and engaging conversations, ultimately driving better outcomes and more time for human interaction.

    00:44:06 - Augmenting the Seller with AI
    Matt gives an example of how AI can augment sellers by creating a product that helps them write social media posts quickly, saving time and increasing engagement speed.

    00:46:29 - Focus on Augmentation, not Replacement
    Matt stresses the importance of viewing AI as a tool that supplements and enhances existing workflows, making sellers better, faster, and more data-informed in their decision-making.

    00:47:18 - Contact Information
    Matt provides his email and LinkedIn profile for anyone interested in reaching out to him for further discussion or collaboration.

    Mastering Venture Capital Investment
    Venture capital investment requires specialization and domain expertise, as emphasized by Matt Melymuka in the episode. PeakSpan Capital's focus on B2B software and sustainable growth highlights the importance of targeted investment strategies. By targeting companies in the emerging growth phase, investors can align with pragmatic objectives for long-term success.

    Navigating Sales Technology Trends
    Matt Melymuka and Mario Martinez Jr. delve into the challenges and trends in sales technology, particularly in relation to AI and automation. The conversation emphasizes the need for technology to seamlessly integrate into sales workflows, enabling sales professionals to make data-informed decisions. Understanding the impact of technology on sales processes is crucial for businesses navigating the evolving landscape of sales tech.

    Elevating B2B SaaS Marketing
    B2B SaaS marketing strategies can benefit from a personalized and genuine approach, as discussed by the guests in the episode. Matt Melymuka highlights the value of thematic alignment and specialization in sales tech investments to drive success in B2B SaaS marketing. Investing in AI-enabled platforms can enhance sales processes, augmenting the role of sales professionals and improving engagement with prospects.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    To save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity, download FlyMSG for free, on Chrome and Edge. It's your free text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Connect with Matt Melymuka on LinkedIn and mention that you heard him on the Modern Selling Podcast.

    Email Matt Melymuka at [email protected] to get in touch with him directly.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show your support.

    Watch The Shawshank Redemption, Matt Melymuka's all-time favorite movie, for a captivating cinematic experience.

  • From Introvert to Sales Leader

    Hey, sales pros! Tired of feeling like you're just not cut out for sales because you're an introvert? Have you been told to just "fake it till you make it" and it's only left you feeling drained and ineffective? If you're ready to tap into your natural strengths and see real results, it's time to leverage your introverted superpowers in sales. Get ready to unlock your full potential and transform your approach to sales effectiveness.

    Discover the surprising link between effective networking, introverted personalities, and increased sales performance. Uncover the unexpected movie that inspires a sales expert, and how it can revolutionize your approach to prospecting and selling. Stay tuned to find out how to leverage this unique insight for your own sales success.

    Unleash the Power of Introverts
    Introverts bring unique strengths to sales teams, challenging traditional stereotypes. With the right system in place, introverts can excel in sales by leveraging their structured approach and deep knowledge. Embracing introverted traits can lead to long-term success in sales, creating a more diverse and effective team dynamic.

    This is Matthew Pollard's story:

    Matthew Pollard's sales journey began unexpectedly after losing his job right before Christmas, thrusting him into the world of sales as an introverted individual. Despite initially feeling overwhelmed by the thought of sales, he persevered, teaching himself through online resources and quickly rising to become the top salesperson in his company. As he continued to excel and take on leadership roles, his focus shifted towards empowering introverted sales professionals, challenging the belief that introverts are at a disadvantage in sales. His introduction to Mario Martinez Jr.'s brand occurred at the AI SP leadership summit, sparking thought-provoking conversations about introversion, extroversion, and the unique strengths introverts bring to the sales arena. This encounter laid the groundwork for a deeper exploration of sales and leadership, leading to the creation of Matthew's book, "The Introvert's Edge to Selling," and his unwavering commitment to reshaping the narrative around introverted success in sales.

    Networking is not about you. The number one rule in sales is not about you. The number one rule of being on a podcast or speaking from stage, it's not about you. So why does everyone make it about themselves? - Matthew Pollard

    My special guest is Matthew Pollard

    Matthew Pollard, also known as the Rapid Growth Guy, is an award-winning and best-selling author of The Introvert's Edge series. As an introverted individual who discovered his sales prowess through self-teaching, he's driven to revolutionize the way introverts are perceived in sales. With over a decade of experience and a track record of fostering five multimillion-dollar success stories, Matthew is passionate about empowering introverted sales professionals to leverage their strengths and achieve unparalleled success. His refreshing approach to sales leadership and his belief in the power of personalized storytelling has made him a sought-after influencer in the sales community.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Maximize sales team performance by leveraging the strengths of introverts.

    Elevate your sales game with the powerful impact of storytelling.

    Unlock effective networking strategies tailored for introverted sales professionals.

    Lead a diverse sales team to success by understanding and embracing different personalities.

    Master the art of implementing sales methodologies for maximum effectiveness.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introducing Vengreso and FlyMSG

    00:01:13 - Overcoming Introverted Sales Challenges

    00:04:43 - Revealing a Personal Secret

    00:10:06 - The Misconception of Introversion

    00:11:23 - Redefining Introversion

    00:11:48 - Understanding Introversion and Extroversion

    00:13:12 - Overcoming Introverted Challenges

    00:14:08 - Leveraging Personal Strengths

    00:16:01 - Managing Introverted Talent

    00:17:24 - Fostering Belief and Adaptation

    00:23:22 - Leveraging Introverted and Extroverted Sales Strengths

    00:24:59 - Overcoming Beliefs About Introverted Salespeople

    00:26:18 - Finding Success through Sales Methodology

    00:28:08 - Empowering Sales Teams through Mindset Transformation

    00:32:01 - The Journey to Sales Success

    00:35:26 - Improving Sales Call Openings

    00:37:13 - The Power of Storytelling in Sales

    00:39:38 - The Science Behind Storytelling

    00:41:40 - Networking for Introverts

    00:45:48 - Connecting with Matthew Pollard

    00:46:46 - The Warrior - A Hidden Gem

    00:47:01 - The Power of Unrecognized Movies

    00:47:33 - Productivity and Sales Technology

    00:48:14 - The Modern Selling Podcast Wrap-Up

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introducing Vengreso and FlyMSG
    Mario introduces Vengreso and FlyMSG.IO, an application to help sales professionals grow their numbers at scale.

    00:01:13 - Overcoming Introverted Sales Challenges
    Matthew discusses his journey from introverted salesperson to successful CEO, highlighting how introverts can excel in sales with the right strategies.

    00:04:43 - Revealing a Personal Secret
    Matthew shares his love for rap jumping, a unique activity that contrasts with his conservative public image, highlighting the importance of pursuing hobbies and experiences outside of work.

    00:10:06 - The Misconception of Introversion
    Matthew challenges the misconception of introverts as shy and reclusive, highlighting successful introverted individuals in sales and leadership, breaking stereotypes and empowering introverted individuals.

    00:11:23 - Redefining Introversion
    Matthew defines introversion as a misunderstood personality trait, emphasizing the shift in perception and acceptance of introverted individuals in various industries, including sales and entrepreneurship.

    00:11:48 - Understanding Introversion and Extroversion
    Matthew Pollard explains the difference between introverts and extroverts, and how people often misjudge others based on their own perceptions.

    00:13:12 - Overcoming Introverted Challenges
    Pollard discusses the misconceptions about introverts and highlights successful introverted individuals in various fields, challenging the stereotype of introverts being unable to excel in certain areas.

    00:14:08 - Leveraging Personal Strengths
    Pollard shares how he has harnessed his introverted nature to become a successful speaker and salesperson through careful planning, preparation, and practice.

    00:16:01 - Managing Introverted Talent
    Pollard emphasizes the importance of understanding and leveraging introverted talent in sales leadership, highlighting the need for different management styles for introverts and extroverts.

    00:17:24 - Fostering Belief and Adaptation
    Pollard advises on how to help introverts gain belief in the sales process and leverage their strengths, while also encouraging extroverts to embrace learning and adherence to sales systems.

    00:23:22 - Leveraging Introverted and Extroverted Sales Strengths
    Matthew discusses the need to provide different frameworks for introverts and extroverts to reach the same goal. He emphasizes the importance of working together and leveraging each other's strengths in sales.

    00:24:59 - Overcoming Beliefs About Introverted Salespeople
    Matthew challenges the belief that introverts don't make great salespeople. He highlights the importance of helping introverts believe in themselves and their abilities, rather than succumbing to self-fulfilling prophecies.

    00:26:18 - Finding Success through Sales Methodology
    Matthew shares his belief that introverts can excel in sales once they find a sales methodology that works for them. He also discusses the need for extroverts to follow a system to achieve exceptional sales success.

    00:28:08 - Empowering Sales Teams through Mindset Transformation
    Matthew emphasizes the responsibility of sales managers to inspire and empower their teams to believe in their capabilities. He highlights the importance of transforming mindset to drive sales outcomes.

    00:32:01 - The Journey to Sales Success
    Matthew shares his personal journey of learning sales through dedication and practice. He underscores the value of learning a sales process and the impact it can have on individual sales success.

    00:35:26 - Improving Sales Call Openings
    Matthew Pollard discusses the common mistake of starting sales calls with small talk and advises introverts to lead with a researched introduction to engage the customer and avoid losing the deal in the first five minutes.

    00:37:13 - The Power of Storytelling in Sales
    Pollard emphasizes the importance of storytelling in sales, highlighting the need for a compelling and detailed narrative that engages the customer, creates rapport, and enables better retention of information.

    00:39:38 - The Science Behind Storytelling
    Pollard delves into the science behind storytelling, explaining how it activates the listener's brain, creates rapport, and increases information retention, benefiting both introverted and extroverted sales professionals.

    00:41:40 - Networking for Introverts
    Pollard shares insights on effective networking for introverts, emphasizing the need to shift the focus from self-promotion to serving others and connecting with individuals based on shared values and mission-driven objectives.

    00:45:48 - Connecting with Matthew Pollard
    Pollard invites listeners to connect with him on LinkedIn, where they can follow him for valuable insights and reach out with burning questions using the voice memo feature for personalized responses.

    00:46:46 - The Warrior - A Hidden Gem
    Matthew Pollard shares his all-time favorite movie, "The Warrior," a lesser-known film that he believes didn't get enough credit. The movie revolves around two brothers finding each other at an MMA fight, dealing with their family's divorce and an alcoholic father.

    00:47:01 - The Power of Unrecognized Movies
    Matthew Pollard expresses his love for the movie "The Warrior," highlighting its emotional depth and powerful storytelling. Despite its lack of popularity, he encourages listeners to watch and appreciate it for its greatness.

    00:47:33 - Productivity and Sales Technology
    Mario Martinez Jr. promotes Flymsg IO as a tool to save 25 hours a month in productivity, improve prospecting, and enhance buyer engagement. He encourages listeners to take advantage of the technology to scale their sales efforts.

    00:48:14 - The Modern Selling Podcast Wrap-Up
    Mario Martinez Jr. reminds listeners to leave a 5-star rating and review for the Modern Selling Podcast on iTunes. He also encourages them to download FlyMSG for free to save time and increase productivity in their sales endeavors.

    Mastering the Art of Networking
    Networking strategies for introverts focus on authenticity and serving clients' needs rather than transactional approaches. By embracing a mission-driven framework and leveraging their strengths, introverts can excel in networking. Thorough research, personalized engagement, and a focus on client needs are essential for building rapport and driving successful outcomes in networking efforts.

    The Art of Persuasion
    Storytelling plays a vital role in sales, allowing sales professionals to engage clients on a deeper level. By incorporating personalized and emotionally compelling stories, sales professionals can effectively capture buyer's interest and make a memorable impact. Mastery of storytelling techniques can enhance sales effectiveness and create meaningful connections with clients.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Connect with Matthew Pollard on LinkedIn to follow his updates and insights on sales and networking.

    Download FlyMSG for free to save 20+ hours a month in productivity and learn how to prospect better and sell more with technology.

    Watch the movie Warrior to experience the story of two brothers finding each other at an MMA fight, a tale of family, struggle, and triumph.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to support the show and help others discover valuable sales insights.

  • If you're feeling stuck in a cycle of underwhelming sales results, working harder but not seeing the growth you desire, then you are not alone! Despite putting in the effort, the results just don't seem to match the vision you have for success. It's frustrating and demotivating, right?

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, we are joined by Elyse Archer, the founder of the Superhuman Selling and She Sells movements. She shares her journey of transforming her sales career by reprogramming her subconscious mind for success. Having struggled internally despite external success, she discovered the impact of aligning self-identity with sales goals.

    This is Elyse Archer's story:

    Elyse Archer's introduction to the power of reprogramming the subconscious mind for sales success stemmed from a pivotal moment in her own professional journey. Despite her unyielding efforts and dedication, she found herself consistently hitting a ceiling in her earnings, always reaching the same financial plateau. This realization ignited a deep curiosity within her, propelling her into an immersive exploration of neuroscience and subconscious beliefs. Her quest for transformation was not merely about acquiring new strategies, but about fundamentally shifting her internal narrative and self-perception. Elyse's story embodies the universal human yearning to transcend self-imposed limitations and embrace a life aligned with one's true essence. It's a narrative of resilience, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of a reality that resonates with one's authentic self. Through her experiences and revelations, Elyse becomes a guiding force, illuminating the path for individuals seeking to rewrite their own stories and unleash their fullest potential in the realm of sales and beyond.

    Elyse's insights on the power of subconscious beliefs, her personal transformation after investing in coaching, and the practical exercise of the Y board highlight the role of identity in achieving sales success. Her emphasis on reprogramming the subconscious mind and embodying the identity of a successful individual offers a unique perspective for sales professionals and entrepreneurs seeking to elevate their sales performance. Elyse's experience and expertise make this episode a must-listen for those looking to understand the profound impact of mindset and belief systems on sales and business success, and seeking actionable strategies to reprogram their subconscious for quantum leaps in sales growth.

    Be the person you want to be... Start being that person you want to be now. - Elyse Archer

    Elyse Archer, the CEO and founder of She Sells, brings more than two decades of sales experience to the forefront. Her journey from corporate sales to entrepreneurship is marked by a commitment to redefining the sales process. By aligning sales strategies with individual energy cycles and embracing a more empathetic approach, Elyse has facilitated significant quantum leaps in sales growth for her clients. While her work primarily supports women in achieving their sales and business goals authentically, the principles she advocates are universally applicable. Elyse's mission is to help clients unlock their full potential in both sales and life, making a lasting impact on their professional and personal growth.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Unlock the secrets to quantum sales growth strategies and propel your sales to new heights.

    Discover how to reprogram your subconscious for sales success and unleash your full sales potential.

    Explore the power of integrating masculine and feminine energies in sales for a more holistic and effective approach.

    Learn the art of creating identity in sales to elevate your performance and stand out in the competitive sales landscape.

    Master superhuman selling techniques designed for entrepreneurs to revolutionize your sales game and achieve unparalleled success.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to the Podcast

    00:01:05 - Personal Background and Mission

    00:02:30 - Personal Anecdote and Insights

    00:05:54 - Quantum Sales Growth Methodology

    00:09:31 - Personal Anecdote: Dog Rescue Work

    00:13:40 - The Power of Subconscious Mind

    00:17:07 - Overcoming Financial Fear

    00:21:22 - Subconscious Programming and Belief Systems

    00:23:51 - Shifting Identity for Sales Success

    00:27:26 - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    00:31:43 - Creating a New Personal Reality

    00:36:50 - The Process of Change

    00:38:09 - Becoming the Person of Success

    00:39:40 - Nudging towards action

    00:41:19 - The Four Quadrants of Quantum Sales Growth

    00:43:31 - Superhuman Selling

    00:44:08 - Connecting with Elyse

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to the Podcast
    Mario Martinez introduces the podcast and the guest, Elise Archer, as CEO and founder of She Sells. The podcast aims to help sales leaders and practitioners grow their sales numbers at scale.

    00:01:05 - Personal Background and Mission
    Elise Archer shares her background as a sales professional and her mission to help women achieve their sales and business goals in a different way. She emphasizes the importance of aligning sales processes with energy cycles and adopting a relational, empathetic approach to selling.

    00:02:30 - Personal Anecdote and Insights
    Elise discusses her personal struggles with anxiety and aligning her identity with her success in sales. She highlights the need for a different approach to sales that feels authentic and aligned with individual values, particularly for women.

    00:05:54 - Quantum Sales Growth Methodology
    Elise introduces the "four quadrants of quantum sales growth" methodology and shares success stories of women achieving significant sales growth and income doubling within a short period. She emphasizes the impact of aligning sales processes with energy cycles and adopting a more authentic and relational approach to sales.

    00:09:31 - Personal Anecdote: Dog Rescue Work
    Elise reveals her passion for dog rescue work and her involvement in transporting pit bulls from high-kill shelters to new homes across state lines. This personal anecdote sheds light on her compassionate and altruistic nature beyond her professional endeavors.

    00:13:40 - The Power of Subconscious Mind
    Elyse shares her personal experience with limited earnings despite hard work. She delves into the power of the subconscious mind and neuroscience, emphasizing the impact of beliefs and identity on results.

    00:17:07 - Overcoming Financial Fear
    Elyse discusses her pivotal decision to invest in coaching despite financial concerns. She highlights the importance of taking bold actions and facing fears to break through limitations and create new opportunities.

    00:21:22 - Subconscious Programming and Belief Systems
    Elyse explains how subconscious programming shapes beliefs and behaviors, emphasizing the impact of early childhood experiences. She emphasizes the potential for change and the role of the subconscious in manifesting new realities.

    00:23:51 - Shifting Identity for Sales Success
    Elyse emphasizes the need for a continuous vision and growth in sales. She discusses the importance of evolving one's identity and belief systems to overcome limitations and achieve higher levels of success.

    00:27:26 - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
    Elyse discusses how limiting beliefs can hinder sales and business growth. She emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing these beliefs to achieve success and shift mindset.

    00:31:43 - Creating a New Personal Reality
    Elyse delves deeper into the concept of shifting one's personality to align with their goals. She discusses the importance of thinking, feeling, and acting like the person who has already achieved their desired results.

    00:36:50 - The Process of Change
    Elyse explains the process of changing one's thoughts, emotions, and actions to align with their goals. She emphasizes the need for self-awareness and consistent effort in practicing new behaviors and mindsets.

    00:38:09 - Becoming the Person of Success
    Elyse emphasizes the importance of embodying the person who has achieved the desired sales numbers. She highlights the need to take different actions and adopt a new mindset to achieve significant growth in sales.

    00:39:40 - Nudging towards action
    Elyse discusses the importance of following the nudges and reaching out to new prospects, even if it feels uncomfortable. Reprogramming the subconscious mind is key to overcoming limiting beliefs and conditioning the mind to new beliefs.

    00:41:19 - The Four Quadrants of Quantum Sales Growth
    Elyse explains the four quadrants of quantum sales growth, which include reprogramming the mind, raising financial set points, integrating masculine and feminine energies, and implementing strategic tactics on a solid foundation.

    00:43:31 - Superhuman Selling
    Elyse delves into the concept of superhuman selling, which involves being successful, worthy, and unstoppable. She highlights the importance of layering an incredible message on top of a foundation of personal empowerment.

    00:44:08 - Connecting with Elyse
    Elyse shares that connecting with her can be done through her website, social media, or email. She welcomes inquiries about the topics discussed in the podcast and provides her contact details for further engagement.

    Quantum Sales Growth Strategies
    Implementing quantum sales growth strategies involves reprogramming the subconscious mind to align with sales goals. This process focuses on shifting beliefs and behaviors to achieve significant sales growth. By following a comprehensive framework like the four quadrants of quantum sales growth, sales professionals can experience remarkable improvements in their sales results.

    Integrating Masculine and Feminine Energies in Sales
    Integrating masculine and feminine energies in sales strategies can lead to a more balanced and effective approach. By leveraging both energies, sales professionals can enhance their communication, empathy, and relationship-building skills. This integration creates a harmonious sales process that resonates with clients and drives successful outcomes.

    Reprogramming Subconscious for Sales Success
    Reprogramming the subconscious mind is crucial for achieving sales success and overcoming limiting beliefs. By identifying and addressing these subconscious barriers, individuals can adopt new belief systems that align with their sales goals. This practice involves changing thoughts, feelings, and actions to embody the identity of a successful salesperson and drive significant growth.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit to connect with Elyse Archer and learn more about her work and services.

    Download FlyMSG for a 14-day free sales pro trial to save 25 hours a month in productivity and improve prospecting and engagement.

    Connect with Elyse Archer on all social media platforms by searching for @ElyseArcher.

    Check out the forthcoming movie Encanto on Disney, a great family movie with valuable life lessons.

    Go to to download FlyMSG, a free text expander and personal writing assistant to increase productivity.

  • Are you ready for this? You won't believe what our CEO and founder revealed about the unexpected secrets behind successful sales processes. Find out how integrating AI has transformed the way sales professionals engage with customers and boosted their efficiency.

    But that's not all—there's a game-changing tool that's revolutionizing sales prospecting. Want to know what it is? Keep listening to unlock the full scoop on this modern selling podcast.

    AI Integration for Sales Efficiency
    Integrating AI-powered platforms into sales processes can significantly enhance efficiency and personalization. These tools can streamline outreach efforts, automate tasks, and provide valuable insights for personalized responses. Sales professionals can leverage AI integration to create more targeted and engaging interactions with potential buyers, ultimately improving sales outcomes.

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Mario Martinez Jr. shares his journey from a Ritz camera center to becoming a leading sales professional. Through his personal experiences, Mario emphasizes the importance of customer-centric sales and the evolving landscape of sales tools, particularly the integration of AI.

    He delves into the significance of using AI-assisted tools for personalized and efficient sales engagement, shedding light on the value of human-assisted AI in sales interactions. Mario's insights and practical examples offer valuable lessons for sales professionals seeking to enhance their processes and drive improved efficiency. His genuine enthusiasm for the field of sales and dedication to embracing new challenges serve as an inspiration and testament to the potential for growth and success in the dynamic world of sales.

    If you're looking to integrate AI into your sales processes for improved efficiency and personalized customer engagement, this episode provides valuable insights and practical strategies to help you navigate the evolving sales landscape and enhance your sales efforts.

    Sales is the art of helping. Sales is the art of helping, that's really what it is. And so I'm always looking for the problem. I want to understand the pain. I want to understand the issue so that I can help apply a solution. - Mario Martinez Jr.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Master Effective Sales Prospecting Techniques: Unlock the secrets to finding and engaging high-potential leads.

    Integrate AI into Sales Processes for Efficiency: Learn how AI can revolutionize your sales approach and drive better results.

    Boost Productivity with Text Expander Tools: Discover time-saving techniques to streamline your sales communication.

    Engage Buyers on LinkedIn with Proven Strategies: Elevate your social selling game and connect with prospects effectively.

    Maximize Sales Enablement Platforms for Growth: Uncover the benefits of using sales enablement tools to empower your sales team.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and

    00:00:48 - Guest feature on the Grow Fast podcast hosted by Mark Shriner

    00:01:29 - Location and casual discussion

    00:02:47 - Personal sales journey

    00:04:55 - Passion for selling

    00:12:47 - Evolution of Sales Tools

    00:13:46 - Vengreso and TextExpander

    00:14:49 - FlyMSG Use Cases

    00:21:12 - FlyLearning and AI Integration

    00:26:39 - Importance of Welcoming Connections

    00:28:23 - Engaging with Valuable Content

    00:29:31 - AI Social Post Generator

    00:33:21 - Human Assisted AI

    00:37:11 - Creating Engagement on LinkedIn

    00:39:58 - Importance of Providing Value in Sales

    00:41:12 - Upcoming Sales Enablement Platforms

    00:44:39 - Marketing vs. Sales Activities

    00:47:54 - Must-Have Sales Tools

    00:50:21 - Staying Informed in Sales

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Vengreso and
    Mario Martinez introduces himself as the CEO and founder of Vengreso, the creator of FlyMSG, a personal writing assistant and text expander tool. The podcast aims to provide sales leaders, practitioners, and influencers with insights to grow sales at scale.

    00:00:48 - Guest feature on the Grow Fast podcast
    Mario Martinez mentions being featured on the Grow Fast podcast with Mark Shriner. The conversation covers topics such as sales enablement platforms, prospecting tools, AI, FlyMSG, text expansion, and LinkedIn commenting, with a focus on integrating these tools for connecting with potential buyers.

    00:01:29 - Location and casual discussion
    Mario Martinez and Mark Shriner have a casual discussion about their locations and the arrival of spring. They share personal experiences, creating a relaxed atmosphere before delving into the main topics of the conversation.

    00:02:47 - Personal sales journey
    Mario Martinez reflects on his early sales experience at Ritz Camera Centers, where his passion for sales was ignited. He shares a pivotal moment when he transitioned from a part-time photo finisher to a sales associate, driven by his innate ability to help customers and solve their problems.

    00:04:55 - Passion for selling
    Mario Martinez delves into the essence of selling as the art of helping and problem-solving. He attributes his passion for sales to the opportunity to understand customer pain points and offer solutions, emphasizing the role of customer satisfaction.

    00:12:47 - Evolution of Sales Tools
    The conversation starts with a discussion of the evolution of sales tools, from basic phone and fax machines to the necessity of modern sales enablement platforms for outbound sales.

    00:13:46 - Vengreso and TextExpander
    The discussion shifts to Vengreso and TextExpander, highlighting their use as workflow tools for individual sellers and the development of a tool called FlyMSG. The tool's ability to save time and automate repetitive tasks is emphasized.

    00:14:49 - FlyMSG Use Cases
    FlyMSG is discussed as a platform for storing and quickly deploying message templates across various platforms. The focus is on its utility for sales prospecting training and its ability to save time and standardize messaging.

    00:21:12 - FlyLearning and AI Integration
    The conversation delves into the integration of FlyLearning and AI into the platform, emphasizing its impact on saving sellers time by automating the process of engaging with target buyers on LinkedIn through insightful comments.

    00:26:39 - Importance of Welcoming Connections
    Mario emphasizes the importance of welcoming new connections with a personalized message instead of immediately pitching. He discusses the value of using the FlyMSG text expansion tool to send a personalized thank you message with valuable content.

    00:28:23 - Engaging with Valuable Content
    Mario discusses the strategy of sending valuable content to new connections to solicit engagement. He explains the importance of providing content that addresses the prospect's specific challenges and encourages them to respond.

    00:29:31 - AI Social Post Generator
    Mario introduces FlyPosts AI, an AI social post generator that helps salespeople create thought leadership content quickly. He discusses how the tool reduces the time it takes to write a post from 32 minutes to less than 9 minutes, enabling salespeople to stay active on social media.

    00:33:21 - Human Assisted AI
    Mario emphasizes the role of human-assisted AI in sales engagement. He explains that the tool is designed to augment the seller's efforts rather than replace them, allowing salespeople to edit and personalize AI-generated content.

    00:37:11 - Creating Engagement on LinkedIn
    Mario discusses the key ingredients for effective LinkedIn comments, emphasizing the importance of adding value to the conversation and soliciting engagement. He explains the strategy of using insights and questions to drive responses and build relationships on the platform.

    00:39:58 - Importance of Providing Value in Sales
    Mario emphasizes the importance of providing value in sales conversations, rather than overwhelming prospects with product information. He advises against starting with client testimonials or product pages, and instead focuses on bringing value to the buyer.

    00:41:12 - Upcoming Sales Enablement Platforms
    Mario discusses the proliferation of sales enablement platforms, highlighting the micro-niche focus and the variety of tools available for different stages of the sales process. He mentions prospecting, engagement, automation, gift marketing, social selling, productivity, and sales intelligence tools as examples.

    00:44:39 - Marketing vs. Sales Activities
    Mario shares his belief that sales teams should focus on their own lead generation, as marketing often only contributes a small percentage of appointments. He recommends allocating budget towards sales prospecting tools and training, as getting the first meeting is the hardest part of the sales cycle.

    00:47:54 - Must-Have Sales Tools
    Mario stresses the importance of sales prospecting tools and mentions the necessity of an engagement tool like a sales cadence tool, as well as incorporating phone and email channels. He also discusses the effectiveness of gift marketing in booking appointments, despite its cost.

    00:50:21 - Staying Informed in Sales
    Mario shares his approach to staying informed in sales, which involves reading blogs from sales influencers with varying perspectives, watching short videos, and reading content from top sales engagement tools. He emphasizes the importance of learning from sales professionals with practical experience.

    Effective Sales Prospecting Techniques
    In the evolving sales landscape, mastering effective sales prospecting techniques is crucial. Sales professionals must focus on providing value to potential buyers and personalizing their outreach efforts. By understanding the buyer's needs and preferences, sales teams can nurture more meaningful relationships and drive better results.

    Productivity with Text Expander
    Using productivity tools like text expanders can boost efficiency in sales activities. Text expanders allow sales professionals to store and access messaging templates quickly, saving time and effort in outbound sales. By leveraging text expanders, sales teams can focus on creating personalized and value-driven content while streamlining their communication processes.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit to learn about the PVC method for crafting personalized and engaging sales emails with a strong call to action.

    Check out Sendoso or Postal IO for gift Marketing tools to create memorable experiences for your prospects and book more appointments.

    Download FlyMSG for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity with a free text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to support the show and help it reach more listeners.

  • If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by ineffective sales strategies that aren't getting you the results you want, then you are not alone! Trying to juggle multiple tasks and approaches without seeing the sales success you deserve can be disheartening.

    It's time to break free from the cycle of frustration and find a more effective path to achieving your sales goals. Let's explore new strategies together to elevate your sales game and achieve the success you've been striving for.

    Master Sales Career Development Strategies

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Tony Morando provides valuable insights on mastering sales career development strategies. He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, refining sales skills, and staying updated with industry trends. Morando's career journey serves as a testament to the dedication and perseverance required to excel in the sales industry.

    Throughout the episode, Tony's emphasis on perseverance, consistency, and the drive to become elite in sales emerges as a central focus, providing practical guidance for sales professionals navigating the modern selling landscape. His valuable insights on career development, effective sales techniques, and the importance of personalized communication make this episode a must-listen for sales professionals aiming to enhance their skills and achieve improved sales success.

    This Week's Special Guest:

    For this week's episode, Tony Morando, Chief Sales Officer of World Emblem, shares his 18-year sales career journey, offering valuable insights into sales leadership and career development strategies. He emphasizes the significance of being coachable, setting measurable goals, and the impact of industry expertise in pursuing leadership roles.

    Tony's experience of six promotions in 18 years highlights the importance of deliberate learning and expertise in career advancement. The conversation also delves into the evolving dynamics of the competitive marketplace, emphasizing the need for adaptability and agility in meeting customer demands.

    Just because you get a no today doesn't mean you're gonna have a no tomorrow. You have to stay on it. You have to be consistent, and you can't lose that communication. - Tony Morando

    In This Episode, You Will Hear All About: Mastering Sales Career Development Strategies: Unlock the key to accelerating your sales career with expert strategies for professional growth and success. Embracing Effective Sales Objection Handling Techniques: Discover the art of overcoming objections and turning them into opportunities for closing deals. Building Strong Client Relationships in Sales: Learn the secrets to fostering lasting and profitable relationships with your clients, leading to increased loyalty and sales. Crafting Impactful Sales Voicemails: Uncover the tips and tricks for leaving voicemails that grab attention, spark interest, and drive action from your prospects. Becoming an Elite Sales Professional: Elevate your sales game by mastering the essential skills and mindset needed to stand out and thrive in the competitive sales landscape. The Key Moments in this Episode are:

    00:00:08 - Introduction to the Podcast

    00:01:24 - Welcoming Tony Morando

    00:04:46 - Overcoming Fear

    00:07:09 - Career Progression and Patience

    00:13:21 - Navigating Increased Competition

    00:14:14 - Building a Unique Value Proposition

    00:15:14 - Becoming Elite

    00:16:29 - Personal Experience in Sales

    00:22:30 - Overcoming Objections

    00:25:19 - Consistency and Persistence

    00:27:26 - Effective CRM Usage and Time Management

    00:33:57 - Inbox Management and Time Management

    00:35:58 - Effective Sales Techniques

    00:37:42 - Bringing Value to Calls

    00:39:25 - Voicemail Strategy

    00:40:19 - Importance of First 15-20 Seconds in a Voicemail

    00:41:27 - Analyzing a Sales Voicemail

    00:46:31 - Short and Sweet Voicemail Strategy

    00:49:06 - Leveraging Social Selling Triggers

    00:51:48 - Tony's Favorite Movie

    Timestamped Summary of this Episode:

    00:00:08 - Introduction to the Podcast
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces the podcast and its focus on helping sales leaders and practitioners grow their sales numbers at scale.

    00:01:24 - Welcoming Tony Morando
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces Tony Morando as the Chief Sales Officer of World Emblem, highlighting the topics they will cover, including pathways to management and leadership.

    00:04:46 - Overcoming Fear
    Tony Morando shares a personal revelation about being petrified of flying and how he overcame it by jumping out of a plane for his first flight, leading to his current comfort with flying.

    00:07:09 - Career Progression and Patience
    Tony Morando discusses the importance of being patient in career progression, emphasizing the value of learning from mistakes and the need to earn promotions through expertise and deliberate progress.

    00:13:21 - Navigating Increased Competition
    Tony Morando addresses the impact of increased competition in today's market, citing the Amazon model's influence and its implications for meeting customer expectations in a timely manner.

    00:14:14 - Building a Unique Value Proposition
    Tony discusses the need for sellers to create a unique value proposition to win customers in a competitive marketplace. He emphasizes the importance of standing out and providing exceptional value.

    00:15:14 - Becoming Elite
    Tony emphasizes the need to go above and beyond to be elite, highlighting the importance of putting in extra effort, making sacrifices, and constantly learning and improving in order to separate from the competition.

    00:16:29 - Personal Experience in Sales
    Tony shares his personal experience in software sales, emphasizing the importance of putting in the hours, becoming an expert in the industry, and sharing best practices with peers to succeed in sales.

    00:22:30 - Overcoming Objections
    Tony discusses the significance of discussing and learning from common objections in sales to overcome them effectively. He highlights the value of daily huddles for sharing and learning from past objections and challenges.

    00:25:19 - Consistency and Persistence
    Tony shares a memorable sales success story about his persistence in following up with a client over a ten-year period, ultimately leading to a significant contract. He emphasizes the importance of consistency, never giving up, and bringing value to every interaction.

    00:27:26 - Effective CRM Usage and Time Management
    Tony discusses the importance of using CRM effectively and scheduling future activities to stay on track. He also emphasizes the significance of time management and organization in sales.

    00:33:57 - Inbox Management and Time Management
    Tony shares his struggle with managing his inbox and the challenge of maintaining a zero inbox policy. He highlights the importance of time management and the impact of being organized on personal and professional success.

    00:35:58 - Effective Sales Techniques
    Tony emphasizes the importance of active listening, consistent communication, providing value, and exceeding expectations in building and maintaining strong client relationships. He also discusses the significance of asking questions and listening without interrupting the prospect.

    00:37:42 - Bringing Value to Calls
    Tony delves into the importance of bringing value to live conversations and narrowing in on topics that matter to the prospect. He also shares his approach to leaving voicemails, keeping them short and avoiding selling through voicemails.

    00:39:25 - Voicemail Strategy
    Tony discusses his approach to voicemails, preferring to keep them short and sweet without selling through them. He also emphasizes the importance of capturing and keeping someone's attention within seconds.

    00:40:19 - Importance of First 15-20 Seconds in a Voicemail
    Tony and Mario discuss the critical role of the first few sentences in a voicemail to engage the listener. They emphasize the need for brevity and value in the initial message to capture the recipient's attention.

    00:41:27 - Analyzing a Sales Voicemail
    Mario plays a sales voicemail and invites Tony to critique it. They discuss the importance of identifying the correct industry and the need for thorough research before reaching out to potential buyers. They also highlight the significance of clear and genuine communication.

    00:46:31 - Short and Sweet Voicemail Strategy
    The hosts review another voicemail and share differing perspectives on its effectiveness. Tony highlights the intrigue and curiosity it creates, while Mario emphasizes the importance of providing more information and context to prompt a response. They also touch on the significance of personalizing outreach.

    00:49:06 - Leveraging Social Selling Triggers
    Mario explains his approach to leveraging social selling triggers, such as profile views, to initiate meaningful connections with potential buyers. He emphasizes the importance of guiding recipients to relevant content and tracking their engagement for informed follow-ups.

    00:51:48 - Tony's Favorite Movie
    Mario wraps up the episode by asking Tony about his all-time favorite movie, which Tony reveals to be "Fight Club." This lighthearted segment adds a personal touch to the conversation, providing a glimpse into Tony's interests outside of sales.

    Hone Effective Sales Objection Handling Techniques

    Morando discusses the importance of honing effective sales objection handling techniques in the competitive sales landscape. He highlights the significance of addressing objections and consistently training to overcome them. By mastering objection handling, sales professionals can enhance their ability to navigate challenges and close deals successfully.

    Cultivate Strong Client Relationships in Sales

    Building strong client relationships is crucial in sales success, as highlighted by Morando in the podcast. He emphasizes the need for genuine and authentic communication to engage prospects and build lasting connections. Cultivating strong client relationships not only fosters trust but also paves the way for continued sales success and business growth.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are: Connect with Tony Morando on LinkedIn by sending a personalized connection request mentioning the modern selling podcast. Visit to reach out to Tony Morando through the contact form on the corporate website. Sign up for FlyMSG for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase productivity. This is a free text expander and personal writing assistant. Watch the movie Fight Club for a classic and timeless favorite. Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show support and help the podcast reach more listeners.

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  • If you're feeling frustrated because your sales strategies are falling flat and you're not seeing the results you want, then you are not alone! Are you tired of putting in effort without reaping the rewards? Let's change that together.

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Jim Kraus, President of the Buyer Persona Institute, brings a wealth of knowledge on buyer personas and their impact on sales and marketing strategies. His expertise stems from conducting in-depth interviews with recent buyers, enabling him to uncover specific buying insights that influence purchasing decisions. By emphasizing the importance of aligning marketing and sales efforts with buyer personas and addressing potential buyer concerns, Kraus provides valuable insights for sales and marketing professionals. His practical guidance on tailoring sales strategies and messaging to meet the needs of different buyer segments underscores the significance of understanding buyer personas.

    Through a casual and engaging conversation with host Mario Martinez Jr., Jim's personal touch and relatable experiences, such as his love for favorite movies, Bull Durham and The Shawshank Redemption, create a light-hearted and authentic atmosphere, making this episode a must-listen for sales and marketing professionals seeking to enhance their understanding of buyer personas and improve their sales and marketing strategies.

    "The key thing is, though, when you're talking about marketing and sales, at the end of the day, what you're really trying to do is influence a particular buying decision. That's what you're trying to do, right? You're trying to get somebody or an organization to consider you." - Jim Kraus

    Discover impactful buyer personas
    In creating impactful buyer personas for sales, understanding the specific buying insights that influence purchasing decisions is crucial. By conducting in-depth interviews with recent buyers, sales and marketing professionals can uncover valuable information about buyer behavior. These insights help in defining the key components of a buyer persona and tailoring sales and marketing strategies to meet specific buyer needs.

    Jim Kraus has over 15 years of experience in developing impactful buyer personas to optimize marketing and sales strategies. With a specific focus on influencing buying decisions, Jim is a recognized authority in understanding buyer insights to streamline sales processes. As the author of the upcoming second edition of the Buyer Personas book, Jim's expertise lies in transforming individual profiles to resonate with target buyer personas, making him an invaluable resource for empowering sales professionals. Jim's dedication to online personal training adds a unique perspective to his extensive expertise, offering a fresh and dynamic approach to leveraging buyer personas for effective marketing and sales.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Understand your customers deeply with impactful buyer personas to boost sales.

    Gain the edge in influencing buying decisions with valuable buyer insights.

    Elevate your sales game by integrating buyer personas into your strategies.

    Master the art of overcoming perceived barriers in B2B sales for success.

    Harness the power of buyer personas for supercharged marketing impact.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Buyer Personas

    00:01:03 - Introducing Jim Kraus

    00:03:17 - Getting to Know Jim Kraus

    00:05:03 - The Number One Misconception About Buyer Personas

    00:07:27 - Understanding Buyer Persona Components

    00:13:38 - Understanding the Buyer's Journey

    00:16:40 - Impact on Marketing and Sales

    00:19:49 - Key Components of the Buyer Persona

    00:22:16 - Practical Impact on Sales Enablement

    00:25:36 - Application to LinkedIn Profiles

    00:26:16 - Understanding the Product Led Growth Side

    00:27:09 - Solutions for Sales Led Growth

    00:29:24 - Website Focus and Buyer Persona Prioritization

    00:31:16 - Taking Action After Developing Buyer Personas

    00:34:31 - Impact on Individual Sales Leaders

    00:40:11 - Personalized Connection Requests

    00:40:28 - Favorite Movies

    00:40:53 - Shawshank Redemption

    00:41:05 - Podcast Wrap-Up

    00:41:37 - Podcast Sign-Off

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Buyer Personas
    Mario Martinez introduces the Modern selling podcast and the topic of buyer personas, highlighting the importance of understanding buyer personas in sales and marketing.

    00:01:03 - Introducing Jim Kraus
    Mario introduces Jim Kraus, the president of the Buyer Persona Institute, and teases an upcoming special question for Jim.

    00:03:17 - Getting to Know Jim Kraus
    Jim shares a surprising fact about himself, revealing that he works as a personal trainer on the side, offering online training programs to help busy professionals stay fit.

    00:05:03 - The Number One Misconception About Buyer Personas
    Jim explains the biggest misconception about buyer personas, emphasizing that they are not simply profiles of individuals, but rather specific buying insights that influence purchasing decisions.

    00:07:27 - Understanding Buyer Persona Components
    Jim breaks down the five key components of buyer personas: priority initiatives, success factors, perceived barriers, decision criteria, and the buyer's journey, providing a detailed explanation of each.

    00:13:38 - Understanding the Buyer's Journey
    Jim Kraus explains the importance of conducting in-depth interviews to understand the buyer's full story and their complete buyer's journey when making high consideration buying decisions.

    00:16:40 - Impact on Marketing and Sales
    Mario Martinez Jr. and Jim discuss the impact of understanding the buyer persona on marketing and sales. They emphasize the importance of aligning with buyers and providing them with the information they need at every step of their journey.

    00:19:49 - Key Components of the Buyer Persona
    Jim breaks down the five key elements of the buyer persona and explains their relevance in marketing and selling strategies. He highlights the importance of understanding what is important to buyers and eliminating guesswork in marketing and sales.

    00:22:16 - Practical Impact on Sales Enablement
    Mario and Jim delve into the practical and tactical impact of the buyer persona on sales enablement. They discuss how sales professionals can use buyer insights to develop sales talking points and confidently engage with prospects.

    00:25:36 - Application to LinkedIn Profiles
    The conversation shifts to applying buyer persona insights to LinkedIn profiles. Jim and Mario emphasize the importance of articulating who the seller helps, how they help, and what business problems they solve on their profiles to align with the buyer persona.

    00:26:16 - Understanding the Product Led Growth Side
    Jim discusses how their product led growth side caters to individual knowledge workers, offering tools to write faster and eliminate mundane tasks.

    00:27:09 - Solutions for Sales Led Growth
    Jim explains how individual sales reps using repeatable messages can lead to enterprise opportunities, and how their education sales prospecting training program called fly learning fits into the equation.

    00:29:24 - Website Focus and Buyer Persona Prioritization
    The discussion revolves around prioritizing buyer personas based on revenue sources and areas where companies lack knowledge about their buyers, and how this impacts website focus and design.

    00:31:16 - Taking Action After Developing Buyer Personas
    Jim suggests making adjustments to marketing and sales assets, updating messaging, and focusing on case studies and references based on the insights gained from buyer personas to improve marketing and sales performance.

    00:34:31 - Impact on Individual Sales Leaders
    The conversation highlights the importance of updating sales playbooks, addressing perceived barriers, and incorporating buyer persona insights into sales pitches to make a significant impact at the individual sales leader level.

    00:40:11 - Personalized Connection Requests
    Mario emphasizes the importance of personalized connection requests on LinkedIn.

    00:40:28 - Favorite Movies
    Jim shares his all-time favorite movies, Bull Durham and Shawshank Redemption.

    00:40:53 - Shawshank Redemption
    Mario mentions that Shawshank Redemption is a common favorite among guests on the show.

    00:41:05 - Podcast Wrap-Up
    Mario thanks Jim for being on the show and encourages listeners to leave a rating and review on iTunes.

    00:41:37 - Podcast Sign-Off
    Mario thanks listeners for tuning in and promotes the use of FlyMSG for increased productivity.

    Influence with deep buyer insights
    To influence buying decisions effectively, integrating deep buyer insights into sales strategies is essential. By aligning messaging and sales efforts with the priorities and needs of buyers, sales professionals can build trust and credibility. Developing precise and value-focused sales messaging based on buyer personas helps in addressing buyer concerns and objections, thus improving conversion rates.

    Seamlessly integrate buyer personas
    Integrating buyer personas into sales strategies seamlessly involves aligning marketing and sales efforts based on these personas. Updating sales playbooks, messaging, and sales pitches to address specific buyer needs and challenges ensures relevance and impact in sales interactions. By understanding the buyer's journey, sales professionals can tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of different buyer segments effectively.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit for free templates, examples, and a master class on creating buyer personas. The website also offers thought leadership content on buyer personas and buying insights.

    Connect with Jim Kraus on LinkedIn to access his thought leadership content and to engage in discussions about buyer personas and buying insights. When sending a connection request, be sure to include a personalized message mentioning that you heard him on the modern selling podcast.

    Download for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase productivity. FlyMSG is a text expander and personal writing assistant that helps with repetitive tasks and writing efficiency.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show support and help the podcast reach a wider audience.

    Watch Bull Durham and Shawshank Redemption, Jim Kraus' favorite movies, to enjoy these classic films.

  • Have you ever heard these myths about AI in sales and marketing?

    Myth 1: AI will replace sales professionals. Myth 2: AI is too complex and expensive for small businesses. Myth 3: AI can't personalize interactions like humans can.

    We will share the truth about AI's impact on sales and marketing, so you won't want to miss it! Stay tuned.

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Mario Martinez Jr. engages in a dynamic discussion with guest Brian Bell, shedding light on the benefits of leveraging AI in sales and marketing. Brian Bell brings his extensive experience and insights into the challenges faced by sales professionals, emphasizing the importance of embracing innovative tools and techniques to stay ahead in the modern sales landscape.

    As a seasoned expert in the field, Bell shares practical advice on the use of AI-driven features for personalized engagement, the significance of an omnichannel approach to prospecting, and the potential impact of using text expanders and personal writing assistants to enhance productivity and communication in sales. His valuable insights and real-world examples make this episode a must-listen for sales professionals seeking to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the ever-evolving landscape of sales and marketing.

    AI Benefits in Sales
    The strategic utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the sales process can significantly boost productivity levels and enhance engagement rates. AI can assist in personalizing sales pitches, providing time-saving automation of routine tasks, and predicting customer behavior, which delivers a competitive edge. Not only does it improve efficiency, but it also refines accuracy, thereby transforming the way sales professionals interact with prospects and clients.

    "A fool with a tool, is still a fool" - Mario Martinez Jr.

    Today's conversation is shared with Brian Bell, a seasoned venture capitalist with a focus on pre-seed companies. His expertise lies in the integration of AI technology and the human-assisted AI concept, providing valuable insights into the realm of sales and marketing. With a strong entrepreneurial background, Brian offers practical advice on strategic marketing spend, resource allocation, and navigating technological challenges. Leveraging his extensive experience in sales, marketing, and executive leadership, Brian's contributions shed light on the tangible benefits of AI in enhancing selling efficiency and effectiveness.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Uncover the Surprising Benefits of AI in Sales and Marketing.

    Learn the Secrets to Building a Successful SaaS Product.

    Master Strategies for Effective Social Selling.

    Unlock the Power of Personal Branding in Entrepreneurship.

    Discover How to Leverage Podcasts for Business Growth.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to

    00:00:48 - Twist in the Episode

    00:02:13 - Mario's Background and Experience

    00:04:17 - Journey to FlyMSG

    00:06:46 - The Value of Education and Experience

    00:13:46 - The Importance of Pre-Hello to Hello in Sales

    00:14:52 - Revolutionizing Sales Prospecting

    00:16:48 - Systematizing Sales Playbooks

    00:22:56 - Enhancing Social Engagement

    00:24:29 - The Modern Selling Podcast and Prospecting

    00:27:00 - Leveraging Thought Leadership for Sales Success

    00:27:42 - The Transformation to Modern Selling

    00:29:35 - The Power of Podcasting in Business Development

    00:34:42 - The Role of Sales and Marketing in Cutting Through the Noise

    00:36:22 - Mistakes Early Stage Startups Make in Sales

    00:41:02 - Importance of Owning Your Domain

    00:42:44 - The Need for Technical and Sales/Marketing Co-Founders

    00:46:20 - Doing It vs. Delegating It

    00:50:25 - The Impact of AI on Sales and Marketing

    00:53:21 - Where to Find Mario

    00:53:59 - Introduction and Gratitude

    00:00:00 - Harnessing the Power of Text Expansion

    00:12:30 - Personal Writing Assistant Features

    00:25:45 - Practical Applications in Sales

    00:40:15 - Future of Text Expansion

    Timestamped summary of this episode:

    00:00:08 - Introduction to
    Mario Martinez introduces himself as the CEO and founder of Vengreso, the creators of He explains that the podcast will feature sales leaders, practitioners, and influencers to help listeners grow their sales numbers at scale.

    00:00:48 - Twist in the Episode
    Mario discusses the unique twist in this episode, where he will be speaking on Brian Bell's podcast, the Ignite Sales podcast. They will cover topics such as embracing technology with AI, entrepreneurial spirit, prudence in marketing spend, and challenges faced by FlyMSG.

    00:02:13 - Mario's Background and Experience
    Brian introduces Mario as the CEO of FlyMSG and discusses their shared experiences as first-generation college students who almost dropped out due to successful sales careers. They explore the value of college degrees in today's world and the importance of experience in the workforce.

    00:04:17 - Journey to Flymessage
    Mario shares his journey from corporate sales and executive leadership roles to starting his first company, Vengreso, as a digital sales training company. He explains the process of merging individual businesses to form Vengreso and the challenges faced during this transition.

    00:06:46 - The Value of Education and Experience
    Mario and Brian discuss the value of education and experience in the sales industry. They debate whether a college degree is necessary and how it impacts career opportunities. Mario emphasizes the importance of experience and skills in addition to formal education.

    00:13:46 - The Importance of Pre-Hello to Hello in Sales
    Discusses the lack of focus on the pre-hello to hello in sales training and the difficulty of the sales job in this phase.

    00:14:52 - Revolutionizing Sales Prospecting
    Introduces the concept of FlyMSG as an auto text expander to streamline prospecting communication, leading to significant time savings for sellers.

    00:16:48 - Systematizing Sales Playbooks
    Talks about how FlyMSG systematizes sales playbooks into a SaaS application, providing customizable implementation based on the company's sales process.

    00:22:56 - Enhancing Social Engagement
    Explores how FlyMSG addresses the challenge of engaging on LinkedIn by enabling thoughtful and individual replies, improving the effectiveness of social engagement for sales reps.

    00:24:29 - The Modern Selling Podcast and Prospecting
    Mario Martinez Jr. discusses his podcast and its focus on the omnichannel approach to prospecting, emphasizing the importance of opening up new channels for increased engagement rates.

    00:27:00 - Leveraging Thought Leadership for Sales Success
    Brian Bell shares how inviting the chief commercial officer of HP to his podcast led to millions of dollars in closed deals. Thought leadership and niche-focused content were key to his success.

    00:27:42 - The Transformation to Modern Selling
    Brian emphasizes the importance of using every weapon in the quiver for modern selling. From gift marketing to direct mail, text, and phone, the goal is to slice through the noise and engage with potential customers effectively.

    00:29:35 - The Power of Podcasting in Business Development
    Both Mario and Brian highlight the effectiveness of using a podcast as a tool for business development. It's an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and build relationships that lead to closed deals and advisory board opportunities.

    00:34:42 - The Role of Sales and Marketing in Cutting Through the Noise
    Brian stresses the importance of salespeople and marketers understanding each other's roles to create personalized, hyper-personalized engagement and outreach. This approach is crucial for standing above the noise in a crowded market.

    00:36:22 - Mistakes Early Stage Startups Make in Sales
    Mario discusses the common mistakes early stage startups make in sales, including the misconception that hiring a salesperson will solve all problems. He emphasizes the importance of founders being able to articulate their vision and passion.

    00:41:02 - Importance of Owning Your Domain
    Mario emphasizes the importance of owning your domain in sales and marketing. He advises founders to own their space and leverage it without spending big bucks.

    00:42:44 - The Need for Technical and Sales/Marketing Co-Founders
    Mario discusses the importance of having a technical co-founder for product development and a sales/marketing counterpart for driving revenue. He highlights the challenges faced without these roles.

    00:46:20 - Doing It vs. Delegating It
    Mario shares the importance of rolling up your sleeves and getting things done, even if it means learning new skills. He emphasizes the need to be hands-on in certain areas of the business for better understanding and improvement.

    00:50:25 - The Impact of AI on Sales and Marketing
    Mario predicts that AI experience will become a crucial requirement for job seekers in the sales and marketing industry. He advises that individuals need to have AI experience to stay relevant in the industry.

    00:53:21 - Where to Find Mario
    Mario shares that people can connect with him on LinkedIn and explore FlyMSG, for free access. He invites sales leaders and founders to utilize the platform for driving more conversations and creating more hellos.

    00:53:59 - Introduction and Gratitude
    Mario Martinez Jr. expresses gratitude to the listeners for tuning in and introduces the episode's guest, Brian Bell. He concludes with a message of goodwill, "good selling."

    00:00:00 - Harnessing the Power of Text Expansion
    Mario and Brian discuss the benefits of using a text expander as a personal writing assistant. They explore how this tool can improve productivity and efficiency in writing tasks.

    00:12:30 - Personal Writing Assistant Features
    The conversation delves into the specific features of a text expander and how it can aid in streamlining writing processes. Brian shares insights on leveraging this technology for effective communication.

    00:25:45 - Practical Applications in Sales
    Mario and Brian highlight real-life applications of text expansion in sales scenarios. They emphasize its role in enhancing customer communication, creating personalized outreach, and increasing sales efficiency.

    00:40:15 - Future of Text Expansion
    The episode wraps up with a discussion on the future of text expansion and its potential impact on various industries. Mario and Brian explore the evolving landscape of writing assistance tools and their implications for businesses.

    Effective Social Selling Strategies
    Harnessing the power of social media networks can revolutionize selling tactics. Effective social selling strategies focus on building reliable, long-term relationships with prospects rather than resorting to aggressive sales techniques. By strategically leveraging social networks, sales professionals can gain deep insights into potential clients' interests and behaviors, establish credibility, and effectively engage with their audience through personalized content.

    Successful SaaS Secrets
    The key to a successful Software as a Service (SaaS) lies in understanding the customers' needs, focusing on building quality products that add real value to the user's experience, and effectively marketing these solutions. It's crucial to adapt to changes rapidly and proactively incorporate customer feedback into product development. The goal should always be to enhance customer satisfaction, predominantly by providing innovative solutions and excellent client service.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Connect with Mario Martinez Jr. on LinkedIn and send a personalized connection request mentioning the Ignite podcast with Brian Bell.

    Visit FlyMSG:io to sign up for a free trial, a text expander and personal writing assistant to save time and increase productivity.

    Download FlyMSG to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase productivity.

  • If you're feeling frustrated and stuck in a cycle of repetitive sales approaches that just aren't getting results, then you are not alone! Are you tired of feeling like your sales efforts are falling flat, and you're not making the impact you know you're capable of? It's time to break free from the ineffective methods and unleash your true sales potential!

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Mario Martinez Jr. interviews Jason Hartz, author of The Hartz Method: A Sales Performance Playbook and Director of Demand Services Development Programs at Oracle.

    Jason's unique background, transitioning from stand-up comedy to sales enablement, offers a fresh perspective on sales methodologies. He draws parallels between sales and performance, emphasizing the importance of preparation, rehearsal, and creating engaging experiences for prospects. The conversation explores the intersection between confidence, experience, and performance-based selling, highlighting the need for sellers to exude confidence and continuously evolve their sales approaches. Jason's insights on leveraging technology, understanding audience cues, and embracing innovative solutions provide actionable strategies for enhancing sales productivity and efficiency.

    If you're a sales professional looking to elevate your performance and drive meaningful conversations with clients, this episode offers valuable tips and perspectives to help you navigate the evolving sales landscape.,

    If you start to treat each and every interaction with a customer as if you're standing on stage and performing, your ratio to hits to wins is going to increase. - Jason Hartz

    This week's special guest is Jason Hartz:

    Jason Hartz is an accomplished sales professional and the author of "The Hart's Method: A Sales Performance Playbook." With a rich career history encompassing stand-up comedy, fitness franchising, and sales training, Jason has garnered a wealth of diverse experiences. His notable roles at Oracle and within the fintech sector have contributed to his deep understanding of demand services and sales methodologies. Jason's book showcases his expertise in sales performance, offering a comprehensive guide to enhancing productivity and efficiency. Through his practical insights and strategic approach, Jason has established himself as a respected figure in the sales domain, providing valuable perspectives for sales professionals aiming to elevate their performance.

    In this episode, you will find:

    Mastering the Sales Performance Playbook and Methodology can revolutionize your approach to selling, leading to increased success and growth.

    Balancing Confidence vs Experience in Sales can uncover powerful insights that transform your selling style and boost results.

    Implementing Performance-Based Selling Strategies can supercharge your sales effectiveness and drive higher revenue.

    Leveraging Technology for Sales Efficiency allows you to streamline your processes and maximize your sales potential.

    Discover how Enhancing Sales Skills with Innovative Tools can give you a competitive edge and elevate your performance in the market.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introducing

    00:01:16 - Jason Hartz’s Background

    00:09:40 - Defining Performance-Based Selling

    00:13:03 - Enhancing Customer Engagement

    00:15:40 - Boosting Self-Confidence and Sales Acumen

    00:15:48 - The Importance of Confidence and Experience in Sales Success

    00:18:20 - Three Major Performance-Based Steps for Sales Preparation

    00:22:28 - Setting the Table for Successful Sales Calls

    00:25:04 - The Pitfalls of Inadequate Preparation

    00:28:48 - Transitioning from Job to Profession in Sales

    00:30:44 - Missed Action Item on AI Comparison

    00:33:32 - Importance of Understanding the Audience

    00:34:18 - Recording Sales Calls

    00:41:24 - Leaving Lasting Impressions on Prospects

    00:45:07 - Favorite Movie and Personal Connection

    00:45:37 - Welcoming Jason Hartz to the Show

    00:45:47 - Call to Action for Audience

    00:46:19 - Conclusion and Closing Remarks

    00:00:00 - Introduction

    00:00:00 - Sales Productivity

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introducing
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces FlyMSG, a free personal writing assistant and text expander application.

    00:01:16 - Jason Hartz’s Background
    Jason Hartz shares his background in stand-up comedy, sales training, and working on movies, including "A League of Their Own".

    00:09:40 - Defining Performance-Based Selling
    Jason Hartz defines performance-based selling as treating customer interactions like stage performances, including preparation, rehearsal, and creating home court advantage.

    00:13:03 - Enhancing Customer Engagement
    Jason and Mario discuss using virtual backgrounds to create a personalized and engaging experience for customers, improving engagement and conversation starters.

    00:15:40 - Boosting Self-Confidence and Sales Acumen
    The conversation explores how performance-based selling can boost self-confidence and sales acumen by creating comfort and unity, leading to better customer interactions and outcomes.

    00:15:48 - The Importance of Confidence and Experience in Sales Success
    Jason discusses the debate of whether confidence or experience is more crucial for success in sales. He emphasizes the need for both confidence and experience, and the importance of boosting confidence through cold calls and discovery calls.

    00:18:20 - Three Major Performance-Based Steps for Sales Preparation
    Mario asks Jason for advice on performance-based steps for sellers to prepare for sales calls. Jason highlights the significance of outdressing the room, using scripted questioning strategies, and conducting thorough pre-work prior to customer-facing calls.

    00:22:28 - Setting the Table for Successful Sales Calls
    Jason elaborates on the concept of setting the table for successful sales calls by outdressing the room, using scripted questioning strategies, and conducting thorough pre-work. He emphasizes the need to approach every interaction with thorough preparation and professionalism.

    00:25:04 - The Pitfalls of Inadequate Preparation
    Mario shares a personal experience of a sales call where the seller lacked preparation and failed to understand the prospect's business needs. Jason emphasizes the importance of thorough research and preparation to avoid missed opportunities in sales interactions.

    00:28:48 - Transitioning from Job to Profession in Sales
    Jason discusses the distinction between holding a job and having a profession in sales. He emphasizes the importance of treating sales as a profession with a focus on continuous improvement, craftsmanship, and diligent preparation for every interaction.

    00:30:44 - Missed Action Item on AI Comparison
    Jason shares a story about a salesperson who missed the key action item in a follow-up conversation, focusing on AI comparison instead of addressing the prospect's main concern about startup credits.

    00:33:32 - Importance of Understanding the Audience
    Understanding the audience's needs and priorities is crucial in sales. Jason compares it to a comedian reading the audience's reaction to a joke, emphasizing the importance of reading the prospect's cues.

    00:34:18 - Recording Sales Calls
    Jason discusses the benefits of recording sales calls, highlighting the importance of capturing important details and action items during conversations and using technology to improve follow-up and performance.

    00:41:24 - Leaving Lasting Impressions on Prospects
    Jason emphasizes the importance of leaving a positive impression on prospects by demonstrating organization, process-based approach, and genuine interest in the prospect's success. He also discusses the impact of credibility in sales interactions.

    00:45:07 - Favorite Movie and Personal Connection
    Jason shares his all-time favorite movie, "The Inlaws," and connects it to a personal experience working with the director. This highlights the importance of personal connections and shared interests in building relationships.

    00:45:37 - Welcoming Jason Hartz to the Show
    Mario introduces Jason Hartz as the first-time guest on the modern selling podcast and expresses gratitude for joining the show.

    00:45:47 - Call to Action for Audience
    Mario urges the listeners to give the podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes. He also promotes the text expander and personal writing assistant, Fly Message, to save time and increase productivity.

    00:46:19 - Conclusion and Closing Remarks
    Mario thanks the audience for listening and encourages them to keep selling. He signs off by expressing appreciation for the support and hints at the next episode.

    00:00:00 - Introduction
    Mario Martinez Jr. and Jason Hartz engage in a conversation about modern selling, discussing strategies, tools, and techniques to enhance sales performance.

    00:00:00 - Sales Productivity
    Mario and Jason delve into the importance of sales productivity and share insights on leveraging tools like FlySG for time-saving and increased efficiency in sales activities.

    Sales Performance Playbook and Methodology
    To increase sales productivity, sales professionals are advised to adopt performance-based sales strategies inspired by stage performances. These strategies, as outlined by Jason Hartz, require careful preparation, interaction rehearsal, and development of a pleasing and engaging experience for clients. The takeaway is that sales isn’t merely a transaction, but a performance that requires constant practice, feedback, and adjustment to deliver a stunning outcome.

    Confidence vs Experience in Sales
    The debate of confidence versus experience in sales success indicates that the two elements are not mutually exclusive. Confidence, which can be innate or nurtured, is crucial in creating an initial impression and fostering trust with customers. Experience, on the other hand, is vital in sales performance as it allows sellers to adapt their approach effectively, recounting real-world examples, and responding to various challenging situations.

    Performance-Based Selling Strategies
    Embracing performance-based selling strategies necessitates an understanding of the audience's preferences, swift action on action items, and utilization of technology for efficiency. The ability to read an audience, act on valuable cues, and adapt to different situations are essential to resonating with your customers. Moreover, regular coaching, timely reviews, and feedback can help sales professionals improve their performance, and create meaningful and lasting relationships with their clients.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Connect with Jason Hartz on LinkedIn by sending a personalized connection request and mentioning that you heard him on the modern selling podcast.

    Visit the website to learn more about Jason Hartz and his sales performance playbook.

    Follow Jason Hartz on Instagram at the handle @thehartzmethod for more insights and updates.

    Download FlyMSG for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity with a text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show your support and help others discover the podcast.

  • Getting to Yes: A VC Reveals His Step-by-Step Framework for Assessing and Investing in Startups. If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the endless cycle of VC rejections, and finding it hard to break through the fundraising barriers, then you are not alone!

    Navigating Startup Fundraising Stages
    The journey of raising funds for startups is a structured process with distinct stages, each with its unique requirements and expectations. Understanding these stages, from friends and family rounds to seed rounds, can greatly enhance the startup’s chances of successful fundraising. Each stage requires a firm grasp of factors such as revenue requirements, investor expectations, and market positioning.

    This is Brian Bell's story:

    Brian Bell's journey into venture capital fundraising is a fascinating tale of a lifelong sales career that seamlessly transitioned into the world of startups and investments. From humble beginnings selling door-to-door as a sixth-grader to delving into commercial real estate and leading the AI category for AWS, Brian's diverse background laid the foundation for his venture into the world of venture capital. His candid revelation about navigating a quarter-life crisis due to working full-time in college, showcases the grit and determination that ultimately led him to where he is today. Brian's story is a testament to the fact that the path to success is often filled with unexpected twists and turns, and it's this authenticity and relatability that makes his insights into venture capital fundraising challenges so compelling.

    Every idea will probably eventually be done in some way, shape, or form. - Brian Bell

    this week's special guest is Brian Bell

    Brian Bell serves as the Managing Partner and Founder of Team Ignite Ventures. With a background rooted in sales, AI, and venture capital, his professional journey reflects a diverse range of experiences, from selling electronics at Sears to leading the AI category for AWS. Under his leadership, Team Ignite has expanded to include over 2000 members, partners, and mentors, aligning with the vision to ignite startups as a team. Leveraging his extensive expertise, Brian offers invaluable insights into venture capital fundraising challenges and early-stage investments, providing a pragmatic and informed perspective for entrepreneurs navigating the intricacies of fundraising.

    Key elements you will learn in this episode:

    Mastering Venture Capital Fundraising Insights: Unlock the secrets to overcoming challenges and securing vital funding for your startup.

    Navigating Startup Fundraising Stages: Discover the revenue thresholds that can propel your venture to the next level of investment and growth.

    Evaluating Founders for Investment: Gain insights into the key factors that investors consider when assessing the potential of startup founders.

    Unleashing Customer Acquisition Strategies for SaaS Startups: Learn innovative approaches to attract and retain customers, driving the success of your SaaS business.

    Harnessing the Power of Personalized Communication: Understand the crucial role of personalized communication in gathering valuable feedback for your podcast and fostering a loyal listener community.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to FlyMSG

    00:01:18 - Background of Brian Bell and Team Ignite Ventures

    00:05:10 - Early Stage Funding Rounds

    00:09:24 - Challenges of Venture Capital Fundraising

    00:13:22 - Mario's Fundraising Journey

    00:14:14 - The Challenges of Venture Capital Fundraising

    00:17:36 - Balancing Technical Innovation and Market Needs

    00:21:23 - Evaluating Founders for Investment

    00:22:46 - Importance of Product and Design in Startups

    00:24:32 - Role of Team Dynamics in Investment Decisions

    00:27:55 - Importance of Sales and Marketing in Startups

    00:29:12 - Validating Total Addressable Market (TAM) and Problem Size Claims

    00:31:43 - Founder Market Fit

    00:36:49 - Building End-to-End Solutions for Customer Problems

    00:40:39 - Evaluating Customer Acquisition Strategies

    00:41:02 - Acquiring Customers and Unique Advantage

    00:42:20 - Marketing and Business Model

    00:43:37 - Profitability and Due Diligence

    00:47:51 - Persistence and Resilience

    00:49:02 - Learning from Rejections

    00:53:52 - Personalized Connection Requests

    00:54:11 - Favorite Movie

    00:54:23 - Impact of Shawshank Redemption

    00:54:36 - Podcast Closing Message

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to
    Mario Martinez introduces himself as the CEO and founder of Vengreso, creator of FlyMSG, a personal writing assistant and text expander application. He also sets the stage for the podcast, focusing on sales growth.

    00:01:18 - Background of Brian Bell and Team Ignite Ventures
    Brian Bell shares his extensive background in sales and venture capital, highlighting his experience at Amazon and Microsoft. He also explains the vision behind Team Ignite Ventures, their focus on early-stage startups, and their network of partners and mentors.

    00:05:10 - Early Stage Funding Rounds
    Brian breaks down the different early-stage funding rounds, from friends and family to seed extensions, and explains the typical investment amounts and revenue thresholds associated with each round. He emphasizes the evolving nature of seed rounds in the current startup landscape.

    00:09:24 - Challenges of Venture Capital Fundraising
    Mario shares his personal experience with venture capital fundraising, highlighting the difficulty of raising investments in the current market. He mentions the decrease in investment and the challenges faced by startups in securing funding.

    00:13:22 - Mario's Fundraising Journey
    Mario shares insights into his own fundraising journey, disclosing the amounts raised in friends and family and precede rounds, as well as the valuation cap. He also outlines the goals for the seed round and the milestones they are aiming to achieve.

    00:14:14 - The Challenges of Venture Capital Fundraising
    Brian and Mario discuss the difficulties of venture capital fundraising, with Brian sharing insights from his experience and the advice he received from successful founders.

    00:17:36 - Balancing Technical Innovation and Market Needs
    Brian explains the importance of balancing technical innovation with market needs in early-stage startups, emphasizing the significance of building a user-friendly product and the execution capabilities of the founding team.

    00:21:23 - Evaluating Founders for Investment
    Brian outlines the key attributes he looks for in founding teams, including commitment, vision, and trustworthiness, highlighting the challenges of assessing these qualities in a short timeframe.

    00:22:46 - Importance of Product and Design in Startups
    Brian discusses the significance of product and design in early-stage startups, emphasizing the need to build a great product to differentiate from competitors and attract investment.

    00:24:32 - Role of Team Dynamics in Investment Decisions
    Brian shares the preference for startups with multiple co-founders, citing the correlation between solo founders and startup shutdowns, and the challenges of solo founders in building and scaling an organization.

    00:27:55 - Importance of Sales and Marketing in Startups
    The conversation starts with the significance of having a technical co-founder and the role of sales and marketing in startups. Brian Bell emphasizes the importance of being able to sell and market, even without a technical co-founder.

    00:29:12 - Validating Total Addressable Market (TAM) and Problem Size Claims
    Brian discusses the importance of understanding the market and how to validate TAM and problem size claims made by startups. He emphasizes the need for knowledge of the market and how the TAM can shift over time as problems are solved.

    00:31:43 - Founder Market Fit
    The concept of founder market fit is introduced, highlighting the importance of aligning the founder's background and expertise with the market they are targeting. Brian mentions that founder market fit can have a significant impact on the success of a startup.

    00:36:49 - Building End-to-End Solutions for Customer Problems
    The conversation delves into the importance of building end-to-end solutions around customer problems. Brian shares how their product, Fly Engage, was developed to address the scalability issues faced by sellers, ultimately leading to increased productivity.

    00:40:39 - Evaluating Customer Acquisition Strategies
    The focus shifts to customer acquisition strategies, with Brian showcasing his pipeline deals and discussing the concept of distribution advantage. The importance of having an unfair advantage in acquiring customers is emphasized.

    00:41:02 - Acquiring Customers and Unique Advantage
    Brian discusses the importance of finding a unique advantage in acquiring customers, such as being a sales expert or having a distribution advantage. He emphasizes the significance of customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (LTV) in the process.

    00:42:20 - Marketing and Business Model
    Mario and Brian delve into the significance of marketing and the business model in scaling a startup. They emphasize the profitability and scalability of the business model, especially in the B2B SaaS industry, and highlight the importance of strong margins for scalability.

    00:43:37 - Profitability and Due Diligence
    Brian explains the focus on strong margins in evaluating a startup's profitability and touches on the due diligence process. He emphasizes the importance of thorough due diligence to ensure sound financial decisions and mentions specific aspects such as cap table, shareholder loans, and incorporation docs.

    00:47:51 - Persistence and Resilience
    Mario shares a personal anecdote about receiving initial rejection from Brian and using it as fuel to persist and eventually build a relationship. Both speakers emphasize the importance of not taking no for an answer and learning from rejections to fuel growth and development as a founder.

    00:49:02 - Learning from Rejections
    Mario and Brian discuss the impact of receiving rejection and how it can drive founders to prove naysayers wrong. They highlight the importance of resilience and the potential for a "no" to turn into a "yes" with persistence and

    00:53:52 - Personalized Connection Requests
    Brian advises sending personalized connection request messages when reaching out, referencing the Modern Selling podcast to establish a connection.

    00:54:11 - Favorite Movie
    Brian reveals his all-time favorite movie, "Shawshank Redemption," highlighting its impact and memorability.

    00:54:23 - Impact of Shawshank Redemption
    The discussion emphasizes the unforgettable and impactful nature of "Shawshank Redemption" as a movie.

    00:54:36 - Podcast Closing Message
    Mario encourages listeners to rate and review the Modern Selling podcast on iTunes, and promotes the use of Fly Message for productivity improvement.

    Mastering Venture Capital Fundraising Challenges
    Successful venture capital fundraising requires meticulous preparation, in-depth knowledge, and a resilient mindset. Understanding the fundraising process, expectations of potential investors and market trends are crucial in mastering these challenges. By navigating through these complexities, entrepreneurs can optimally position their startups and achieve successful fundraising outcomes.

    Evaluating Founders - Key Factors
    The evaluation of founders is an integral part of venture capital investments. Potential investors consider factors such as the founder’s commitment, vision, success history, and trustworthiness. Simultaneously, the founder's ability to think long-term, maintain customer focus, and adapt to changing circumstances greatly influences investor decisions.

    The resources mentioned in this episode:

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes.

    Download FlyMessage IO for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity. Visit to get your free text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Reach out to Brian Bell on LinkedIn or via email at [email protected] to pitch your startup or connect with him.

    Check out the Pitch Team Ignite VC form to submit your pitch directly to Brian's inbox.

    Watch the movie Shawshank Redemption for an impactful and memorable experience.

  • Attention all sales professionals! Do you want increased success in sales conversations and negotiations? we'll be sharing the solution so that you can achieve that result. Get ready to level up your sales game!

    Get ready for a jaw-dropping insight into negotiation tactics and buyer psychology. Uncover the shocking truth behind procurement strategies and the real power dynamics at play. You won't believe what really goes on behind the scenes. Buckle up for an eye-opening conversation with Richard Harris, where the hidden secrets of sales success are revealed. Are you prepared to challenge everything you thought you knew about sales? Get ready to be blown away.

    Meet our guest:

    This week's Modern Selling Podcast guest is Richard Harris, a veteran in the world of sales and CEO & founder of The Harris Consulting Group. Listen as he unfolds his journey of embracing the impactful use of "and" in sales conversations. With a childhood rooted in a family immersed in the sales domain, Richard's early exposure to business and ownership in Texaco stock at a tender age laid the groundwork for his eventual foray into the sales arena. His diverse experiences, from working at the Gap to venturing into sales training and go-to-market strategies, provided a rich tapestry of knowledge that shaped his understanding of negotiation and collaboration in sales.

    Richard's unique perspective on the human element of the sales process and the significance of earning the right to ask questions showcases his deep insight into the art of sales conversations. His engaging storytelling skillfully captures the essence of his journey, resonating with the audience and illuminating the transformative moments that led him to recognize the power of "and" in sales conversations.

    I do not believe there's anything called a buyer's journey. I think it's a lie and a myth. The only thing the buyer has is an experience. - Richard Harris

    Richard Harris, brings a wealth of sales expertise with a touch of humor and relatability. With a lifelong passion for sales, Richard's journey from working at the Gap in high school to owning stock in Texaco at the age of six, has shaped his deep understanding of the human side of the sales process. Through his company, he specializes in sales training and go-to-market strategies, emphasizing the importance of earning the right to ask questions and the humanity behind each sales interaction. Richard's approachable and engaging style makes him a trusted advisor for those looking to enhance their negotiation and collaboration skills in the sales landscape.

    Enhance sales conversations
    Mario and Richard delve into a fascinating discourse on the strategic use of the words "and" and "but" in sales conversations. Sales conversations often require a delicate approach, utilizing the correct words that can maintain a positive, collaborative tone and foster more intensive customer engagement. By tweaking these small but significant aspects of your conversation techniques, you'll be able to reduce potential friction and bolster the effectiveness and conviviality of your sales dialogues.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Master the Neat Selling method and close more deals.

    Enhance your sales conversations with strategic use of "and".

    Successfully negotiate with procurement teams and win big contracts.

    Skillfully handle pricing discussions to maximize sales opportunities.

    Navigate contract negotiations with procurement for mutually beneficial outcomes.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to the Podcast

    00:01:24 - Welcome Richard Harris

    00:04:12 - Richard Harris's Background

    00:08:31 - Writing "The Seller's Journey"

    00:12:22 - Navigating Procurement

    00:13:45 - The Power of "And" vs "But"

    00:17:55 - The Importance of Agreement in Sales Conversations

    00:21:05 - Slowing Down for Strategic Thinking

    00:23:43 - The Role of Procurement in Negotiations

    00:27:19 - Navigating Negotiations with Procurement

    00:28:45 - Overcoming Adversarial Negotiations

    00:29:43 - Handling Discount Requests

    00:32:53 - Importance of Economic Impact

    00:34:35 - Leveraging Pricing in Negotiations

    00:40:36 - Unbundling Contract and Pricing

    00:42:46 - Procurement's Unusual Contract Clause

    00:46:17 - Negotiating with Procurement and Legal

    00:49:41 - Procurement Tactics and Training

    00:51:18 - Personalized Connection Requests and Judging

    00:51:57 - Favorite Movie and Final Thoughts

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to the Podcast
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces the podcast and explains that it features sales leaders, practitioners, and influencers to help listeners grow their sales numbers at scale.

    00:01:24 - Welcome Richard Harris
    Mario Martinez Jr. welcomes Richard Harris to the show, discussing that they are in the 7th season with over 250 episodes. They talk about Richard's new book, "The Seller's Journey."

    00:04:12 - Richard Harris's Background
    Richard Harris shares his background, growing up in sales and his work with the Harris Consulting Group. He talks about his approach to sales training, focusing on the humanity of the sales process.

    00:08:31 - Writing "The Seller's Journey"
    Richard Harris discusses the inspiration behind writing "The Seller's Journey," explaining his belief that there's no such thing as a buyer's journey. He emphasizes the importance of the seller's journey and the tactics shared in the book.

    00:12:22 - Navigating Procurement
    Richard Harris delves into the topic of negotiating with procurement, highlighting that procurement is not the enemy and discussing the importance of engaging with them early in the sales cycle to understand their needs and challenges.

    00:13:45 - The Power of "And" vs "But"
    Richard Harris discusses the significance of using "and" instead of "but" in sales conversations. He explains that "and" signifies agreement, while "but" can be perceived as disagreement, turning people off.

    00:17:55 - The Importance of Agreement in Sales Conversations
    Richard emphasizes the importance of showing agreement when speaking with buyers, influencers, and coaches. He explains that using "and" can help reduce confrontation and friction in uncomfortable conversations, ultimately improving the buyer's experience.

    00:21:05 - Slowing Down for Strategic Thinking
    Mario and Richard discuss the impact of intentional changes in thinking processes, such as using "and" instead of "but," to slow down and strategically approach sales conversations. Richard shares how this tactic can help salespeople better connect with buyers and improve their overall experience.

    00:23:43 - The Role of Procurement in Negotiations
    Richard shares his experience negotiating with procurement and provides insights into the role of procurement in sales. He highlights that procurement is not always the enemy and discusses the dynamics of negotiation in larger contracts involving procurement teams.

    00:27:19 - Navigating Negotiations with Procurement
    Richard offers strategies for navigating negotiations with procurement, emphasizing the importance of early engagement and seeking permission from champions to involve procurement sooner. He also addresses the power dynamics and decision-making authority within procurement processes.

    00:28:45 - Overcoming Adversarial Negotiations
    Richard Harris discusses the challenge of negotiations feeling adversarial and shares strategies to shift the conversation to commercial terms, emphasizing the value exchange.

    00:29:43 - Handling Discount Requests
    Richard explains the importance of using the term "commercial terms" and shares a role play scenario to demonstrate handling discount requests effectively by focusing on economic impact.

    00:32:53 - Importance of Economic Impact
    Richard emphasizes the significance of understanding economic impact in negotiations and differentiates it from ROI. He highlights the importance of discovery skills in uncovering economic impact.

    00:34:35 - Leveraging Pricing in Negotiations
    Richard provides insights on leveraging pricing in negotiations by offering additional benefits in exchange for discounts, such as marketing support, case studies, and prepayment of contracts.

    00:40:36 - Unbundling Contract and Pricing
    Richard cautions against the unbundling of contract and pricing in negotiations, emphasizing the importance of including elements such as customer references and logos in contracts to avoid internal conflicts.

    00:42:46 - Procurement's Unusual Contract Clause
    Procurement redlined the contract to include a clause allowing termination for convenience, with a strange twist of prepaying and getting a refund for unused services.

    00:46:17 - Negotiating with Procurement and Legal
    A two-hour negotiation session with procurement and legal resulted in an agreement on a termination for convenience clause. However, they later denied agreeing to it, but a recorded snippet proved otherwise.

    00:49:41 - Procurement Tactics and Training
    Procurement tactics include intentional delays and denial of agreed terms. These tactics are frustrating but can be navigated with evidence and strong negotiation skills.

    00:51:18 - Personalized Connection Requests and Judging
    Richard judge's LinkedIn connection requests and uses them for sales training. Personalizing connection requests is crucial to make a good impression.

    00:51:57 - Favorite Movie and Final Thoughts
    Richard's favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption. The episode concludes with a call to action to rate and review the podcast.

    Master Neat Selling technique
    Hone your sales skills with the Neat Selling technique. This method urges sales professionals to delve into the buyer's need, economic impact, their access to authority, and timeline. Elevating your expertise on this technique can propel your sales success by facilitating a deeper understanding of buyer's needs and economic considerations, thereby aligning your product or service to provide maximum value.

    Ace negotiations with procurement
    For sales professionals, negotiations with procurement teams can be challenging. In this episode, Mario and Richard share insightful strategies, tactics, and experiences to help you navigate these discussions more confidently and effectively. From framing the conversation to anticipate individual needs, understanding your customer's perspective, and being well-prepared with quick information, these valuable strategies can position you for more successful negotiations with procurement teams.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    The book The Seller's Journey by Richard Harris is available on Amazon and other online platforms. It covers tactics for closing deals and is a valuable resource for sales professionals.

    Connect with Richard Harris on LinkedIn and send a personalized connection request mentioning that you heard him on the modern selling podcast.

    Download FlyMSG for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase productivity. It's a text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show support and help the podcast reach a wider audience.

  • Attention Sales Professionals: Want to skyrocket your email response rates and engagement with prospects? Get ready for a game-changing solution that will revolutionize your sales email communication and drive incredible results. Stay tuned to discover how you can achieve this and transform your sales game.

    Uncover the shocking truth about the common mistakes in email communication that could be costing you valuable leads. Learn how to transform your approach and skyrocket your response rates. Stay tuned to uncover the unexpected secrets that will revolutionize your sales game.

    This is Jason Kramer's story:

    Jason Kramer's journey into mastering effective sales email communication stems from his early passion for communication, which he elevated to graphic design and verbal communication. With a robust background in marketing, communication, and advertising, he ventured into the realm of web development and marketing, where he gained invaluable experience in handling leads and managing the sales process.

    Jason's unique approach involves layering communication and advertising on top of data, particularly CRM, to drive enhanced results for companies. His focus on helping companies navigate the challenges of lead management and data segmentation has led to remarkable improvements in response rates and prospect engagement. Emphasizing the importance of a defined process and the right tools to manage it effectively, Jason's insights resonate with sales professionals seeking to elevate their email communication skills.

    Through personalized and customized strategies, Jason has effectively adapted to the evolving dynamics of sales communication, making him a trusted advisor for sales professionals looking to optimize their email outreach and engagement.

    It's all about the impression of the brand and the way that the brand exists in the marketplace. - Jason Kramer

    This week's special podcast guest is Jason Kramer

    Jason Kramer, the founder of Cultivize, brings a wealth of experience in marketing, communication, and advertising to the table. His expertise lies in leveraging data within CRM to help businesses effectively manage their lead nurturing process. With a focus on establishing meaningful connections with prospects, Jason's insights are invaluable for sales professionals looking to build stronger relationships with buyers. Through his practical approach and emphasis on defined processes, Jason provides actionable strategies that resonate with sales leaders and professionals.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Master the art of lead nurturing and relationship building to supercharge your sales success.

    Unlock the secrets of optimizing sales engagement and outreach for unparalleled results.

    Learn the keys to effective sales email communication to skyrocket your response rates.

    Refine your sales process to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.

    Uncover powerful lead generation strategies to fuel your sales pipeline.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to

    00:01:10 - Building Stronger Relationships with Buyers

    00:03:22 - Unique Insight into Jason Kramer

    00:05:21 - Lead Nurturing Process

    00:09:08 - Establishing Meaningful Connections

    00:13:42 - Automation and Engagement Strategies

    00:14:52 - Approaches for Sales Qualified Leads

    00:16:27 - Cold Outreach Strategy

    00:18:38 - Extended Sales Engagement Campaign

    00:26:45 - Personal Rapport and Quality Over Quantity

    00:27:45 - Protecting the Integrity of Salespeople

    00:28:34 - Analyzing the Initial Email

    00:34:30 - Ineffective Follow-Up

    00:36:45 - Inappropriate Humor in Email

    00:40:29 - Lack of Value in Subsequent Emails

    00:41:08 - The Pitfalls of Email Outreach and Sales Sequences

    00:42:39 - Uncovering Sales Intelligence Tools and Email Scraping

    00:46:19 - The Need for Process and Oversight in Sales Outreach

    00:48:41 - Accountability and Process in Sales Management

    00:53:42 - Key Steps for Improving Sales Outreach

    00:55:14 - About

    00:55:37 - All-time favorite movie

    00:56:10 - The timeless appeal of "The Big Lebowski"

    00:56:22 - Gratitude and podcast wrap-up

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to FlyMSG
    Mario Martinez, Jr introduces the podcast and the guest, Jason Kramer, the founder of Cultivize. They discuss lead nurturing and the importance of managing leads that come into the sales pipeline.

    00:01:10 - Building Stronger Relationships with Buyers
    Jason Kramer shares his background in marketing and advertising and emphasizes the need for a defined process when handling inbound leads. He highlights the importance of nurturing and educating leads to make informed decisions.

    00:03:22 - Unique Insight into Jason Kramer
    Jason Kramer reveals a surprising fact about himself and his wife - matching skull candy tattoos of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Mario Martinez Jr. reacts with surprise, creating a lighthearted moment in the conversation.

    00:05:21 - Lead Nurturing Process
    Jason explains the importance of having a CRM and using it effectively in the lead nurturing process. He emphasizes the need for a well-maintained database and establishing a cadence for touching base with prospects during the sales process.

    00:09:08 - Establishing Meaningful Connections
    Jason outlines strategies for establishing connections with prospects, including personalized emails, LinkedIn engagement, and occasional text messaging. He highlights the importance of tailoring communication to fit the prospect's pain points and preferences.

    00:13:42 - Automation and Engagement Strategies
    Jason discusses the common "spray and pray" approach to engagement and the use of plain text messages. He emphasizes the importance of leveraging data to nurture leads and tailoring the approach based on the prospect's engagement level.

    00:14:52 - Approaches for Sales Qualified Leads
    The conversation explores the distinction between handraisers and sales qualified leads, with Jason highlighting the need for different approaches. He emphasizes the importance of providing value and authenticity in the initial outreach, tailored to the prospect's specific pain points.

    00:16:27 - Cold Outreach Strategy
    Jason delves into the intricacies of cold outreach, stressing the importance of targeting the right audience and titles within organizations. He discusses the effectiveness of short, personalized emails with minimal links, coupled with tracking and monitoring engagement signals.

    00:18:38 - Extended Sales Engagement Campaign
    The conversation shifts to the concept of elongating the sales engagement campaign over four months, challenging the traditional 30-day outreach model. Jason shares insights on continuous tweaking and monitoring, with a focus on high-quality leads and personalized rapport-building.

    00:26:45 - Personal Rapport and Quality Over Quantity
    Jason explains the personalized approach to building rapport through multiple touchpoints, including LinkedIn, text messages, and phone calls. He emphasizes the importance of weeding out unqualified prospects and prioritizing quality over quantity in the engagement process.

    00:27:45 - Protecting the Integrity of Salespeople
    Mario and Jason discuss the importance of protecting the integrity of salespeople by blurring out company names and individual names in email examples. They also discuss the potential impact on sellers' reputation.

    00:28:34 - Analyzing the Initial Email
    Mario and Jason review an initial email from "Bob" and critique its use of jargon, lack of clarity on results, and the sender's identity. They emphasize the need for personalized and value-driven communication.

    00:34:30 - Ineffective Follow-Up
    The conversation shifts to "Bob's" follow-up emails, highlighting their lack of value and the use of generic phrases. Mario and Jason discuss the negative impact of overly frequent and unhelpful follow-ups on the recipient.

    00:36:45 - Inappropriate Humor in Email
    Mario and Jason critique "Bob's" attempt at humor in an email, deeming it inappropriate and off-putting. They emphasize the importance of maintaining professionalism and relevance in communication with potential clients.

    00:40:29 - Lack of Value in Subsequent Emails
    Mario and Jason analyze "Bob's" repeated attempts to confirm email receipt without providing value or addressing the recipient's needs. They stress the importance of delivering meaningful content and value in every communication.

    00:41:08 - The Pitfalls of Email Outreach and Sales Sequences
    Mario and Jason discuss the challenges of poorly crafted email outreach and sales sequences. They highlight the importance of understanding buyer behavior and the negative impact of spammy and ineffective messaging.

    00:42:39 - Uncovering Sales Intelligence Tools and Email Scraping
    Mario reveals how he sets up an alias email to identify when sales intelligence tools scrape his information. Jason emphasizes the importance of understanding the technology being used and the implications of email scraping for sales outreach.

    00:46:19 - The Need for Process and Oversight in Sales Outreach
    Jason underscores the lack of oversight in sales outreach and the need for a refined process. They discuss the importance of aligning sales and marketing efforts to ensure qualified leads and a consistent brand presence in the market.

    00:48:41 - Accountability and Process in Sales Management
    Jason emphasizes the need for accountability in managing sales teams and the importance of refining processes for effective outreach. They highlight the significance of communication between sales and marketing teams to drive qualified leads.

    00:53:42 - Key Steps for Improving Sales Outreach
    Jason outlines three key steps for improving sales outreach, including evaluating technology usage, centralizing data, and establishing a collaborative agreement. They stress the importance of working together to achieve business growth and informed decision-making.

    00:55:14 - About
    Jason mentions as a resource for great information, contact details, and giveaways. He also shares the correct spelling of his name for those looking for more information.

    00:55:37 - All-time favorite movie
    Jason shares his all-time favorite movie, "The Big Lebowski," highlighting its well-written and entertaining factors. He even recently enjoyed watching it with his 14-year-old son.

    00:56:10 - The timeless appeal of "The Big Lebowski"
    Jason emphasizes the enduring value and entertainment of "The Big Lebowski," mentioning that he found it just as good watching it for the 30th time as he did the first time.

    00:56:22 - Gratitude and podcast wrap-up
    Mario expresses gratitude to Jason for being on the show. He also urges listeners to leave a five-star rating and review for the podcast on iTunes and promotes the download of fly message for increased productivity.

    Mastering Email Communication
    Highly effective email communication isn't simply about crafting an email and hitting send. It requires understanding the recipient’s pain points, being concise and clear with the message, and personalizing content to capture the recipient's attention. With an average email receiving only about 15–20 seconds of a reader's attention, keeping your message short and to the point, along with the strategic inclusion of case studies or examples, ensures your email gets the attention it deserves.

    Optimizing Sales Outreach
    Effective sales outreach starts with an in-depth understanding of the target audience and tailoring the messaging accordingly. This requires sales professionals to steer clear of generic mass emails and focus more on personalized, value-driven communication. Utilizing the correct tools, deploying the right strategies, and regular monitoring of engagement can significantly optimize outreach efforts, helping sales teams connect more meaningfully with prospects and increase the likelihood of closing deals.

    Establishing Meaningful Connections
    Developing strong relationships is a crucial aspect of a successful sales strategy. By understanding the length of the sales cycle, identifying a suitable touchpoint cadence, and using effective communication tools, businesses can build substantial connections with prospective clients. An appropriately planned and well-implemented strategy can lead to more engagement, improved trust, and ultimately a higher conversion rate.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Connect with Jason Kramer on LinkedIn and send him a personalized message to start a conversation.

    Visit to access valuable information, contact details, and free giveaways and playbooks related to lead nurturing and sales enablement.

    Download FlyMSG and sign up for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity. FlyMSG is a free text expander and personal writing assistant that can help you streamline your writing and communication tasks.

  • Does it sound familiar to struggle with building a strong team culture within your sales team? You may have been told to simply focus on individual sales performance without considering the impact of team dynamics. This approach often leads to a lack of collaboration, communication breakdowns, and a decrease in overall sales success, leaving you feeling frustrated and unable to achieve your desired results.

    Do you want to create a team environment where collaboration and productivity thrive? Manoj Ramnani will reveal the key to establishing a cohesive and high-performing team culture. Discover the solution to fostering an atmosphere of unity and success within your sales team. Unlock the secret to cultivating a strong and effective team culture.

    Our gues today is Manoj Ramnani. His journey to building a successful company without taking any VC money is a testament to his resilience and determination. From the early stages of his career, Manoj recognized the value of fostering a strong team culture. It was during his first foray into entrepreneurship that he truly grasped the impact of a positive and driven team environment. Through the ups and downs of founding multiple companies, Manoj honed his ability to bring people together, instilling a sense of ownership and accountability within his teams. His approach to team culture goes beyond the conventional, as he seeks individuals who not only understand their failures but also learn and grow from them. Manoj's story is one of unwavering commitment to building a company where every team member is invested in the collective success, and his insights are invaluable for sales leaders navigating the complexities of team dynamics and culture.

    Building business is a team sport. If I was a pianist, I'd do it all by myself, much less coordination. It's just me, right? If I had to put 15 hours to play piano and be perfect at it, probably would be easier. But when you have to have a bunch of folks coming together, and you need A players that are independent thinkers, that take ownership, they have their own thoughts and opinions to get them all coming together, that's the hardest part of building any business. - Manjoj Ramnani

    Manjoj Ramnani, the CEO and founder of Sales Intel, has a proven track record of successfully establishing and growing businesses, with Sales Intel marking his fourth venture. Headquartered in the Washington, DC metro area, Sales Intel has achieved notable success without relying on venture capital funding. Specializing in providing data and intelligence solutions for go-to-market teams, Manjoj is committed to enabling businesses to build strong pipelines, increase win rates, and expand their account sizes. With a team of around 150 professionals, he is known for fostering a collaborative and innovative team culture. Beyond his professional pursuits, Manjoj's passion for flying and being a recreational pilot adds a unique dimension to his persona, reflecting his multifaceted expertise and interests.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Build a strong team culture to foster collaboration and success within your sales team.

    Understand the importance of product market fit to drive your sales strategy and maximize customer satisfaction.

    Overcome the challenges of selling a product in its early stages to establish a foothold in the market.

    Manage customer expectations for product development to ensure a positive and trusting relationship.

    Implement effective sales strategies and communication techniques to enhance your sales performance and customer engagement.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to Flymessage IO and Sales Intel

    00:01:30 - An Insight into Manoj Ramnani

    00:05:40 - Discovering Manoj's Hidden Passion

    00:09:32 - The Importance of Team Culture and Building Sales Intel

    00:13:20 - Setting Cultural Values and Pillars

    00:15:06 - Progress and Market Learning

    00:16:13 - Cultural Pillars and Accountability

    00:18:00 - Hiring Executive Leaders

    00:22:05 - Long-Term View and Employee Retention

    00:27:55 - Learning from Failure

    00:30:06 - Key Factors for Sales in Services vs. Product Companies

    00:31:29 - Impacting Product as a Sales Leader

    00:32:36 - Challenges of Selling an Unproven Product

    00:36:14 - Progress Over Perfection in Product Development

    00:42:48 - Building Trust Through Transparent Sales

    00:45:17 - The Importance of Not Selling Futures

    00:46:02 - Managing Expectations on Product Development

    00:47:34 - Negotiating Future Product Development

    00:48:59 - Connecting with Manoj Ramnani

    00:49:41 - Manoj's Favorite Movie

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to and SalesIntel
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces the podcast and guest Manoj Ramnani, CEO and founder of Sales Intel. They discuss the creation of FlyMSG and the role of Sales Intel in providing data and intelligence for go-to-market teams.

    00:01:30 - An Insight into Manoj Ramnani
    Manoj Ramnani shares his background as a fourth-time founder and CEO of Sales Intel. He also reveals a little-known fact about being a recreational pilot, showing a different side to his professional life.

    00:05:40 - Discovering Manoj's Hidden Passion
    Manoj Ramnani unveils his passion for flying and owning his own plane, expressing his plans to fly across the country to meet customers and partners. This personal insight adds depth to his professional persona.

    00:09:32 - The Importance of Team Culture and Building Sales Intel
    Mario and Manoj delve into the challenges and successes of building Sales Intel without venture capital funding. They highlight the significance of team culture, emphasizing the need for the right people with the right attitude, focus, and drive.

    00:13:20 - Setting Cultural Values and Pillars
    Manoj discusses the cultural pillars of Sales Intel, emphasizing the importance of customer-centricity and progress over perfection. He shares insights from his previous experiences and the evolution of cultural values within the company.

    00:15:06 - Progress and Market Learning
    Manoj emphasizes the importance of making progress, getting the product to market, learning from the market, and iterating to keep making progress.

    00:16:13 - Cultural Pillars and Accountability
    Manoj discusses the importance of cultural values, accountability, and the idea of being in it together as a team.

    00:18:00 - Hiring Executive Leaders
    Mario raises the challenge of hiring executive leaders who may not have the same ownership mindset as a founder. Manoj highlights the importance of looking for capability, cultural fit, stability, and long-term thinking in potential executive hires.

    00:22:05 - Long-Term View and Employee Retention
    Manoj shares the concept of longer-term thinking and how it applies to employee retention and success within the company. He emphasizes the importance of giving employees enough time to see things through and the benefits of long-term commitment.

    00:27:55 - Learning from Failure
    Manoj candidly discusses his own experience with failure and the importance of taking ownership of mistakes. He emphasizes the value of learning from failure and the impact it can have on personal and professional growth.

    00:30:06 - Key Factors for Sales in Services vs. Product Companies
    Manjoj discusses the key differences in sales strategies for services and product companies, emphasizing the importance of product market fit, pipeline generation, and company culture.

    00:31:29 - Impacting Product as a Sales Leader
    Manjoj explains the role of sales leaders in partnering with product and technology leaders to ensure successful product execution, especially in early-stage companies with unproven products.

    00:32:36 - Challenges of Selling an Unproven Product
    Mario shares the challenges faced by sales reps selling an unproven product, emphasizing the importance of managing customer expectations, downplaying product issues, and maintaining resilience in the face of challenges.

    00:36:14 - Progress Over Perfection in Product Development
    Manjoj highlights the value of prioritizing progress over perfection in product development, sharing his experience with setting realistic expectations and focusing on strengths to achieve traction in a competitive market.

    00:42:48 - Building Trust Through Transparent Sales
    Mario discusses the importance of transparency in sales, advising sales leaders to disclose potential product issues to build trust with buyers and manage customer expectations effectively.

    00:45:17 - The Importance of Not Selling Futures
    Mike Reevy's leadership style is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of not selling future products or features. This approach makes life easier for the organization and conditions sellers to refrain from promising future deliverables.

    00:46:02 - Managing Expectations on Product Development
    Manoj explains the importance of managing expectations when it comes to product development timelines. He stresses the need to communicate awareness of requested features, but not promise specific delivery timelines.

    00:47:34 - Negotiating Future Product Development
    The conversation touches on negotiating future product development with clients. Manoj shares an example of how they negotiated a quarter million dollar payment for a specific request, highlighting the complexities of product development in a mature organization.

    00:48:59 - Connecting with Manoj Ramnani
    Listeners are encouraged to connect with Manoj on LinkedIn and are reminded to send a personalized connection request mentioning the podcast. Manoj's LinkedIn profile and last name spelling are provided for reference.

    00:49:41 - Manoj's Favorite Movie
    Manoj shares that "The Godfather" is his all-time favorite movie, providing a personal touch to the conversation. This light-hearted moment adds a personal touch to the end of the episode.

    Cultivating a strong team culture
    Manoj highlights the importance of creating a robust team culture in driving the success of an organization. This involves fostering an environment of transparency and open communication. Having the right people with suitable attitudes and focus, and investing in their growth, is key to achieving this.

    Understanding product market fit
    Product market fit is critical in determining the growth trajectory of a business, as emphasized by Manoj. A well-differentiated product that meets the needs of its target market is crucial for long-term success. Furthermore, it is vital to continuously evaluate and innovate your product to stay ahead in the competitive business environment.

    Overcoming early-stage challenges
    Overcoming early-stage challenges is part and parcel of any startup journey, something Manoj explains vividly. Learning from mistakes and setbacks and adopting a long-term view can significantly help in getting past these hurdles. Setting realistic expectations, focusing on progress over perfection and patience is key to navigating these initial roadblocks.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Connect with Manjoj Ramnani, CEO of Salesintel, on LinkedIn by sending a personalized connection request mentioning that you heard him on the modern selling podcast.

    Download for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity. FlyMSG is a free personal writing assistant and text expander application.

    Give the modern selling podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show your support.

    If you're looking for a sales intelligence solution, consider connecting with Salesintel to explore their data and intelligence SaaS solution for go-to-market teams.

    Watch Manjoj Ramnani's video on YouTube titled Success is Not a Straight Line to gain insights into the lessons he learned from his previous company's failure and success.

  • If you're feeling frustrated because your current hiring process is only bringing in mediocre sales talent, then you are not alone! You may already be spending countless hours sifting through resumes and conducting interviews, only to end up with sales professionals who lack the drive and results you need. Instead of seeing a boost in sales team performance, you're stuck dealing with underperformers who are holding your team back. It's time to make a change and attract the A-level sales talent your team needs to succeed.

    In this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast, Doug Dvorak, Motivational Sales Speaker, Trainer & Sales Performance Coach, shares his insights on attracting A-level sales talent. Doug is one of the most well-traveled keynote motivational speakers available today. Doug has earned his spot in the motivational speaking hall of fame. He has also been inducted into the International Who’s Who of Professional Speaking.

    Doug Dvorak's journey from being a seasoned sales representative to a leader in sales talent acquisition is a compelling narrative of resilience and vision. His career spans the burgeoning era of the Internet, selling data communication products, to leading global sales teams in the realm of manufacturing enterprise software. Doug's story is a testament to the fact that attracting A-level sales talent is not just about skill; it's about creating an environment that resonates with top performers. His journey encapsulates the essence of perseverance and a relentless pursuit of excellence in sales talent acquisition.

    We can't sell as Fred Flintstone anymore. We're George Jetson. And AI is in support to allow us to get more FaceTime, email time, phone time, zoom times. That's the only time we make money. - Doug Dvorak

    This week's special guest is Doug Dvorak, the founder and managing principal of the Sales Coaching Institute, bringing with him a wealth of experience as a professional sales representative and keynote speaker. Having spearheaded sales of data communication products, web browser technology, and enterprise software to global giants such as IBM and John Deere, Doug's expertise in attracting and retaining A-level sales talent is unparalleled.

    In this episode you will learn to:

    Master the art of hiring and retaining sales talent can transform your sales team's performance.

    Discover the secrets to attracting A-level sales talent and elevating your team's success.

    Uncover the power of using sales assessments for hiring top-performing sales professionals.

    Learn sales compensation plan best practices to motivate and reward your sales team effectively.

    Explore the impact of AI on sales leadership and how it can revolutionize your sales strategies.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to the podcast

    00:01:25 - Doug's Background and Experience

    00:09:02 - Hiring A-Level Talent

    00:13:51 - Strategies for Hiring Senior Talent

    00:16:03 - Attracting and Retaining A-Players

    00:17:49 - Attracting and Retaining Great Sales Talent

    00:18:50 - Hiring Process and Assessments

    00:20:32 - Vetting Candidates and Cultural Fit

    00:26:17 - Elements of a Successful Sales Compensation Plan

    00:31:42 - Avoiding Complex Compensation Plans

    00:35:01 - Importance of Compensation in Sales Leadership

    00:36:39 - Impact of Technology on Sales Leadership

    00:43:24 - Embracing AI in Sales

    00:46:03 - Leveraging Technology in Sales

    00:49:41 - Connecting with Doug Dvorak

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introduction to the podcast
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces the podcast and the guest, Doug Dvorak, founder of the Sales Coaching Institute.

    00:01:25 - Doug's Background and Experience
    Doug Dvorak shares his background as a former sales representative and leader, and his transition to founding the Sales Coaching Institute in 2005.

    00:09:02 - Hiring A-Level Talent
    Doug discusses the importance of having a well-constructed hiring process and building a farm system to identify and groom A-level sales talent, including partnerships with colleges and universities.

    00:13:51 - Strategies for Hiring Senior Talent
    Doug suggests establishing strong relationships with search professionals who have expertise in the industry to help in the search for senior talent, as well as leveraging referrals from current senior reps.

    00:16:03 - Attracting and Retaining A-Players
    Mario emphasizes the importance of leaders being interviewed by potential hires, and discusses the significance of personal brand and culture in attracting and retaining top talent.

    00:17:49 - Attracting and Retaining Great Sales Talent
    Doug discusses the importance of branding to attract top sales talent and shares insights on the hiring process using the top grading system.

    00:18:50 - Hiring Process and Assessments
    Doug elaborates on the top grading system and the use of sales assessment tools like Gallup's challenger or disk, as well as the importance of conducting thorough reference checks.

    00:20:32 - Vetting Candidates and Cultural Fit
    Doug emphasizes the significance of vetting candidates through online assessments, interviews, and reference checks to ensure cultural fit and mutual value for both the employer and the candidate.

    00:26:17 - Elements of a Successful Sales Compensation Plan
    Doug highlights the key elements of a successful sales compensation plan, including a reasonable base, non-recoverable draw, clear KPIs, and accelerators to motivate and attract top sales talent.

    00:31:42 - Avoiding Complex Compensation Plans
    Doug discusses the negative impact of complex and changeable compensation plans, emphasizing the importance of simplicity, transparency, and fair compensation to retain and motivate A players in the sales team.

    00:35:01 - Importance of Compensation in Sales Leadership
    Doug emphasizes that the compensation of sales leaders should be less than top performers. He discusses the impact of compensation on behavior and the mistake of promoting the best rep to a leadership role.

    00:36:39 - Impact of Technology on Sales Leadership
    Doug delves into the effects of technology, specifically AI, on sales leadership. He highlights the game-changing nature of AI in automating manual tasks and freeing up time for sales leaders and reps.

    00:43:24 - Embracing AI in Sales
    Doug stresses the importance of AI augmenting sales reps and leaders rather than replacing them. He discusses the productivity savings and the need for data-driven decision making in sales.

    00:46:03 - Leveraging Technology in Sales
    Doug emphasizes the role of AI in supporting sales reps to get more FaceTime, email time, phone time, and zoom time to drive meaningful conversations. He underscores the importance of humanization and contextual relevance in engagement.

    00:49:41 - Connecting with Doug Dvorak
    Doug shares his contact information for connecting with him directly and mentions his website and phone number for further engagement.

    Hire and Retain Top Sales Talent
    Finding and keeping high-level sales professionals can be a game-changing strategy for organizations looking to expand their business. A thorough hiring process can include elements such as a detailed sales assessment, a well-structured interview, and even asking candidates to submit videos to demonstrate their skills and motivation. In addition, a comprehensive onboarding process and a transparent, easy-to-understand compensation plan can promote staff retention and encourage top performers to stay with the company.

    Attract A-Level Sales Professionals
    Attracting top-notch sales talent requires a strategic approach that goes beyond just offering a decent salary. Companies need to work on their branding, create a dynamic sales culture, and establish processes that can identify and attract A-level talent continuously. Forming partnerships with universities to offer internships can also provide a much-needed funnel to attract and assess potential candidates that can later become full-time hires.

    Power of Sales Assessments
    Sales assessments have evolved to become an essential tool in the hiring process, providing deep insights into a candidate's sales aptitude, personality, leadership skills, and more. Tools like Gallup's challenger or DISC can help verify if a candidate's skill set matches the job requirements and how comfortably they can fit in with the company's culture. They serve as an effective complement to reference checks and interviews, helping to ensure that hires are not only capable but also motivated and a good cultural fit.

    Connect with Doug Dvorak directly via

    Download for free to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase productivity. FlyMSG is a free text expander and personal writing assistant.

    Check out the 100 best chat GBT prompts and the best LinkedIn Chat GPT prompts available on Vengreso's website for AI-powered engagement.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes to show support and help the podcast reach more listeners.

  • Get ready to uncover the secrets of mental toughness in sales with expert Matt Phillips. Discover the key to overcoming challenges, achieving success, and reaching your full potential. But what happens when the pressure is on, and the quotas must be met? Stay tuned to find out.

    This is Matt Phillips's story:

    Matt Phillips' journey is a testament to the transformative power of embracing discomfort and seizing unexpected opportunities. His encounter with Ruben Gonzalez, a four-time Olympian, sparked a life-altering proposition - co-writing a book. Although initially hesitant, Matt's decision to step out of his comfort zone and accept the challenge led to personal and professional growth. This experience not only tested his confidence but also provided a platform to share valuable insights. It's a story of resilience, courage, and the profound impact of venturing into uncharted territory. Matt's narrative serves as a poignant reminder that growth often blossoms from embracing discomfort and seeking new challenges. His journey embodies the essence of mental toughness and the unwavering spirit required to navigate uncertainties.

    The quality of leader you become is based on the quality of questions you ask. - Matt Phillips

    Matt Phillips is the CEO of Matt Phillips Leadership Coaching, specializing in elevating sales professionals and teams to achieve peak performance. With over eleven years of experience, Matt's expertise lies in nurturing mental toughness and resilience, crucial for success in the competitive sales environment. His approach combines coaching, workshops, and online programs to instill the necessary skills for achieving sales goals. Beyond his professional pursuits, Matt's passion for gravel bike riding reflects his commitment to personal growth and embracing new challenges. His unique blend of leadership coaching and personal experience brings a fresh perspective to the crucial topic of mental toughness in sales.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Master mental toughness to excel in sales.

    Boost confidence and shatter limiting beliefs for sales success.

    Uncover the pivotal role of leadership in driving sales performance.

    Empower your sales team with effective enablement strategies.

    Harness the power of mindset for unparalleled success in sales.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introducing the Podcast

    00:01:23 - Overcoming Mental Toughness

    00:08:56 - Matt's Leadership Coaching

    00:10:22 - Matt's Gravel Bike Ride

    00:12:40 - Embracing New Challenges

    00:12:56 - Understanding Mental Toughness

    00:15:12 - The Five Elements of Mental Toughness

    00:18:08 - Building Confidence

    00:21:32 - Nature vs. Nurture

    00:26:41 - Understanding Beliefs and Overcoming Challenges

    00:27:15 - The Role of Beliefs in Sales and Leadership

    00:28:49 - Shifting Beliefs for Sales Success

    00:29:53 - Individual Responsibility and Leadership Development

    00:36:53 - Overcoming Distractions and Effective Coaching

    00:40:06 - Importance of Training and Enablement Plan

    00:41:22 - Building a Leadership Philosophy

    00:43:47 - Resources for Mental Toughness

    00:46:06 - Quality of Leadership

    00:47:53 - All-Time Favorite Movie

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introducing the Podcast
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces the "Modern Selling Podcast" and the guest, Matt Phillips, CEO of Matt Phillips Leadership Coaching, discussing mental toughness.

    00:01:23 - Overcoming Mental Toughness
    Matt shares a personal story about writing a book with a four-time Olympian, emphasizing the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone and the impact of challenges on personal and professional growth.

    00:08:56 - Matt's Leadership Coaching
    Matt explains that his coaching primarily focuses on salespeople and cross-functional teams, emphasizing mental toughness, consistency, and separating oneself from others as key components of achieving sales goals.

    00:10:22 - Matt's Gravel Bike Ride
    Matt shares a personal detail about his new hobby, gravel bike riding, connecting it to the memory of his late father and emphasizing the unexpected nature of his interest in biking despite his physical appearance.

    00:12:40 - Embracing New Challenges
    Mario and Matt discuss their shared interest in biking and how they have both embraced new challenges, such as mountain biking, demonstrating the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone and trying new experiences for personal growth.

    00:12:56 - Understanding Mental Toughness
    Matt and Mario discuss the importance of defining mental toughness and its key elements like confidence, focus, control, energy, and intentional action.

    00:15:12 - The Five Elements of Mental Toughness
    Matt breaks down the five elements of mental toughness - confidence, focus, control, energy, and intentional action - and how they contribute to building a strong mindset.

    00:18:08 - Building Confidence
    Matt emphasizes the importance of leveraging past successes to build confidence and propel future actions, regardless of challenges faced in sales or leadership roles.

    00:21:32 - Nature vs. Nurture
    Matt and Mario delve into the discussion of whether mental toughness is something innate or can be developed through training and practice, highlighting the importance of nurturing key behaviors like confidence and control.

    00:26:41 - Understanding Beliefs and Overcoming Challenges
    Matt shares his personal experience of understanding beliefs and how it freed him up. He emphasizes the importance of identifying and challenging limiting beliefs to achieve success in sales and leadership.

    00:27:15 - The Role of Beliefs in Sales and Leadership
    Matt discusses the impact of beliefs in sales, highlighting the importance of confidence and understanding the origins of beliefs. He emphasizes the need to rewire the brain to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve success.

    00:28:49 - Shifting Beliefs for Sales Success
    Matt explains the significance of shifting beliefs in sales, focusing on the role of confidence and challenging limiting beliefs. He emphasizes the need for sales leaders to coach their teams through shifting beliefs to overcome challenges and achieve success.

    00:29:53 - Individual Responsibility and Leadership Development
    Matt addresses the individual responsibility in sales, emphasizing the importance of setting goals and reflecting on what motivates individuals. He also discusses the role of sales leaders as coaches in developing their teams and optimizing performance.

    00:36:53 - Overcoming Distractions and Effective Coaching
    Matt shares insights on overcoming distractions and maintaining focus in sales. He also highlights the importance of effective coaching, emphasizing the need for leaders to actively listen to their team members and provide hands-on support to drive performance.

    00:40:06 - Importance of Training and Enablement Plan
    Matt emphasizes the importance of leaders helping employees who are new to a task by providing a starting point, vision, and practical examples. He also highlights the need for leaders to invest time in coaching and mentoring employees.

    00:41:22 - Building a Leadership Philosophy
    Matt discusses the significance of developing a clear leadership philosophy and the need for leaders to communicate their expectations and actions to their team members. He stresses the importance of investing time in training and coaching the team for optimal performance.

    00:43:47 - Resources for Mental Toughness
    Matt shares about a free master class training for sales leaders and the importance of knowing your numbers through a metrics cheat sheet. He encourages individuals to take advantage of these resources to improve mental toughness and achieve sales goals.

    00:46:06 - Quality of Leadership
    Matt emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions and reflecting on personal beliefs to become a better leader. He encourages individuals to challenge obstacles and rewire their thinking to unlock new possibilities and achieve desired results.

    00:47:53 - All-Time Favorite Movie
    Matt shares his all-time favorite movie, "Field of Dreams," and relates it to his personal connection with the sentimental story behind it, emphasizing the importance of cherished memories and sentimental moments.

    Learn Leadership's Impact on Sales
    Leadership, according to Matt Phillips, extends beyond just holding team members accountable. It involves training, coaching, and equipping team members with the necessary tools to meet their sales objectives efficiently. By understanding leadership's impact on sales, professionals can better align their efforts with their overall goals, thus optimizing team performance and driving success.

    Strengthen Mental Toughness for Sales
    Matt Phillips underscores the immense role mental toughness plays in the highly competitive sales industry. In a world where sales teams and individuals are constantly jostling for the same opportunities, mental zing stands out as a reliable key to success. Through this episode, Matt seeks to equip sales professionals with the necessary tools to cultivate mental toughness, thus improving their resilience and ultimately their sales performance.

    Boost Confidence and Break Through
    Constantly revisiting past victories constitutes an essential part of fostering self-belief, according to Matt Phillips. He encourages sales professionals to leverage their past successes as a springboard to future victories. This episode inspires sales professionals to develop an unwavering confidence in their abilities, enabling them to break through challenges and meet their sales targets head-on.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Sign up for the free master class training on How to Become an Elite Sales Leader and Triple Revenue Growth to learn about mindset shifts and tactical strategies for sales leadership.

    Visit to access a metrics cheat sheet that can help you focus on the right metrics to optimize your performance as a sales leader or individual contributor.

    Download FlyMSG, a free text expander and personal writing assistant, to save 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity.

  • Do you desire to enhance your business's efficiency and effectiveness? Discover how to achieve increased focus and productivity in your business operations as I share the solution with you. Learn how to attain heightened performance and output in your entrepreneurial pursuits. Join me to unlock the key to maximizing productivity in your business endeavors.

    Driven entrepreneur Sebastian Schieke defies distractions to achieve laser-focused productivity, despite the ever-changing business landscape and financial constraints.

    Does it sound familiar to struggle with maximizing sales and providing exceptional customer service? You may have been told to simply increase your sales team or customer service staff without considering the underlying issues. This can result in a lack of efficiency, wasted resources, and ultimately, a disappointing impact on your business performance.

    Stick to two or three things at most and remain laser focused on the mission at hand. - Mario Martinez

    For this episode, Mario Martinez Jr. was interviewed by Sebastian Schieke

    Sebastian Schieke is the CEO and founder of a notable company focused on productivity software. With a specialization in AI and its applications in business operations, Sebastian brings a wealth of expertise to the table. His insights into leveraging AI for enhanced workflow processes and increased productivity have made a significant impact in the realm of sales and customer service. Sebastian's role in implementing AI technologies has been instrumental in reshaping the landscape of business operations, providing valuable solutions for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking to streamline their processes.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover how AI revolutionizes sales and customer service for enhanced business performance.

    Explore the pivotal role of human involvement in AI-driven conversations and its impact on customer experience.

    Uncover the importance of responsible usage of AI technology in driving ethical and sustainable business practices.

    Learn effective strategies for integrating AI into your workflows to streamline operations and boost productivity.

    Navigate through the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in leveraging AI to stay ahead in the competitive market landscape.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:08 - Introducing

    00:01:31 - Evolution of AI in the Workplace

    00:03:47 - Human Assisted AI and Super Productivity Tools

    00:08:21 - The Power of Integrated AI

    00:09:32 - The Role of FlyMSG in Sales and Engagement

    00:16:07 - The Power of Contextual Relevance and Hyper Personalization in Messaging

    00:16:31 - The Pitfalls of AI to AI Communication

    00:17:29 - The Importance of Respectful and Human-Centric Communication

    00:21:48 - The Impact of AI on Enterprise Communication

    00:29:29 - Ubiquitous AI Communication and Workflow Integration

    00:32:13 - Personalized AI Writing Assistant

    00:33:28 - Current Business Environment

    00:34:29 - Struggles in Business

    00:35:41 - Focus and Productivity

    00:37:31 - Special Offer for Listeners

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:08 - Introducing
    Mario Martinez Jr. introduces FlyMSG, a free personal writing assistant and text expander application designed to help sales leaders and practitioners grow their sales numbers at scale.

    00:01:31 - Evolution of AI in the Workplace
    Sebastian Chic and Mario Martinez Jr. discuss the rapid development of AI and its integration into workflow processes. They emphasize the importance of AI bringing value and enhancing the user's workflow.

    00:03:47 - Human Assisted AI and Super Productivity Tools
    Mario Martinez Jr. explains the concept of human assisted AI and the need for tools that consolidate applications to enhance productivity. He highlights the value of AI in the user's daily workflow.

    00:08:21 - The Power of Integrated AI
    Sebastian Schieke and Mario Martinez Jr. delve into the benefits and business cases of integrated AI, emphasizing its impact on daily communication and workflows. They discuss how AI is no longer limited to simple tasks but has become fully integrated into various work processes.

    00:09:32 - The Role of FlyMSG in Sales and Engagement
    Mario Martinez Jr. explains the functionalities of FlyMSG, including its role in sales prospecting training, deploying messaging, and engaging with buyers. He also discusses the human-assisted AI approach in the development of FlyMSG's AI tools.

    00:16:07 - The Power of Contextual Relevance and Hyper Personalization in Messaging
    The conversation starts with Sebastian Schieke emphasizing the importance of contextual relevance and hyper personalization in messaging for sales, customer service, and business owners. He highlights the value of using the human mind rather than AI for this purpose.

    00:16:31 - The Pitfalls of AI to AI Communication
    Sebastian and Mario discuss the absurdity of AI to AI communication and the potential problems it can create. Sebastian shares an anecdote about a customer's frustration with a bot and emphasizes the need for tools to assist, not replace, human intelligence.

    00:17:29 - The Importance of Respectful and Human-Centric Communication
    The conversation delves into the potential dangers of AI generating communication and the importance of respectful and human-centered interaction on social media. Sebastian underscores the need for developers to prioritize creating AI tools that enhance communication without contributing to disrespectful or hateful content.

    00:21:48 - The Impact of AI on Enterprise Communication
    Sebastian discusses the potential dangers and biases created by AI platforms that use data to train their models. He highlights the importance of implementing enterprise-grade AI to protect sensitive data and maintain a high level of customization in communication across different platforms.

    00:29:29 - Ubiquitous AI Communication and Workflow Integration
    The conversation explores the unique value of platforms like FlyMSG in providing a ubiquitous experience across various SaaS applications. Sebastian emphasizes the need for AI tools to integrate seamlessly into users' daily workflows and

    00:32:13 - Personalized AI Writing Assistant
    Mario discusses the potential for a personalized FlyEngage tool that learns from the user's voice to generate messages. The complexity of adapting to individual voices and corporate needs is highlighted.

    00:33:28 - Current Business Environment
    Mario reflects on the rapid speed of change and uncertainty in the current business landscape, emphasizing the challenges faced by business owners and the need for global solutions to accelerate growth.

    00:34:29 - Struggles in Business
    Mario shares his perspective on the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs and business owners in finding product market fit and accessing funding, emphasizing the need for focus and resilience in the face of challenges.

    00:35:41 - Focus and Productivity
    The importance of staying focused on what has worked in the past, avoiding distractions, and optimizing productivity is emphasized by Mario, highlighting the need for a laser-focused approach in business.

    00:37:31 - Special Offer for Listeners
    Mario offers a special discount code for listeners interested in trying FlyMSG, encouraging them to leverage the productivity tools to save time and increase efficiency in their daily tasks.

    Human Involvement in AI Conversations
    While AI technology offers undeniable advantages in business and sales, the essentialness of human involvement in AI-driven conversations cannot be underestimated. By ensuring contextual appropriateness, particularly in calls to action and hyper-personalized messages, businesses can leverage technology to enhance human interaction rather than replace it. This balance of AI automation and human touch fosters a more appealing and engaging customer experience.

    AI Integration for Sales
    The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in sales has drastically changed the landscape, offering new levels of efficiency and personalization. Tools like Vengreso's FlyMSG streamline the creation and sending of messages, which not only saves time but also enhances overall productivity. Embracing this technology combines human creativity and intelligence with AI capabilities, providing a promising path to higher sales and customer satisfaction.

    Responsible Usage of AI
    As AI technologies push new boundaries, there is a parallel need for responsible usage to navigate potential risks. Implementing enterprise-grade AI that ensures user data privacy and minimizes bias is paramount, just like FlyMSG's usage of private Language Model Models (LLMs). This mindset for responsible AI application helps enable the beneficial exploration of AI's potential, while safeguarding user trust and data integrity.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit to set up your individual account and leverage FlyMSG for free to expand text and engage with your target buyer on LinkedIn using AI tools.

    Use the secret code PrimeDay2023 (capital P, capital D, 2023) to get 15% off the 27, 66, and $132 yearly plans for FlyMSG. This will help you increase your productivity and save about an hour per day.

    Give the Modern Selling Podcast a five-star rating and review on iTunes. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Download FlyMSG for free right now to increase your productivity and save time. It's your free text expander and personal writing assistant.

    If you want to stay 20 hours or more in a month and increase your productivity, go right now and download FlyMSG. That's for free.