The Liturgy for Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the western Church, happens in a unique way in my parish. We only celebrate Matins and Evensong, and do not celebrate a Eucharist.
There are two reasons for this. The first is that the absense of Holy Communion helps to create a sense of stark relief and contrast. This is very helpful to bring about and induce a shift to Lent which is experiential.
The second is that the appointed Scripture readings for Ash Wednesday in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer are excellent, and fit together perfectly for not only Ash Wednesday but for the whole of Lent. These readings are:
* Jonah 3-4:11 â Jonahâs proclaiming to the Ninevites
* Hebrews 12:1-14 â S. Paulâs teaching on Christâs perserverance and discipline
* Luke 18:9-14 â Our Lordâs Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
The audio above includes the three readings and is followed by my my sermon. The sermon was offered extemporaneously, and thus there is no prepared text for you to read.
If you want to skip the readings and go straightway to the preaching, that starts just after the 9-minute mark.
May your Lent be blessed and holy, my friends!
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Evenings With Bede is a homily podcast. The episodes are taken from the Sunday solemn Plainsong Evensong services of Saint Paulâs, New Smyrna Beach, Fla., where I am Rector.
SEASON TWO is devoted to understanding the Song of Songs with the Venerable S. Bede as teacher, and yours truly as interpreter. We will go verse by verse through the entirety of the Song of Songs.
The format is a short passage from the Song of Songs, then comes commentary from the Bede, and finally an interpretive homily by yours truly expounding upon both. The audio for all three is found above. The text of the two passages is found below.
A Lesson from the Song of Songs, 1.12
While the King was on His dining couch, my nard gave forth its fragrance. My Beloved is to me a bundle of myrrh that shall lie between my breasts. My Bloved is to me a grape-cluster from Cyprus in the vineyards of Engaddi.
A Lesson from a Treatise by the Venerable S. Bede
Because after the death of our Mediator and Saviour there soon follows the glory of the Resurrection, the Bride rightly says, âMy Beloved is to me a grape-cluster from Cyprus in the vineyards of Engaddi.â Surely the meaning of this little verse according to the surface of the letter is this: âJust as the island of Cyprus produces grape-clusters that are larger than those from other lands, and just as those that grow in the Judean city that is called Engaddi are nobler than those from other vineyards, inasmuch as the liquid that comes from them is not wine but balsam, that much dearer to me is my Beloved than all those to whom I am joined in love, so that no creature can separate me from His affection.â But typologically, in the same way that myrrh on account of its bitterness signifies the sorrow of the Lordâs Passion, in which He took both myrrh and wine to drink from the soldiers and was anointed with myrrh by the disciples when they laid Him in the tomb, just so, as we have already said, it is not unseemly for a grape-cluster to indicate the joy of His Resurrection. For wine gladdens the human heart (Ps. 104:15). Therefore the Lord, Who had been a bundle of myrrh in His Passion, became a grape-cluster of Cyprus at the Resurrection. Accordingly, He lies between the Brideâs breasts because He has turned into a grape-cluster of the vineyard, which is the reason that holy Church never puts the memory of the Lordâs death away from her heart, since the One Who died for her trespasses also rose from death for her justification (Rom 4:25) and gave her an example of being raised after the anguish of death, so that she might follow in His footsteps.
If you find this edifying, please consider (if you havenât already) becoming a paid subscriber. Your support goes directly to supporting the ministry of Akenside Institute for English Spirituality, a project I started 12 years ago to help to rebuild the Anglican tradition.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Last Sundayâs sermon finished with these words: In addition to the liturgical life and the Sacraments, the Church has always taught of the necessity of examining our conscience, and doing so regularly. Preparing for Lent is a time to examine our conscience. It is a time to take inventory about ourselves. It is a time to take inventory about our habits, and whether we have unholy habits, unholy vices, that keep us from being good soil. To borrow from Saint John: If we say we have no vices, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our vices, God who is faithful and just will forgive us our vices, and cleanse us from the unrighteousness of our vices.
Today, on the Sunday before Lent, the Church sets before us the subject of charity, the older translation of the more modern word âlove.â âCharityâ is the English translation of the Latin word, caritas, which means âlove,â that is, the sacrificial love demonstrated by Christ and embodied by Him. The Church brings before the subject of charity, or love, to remind us that all works of repentance, of turning to God, can be of no avail unless they begin and end in the love of God. On Sunday last we had the account of St. Paulâs apostolic labours, but in the Epistle for today, he tells us of how little avail all our works and labours must be without charity.
It has been said that the thirteenth chapter of Saint Paulâs First Epistle to the Corinthians is the most important chapter of the Bible. The reason such a high claim is made about this chapter, which is our Epistle reading today, is that it teaches us two fundamental things. The first is that it teaches profoundly about Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. And the second is that it teaches us how to respond to Christâs blessed Passion and precious Death. In understanding Paulâs holy doctrine of love, we know more about Christ and we know more about ourselves â more about our Saviour and about being His disciplesâmore about our King and about what it means to be crownedâabout the Perfect Love of Jesus to which we aspire to imitate in our lives every day.
We know that Paulâs doctrine of love teaches about Jesus Christ and Him crucified because, as Paul says of love, âLove bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.â This describes perfectly our Lord, Who bore all our sins on the Cross, believed all that His Father had given Him, hoped for the salvation of all, and endured spitting, mocking, torture, and disbelief in Him all while keeping in Himself the peace which passes all understanding. In support of this, we have Saint John, who said, âGod is love.â The Father is love, the Son is love, the Holy Ghost is love. And we know that Jesus is Himself the perfect pattern of love again from Saint John, who records our Lord says, âGreater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.â We are His friends, because all that Jesus heard from His Father He has made known to us.
As Paulâs doctrine teaches us about Jesus, his doctrine teaches us about ourselves as disciples of Jesus. How easily this is seen by remembering our Lordâs commandment: âThou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and ⊠that Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.â We are to love the Father and we are to love our neighbor. In both cases we are to imitate our Lordâs love for the Father and our Lordâs love for every human being. No matter what words we say, without love we are nothing. No matter what wisdom and knowledge we might have, without love we are nothing. No matter what we do, even if we give our body to be burned, if we do not have love, are nothing. This is simply to say with with love we have life in the Holy Spirit, but without love we are spiritually dead, as if we never knew of Jesus, nor He us. Jesus told the five foolish virgins âI do not know youâ and shut the door to them because they did not have love and perform acts of mercy, acts of love, in their life.
It is true that with the profound account given us of love in the example of Jesus Christ, we may well feel overwhelmed at our great lack of it, as we come to fathom the depths of our need, and measure ourselves by Our Lordâs perfect pattern. Our great relief now, in Lent, and all our days is to look to Christ in prayer; in prayer with regard to every particular of our daily short-comings; and what we derive from dwelling on the fact of our vices and sins, and thus our falling short of Christâs expectation of us, is the assurance, that if we are faithful in Him and genuine in our desire to follow Him, to put off our old man and put on the new garments of Christ, if we are like the blind man who simply cried out to Jesus and said, âJesus, Son of David, have mercy on me,â He will hear us. Jesus Christ has taught us that all our doings without love, without charity, are worth nothing; hence we ask God to send His Holy Ghost, and pour into our hearts the gift of Christâs mercy, the gift of divine love, which is the true bond of peace and all virtuesâindeed that the Holy Ghost give us the gift of Christ in our hearts, that we may continue to conceive in our hearts the Eternal Word of the Father, Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the same Father and the same Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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Today I was a visiting lecturer at Wheaton College in Illinois. I gave my lecture via Zoom at the invitation of Dr Matthew Milliner. I entitled the lecture: âAn Introduction to the Venerable S. Bedeâs Commentary on the Song of Songs.â
After the lecture, Dr Milliner (a friend whom have known for about ten years) tweeted:
⊠which made me laugh. Dr. Milliner also called me afterward and indicated that the lecture went over very well with his students. I hope to do this again sometime!
I offer the audio of the lecture above for you to hear. I hope it helps you understand how important the Venerable Bede is, and that he is misunderstood as the âhistorian of the Church,â as he is sometimes called. To rightly understand this important Church Father is to see him primarily as an interpreter of Holy Scripture.
In the lecture I reference this icon of S. Bede, painted by Aidan Hart (my daughterâs icon teacher):
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Why does our Lord Jesus give us emphasis in His parable of the Seeds and the Sower to the material into which the seed is planted? He not only lists the different material in sequence â path, rock, thorns, and good soil â but He attaches specific symbolism to each one, which we see in His explanation to the disciples. Jesus is at pains to specify the differences in the material that receive the Word of God. Why is He at such pains? What is He after? Does He want the Word of God to be received on path, rock, or thorns? Clearly He does not. He wants the Seed to be received by good soil. So we need to think deeply on this.
Towards doing so, let us remember that the purpose of the Pre-Lent over its three Sundays is to prepare us for Lent. To prepare us to take on what Lent is all about. And what Lent is all about is the inner world of the heart, where unseen warfare happens between the Devil and the Holy Angels, even the Devil and Christ Himself.
What the Pre-Lent season invites us to recognize is that to fully attend to the unseen warfare, we must go on pilgrimage: indeed, that the spiritual life is a pilgrimage to the heart, and through the heart to Jesus Christ, and through Christ to the Father. The pilgrimage of Pre-Lent is a call to spiritual labor, through which we must love our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is our strength, our Saviour, our fortress. Hence we ask in our Collect, grant that by Thy power we may be defended against all adversity. It is Christ Who defends us. It is Christ Who shields us. It is Christ Who takes us under His wing and protects us.
We must take comfort in Christâs protection, my dear brothers and sisters. Who else can protect us? Who else by Christ has the words of eternal life which shield us from our adversaries? And it is through taking comfort in Christâs protection that we can allow ourselves to be vulnerable before Him. Being vulnerable before Christ means we recognize our weaknesses â it means we recognize our failings â our shortcomings â our reliance on vices, what the New Testament writers call âpassions,â and are our unholy habits of thought and action. It is because of our vices that we are led to commit sin. Vices lead to sins that we commit, either in the action of our mind or in outward deeds. This is how we must understand our weakness: unholy habits are rooted deeply in us, and we cannot help ourselves.
We need Jesus Christ. Only a Saviour can rescue us. Only a Saviour can uproot our unholy habits by His grace and by His transforming Holy Spirit. To be a sinner is to be a person who is aware that he or she is in need of a Saviour. This is humility, this is being reality-based: we cannot save ourselves, we cannot uproot our unholy habits that lead to committing sin without Jesus Christ, Who is our only Saviour, and the Saviour of all who put their trust in Him and Him alone.
To have that attitude, to have that outlook, to be reality-based as a way of life, is the attitude and outlook of humility and all Christians aspire to attaining this attitude and outlook. We do not start there after our Baptism. We must grow spiritually to attain that attitude, as our everyday attitude; we must grow spiritually after Baptism to attain that outlook, as our everyday outlook. Baptism is necessary as the first step towards dying to self and taking on the resurrected life of Christ as our own life, but we must be trained, disciplined, and made fit for true humility.
This is what our Lord is after in His parable of the Seed and the Sower. We are all striving to be good soil. We are striving to be those who, after hearing the Word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience. The Church teaches we can get their in this life, we can become good soil through the liturgical and sacramental life of worship in the Church. But often we are not the good soil, but may be the thorns, who hear the Word, but as soon as they go on their way the are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, so their fruit does not mature. We may even be on the rock, who are joyful when they hear the Word, but because they do not have root, when they are tested by life they lose the Word and fall away from Him. We even might be on the path, who hear the Word, but the Devil comes and takes away the Word from their hearts, because they have not learned how to reject the Devilâs invitations, and have rather suffer from all sorts of vices that they have yet to ask God to remove.
And so, in addition to the liturgical life and the Sacraments, the Church has always emphasized the importance of examining our conscience, and doing so regularly. Preparing for Lent is a time to examine our conscience. It is a time to take inventory about ourselves. It is a time to take inventory about our habits, and whether we have unholy habits, unholy vices, that keep us from being good soil. to borrow from Saint John: If we say we have no vices, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our vices, God who is faithful and just will forgive us our vices, and cleanse us from the unrighteousness of our vices. All of this through Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen
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Evenings With Bede is a homily podcast. The episodes are taken from the Sunday solemn Plainsong Evensong services of Saint Paulâs, New Smyrna Beach, Fla., where I am Rector.
SEASON TWO is devoted to understanding the Song of Songs with the Venerable S. Bede as teacher, and yours truly as interpreter. We will go verse by verse through the entirety of the Song of Songs.
The format is a short passage from the Song of Songs, then comes commentary from the Bede, and finally an interpretive homily by yours truly expounding upon both. The audio for all three is found above. The text of the two passages is found below.
A Lesson from the Song of Songs, 1.12
While the King was on His dining couch, my nard gave forth its fragrance. My Beloved is to me a bundle of myrrh that shall lie between my breasts. My Bloved is to me a grape-cluster from Cyprus in the vineyards of Engaddi.
A Lesson from a Treatise by the Venerable S. Bede
The Bride speaks as says, âMy Beloved is to me a bundle of myrrh that shall lie between my breasts,â and we read that this was fulfilled according to the letter for the sake of our salvation when, after His passion was complete and His Body had been taken down from the Cross, âNicodemus came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, weighing about a hundred pounds, and they took His Body and wrapped it in linen cloths with the spicesâ (Jn 19:39-40). The Churchâs beloved, therefore, became a bundle of myrrh when the Lord was covered with myrrh and aloes and enfolded in linen cloths; clearly He lies between the Brideâs breasts when the Church in her inmost heart meditates unceasingly on the death of her Redeemer. For who does not know that the heart is located between the breasts? And the bundle of myrrh will lie between the Brideâs breasts whenever any soul dedicated to God attentively remembers that apostolic saying that âthose who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified their flesh with its vices and desiresâ (Gal 5:24) and is eager (as far as she is able) to imitate His death, by which she knows herself to be redeemed.
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As we are using the traditional Western lectionary for our worship on Sundays and Holy Days, starting today and lasting for the next two Sundays is the period of time known as âPre-Lent.â And these Sundays have funny names, inherited from the Latin language. Septuagesima is Latin for seventiethâthat is, approximately seventy days before Easter. Next Sunday is named Sexagesima, which is Latin for sixtiethâthat is, approximately 60 days before Easter. The last of the three, Quinquagesima, is Latin for fiftiethâthat is, approximately 50 days before Easter.
Do not let the strange Latin names for these Sundays complicate their purpose. The purpose is to prepare us for Lent. It is to move our liturgical contemplation and prayer for the season of Epiphany (which is focused on the manifestation in our midst of God the Son, Jesus Christ, fully God and fully Man) towards the focus of Lent, which is the inner world of the heart, where unseen warfare happens between the Devil and Godâs Holy Angels, even the Devil and Christ Himself. What the Pre-Lent season invites us to recognize is that to fully attend to the unseen warfare, we must go on pilgrimage: indeed, that the spiritual life is a pilgrimage to the heart, and through the heart to Jesus Christ. The three Sundays function as a call to pilgrimage, a call to spiritual labor, always a pilgrimage and labour of love, and of loving our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is our strength, our Saviour, our fortress.
This emphasis on pilgrimage comes out in the short passage from 1st Corinthians chapter 9. Saint Paul speaks of spiritual pilgrimage as a race, and he wants us to run the race that we might obtain the prize. The prize is being crowned in the glory of heaven; the prize is that upward call to life eternal in heaven, receiving the same crown as the Saints have already received. That crown is the imperishable wreath Paul speaks of. And so we must run this race, says Paul, and the way we run the race is through discipline of the body and self-control. Every athlete, he says, exercises self-control in all things. So should every disciple. Whereas disciplined self-control by athletes involves muscles and joints, disciplined self-control by Christians involves the heart, and seeks to open the eyes of the heart, open them and keep them open.
This is because we are frail creatures living in a fallen world. This means our hearts are often blind. Blindness of the heart is what the Church calls the inability to perceive or understand the truth about God and our relationship with Him. We all suffer from this condition. We all suffer from blindness of heart in our lives. And this is because, living as fallen creatures in a fallen world, we are plagued by vice and sin.
Part of preparing for Lent is being sober about the human condition, and especially sober about oneself. Vices, or what is called in the Bible âpassions,â are unholy habits of thought and action. We all have them, and often our vices are so deeply rooted that we have a very difficult time uprooting them. We are plagued by vice, and we are plagued by sin. Sin is where we knowingly act, whether in deed or even in action of our mind, in a way contrary to Godâs will. We all sin, and often our sin is a product of the vices we have, our unholy habits. To be sober about our selves is to be reality-based, and being reality-based is one of the definitions of humility. As Saint John so piercingly wrote: âIf we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.â And, he could have added, âIf we say we have no vice, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.â But Saint John immediately adds, âIf we confess our sins, God Who is faithful and just, will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.â
This is why we are given the Parable of the Vineyard on this first Sunday of Pre-Lent. There is much symbolism to it. The vineyard symbolizes the task of following Godâs commandments. The labour symbolizes our present life. The labourers represent people that in different ways are called to the fulfillment of Godâs commandments. And by different ways, is meant are called in different times of their life: some recognize their call early in their life; some in the middle of their life; and others closer to the end of our life. The grumbling that is described as coming from the mouths of those hired first represent the vices of indignance, of envy, of jealousy, and the like; all of which are related to pride and forms of it. These are very ordinary vices, and these are common to the experience of the Christian life. The vast majority of Christians do not suffer from spectacular vice and sin; rather, the vast majority of Christians are very unspectacular and boring in the pride.
As the Venerable S. Bede teaches, âAmong the works of faith humility reigns in a special way.â What counters pride and prideful vice is faith in God and trust in His goodness, trust that His goodness will deliver us, will save us, from our vice and sin. With our faith in God strong and our trust in Him full, our life in Christ becomes humble, recognizing that we depend on God for everything: our very life, all good things that we do, even every breath we takeâall depends upon God and on Him alone. To know this is humility. What counters pride and prideful vice is loving Christ, and seeing Him as our strength: seeing Him as our rock: seeing Him as our defense: seeing Him always as our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who always hears our voice, for He is God, Who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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The disciples said, with astonishment, âHow is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?â They said this because they were eyewitnesses to Christâs majesty, and had beheld His glory and power. They said this because after they woke Him up, they watched Jesus rebuke the wind and they watched Him say to the sea, âPeace! Be still!â And they witnessed what happened next: the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
To them were revealed more of the truth of Jesus of Nazareth: to those who show faith in Christ, to those who show they believe in Him, Christ has power over creation. The storm is stilled because creation itself is a continuous process of love, not a system of infallible laws, and the Creator incarnate as the right to change the process as the artist, and only the artist, has the right to alter his own picture: prayer controls matter.
After all, all of creation, all the things of creation, which we call creatures both great and small, both macrocosmic and microcosmic, all things have been made through Christ. It was from His mouth that it was said âLet there be light.â And likewise, âLet there be a firmament; Let there be water; Let there be dry land; Let there be grass and trees; Let there be lights for illumination; Let there be water creatures, and creatures of the sky; Let there be creatures of the land.â As is sung in the well-known hymn: All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.
And yet how much more has God made through Christ? As we hear from the account of blessed and righteous Job, the divinely-made creation includes the measurements of the foundation of the earth; the bases upon which it rested, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God (that is, the angels) shouted for joy; shutting in the sea with doors; making clouds for garments; commanding the morning; causing the dawn to know its place; even creating the gates of death, and so much more of the expanse of the earth.
Those words spoken by God to Job and Jobâs companions with their tremendous meaning are summed up in the first line of the Nicene Creed: âI believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisibleâ as well as the first verse of Scripture in Genesis: âIn the beginning God made heaven and earthâ and echoed in the first verses of the Gospel according to Saint John: âIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was nothing made.â All things, including the wind and the sea and the laws of creation.
We ask God in our Collect to grant to us such strength and protection, as may support us in all dangers, and carry us through all temptations. We do this with the knowledge that comes first not by kneeling down and closing our eyes but with standing up and opening them very wide, much wider than we generally do. All our prayer, worship, devotion and love, all our religion, is based upon, and begins with creation, with being in the world and getting to know, understand, and love, not only the material and immaterial things of creation, but recognizing as a habit that all the material and immaterial things of creation are made by God, through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
When we recognize all this as a habit, we recognize the divine presence everywhere, and see all things, including ourselves and all human beings, as created and sustained from moment to moment by the love of God. This sense of Godâs omnipresence in things, of their, and our, absolute dependence on Him, this childlike sense of wonder, is one of the most potent weapons against the root sin of pride. By wondering at the majesty and glorious beauty and astonishing sophistication of Godâs creation, we are made humble, which destroys pride. All because of the love revealed to us through Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
[Certain sentences are adapted from the classic text, The Purple Headed Mountain, by Father Martin Thornton. You can purchase the text here.]
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To celebrate at the beginning of the Epiphany season the Baptism of Jesus is an ancient liturgical custom. It is among the most ancient liturgical feasts of the Church, predating any liturgical celebration of Christâs Nativity â meaning, it is older than the Churchâs celebration of Christmas. And the Churchâs liturgical art in icons of Christâs baptism dates as far back as the early 200s. What all this tells us is how important the Baptism of Jesus Christ by the hand of Saint John the Baptist is to the Christian faith.
The season of Epiphany weaves together several events of Christâs life: His Nativity, the visit of the Magi, the beginning of His public ministry, the manifestation and revelation of God as Trinity, finding of Jesus in the Temple at age 12, the miracle at the wedding of Cana â in a grand sequence of liturgical celebration. These events have in common the one radical change that had come upon the world: God had united Himself to mankind to show mankind how He has overcome the dominion of evil and death and to give to mankind the Holy Spirit. And the Church does regard Our Lordâs baptism as a kind of beginning. Evidence of that includes the fact that S. Markâs Gospel account in effect begins with the Baptism; that His Baptism is the first earthly event described in S. John in his Gospel; and that S. Peter declares in the Upper Room after the Ascension, in Acts 1, that witnessing the Baptism is necessary to be considered to be the replacement of Judas in the ministry of the Twelve Apostles.
This importance of the event in the River Jordan is shown also because, historically, the event is named the Theophany, the showing-forth of God. It is the first public revelation of God as Trinity. Jesus of Nazareth, proclaimed by the Father to be His beloved Son, with the Holy Spirit alighting upon Christ as a dove and anointing Him, all before the eyes of the ever-enlightening heart of Saint John the Baptist. Hence the ministry of John Baptist includes being the bearer of the truth of the most holy Trinity.
Perhaps the aspect of the Baptism most pregnant with significance is that of the Holy Spirit. For one, the Holy Spirit affirms that Jesus is in fact the Christ, the prophesied Messiah. Anointing in the Old Testament brought about the descent of the Spirit of the Lord to consecrate someone as a prophet, priest, or king. In 1 Sam. 16, Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed David in the presence of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David.
Secondly, the Holy Spirit descended upon Christ like a dove. A dove is a gentle, soft, tender bird. In the Song of Solomon the lover associates her beloved with the dove, as beautiful, lovely, perfect, flawless. The dove is also associated with innocence; it is guileless. In Christâs own words: âBehold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as a dove.â Thus to associate the Holy Spiritâs descent with a dove at Christâs baptism says much about the nature of His coming messianic ministry. It can be seen to describe the tone of Christâs whole ministry upon earth. He will not be a military commander, conquering the occupying Romans with force as so many contemporary Jews expected the Messiah to do. Instead, Christ is being anointed to conquer with love, and ultimately, with His own sacrifice on the Cross.
Another aspect of the dove is that it was one of the creatures that Jews were allowed to offer for sacrifice at the Temple. Thus the descent of the Holy Spirit like a dove hints at the future sacrifice of the Messiah, though not for Himself, nor only for the Jewish people, but for all. He is both the Sacrifice and He who sacrifices.
Another is that a dove brought to Noah the olive branch as evidence that the waters of the great flood were subsiding and therefore that salvation and a new world were at hand. This tells us that Christâs coming was to usher in a new life, a new creation, a new way of being. Just as Noah and his family entered a world full of grace, so do Christians through Baptism.
Lastly the Spirit remained upon Christ, something John the Baptist saw with his eyes. John the Baptist says that it had been revealed to him that he could identify Christ as the one upon whom he would see the Spirit not only descend but also remain: in John 1.33: âThe one who sent me, to baptize with water told me, âThe man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.â In the Old Testament, the Spirit would descend upon the prophets to inspire them temporarily, but in the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell permanently within Christians.
Let us therefore, dear brothers and sisters, celebrate this great event of spiritual revelation, the public coming-forth of Christ, the Theophany of God the Trinity, and the descent of the Holy Ghost, in Whom we live and move and have our being, all in praise of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, to Whom belongs all glory, dominion, and power, and Who reigns with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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When the Lord and Saviour was born in Bethlehem, as the sacred history of the Gospel bears witness, the angel of the Lord appeared with a great light to shepherds who were watching and keeping watch by night over their flocks, and declared to the world that the Sun of justice had arisen, not only by the voice in heavenly utterance, but also by the brightness of the divine light. We should know that nowhere in the whole course of Old Testament Scripture do we find that angels appeared with light, though they frequently appeared to human beings; but this privilege was properly kept for this day, when âunto the godly there ariseth up light in the darkness; the Lord is merciful, loving, and righteousâ (Ps 112.4). But so that the authority of a single angel should seem small, after one angel taught the mystery of the new birth, at once there was present a multitude of the heavenly host, who sang âGlory to God on high,â even as they proclaimed peace to human beings. The angelic choir clearly demonstrates that through this Nativity human beings were to be directed toward the peace of one faith, hope, and love, and to the glory of divine praise.
Saint Luke records that âwhen the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, âLet us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened.â And, Saint Luke adds, âthey went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger.ââ The shepherds hastened with happy joy to see what they had heard about, and because they sought it with a burning love, they were worthy to find immediately the Saviour Whom they sought. By their words as well as their deeds, they showed the future shepherds of spiritual flocks (that is, bishops and priests) and, moreover, all faithful Christians, with what diligence of mind they too ought to be seeking Christ. âLet us go over,â it is as if they said, âto Bethlehem, and see this Word which has come to be.â
Let us also, therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, go over in thought to Bethlehem, the city of David, and let us also recall it with love; let us celebrate Christâs Nativity according to the flesh. Having cast aside fleshly concupiscence, they us go over with the whole desire of our mind to the heavenly Bethlehem, that is, the house of living bread, not made by hands but eternal in heaven, and let us lovingly recall that the Word which was made flesh has ascended in the flesh to where He sits at the Right Hand of God the Father. Let us follow Him to that place with the whole urgency of our virtues, and let us take care that we may deserve to see reigning in His Fatherâs chair the One they saw crying in the manger.
âAnd they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger,â Luke tells us. The shepherds came hurrying and found God born as a human being, and at the same time they found those who were ministering to His Nativity. We also should hurry, my brothers and sisters, not by steps of our feet, but by progress in good works, to see this same glorified humanity with these same ministers. Let us hurry to see Him shining in divine majesty, which is the Fatherâs and His own. Let us hurry, I say, for such blessedness is not to be sought with idleness and sluggishness, but Christâs footsteps must be followed briskly. Let us follow more quickly with the steps of virtues so that we may be worthy to walk in His ways.
When the Shepherds saw the Holy Child shining in divine splendor, and those ministering to Him, they made known the Word that had been told them concerning this Child. All who heard the Word wondered at what they heard, and who they heard it from. Then Luke tells us, âBut Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.â Mary wished to divulge to no one the secret things which she knew about Christ, but she reverently waited for the time and place when He, her Son, would wish to divulge them. However, although her mouth was silent, in her careful, watchful heart she weighed these secret things.
Indeed, she weighed those acts which she saw in relation to those things which she had read were to be done. She saw that herself, who had arisen from the stock of Jesse, had conceived Godâs Son of the Holy Spirit. She had read in the prophet Isaiah, âThere shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.â She had read in Micah, âBut you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.â She saw that she had given birth in Bethlehem to the Ruler of Israel, Who was born eternal from the Father, God before the ages. She saw that she had âconceived as a virgin, and given birth to a Son, and called His Name Jesus.â She had read, âBehold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.â She had read, âThe ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master's crib.â She saw the Lord lying in a manger, where an ox and an ass used to come to be nourished. She remembered that it had been said to her by the angel âThe Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holyâthe Son of God.â She had read that the manner of His Nativity could be recognized only by the revelation of an angel, in accordance with Isaiahâs saying, âWho will tell of his generation?â She had read in Micah, âAnd you, O tower of the flock, hill of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, the former dominion shall come, kingship for the daughter of Jerusalem.â She knew that the Lord had come in the flesh, Whose power is one and eternal with the Father, and He would give to His daughter the Church the kingdom of heavenly Jerusalem. Mary was pondering these things which she had read were to occur with those which she recognized as already having occurred, and she kept them in her heart.
Finally, Luke records, the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. So let us learn, my beloved brothers and sisters, how to be turned from contemplation of the Lordâs most benevolent divinely-arranged plan, by which He deigned to come to our aid, to giving thanks always from His kindnesses. For if they, who as yet only knew about His Nativity, went back glorifying and praising God in everything which they had seen and heard, we who know about the whole progress of His Incarnation in succession, and who are imbued with the Sacraments of His Life, are all the more obliged to proclaim His glory and praise in everything, not only in words but also in deeds, and never to forget that the reason why God was born as a human being was so that He might restore us through our being born anew to the image and likeness of His divinity.
The reason He was baptized with water was so that He might make the flowing of all waters fruitful for the cleansing of our wicked deeds. The reason He was tempted in the desert was so that by being victorious over the temper He might bestow upon us knowledge and power to make us victorious through Him. The reason He died was so that He might destroy the sovereignty of death. The reason He rose and ascended to heaven was so that He might present to us a hope and an example of rising from the dead and reigning perpetually in heaven. Having âgone backâ to gaze upon His most benevolent divinely-arranged plan, let us for the sake of each of these actions glorify and praise God Himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
(adapted from Gospel Homily I.vii of the Venerable S. Bede)
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On this Fifth Day of Christmas, let us reflect on certain passages of our Gospel account. Firstly, we notice that Saint Matthew wishes, in our Gospel account, to speak of Mary. He makes clear what a difference there was between her child-bearing and that of the rest of the genealogy of Jesus. The rest brought forth by the customary joining of male and female; Jesus, however, seeing that He was Son of God, was to be born into the world by a virgin. It was entirely fitting that when God wished to become a human being, for the sake of human beings, He be born of none other than a Virgin. When it happens that the Virgin bears a child, she bears no other son than one who is God.
Also Saint Matthew tells us that her husband, Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. Joseph saw that his betrothed had conceived, though he knew well that she had not been touched by any man. Since he was just and wished to do everything justly, he chose what seemed to be the best course, that he would neither divulge this to others, nor receive her himself as his wife, but privately changing the proposal of marriage, he would allow her to remain in the position of betrothed woman, as she was. Now he had read in Isaiah that a virgin of the house of David would conceive and give birth to this Lord, and he also knew that Mary took her origin from this house, and so he did not disbelieve that this prophecy had been fulfilled in her. But if he had sent her away privately and not received her as his wife, and if she as a betrothed woman were to give birth, there would surely have been few people to call her virgin rather than a harlot. Therefore Joseph all at once changed his intention for a better one, so that to preserve Maryâs reputation he would receive her as his wife, celebrating the marriage feast, but he would keep her perpetually chaste. For it seems that the Lord preferred to have some ignorant of the manner of His birth than have them attack His motherâs reputation.
We notice as well that Saint Matthew incorporates the example of a prophetic utterance with reference to the virgin birth, in order that a miracle of such majesty might be the more certainly believed if not only he himself proclaimed this fact, but if he also recalled that it was predicted by the prophet. Behold, the virgin, the prophet says, shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel; and Saint Matthew adds, which means, God with us. The Saviourâs Name, because of which He is called God with us by the prophet, signifies both natures of His one Person. For He Who, born before time from the Father, is God Himself in the fullness of time, because Emmanuel, that is God with us, in His motherâs womb, because He deigned to take the weakness of our nature into the unity of His Person when the Word because flesh and dwelt among us. In a wonderful manner He began to be what we are, while not ceasing to be what He had been, assuming our nature in such a way that He Himself would not lose what He had been.
Lastly, let us reflect upon the fact that Joseph, as Saint Matthew records, called His Name Jesus. Jesus, a Hebrew word, means âsavingâ or âsaviourâ in Latin. Thus itt is clear that the prophets most certainly call upon His Name. Hence these words are sung in great desire for a vision of Him: âMy soul shall be joyful in the Lord; it shall rejoice in His salvationâ (Ps 35.9); âMy soul hath longed for thy salvationâ (Ps 119.81). And especially that verse: âSave me, O God, for thy Name's sake!â (Ps 54.1) as if the Prophet Isaiah would say: âYou Who are called Saviour, make bright the glory of Your Name in me by saving.â
Jesus is the name of the Son Who was born of a Virgin, and, as the Angel explained, this Name signified that He would save His people from their sins. He who saves from sins is doubtlessly the same one Who will save from the corruption of mind and body which happen as a result of sins. âChristâ is a term of priestly and royal dignity, for from âchrismâ, that is, an anointing with holy oil, in the law priests and kings were called âchrists,â and they signified Him Who appeared in the world as true King and High Priest, and was anointed with the oil of gladness above those who shared with Him. From this anointing, that is, the chrism, He Himself is called âChrist,â and those who share this anointing, that is, spiritual grace, are called âChristians.â In that He is Saviour may He deign to reconcile us to God the Father. In that He is King may He deign to give us the eternal kingdom of His Father, which is the Holy Spirit: this one and the same Jesus Christ our Lord, our Saviour, our King, our Head, our daily bread, this Holy Child, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns as God, world without end. Amen.
(Adapted from Gospel Homily I.v by the Venerable Saint Bede)
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To acknowledge and celebrate in our Divine Liturgy the birth of time of the Mediator between God the Father and human beings, the man Jesus Christ, born of woman, born of Mary under the Law, we are now drawn to reflect upon the words of the blessed evangelist John concerning the eternity of the Word, that is, concerning the eternity of Christâs divinity, in which He remained always equal to the Father. As a privilege, I think, of Johnâs singular focus on Christ, S. John grasped the hidden mysteries of Christâs divinity at a more profound level and, thanks be to God, he was able to disclose these hidden mysteries to others. For it was not mentioned without reason that at the Last Supper John leaned upon the breast of the Jesus, for through this we are taught in figurative language that John drank the draught of heavenly wisdom from the most holy font of Jesusâs breast, and did so in a more outstanding way that the other evangelists.
Hence, in the symbolic representation of the four animals, John is rightly matched with the flying eagle. The eagle, indeed, is said to fly higher than all other birds, and is said to direct its sight toward the rays of the sun more piercingly than all other living things. The other evangelists (Ss Matthew, Mark, and Luke), as though they were walking with the Lord on the earth, explained brilliantly Christâs emergence in time, along with His deeds in time; but they said relatively little concerning His divinity. John, however, as though he were flying to heaven with the Lord, expounded relatively few things concerning Christâs acts in time, but recognized the eternal power of Christâs divinity, through which all things come into being, and he handed this on in writing for us to learn. Whereas the other evangelists bear witness that Christ was born in time, John bears witness that this same Christ was in the beginning, saying, âIn the beginning was the Word.â The others record His sudden appearance among human beings; John declares that He was always with God, saying, âand the Word was with God.â The others confirm that He is a true human being; John confirms that He is true God, saying, âand the Word was God.â And the others testify to the wonders which Christ did as a human being; John teaches that God the Father made every creature, visible and invisible, through Christ, saying, âAll things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made.â
And to a remarkable extent blessed John, at this the beginning of his Gospel account, properly imbues us with the faith of orthodox belief concerning the divinity of the Savior, even anticipating false doctrine taught in the later centuries of the Church. For example, false doctrine taught by the 4th century priest Arius (called the Arianism heresy), who said, âIf Christ was born, there was a time when He did not exist.â John refutes this beforehand with his first utterance when he says, âIn the beginning was the Word.â He does not say, In the beginning the Word began to be, because he wrote in order to point out that Christâs coming into being was not from time, but that He existed at the emergence of time, and so that through this wording he might point out that Christ was born of the Father without any beginning in time.
In the same way there was the 3rd century priest and theologian named Sabellius (with the heretical doctrine called Sabellianism or âmodalismâ), which denied that the Holy Trinity is three Persons, and said, âThe same God is Father when He wants to be, Son when He wants to be, Holy Spirit when He wants to be; nevertheless, He Himself is one,â that is, one Person and not three. Rebuking this error, John says, âAnd the Word was with God.â For if the One was with the Other, unquestionably the Father and the Son are two, and not one as if He Himself were sometimes the Father, and sometimes the Son, and sometimes the Holy Ghost. And likewise against other heretics did John speak and, by the grace of God, condemn.
In a profound way, the evangelist describes Christâs two natures, namely the divine nature (in which He always and everywhere remains complete) and the human nature (by means of which He appeared to be contained by place when He was born in time), saying He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world knew Him not. He came into His own home, and His own people received Him not. (The evangelist says âthe worldâ to mean human beings deceived by love of the world, and by being attached to creatures have turned away from acknowledging the majesty of their Creator.) Indeed, Christ was in the world and the world was made through Him because He was God, because He was complete everywhere, because by the presence of His majesty He ruled without labor, and without burden He held together what He had made. He came into His own because when He was born He appeared through His humanity in the world which He had made through His divinity. He came to His own home because Christ deigned to become incarnate in the nation of Judaea, which He had united to Himself beyond other countries by a special grace. He was in the world and He came into the world. He was in the world through His divinity; He came into the world through His nativity.
Dear brothers and sisters, we who today recall in yearly devotion this glorious human nativity of our Redeemer, must always embrace His divine nature as well as His human nature with a love that is not yearly, but continual â we must continually embrace His divine nature, through which we were created when we did not exist, and His human nature, through which we were recreated when we were lost. And so, for this reason, the Word became flesh, that is, the Word became bread, that is, became Sacrament and dwelt among us, so that by keeping company with us in His human being become bread become Sacrament, He would be able to unite with us; by speaking to us He would be able to instruct us and present to us a way of living; by dying He would be able to struggle for us against the enemy; by rising He would be able to destroy our death â and so that through a divinity coeternal with the Fatherâs, He might raise us to divine things by bringing us back to life interiorly through the Sacrament, that in feeding us with Himself He might grant us forgiveness of sins and at the same time the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and that through the seven Sacraments He might not only lead us to see the glory of His glorified and sacramental humanity, but also show us the unchangeable essence of His divine majesty, in which He lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
(Adapted from the Gospel Homily I.viii by the Venerable Saint Bede)
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The eyes of all wait upon Jesus Christ. Indeed, the eyes of the world, the whole world, wait upon Jesus Christ. For in but a few short days comes the festival of our redemption, the festival of the redemption of the whole world: the whole world being at peace, Jesus Christ, eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to consecrate the world by His most loving presence, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of His mother blessed Mary, was born of her in Bethlehem of Judah, and was made man. All eyes are on Jesus Christ because of His Nativity, according to the flesh: that which redeems all humanity, indeed redeems the whole world.
Hence says our patron the Apostle Paul: rejoice! Hence he says rejoice in the Lord always. Why would he have us rejoice? Because the Lord is at hand. Because the Coming One Who is Christ is coming to comfort us. He is coming to reveal His glory. And in revealing Himself, He gives to us His true peace, the peace which passes all understanding, the peace of heaven. He gives us His true peace â which is Him, for as Paul says to the Ephesians, Christ Himself is our peace â He gives Himself as our peace that we would live in Him and He in us. Christ seeks to fill all things living with His plenteousness. He seeks to fill all things with His blessing. He seeks to fill all things with Himself, that He might be all in all, that all things might be in subjection under Him.
We know that the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, as Christ spoke through Isaiah. We know His glory will be revealed, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken, and He has spoken clearly: Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and His Name shall be called Emmanuel. Emmanuel, which means, God with us.
And He shall be with us, on the great festival of our redemption. He shall be with us through the proclamation of the apostles, whose names are written on the walls of Jerusalem above, which is our heavenly citizenship. The apostles proclaim, This is Christ the King, this holy Child is the Son of the Highest, Who comes to us on donkey and foal. To this holy Child has been given the throne of His Father, David. This holy Child reigns over the house of Jacob forever. Of the Kingdom of this Child there will be no end. This holy Child is the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
And He shall be with us, on the great festival of our redemption, through Scripture opened to Him, in all its pages. For every word of Scripture, what we call the Old Testament, concerns Christ. He comes to us as our daily Bread to be read, marked, learned, and inwardly digested. Christ, the eternal Word of the Father, speaks through all pages of Scripture, that through preaching and prayer we know Him, even He Who passes all our understanding, He Who while conceived in the womb of Blessed Mary, yet the whole world cannot contain.
And He shall be with us in the Blessed Sacrament, administered by holy priests. The Word became Sacrament and dwelt among us. The Word became Sacrament in order that He might dwell in us, for we receive Him â all of Him: body, soul, and divinity â in the consecrated and transformed Bread and Wine, the true Body and Blood of Christ: that we might become what we receive.
(In the words of 20th-century Anglican divine Austin Farrar): Advent is a coming, not our coming to God, but His to us. We cannot come to God, he is beyond our reach; but He can come to us, for we are not beneath His mercy. As S. John teaches, we do not rise to God, but He descends to us, and dwells humanly among human creatures, in the glorious man, Jesus Christ, in the holy Child about Whom the whole host of Angels sing: that we shall be His people, and He everlastingly our God, our God-with-us, our Emmanuel. He will so come, but He is come already, He comes always: in our fellow-Christian (even in a child, says Christ), in His Word, invisibly in our souls, more visibly in the Blessed Sacrament. Opening ourselves to Him, we call Him in: Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord; O come, Emmanuel: come, He Who is our Saviour, Who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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In the audio above is the third lecture of the Advent Study Series that I am doing at my parish. The series is called âFoundations of the Church: Introducing the Church Fathers.â
This lecture follows on from the overall introduction to the Church Fathers in my first lecture, as well as the second lecture on Ss Ignatius of Antioch and Anthony of Egypt.
The third lecture looks at three Greek Fathers, through an outline of their lives as well as a sampling of their teachings.
Firstly I look at Origen of Alexandria, who died in 254, and reflect upon a small portion of his Commentary on the Gospel of Saint John.
Secondly I look at Saint Basil the Great, who died in 379, and look at a portion of is Long Rules, also known as his Asceticon.
Thirdly I look at Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, known as the Theologian, who died in 389, and reflect on a portion of his Oration on Pentecost.
Below are the icons and texts displayed during the talk, for you to contemplate along with my own reflections.
The final lecture of this series, coming next week, will look at Saint Maximos the Confessor and the Venerable Saint Bede.
Commentary on S. John
The Gospel is the firstfruits of all Scripture. In my opinion, there are four Gospels, as though they were the elements of the faith of the Church. . . . But I think that Johnâs Gospel is the firstfruits of the Gospels. It speaks of Him Whose descent is traced, and begins from Him Who is without a genealogy.
For since Matthew, on the one hand, writing for the Hebrews awaiting the son of Abraham and David, says, âThe book of the generation of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham, and Mark, knowing what he is writing relates âthe beginning of the gospel,â perhaps we find its goal in John, when he tells of the Word âin the beginning,â the Word being God. But Luke also having said in the beginning of Acts, âThe former treatise I made of all things which Jesus began to do and teach.â Indeed John reserves for the one who leaned on Jesuâ breast the greater and more perfect expressions concerning Jesus, for none of those manifested His divinity as fully as John when he presented Him saying, âI am the light of the worldâ; âI am the way, the truth, and the lifeâ; âI am the resurrectionâ; âI am the doorâ; âI am the good shepherdâ; and in the Apocalypse, âI am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.â
We might dare say, then, that the Gospels are the firstfruits of all Scriptures, but that the firstfruits of the Gospels is that according to John, whose meaning no one can understand who has not leaned on Jesusâ breast nor received Mary from Jesus to be his mother also. But he who would be another John must also become such as John, to be shown to be Jesus, so to speak. For if Mary had no son except Jesus, in accordance with those who hold a sound opinion of her, and Jesus says to His mother, âBehold your son,â and not âBehold, this man is also your son,â He has said equally, âBehold this is Jesus whom you bore.â For indeed everyone who has been perfected âno longer lives, but Christ lives in himâ (Gal 2:20), and since âChrist livesâ in him, it is said of him to Mary, âBehold your son,â the Christ.
The Long Rules (Asceticon)
Q: Speak to us of the love of God; for we have heard that we must love Him, but we would learn how this may be rightly accomplished?
A: The love of God is not something that is taught, for we do not learn from another to rejoice in the light or to desire life, nor has anyone taught us to love our parents. In the same way and even to a far greater degree is it true that instruction in divine law in now from without, but, simultaneously with the formation of the creation â man, I mean â a kind of rational force was implanted in us like a seed which, by an inherent tendency, impels us toward love. This germ is then received into account in the school of Godâs commandments, where it is wont to be carefully cultivated and skillfully nurtured and thus, by the grace of God, brought to its full perfection. Wherefore, we, also, approving of your zeal as essential for reaching the goal, shall endeavor with the help of God and the support of your prayers, and as power is given us by the Spirit, to enkindle the spark of divine love latent within you. Now, it is necessary to know that, although this is only one virtue, yet, by its efficacy, it comprises and fulfills every commandment. âIf anyone love me,â says the Lord, âhe will keep my commandments.â And again, âOn these two commandments depend the whole law and prophets.â
What is more admirable than Divine Beauty? What reflection is sweeter than the thought of the magnificence of God? What desire of the soul is so poignant and so intolerably keen as that desire implanted by God in a soul purified from all vice and affirming with sincerity, âI languish with love.â Totally ineffable and indescribable are the lightning flashes of Divine Beauty. Words do not adequately convey nor is the ear capable of receiving knowledge of them. The rays of the morning star, or the brightness of the moon, or the light of the sun â all are more unworthy to be mentioned in comparison with that splendor; and these heavenly bodies are more inferior to the true light than is the deep darkness of night, gloomy and moonless, to brightest noonday. This Beauty, invisible to the eyes of the flesh, is apprehended by the mind and soul alone. . . . Men are by nature, then, desirous of the beautiful. But, that which is truly beautiful and desirable is the good. Now, the good is God, and, since all creatures desire good, therefore, all creatures desire God.
Oration on Pentecost
The Holy Spirit fashions together with the Son both the creation and the resurrection. Be persuaded by these texts: âBy the Word of the Lord the heavens were established, and by the Spirit of his mouth all their powerâ (Ps 33.6); âthe divine Spirit created me, and the breath of the Almighty taught meâ (Job 33.4); and again, âYou will send forth your Spirit and they will be created, and you will renew the face of the earthâ (Ps 101.10).
He also fashions the spiritual rebirth. Be persuaded by the text: âNobody can see the kingdom or receive it unless he has been born from above by the Spiritâ (John 3.3-5), unless he has been purified from his earlier birth, which is a mystery of the night, by a molding in the day and in the light, through which each is molded by his own choice.
This Spirit, who is most wise and most loving toward humankind, if He takes a shepherd makes him a harper subduing evil spirits by song and proclaims him king of Israel (a Sam 16.12). If He takes a goatherd scraping mulberry trees, he makes him a prophet (Amos 7.14). Consider David and Amos. If He takes a youth with natural talents, He makes him a judge of elder, even beyond his years (Susanna 45-60). Daniel testifies to this, who was victorious over lions in their den (Dan 6.17-23). If He finds fishermen, He catches them in a net for Christ, they who catch the whole world with the line of the Word. Take for me Peter and Andrew and the sons of thunder, thundering the things of the Spirit. If He finds tax collectors, He gains them as disciples and makes them merchants of souls. Matthew says this, who yesterday was a tax collector and today is an evangelist.
If He finds fervent persecutors, He relocates their zeal and makes Pauls instead of Sauls and binds them to piety as much as they had been bound to evil.
This Spirit also is most gentle yet is provoked to anger at sinners. Therefore, let us make His acquaintance as meek, not as wrathful, by confessing His dignity and fleeing blasphemy, and not choosing to see Him implacably wrathful.
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Jesus Christ is our King. Of that we must never have any doubt. Things in the world we can doubt, we can question, we can critique. Things of the world can, as kids today say, be âsus.â (That is shorthand for âsuspect.â) Yet of Christ, none of this applies. He is our King, He is our Saviour, He is the Coming One. He is ever seeking to come to us, every day. This is why He came to visit us in great humility; this is why He will come at the end of days to judge both the quick and the dead; this is why He took our human flesh and nature upon Him, so as to be able to come to us in His glorified and sacramental Body as our daily Bread, received through the opening of Scripture and the Breaking of Bread.
We saw this in the teaching of the first two Sundays of Advent. The First Sunday of Advent dramatically illustrated that Christ is the Coming One by the Gospel reading of Christâs entrance into Jerusalem upon the donkey and a foal, in which we are the citizens of heavenly Jerusalem to whom Christ is coming. And the Second Sunday of Advent emphasized His coming to us in the opening of Scripture: that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them: our daily Bread of Christ known and present to us in Scripture.
Today we hear Saint Paul teaching the Church that he and the other priestly ministers of Christ are servants and, more poignantly, are stewards. Paul, the other apostles, even John the Baptist, sent by God to go before Christ to prepare the way in our hearts for Christâs coming to us, are stewards, Paul says, of the mysteries of God. Let it be clear that this word, which comes down in the Latin then English lineage of our scriptural translations, is in Greek the same word as Sacraments. So the priestly ministers of Christ are stewards of the Sacraments of Christ. This is an important teaching for Paul, which is why he gave it to the Church in Corinth and to the whole, universal Church.
Why is it an important teaching for the Church? It is because Christians need to know, and ever remember, that what priests do is make Christ known. They do so in their ministry of the sacraments. They make Christ known through the sacrament of Scripture in their preaching and in their teaching. And they make Christ known through the sacramental rites both in the Liturgy and flowing from it. In the Liturgy priests are stewards of the dominical sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, as well as the sacraments of Matrimony, Confession, Unction, and with the help of the Bishop, Confirmation. Bishops make possible these sacraments just mentioned, as well as the sacrament of Holy Orders. Each of these is a means and channel of saving grace.
As Jesus taught His disciples to regard Saint John the Baptist differently and uniquely, the Church is to regard priests differently and uniquely. Priests are set apart, which is what consecrated and ordained means. They are called to be servants of Christ so as to know Him deeply and profoundly, not merely for their personal benefit, but for others: that they are able to fulfill their calling to be effective stewards of the mysteries of God, of the sacraments of God, of that which is necessary spiritual food for the salvation of Christian disciples. Jesus and Paul want the Church to regard priests as means by which Christ comes: means by which He Who is the Coming One is known and recognized.
Priests are necessary to Godâs plan of salvation, which is why the Church has always had them, and evidence of the existence of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons is shown in the earliest documents we have, documents dating to around AD 100, including letters written by Saint Ignatius of Antioch, a Church Father. Let us pray for the priests of Holy Church, that it may please God to illumine all Priests with true knowledge and understanding of His holy Word, that both by their preaching and living, they may set forth Godâs Word, and make Christ known: always that Jesus transform those men called to the priesthood, that by Christ working through them, the hearts of the disobedient are turned to the wisdom of the just, and turned to follow Christ as their Saviour, Who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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In the audio above is the audio from the second lecture of the Advent Study Series that I am doing at my parish. The series is called âFoundations of the Church: Introducing the Church Fathers.â
This lecture follows on from the overall introduction to the Church Fathers in my first lecture, which you can find here.
The second lecture looks at two early Church Fathers. For both I provide an outline of their lives as well as a sampling of their teachings.
Firstly I look at Saint Ignatius of Antioch, an Apostolic Father who died in the early 2nd century, and I reflect on portions of his Epistle to the Romans.
Secondly we look at Saint Anthony the Great (also known as the Great), a Desert Father who died in the fourth century. We reflect both on a portion of S. Athanasiusâ Life of S. Anthony as well as portions from The Letters of Saint Anthony the Great.
Below are the icons and texts displayed during the talk, for you to contemplate along with my own reflections.
Next weekâs lecture will look at Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory of Nazianzus. The final lecture of this series, in two weeks, will look at Saint Maximos the Confessor and the Venerable Saint Bede.
* S. Matthew 18:1-4
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, âWho is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?â And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, âTruly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.â
* Ignatiusâ Epistle to the Romans (2.2)
Do not allow me anything other than being poured out for God, while there is an altar still prepared, so that forming a chorus of love you may sing out to the Father in Jesus Christ, because God has made the bishop from Antioch worthy of being found at the setting of the sun, after being sent from where it rises. It is good for me to sink to God from the world, so that I may rise up to Him.
* Epistle to the Romans (4.1)
I am writing to all the church and I am instructing everyone that I am willingly dying for God, unless you prevent me. I beseech you, do not become an unseasonable kindness to me. Leave me to be bread for the beasts, through which I may be able to attain to God. I am Godâs wheat and through the beastsâ teeth I shall be found to be pure bread for Christ.
* Epistle to the Romans (5.3)
Grant me this: I know what is right for me. Now I am beginning to be a disciple. May nothing, visible or invisible, show jealousy towards me, only let me attain to Jesus Christ. Fire and cross, packs of wild beasts, cutting, rendings, the scattering of bones, the chopping up of limbs, the grinding of the whole body, the evil torments of the devil can come upon me, only let me attain to Jesus Christ.
* Epistle to the Romans (6:1-2)
Neither the ends of the world nor the kingdoms of this age profit me anything. It is better for me to die in Jesus Christ than to reign over the ends of the earth. Him I seek, the one who died on our behalf. Him I desire, Him Who rose up for us. The birth-pangs are laid upon me. Grant me this, brothers: do not hinder me from living, do not wish that I should die. Do not give the world the one who wishes to be Godâs, nor charm him with the material. Allow me to receive the pure light. When I have arrived then I will truly be human.
* Third Epistle
The advent of Jesus helps us to do what is good, until we have destroyed all our vices. Then Jesus will say to us, âHenceforth I call you not servant, but brethren.â When therefore the Apostles attained to receiving the Spirit of Adoption, then the Holy Spirit taught them to worship the Father as they ought.
* Third Epistle
And to me, this poor prisoner of Jesus, this time to which we have come has brought joy and lamentation and weeping. For many of our generation have put on the robe of religion but denied its power. As for those who have prepared themselves to be set free through the advent of Jesus, over them I rejoice. But those who do business in the Name of Jesus, and do the will of their heart and their flesh â over such I lament. Those who have looked at the length of the time, and their heart has failed them, and they have put off the robe of religion, and are become beasts â for them I weep. Know therefore that for such men the advent of Jesus becomes a great judgment. But you, my beloved in the Lord, know yourselves, that you may also know this time, and prepare to offer yourselves as a sacrifice acceptable to God.
* Third Epistle
And to me, this poor prisoner of Jesus, this time to which we have come has brought joy and lamentation and weeping. For many of our generation have put on the robe of religion but denied its power. As for those who have prepared themselves to be set free through the advent of Jesus, over them I rejoice. But those who do business in the Name of Jesus, and do the will of their heart and their flesh â over such I lament. Those who have looked at the length of the time, and their heart has failed them, and they have put off the robe of religion, and are become beasts â for them I weep. Know therefore that for such men the advent of Jesus becomes a great judgment. But you, my beloved in the Lord, know yourselves, that you may also know this time, and prepare to offer yourselves as a sacrifice acceptable to God.
* Third Epistle
He who knows himself knows God: and he who knows God, knows also the dispensations [gifts of grace] which He makes for His creatures. Let this word be manifest to you: it is not bodily love that I have towards you, but a spiritual, religious love, for God is glorious in His Saints. Prepare yourselves while you have intercessors to pray to God for your salvation, that He may pour into your hearts that fire which Jesus came to send upon the earth (Lk 12.49), that you may be able to exercise your hearts and senses, to know how to discern the good from the bad, the right from the left, reality from unreality.
* Fourth Epistle
My children, we are dwelling in our death, and staying in the house of the robber, and bound with the bonds of death. Now therefore, give not sleep to your eyes or slumber to your eyelids, that you may offer yourselves a sacrifice to God in all holiness, which none can inherit without sanctification.
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I concluded my preaching for the First Sunday of Advent with these words: âRecognizing that Christ is always the Coming One is the basis of life in Christâs Kingdom, and thus the basis of Kingdom culture.â How is He the Coming One? In Advent we especially recognize that Christ is the Coming One by means of Scripture and by means of Sacrament. The knowledge that He is the Coming One through Scripture and Sacrament makes for a truly lively faith, a life in the Holy Spirit. And I said that the apostles, whose names are inscribed on the walls of the foundation of heaven, preached Christ the Coming One so that all who hear it with faith may be caught up in the life of wonder, awe, and openness to the coming presence of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit: living and moving and having our being within the Kingdom of our King.
The Second Sunday of Advent is particularly given over to celebrating, savoring, and wondering at the fact that Christ always seeks to come to us through Holy Scripture. Hence the famous and beautiful Anglican collect for this Second Sunday of Advent: Blessed Lord, Who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: grant that we may in such wise (wise is the old word for way: that we may in such way) hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which Thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Through the Scriptures, inwardly digested, Christ is known. Indeed, Christ took on our human nature in significant part because in doing so He would be known through the opening of Scripture: the opening of it, and our reception of Him, inwardly digesting Him because as He said, âI am the Bread of life.â This Bread, our daily bread, is received both through opening Scripture and by the breaking of bread. And we know Christ, the Eternal Word of God, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, took on our human nature to be known and received as our daily Bread because on the very day of His Resurrection, He taught the disciples to interpret Scripture as always concerning Him and to receive Him in the Eucharist.
Hence we have Saint Paul teaching the Romans: âWhatever was written in former days was written for our instruction.â What kind of instruction? Paul specifies and says, âthat through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Because Christ is our hope, then we are to read Scripture to know Christ in the Scriptures, and in knowing Him in Scripture, we may together with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed, Paul says that Christ took on our human nature, the nature of a servant, to show the truthfulness of God the Father. In reading Scripture â in marking, learning, and inwardly digesting Christ as He is known through Scripture â the root of Jesse will come, and through His coming by the opening of Scripture, the God of hope will fill us with joy and peace, that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we may abound in hope.
Let us âinwardly digestâ Christ through Scripture. That phrase âinwardly digestâ has taken on a special meaning unique to Anglican tradition. The Anglican Divine blessed John Keble has this to say about âinwardly digestingâ: âWhen something is digested, it agrees with him, nourishes him, is changed, as it ought to be, into the substance of his body. So the word and commandments of God, made known in Holy Scripture, are inwardly digested, when a man so receives them, as that they shall enter into his character, become, as it were, part of himself. How may that be? There is but one way. We must actually do as God bids us.â And this is a strong echo of the words of Saint James in his Epistle, that we must not only be hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word. To be a doer of what God commands us to do, and what He reveals of His Son through Scripture as our daily bread, is what it means to inwardly digest. Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction â our instruction in how to pray, how to love, how to worship, how to be humble, how to be a disciple, how to live a godly life of Scripture and Sacraments through the Liturgy: how to live, in other words, in Kingdom Culture, taken up into the life of the Holy Spirit, as He teaches us all things and guides us into the Truth Who is Jesus as He seeks to come to us and be known through the opening of Scripture and the Breaking of Bread: He who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the same Holy Spirit: ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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In the audio above is the audio from the first lecture of the Advent Study Series I am doing at my parish. The series is called âFoundations of the Faith: Introducing the Church Fathers.â
In the lecture I reference the icon above, which is of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, which happened in AD 325.
In the part of the talk not included in the audio above, I went through many of the major Church Fathers. The text of the slides I showed during that part of the lecture are reproduced below.
The Apostolic Fathers â 1st and 2nd centuriesSaint Clement of Rome (d. 100)Saint Ignatius of Antioch (d. 110)Saint Polycarp (d. 155)
Uncertain authors:The DidacheThe Epistle of BarnabasThe Epistle to DiognetusThe Shepherd of Hermas
The Desert Fathers â 3rd and 4th centuriesSaint Anthony the Great (d. 356)Saint Athansius the Great (d. 373, also a Greek Father)Saint John Cassian (d. 435)Saint Macarius of Egypt (d. 391)Saint John Chrysostom (d. 407, also a Greek Father)Many others, collected in books of âSayingsâ and anthologies such as the Philokalia
The Greek Fathers â 2nd through 8th centuriesSaint Justin Martyr (d. 165)Saint Irenaeus of Lyons (d. 202)Saint Clement of Alexandria (d. 202)Origen of Alexandria (d. 254)Saint Basil the Great (d. 379)Saint Gregory Nazianzus (d. 389)Saint Gregory of Nyssa (d. 395)Saint Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444)Saint Maximos the Confessor (d. 662)Saint John of Damascus (d. 749)
The Latin Fathers â 3rd through 8th centuriesSaint Tertullian (d. 222)Saint Ambrose of Milan (d. 397)Saint Jerome (d. 420)Saint Augustine of Hippo (d. 430)Saint Leo the Great (d. 440)Saint Gregory the Great (d. 604)Saint Bede the Venerable (d. 735)
The Syriac Fathers â 4th through 8th centuriesSaint Ephrem the Syrian (d. 373)Saint Isaac of Ninevah (d. 700)
Click here for lecture two, on Saint Ignatius of Antioch and Saint Anthony of Egypt.
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As is mentioned in the Service Bulletin and described in more length in the December Parish Journal, starting today with the First Sunday of Advent we are using the traditional one-year lectionary for the Scripture readings for Sundays and Holy Days throughout the year, and doing so with the permission of Bishop Justin Holcomb, which is required. We are one of five parishes in our diocese doing this three-year experiment, to gain knowledge and experience of this lectionary which goes back to at least the 7th century â yes, this venerable cycle of yearly readings is one thousand, four hundred years old â so as to decide with our Bishop whether to make it our normal lectionary. More details about this can be found in this monthâs Parish Journal, so give it a look.
I mention this upfront in my sermon as a way to acknowledge that the Gospel reading today might be disorienting to hear. The Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem we normally hear during Holy Week, for this episode in the life of Christ is the kickoff to Palm Sunday and the procession we make from the Resurrection Garden outside into our Church, holding blessed palms and singing All Glory, Laud, and Honor. The entrance into Jerusalem of our Lord on a lowly donkey is one of the stations that make up the liturgical extravaganza of Holy Week: one station to the next, from the Raising of Lazarus to the Raising of Christ in His glorious Resurrection. In hearing this Gospel today, at a great distance liturgically from Holy Week, the point of it being the Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Advent is not to think so much about Holy Week. But if that is not the point, what is the point? In what way are we to understand our Lordâs entry into Jerusalem and then into the Temple?
Whereas in Holy Week on Palm Sunday we read of Christâs entry into Jerusalem in the literal way, and focus on that literal reading, as we hold blessed palms and accompany Him, in Advent we must read it on the spiritual level, as symbolic of our spiritual life, which is the life of receiving Christ into our mind and heart. For this we ask these questions: what is the Jerusalem into which Christ enters, and what is the Temple? Other parts of Scripture provide answers that illustrate the profound symbolism of this passage in Advent.
To identify what Jerusalem is, we have Saint John and the Revelation or Apocalypse which He recorded. Revelations 21:14 speaks of the New Jerusalem when it reads: âAnd the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.â Christ enters this Jerusalem â and on the walls of its foundation are the names of the apostles.
As far as the Temple, Saint Paul teaches what the Temple is. The Temple is us. As he said to the church in Corinth: âWe are the temple of the living God; as God said, âI will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.ââ He also said, âDo you not know that you are Godâs temple and that Godâs Spirit dwells in you? If any one destroys Godâs temple, God will destroy him. For Godâs temple is holy, and that temple you are.â And he said, âYour body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you.â
Thus we put the symbolism together in this spiritual interpretation. Christâs entry into Jerusalem, as read on the First Sunday of Advent, is His entry into the proclamation of the Gospel by the Apostles. His coming into the Temple is His coming into our inward contemplation, into our soul, into our heart. And this matches the Collect prayer for all Advent, that âJesus Christ came to visit us in great humility.â The living Church and its lively faith rests on apostles and their apostolic proclamation, which makes Christ known to us and shows that Christ is always the Coming One, seeking to come to us, in every moment of every day of our earthly life. All God wants is the human heart, and He comes to our heart on a lowly donkey.
Christ in His great humility seeks to enter our heart through the preaching and teaching of the apostles recorded in the New Testament, and He desires to drive out from the Temple (which is us) all that mucks it up and gets in the way of us perceiving Christ the King of all Creation and King of us. He demands that His house, that is, His temple, that is His Body, which is us, to be a house of prayer. Hence we must keep the commandments as Saint Paul writes to us today in his epistle the Romans: let us love our neighbor as yourself, which sums up the Law, as Jesus taught, indeed because love fulfills the law. This is what keeps our Temple clean, and allows us to recognize Christ Who is the Coming One, coming to us, or in Paulâs phrase: âSalvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.â Nearer to us, because Christ has come closer to us, having cast off the works of darkness which we wore as newborns babe in Christ having put on more of the armor of light.
Recognizing that Christ is always the Coming One is the basis of life in Christâs Kingdom, and thus the basis of Kingdom culture. He is the Coming One by means of Scripture and by means of Sacrament. He is the Coming One through the Liturgy of the Church, which arranges Scripture and provides the Sacraments. The knowledge that Christ is always the Coming One makes for a truly lively faith, a life in the Holy Spirit: a life of constant wonder, constant awe, ever looking for the divine presence in our heart and in the world, and a constant openness to divine disclosure. The apostles, whose names are inscribed on the walls of the foundation of heaven, preached Christ the Coming One so that all who hear it with faith may be caught up in the life of wonder, awe, and openness to the coming presence of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit: living and moving and having our being within the Kingdom of Christ the King: He Who is before all things, and in Whom all things hold together, Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the same Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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I want to bring together threads that have occupied my preaching these last Sundays. These threads included reflections on the Holy Spirit, the image of our parish as a garden, our dedication of this holy house and ourselves with the clear and singular purpose of giving God the love which He is owed, and having a living faith.
I spoke of how the Holy Spirit is the Lord and giver of Life: the giver of growth, and the only giver of growth, the only giver of increase. Our parish is a garden; this was my theme all throughout the Stewardship season. Gardens in the world have a culture of biological and microbial activity; without that microbial culture, little to no plant growth happens; the soil is not fertile. If a parish is a garden it will grow, therefore, if it has the right culture: that culture is life in the Holy Spirit, that is, genuine spiritual activity. A parish will grow if its culture is of the Holy Spirit and His Kingdom â indeed, if it has a âKingdom Culture,â within which our Saviour Jesus Christ lives and reigns as the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Lamb of God around Whom worship all the Angels and all the Saints.
I spoke last Sunday about the fact that for the same reason Our Lord came to the Temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the Temple, and overturned the tables, so we celebrate the Feast of Dedication. That is, as a reminder of our fundamental purpose as catholic Christians in the ancient tradition of Anglicanism. And that purpose must always be God. Our primary purpose of worshiping in this church to love God because He is God and is owed our love, owed our adoration, which we realize through prayer and most prominently through liturgical prayer, the daily and weekly Liturgy of the Church throughout the year, that God might grant us in this world knowledge of His truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. In our worship, in the Liturgy, we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, and this, says Saint Paul our patron, is our spiritual worship
Genuine spiritual worship means a lively faith, here in this parish. A lively faith is life in the Holy Spirit: constant wonder, constant awe, ever-sensing the divine presence in our heart and in the world, and a constant openness to divine disclosure: a constant openness to Godâs revealing something of Himself through His Son Jesus Christ, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Christ Who is the image of the invisible God, through Whom all things were created, and for Whom all things were created. In Christ, the fullness of the Father dwells. How can that not throw us into awe, a lively faith? This is the Gospel, and joy it brings us!
Undoubtedly this is what happened to Andrew and Peter and Philip and Nathanael. About this Jesus of Nazareth, was said âBehold the Lamb of God!â â words of S. John the Baptist. We can hear in their words awe and wonder and joy, the stirrings of a lively faith in them: âWe have found the Messiah,â said Saint Andrew to Saint Peter. âWe have found Him of Whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph,â said Saint Philip to Saint Nathanael (later renamed Saint Bartholomew). This was He who was foretold by the Prophets, such as Jeremiah, Who heard Christ speak to him and say, âBehold the days are coming, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and He shall reign as King.â
Thus their lives took on a new level of spirituality. Their life in the Holy Spirit sprang forth as their relationship with God became a lively faith, a true life in the Holy Spirit: a life of constant wonder, constant awe, ever-sensing the divine presence in our heart and in the world, and a constant openness to divine disclosure: a constant openness to Godâs revealing something of Himself through His Son Jesus Christ. And these and all the apostles preached so as to proclaim the Gospel that all who hear it may be caught up in the life of wonder, awe, and openness to the presence of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. They preached and proclaimed with all their heart that people might be stirred up into inhabiting Kingdom culture, where the very soil of the parish is the life in and of the Holy Spirit; stirred up to a living faith; stirred up with the singular purpose of loving God; stirred up to be gardeners in the garden of Christ, living and moving and having their being in a Kingdom culture in which Jesus Christ is King: He Who is before and things, and in Whom all things hold together, Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the same Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
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