
  • The time has come!

    Right now as I'm writing this (it's Sarah, btw), Tiny Tubbs has still not arrived. But we're hopeful he's coming soon :). This is the last episode we'll release in what we'll refer to as our first season. We're going on our babymoon and will return later this summer. So, we spent this episode chatting about the future by interviewing Brett about some motherhood items.

    We also made an announcement about our Facebook page. We'll bet shutting it down in the next day or two in order to start a closed group. We hope to use this as a way to stay in touch with our current followers and as a way to gather some feedback from you! So, when the invitation comes, please accept and join us!

    Thank you so much for all of your support over the last 31 episodes! This has truly been an amazing adventure, and we've loved every minute of it.

    Here's to a fun summer. We love you!

  • We live in a world where criticism is everywhere. And we have easy access to it.

    Is it good to be critical? What makes it good or bad? It can be a hard pill to swallow when we’re being critiqued, but on the other hand, we can dish it out easily from behind a screen. In this week’s episode we go in deep to explore criticism.

    In this episode: Brett and Sarah discuss whether or not they perceive themselves as critical, their comfort in giving criticism, whether current culture makes us feel more entitled to give critiques, what makes criticism constructive or deconstructive and the difference between criticism and judgement. They also chat a bit about what the Bible says about criticism and some tips for giving it and taking it kindly. They talk about these tweets from the social media genius at Wendy’s. And Brene Brown shows up in this HuffPost article. That’s what she (or he) said: “I’m eating for three! I’m eating for Brett, her baby and me.” - Sarah “Why is it that we turn on people we care about the most?” -Brett “If you’re not growing, you’re slowing.” -Gordon Tubbs
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  • Back at it again...

    We know we took two breaks pretty close together, but it was for good reason. We made some plans! We’re releasing just a few more episodes before dear Brett has the cutest little boy (so soon!). We’ll be taking a bit of a break, so some of us (one of us…) can adjust to someone new and tiny. We’re also going to reset and think through what’s next for this on-air space. We’re excited! As for today's episode, it's time for our quarterly Casual Wednesday.

    In this episode: We talk through what we’re liking, loving, trying, needing struggling and celebrating. Sarah raves about this quiche recipe.
    That’s what she said: “I said that like such a white girl….salt and pepper.” -Brett “We’re like ice cream for your ears!” -Brett “I tried that countdown from 5 trick to prevent myself from eating a Reese’s egg. It doesn’t work.” -Christen Allocco, texting during recording.
  • Do you take compliments well?

    Without the "ums, ahs" and everything in between? If there's one thing we've noticed that many of us (ourselves included!), instead of saying "thank you" and moving on, we qualify our choices. If someone likes our outfit we tell them how much it costs. If someone thinks our curly hair looks nice, we turn it around, or talk about how difficult it is to manage in the humidity.

    We do this in the name of being humble. But where do you draw the line between humility and trash-talking yourself?

    In this episode: We practice accepting compliments graciously. We discuss different types of compliments, and how some are easier to accept than others. Amy Schumer's skit on accepting compliments. (NSFW). A Real Simple campaign about how young women talk about their bodies. That's what she said: "If you say you like my dress, is it because you can see my boobs through it?" -Brett "How do you come across confident and not cocky?" -Sarah "If we respond negatively to a compliment about ourselves, that might be taking the pressure off." -Brett "Even when you say 'thank you,' that translates into 'I know.'" -Sarah "Speak life over yourself, girl!" -Brett
  • Sometimes we just need a break.

    So, we took one. And we’re back for a fresh start, which is what we’re talking about this week!

    In this episode: We talk about why we are believers in fresh starts, where we struggle with them, why they help us form a new perspective, the benefits of them and more! We also chat about the “big” fresh starts like moving or starting a new job, role in life, etc. And in typical PSP fashion, we walk down memory lane to discuss the greatness of Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC. We reference this podcast episode about the five-second rule. That’s what she said: “It kind of smells like fresh fart.” -Brett “Being pregnant is like being hungover from a party you weren’t invited to.” -Brett “[Life] can get pretty boring if you’re not actively engaging in the world around you and I think having fresh starts opens your eyes to possibilities around you and opens up your creativity and expands things that you care about and helps you identify things in the world that need to be changed…” -Brett “I think it gives you ample space to reflect on how far you’ve come, too. It’s easy to get bogged down in the every day and forget what your accomplishments are or maybe how much progressive you have made…” -Sarah “I think sometimes you should still live in the past with your boy bands.” -Sarah “We think they’re going to fix our problems, when in fact, our problems follow us around.” -Brett
  • What is it about conflict that is so uncomfortable?

    In our experience, it's not easy facing conflict, but things have always turned out better once it's addressed. It's a part of life, but why are we so conditioned to avoid it? We chat about the ins and outs of conflict, and we hope you'll weigh in on this one, too! At the very least to tell us who your favorite Disney princess is ;) (I promise you'll get it once you listen).

    In this episode: We come to the conclusion that it would be super helpful to have a conflict translator like Obama's anger translator. We talk about the definition of conflict, how we handle it, why we tend to avoid it, what leads us to it, how technology has affected it and more. We wrap it up with some tips for dealing with conflict. One of our favorites from Dane Cook - Brain Ninja That's What She Said: "Your body is a wonderland, don't forget." -Sarah "I do not like Aurora. She does nothing." -Brett "Conflict is a clash of perspective." -Sarah "When did we become such nerds? I woke up like this. Not flawless." -Brett "I was glaring at her. But me glaring is like a puppy trying to look mad at a flower. But I had feelings!" -Brett "Cellulite is my safety blanket." -Brett "I'm a last-word girl." -Sarah "Conflict is uncomfortable. And we're not taught to handle it as children." -Sarah "Jog around that ish. We're not running through it." -Sarah
  • Ever feel like you've messed with God's plan? Is that possible?

    What great questions. In fact, we wrestle with them as well. For this episode, we decided to continue a discussion that started in our small group book discussion (we're reading From Tablet to Table by Leonard Sweet, by the way). We get pretty deep, and we don't have all of the answers, but we hope you'll come along and it'll help you think about some things and inspire you to maybe start a discussion with some friends.

    Ps. It's our 25th episode! Wow!

    In this episode:

    We discuss whether or not we have a strong sense of purpose, when we’ve been set on plans and they didn’t work out, if we’ve let God and our faith guide us in our decisions, when we’ve interfered and more. We wrap up with a chat about how we can practice listening for God. Brett references this devotional. We reference two previous episodes, so we thought we’d include them here: Let’s Get Spiritually Healthy and We’re Past Patiently Waiting.

    That’s what she said:

    “It’s ok, I’ve got lucky underwear on.” -Brett “Sallie Mae is just a name for the devil.” -Sarah “If we slow down enough, a little piece of you knows. I think it’s the Holy Spirit prompting us to lead our lives in a certain way.” -Brett “The simplest thing I could think of is that Jesus calls us to love…and we can start there at the very basic level. If there’s a way to incorporate that into our life, and if we’re able to do that, perhaps we’re on the right path.” -Sarah “Start the discussion. This whole podcast is about girlfriend therapy, grab some girlfriends and talk about purpose and encourage each other.” -Brett
  • Glass half-empty and glass half-full. As we go through life, some seasons are easier to stay positive than others. How do we look on the bright side and encourage the "negative Nancies" in our lives?

    In this episode:

    Revisiting (and clarifying) the fruits of the spirit. A pretty spot-on impression of Janice from Friends. Is optimism realistic for the real world? Is there such a thing as too much positivity? Are positive people better of than the "Debbie Downers?" Practical tips for remaining positive when the going gets tough. Follow this account for the hilarious and a more positive side of internet memes. That's What She Said: "I just threw out my back from that reach." -Brett "It's healthier for me to be surrounded by more positive people because then that helps to push me in that direction." -Sarah "The Titanic was a great ship until it sank...." -Brett "There is a lightness to the heart and I think that some people are born more jovial than others. They don't see the glass half-empty." -Sarah
  • Exercising self-control is hard work. So is recording a podcast later than usual on a Tuesday night after a rough couple of days.

    I know, those two statements don't have much to do with each other, but this week's episode will definitely bring them together. You'll understand once you listen. There are moments of clarity and wisdom about this fruit of the spirit, self-control. Then there are fits of giggles. It's a ride for sure, but we hope you tag along.

    Also, another housekeeping item, something is up with the sound and we sound kind of echoey at times. We can't quite figure it out, so we are sorry about that!

    In This Episode:

    It all starts with an afghan. We talk about the definition of self-control, when it’s particularly hard for us to exercise, when we might be good at it and what the difference is between self-control and self-discipline. A really famous song from the Breakfast Club completely derails us in the middle. We wrap it up with some advice for getting better. Here are some referenced articles: Economist, TED presenter discusses methods of self-control Teaching Kids Self-Control

    That’s What She Said:

    “Do you want me to seriously answer the question?” -Brett “NoOoOo” - Sarah “It’s holding your tongue when you want to say something sassy to your partner, it’s taking charge of your own story, it’s not automatically blaming outside circumstances (apart from big traumatic life events that you can’t control) on the struggles that you have in your life…it’s living with a healthy sense of responsibility and focus throughout your day.” -Brett “I think we have to start thinking about self-control from a bottom-up approach like taking it from a more wholistic approach rather than trying to zone in on these different areas of our lives.” -Brett “I was literally the cookie monster.” -Sarah “We are all going to fall short. That’s the whole ‘we fall short of the Glory of God.’ If you believe that, then you know that you are not perfect all of the time, and so no area of your life is going to be under ‘control.’” -Brett “I’ve never done drugs.” -Sarah
  • Does friendship fit into #Adulting?
    How do we make and keep friendships from college into adulthood? How do we get out there and meet people when we're in different life-stages and parts of the world?

    The best friendships are made from a mix of trust and grace. This week, we chat about the friends who've meant the most to us, the friendships worth keeping and the ones we're at peace with letting go.

    In this Episode:

    How Facebook/Instagram tricks us into thinking we're closer to people than we actually are. Can a friendship ending be as simple as a closing a chapter of life? When we change, do our friendships follow suit? Are our adult friendships more meaningful now that we know we have to work a little harder for them? Are extroverts misunderstood? Do introverts get an easy way out? How Friendships Change in Adulthood, from the Atlantic.

    That's what she said:

    "Make millennials great again!" -Sarah
    "For adulthood friendships, I have to make a conscious decision to responsibly neglect other obligations in my life." -Brett
    "Friendship is work. It's like a marriage. Both parties have to commit to pouring into the relationship." -Sarah
    "We reeled her in with the promise of free alcohol." -Brett
    "All of this is based on experience, which is the most valuable form of knowledge." -Sarah

  • Big life events mean change, and that usually means lots of emotions.

    In this episode that starts with a nod to our 21st episode and birthday shenanigans (i.e. Brett discusses the Zac Efron cutout that made an appearance at her 21st - obviously you don’t want to miss this), we talk about some of our big moments in life and the feelings and anxieties that we experienced along with some advice for making the most of these moments moving forward. It’s a fun episode where we get pretty personal, so we hope you’ll join the conversation and let us know how you’re processing and planning for big life events, too!

    In this episode:

    We talk about how we felt during specific big life moments (so you’ll get a sneak peak into some of the sweetest, most stressful moments of our lives. Lucky you!)
    We discuss the stress surrounding these moments, whether or not society has enhanced this stress, what actually matters during these moments and some tips for remaining present and grounded.

    That’s what she said:

    “You have to have some stress to get you going, or else you’ll just sit and watch New Girl forever.” -Sarah
    “Ra ra ah ah ah…your face.” -Brett
    “There’s no crying in therapy.” -Brett
“No, there is crying in therapy. There’s no crying in baseball.” -Sarah
    “I think, with these big life events, that’s the thing - it’s not necessarily the life event itself, but it’s all of the change and feelings that come with these big changes.” -Brett
    The access that we have and the habits that we have of posting the pretty moments from our lives, especially these big moments, it activates comparison for us. It doesn’t help.” -Sarah
    “Everything is going to be ok on the other side.” -Brett (fair warning - this sparks a mini Hamilton sing-a-long)

  • Slow down.

    Say "no." Set up boundaries. Reserve time for yourself. Chase slow.

    But this isn't always reality.

    And further, what's the difference between being busy and having a full life?

    Whether you've learned to say no to outside influences in the interest of protecting your time and your sanity, there may be things that you're meant to do that might inconvenience you or make you uncomfortable.

    In this episode:

    Has busy become a badge of honor? Is busyness a reflection of our social status? Should you feel compelled to reply to an email from a coworker after 11 p.m.? And are they perceived as a harder worker than you? Does the message to "chase slow" in today's Christian/Inspirational memoirs, self-help books and blogs work for everyone?

    That's what she said:

    "There is a danger in saying 'no' too much and too often." -Brett "Are you an ENFP, Jesus?" -Sarah "There's a difference between busy and chaos. What if busy just meant 'full?' What if it meant you had a full life and obligations to be a part of a community, be a faithful worker, friend, spouse?" -Brett "I don't think God calls us to let everything fall off. You have a responsibility to your family, your job and your debts." -Sarah "I want to continue to live a life of service." -Sarah "Busy work versus Kingdom work: you can ask yourself will this edify myself or will this enrich the life of someone else?" -Brett "A lot of the time Kingdom work is something that we don't feel like doing." -Brett
  • So. How's your spiritual health?

    It's not a question we ask each other a lot. And if we're honest, we don't ask it of ourselves much either. But here on the PSP, we tackle the hard subjects. That's exactly what we've done this week as we discuss the vulnerable and yet ethereal topic of spiritual health.

    In This Episode We Chat About:

    Being willing to have a hard conversation with people you trust. Counseling as a way to gauge your own spiritual well-being. Taking a step back from electronics, political commentary, and thinking that everyone is "the worst." Getting plugged into a community. Taking this health assessment for yourself and on behalf of a friend! That's What She Said: "Authenticity is the mother of great podcasts." -Brett "Turning to the light isn't always the easiest thing to do, but it's certainly the warmest. Aw!" -Sarah "Use your words, number people." -Sarah "It's definitely a fight to keep your spirit in check." -Brett
  • Grab some tea or coffee - we're keepin things chill this week.

    Based off of an idea from one of our wonderful listeners, we’re launching a new segment called “Casual Wednesday” where we kick back and chat about things that we like, love and that we’ve tried. We also update on where we’re at with some of the topics we’ve discussed previously in the podcast. We hope you’ll share some thoughts on what we talk about here and how you’re doing. What are you reading? Have you tried anything new lately? We love hearing from you!

    That’s what she said:

    “I feel so dirty saying the word ‘hose’…” -Brett, referring to pantyhose

    “Make like the Obamas and OUT” - Sarah

  • Patience is a virtue....or so they say. If you're anything like us, it doesn't come naturally.

    Like when you find yourself mindlessly tapping your foot in the long checkout line at the grocery store or you want to rush your people out of the house because they're taking too long to get ready. Impatience creeps up on us unexpectedly, so recognizing that patience is a practice is important. This week we get right to it as we look at all things patience.

    In this episode: Just a little reminder to share with your friends and/or review us on iTunes. The word “plug” sets Brett and Sarah into a gigglefest and a discussion about some pregnancy-related things… We start with a pros and cons list about patience, talk about our American culture and how millennials deal with patience (hint: we’re not great at it), if lack of patience affects our mood or has caused us to make mistakes in our romantic or professional lives and some quotes from people wiser than us. We also chat about if good things really come to those who wait and offer some practical tips for practicing patience. Brett speaks a little Spanish for us. The pants are mentioned once again. These articles: "Relearning the Lost Skill of Patience" from The Atlantic "The benefits of being a patient person" from "5 tricks to becoming a patient person" from Huffpost

    That’s what she said:

    “What a nugget.” - Sarah “I gotta work the bump while I got it.” -Brett “The people whom I respect the most probably have the most amount of patience for themselves and for others.” -Brett “It [patience] allows you to absorb what’s in front of you by not rushing through life.” -Sarah “You can Google anything, does that actually mean that you know things?” -Brett “I think that this instant world that we find ourselves sort of attached to on a daily basis has totally taken away our ability to be patient with the things that have been a part of our world for a very long time.” -Sarah “Maybe I’ve never actually been patient, I’ve only ever acted patient.” -Brett “I’ve never regretted being patient, I’ve only ever regretted being impatient.” -Brett “In terms of our Christian faith, the ultimate reward will be when Jesus comes, and so we have to have patience for that.” -Sarah “HEY YO, WHAT’S UP IT’S B FROM THE PEARLY Gssss” -Brett
  • We're back. Back again.

    This is probably about the time that you'd be tempted to give up on your New Year goals. This week's episode covers everything from different ways to reflect on the past to keeping the motivation to become your very best self.

    But before we dive into the episode, here's a friendly reminder to rate and review us on iTunes. It's a simple way to brighten the start of our new year, and we'd love if you'd invite a friend to listen in and join the PSP love!

    In this episode you'll hear: A brand-new PSP catch-phrase. Brett reveals the gender of her baby! The 2017 motto inspired by Star Wars. Memorable moments of our luscious holiday hiatus. Highs and lows of 2016 (was it really as bad as everyone said?). And the most creative ways bloggers we admire reflect and prepare for the year ahead. That's What She Said: "Don't care if I'm losing my hair. I don't have to wash it? Bring it." -Sarah "Baby spit up in my face. But I still love him." -Brett "It's easy to look at a year and define it by the big events. But a vast majority of them probably didn't impact all of us on a personal level." -Sarah "We're not always going to have the best year ever and we're not always going to have the worst year ever. It's always going to be a mixing combination of heartbreak. It's sort of what defines our humanity." -Sarah "God is working in the lows as much as He's working in the highs." -Sarah "I didn't see the anger and the fire to fight back and to push forward. I just saw the fear of 'what's going to happen to me now?'" -Brett "I hope to rise to become the woman that God has called me to be." -Sarah
  • In case you missed it, Christmas is only four days away...

    So we thought we'd help you out if you're in a pinch for a party theme or in need of a decoration that's easy to make Welcome to The Prodigal Sisters' No-Stress Holiday Guide! We have recipes and references to help you out, and we share some experiences along the way. This podcast has been a true blessing to us this year, so we sincerely wish all of you a Happy Holiday full of love and friends and family.

    Oh, and PS. Don't miss us talking about our Christmas traditions and how they may change after marriage, babies, etc. over on the Femperfect podcast this week! Click here to listen. Carly is the best!

    In this episode: Sarah gives an update on her challenge from Brett to watch New Girl. We talk about holiday party themes, hostessing tips, why people shy away from hosting, low-energy craft ideas and more! There’s a big discussion about the White Elephant gift exchange - good and bad experiences, tips, etc. We reference this, and if you haven’t yet, go check out this post on Brett’s blog. Lasagna is mentioned, and this recipe is bomb. More fun and easy recipes! Funfetti Dip Pumpkin Dip Veggie Pizza Cheesy Potatoes Ranch Chicken Cheese Dip Rainbow Sherbet Punch Other honorable mentions in case you want to search the Interwebs: Buffalo Chicken Dip (BCD, Buff Chick Dip, etc :)), Cherry Salad, Pistachio Salad, Dirt and Little Smokies (brushed with egg wash). You know what, scratch that. We both agree - just show up with ruffle potato chips and french onion dip. Brett shares cocktail tips from the Tubbs and goes on to chat about some easy holiday crafting ideas: Creative DIY Christmas Decorating Ideas Wire Hanger Christmas Ornament Wreath That’s What She Said: “Where is Latvia?” -Sarah “It’s a good season and if we don’t take time to think and reflect, it’ll just whiz by.” -Brett “What freaking white elephant parties are you going to? Do you know how much other’s people crap I have brought into my house? And you have pans and immersion blenders? I have books that smell like moth balls.” -Brett “I need to go to the extrovert party down the street.” -Sarah “Glue is the worst.” -Brett “Be present, make sure that you stop and breathe and make sure that you enjoy.” -Sarah “People don’t tend to remember that stuff. They remember how they felt at your house.” - Brett “Gosh, I don’t know where Latvia is and I’m wasteful. I’m a true American.” -Brett
  • We know that perseverance develops character. Which leads to hope.

    That's what the Bible says, anyway.

    But what do we do when life doesn't exactly go our way? When we have a master's degree and we wind up becoming a nanny for our day jobs? Or we're suffering the loss of a loved one? Or dealing with a chronic illness?

    What happens when persevering is more than a Biblical buzzword and seems like an overwhelming hurdle to have to conquer?

    Our first-ever guest, Carly Samudre of the Femperfect podcast, is a therapist. That's right. We were lucky enough to have a real, live therapist to come on board for our girlfriend therapy.

    Her story of where she's landed today required a bit of overcoming situational depression and learning to start where she was. Give her a listen, we know you'll grow greatly from what she has to say.

    In this episode: We deem Carly as the official Dr. Laura of PSP. Carly describes the "AGE" metaphor: how anti-fragile, growth-mindset and embracing our journeys develops the growth of our soul. Carly leads us through the idea of building your passion versus finding your passion. How to keep a positive attitude in the midst of discouraging situations. What having a "growth-mindset" actually means. How perseverance cultivates gratitude (we're big believers of that around here). How do we know when it's time to let something go? We have to ask ourselves three things: is it helping your relationship with yourself, with others and your relationship with God? This video by Brene Brown on empathy v. sympathy. That's What Carly Said: "Sarah, get your life together." "What if you could grow when you're stretched?" "If we can remind ourselves that this is part of the journey, it's okay not to feel balanced and the best well-being all the time. Because the reality is that there are dips, and you're going to grow." "I can choose to grow and make meaning out of this suffering." "Nothing is wasted. And it's going to set you up for what you'll do next." "Don't kill yourself over something. Find something new. Find another dream. Let this go."

    You can follow Carly and the Femperfect podcast on Facebook and Instagram.

  • During this time of year, your life may feel cluttered in more ways than one.

    Storing your (big) family’s Christmas presents in the guest bedroom. Looking at your cluttered calendar. Staring at the junk mail cluttering your dining room table. Trying to find space for every greeting card you ever received since they’re cluttering your office. Oh, sorry. That must be just Sarah’s issue (we get to that later).

    As harmless as this easy accumulation of stuff may seem, it can wreak havoc on your ability to feel less anxious and think more clearly. In this week’s episode we get into the nooks and crannies of clutter and dust off our cleaning skills. Hope you’ll join and feel inspired to have an organized, clutter-less Christmas season (at least one of us will!).

    In this week’s episode: We start this episode with good intentions to briefly touch on our Thanksgivings and the upcoming Christmas holiday, but quickly we spiral out of control into religious traditions, communion, etc. You know, classic Sarah and Brett. When you get through the first part, you’ll realize we do actually have a plan for this episode. And we begin to talk about clutter. Where do we struggle with it? Why? Where does it fall on the priority scale. We chat about the expectations attached to having a clean house, etc. assigned to us by others and by ourselves. How does not prioritizing order affect your well being? Physically? Mentally? We discuss. Brett reveals that clutter is actually a threat to her life when it becomes an obstacle on her way to the bathroom in the middle of the night…:) You should get a Shark Vacuum. That is all. Brett helps us out by citing some articles: How mess causes stress and Apartment Therapy. That’s what she said: “I’m getting our real life mixed up with our podcast life which means we’re real friends.” -Brett “Does it like, poop it out in shapes?” -Sarah (about a cookie press, people) “It’s easier for a camel to get through a cookie press than it is for a rich person to get to the Kingdom of Heaven. That’s from Matthew.” -Brett “Those words were RED.” -Sarah “I want to appear okay and put-together on the outside, but on the inside, it’s just kind of messy and crazy.” -Sarah “You don’t want to be lazy in the bedroom…..that’s a place for WERK!” -Brett (yes, she blushes after she says this). “I would always opt for the ‘fun thing’ rather than the thing that would probably make me a little bit more grounded and able to think more clearly and creatively.” -Brett “At the very least, I may not accomplish anything that day, but guess what I did accomplish? I made my bed.” -Sarah
  • We are so thankful for all of you. We're here to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and to let you know we're taking a week off! Make sure you continue to ask us your questions or give us your topic ideas over on Facebook or Instagram. We hope today is full of lots of food, family, friends and, most of all, love!