
  • The lived reality of the racist prison system can get lost in the swirl of facts and figures surrounding mass incarceration. Frigid cells in winters and sweltering conditions in summers; the volatility and capriciousness of hostile guards and correctional staff; food barely fit for human consumption; isolation from one's community and deprivation from the routines and small freedoms that made up one's identity prior to incarceration. The trauma of such an experience is undeniable, and extends far beyond prison walls—from overpoliced communities subjected to the constant presence of police surveillance and terror, to the families and relationships put under the strain of separation. Dr. Da'Mond Holt returns to Rattling the Bars for the final installment of a two-part interview, this time speaking with host Mansa Musa and his friend Lonnell Sligh, about their respective experiences behind bars, and the implications of the prison system as a deliberate system of mass trauma affecting Black and other working class communities of color.

    Studio Production: David Hebden
    Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Monday, June 10, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Three companies have been charged in the workplace deaths of two men in Alberta.

    Story 2 - Community rallies against new proposed graphite project, especially after hearing that defense interests in the US have funded the project.

    Story 3 - Four people arrested at pro-Palestinian protest in Toronto; police appears to punch protester.

    Story 4 - Nearly 300 people killed in Israeli attack on refugee camp; Netenyahu faces uncertain political future.

    Story 5 - Allied Democratic Forces in the DRC have killed at least 50 people in the past week.

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Friday, June 7, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Strategy document shows how police want to be the centre of drug policy in Alberta.

    Story 2 - Opioid deaths are 8x higher among First Nations in Alberta.

    Story 3 - Cop who kicked man in the head also kicked another man in the head.

    Story 4 - The SIU in Ontario is charging a cop with assault.

    Story 5 - A "Framework Agreement" has been reached between the ATU 113 and the TTC averting a transit strike at the eleventh hour.

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Thursday, June 6, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Ontario to stop wastewater surveillance.

    Story 2 - York University students set up Palestine solidarity encampment.

    Story 3 - International campaign targeting Palestinian activists uncovered by Israeli media.

    Story 4 - RSF massacres 100 people in in Sudan

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Saskatoon Public Library workers might go on strike.

    Story 2 - Grassy Narrows issues the federal and provincial government over mercury poisoning.
    Story 3 - Foreign streaming services need to pay to a Canadian content creation fund.

    Story 4 - UN Human Rights chief slams Israel's attacks on the West Bank.

    Story 5 - Modi's BJP wins minority, surprising pollsters and analysts. He now must make a coalition to govern.

  • On May 2, students at the University of Toronto organized under the banner of UofT Occupy for Palestine seized King's College Circle at the university's St. George Campus, establishing what has come to be known as the People's Circle for Palestine. The People's Circle has now held its ground for over a month, withstanding threats from university administrators, police, and counterprotestors. Students and faculty have transformed the liberated zone into a space for popular education and community empowerment—breaking down the false distinction between the academy and the surrounding society. This solidarity from the wider Toronto community has been essential, as workers, First Nations, and other sectors of society have converged at the People's Circle to lend their solidarity to the student struggle. Award-winning journalist Samira Mohyeddin joins The Marc Steiner Show to give a firsthand account of the student encampment at UofT, and how its reliance on community solidarity has made the movement stronger.

    Studio Production: Cameron Granadino
    Post-Production: Alina Nehlich

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  • Close to nine months into the genocide in Gaza, the Biden administration shows no sign of stopping the flow of arms and aid to Israel. Earlier in May, Biden declared that he was drawing a 'red line': should Israel invade Rafah, the southernmost corner of the Gaza Strip where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinian families have sheltered in tents for months, US assistance to Israel would end.Over the Memorial Day weekend, Israel began a punishing assault on Rafah's tent cities, killing countless Palestinians with US-manufactured bombs. As horrific images of charred corpses and decapitated infants spread around the world, the Biden administration denied its red line had been crossed. Many have been left justifiably wondering what it will take for Washington to cease its support for the genocide. Organizers with the Shut it Down for Palestine Coalition have an answer: if Biden will not impose a red line, the people will.

    On June 8th, tens of thousands of activists from around the country will converge on DC for a third national mobilization for Palestine in less than a year. This time, donned in red shirts, the mass mobilization will physically surround the White House to form a 'red line' of its own—demonstrating the power of the mass movement, as well as the growing public rejection of the US's role in enabling Israel's atrocities against Palestinians. Layan Fuleihan, Director of Education with The People's Forum, joins TRNN to discuss upcoming mobilization, and how the mass movement for Palestine is seizing moral authority after the Biden administration has thoroughly discredited itself.
    Additional links/info:
    Join the mass mobilization in DC by buying a bus ticket from your city, or organizing a caravan of your own.Studio Production: David Hebden
    Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Man pleads guilty to stabbing at UW but not to terror or hate crimes charges.

    Story 2 - Spike in Canadians fleeing Canada to the United States

    Story 3 - At the fifth anniversary of the Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, Canada has made nearly no progress on the 231 calls to action.

    Story 4 - Neo-Nazi leader in Greece wil not get an early prison release.

    Story 5 - Nigeria's unions are on unlimited general strike demanding a hike in the country's minimum wage.

  • Published: May 20, 2024

    Despite now spending 47 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit, Leonard Peltier continues to be denied parole by the federal government of the United States. Why has the US so obstinately refused to free Peltier, despite decades of international outcry? The answer lies in the threat posed by what Peltier represents—the demands of the Indigenous liberation movement for sovereignty and justice after centuries of US settler colonialism. Historian Ward Churchill joins Rattling the Bars for a discussion on Leonard Peltier, the American Indian Movement, COINTELPRO, and more.

    Studio Production: David Hebden
    Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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    The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis and coverage from Baltimore to Bangladesh by subscribing and becoming a member today!

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  • Published: April 8, 2024

    In 1977, American Indian Movement member Leonard Peltier was convicted of the murder of two FBI agents, and has remained a political prisoner of the US ever since. Peltier's conviction has long been contested by activists and legal experts. Despite the recantation of three key witnesses, his case has never been brought back to trial. Peltier has been eligible for parole since 1992, and the federal government has ignored calls to free him for more than 30 years. Rachel Dionne Thunder joins Rattling the Bars to discuss Peltier's case and the radical vision of the American Indian Movement which the federal government has sought to repress through Peltier's incarceration.

    Studio Production: David Hebden
    Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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  • Published: May 9, 2024

    Across the country, Democrats are organizing campaigns to vote uncommitted in the primary elections. Yet the aims of this movement are to do more than simply register dissent against Biden's support for Israel's genocide in Gaza. The Uncommitted Campaign will pick up delegates in every state and congressional district where more than 15% of voters cast an uncommitted primary ballot—creating the possibility of leverage within the party at the upcoming DNC. Vote Uncommitted organizers from the state of Maryland join The Marc Steiner Show to discuss the campaign and its implications for the election.

    Studio / Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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  • Published: May 2, 2024

    Seven months into Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, a student-led grassroots movement is spreading across the US and beyond, hearkening back to the student protests of the ‘60s that played a pivotal role in ending the US war in Vietnam. In what is being called the “student intifada,” with over 100 encampments going up at different college and university campuses, students, faculty, grad students, and other campus community members are exercising civil disobedience, occupying space on campuses, defying brutal repression from administrators and police, combatting skewed and wildly lopsided narratives in corporate media, and pressuring their universities to “disclose and divest” their investments in companies and financial institutions connected to Israel. In this TRNN livestream, which will take place on Thurs, May 2, at noon ET, we will be speaking directly with encampment organizers/participants from the University of Michigan, the Indiana University, and Stanford University, and we will be getting updates from encampments from New York to California.

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    The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis and coverage from Baltimore to Bangladesh by subscribing and becoming a member today!

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  • Published: April 18, 2024

    On April 10, OJ Simpson passed away at the age of 76. Although initially catapulted to fame by his career in the NFL and Hollywood, OJ's early success was ultimately eclipsed by his alleged murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her lover, Ron Goldman. The double-homicide, subsequent trial, and acquittal rocked the nation—sparking a media frenzy and a culture war that revolved around questions of racism, police corruption, domestic violence, and celebrity impunity. TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez joins Dave Zirin on 'Edge of Sports TV' for a retrospective on the OJ trial and its consequences.

    Studio Production: David Hebden
    Post-Production: Taylor Hebden
    Audio Post-Production: David Hebden
    Opening Sequence: Cameron Granadino
    Music by: Eze Jackson & Carlos Guillen

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  • The oppression of Black people is more than just a historical or political question. The accumulated harms of centuries of slavery, segregation, mass incarceration, and racism in all forms have a psychological and medical effect, in addition to political and economic ones. Trauma, after all, describes the physical injury of the brain as a result of harmful experiences. At the scale of communities and generations, such trauma can be passed down and reproduced for decades, and even centuries. In the first of a two-part conversation, traumatologist Dr. Da'Mond Holt explains the medical reality of Black historical trauma, and what kinds of interventions and solutions are required to promote healing as a form of justice.

    Studio Production: David Hebden, Cameron Granadino
    Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Monday, June 3, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Encampment set up at Université Laval is dismantled hours after it was set up.

    Story 2 - Childcare kitchens are not being inspected enough in Alberta, months after a devastating e. coli outbreak.

    Story 3 - Unifor decries Amazon's interference in union drive.

    Story 4 - Inside the crisis that faces Netanyahu in his own government.

    Story 5 - Sudanese refugees are facing violence in Ethiopia.

  • In the early 1980s, U.S. President Ronald Reagan launched a covert war to destroy the fledgling Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. It was brutal: Paramilitary war, CIA attacks, economic blockade, and more.

    It would wreak havoc on the country, killing tens of thousands and ravaging the economy. But an international solidarity movement stood up in response. And the Reagan government's hubris, and drive to fuel its war on Nicaragua, would break U.S. laws and lead to a shocking scandal in Washington: Iran Contra.

    In this episode, host Michael Fox walks back into the 1980s, to the U.S. response to revolution in Nicaragua and to the international solidarity that pushed back.This is Part 2 of Episode 10.

    Under the Shadow is an investigative narrative podcast series that walks back in time, telling the story of the past by visiting momentous places in the present.

    In each episode, host Michael Fox takes us to a location where something historic happened — a landmark of revolutionary struggle or foreign intervention. Today, it might look like a random street corner, a church, a mall, a monument, or a museum. But every place he takes us was once the site of history-making events that shook countries, impacted lives, and left deep marks on the world.

    Hosted by Latin America-based journalist Michael Fox.This podcast is produced in partnership between The Real News Network and NACLA.

    Alex Aviña
    William Robinson
    Alex Cox
    Marvin Ortega Rodriguez
    Eline Van Ommen
    Peter Kornbluh
    Coleen Littlejohn
    Grahame Russell
    Jose Francisco Artola

    Edited by Heather Gies.
    Sound design by Gustavo TĂŒrck.
    Theme music by Monte Perdido and Michael Fox.

    Permanent links
    Follow and support journalist Michael Fox or Under the Shadow at You can also see pictures and listen to full clips of Michael Fox’s music for this episode.Additional links/info
    Monte Perdido's new album Ofrenda is now out. You can listen to the full album on SpotifyOther music from Blue Dot Sessions.For declassified documents on the U.S. Contra war on Nicaragua and the Iran Contra affair, you can visit Peter Kornbluh's National Security Archives here and here.Brian Wilson's memoir, Blood on the Tracks: The Life and Times of S. Brian Willson, is available here. His interview on Democracy Now! is here.Eline van Ommen’s book, Nicaragua Must Survive: Sandinista Revolutionary Diplomacy in the Global Cold War (University of California Press, 2023), is available here.William Robinson's book, A Faustian Bargain: U.S. Intervention In The Nicaraguan Elections And American Foreign Policy In The Post-cold War Era about the U.S. role in Nicaragua's 1990 election is available here.For the 2007 documentary American Sandinista, you can visit the website of director Jason Blalock. jasonblalock.comHere are links to the 1980 documentaries about Nicaragua's literacy campaign that I mentioned in part 1: La Salida and La Llegada.For a deeper analysis of opposing views on role of the U.S. government today in Nicaragua I recommend the following resources:This 2020 book was written by "a collective of historians, researchers and activists committed to finding and sharing the truth about US intervention in Nicaragua." The Revolution Won’t Be Stopped: Nicaragua Advances Despite US Unconventional WarfareThis pair of NACLA articles from professor William Robinson, offers an opposing view, underscoring that "Washington's principal concern in Nicaragua is not getting rid of Ortega but preserving the interests of transnational capital.""Crisis in Nicaragua: Is the Ortega-Murillo Government Leftist? (Part I)""Crisis in Nicaragua: Is the US Trying to Overthrow the Ortega-Murillo Government? (Part II)"The Real News Network
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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Friday, May 31, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - UWO prez pens long letter explaining all the ways that the university refuses to meet student demands who are demanding action related to Gaza.

    Story 2 - Police who murdered an Indigenous man decry the prohibition of cops sharing notes before they are investigated on the grounds of mental health.

    Story 3 - One of Canada's richest men, Robert G. Miller, has been arrested for sexual assault of 8 girls and 2 women. His assistant and other associates were charged too.

    Story 4 - The EU is imposing high tariffs on Russian and Belarussian agriculture products to stop their flow into the European market. Europe is buying +3x as much ag from Russia since their invasion.

    Story 5 - The US and Argentina are doing war games, showing off the cozy relationship betwen the two countries, despite the leadership of a fascist.

  • The spread of the “Student Intifada” around the globe has transformed universities into sites of anti-Zionist struggle, triggering brutal repression from school administrations, police, and vigilantes. In this special livestream event, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez and Marc Steiner sit down with student organizers from the University of Michigan, Purdue, and Oxford to discuss the state of the international student movement in solidarity with Palestine.

    Studio Production: David Hebden, Cameron Granadino & Kayla Rivara

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Thursday, May 30, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - 5% of RMC students say they've been sexually attacked in the last year, 9% sexually assaulted.

    Story 2 - A random group thinks that it's unfair that the Minister of Health can now pull products off the shelf that are being used dangerously off-lable.

    Story 3 - BMO missed it's earnings target by only making $2.03B in the first quarter; Canadian profit up by 23%.

    Story 4 - Sierre Leone struggles with Kush-driven epidemic.

    Story 5 - Lula recals Brazil's ambassador from Israel.

  • The 1979 Nicaraguan revolution that overthrew a brutal U.S.-backed dictator ushered in a wave of hope in the Central American country. The new Sandinista government launched literacy and healthcare campaigns, carried out land reform and promised to improving the lives of all.

    But the United States, under president Ronald Reagan, feared the dominos would fall across Central America, and they unleashed assault on the country: paramilitary war, CIA attacks, economic blockade, and much more.

    In this episode, host Michael Fox, walks by into the 1980s, to the overthrow of dictator Anastasio Somoza and the beginning of both the Sandinista government and the U.S. response.This is Part 1, of episode 10.

    Under the Shadow is an investigative narrative podcast series that walks back in time, telling the story of the past by visiting momentous places in the present.

    In each episode, host Michael Fox takes us to a location where something historic happened — a landmark of revolutionary struggle or foreign intervention. Today, it might look like a random street corner, a church, a mall, a monument, or a museum. But every place he takes us was once the site of history-making events that shook countries, impacted lives, and left deep marks on the world.

    Hosted by Latin America-based journalist Michael Fox.

    This podcast is produced in partnership between The Real News Network and NACLA.

    Alex Aviña
    William Robinson
    Marvin Ortega Rodriguez
    Eline Van Ommen
    Peter Kornbluh

    Edited by Heather Gies.
    Sound design by Gustavo TĂŒrck.
    Theme music by Monte Perdidoand Michael Fox
    Other music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Follow and support journalist Michael Fox or Under the Shadow at

    You can also see pictures and listen to full clips of Michael Fox’s music for this episode.

    For Declassified documents on the U.S. contra war on Nicaragua, and Iran Contra, you can visit Peter Kornbluh's National Security Archives here and here.

    Eline van Ommen’s book, Nicaragua Must Survive: Sandinista Revolutionary Diplomacy in the Global Cold War (University of California Press, 2023), is available here.

    For the 2007 documentary American Sandinista, you can visit the website of director Jason Blalock.

    Here are links to the 1980 documentaries about Nicaragua's literacy campaign that I mention in this episode: La Salida & La Llegada

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