
  • This week, Jacki and I discuss what their advice would be for businesses looking to work with a PR agency. Jacki very much takes the lead on this one, having worked on both sides of this particular relationship throughout her career. She discusses the importance of businesses knowing what they want from a PR agency, and also having a very clearly established set of values, a clear mission, and strong messaging that they wish to communicate. Lyle discusses how crucial it is for businesses to be open to the advice PR agencies give them, given that PR agencies themselves and their employees possess an array of skills that reach past the areas of marketing and communications. Jacki opens up on some of the best working relationships she has had as the owner of an agency, including working with a client who know discusses every element of their business strategy with her, not just PR! It wouldn't be an episode of The Rest Is PR with a football analogy, with Jacki this time using Georgia's recent Euro 2024 victory over Portugal, and the 'Believe' banner their fans were holding, as an example of the importance of having belief in what you're doing, before Jacki emphasises the importance of respect and recognition on both sides of the client-agency partnership. There's time for a rant from Lyle about pilates in what is otherwise a very informative episode!

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle are doing something they have never done before on The Rest Is PR. That's right - they are responding to some comments that you, the audience, have left on many of the most recent episodes! Jacki and Lyle discuss a comment recently left on the recent episode regarding Mark Davies, Head of Communications for the Post Office, and the evidence he gave at the Post Office Horizon IT Scandal inquiry, with one listener asking what the role of PR actually is and whether it is simply a case of defending those you work for. Jacki agrees with this particular audience member that more needs to be done to move away from the 'spin' element of PR, and that Davies himself should certainly have asked more questions and not defended Paula Vennells as much as he did, with Jacki later bemoaning the fact that Vennells was described as less of a CEO and 'more of a PR person', much to Lyle's dismay as well! Lyle responds to a particularly forthright comment on the episode involving the brilliant Amelia and Lydia Miller from Ivee regarding the gender pay gap, with this listener asking why more isn't being made of an apparent spending gap as well! Finally, Jacki and Lyle analyse the number of comments from apparent Reform UK voters that have been left on the recent episode on the UK General Election and the importance of visual PR, with one viewer mentioning that people could learn a thing or two about PR from Nigel Farage! A first-of-its-kind episode for the podcast, and one that will no doubt be repeated - keep those comments coming!

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the subject everyone in the UK, and beyond, is talking about at the moment. No, not the European Championships in Germany (although that's certainly got Lyle excited!) It is, in fact, the general election taking place in the United Kingdom on July 4th. Current UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, announced the election in bizarre fashion in May, seemingly not anticipating the inclement weather and persevering with his announcement outside Number 10 Downing Street without any protection from an intense rainstorm. This is where Jacki and Lyle begin this episode which also touches on the importance of visuals when it comes to pursuing a successful election campaign. Jacki discusses how the image of Sunak walking back into 10 Downing Street soaked through has become the image of the Conservative Party's campaign so far, with Lyle emphasising that things haven't got much better when it comes to the visuals of the Tory campaign. The Labour Party, meanwhile, have elected for a very simple message which is coming across a lot clearer thus far in the form of their campaign slogan 'Change'. Jacki and Lyle analyse Ed Davey's approach to the Lib Dem campaign, which has centred on some very strong visual representations of certain policies within their manifesto, before the conversation inevitably turns to Nigel Farage and his snap announcement as leader of the breakaway Reform UK party, a right-wing offshoot of the Conservative Party. Farage recently had a milkshake thrown over him whilst leaving a pub in Clacton where he is running as an MP, with many theorising the party may well have set the whole thing up! Jacki discusses similarities between the way Farage delivers his message and the strategies employed by someone Farage himself admires a great deal - Donald Trump! With just a few weeks to go until the election itself, this episode covers all of this and more!

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss how high profile individuals in the public eye interpret the news, with a particular focus on Donald Trump and how he has managed the fallout of being found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his hush money trial. Stormy Daniels alleges that she and Trump had sex in 2006, and that she was paid money to stay quiet about the relationship in the build up to the 2016 election, which Mr Trump ultimately won. In an at time chaotic episode, Jacki and Lyle discuss Trump's ability to spin pretty much every piece of news into a positive for himself, at least from his perspective, and how he appears to be unflappable when it comes to consistently delivering his messages to his followers and the American people as a whole. Jacki outlines that there are certain facets of Trump's confidence and message delivery that other leaders could take something from, although she does emphasise that there is also a huge amount of evidence of what not to do as well! Lyle finishes the episode by saying that, in actuality, the American public have a very difficult decision to make later this year as neither candidate fills him with confidence! He also discusses the importance of having self-belief when it comes to assuming a leadership position, as that belief will then resonate strongly with your employees and other professionals you work with. Richard Branson, David Attenborough and even an idol of Lyle's, Sir Alex Ferguson, are all given honourable mentions, as is a particularly infamous policy involving a wall!

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the recent evidence presented by the Post Office's former Head of Public Relations, Mark Davies, to the Post Office Horizon IT Scandal inquiry. The most widely report comment made by Davies was that, in hindsight, a series of emails denying problems with Horizon 'look ridiculous'. Jacki and Lyle discuss Mark Davies' part in the scandal, considered to be one of the worst miscarriages of justice in British history, and whether he could have asked more pertinent questions of those higher up in the organisation in order to better understand the situation as it was unfolding. Lyle and Jacki address the more 'jokey' emails Davies sent to his colleagues throughout the affair and whether these are an accurate indicator about his thoughts on the situation as it stands now, and Jacki asks what more Davies could have done considering the likes of Paula Vennells, who has herself recently given very controversial evidence to the inquiry, had already made their feelings clear on what action to take. Lyle then asks the incredibly tricky question - would Jacki work with mark Davies in a PR environment knowing what she knows now? The disagreements of the previous episodes are a thing of the past as Lyle and Jacki agree that Davies' only real mistake is continuing to defend those within the Post Office who must be considered indefensible when it comes to the impact they have had on innocent people's lives.

    For more on Davies' evidence to the inquiry, head to:

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle embark on the follow-up to the recent episode discussing Baby Reindeer, and Fiona Harvey's recent appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored on TalkTV. Dubbed 'The Real Martha', Harvey was interviewed by Piers Morgan, who asked her about her side of the Baby Reindeer story, including how she met Richard Gadd in the first place, what her views are on the Netflix series, and whether she did in fact send 41,000 emails, 350 hours of voice messages, 744 tweets, 48 Facebook messages, and 106 letters as Gadd claims in his Oliver Award-winning script. In a rare occurrence for the podcast, Jacki and Lyle disagree when it comes to Harvey's believability, with Jacki leaning towards supporting her and her side of the story, and Lyle arguing that it is likely Harvey was being dishonest in her interview with Morgan in an attempt to defend herself. They do, however, both agree that this interview was at best unethical and at worst exploitative of someone who demonstrated a lack of media training and a limited understanding of the consequences of agreeing to this interview. Lyle brings up the rumour that Fiona Harvey is seeking up to £1 million from Piers Morgan for her appearance on his show, with Morgan later replaying that it's not the money she wants but 'an agent'. Lyle tries desperately to not sit on the fence, possibly to no avail depending on your view!

    Watch Piers Morgan's extraordinary interview with 'The Real Martha', Fiona Harvey, here:

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle are delighted to welcome the absolutely brilliant Beatka Wójciak. Beatka is the Founder & CEO of Chaos Cookie, an Art & Games studio which has recently produced the phenomenal game Squarelets! Chaos Cookie also focuses on empowering women in STEM jobs (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), with a particular focus on the gaming industry. Beatka is a software engineer with a passion for creating elegant, user-centered designs, and she has previously worked for Google as a Senior Software Engineer before founding Chaos Cookie! She was also a volunteer for UEFA during Euro 2012, which Lyle was particularly interested in! She has been mentored by the one and only Jacki Vause since heading out on her own with Chaos Cookie! In an incredibly insightful episode, Beatka discusses her career so far, including what it was like to take the leap of faith that was setting up her own company and leaving Google. She discusses how she is someone who always has a plan for any situation, stating that she has a Plan A - Chaos Cookie - right down to a plan Y and Z already established in her mind! Beatka opens up on how she came to create Squarelets, stating that it was an idea she had at University that started to take shape as a prototype during a stint in hospital. Squarelets has been an absolute revelation in the industry, being named a Game Changer by Games London last year, winner at Patch Of Approval also last year, being named an official selection at the London Games Festival earlier this year! Jacki and Beatka discuss the importance of having a PR frame of mind when embarking on founding a startup, and Lyle is inspired by Beatka's analogy of constantly testing yourself on higher springboards, in the knowledge that there isn't really such a thing as failure if your committed to following your passion.

    For more information on the incredible work Beatka has been doing at Chaos Cookie, head to:

    And for Squarelets specifically, head to:

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the recently recorded interview between Piers Morgan and the woman who has come to be known as the 'real Martha' from Richard Gadd's extraordinary Netflix series - Baby Reindeer. Fiona Harvey, who stalked Gadd for a prolonged period and Gadd later wrote his one man show, Baby Reindeer, based on his experiences during this time. After its release on Netflix, Gadd took to social media to urge viewers not to seek out the real people behind the characters from the show, but within days Harvey had been identified as the woman the character 'Martha' was based on. At the time of recording this episode, the interview on 'Piers Morgan Uncensored' on TalkTV had not been aired, and as a result Lyle and Jacki were unable to comment on any of the specifics. However, in a wide-ranging chat, Lyle expresses his sympathy for Gadd, stating that as a creative you should feel safe to write based on lived experiences without the threat of the real peoples' identities being revealed. Jacki discusses Fiona Harvey's lack of PR representation, with Lyle asking whether it is necessary to provide the PR equivalent of legal aid in situations where individuals with mental health issues find themselves in these highly exposing TV situations. Jacki and Lyle both agree that the TalkTV interview is exploitative of Harvey, who has seemingly offered to tell her story without understanding the consequences of sanctioning such a move. Jacki finally discusses what an indictment this situation is on where we find ourselves as a country, with Jacki worrying that the lack of mental health care provision in the UK leads people like Harvey to seek outlets like this instead of looking for the appropriate help for her condition.

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle are joined by the fantastic Amelia and Lydia Miller. The two sisters are the co-founders of Ivee, a tech platform that helps women return to the workforce after a career break and connects companies with this qualified, yet completely untapped, talent pool. Amelia is a published Gender Psychologist from the University of Cambridge as well as being a Behavioural Economics and Gender Pay Gap Specialist, and Lydia is a Future of Work Specialist and Diversity in VC Expert who has previously worked as a Deloitte Ventures CVC Investor. In an absolutely fantastic episode, Amelia and Lydia discuss the inspiration behind creating Ivee, telling the story of their mother who took a career break earlier in her career having worked at a very high level as an accountant for a number of years, but upon her return to work was forced to take a job below her pay grade and one which she was significantly overqualified for. Amelia and Lydia say that, sadly, this experience is not unique to their mother, and that there are still a number of women who experience what is known as the 'Motherhood Penalty' when looking to return to work after a career break. They point to Claudia Goldin's Nobel Prize-winning research when it comes to how the issue of the gender pay gap can be addressed, and how companies they work with need to ensure they have effective flexibility policies in order to achieve the Ivee seal of approval! Jacki discusses the PR appeal of Amelia and Lydia's story, and offers her own advice on how they can move forward in this respect with Ivee, before Lyle asks the question he was dying to ask - what it's like to work together as sisters!

    For more information on the brilliant work Amelia and Lydia are doing, head to:

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the ongoing issues with current PR professional resources, and the impact they are having on the art of pitching. Jacki in particular has become increasingly aware of certain PR resources, such as database and newswire platforms, lagging behind when it comes to their functionality and effectiveness in what is an ever-evolving industry. Moreover, Jacki points to how much these resources continue to cost without offering anything new in this fast-paced and competitive space. Lyle and Jacki delve into how the industry has evolved, and offer their thoughts on what new tools and resources would prove useful to professionals who are needing to be more and more inventive with their pitching strategies. On these strategies, Lyle and Jacki discuss the need for PR professionals to do more than simply source journalists email addresses and other contact details and send out an array of releases, with the industry increasingly rewarding professionals who go the extra mile and find a variety of ways to contact and build relationships with journalists and clients alike. Finally, Jacki issues a plea to anyone developing brand new tools and resources to get in touch with the podcast, with Lyle agreeing that there must be a desire by some within the industry to utilise these new technologies moving forward!

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle are back with a follow-up to their preview of the Netflix film, Scoop, starring Gillian Anderson, Billie Piper and Rufus Sewell. Based on the book of the same name by Sam McAlister, played by Piper, this Netflix drama did not disappoint as it recreated the story of one of the most notorious television interviews in history - Emily Maitlis and her interview with Prince Andrew regarding his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and allegations of sexual abuse towards young women being trafficked by Epstein. Jacki and Lyle both praise the fantastic performances of the central cast, with Anderson as Maitlis, Piper as McAlister, Sewell as Prince Andrew and Keeley Hawes as Andrew's private secretary Amanda Thirsk all drawing particular acclaim. Jacki asks for Lyle's opinion on how Maitlis' character was depicted in the film, before assessing how Andrew represents what many in the PR industry would describe as a 'problematic client', with reference to his insistence on going about things his own way rather than listen to experts around him. Lyle draws comparisons between how it would appear McAlister obtained this interview and how Martin Bashir secured his interview with Diana, with the former seemingly working with Andrew's team to help them towards what they felt was the best course of action, and the latter having recently been found to have used manipulative tactics to coerce the then Princess of Wales into being interviewed. Jacki ultimately questions, with reference to the Netflix drama, why the Palace elected to press ahead with the Newsnight interview with little to none of their own conditions put in place, with Lyle asking whether this can be considered a turning point in securing the future of the programme itself.

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the importance of being original and innovative when delivering content and, particularly, speeches and large-scale events and conferences. Jacki opens up on her recent experiences at events like these, such as GDC in San Francisco, where speakers she was very excited to see ended up laying out very standard and, in Lyle's words, safe archetypes instead of leading the way with new and exciting thoughts. Jacki highlights former guest and friend of the podcast Eric Kress as a great example of someone who always has something new to say, and who does so in an engaging and ultimately entertaining way. Lyle emphasises the importance of engaging your audience, and how many industries have moved on from the days of information-heavy content. He states that it is now importance for industry leaders to capture the attention of their audiences, with Jacki mentioning the brilliant work being done by former guests Esther Stanhope and Guy Clapperton in training their clients to be entertaining as well as informative. There is time for Lyle to discuss how these themes translate across into the acting world, and for both Jacki and Lyle to air their grievances when it comes to recent events!

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle address the recent statement delivered by the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, outlining her recent cancer diagnosis, the reasons behind her silence up to this point, and her gratitude for the support she has been shown over the last few weeks and months. Jacki and Lyle first emphasise that, when it comes to podcasting, timing can sometimes be everything! No sooner had the previous episode surrounding Catherine's situation been released, a video statement emerged which quickly dispelled all speculation and laid out the facts of her situation. Jacki discusses how well this whole situation was handled by Catherine's team, from the timing of the announcement, to the location it was filmed in, the method of delivery, and even the specifics of the message itself and the language used. Lyle praises Kate for her authenticity in what must have been an incredibly difficult set of circumstances, and both Jacki and Lyle again speculate that off-the-record briefings were to thank for the sympathetic press coverage both before and after the Princess' statement. Both Jacki and Lyle finish the episode by sending their love and support to Kate, and to everyone going through similar situations involving this incredibly damaging disease.

    There are many charities doing truly remarkable work in this field, and Cancer Research UK is merely one of them. Head to for more information on the incredible work they are doing to combat this disease.

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the upcoming Netflix drama, Scoop, based on the book Scoops: Behind The Scenes of the BBC's Most Shocking Interviews written by former BBC producer Sam McAlister. Specifically, the film centres on arguably the most shocking interview of the 21st century - Newsnight's interview with Prince Andrew about his association with Jeffrey Epstein and allegations of sexual assault of a minor against Andrew which he denies. The biographical drama stars Gillian Anderson as Emily Maitlis, Billie Piper as McAlister, and Rufus Sewell in the role of Prince Andrew. Directed by Philip Martin, it depicts the process of securing the 2019 interview, and is due for release in early April. Jacki and Lyle discuss similarities between this dramatisation and those recently released depicting real-life events, such as the recent Alan Bates vs. The Post Office on ITV. Lyle asks whether PRs will need to become more aware for the need to control the narrative of a particular story before scriptwriters and TV producers get there first! Jacki opens up on her intrigue about how the film will recreate the moments that led to the interview itself, with the efforts of McAlister and Maitlis to secure the interview yet to have been dramatised on screen. Lyle and Jacki then discuss what the film's directors are hoping the audience will take from the film, with Lyle mentioning that this is a consideration at every level of performance art.

    For more details on what to expect from Scoop on Netflix, head to:

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the question everyone is asking. Namely - where's Kate? Jacki and Lyle analyse the recent events that make up the mystery surrounding the Princess of Wales, who it was announced earlier this year was attending a hospital for a scheduled abdominal surgery, but who has been somewhat conspicuous by her absence since. Recent events have centred on the release of a supposed Mother's Day photo of Kate, now Catherine Windsor, with her three children which was later the subject of a 'kill order' by the likes of Reuters and the Associated Press due to the belief that it had been manipulated in some way. Kate later released a statement apologising for the confusion, claiming she had engaged in some amateur photo editing and this was an example of that particular pastime. Speculation has only grown since then, with many theories being posited before a photo, allegedly of Prince William and Kate, was released earlier this week by The Sun. Many believe this to be Kate and William, while others have speculated that this is a body double used by the Royal Family in order to quash the ongoing narrative. Whatever the truth of the situation, Lyle and Jacki discuss the way the Royal Family has dealt with this situation, and the differences between their strategy with Kate's situation and that of King Charles, who went into the same hospital for cancer treatment but has since been significantly more visible. Jacki opens up on her experience with off-the-record briefings, which she believes may have been in play in this instance, and Lyle discusses how there is a need for this press to exercise greater caution due to the comparisons that can be drawn between their treatment of Kate and previous treatment of Princess Diana. There is time to discuss Jacki's trip to San Francisco, and Lyle's upcoming drumming exploits!

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle respond to yet another development in the saga that has gripped Formula 1 over the last few weeks. Unlike in previous episodes covering this story, where our hosts have been reacting to information that later became outdated as the story developed apace, this week Jacki and Lyle were able to respond to the latest news minutes after it broke! Namely, that the complainant in this case against Red Bull Racing Team Principal Christian Horner has been suspended. It is the latest twist in a quite extraordinary scandal which has rocked the most successful team on the grid and had many inside and outside F1 speculating for weeks. Jacki and Lyle use this opportunity to discuss how this is an example of so-called 'Black PR' or 'Dark PR'. Jacki discusses her own experiences of this strategy, and Lyle analyses what the future might hold for Horner himself, Max Verstappen, whose father Jos has been extremely outspoken on the situation, and the Red Bull Racing team as a whole. As ever, there is time for a classic Lyle footballing analogy, and Jacki tells all about her recent birthday!

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, on International Women's Day 2024, Jacki and Lyle discuss the importance and significance of individual awards, in light of Jacki's nomination for the Modern Woman Award 2024! Modern Woman, a fantastic platform founded by friend of the podcast Rosie Coxshaw, has partnered with The Inspiration Awards for Women where the award will be presented at a ceremony at the Landmark Hotel in London on 22nd March! This got Jacki and Lyle thinking about the merits of individual awards, with Jacki opening up on how she felt when she heard she was nominated, and how it is always an opportunity to look back on what you are proud of when it comes to your career as well as championing others in your industry and those who have helped you along the way. Lyle discusses his own (very limited) experience of awards ceremonies, and how in actuality even at the highest level, such as with the likes of The Oscars and The Grammys, being nominated is fact the key indicator of exceptional performance and commitment. There is time for Jacki and Lyle to get their dates muddled when it comes to their respective birthdays, and there is initial confusion as to which podcast our intrepid duo are hosting at the time!

    To vote for Jacki, and indeed any of the other fantastic nominees for the Modern Woman Award 2024, head to:

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle head out on a second lap of the Christian Horner story, as Red Bull Racing's internal investigation ends in them clearing their team principal of inappropriate behaviour. Jacki and Lyle discuss whether this is indeed the end of the story, and what the investigation process and ultimate outcome means for the Red Bull brand. Lyle compares Red Bull to Manchester City, claiming that despite their on-track success, Ferrari, who he compares with his beloved Manchester United and who will soon be strengthened by the arrival of Lewis Hamilton, will always be the more iconic brand within F1, with Jacki going one step further by mentioning that the latter's recent lack of success has not had an adverse affect on said brand. Both Jacki and Lyle also discuss Red Bull's continued transparency with the press, despite pressure from Ford CEO Jim Farley who criticised their unsatisfactory response to the allegations. There is time for an honourable mention for the brilliant Netflix series, Drive To Survive, and Lyle extends his customary invite to anyone involved with Red Bull Racing team!

    DISCLAIMER - Since recording this episode, new information has come to light in the form of anonymous leaks which allegedly details text messages and photographs sent by Christian Horner to the woman who has made the aforementioned allegations. Horner himself has released a statement to reiterate his innocence, and these leaks have yet to be verified. This episode was recorded before this new information came to light, and there will be a part 3 to this series to respond to this breaking news very soon!

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • On the latest episode of The Rest Is Alcohol, Jacki and Lyle discuss what it has been like so to make the podcast, and the wonderful feedback they have had so far. Lyle focusses on the idea of 'experiences' and how your approach to the idea of alcohol can either elevate or dampen these experiences over time. Jacki analyses how young people's outlook on drinking is markedly different to what it was like when she was that age! There is many a rant about the availability of water on nights out, but also plenty of praise for the innovators within the industry who are breaking the mould when it comes to low and non-alcoholic alternatives to the established names in the drinks industry. Particular mention is given to Lucky Saint, whose non-alcoholic beer is now a staple in pubs across the country, and the likes of Berczy Drinks and Impossibrew, whose appearances on Dragon's Den have caused a stir within the industry. Jacki and Lyle then take a look forward to some of the fantastic guests who will be appearing on the podcast very soon!

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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  • This week, Jacki and Lyle discuss the situation surrounding allegations made against Red Bull Racing team principal, Christian Horner, and how the team themselves are dealing with the ongoing scandal. Jacki begins by praising Red Bull's crisis communications strategy, in particular their continued transparency and the authenticity they have demonstrated both with their own comms and the visibility they are continuing to give Horner on the eve of the new Formula 1 season. Lyle discusses the recent PR Week article which quotes the likes of Lorna O'Neill, former head of comms at Thomas Cook, and industry veteran Mark Borkowski, both of whom state that Red Bull will need to tread carefully given how synonymous Horner is with the Red Bull F1 brand. There is time for the two to outline their preference between Horner and Mercedes principal Toto Wolff, and Lyle includes his customary football analogy, comparing the two F1 supremos to the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsène Wenger in their heyday.

    For the PR Week article on this situation, head to:

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    Music by Lyle Fulton

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