You all are in for a REAL treat. Today, I share a podcast with Cole Armstrong.
Cole was born in 1997 in Stuart, FL were he grew up alongside 2 supportive older brothers and 2 loving parents. He was diagnosed with type one diabetes in April 2013. He struggled with that diagnosis for many years before getting sober from all mind altering substances in March of 2019. Today he resides in Phoenix, AZ where he lives with his beautiful wife Rachel and their beloved son Dash who was born in August of 2022.
Connect with Cole:
Cole Armstrong
Admissions Manager
Cornerstone Healing Center
Cell: 480-825-1205
Email: [email protected] -
Meet the CEO of RBLD Fitness, Teddy. Teddy has obsessively studied, designed and applied a simple blueprint to fitness success that he teaches and personally lives by to this day. He coaches his 1:1 clients with this SAME blueprint, and now, you’ll learn how to train like him.
Ultimately, he created this program because he knows what it’s like to feel hopeless, disappointed, and directionless in fitness pursuits. Yet, he also knows what it feels like to ask for help, put together a plan, and take consistent action to completely change one's life. He's been on both sides of the fence, and he wants to empower as many people as possible to do the same. This is his big purpose in life.
Outside of getting his clients amazing and sustainable results, he lives in NYC with his wife Daphne and two doggos (Zenzi and Pack). He loves true crime documentaries, exploring the city, Chipotle delivery and lazy weekends.
Connect with Teddy at the following link:
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Growing up in a toxic and abusive home environment, Bill Murphy was constantly overwhelmed by fear and doubt. Nevertheless he was motivated to show those around him that he could accomplish what he set out to do, in spite of being verbally and physically knocked down.
Bill believes that when the storm hits, you have three choices: give up and become a victim; do what you can to survive; or learn to thrive. You don’t need to have exceptional talents or resources to overcome adversity, be resilient, and achieve extraordinary goals. You are capable of more than you realize. You can learn to thrive. Bill Murphy is proof.
Bill will be the first to tell you he is nothing special, but he’s been able to overcome an abusive childhood, post-traumatic stress (PTSD), mental health challenges, and unexpected crises to finish an Ironman, earn a black belt in Krav Maga, and run the Boston Marathon five times—including one on crutches. He’s a regular guy who is now thriving at the top of his profession, too. Through his debut release, Thriving in the Storm, he seeks to explain how anyone can achieve similar success.
Outside of writing, Bill is also a nationally recognized mortgage originator who has closed over one and a half billion dollars in loans, and a top producer for 25 years. He has raised over $500,000 for the Make-A-Wish-Foundation, and actively supports a number of charities, including Fairway Cares, The American Warrior Initiative, and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He is the founder of the nonprofit Thrive Foundation.
I know you will all enjoy this podcast and Bill's book, Thriving In the Storm.
Thriving in the Storm I Book
Bill Murphy on Youtube
Bill Murphy on Facebook
Steven Twohig is a master of change and life integration resulting in life transformation. You will enjoy this episode! Thanks for joining us for episode 81 of The Rise Again Podcast.
Founder of Mastering Change, Steven Twohig has committed himself to mastering the art of transformation. While seeking to heal from trauma inflicted while just a toddler, Steven was introduced to the practice of shadow work in April of 2000, leading to a lifelong study and what he believes is a path to enlightenment.
Steven spent a decade working for and studying under the world's leading business and life strategist, Tony Robbins. He wanted to blend shadow work with business strategy, integration, and implementation. Tony commissioned him to interview over 10,000 business leaders worldwide to determine what made them successful and help thousands transform their businesses to be more productive and strategic.
Currently, he is studying the impact of shadow work on psychedelic integration. He focuses on bridging the gap between traditional plant medicine and the western mind, intending to bring the insights and innovation that plant medicine provides to everyone who wants more out of their lives. He believes that we are finally on the cusp of proper mental healthcare, which will spur global innovation.
He is an international speaker and has traveled worldwide, teaching a blend of strategy, shadow work, and spirituality. He has extensive study in mindfulness, mindset, business optimization, shadow work and facilitation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy, group dynamics, peak performance, leadership dynamics, and unconscious communication. Through this work, he has formulated a specific framework for understanding the human experience and is currently training other guides to spread the practice.
Reach out to Steven below for your transformation or to say hello!
Website I
LinkedIn I
Facebook I
Back on the podcast today, THE Jackson Martin. Our topic today is feelings and beliefs. This is all contained within the topic of improving our own lives and all marriages. Jackson and I had some unpacking on these topics today and I hope you get something from what we learned in our lives and from each other too.
Connect with Jackson at [email protected]
Have a great week and tune in to the next episode in 2 weeks on transformation with shadow work and psychidelics with Steven Twohig.
If you are or know a veteran in Arizona loking for stellar care, let me know I can help them in my nonprofit at a sliding scale at Naturopathic Consultants Nonprofit.
Contact me @ [email protected]
Welcome to episode 77! In this episode again I host my good friend Jackson Martin to discuss active listening.
Active listening will change your life. This is an episode packed with actionable items.
Feedback: [email protected] & [email protected]
Adam Stewart is a tansformed man. As a young man he was raised by his mother and brother at home. Learning to scrap at a young age. IN his adolescence he began playing around with drugs and getting into mischief. An armed robbery and aggravated assult later, he landed him in prison under Sheriff Joe Arpaio where he remained for his entire senior year of High School. He graduated with a certificate from Hard Knocks High where he gave a commencement speech on Integrity.
Adam then earned a full-ride scholarship to play football at Pittsburgh State University. After quite a bit of mischief and asserting his need for significance, Adam had his scholarship pulled and he was kicked off the football team. Not all was lost, Adam had met his future wife Kathryn at PSU.
Adam was recruited to boxing and threw everything into the ring, selling all he had for $100 to go out to train to be an Olympic boxer. In this podcast we go into his fighting career and how he got to where he is today, the #1 heavyweight professional boxer in Arizona.
Kathryn and Adam are married and have three beautiful children. They are a super happy family. Adam is a devoted, silly and fun father and husband. He gets as much out of each day and lives each day as if it is his last.
Adam has had many man that have been healthy masculine mentors in his life. His coaches and his older brother Scott, as well as many other men he credits with helping him hold himself to high standards.
In this episode we speak about masculinity, fatherlessness, daddy-issues, psychidelics, hunting, loss, forgiveness and growth in life as a man.
Adam Stewart documentary II Youtube
Follow Adam on Instagram @ Adam_stewart66
Gear: Shirts, hats, & swag @ Battl3Born
Matt and Shari Jones have an amazing family! With five children of their own, they took into foster care two beautiful girls who were sisters, which they later adopted. Their story is one of faith, hope, change, courage, and persistence.
In this episode, Matt, Shari, My wife Katherine and Myself all sit down to talk about their story. Although no adoption story is the same, the Jones' story is filled with revealing moments and a closer look at what goes into fostering and adoption.
Matt and Shari have faith in Christ and God's word. A faith that has become strengthened over their lives with their family. Reach out to Matt and Shari @ [email protected]!
I hope you enjoy this podcast with Matt and Shari Jones!
An interview with a great naturopathic physician and friend. Dr. Warren Brown, NMD. Dr. Brown has worked with athletes at every level.
Dr. Brown developed his unique clinical program, Clinical Advances for Sport, to optimize the six areas that make up the matrix of health and performance.
Dr. Brown believes that when you discover your hidden physiologic barriers with advanced, specialized testing, then you can give your body what it needs to rise to the top.
Dr. Brown earned his undergraduate degree from Kennesaw State University and his doctorate degree from The School of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. He completed his clinical rotations at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health and several other clinics throughout the state of Washington. He then went on to complete an 18-month clinical residency program in Tacoma, Washington, during which he also worked with the medical staff for the Seattle Sounders U-23 soccer team.
Dr. Brown has also completed additional coursework in functional medicine and has lectured at functional and integrative medicine conferences across the United States on the topic of laboratory testing. He has also served as a contributor to the 5th Edition of the Textbook of Natural Medicine.
Since 2012, Dr. Brown has been helping athletes and active individuals to reach their highest levels of health and performance through his advanced clinical approach. He has also served in a consultant role for medical staff members of several professional sports teams and is currently writing his first book on naturopathic sports medicine.
Dr. Brown is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine and the Georgia Association of Naturopathic Physicians. He holds a naturopathic physician license in Arizona, United States.
Dr. Warren Brown's website I Clinical Advances for Sport
Dr. Warren Brown on Twitter I
Dr. Brown on LinkedIn I
Tony Rhine is the owner and founder of Tony Rhine NeuroAthletic Training.
He has worked in the training and rehabilitation field since 2010 and has worked with a myriad of different populations. From experience with rehabilitation of PTSD, ADD, Autism, chronic pain, and other complex issues to training professional athletes in various sports, Tony has extensive experience in taking people from their worst physical state to their best. Tony has worked alongside various Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and other Medical professionals as a primary referral to assist them with their most complex patients.
In addition to running Tony Rhine NeuroAthletic Training, He was formerly the Education Advisor for Z-Health Education, the leader in neurocentric education for health and fitness professionals. He is a Master Practitioner Candidate with Z-Health and has taken over 400 hours of their coursework for continuing education in the field of applied neurology.
I'm sure you enjoyed this podcast and learned something too! Follow Tony on Instagram.
Instagram I
Jason Penzkover is a gentleman, financial advisor, father, hunter, fitness guru and a Christian man of faith.
This episode centers around JP's life. His background and experiences can all help us see life from another perspective and gain insinght into our own journey.
If you're a hunter or interested in hunting, JP is a wealth of information and connections.
Check out his podcast, The Fit Archer, here:
The Fit Archer I YouTube channel The Fit Archer I Spotify The Fit Archer I Apple PodcastsBusiness / financial advising:
Duvall Financial I Financial advisingI hope you enjoy my conversation with JP Penzokover.
In this episode, I speak about how adoption worked for us and what our journey was like on deciding to foster and adopt. I believe God inspires us to act in times of our lives and this was our situation with our little boy. But by the grace of God we go. We fostered our son, picking him up from the NICU when he was 2 weeks old and took him home. Now our little boy is one year old and he's an official member of our family.
This episode is with Dr. Node Smith interviewing me on my journey. I'll interview my wife Katherine in a later episode, as there are certainly parts of my experience that differ from hers.
Child Crisis Arizona
Arizona Heart Gallery
At the center of our lives are our relationships. They shape our lives and our lives shape the relationships around us.
On this incredible episode my great friend Jack Martin and I connect over one of the most important matters in our lives here on earth, our relationships.
Sometimes the major catalyst for change is taking the wrong approach and messing things up. Jack vulnerability in this episode covers some of his life's hardest relationship moments with those he loves the most.
Just a few topics in this episode:
Active listening in relationships Being an adoptive father Engaging maximally with your family The geness of the Marriage Retreat Praying for trials in life: allowing growth Relationship quadrants: I-IV Discipline with our childrenIf you loved this episode, reach out to Jack and let him know how great this episode and his sharing was. And let him know you'll preorder his marriage retreat book when it comes out! mailto:[email protected]
Books referenced: Never Split The Difference -
What a great way to kick off season two of The Rise Again Podcast. Excited to sit down with my Friend John Redman and have him interview me about the changes in my life that have fostered the change in direction of The Rise Again Podcast.
In season two we are going to cover all of the new things that I have gotten into in my life. I've had some very significant changes; fostering and adopting a newborn, bow-hunting bull elk, fly-fishing, and taking on Men's Revival as the naturopathic medical director.
Get ready to roll with Johnny and me as we kick off season two of The Rise Again Podcast!
Dr. Peter's contact: mailto:[email protected]
Men's Revival website:
Johnny's podcast: Life's Final Hour
Everyone was created for a purpose. Node’s purpose is to work with people. Dr. Node has an infectious way about him that inspires people and helps make the types of changes necessary for lasting health somehow easier. He is also a master at helping others overcome obstacles and turn them into opportunities. He believes in humanity, he believes in health, and he believes in those he works with. He is more than a doctor, he is a counselor and a guide.
Node Smith, ND is a board certified naturopathic physician and director of TEAL Holistic, a health consulting firm that focuses on addressing obstacles to health and facilitating sustainable behavioral change. They utilize cutting edge genetic testing as well as comprehensive life assessment tools, including personality testing.
Node is an expert in behavioral change and is an adept counselor and life coach. He specializes in finding the underlying causes of disease in a person’s life, and helping them grow and heal in these areas.
One of Node’s gifts as a doctor is his ability to relate to his clients. Node is definitely not what you would expect as a doctor. He lives in rural Saskatchewan in a village of about 350 people, loves working on cars, and chopping wood at his brother-in-law’s property. Him and his wife Charity live in a 1907 heritage home, which is under perpetual renovation - Node does most of the work himself. He also has recently rekindled his love for writing and has a new book coming out March - “On the Wings of a Ladybug.” He prefers to write fiction, instead of anything to do with medicine or health, because he sees it as one of the ways he can add beauty and inspiration into the world.
Do yourself a huge service and buy Node's book On The Wings of a Ladybug at this link: Https://
If you want to know more about Dr. Node, you can follow him on instagram and facebook - @drnodesmith
Someday in a split second, your life could be changed forever. Our purpose in much of this life is to accept what is unfolding in front of us and to move with alacrity the race set before us. Let me introduce Kate Harvie.
Kate Harvie was born to teach people how to tell their stories. She does this with writing, editing, marketing, brand strategy, and development online and offline. A graduate of law school, she is a startup founder and advocate for survivors of all kinds of trauma.
Kate is a survivor of a traumatic brain injury. That is the impetus for her first book. She is a singer, an advocate, and the person you want in your corner and on your speed dial.
A published writer for online magazines (BeautyNewsNYC), print publications (West End Word), blogs (L.M. Durand), and the companies where she works in communications and strategy (The Vanderbilt Republic and MIDHEAVEN Network), Kate began in advertising at FutureBrand’s digital practice. She worked at INTAGLIA HOME COLLECTION in St. Louis in marketing and sales. She co-wrote curricula, vodcast scripts, and training dialogues at Sephora and for several cosmetic companies. As the community and content manager at The Phat Startup, she was responsible for the website’s content creation, editing, and ghostwriting. She is the contributing writer for the Universal Hip Hop Museum.
Comfort 1 Air Conditioning Phone: (602) 247-6151 Email: [email protected] LLC - Nutrition, Hormones, Natural Medicine Phone: 602-792-8227 Email: [email protected] -
Let me introduce my friend, Courtney Kelm. Arizona's very first certified pain management physician assistant, who has had over 75,000 patient visits.
Listen in to her story and journey to her practice, Full Circle Orthopedic and Sports Medicine.
Courtney is probably the most qualified person I've ever met to deal with pain. Her practice is delightful to visit and her orientation towards patient care, absolutely refreshing. Her holistic approach to pain management is the reason for her unbridles success. She takes the time with each person to identify the root cause of their pain and involves other practitioners in her processes. To her, people are not numbers. She provides provide personalized medicine. Her primary goal is to get you feeling better, recovered from your injury or pain.
She's been a guest speaker to Barrow Neurological Institute as well as many other companies. Her education includes a Physician Assistant degree from the University of Texas and a Bachelors degree Cum Laude in Biomedical Science at Texas A&M University.
Enjoy today's Episode with Courtney Kelm, PA-c.
Full Circle Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
4500 N 32nd Street, Suite 120
Phoenix, AZ 85018 | 602-466-9703
Comfort 1 Air Conditioning Phone: (602) 247-6151 Email: [email protected] LLC - Nutrition, Hormones, Natural Medicine Phone: 602-792-8227 Email: [email protected] -
Meet Sead Hasic. There are those people who just light you up being around them. They're quick to speak positively and crack a smile, as well as offer words of encouragement and hope.
Sead's sobriety began in 2014. He is a gentleman with a genuinely captivating story of rising from the ashes of life, to live a life of service for mankind. He's wise beyond his years and in this podcast episode, Sead drops wisdom and light for us to scoop up for our own lives also.
We all hit bottom during points in life; mental, emotional & physical bottoms. But what we do when we live through those moments and get back up is what matters.
Meet Sead Hasic, the admissions specialist at Cornerstone Healing Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Cornerstone’s curriculum was born out of a deep passion for the mind, body, spirit approach to long-term sobriety and wellness. By combining concepts from some of the world’s greatest teachers in each discipline, they’ve woven together a proven and truly holistic strategy for addiction recovery.
Sead's LinkedIn I
Cornerstone Healing Center I
Cornerstone Healing Center: 7655 E Redfield Rd STE 4. Scottsdale, 85260
Phone: 1-800-490-1781
Comfort 1 Air Conditioning Phone: (602) 247-6151 Email: [email protected] LLC - Nutrition, Hormones, Natural Medicine Phone: 602-792-8227 Email: [email protected] -
The Rise Again Podcast is host to some of the most incredible and talented people you'll ever meet. Lt Col and Dr. Walton are unlike any other couple you’re sure to meet.
Lieutenant Colonel Darrell Walton is an Air Force Academy graduate and served the USA as an A-10A/C and MC-12W pilot and armed forces for 19 years. He is currently a 737 airline pilot and serves in the Air Force reserves. Darrell was a member of the US Skydiving Team in 2008 and 2009, accumulating over 5000 jumps. Darrell is a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga and also has multiple years of experience in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and other systems. He has been training in defensive firearms tactics for 10 years, attending over 40 professional shooting courses. He has a lifelong love of bushcraft, wilderness survival, and urban survival.
Dr. Karissa Walton, NMD, is a naturopathic medical doctor specializing in treating the cause of chronic pain and neurological conditions. She is well trained in IV nutritional therapy, bio-identical hormone replacement, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), neuro-feedback, and low-level Laser therapy as well as Functional Neurology. She is the founder of The Mobile Health Doc, the first mobile medical facility in Northern Arizona. She is passionate about helping her patients understand the cause of their symptoms and teaching them how to regain an optimal level of health. Dr. Karissa is an avid outdoors woman and served on Southern Arizona’s Search & Rescue team and Ski Patrol for 4 years. Dr. Karissa has trained in various fields of self-sufficiency including primitive living skills, trauma medicine, and self-defense since 2007. In her spare time, she is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitor and Krav-Maga 2nd degree black belt. She has been training in defensive firearms tactics for 6 years
Darrell and Karissa, recently founded Divergence Training which is a specialty school dedicated to teaching people self-sufficiency through the three pillars of Survival, Basic First Aid/Trauma Medicine, and Self Defense.
The Mobile Health Doc I
Divergence Training I
Comfort 1 Air Conditioning Phone: (602) 247-6151 Email: [email protected] LLC - Nutrition, Hormones, Natural Medicine Phone: 602-792-8227 Email: [email protected] - Laat meer zien