How should we eat our macros? What's wrong with low-carb diets? What symptoms will tell us about our metabolic health? We'll answer all these questions and more in this episode.
Train. Work. Restore.
The Salty Fitness Collective exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
In this episode, I give my top 5 food categories to build around and top 3 categories of foods to avoid for obtaining a high-octane metabolism.
Our future episodes will break down each one of these 8 pillars.
Train. Work. Restore.
The Salty Fitness Collective exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
On this episode, we intro a series on FOOD. We talk about what IS food for & how it glorifies Christ & aids in the Christian mission to exercise dominion over the earth.
Train. Work. Restore.
The Salty Fitness Collective exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
In this episode, I do a deeper dive into the problems with drinking too much plain water & consuming too little sodium and how that affects our long term cardiovascular health as well as our immediate energy efficiency for daily tasks.
Train. Work. Restore.
The Salty Fitness Collective exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
Does water quality matter? What water filters are best? How much and when should I drink water? We answer all of these questions and more in this first part of a series on WATER.
Links from the episode:
(know what's in your local water):
(top carbon filters):
(Reverse Osmosis filters):
(Paleovalley Electrolytes):
* I sell these at my location for less!
(LMNT Electrolytes):
* I also sell these at my location for less!
Train. Work. Restore.
The Salty Fitness Collective exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
We recently expanded our services at our new location to include 1-on-1 and semi-private training with our gym facility.
In this episode, we'll talk about how this is going to work & we'll also discuss the next phase plans as well.
Train. Work. Restore.
The Salty Fitness Collective exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
My brother from CityGate Church sat down with me to talk about the Spartan Race that we ran together and some of the principles we had to embrace to push through. We also talked about how doing hard things on purpose (such as this race) equips you to do hard things in life that come your way.
--Train. Work. Restore.
The Salty Fitness Collective exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit or
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
In this guest episode, I'm joined by Pastor John Gilfillan of CityGate Church: discuss the nature of the times we are living in, how there is no neutrality in God's world, and how we should live in a culture that hates Christians.
Train. Work. Restore.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit or
Opening/Closing song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
As we continue in our "Your Work Matters" series, we talk specifically about the serious dangers of sitting jobs or just being sedentary in general, & then hit on some practical actions to take for the sake of your long term health.
The Salty Fitness Collective: Train. Work. Restore.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit or
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
My goal in this episode is to contrast the pagan vision of the family, household & work with the Christian vision - and perhaps this is a Christian vision that some of you haven’t considered yet. And so I hope, in doing this, it will bring about some hopefulness. I also have some practical questions to work through for men from young to retired.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
In the episode, I sit down with Derek Anderson, owner of Amber Valley Construction and fellow churchman at Citygate Church in Portage, MI.
We talk about how a conquering Christian worldview changes how we live, work & rule in this life. Derek tells us about his near-death story, his pathway to owning a successful business, his 500 year plan, and his motivation for running for a civil magistrate position.
Amber Valley Website:
Derek's Kent Co Commission Site:
Derek's FB Page:
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
Introduction episode to our new series coming your way. We're going to do a deeper dive into work (vocation) - what it is, what it's for, it's implications on the father & husband, the mother & wife.
As part of this series, I am going to be interviewing some men who are living in such a way as to show their work as glorious.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
In this episode, we'll talk about competition & how it can be a glorious tool for Christians. We'll also talk about kids & sports in regards to competition as well as the mindset men should have as they face difficulties & competition in life.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
This is part 2 of 2 of my guest episode with Pastor Cole Brandon of CityGate Church in Portage, MI.
We dive into how Christian men who bear a false humility are making themselves weak & ineffective in their good works as Christians and as husbands & fathers in their households.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
In this episode, I have one of the pastors of CityGate Church in Portage, MI on as my guest, Pastor Cole Brandon.
In this part 1 of 2, we discuss how guilt got into the world & how it wreaks havoc on the world & how it turns men, particularly, into monsters or impotent weaklings. We also talk about the role of the local church in the Christian man.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
In this episode, we review and expand a bit on our previous episode about WORK. We also take a long tangent on our day of REST, that is, the Lord's Day. And we finally make the connection between PHYSICAL FITNESS & our work, and as such, the degree of saltiness we possess.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
David Bahnsen says that there is no such Biblical idea of a "work-life" balance. So what is the Biblical view & how might that affect how men & their wives understand work.
Getting this right will help us make the clear connection between physical fitness & glorifying Christ.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian’s Spotify:
Brian’s Website:
God made BOTH a spiritual (unseen) and a physical (seen) world. Many Christians today hold a dualistic view of these two worlds. But Christ is Lord of both. So if we believe this, how would this affect the way we live?
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Opening song: Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
Brian's Spotify:
Brian's Website:
In this episode, we open our series on the theology of fitness with an orientation of where we are in God's story and why we exist in this world.
I lay out the unpopular but glorious & most Scriptural view of Christ's reign and purposes. This is not meant to be a deep Biblical dive (although I'd love to do that if there are enough requests) but a high view of the world we live in & how it affects what we do (or don't do) with our lives as Christian men.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
Brian Suave (Psalm 2)
In this episode, I will give a brief summary of how fitness, and the lack thereof, played a role in my life in some significant ways.
Salty Fitness exists to guide men & their families in taking responsibility & dominion over their bodies in order to govern the world into glory.
For more, visit
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