
  • What does it take to have a thriving, meaningful career? For some, even asking the question seems so far out of reach and bubbles up a bit of Negative Nancy thinking, like, “Who am I to ask this? Oh, I’m too old… too young… too busy to stop and even consider that there might be a better way to work.” All of which is rubbish, you know that right? You get to decide each and every day how you wish to devote your time towards your work endeavors, friend!

    My special guest today is Dr. Susan Hanold and she’s simplifying how to have a thriving, meaningful career. I mean, she’s called the “Talent Doctor” and for good reason as she helps coach professionals of all ages on how to view your career journey in a new, fresh way. One where you leverage your strengths, chart a path that feels invigorating and empowering, but also one that is sustainable through seasons of big change.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Dr. Susan Hanold and she’s simplifying how to have a thriving, meaningful career. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Why some people get stuck in a career path that isn’t fulfilling or “where they’d thought they would be, by now?”

    How to identify and leverage your strengths to get your career back on path. Also, how to assess your skill gaps and areas you need to work on, based on what the market really needs right now.

    How to use technology to simplify your job.

    Why it’s important to continuously rebrand yourself all along your career journey. Plus simple, practical advice for those who feel resistant to change that’ll help you become more open and nimble.

    …and ultimately, what the key mistakes are that people make mid or late in their career that others should avoid, so you don’t get stuck.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to have a thriving, meaningful career? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Just checking in… How are you doing? No like, really. On a scale of 1-10 (10 = on the brink), are you feeling a bit frazzled, stressed, or overworked? Answer honestly, friend. How are you feeling these days?

    My special guest today is Michelle Hartley and she’s simplifying how to squash burnout at work. You see, this insidious little thing called burnout can sneak up on you while you’re not looking. And if you’ve been pounding away the triple iced coffees and burning the candle at both ends, you might not have noticed how it’s wearing down your body, mind, and spirit. But the good news is… you can do something about it.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Michelle Hartley and she’s simplifying how to squash burnout at work. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    What the tell-tale signs are that you’re about to hit burnout soon.

    The biggest misconception people have about burnout recovery and how to squash it in a different, more simpler way.

    What the three phases to burnout recovery are and how to take good care of yourself in each phase.

    How to ask your manager and/or HR team for support before/during/after you experience burnout and how to overcome the fear of speaking up. Also, if you’re a people leader who notices someone is struggling on your team, she shares what you can do to proactively support them through it and help them get back to thriving.

    …and ultimately, the truth is that many people who suffer from burnout do it again and again… Michelle shares how you can begin to see the warning signs sooner in order to stop the cycle, or at least slow it down.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to squash burnout at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


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  • In the world of artificial intelligence, things are changing so fast. How do you stay on top of all the updates in AI? Today, we are taking a deep dive into the latest and greatest in AI, talking about how you should (and shouldn’t) use AI at work. No, AI is NOT coming for your job… but I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, people who know AI are. Let’s talk about that.

    My special guest today is Sarah Reitsma of Waterfield Tech and she’s simplifying how you should (and shouldn’t) use AI at work. If you’re an absolute newbie to AI (never used it), you’re in the right place. We hope today’s conversation will help diffuse any fear you might have, so you can see the possibilities of what this new tech can help you accomplish… I promise, it’ll blow your minds.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Sarah Reitsma and she’s simplifying how you should (and shouldn’t) use AI at work. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Where to begin if you’re contemplating using AI at work. How to determine what tasks you should delegate to AI.

    All the incredible things that you could delegate to AI right now.

    And equally, how you should NOT use AI, right now.

    What sort of guardrails and precautions that you need to keep in mind, in order to keep your customer data safe and company information secure.

    …and ultimately, she shares her insights on how she sees others in the “contact center,” meaning areas of the business that handles customer interactions (call centers, chat support, customer service) are using AI in this area of an organization?

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to use AI at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s do a guided visualization exercise together: here’s how to embrace change with grace. You know the old adage, “change is the only constant,” which I suppose is true in most cases.

    However, I want to plant a seed of a new thought in your mind that might help you navigate change when it comes your way again:

    “I’m the only constant in my life, no matter what changes.”

    Let’s explore that idea today and go a bit deeper with it.

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: how to embrace change with grace.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • We are talking all about data analytics today, specifically for recruiters who work in talent acquisition. You see, the word on the streets is that many talent acquisition teams were downsized last year, yet the workload hasn’t reduced. What if how you tap into your data could help you attract top talent and help you fill more roles, faster?

    My special guest today is CEO of HireClix, Neil Costa and he’s simplifying how to leverage better data to improve recruitment. In the world of recruitment marketing, it’s all about filling the pipeline with the very best talent and driving better brand awareness to achieve your business goals.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Neil Costa and he’s simplifying how to leverage better data to improve recruitment. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Why we should care about data analytics in recruitment and what happens if we don’t track or leverage our data.

    What the 3 most important metrics are that you must track in recruitment marketing.

    There are two key marketing campaigns you could run to keep your pipeline full of the very best talent. He details them and their objectives, strategies and KPIs to measure success.

    How talent acquisition teams can better integrate their recruitment data with their existing ATS systems and how to set up tracking.

    …and ultimately, we talked about how some companies’ career sites are terrible and need a serious refresh. How to improve the career page and also the job application page on your company’s site.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to leverage better data to improve recruitment? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • We are in an unprecedented time right now where there are 5 different generations in the workforce. As a people leader, how can you effectively manage that wide spread of ages and background, keeping them motivated, engaged and productive?

    My special guest today is author Dana Dillard and she’s simplifying how to manage 5 different generations at work. From 18 to those in their 80s, here’s the definitive source on how to manage anyone on your team by having a better understanding of what they’ve gone through (generationally) and how they view their work.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Dana Dillard and she’s simplifying how to manage 5 different generations at work. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    First, she defines each of the 5 generations: their age ranges and distinct qualities typically found in each generation currently in the workforce.

    With 11,400 Baby Boomers retiring every single day in the US, she gives advice on succession planning for those who remain and career planning for those who exit.

    How each of the 5 generations prefer to give and receive effective communications and how often.

    What the very best ways are to reward and acknowledge the accomplishments of each of the 5 generations.

    When assigning projects, what you should keep in mind with each generational worker.

    …and ultimately, what you can do with this information to bring together the 5 generations at your organization.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to manage 5 different generations at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Ever been in a heated debate at work where the emotions were running a bit high? Maybe someone had an outburst or lost their cool… Maybe that someone was you. How would you handle that situation to de-escalate things and keep it professional?

    My special guest today is HR pro Ammie Michaels and she’s simplifying how to help your team when emotions run high. How you diffuse a situation like this speaks volumes for the type of people leader you really, truly are. So if you’ve been caught in a super awkward situation like this where someone at work has had an outburst, here’s how to handle it.

    My special guest today is Ammie Michaels and she’s simplifying how to help your team when emotions run high. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    It seems like ever since the pandemic, people’s communication skills have gotten rusty, especially at work. She gives her thoughts on why that is and what the first step is to remedy it.

    How to relearn human connection skills and train your team on these emotional intelligence skills, including best practices for meetings and open plan office spaces.

    As companies begin to adopt more and more artificial intelligence (AI) tools, she predicts how this might negatively impact future human interactions, both customer-facing and in the office and how that can affect people’s emotions at work.

    When you notice a team member’s emotions are running high, how to approach them (as their people leader) to gain understanding, ensure they are heard, and diffuse the situation with empathy.

    …And ultimately, she shares a few techniques that people leaders could use to build strong rapport with their remote workers vs in-person workers and reduce emotional outbursts, overall.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to help your team when emotions run high at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s do a guided visualization exercise together: here’s how to ask for what you need. Easier said than done sometimes, huh? But an incredibly important skill to master if you want to live a life of peace, prosperity, and in true community with others.

    You see, when you ask for help from the people you know and trust, most times, they are willing and able to assist you.

    But this skill takes massive amounts of courage mixed with a bit of humility. I want to simplify that, in order for this skill to become second nature for you!

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: how to ask for what you need.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Vision, mission, and core values… could you recite your organization’s ones off the top of your head, without peeking? Truth be told, many people can’t and that might be the root cause of why some companies are struggling in today’s economy.

    My special guest today is HR professional Andrew Stoute and he’s simplifying how to drive your company’s vision, mission, and core values at work. When you’re crystal clear on all three and you ensure your teams embrace and adopt them as well, you’re creating a compass to guide every move on why your organization exists, who you serve, where you’re headed next, and how you make big decisions.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Andrew Stoute and he’s simplifying how to drive your company’s vision, mission, and core values at work. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    How he defines vision, mission and core values for the modern workplace.

    Why it’s important for an organization to teach their workforce about these three elements and not just treat them like buzzwords.

    When companies say they are a “family” - why you might pause on saying that in the future as it might not necessarily be a good thing.

    Sadly, people make assumptions about others they work with all the time. He shares how people leaders can be a great role model to value one another, your diverse opinions and backgrounds, and begin to reverse this behavior.

    …and ultimately, what you should do if you notice your senior leadership are NOT upholding the values of the company in the key decisions they make… How to influence (and hopefully, course correct) as an HR executive advisor for your organization.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to drive your company’s vision, mission, and core values at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s talk about ERGs today… employee resource groups. They are affinity groups where you can connect, grow and learn with other folks at your organization over shared interests or backgrounds. For a larger company, ERGs can be a wonderful way to build community and a sense of belonging at work. But what if you don’t have one yet… and want to create one?

    My special guest today is ERG expert Kenny Braxton and he’s simplifying how to create impactful ERGs for your organization. Let’s face it… some of us spend more time at work than we do with our family and friends. And the epidemic of loneliness hasn’t subsided since the pandemic began in 2020. Getting involved in an ERG might help.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Kenny Braxton and he’s simplifying how to create impactful ERGs for your organization. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    How he defines an ERG (employee resource group) in today’s workplace and why these important, especially for larger organizations.

    He talks about a unique ERG he’s championed at his workplace called the “Family Caregivers ERG”, how it work and who it supports.

    How to create an ERG from the ground up. What you need and how to create the right structure to make it last.

    HR professionals tend to make one very common mistake when running ERGs and how to avoid it.

    …and ultimately, he shared a few best practices when it comes to ERGs that have helped build a sense of true community at his company.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to create an impactful ERG for your organization? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Raise your hand if you’ve been through a layoff. Keep your hand raised if you kept your job through it and are faced with the reality of attempting to rebuild the company culture after a massive layoff. You are what people call a “survivor” and my goodness, that’s a lot of pressure on your shoulders to help the organization recover, eh?

    My special guest today is culture lead and event planner, Daniel Stokes and he’s simplifying how to rebuild company culture after a massive layoff. Both Daniel and I have recently been through a layoff at a large organization and we come to the table with practical advice that you can begin to implement at your own company immediately.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Daniel Stokes and he’s simplifying how to rebuild company culture after a massive layoff. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    What the very first step is that your HR or People & Culture team must take immediately after a layoff has been announced at your organization.

    Why he believes that “culture repair is everyone’s job,” and not just the responsibility of HR.

    Let’s face it - Trust is lost after a layoff… He talks about the ways that managers and senior leadership can work together to rebuild that trust with their workforce, one conversation at a time.

    One major mistake that organizations tend to make after announcing a layoff that is a massive blunder.

    How to create a safe space for employee listening (through forums, surveys, town halls), where employee feedback can be captured and then actioned upon.

    …and ultimately, we implore everyone listening to this to consider one simple idea: instead of cutting People & Culture budgets after a layoff, what a better solution would be to improve employee engagement and rebuild company pride.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to rebuild your company’s culture after a layoff? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Switching gears, we’re now focused on simplifying topics for those who work in all aspects of HR, human resources next. Recruiters - are you struggling to find and recruit great talent these days? Word on the street is that recruiters are inundated with hundreds of applications for open roles but that doesn’t always mean they are qualified candidates. The result? It’s making it really hard to source the right people, like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

    My special guest today is senior HR consultant and career coach, Kelly Simants and she’s simplifying how to find and recruit great talent. Here’s a peek behind the curtain to see how smart recruiters are sourcing great talent as she shares her very best tips.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Kelly Simants and she’s simplifying how to find + recruit great talent. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Her take on what’s going on in the job market right now and why it seems so different in 2024.

    With the influx of candidates in the market and AI making it easier for them to submit applications faster (but might not be qualified for the role), how smart recruiters are weeding through the stacks of resumes to find the very best talent for the role.

    How to review a resume quickly to see great potential, especially if the candidate has a non-traditional career path. What she looks for.

    How recruiters can freshen up the interview process to improve the candidate experience.

    …and ultimately, she shares a couple of tools that she is using as a recruiter to help shorten the “time to fill” for a role.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to find + recruit great talent? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s do a guided visualization exercise together: here’s how to keep calm before giving a big presentation. It’s so easy to let your nerves get the best of you right before you take the stage or stand up to present.

    Ultimately, you want to do a great job, show up 100% authentically as you, and get your point across with charm, intelligence and grace.

    This episode is perfect to listen to about 30 minutes before your big presentation, to help you get centered, focused and in the zone.

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: how to keep calm before a big presentation.

    I hope this visualization sticks with you the entire week through. Do it again and again if you need clarity or fresh ideas on where you’re headed next… Because when you tap into your deep inner knowing, you’re accessing your deep inner wisdom. That electric energy that can be found inside all of us that connects us all together. It knows. You know. We all know if we are brave and we open ourselves to it.

    You can do this, I believe in you.

    It’s time to SIMPLIFY.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Have you ever stepped back and thought about how similar the process is, of finding a job to buying a house? Like in nearly every single way - the parallels are eerie! So let’s talk about it…

    My special guest today is global talent acquisition leader, Shannon Taylor and he’s simplifying why you should treat your job search like buying a house. Because if this simple (yet profound!) reframe helps you feel more empowered and better equipped, then I’m calling that a WIN.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Shannon Taylor and he’s simplifying why you should treat your job search like buying a house. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    His take on what’s going on in the job market right now and why it seems so different in 2024.

    He breaks down all the reasons why he draws comparisons between buying a house and finding your next job

    Turnover low, job supply low, demand high and getting the timing just right.

    Using this house buyer analogy, he talks about where job seekers can go to find the “hidden job market,” as in, the roles that are rarely publicized or have less competition

    These are called “off-market pocket listings” in real estate or jobs that might be outside of what you typically go for.

    How job seekers can make their “offer” the most compelling when applying for roles, so they land the interview.

    In job seeking (as also in buying a house), there’s a bit of serendipity and magic to it… How a job seeker can increase their chances of getting the stars to align in their job search.

    Q: Are you ready to learn why you should treat your job search like buying a house? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    3 hours of (free) focus music for deep concentration - Quiet Quest - Study Music

    The very best job networking tips - Help Guide

    50 powerful questions to help you reflect - The Institute of You


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Job seekers - do you need to prepare for a big job interview coming up? There’s nothing more stressful than feeling overly excited, totally under prepared, and wanting to make a good first impression. The truth is with a few simple steps, you can be more calm, cool, collected, and confident, which is EXACTLY what recruiters want to see.

    My special guest today is senior talent acquisition partner and recruiter, Cecile Webster and she’s simplifying how to prepare for a great job interview. Remember, you get a split second moment to effectively communicate why you’re the right fit for the role and how you’ll bring value to their organization.

    Here’s how to do it right.

    My special guest today is Cecile Webster and she’s simplifying how to prepare for a great job interview. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Her take on what’s going on in the job market right now and why it seems harder to land an interview in 2024.

    What makes a great resume and how important a cover letter is…or isn’t.

    The very best ways that a job seeker can best prepare before their job interview - plus the resources and tools she recommends.

    The common mistakes that people make when they are having a recruiter screening call or on the job interview with the hiring manager.

    And the inverse, the GREAT experiences she’s had from top candidates that made them stand out and ultimately, land the job. What they did right.

    The most impactful ways to follow up with a recruiter after the first screening call, to help increase your chances to book a first job interview. How and when.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to prepare for a great job interview? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Want to learn the secrets on how to stand out as a top candidate for a job? In this day and age when the market is flooded with great talent, how do you rise to the top and make a great impression all along the way?

    My special guest today is talent acquisition partner and recruiter, Shreya Mehta and she’s simplifying how to stand out as a top candidate for a job. It might simply be getting back to the basics on some things.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Shreya Mehta and she’s simplifying how to stand out as a top candidate for a job. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Her take on what’s going on in the job market right now and why it feels different in 2024.

    With job postings getting 500 applications in the first 24 hours (especially remote roles), how to craft a compelling resume and application. What a recruiter wants and needs to see on your resume and cover letter to book a screening call.

    The secrets to building a relationship with a recruiter BEFORE they’ve posted a job that’s a match for you… and how to do that professionally.

    What the best way is for a candidate to follow-up with a recruiter after you’ve submitted your application. What does a recruiter prefer, exactly and how often should you ping them?

    How to stand out in the interview process, using the 3 P process:




    …And finally, she shares what the number one mistake is that candidates make while on the first call with a recruiter.

    Anyone that’s looking for a job in 2024 is feeling the pinch right now and let’s be real… It can be incredibly discouraging.

    I heard a stat from my career coach that in this job market, most white-collar workers typically need anywhere between 3-9 months to find their next role.

    My goodness, that’s a long time and seems crazy to me. So friend, I hope that today’s episode helps you refine how you apply, how you follow up, and how you interview, so that you can shorten that time significantly.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to stand out as a top candidate for a job? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s do a guided visualization exercise together: here’s how to nail a job interview. You know, when you get off that call or leave the building, immediately after a job interview, knowing you presented the very best version of yourself to the recruiter, hiring manager, or panel.

    Calm, cool, collected, confident… and you charmed the pants off of them!

    There was connection, great conversation, and you confidently showcased your expertise and yourself with grace and ease. Again, you SHONE bright, my friend as your true radiant self came through!

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: how to nail a job interview.

    Quick disclaimer: This one is a tiny bit different from other guided visualizations we’ve offered in the past. I recommend listening to this one, exactly 60-90 minutes *before* your interview. That way, you’re in the right mindset when it comes time to do the real thing. (And of course, you can listen to this one anytime you like, even if you don’t have a job interview coming up today… It still does wonders to your psyche and confidence!)

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Would you consider yourself an excellent networker? You know, someone who can walk into any room and spark a conversation with a stranger with ease and grace. Or maybe someone who knows the ins and outs of how to build relationships on LinkedIn naturally and seems to know everyone? Well, if you’re in the middle of a job search right now, you know that these skills are vital, especially given the competition is high for those top-paying roles.

    My special guest today is talent acquisition strategist and recruiter, Melissa Grabiner and she’s simplifying how to be an excellent networker and land the job. She shares the secrets of how to stand out amongst the competition.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Melissa Grabiner and she’s simplifying how to be an excellent networker + land the job. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Her take on what’s going on in the job market right now and why it feels different in 2024.

    She suggests that “every CEO or Head of HR should apply for a job right now at their own company” and why.

    What key steps you should take to leverage your network to get more internal referrals inside a company and why that’s crucial to land the interview.

    How to stand out to recruiters when there are 500+ applicants for the same job and how to follow-up after you applied, either with the recruiter or the hiring manager.

    …and she shares her favorite tools that she recommends to job seekers that will help you be a better networker and track more efficiently your job search efforts.

    Job seekers, this one is a great conversation with lots of tangible tips and tricks, so grab a pen and paper to take notes.

    I hope this helps spark a new idea in you this week and helps you #dothething! Q: Are you ready to learn how to become an excellent networking and land the job of your dreams? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Job seekers, are you feeling frustrated with your job search so far and feel like you are hitting a wall? Oh man, I know that feeling. It seems like you’re pounding away at applying for jobs, taking the time to tailor each and every one of your applications, and getting zero interviews. If this sounds familiar, don’t give up… the answers are on their way!

    My special guest today is client success executive Sahara Alexis and she’s simplifying how to navigate a job search with success. Spoiler alert: it’s all about relationship building and she shares all the very best secrets that will help you open doors that were once locked, stand out amongst the hundreds of other applicants, and make tangible progress in your job search this week.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Sahara Alexis and she’s simplifying how to navigate a job search with success. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    How to utilize the principles of Customer Success in your own job search and come off auto-pilot.

    If you’ve been labeled a “fixer” or “rescuer” at your last job, how to instill better boundaries to help you stay focused on results and less on rescuing others.

    Her favorite AI tools and resources that have helped her along her own job search.

    …and when she was a hiring manager herself, what made candidates stand out for her as someone who she definitely wanted to interview and ultimately hire.

    If you’re going through a job search right now, you know the roller coaster of emotions you experience any given week, or even hour by hour. Getting ghosted by a recruiter (whether deliberate or not), feels horrible when you’ve gotten your hopes up on a job or opportunity. I feel you - it stinks.

    That’s why our aim is to provide you with tangible, simple how-to advice for your job search that you can try out today.

    I hope my conversation with Sahara helps you strip it all back to the basics, remembering the key strengths you already have that have helped you build strong working relationships in past jobs… and how to leverage those connections now.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to navigate a job search with success? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Are you looking for a job right now? If so, there are some incredible AI tools that you can use to help you along your job search.

    Let me tell you about the top 5 AI tools out there that will help you get a job. If you’ve been laid off recently or just looking to move into a different job at a different company, let me tell you… the job market has COMPLETELY changed!

    Smart and savvy job seekers are using AI tools to help them in all aspects of their job search, including:

    Finding jobs that match your experience level for you to apply to

    Identifying your key skills for a particular job posting

    Tailoring your resume specifically for each job you apply for

    Helping you craft your cover letter

    So, let’s talk about the top 5 AI tools that people are using to help them be more efficient in their job search and reduce the headache of being between jobs.

    Bottomline, you are very smart to brush up your skills in AI because your future employer is looking for people who’ve got these skills as they begin to implement AI and automation into their workflows this year. Well done you, keep doing the thing!

    You can do this, I believe in you. It’s time to SIMPLIFY.

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