
  • RIDDLE ME THIS: What have I paid for - for 43 years and never used? And why am I delighted, I never had to. The answer … INSURANCE

    In this UNCORK Conversation, Steve Appenfelder (President at Adkisson Insurance Agency, my amazing friend, and a wonderful human) and I delve into the deep, dark, and potentially dangerous insurance world. Steve shares his journey from being an underwriter to owning his own insurance agency and provides insights into the complexities of commercial insurance. He emphasizes the significance of building relationships and setting realistic expectations with clients. He also stresses the need for agents and individuals to ask better questions of each other to ensure that everyone is buying the insurance coverage they truly need.

    Grab a drink and prepare to learn about an industry that, for most of us, is shrouded in mystery and sometimes even a bit of madness.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCERS: Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • In this 9-minute and 28-second episode, I challenge you with this provocative idea: Everyone needs a coach and a therapist.

    Therapy is not just for people with serious problems; coaching is not only for CEOs and athletes. I share some statistics showing the benefits of working with a coach and a therapist and my conviction that both are necessary for personal transformation.

    It’s time to overcome your fear, figure out who you really are, and invest in your future self for the sake of all those around you.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCERS: Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

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  • This UNCORK conversation with Eric Stone, the author of "Jumpstart Your Workplace Culture: A Road Map for Igniting High Performance," explores these questions: How do we create and sustain a workplace culture that energizes and enables us to outperform and is a catalyst of execution, not just excitement?

    Eric and I discuss the importance of building strong relationships, clear communication, training and development, and recognizing top performance. Eric introduces the concept of the hourglass approach, which involves listening, orchestrating, and assessing. He emphasizes removing distractions and focusing on a few key priorities.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • If it's your story - why do you let others write it and tell it for you? Do you really believe that you're writing your own story? Do you fully claim the pen? Do you fully own the paper and the power of crafting the tale of your life, or are you abdicating that to others? And, how do you take your personal, professional, business, or organization's story back and create a new narrative that will enhance your positive impact and effect on you and others: after all - it's your story, and you can learn to tell it better.

    This UNCORKED conversation with Dave Summers, owner and founder of Pine Mountain Digital, explores the importance of owning and crafting one's own story and how to create a new narrative that enhances positive impact. Throughout our conversation, Dave emphasizes the need for authenticity in storytelling, capturing attention, and entertaining and engaging your audience.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • Are you ready to redefine what it means to live an extraordinary life? Are you ready for a revolution? Ready to turn the mundane into the monumental? Are you ready to uncover the secrets of transforming your narrative, harnessing your unique strengths, and creating meaningful connections that propel you to the pinnacle of your potential? Are you Ready to dive heart-first into the "Epic Life" waiting for you?

    If you are, then this conversation with Justin Breen, the author of "Epic Life," a no-holds-barred guide to living with purpose, passion, and push - is just what you need.

    In this UNCORK conversation, Justin and I explore what it means to live an epic life and how to achieve it. Justin shares that visionaries are born, not made, and have a mindset of no excuses and pure action. We talk about the challenges and obstacles visionaries share, including depression, anxiety, and trauma. Justin shares his personal journey of starting his own company and the power of connecting with other visionaries. Our conversation explores the experiences and perspectives of visionaries and their unique connection to a higher power. It delves into the idea that visionaries see things dimensionally and can tap into the "information and ideas" around us. Justin also shares insights from his upcoming book, 'Epic Journey,' which he believes will have a profound and transformative impact on the world.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • Have you ever felt like you were marching to the beat of your own drum, only to realize that your rhythm is what makes the melody of life so much richer? This UNCORK conversation will be sweet and sacred music for those who have felt different, misunderstood, or out of sync with the world around them. It's a celebration of the moment when the puzzle pieces start to fit, when the fog lifts, and when you finally see your unique qualities as gifts, not burdens.

    Whether you're living with autism, supporting someone who is, or simply curious about the diverse spectrum of human experience, this space is for you. Take a deep breath, open your heart, and join us as we unwrap the gift for yourself and others when you finally understand why you're different.

    This UNCORK conversation features Jamie Reaburn, a 43-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with autism. She's a mother, a wife, a dog mom, an amateur boxer, a gardening enthusiast, and a high school English department head and teacher. Her unique perspective and experiences make this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding autism.

    Listen in as we explore the experience of being different and applaud the realization that being unique is something to be celebrated. Jamie and I chat about the importance of self-advocacy and the therapeutic nature of stimming. The episode encourages listeners to have open and honest conversations about autism and to be more understanding and accepting of individuals with autism. Jamie discusses how her autism diagnosis has been a gift to her and an opportunity to have conversations, be kind to herself and others, and gain a new perspective. She emphasizes the importance of getting curious instead of critical and finding joy in the midst of struggles. Jamie also shares how her diagnosis has impacted her parenting, allowing her to self-monitor and be more understanding of her own needs. She encourages parents to be curious about their own feelings and to focus on the root of their child's behaviour as they help them navigate the world within them and around them.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • Consider this: what breed would you never want to be if you were a feline? What seven-letter idiom is a crafty and somewhat critical way to describe the complex psychology and behaviour known as "mimicry?" And what seven-letter compound word that begins with C and ends with T is a derogatory label you may give to someone who's just trying to fake it to make it and do it just like everyone else? The answer to all of these questions and the main consideration of this conversation is - A COPYCAT - a person who imitates others. A rather insecure soul, a person who is willingly swallowing a pill of conformity and washing it down with a chaser of predictable mediocrity. A person busy mimicking someone else's moves and suffocating their unique potential in the process. A person squandering their chance to unleash their unique brand of impact and effect into the world. A person who is being controlled and animated by the evil spell of sameness.

    In this UNCORK conversation, Michelle Martin, "the business leader's success coach," and I discuss the importance of authenticity and avoiding mimicry in life and business. Michelle shares her experience of leaving a successful corporate career to pursue her own path, not conforming, being a copycat, and staying true to herself.

    Our conversation also delves into the challenges of breaking free from old patterns and beliefs. We underscore the importance of living in alignment with one's true self and the power of embracing uniqueness. This discussion is a powerful reminder to our audience to find harmony between different aspects of their identity and to be courageous, ever-evolving, and true to themselves.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • Are you living and leading by design or just by default? It's time to wake up and live the life you want—not the one someone else programmed for you.

    In this UNCORK conversation, we explore the concept of living by default versus living by design with Nancy Gentle Boudrie, a mindfulness and mindset coach. Nancy's insights reveal how default programming, often influenced by upbringing and societal expectations, can lead to a life of unhealthy unconscious habits and survival mode. She stresses the importance of awakening and becoming aware of these default settings in order to live a life by design. Nancy also shares her personal journey of transitioning from a high-stress entrepreneurial career to becoming a mindfulness and mindset coach. Additionally, we explore the practical application of mindfulness and emotional awareness as tools for waking up and living by design and the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in personal and professional relationships. Our conversation concludes with a discussion on living a life by design and embracing one's uniqueness for the benefit of others.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • In this 8-minute & 36-second episode, I introduce the "13 DAYS of YES CHALLENGE," a thrilling experiment that pushes the boundaries of consent and embraces the unknown.

    This challenge involves saying yes to everything and everyone for 13 days, seeking unconventional opportunities and living in radical spontaneity. Join me on this challenge, and we will test our physical and mental limits, embrace the thrill of the unknown, and play social roulette. Get ready to build confidence, embark on a knowledge revolution, and embrace the wonderful and wild unexpected.

    13 DAYS of YES … Email or DM me on social and let me know what this experiment teaches you and what it sets in motion for you and others.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCERS: Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • You can scale it up if you can see it small and dream it big. The micro informs and enflames the macro, and when you push beyond the confines of your personal and professional canvases, you will begin to live large and create vast and vibrant images and impact.

    In this UNCORK conversation, large-scale mural artist Steph Boutari and I explore her journey from studying architecture to becoming a full-time large-scale mural artist and her desire to break free from the constraints of traditional art mediums and canvases. Listen in and discover how the people we encounter and the pain we experience in our personal and professional lives are provocateurs of personal growth. Get ready to be challenged to think small and big and to scale it and yourself up.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • In this 8-minute & 6-second episode, I introduce the "13 DAYS of NO CHALLENGE," a unique opportunity for self-discovery.

    This challenge is a form of rebellion against societal pressure, always to say yes and a chance to explore the power of no. By saying no, we can break free from the yes syndrome, test our relationships, and delve into detachment and self-reliance. It's an opportunity for social experimentation and self-discovery, a chance to assert control over our own narratives.

    13 DAYS of NO … Email or DM me on social and let me know what this experiment teaches you and how it liberates you from unreasonable expectations.


    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCERS: Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • This UNCORK conversation with educator and community leader Josh Windsor examines these crucial questions: Should we, or are we seeing a seismic shift in how we should deliver public education and define student and system successful outcomes? And, how does the often bureaucratic and politically entangled world of public education leadership compare with the profit-driven arena of private sector leadership?

    Our chat is a deep dive into the need for students to engage with 21st-century learning competencies and the concept of micro-credentialing. It also touches on the importance of teaching creativity and breaking down disciplinary silos to achieve the ultimate goal of creating an education system that values engagement and provides students with relevant and transferable skills.

    The conversation also explores various aspects of education, including student engagement and activism, the application of knowledge, supporting adolescents, cell phone use and communication, instilling values and problem-solving skills, resilience and failure, parental support and self-advocacy, leadership in education vs. the private sector, the complexity of education leadership, balancing stakeholder needs, challenges faced by educators, passion and dedication in education, and building relationships and trust.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book
    [email protected]

    PRODUCERS: Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • In this 5-minute & 45-second episode, I share this powerful quote by French writer, poet, and journalist Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,

    "If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."

    Listen in, and we will apply this wisdom to leadership, personal and professional goals, and calling you and me into our destiny. Let's paint a powerful vision and fall in love with the destination to inspire and motivate ourselves and others to build well and wisely.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCER: Kris MacQueen

  • This UNCORK conversation explores the intersection of art, theology, and psychology with my cohost, Kris MacQueen and our guest, renowned artist and author James Tughan.

    Join us as we explore the deep intentionality and design behind Tughan's artwork, the power of constraint in creativity, and the interplay between freedom and structure. We discuss how James's personal journey through mental health and trauma has influenced his artistic process and the themes he explores in his work. Our conversation also touches on the role of patrons in supporting artists and the challenges artists face in finding financial support.

    Listen in, and you'll be encouraged to embrace truth-telling and appreciate the depth and complexity of art and its ability to connect with the human experience.


    [email protected]

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    & Author of the UNCOMMODiFiED Book

    [email protected]

    PRODUCERS: Kris MacQueen & Alyne Gagne

  • Here’s a rather uncomfortable truth … You are not experiencing the change you want to see in your personal or professional life because you are just not dissatisfied or pissed off enough.

    Listen to this 6-minute & 55-second episode, where I explore the relationship between dissatisfaction and change: the truth that the desire to change is energized and activated by the palpable and even painful discontent and dissatisfaction you and I have with the present state of something in our lives.

    It’s time to stop lying to ourselves about the things we say want to change but are not genuinely dissatisfied enough to take action.

    It’s time to grow dissatisfied and become aggressive antagonists of the status quo in ourselves and others to drive positive change.

    And it’s time to convert our dissatisfaction into positive action and become the answer to the problems we want to solve in ourselves and for others.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCER: Kris MacQueen

  • This UNPEDDLING conversation will be “food for thought” for Sales leaders and professionals who want to serve up better and more value for their customers, their companies, and themselves.

    Listen in and learn from what over three decades in selling and sales leadership have taught my guest, Brad Wagner. Brad’s journey …. Restaurant Dishwasher to Cook to a Chef who fell head over heels for the Hospitality Industry: A man driven to ensure those around him, his staff and guests had a wonderful experience every time they dinned with him. Then, a knee injury took him out of the kitchen and into the world of service sales, where he continued his passion for hospitality, selling French Fries and so much more along the way. After 30 years of what Brad considers “constant mistakes and incredible learnings,” he is humbled to lead a team of 50 amazing people responsible for over $2 billion in annual sales.

    During our conversation, Brad shared the importance of self-awareness and how it transformed his approach to sales. He emphasizes the value of helping others and how it leads to personal development. Brad also discusses the role of leadership in empowering and supporting the team. The conversation delves into uncommodifying a commodity business and the importance of agility and empathy in serving customers. Brad highlights the need for a positive attitude in challenging times and the impact of creating a culture of empathy and support.

    Grab a drink and prepare to serve up better & more value to everyone around you.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCER: Kris MacQueen

  • Just because you create IMPACT does not guarantee that your IMPACT will endure … and ENDURING IMPACT is what the long game in life and leadership is all about.

    In this UNCORKED conversation, I explore the idea and ideal of creating and sustaining an enduring positive impact on those around me with my guest, top-ranked leadership coach, culture change expert, vision story developer, business transformation specialist, author, and podcaster James Kerr.

    Our whiskey chat explores the importance of mindset, the connection between enduring impact and being an indispensable leader, and the challenges leaders face in creating the positive impact they desire.

    Here are some highlights from our conversation for you to consider: Enduring impact is about creating a lasting impression that survives the moment and continues to have a positive influence. Mindset plays a crucial role in creating enduring impact, shaping our behaviour and how we lead. Leaders can leverage their strengths and focus on areas where they want to make a difference to create an impact. Deep listening and asking great questions are essential skills for creating enduring impact. And, never forget that you are impacting people all the time, so it is crucial to consider the kind of impact you are leaving on others.

    Grab a wee dram and prepare to create a more sustainable positive impact on those you love, lead, and do life with.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCER: Kris MacQueen

  • Life is hard some days, and it doesn't always turn out the way we expect it to in the moment. The secret I've discovered is that we must remind ourselves daily that this is a long game, a long haul, and a long, winding road will take us towards where we need to be.

    Listen to this 8-minute & 19-second episode, and let me remind you that life requires patience and a long-term perspective. Impatience and the desire for quick results can hinder our progress. It is essential to understand that some things take more time to materialize, and we must be patient and allow them to unfold naturally. The long-haul approach in life and business will lead to greater fulfillment and success. Believing in the possibility of change and being open to new chapters in our lives is crucial. Embracing the long game allows us to navigate obstacles and challenges with wisdom and resilience.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCER: Kris MacQueen

  • What can the perfect stranger you meet on the pages of a book or on Instagram teach you about yourself and the life you must live?

    In this UNCORKED conversation, I chat with Justin Marlowe. Here's what I discovered about Justin in our DM's, emails, and our 7:38 AM Phone call on Thanksgiving Day … Justin is a new author working hard to birth his book entitled "Perfect Strangers" into the real world for you and me to read and experience. His book combines elements of black culture, racial strife, mental health, pop culture, history, humour, and romance into a tale you will want to read when it finds its place in the crowded world of printed and digital books. Justin is bold, brave, and a bit brash … no man's fool and yet willing to be wise and foolish enough to transcend the din of social media bullshit I see every day and get my full attention.

    Justin and I discuss his writing journey and what drove him to write. Inspirational figures in Justin's story. The therapeutic nature of writing and the lessons he has learned along the way. Justin shares that his father has been one of the most influential figures in his story and how writing has helped him gain empathy for the people he has met over the years. He emphasizes the importance of bringing one's unique perspective and contribution to the world and a reminder to pursue creative endeavours despite fear.


    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCER: Kris MacQueen

  • What do you and I need to Stand Up to? Speak Out about? Push Back on in our life and world? And WHAT FACTOR AND FORCE ALWAYS BEATS HATE?

    Alan Quarry, the founder of HeartBeatsHate joins me to discuss the power of kindness and the importance of standing up to hate. He shares the origins of HeartBeatsHate and how it became a grassroots movement focused on promoting kindness and eradicating hate. Our conversation emphasizes the need for personal change and recognizing and overcoming bias. Alan encourages everyone to become UPSTANDERS instead of bystanders and offers practical ways to stand up to hate. We also discuss the impact of kindness and the danger of complacency.

    Tim Windsor
    the UNCOMMODiFiED Podcast – Host & Guide
    [email protected]

    PRODUCER: Kris MacQueen