
  • Sally Jimson celebrated her birthday on the day we recorded this podcast. She is a Strategic Evolution Specialist: With a proven track record, she has led transformative projects, from repositioning Luxury Celebrity Tanning brands to orchestrating the growth of partner brand awareness and turnover in FMCG businesses. My strategic insights have consistently delivered results, winning more contracts and increasing turnover. For over 25 years, she has been on a mission to help people like you, transform their lives. Whether you’re aiming for growth in your career, business, or personal life, her coaching is designed to celebrate your progress and guide you toward your most meaningful goals.

    She is thrilled to announce the launch of her 10 Day Wellness Program: Positive Habits eBook and program, which is now available on Amazon Kindle and Etsy. This eBook is packed with practical strategies and actionable tips to help you make lasting, positive changes in every area of your life. Sally has developed the innate ability to find joy and positivity in every situation, even one that were very challenging for her. She has recognised some simple things we can do, as we wake every day, that can help us have a very different day, and a very different life.

    If you are ready to live your best life, and are looking for some simple things you can do to help you on this journey, then this is a the podcast for you. Enjoy this fabulous conversation...

    To find out more about Sally, Click here

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  • Andy Reid has an infectious personality, combined with some incredible insights to help those who are success curious, get some answers. The challenges he has had writing his first book, have highlighted to him that success is available for everyone, irrespective of talent, education, or circumstances. Originally from the UK, Andy is now loving life in Melbourne, Australia.

    From operating a $13M business at just 21 years old, he has spent over 20 years leading and evolving in human-focused industries working with teams of up to 250 employees and doubling profit margins whilst building cultures based on 360-degree accountability. He has an uncommon ‘human first, agent second’ approach within real estate, and a consumer-centric mindset that led to spearheading the training for some of Australia’s leading franchise networks and winning awards for his results. He has also been recognised as Australian Auctioneer Of The Year by Real Estate Business in 2022.

    In 2017, he launched my own full-service auctioneering business that now services more than 130 agents and agencies with five auctioneers servicing all parts of Metro Melbourne. With a huge focus on community engagement, he has helped raise over $3 million for charities and community groups since 2015 via his public speaking, auctioneering, marketing, sales and networking expertise. He is a proud ambassador for ‘100 Words – Mate To Mate’, a registered mental health charity in which I openly talk about my own experiences with mental health.

    His biggest passion is a desire to create a cohort of professional humans through harnessing both EQ and IQ elements, enabling people to succeed in a professional context simply by being who they are. Andy and I discuss many things that will help every single person, who is success curious, to discover why a life of meaning and joy is available and waiting for them. Enjoy this fabulous conversation...

    To find out more about Andy, Click here

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  • Larissa Bartlett is The Mind Games Research Fellow at the University of Tasmania's Menzies Institute for Medical Research, having completed 3 years postdoctoral studies as the ISLAND Research Fellow at the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre. She studies the effects of organisational policies and practices on workplace culture and mental health, the influence of behavioural and lifestyle factors on brain health, and the role of personal resources, such as mindfulness and psychological capital, on health and wellbeing, social relationships and work performance. She has published over 20 peer reviewed articles in quality research journals and frequently speaks about her research at scientific, public health and community events.

    ​Larissa is authorised to teach the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course, by the Mindfulness Training Institute of Australia and New Zealand. She offers mindfulness courses, retreats and bespoke programs for organisations wanting to improve workplace culture and individuals seeking to build cultivate a deeper understanding of mindfulness to support their professional work, self-efficacy, resilience, and to live their best lives.

    ​Larissa has completed contracts evaluating workplace mindfulness programs in a range of different industry sectors, including: the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs, Snowy Hydro, the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet and Nexus Hospitals. She is currently contracted by Victoria University to co-develop a measure of Organisational Systems, Functioning and Capacity (the FACTSS), and by the Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies at Monash University to progress the development of a measure of observable mindful behaviours (the OMM).

    She has personally experienced a high level of stress and anxiety, and knows the incredible power of mindfulness to help create the space between the potential source of stress and the response. It has helped her in every area of life, and it can help you too. Enjoy...

    To find out more about Larissa, Click here

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  • I am blessed to have known Perry Venakis for almost 25 years, so far. When we met, he was just starting his personal training journey after a very interesting background as a mechanic, a farmer and then with a passion to help people with their health and well being. He turned his knowledge and experience to help body builders get positive results in a much more healthy and natural way, and had great success with many people he worked with.

    His journey led him to an intense interest in the role that nutrition played in body building, but also how it impacted every person and in every area of life. Perry works with many people to help them live optimal lives through eating simply, naturally and nutritionally to help them get results that seem to very complex. This interest led him, at the age of 55, to study a Masters degree in nutrition and then go on to start the Australia Academy of Raw Nutrition.

    Perry and I chat about some simple but powerful concepts in this conversation. Some simple tips to eat well, exercise more effectively, and create a mindset that will lead to an abundant &meaning life of joy, purpose and longevity. After doing his N90 program myself, I can definitely attest to is worth. I would encourage everyone to take control of their wellbeing, because every choice we make is leaving an indelible imprint in the hearts of people and on the legacy we are leaving. I know you will get a lot from this podcast, so please enjoy.

    Find out more about Perry and his N90 program, click here

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  • Early Challenges and Inner Turmoil

    Since birth, Marcy Langlois has faced formidable difficulties, undergoing more than twenty surgical procedures to address her cleft lip and palate. This physical struggle only compounded the emotional burdens she endured. Marcy was subjected to relentless teasing and bullying during her childhood, as her appearance and speech differed from her peers.

    Navigating Identity and Overcoming Self-Doubt

    As Marcy progressed through Catholic grade school, she confronted another layer of self-discovery: her attraction to girls rather than boys. Confusion and shame about her sexuality reinforced her already entrenched beliefs of being worthless and unlovable. The struggle between external and internal insecurities intensified, compelling Marcy to become a perfectionist in an attempt to deflect attention from her perceived flaws.

    The Destructive Path of Addiction

    In her quest to silence the nagging voice in her mind, Marcy turned to alcohol during her middle school years. While it temporarily numbed her pain, it accelerated a downward spiral. The tragic car accident she was involved in during high school claimed the lives of three individuals, fueling her guilt and deepening her reliance on alcohol as an escape. Thus began a decade-long struggle with alcoholism that resulted in the loss of employment, devastated relationships, and a battle with chronic illness that nearly cost Marcy her life.

    Breaking Free and Embracing Transformation

    Rock bottom was the turning point for Marcy at the age of 27. Utilizing resources provided by a Twelve-Step Program, she embarked on a miraculous journey of recovery. Embracing sobriety, Marcy engaged in extensive therapy, personal reflection, and spiritual exploration to heal her wounds and discover her true self.

    Finding Love, Fulfillment, and Purpose

    Today, Marcy lives a life filled with self-love and contentment. She and her wife have cultivated a beautiful, lasting relationship for over twenty years. Professionally, Marcy achieved remarkable success as a Mortgage Banker and Vice President in the banking industry and now works at a top mortgage banking business. However, her greatest passion lies in sharing her transformative story with others, providing them with hope and healing in their own struggles.

    A Message of Resilience and Empowerment

    Marcy Langlois exemplifies the power of resilience in the face of daunting challenges. Her journey serves as an inspiring testament to the possibilities of personal growth and triumph over adversity. Marcy’s story resonates with individuals navigating their journeys, reminding them that healing, self-discovery, and the redefinition of their narratives are always within reach.

    To find out more about Marcy, Click here

    To book a call with Marcy, Click here

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  • Evan Kostopolous was a passionate soccer player with a dream and a vision to make it the highest level. From a young age and from strong Greek heritage background, it was all he wanted to do. He worked hard and made to the highest level in Australia until he discovered the dark side of corruption in the sport. As a consequence, it all came crashing down around him, and was left floundering with no idea what to do next. His identity was wrapped up in his sporting accomplishments, so can imagine what happened when he lost his career in sport.

    He was lost for a long time until he started to tap into his inner strengths, his inner identity. He harnessed his resilience, his curiosity, his determination, is persistence and his desire to make a difference and transitioned his through an entrepreneurial journey to found his company, York Hamilton. Now, he has crafted a life with meaning, travel and time to spend with his young family.

    This really is a powerful conversation for everyone, as we focus on inner identity, and truly finding you. When you can do that, transitioning out of and into anything is a much simpler and more fulfilling process. This is an inspiring and necessary conversation for every single person.

    To find out more about Your Hamilton, Click here

    To connect with Evan, Click here

    My website is

  • Ed Doherty, a Massachusetts native who has lived and worked all over the United States in his roles as a restaurant executive, leadership development expert, and volunteer, has completed his new book “Observations at the Speed of Life”: a compelling memoir comprised of short stories from throughout the author’s life, documenting his struggles, triumphs, and various life lessons learned along the way as he managed to find his place in the world with friends and family by his side.

    Best known for developing talented individuals into top performers, author Ed Doherty’s varied experience includes roles as vice president for a national company’s $58-million region based in Los Angeles and San Francisco, years as the chief human resource officer of an eleven-thousand-employee company based in Memphis, and serving as president of a $22-million franchised restaurant group in Cincinnati. His volunteer experience spans decades with the March of Dimes, Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity, his community, and his church.

    Today, Ed heads up Ambrose Landen LLC, a consulting firm that specializes in strategic planning, leadership development, and employee engagement in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. “Observations at the Speed of Life” is a collection of stories that have been shared with others throughout a career of mentoring and motivating friends, family, and coworkers. Sometimes humorous, sometimes inspirational, and occasionally packed with wisdom. They are all about aspiring to be the best version of yourself. Some of the essays are very personal, and some are philosophical, but regardless, each one packs a message about hope and the value of persistence. This book is a result of more than forty years of preparing and writing weekly messages to the teams Ed managed. Those messages consisted of his workplace observations about performance, motivation, management, leadership, and integrity. They were timely lessons that could be applied immediately.

    In this conversation, Ed shares many of his observations and powerful stories. None more powerful than the message he shared when I asked how he had stayed married for 50 years. He told me he made a decision early that his marriage would be a feedback free zone and that he would choose being happy over being right. This is a wonderful conversation I know you will enjoy.

    To find out more about Ed, Click here

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  • Seth Gehle is a multifaceted individual whose journey embodies resilience, determination, and triumph. An accomplished ultra-marathon runner, BJJ athlete, and overall fitness enthusiast, Seth's dedication to physical excellence are matched only by his unwavering commitment to personal growth. In addition to his athletic pursuits, Seth has earned national recognition in the construction industry, garnering prestigious awards from esteemed organizations such as the National Association of Home Builders and the Home Builders Institute. As a US Army Combat Veteran hailing from a single-parent household, Seth's upbringing was marked by adversity and hardship. Yet, he emerged from these challenges with an indomitable spirit and an unyielding resolve to overcome. As a survivor, Seth now speaks and inspires audiences on harnessing their own inner strength to cross the bridge of adversity and overcome any challenge in life.

    Seth is a survivor of childhood abuse and trauma. After his father nearly killed his mother when he was 2 years old, he grew up with a single mother of 3 children. Around 10 years of age, his mother became abusive and addicted to hard drugs like crack and cocaine. This would lead him down a path to being molested by a grown man for over 5 years, and probably 300-400 occasions. After reporting and putting his abuser away, Seth has moved on and done incredible things with his life. Today, he is a soon to be author of his upcoming memoir “Strength Beyond the Shadows.”

    This is a powerful conversation with Seth. He doesn't hold back and is not shy to describe the situation he found himself in, and how he negotiated it to be where he is today. There are some pretty full-on situations described around sexual abuse and violation, so if these topics trigger you, proceed with caution. If you do listen, you will find a man with a new lease on life, and a passion to make a difference in the life of others. Please enjoy this inspiring conversation.

    To find out more about Seth, Click here

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  • Amanda Chocko is a Nutritional Therapy, Sleep Coach and Author of the newly released book-Relax Sleep Thrive: Your 5-Week Journey to Peaceful, Restorative Sleep.

    Having grappled with insomnia for decades, Amanda decided to take matters into her own hands in 2021 when her sleep issues became chronic. Tired of short-term solutions that failed to address the root cause, she dedicated two years to meticulously researching the science behind sleep.

    Amanda's deep dive into sleep research resulted in the development of a successful methodology that addressed her own chronic insomnia. Recognizing that many of her clients were struggling with the same sleep issues, she was inspired to pen down her knowledge and experience. This book is a distillation of Amanda's professional expertise, personal struggle, and her determination to help other women find the root cause of their sleep issues and conquer chronic insomnia.

    Amanda's mission is not just to share her knowledge, but to empower all people, helping them understand and manage their sleep patterns. Her hope is that this book will serve as a lighthouse, guiding fellow insomnia sufferers towards a peaceful night's rest. Amanda lives in Holland, Michigan with her husband Dan and has 2 adult sons, Christopher & Nicholas.

    The truth is that sleep is our superpower when we can learn to get enough of it. It impacts every area of life, and when we get the amount of quality sleep we need, everything else in life is possible. Enjoy this powerful conversation.

    To find out more about Amanda, Click here

    My website is

  • Ian Westmoreland spent 42 years working in the Australian and New Zealand telecommunications and energy industries mainly as an IT project manager. On 10 September 2013 he experienced a life changing moment so profound, it would lead him to give up paid work in May 2014 and commence a full-time volunteer career.

    It was during his work as a volunteer for not-for-profit youth programs such as the Raise Foundation, Kidshope and COACH, Ian noticed a gap for comparable services for mature adults. However, it wasn’t until his own moment of challenge that he realised just how urgently these services were needed, especially for men, a demographic that has historically struggled with vulnerability and asking for support.

    In response he developed the Mentoring Men program in June 2018 and it was officially launched as a registered charity by Julian Leeser, Federal Member for Berowra in November 2018. In just 3 years, Mentoring Men grew to become an Australia-wide, free mentoring service to support men.

    With the Mentoring Men organisation now independently up and running, in December 2022 Ian launched another “passion project” called Kintsugi Heroes. Complementing his previous volunteer work, Kintsugi Heroes aims to show how those major moments of challenge we face can change the course of our life, making it even more beautiful and fulfilling than ever before.

    Kintsugi Heroes is a weekly podcast of inspirational interviews with people who have discovered beauty, despite the incredible adversities they have faced. It’s a no-holds-barred approach that does not sugar-coat the difficult road to a life of fulfilment and hope.

    Ian’s story has been covered on national TV, referred to in both Federal and NSW Parliaments, and included in the best selling Moments in Time book as well as numerous podcasts, newspapers and radio shows.

    Ian is using his own strengths to help others do the same, and so impacting is his work that he was awarded and OAM in 2024. This is a powerful conversation, not to be missed.

    To find out about Mentoring men, Click here

    To find out more about Kintsugi Heroes, Click here

    My website is

  • Lisa Sugarman is a Boston-based author, a columnist, a crisis counselor with The Trevor Project, a storyteller with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a multiple survivor of suicide loss, and a mental health advocate. Her personal mission is to help end the stigma surrounding suicide and mental illness by normalizing conversations about mental health, suicide, loss, and grief. And by encouraging everyone to share their story. Because when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable by talking openly about our losses and fears and challenges, our walls come down and we begin to trust each other. And that’s where the real healing happens.

    She lost her dad to suicide in the summer of 1978, two weeks after her 10th birthday, but didn’t discover he’d taken his own life until she was 45 years old. So, she actually lost her father twice in her lifetime—once to what she was told was a heart attack and again, 35 years later, when she learned that he’d died by suicide. Two very different types of losses and two radically different types of grief that she needed to learn to process. And she had to come to terms with the fact that her beautiful father was mentally ill and suffering in silence. Sadly, her dad was struggling at a time when mental illness was considered shameful and taboo, so couldn't be saved. But others can. And that’s why she is here.

    What she has learned over the last decade of re-grieving and re-processing her dad's death is that losing someone we love to suicide is a unique and isolating kind of loss because:

    it can often be sudden and unexpectedwe don't always know the person’s “why” and that can be distressing the stigma surrounding death by suicide can create feelings of shame many survivors wonder if they could’ve prevented their loved one’s death finding someone or imagining what happened to your person can be extremely traumatic

    That’s why survivors of suicide loss and those suffering with mental illness need help and support and community. And this is the reason why she has turned her pain into purpose by working as a mental health advocate and as a crisis counselor with The Trevor Project, the country’s largest suicide and crisis support network for at-risk LGBTQ+ youth. Now, her purpose is to share content and spark conversations to help end the stigma of suicide and connect people with the support and hope they deserve. One conversation at a time. Enjoy this powerful conversation.

    To find out more about Lisa, Click here

    My website is

  • Being medically discharged from the Army in 2017 after 31 years’ service was the lowest point of John Giampino's life. After a traumatic experience, and suffering from being treated very poorly by the very people who should have supported him, he spiralled. John had spent most of his life alongside like-minded soldiers only to find himself on the other side of the fence was the day he lost his self-worth. It was a daily struggle just to keep himself in a happy place. In fact, it led him to an unsuccessful attempt to take his own life.

    One day he decided to get on with his life and find something that would give him the same form of joy the Army did. He has always loved to fix things, so he sat for his carpenters ticket and started working for himself but his company just didn’t function the way I wanted it too. He founded I Can Fix That (, however it wasn’t until he did the program with IGY6 that he was able to make it a professional business that employs other Veterans.

    Via PTSD, he developed anxiety and depression and explored assistance with the NDIS. He was referred to a Life Coach who changed his life more than he could imagine it was possible. He is very grateful about what happened to him and is proof that the IGY6 program based on Neuroscience, works. He is a different person, lost 37 kilos and changed his mindset. John is very proud to have become the Ambassador for IGY6 and helping people is what he loves doing. IGY6 has already helped many other people on the NDIS as well as Veterans and he hopes that they can help many more.

    Through his own treatment in the army, he is committed to treating people right and helping them in any way he can. John is making a powerful difference in the life of Veterans and Civilians alike. Enjoy this powerful conversation.

    To find out about I Can Fix That, Click here

    To find out more about IGY6, Click here

    My website is

  • Sue Wong and Justin Robinson are the authors of the program and book, called My Manifesto. Here is a little about the book:

    Embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery. Create your personal manifesto, and live a life filled with authentic purpose and complete clarity. You owe it to you.

    To know, to care, and to believe in yourself are three of the greatest gifts you can receive. Arriving at your personal manifesto – a private declaration of your wisdom and intentions – you will provide yourself with these gifts.

    This book will guide you to profound personal insights; empowered decision-making abilities; minimised internal conflicts; enhanced navigation through life’s challenges; and a renewed sense of hope.

    As you reveal your personal manifesto, you will see your life with new eyes.

    Sue has a Certificate IV and Diploma of Workplace and Business Coaching with Open Door Coaching. She is also a Professional Certified Coach with Growth Coaching International (GCI) in Leadership Coaching and Advanced Coaching: Solutions Focus Masterclass. She has her Coaching Accreditation with GCI. Sue’s teaching qualifications include a BA Hons in English followed by a Dip Ed. Sue has deepened her ability to connect with students and teachers by adopting a coaching approach and pioneered a coaching model at Geelong Grammar School, which included developing coaches and introducing coaching concepts for teachers and students.

    Justin has a Master of Education degree and a Certificate in Positive Psychology and an altMBA. He is an Honorary Fellow of the University of Melbourne’s Graduate School of Education and is a global board member of the International Positive Education Network. In 2017, Justin was listed in The Australian Educator’s Top 50 Hot List. He was the inaugural Director of the Institute of Positive Education, based at Geelong Grammar School, Australia. For more than ten years he was instrumental in pioneering a sustained implementation of Positive Education. He has also trained thousands of educators around the world in designing evidence-informed approaches to wellbeing.

    They have come together to create a blueprint to create a compass for your life and statement that can help any person, young or old, make the rest of their lives the best of their lives. Enjoy this wonderful conversation.

    To pre-order the book, Click here

    To find out more about Sue and Justin, Click here

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  • Kim Rahir is a 60 year old mother of three who was diagnosed with MS in 2013 and decided to ignore her doctor's advice and muscle her way back to a happy life. In 2023 she became European Champion in Masters Weightlifting in her age and weight category. Her journey inspired her to leave her career in journalism in her 50s and become a health coach for middle aged women - with a big focus on reactivating and rebuilding muscle. Today, she helps women tap into an abundant source of vitality. It works by reactivating and maintaining muscle and eating to nourish and flourish.

    Kim was able to negotiate the negative and disempowering thoughts and harness the positive and empowering ones to help her move forward one day and one step at a time to go from wheelchair to weightlifting podium. Here mantra is to just show up, and do something to move forward, and it is a philosophy that has overcome and create an outcome that many medical professionals believed was not possible.

    Kim offers lots and very inspiring stories, and some great tips for anyone, male or female to get started on the journey to reinvent themselves. She believes that just 15 minutes per days enough. I agree, the condition is that it has to be 15 minutes every day. Get ready to be inspired as this is a powerful and empowering podcast you will love.

    To find out more about Kim, Click here

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  • Kate Watson and Sheree Elliott are passionate about helping, supporting, serving, encouraging, empowering, and providing a friendly and welcoming space for many homeless and marginalised people in Melbourne, through the charity Pentecost Care. The most recent statistics suggest that more than 120,000 Australians will not have a home to go to tonight, and that number is growing. We can all do something to help, and that is what this conversation is about.

    Kate is the director of the charity. Sheree a passionate volunteer because she knows what it is like to be on the streets, not knowing where she would sleep or where her next meal was coming from, for 12 months as a teenager. For most of us, as we go to our comfortable homes, enjoy eating regular meals, and then sleeping in a warm and comfortable bed, we are not even aware of the many people who do not have those simple luxuries that we take for granted.

    Both Kate and Sheree are very clear on the message that these people need a hand up more than they need a handout. Every one of us can do something to help lift these people and help them in life. Just giving attention, a smile, or an encouraging word can do so much. As Sheree and Kate talk about their own very different experiences, I hope you will be inspired to help.

    To find out more about Pentecost Care, watch this short video.

    If you are in Melbourne and can attend an event call Being Well, Staying Well on Tuesday June 25, we would love to see you. All proceeds will go to Pentecost Care, click here to book.

    To donate money to Pentecost Care, click here.

    To reach out to Kate, email her at [email protected]

    My website is

  • Dana Skaggs has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is a licensed psychotherapist. She has been in private practice for 16 years specializing in anxiety and adjustment issues along with trauma work. She is a 6-yr board member for the Intermountain Psychological Association and a frequent guest on WJHL Daytime Tri-Cities discussing how to navigate the emotional terrain of everyday problems. She contributed to the article “Second Opinions: How You Can Leverage Mindset to Change Behaviour” in the Journal “A Plus” from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

    She experienced a toxic relationship with my mother involving the navigation of her significant mental illness, manipulative behavior, and narcissistic patterns. And during her 15 years of practicing psychotherapy, she began noticing how often boundary dysfunction was the root cause of many issues. Setting and defending healthy boundaries saved her life.

    After having her third child in 2001, she decided to become a stay-at-home mom and was able to do that for over 6 years. When her youngest went to first grade, she started back to work, conducting disability evaluations. She was grateful for that experience, after having been home for years, but discovered my desire was for private practice which she have done for over 15 years. She taught several classes on Boundaries at her church which led to the development of her podcast, Phoenix and Flame.

    That’s why she is passionate about providing others the opportunity to do the same. She wants people to know there’s a better life ahead. A new sunrise. You’re just really, really overwhelmed by all these different people in your life that are pulling and tugging at you. She has achieved peace in her life again, and wants to tell you it’s possible for you too. This is a powerful and empowering podcast you will love.

    To find out more about Dana, Click here

    To get US$100 off her 8 week course, click here and add '100off' in the discount coupon field.

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  • It all started for Jemma O'Hanlon when she was just three years old, whipping up delicious recipes in the kitchen with her Mum. As a little girl, her Mum could never get her out of the kitchen. She had a soft spot for sweets and licking the bowl was always the best part. Her dream was to have her own cooking show. When she wasn’t in the kitchen, she was madly scribbling down recipes as she watched celebrity chefs whip up a storm on the TV. Afterwards, she would bound into the kitchen, excited to cook and find a way to add a healthy twist to the dish.

    It was on Channel 10’s My Market Kitchen that her dream first came true, taking the program’s audience on a journey from farm to fork. Fast forward to today, where cooking remains a huge part of her life. It’s how she shares special moments with loved ones and nothing brings her more joy than inspiring others to find health & happiness through food.

    With almost two decades of experience across the public health, food production, food manufacturing and foodservice sectors, Jemma works with businesses to drive growth through health. For over a decade, she has worked in the media to bust nutrition myths and comment on topical nutrition matters, from the latest fad diet, to research breakthroughs and the big issues affecting the health of Australians. Her call out to all people, is to opt in to health at a time when it is increasingly more difficult to do so.

    We get feisty and passionate in this conversation as we discuss the devastating effect of the AFL's choice to use McDonalds as a sponsor and then use athletes to advertise products that can only cause harm to young Australians. In this podcast we are appealing to people to not just opt into optimal health, but to also speak out against the myriad of advertising and sponsorship that devastating lives all over the world. This is a conversation for every single person to hear.

    To find out more about Jemma, Click here

    My website is

  • As an accomplished, driven, passionate, engaging, and energetic pioneer woman, Dr Cindy Starke encourages audiences to reprogram their subconscious minds to challenge their preconceived notions of what they are capable of, and unleash and discover the champion that has always been inside of them.

    She grew up in a blue collar home where poverty, sexual abuse, drugs, and alcoholism ran deep through both sides of her family. She knew by age 14 she had to do something different with her life. She was determined to make something of herself and excel. And She did. She obtained a bachelor's degree, then an MD, then a PhD, the first person in her family to achieve such a high level of education.

    She became a Doctor, doctor more for the feeling of self-worth she believed it would give her than anything else. She went through life trying to prove to herself that she was worthy - worthy of protection, worthy of respect, worthy of love. It took her many years to understand that what happened in her family was not her fault, and never had been hers to "fix". It wasn’t because something was wrong with her or that she was bad or wrong in any way.

    That journey of forgiveness helped her see that there are so many other women over the age of 50 that are struggling with their own past, with their own inner demons, with their own “I’m not enough” or “I’m not good enough” variation of imposter syndrome. This is what has made her someone who is able to help these women overcome this legacy of tragedy, and turn it into a future of triumph. This is a powerful conversation not to be missed

    To find out more about Dr Cindy, Click here

    My website is

  • Logan Hufford is a born and raised Alaskan, married to his gorgeous bride Carrie, who herself is a 4th-generation Alaskan; and together they are raising 4 amazing but crazy little boys. Their life is a simple one - they love their family time, their dogs, and exploring the beautiful Alaskan wilderness.

    Logan and his wife Carrie now each lead Recovery groups, doing what they can to give back by sharing the gifts that God has given them. Both are now helping people overcome what they both had to overcome. Logan dealt with a relentless sexual addiction since he was 9 years old, and Carrie had to say strong in the face of a torrent of trauma that came from being married to a sex addict. Both went through challenging but transformational healing and now are helping others do the same.

    Logan is a lover of all things sports - especially playing basketball as much as possible, and enjoying the NFL (Go Colts!) Since January of 2021, Logan has been blessed to be able to use many of the tools he’s learned in Addiction Recovery, as a Dave Ramsey-endorsed personal finance coach. He’s honored to help folks find freedom & healthy living, in a different venue than just specifically recovery.

    Addiction is an issue for every person, and, sexual addiction is one that is rampant, but often hidden, and is having catastrophic effects on lives and families. This is an open, raw and essential conversation for everyone to hear.

    Email Logan at, [email protected]

    My website is

  • Heather has been a psychotherapist and a mother for 25 years. She loves both roles deeply. She is excellent at helping people change sticky thought processes and see the other side of challenging situations. They call her the "reframe queen". Her specialties are couples communication and intimacy, grief and loss, spirituality and faith, and transforming lives into expressions of beauty and joy.

    There is no stuck. We just see it that way. Changing our perspective changes our experience. She is incredibly grateful for her sharp mind, a fast wit, and a massive amount of energy and light. She is here to show you that you can lighten and enlighten your load. Or just dump it. She uses metaphor, storytelling, imagery, and humor in her work. You will find her approachable, smart, deeply compassionate, with a goofy side.

    She has been published in Inc. Magazine, Insider Magazine, Toronto Sun, Psychology Today, Focus on the Family's "Thriving Family", Light + Life, and hundreds of journals and reviews. She was selected out of 1000's to be the Relationship Expert on DayBreak OC for a television season and has been interviewed several times on ABC7 news. She is currently creating an on-line Communications course. She is an active YouTuber (see my link on the first page), supporting our community in relationship, communication, and self-love.

    Her greatest desire is to support you in drawing closer, right now, to your true self, your inner wisdom, and your purpose. Our lives are an amazing adventure and blessing, given freely to us to explore and to share love, our uniqueness, and our stories. Let her encourage and empower you in sharing hers.

    More information about Heather, click here.

    My website is