We're almost at the end of the series on whistling in China. Just one more and then we'll discuss Transcendental whistling. This is a poem by Qu Yuan, c. 300 B.C. He asks a lot of good questions. This is a good preamble to the next podcast on the history of China.
We return to our second discussion about the I Ching with an added special guest, Nate. Joining us once again is Malsacrus Decisor. Both are I Ching experts.
Nate's Youtube page:
Malsacrus Decisor can be contacted at:
for I Ching readings and consultation.
I Ching Discussion Group:
Silver coin flip sound: Thank you to L-Ayex at
Used with Creative Commons license 4.0.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
More delving into Chinese philosophy as we approach the final episode on whistling in China--the phenomenon of transcendental whistling.
In this episode, I speak with the I Ching expert Malsacrus Decisor (AKA "The Vile Sage").
To get an I Ching reading, contact Malsacrus at:
Malsacrus is now also the moderator of the Facebook I Ching Discussion Group.
Let's keep it going. More of Laoze's Dao de JIng.
Let's avoid actual whistling for just a little while longer. This guy is all hat and not cattle (when it comes to whistling, that is. Not actual ranching). We are near the conclusion of a look into whistling in China, the place where I have lived for the last ten years. I am going to read the Dao De Jing for your listening pleasure. Is it profound. Can it guide you towards enlightenment? Can it at least help you lead a good life? Or is it just a bunch of gibberish? Well, you have to answer those questions for yourself. We will need it as background for the final grand finale on the subject of Transcendental Whistling. There is a method to my madness.
Following up on The Art of War by Sun Tzu, we look at a particular application where whistling is involved. It is the story of Jin Dynasty general and poet Liu Kun.
Hello Whistlers or Aspirants. We're gonna need some background for an upcoming episode on war and whistling, so I made my own mashup of some readings of Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Maybe you've already read it, maybe not. If you want to hear it in its entirety, here it is. It seems to be common reading amongst businessmen and popular in general. We'll be talking about a military general and poet from the Jin Dynasty in an upcoming episode and we'll need a bit of background on military strategy. This may or may not help you out in your personal life as well. Probably not as much as learning how to whistle, but we'll see.
Sun Tzu said what?
More on whistling in China. The 啸旨 Xiao zhi, Principles of Whistling, is a method book for Daoist transcendental whistling. It's a rare how-to for summoning spirits and controlling nature. Or maybe it's just a book of tunes. I'm not quite sure. Please use it with caution; there's dragons and phoenixes and demons involved. It was translated and commented on by a woman named Evangeline Dora Edwards (1888-1957).
In the podcast I forgot to tell you what a li (里). A li was a measure of distance in China. It's about a third of a mile.
We continue with our study of whistling in China. The "Rhapsody on Whistling" (Xiaofu 嘯賦)was written by Chenggong Sui (231-273 CE).
If you'd like to read along and not give an arm and a leg to buy the article, here is an online version:
More about Chenggong Sui and the Xiaofu on Wikipedia.
This is a short story written by avant-garde Chinese author Ge Fei, which appeared in China's Avant-Garde Literature published by Duke University Press (March 1998). It is the retelling of an ancient story of the meeting between transcendental whistlers Ruan Ji and Sun Deng on Sugate Mountain. Thank you to special guest voice actors 人欢喜, Frank Feng, and Crystal. Enjoy.
Here's what's planned for the beginning of 2023.
Phlarpty phloop! I'm very excited to release my first full-length interview. I talk to the band Visit about their new album, "Exitential Hymns," released today. The discussion includes the meaning of Existentialism, the tracks on their album, the mixing and artwork. A fun time was had by all. Please listen and enjoy. And then pass it on.
In my estimation, Ron McCroby was the greatest of jazz whistlers. I try to pay my tribute to his inspiration in this episode.
This article explores the role of performance whistling in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Before birdsongs could be recorded in the field, performance whistlers played the role of bringing birdsong to the public.
Please read the full article here:
Warning: This episode contains language and issues that may be sensitive to some listeners.
As a bridge to my next series of podcasts, I have re-released a new and improved edition of Noel Coppage's May 1970 Stereo Review article on the history of whistling as an art. Stay tuned for new podcasts in the upcoming weeks.
pages 68-72
page 8
Hillel Schwartz is an American scholar and poet. His researches are broad and here he takes on the subject of whistling.
If you want to read along, here is the link to the full lecture.
"Cher Amour, I beg of you please endure my taking a brief detour with somebody new. It's just that when in Rome I do as the Romans do."
"When In Rome" Bill Evans/Tony Bennett (my favorite song)
This is another article from our old friend and hero Noel Coppage in the same year (1970) that he wrote "The Vanishing Art of Whistling." It's not directly about whistling, but it's an interesting tangent. I hope you don't mind.
The Article:
pages 78-80
Here's some other links of interest:
Pucker Up: The Fine Art of Whistling
Oscar George Theodore Sonneck's Book: "The Star Spangled Banner."
Colin Kaepernick
Aretha Franklin
Jose' Feliciano
An article written for Charles Dickens' magazine All The Year Round from 1873. The author (unknown--authors did not sign their articles) talks about all things whistling: etymology, legends, physiology, mentions in literature, superstitions, stories, etc.
Victor Borge's phonetic punctuation:
Mills Brothers "Nobody's Sweetheart", 1931
Mound City Blue Blowers "Darktown Strutters Ball", 1931
Joe St. Clair "Jawharp Boogie"
Article about Herr Von Joel
History of the Jaw Harp
Articles about talking machines:
Peter Bastian is playing a straw like a double reed instrument
What is the origin of the notorious wolf whistle? BBC's Alex Marshall takes us through its history.,mouths%2C%20then%20blow%20those%20notes.
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