The Whole Stepfamily
Denemarken · Brittany Lynch
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Love them like your own, wear matching t-shirts, plan joyful joint holidays with your über civil co-parent, and you'll all live happily ever after. Stepfamily schmepfamily, we're just family! But for the rest of us mere mortals, the "Step" in Stepfamily should not -- and usually *cannot* -- be ignored. This podcast will help you adapt to, understand, and embrace your new family paradigm, one phase at a time.
Whether you're widowed, a divorced dad, a single mom, a married stepmom, or a living-together stepdad, every member of a stepfamily shares one desire: to belong to a household that is happy, healthy, and at peace.
Your host Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, Certified Stepfamily Counsellor, is backed by more than just education and professional experience. Having been a stepmom for nearly a decade, and now functioning as a 50-50 co-parenting bio-mom, she has supported more than 10,000 stepfamily members to navigate the unique dynamics of blended family life.
Brittany's unique and highly effective methods lend from Western evidence-based models in areas such as neurology, psychiatry, and mental health; and Eastern experiential-based modalities such as yoga, breathwork, meditation, and energetic systems. Enjoy the ride as she pays reverence to each person as a Whole: Body, Mind, and Soul.
Adversity precedes liberation. Transformation is courageous. Suffering is voluntary.
www.stepfamilystressdetox.com || www.stepqueen.com || www.instagram.com/thestepqueen