This episode is available by video or audio only. To view the episode on Youtube, head to: On our agenda:In this very special video, Jesse sits down with one of the most personable and knowledgeable faces in gaming, Steven Wooley of Team Covenant, to chat about two games that we both love - Android: Netrunner and Flesh and Blood. Steven and the Team Covenant crew have been loving Flesh and Blood, the new card game from Legend Story Studios. Jesse and Steven chat about howFlesh and Blood compares to our all-time favourite card game, Android: Netrunner. We cover a range of topics such as: The core game mechanics: heroes (vs IDs), cards, resources (vs credits) and action points (vs clicks) Tempo in Netrunner and Flesh and Blood Organised play and the Legend Story Studios player and LGS engagement model Attack and defence, 'runs' vs 'attacks', and 'blocking' vs' rezzing ICE' Card types in Flesh and Blood and how they work Building for the long game - managing resources over time via pitching vs defending and playing cards, and the difference between managing resources in Flesh and Blood versus managing board development in NetrunnerHow different factions manage resources and gain advantageDesign space in the first 24 months of Flesh and Blood Enjoy the episode and let us know what you think :)
Episode 152 is live!
View first card in image form (Tomorrow's Headline)
View second card in image form (Spin Doctor)
View third card in image form (Predictive Planogram)
View fourth card (Superconducting Hub)
After being hit by a global pandemic and somehow coming out the other side, Jess Horig and Jesse Marshall are back to discuss everything of note in the world of competitive Netrunner, with exclusive spoiler rights on not one, not two, not three, but four new cards premiering in the upcoming System Gateway expansion.
On our agenda:
Year in Review part two! As the world was shut down during the pandemic, Netrunner had to move to cyberspace, and Jess and Jesse discuss how that affected their interaction with the game, and living through such strange modern times.System Gateway Spoilers! Michael P of NISEI was kind enough to give us four incredible cards, focusing on NBN, that all call back to older cards and explore new avenues for strategic play in modern Netrunner.Review of System Gateway and System Update, and predictions on the new format! Jess and Jesse look at their new favourite cards of those revealed in System Gateway and System Update so far, and take some stabs at what sort of strategies will be viable, both in Core Set-only play and in combination with the full cardpool. -
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After a hiatus of some time, Jess and Jesse are back to discuss everything of note in the world of competitive Netrunner.
On our agenda:
Year in Review! Jess and Jesse mention what they've been up to over the past little bit, including some Twilight Struggle, two World Championships, and a whole lot of Snake Draft.Uprising Spoilers! Morgan of NISEI was kind enough to give us two powerful cards - one crisp and tasty hardware and one best friend of a genderless void. Both cards are unique replacements for rotating effects, and we look at the historical context that these cards have been designed in, as well as which other old and new cards might be especially well suited to work with them.Throne of Eldraine discussion! As a bit of a change, Jess and Jesse talk about their second favourite game and how playing new things might help your Netrunner game improve. -
On our agenda:
It's been more than just fun, and it's been more than just a game. We are so, so grateful for the community, our listeners and supporters, tournaments, travel, testing, decklists, tournament snackfoods, technical difficulties, 150+ Skype linkups, wonderful guests, and lifelong friends. This game has been a part of all of our lives for the better part of 6 years, and now the ride, at least the official FFG-endorsed ride, is over. We reflect on the life of Android: Netrunner and the past 3 and a half years of TWA! Brian Holland, Hollis Eacho, Wilfy Horig and Jesse Marshall sit down to discuss it all and what the game and the podcast have meant to them. It's an emotional farewell from us, replete with nostalgia, camaraderie, a plethora of shoutouts, feedback and emails from our listeners, and a good dose of gratitude to Patreon supporters, listeners, and the whole Netrunner community. Thank you to each and every one of you who've joined us at any stage on this journey. The podcast and the game are things we will treasure forever, and you have all helped us create memories we will never forget.Peace and love
Wilfy, Jesse, Hollis and Brian (The TWA Crew)
PS - This isn't the end of everything! NISEI, a community-driven continuation of Android:Netrunner has been launched! Check it out here
On our agenda:
Jesse and Wilfy sit down and pore over the Kitara Cycle to pick out some favourite cards and discuss the overall themes.Each faction gets a close examination, and Jesse and Wilfy talk about which cards they are most excited about working with and including in their decks.There's plenty of power spread across the factions, and lots of little gems that have been largely overlooked. Let us know what you think of our ratings, and whether we missed any of your favourite Kitara cards!We're only one episode away from our 150th, and we've had a few listeners contact us with favourite TWA moments and shoutouts for us to read out. You've only got a short time left to get your submissions in for us to read out next episode!As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
We've spoken about lots of topics over the course of the past 148 episodes, including some controversial topics, or things that we would like to see changed in the game. This week, we revisit some of our previous discussions to check in and see where they got us!With the recent advent of sideboards in A Game of Thrones, another competitive FFG card game, we discuss whether it might be worth revisiting them in Android: NetrunnerWe did a lot of advocacy for the Weyland Consortium back in 2015. Where did that get us? Have things improved for our dark green friends?Tournament structure, floor rules and judging are all things that FFG has made significant changes to over the years. How are we looking these days?We interview everyone's favourite Netrunner antagonist, Screambear, for the first time in audio form. Long-time listeners will recall our previous text-only interview with the loudest ursus of all ( always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Episode 147 - Council of the Crest (Runner)
Will Exer be the new Medium? Or even the new R&D Interface? Will we be slotting it?Are we excited about denying credits again in Crim? Probably!Is Wilfy a White Hat? Whatever the answer, we're pretty sure Sunny is! How good is it to see some new minifaction love?!As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
The Boggfather has spoken, and with his latest decree etched into the stone tablet that is the FFG website, Jesse and Wilfy discuss the new removed and restricted list!Will Rumor Mill cause havoc for corps, will CI survive the loss of Violet Level Clearance, and will Hayley's economy still function without Tapwrm? Let us know what you think about the MWL and our predictions, and how your meta is shaking out with the new MWL!As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
Due to popular demand, our intros are back! Woo hoo! Thanks Spags!We debut the Blast Zone, an innovative concept which we came up with all on our own!The panel runs through all of the hacktivist-type cards in the pack, relishing the chance to discuss fresh cardboard toys for the first time in months!With our 150th fast approaching, let us know your favourite memories of TWA and what you want us to mention on this special episode :)As always get in touch
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
Wilfy and Jesse chat about the Team TWA Worlds 2017 testing process, starting from the beginning and going all the way through to the end - the main event. How should you decide what decks to put in your gauntlet? How many people do you need in your testing group? How do you develop your gauntlet as your testing progresses?The panel talks about the MWL, evaluating how each removed and restricted card went at Worlds, and what changes might be made in the future. We are asking all of our wonderful listeners to send in their favourite TWA moment, TWA episode, thing about TWA, thing that you miss or thing that you've glad we've changed, for our 150th episode extravaganza. We'll be having lots of special guests and planning a fun trip down memory lane, and we want you to get involved! You can send your entries by email, tweet, Facebook message or carrier pigeon!As always get in touch
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
We sat down at Worlds 2017 with Android: Netrunner lead designer and developer, Michael Boggs, to talk all things Worlds and the future of Netrunner.We got Michael's Worlds predictions - see how accurate he was at predicting the meta.Michael talked us through the removed and restricted list; is he happy with how it's functioning, what changes does he anticipate, which cards was he a little more tentative about including, and would could be in the gun post-Worlds.Apologies for the slight audio glitches on this one, we were recording in person and there was an intermittent noise that had to be edited out lest it blow your eardrums (thanks Radisson), so there are some sharp cutouts of audio semi-regularly throughout the episode.As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
Jesse and Wilfy are joined by Andre Nilsson, 2017 Malaysian National Champion and 2016 Worlds Top 16 Competitor, to talk about CI, Hayley, and Wilfy's 2017 World Champion decks.Wilfy and Andre go super deep on the World Champion Hayley list, analysing card choices, avenues of play and tips for getting the most out of the deck.Andre discusses his Brain Rewiring list, and the innovation that carried him and many others to great success - Contract Killer!Andre has a vision for the future of Netrunner in South East Asia, which Wilfy and Jesse are excited by! Will we see an Oceanic continental championship? Let's hope so!As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
World Champion Wilfred E Horig, along with an extra special panel of Worlds 2017 top 6 competitor Alex Forndran, Dave "Crab Hatamoto" Hoyland and Mark Mottram, sit down the night of Worlds to dissect the main event.Jesse, Mark and Dave go through their earlier predictions from Episode 140 and analyse where they were right and less than right!Wilfy and Alex share their reflections from the swiss rounds and top 16, including the sharing of decklists before matches, and some of their highs and lows. Wilfy gives some extra special insight into the process of reaching and triumphing in the final of Worlds, and foreshadows some more in-depth analysis of his invitational card and the tournament itself in weeks to come!Look out for more Worlds content, including a very special chat with Michael Boggs and some testing video content in weeks to come.As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our Agenda
Jesse sits down with the Dark Lord himself, Dave "Crab Hatamoto" Hoyland, and UK rising star Mark Mottram to discuss all things World Championships. This episode was recorded in the week before Worlds to give you an insight into the testing and preparation process that we went through. Jesse, Mark and Dave outline their expectations of the metagame, the results of their testing, and why they are leaning towards playing particular decks. Dave and Mark discuss the feared Hydra and their reluctant shaper proclivities, while Jesse outlines the reasons why he is considering playing his Australian take on Potential Unleashed.The panel gives their predictions on metagame breakdowns, including predicted faction percentages, top 4 decks and winning decks. Watch out for Part 2 in the coming days, including post-tournament thoughts and insights from World Champion Wilfred E Horig and Top 6 competitor Alex Forndran!As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
Wilfy joins Jesse in meatspace for a special discussion about the post-rotation, post-banlist, pre-Worlds metagame!The panel dives headfirst into the banned and restricted list, discussing what the effect of these changes will be on faction and side balance, and on the competitive metagame.Each faction has strengths and weaknesses in this new format - which of the factions is likely to be the frontrunner, and how will the other factions be able to exploit this using their own tools?Will any HB identities other than CI make the cut? Has the Jinteki net damage threat ever been as important as it is right now? Will NBN be able to cobble together a cohesive, consistent strategy in time for Worlds, or is Weyland finally the leading faction for Meat Damage? Tune in and find out!As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
Jesse his lovable bioroid sidekick, Wilfred E Horig, dive straight into the corp side of the Revised Core Set!What has gone out? What is coming in? How will it affect the meta going forward?We go deep on the rotation of EtF and what it leaves in its wake for Haas Bioroid, and what the rotation of Scorched Earth means for Tag n Bag strategies.A special shout out to our Patreons, whose support we continue to be amazed by. We love and appreciate you all so much!As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our Agenda:
Jesse and his lovable bioroid sidekick Wilfy are joined by their old friend and long-time TWA panellist, Hollis Eacho!The panel dives headfirst into Core 2.0 - what does it mean for the game? Is it a good thing? Is the sky falling? Can you still score/steal agendas without your favourite card that is now no longer available for play *cue tears*?Runner side changes - we run through all of the ins and outs for Anarchs, Criminals and Shapers. Have Anarchs been unfairly targeted with the loss of so many key cards, or will they still rise out of the ashes to play a key role in the metagame going forward?Look out for the second instalment of our Core 2.0 review in the coming weeks, highlighting all of the corp changes and what they mean for the metagame.As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
As long-time listeners would know, it's not just Australia and New Zealand holding up the Netrunner flag in South-East Asia and Oceania, the Malaysian playerbase has been rocking their own Nationals tournament for a few years now.This week, Wilfy is joined once again by fan favourite CrushedGuava aka J W Chin, fresh from his top 8 Australian Nationals appearance.Joining CrushedGuava and everyone's favourite bioroid sidekick are Calvin Wong and HQ, two star Malaysian players, to discuss how they prepared for their Nationals tournament and what decks they played on the day. Tune in next week for our first round of Core 2.0 discussions :)As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
On our agenda:
Wilfy Horig hosts a candid chat with a special guest of many aliases, CrushedGuava/Argh a Snake!/J W Chin, live from a Sydney cafe in the midst of Australian Nationals!Wilfy's guest was the second seed after Day 1 of the tournament, and he discusses his preparation process for both the swiss rounds and Top 8, including an in-depth analysis of Sydney cafe breakfasts!Wilfy and J W had tested together for the tournament, and they share some of their ideas and experiences from this gruelling process, including which decks they included in their gauntlet and how they settled on the decks they eventually played.As always, get in touch!
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
This week Wilfy is joined by North American Championships Top 8 Competitor, Weyland lover and wonderful TWA Patreon supporter, Max Williams!
Max and Wilfy discuss Max's performance in the recent regionals season, including the decks he tried out and how they went, as well as their assessment of the metagame.
Get in touch:
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
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