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Discover ancient solutions for modern health challenges. Join Dr. Chris Motley, expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine, frequency medicine specialist, and dedicated healthcare practitioner, as he breaks down real-life health issues with insight and approachability. Each week, discover simple, effective tools and techniques to elevate your health journey and pursue a vibrant life. Tune in every Tuesday and Friday for an East-meets-West approach to nurturing mind, body, and spirit.
Boost your energy, balance hormones naturally, and heal holistically all without uprooting your entire life! Learn the secrets to balancing your hormones at:
Have you ever tried to Google your symptoms only to slam the laptop shut in frustration? Do you want natural, holistic solutions that actually work? Are you tired of being told that everything is normal, when you know it’s not? Are you ready to take back your health to live your best life?
In this podcast, you’ll discover why your cycle is so important to your everyday health and how you can use nutrition to help support the rise and fall of your hormones and finally feel truly amazing. We dig deep to understand and heal the root causes of your symptoms so you can achieve lasting results that allow you to live a healthy and balanced life without a life-long pharmaceutical prescription.
If you're ready to reclaim your energy, learn how to listen to your body, and holistically improve your overall health, you're in the right place! I’ll be sharing my tried and true methods for blood sugar balance, improved sleep quality, weight loss, and increased energy levels so you can live your healthiest life all without unreasonable lifestyle shifts, like restrictive dieting or excessive supplementing.
I’m Leah Brueggemann, a Functional Diagnostic Nutritional® Practitioner and Hormone Health Coach, helping you balance your hormones in effective and realistic ways so you can live a healthier, happier life.
Five years ago, I found out I had fibroadenomas (benign breast tumors), which 90% of the time return after surgical removal. I decided not to undergo the operation and instead found a way to heal the underlying cause. After years of extreme pain, irregular cycles, and ovarian cysts, I finally learned how to balance my hormones which healed my fibroadenomas and led me to regular, pain-free periods.
I learned how to make lifestyle shifts, remove toxins from my environment, and give my body what it actually needs to function optimally and heal on a cellular level. After my experience, I became a Functional Diagnostic Nutritional® Practitioner so that I can empower women in their own holistic health journey.
Even if you’ve been told your labs are normal or that your symptoms aren’t a cause for concern - YOU are the expert of your body and your experience. You deserve to feel AMAZING, not just “normal”. I’m here to help you achieve optimal overall health through simple, straightforward lifestyle changes that you can start to implement today.
Balancing Hormones Naturally isn’t just the name of the podcast, it’s the way forward to a happier, healthier life and I can’t wait to join you on the journey!
Connect with Leah:
📧 Email: [email protected]
🌐 Website:
📷 IG: @leah_brueg and @balancinghormonesnaturally
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lovers by Shan is an education-first space where listeners come to better understand their own intimate lives through the life lessons and expertise of others. Shan’s mission is to empower everyone to be their own intimacy expert in the bedroom and beyond by treating guests of the podcast as educators in their own right.
Past guest include Kelly Rowland who taught us about being a sensualist. Becky G who shared the importance of healthy love in an unhealthy body. Kerry Washington who warned about the dangers of keeping secrets. Kamie Crawford who taught us about the joys of breaking up. Jesse Reyez who reminded us that it's alright to admit you're the one who let a good one get away.
When we paused in 2023 we had 5.1 million listeners and 8 million YouTube views. Excited to see how many lives we can impact in 2025 with our fresh look and approach. -
An erotic short story podcast based on real life experiences.
New steamy episodes released weekly!
Do you have a kinky confession? Submit your confession anonymously at and we may just feature yours in our next short story and podcast episode narrated by a professional steamy voice actor. -
In this unfiltered podcast about infertility, journalist and mom-of-two Ali Prato, who went through secondary infertility and IVF herself, talks to women—and some men—about the messy, frustrating, painful, heartbreaking, absurd and sometimes humorous journey to have a baby. Or in some cases, to not have a baby. Each episode tells a different story about family building, getting real about miscarriages, egg freezing, sperm and egg donation, IUIs, endometriosis, male factor infertility, adoption, surrogacy, genetic testing, single parenting by choice, LGBTQ+ fertility, living childless not by choice, depression, relationship issues, money issues, jealousy, PTSD, and so much more. Ali covers all of the outcomes in this safe, non-judgement zone: the happy endings, the soul-crushingly sad ones, and the ones still in limbo.
Are you a high achieving woman ready to have more energy and sexual desire again, but feel stuck because you are too busy, feel overwhelmed, and don’t want one more thing on your “to do” list?
Congratulations brave one, The Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is for you.
In this podcast, renowned Sex and Relationship Expert Amanda Testa shares what it really takes to have incredible sex, enjoy deeply connected relationships, and light yourself up from the inside out.
Over the years, Amanda has guided thousands on transformative journeys to heal their relationship with their sexuality, fully embrace pleasure without shame, own their electrifying confidence, and have epic relationships.
Listen in to discover how to fan the flames of your Feminine Fire, fall in love with your sensual self again, and experience intimacy like never before - all in a way that feels really good to your system.
Ready To Get Your Feminine Fire Back? Head to for free goodies and your Free Sensuality Activation!
Join my FB community here: -
Faith Ashenden is the Founder and CEO of That Healing Feeling. She is a Nervous System Coach who helps people from all over the globe heal chronic symptoms (including pain and anxiety) through nervous system regulation. Her background in neuroscience, NLP, hypnosis, and trauma release work has helped her develop a one-of-a-kind curriculum and approach that has helped over 1000 people heal themselves through her coaching programs.
Double Teamed Podcast is dedicated to exploring various relationship styles and sexualities, aiming to shed light on these often-taboo topics and foster greater understanding and acceptance among younger generations. Hosts Cami and Niki share candid and heartfelt conversations about their experiences with relationships, dating, and kink.
Double Teamed is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts Network. -
Na ovom podcastu govorimo o ishrani, stresu, fitnesu, spavanju, i drugim faktorima koji utiču na fizičko i mentalno zdravlje.
Za više informacije posetite, ili nas pronađite na youtube-u, instagramu, ili fejsbuku.
Ako želite da podržite ovaj podkast, kupite neke od naših suvenira -
Ovo je mjesto podrške svim ženama koje su umorne od dijeta, restriktivnih režima ishrane, iscrpljivanja sopstvenog tijela nerealnim zahtjevima, ishranjivanja emocija umjesto stvarne gladi i konstantnog upadanja u epizode prejedanja.Hajde da zajedno odbacimo stare načine u kojima kreiramo sve samo ne zdravlje i da na lakši, mekši i ženski način kreiramo slobodu u odnosu sa hranom, kroz povezivanja sa najvećom mudrošću koja nam je data, našom intuicijom.Dobrodošle na podcast Intuitivno Zdrava.Podcast vodi Vana Gojković, magistar farmacije, sertifikovani intuitivni holistički trener i ajurvedski savjetnik za ishranu.Hajde da živimo ovu našu žensku mudrost pametnije, lakše i udobnije, živjeći slobodu sa hranom, bolji odnos sa sopstvenim tijelom, balansirajući hormone i kreirajući savršeno zdravlje.