
  • COPYWRITING TIPS - The Importance of Storytelling in CopywritingIn this quick copywriting tip from freelance copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe of - Robert talks about why developing the skill of storytelling is so important for becoming a master of copywriting.Here's the video transcription: Hey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe from with another quick copywriting tip Today I’m talking about storytelling…A great copywriter is usually a master of two things…Salesmanship and Storytelling.Telling stories in your copy can have a hypnotic effect that helps you connect with your prospects on a deep level.Why? Because we as human beings are hardwired psychologically to be captivated by stories.This goes back to our ancient ancestors sitting around fires telling tales passed down from generation to generation.Long before human beings learned how to communicate even through cave drawings they told stories to get teach morals and create a sense of community.Even Jesus primarily used parables (stories) in his ministry to teach and convert followers.My advice of you want to get good at copywriting is learn how to tell stories…Read fiction and books on writing fiction…Study great public speakers, standup comedians and even politicians and notice how they use stories to hook you in.Learn how to tell stories.Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!#Copywriting #CopywritingTips #CopywritingTutorial

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  • Copywriting Tips - The Power of Your Words in CopywritingHey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe from with another quick copywriting tip Today I’m talking about the power of your WORDS.I’m sure you’ve heard that old saying “The Pen is mightier than the sword.”Well, this quote is absolutely true!Words really are the most powerful weapon in the history of the world.Words can make you love.Words can make you hate.Words can encourage you to save a life…Or to take one.Words can be used to start a war…Or to bring about peace.As a copywriter, I use words to stir emotions… In particular the emotions which lead someone to BUY.So, my advice to you is become a student of words…Especially words which paint pleasing pictures in the minds of your readers…That show how much better their life will be by using whatever it is you are persuading them to buy.Study advertising and notice the words that grab you, that get your attention and persuade you to take ACTION.Once you are more aware, you will be amazed by the incredible power of WORDS.Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…#Copywriting #CopywritingTips #CopywritingTutorial

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  • COPYWRITING TIPS - The Unbeatable Power of Reason Why AdvertisingHey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe from with another quick copywriting tip…Today I’m talking about the unbeatable power of reason why advertising.Direct Response Advertising is ultimately all about multiplying the power of master salesmanship and using it to reach as many of your ideal prospects as you can.But not just ANY message but a powerful message that will persuade them to buy what you are selling.But what if you are multiplying an advertisement that’s a big fat ZERO when it comes to effectiveness? Well, it would guarantee to bring you back a big fat ZERO in profits.So, what kind of advertising is most likely to bring you back that ZERO? It’s called traditional or “brand advertising”.For the most part, brand advertising consists of limp, trying to be “catchy” or funny slogans, and almost never actually asks for the sale.Their mission is to constantly bombard you with an image or a slogan… or jingle that gets stuck in your head.Then when you are out and about shopping and have a choice to make between a known product and a brand you have never heard of, you automatically reach for the one you are familiar with… … EVEN if it’s the more expensive and possibly less quality choice.So, I’m not saying this tactic doesn’t work, as it does, over time.But how many of us have MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars to spend… just hoping to get our product name into the psyche of our potential customerIn fact, trying to be “Cute” or “Clever” in your advertising is a sure-fire way to go broke.That’s why I preach the Fundamentals of Direct Response Copywriting…… and more specifically… “REASON WHY ADVERTISINGNow, what do I mean by “Reason Why Advertising”? Well, that’s a term coined by legendary adman John E. Kennedy in the early 1900s to describe the foundation of his form of advertising.What kind of advertising is that exactly?It’s about advertising that is direct to the point and ALWAYS asks for the sale…… while consistently backing up and explaining in full detail each point, promise and claim made throughout your advertising copy.To be successful with your advertising, you need to…Give your readers a REASON why they should listen to you.Give your readers a REASON why they should believe each and every word you say.Give your readers a REASON to buy what you are selling.When your ad contains a good, strong, clear reason why someone should buy your product or service you automatically increase your chance of getting the sale.If you could use some help writing killer sales copy for your business, then please send a quick email to me at [email protected] and we’ll set up a time to talk about how I can create a truly powerful sales message that grows your bottom line… FAST!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!#Copywriting #CopywritingTips #Advertising

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  • This video is called "COPYWRITING TIPS - Putting Passion In Your Writing" and is a copywriting tutorial for beginners presented by Freelance Copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe of This will help copywriting beginners on their journey to becoming competent copywriters.It's just one in a series of videos that make up a great copywriting course for beginners.Please subscribe to this channel so you never miss a video.#CopywritingTips #CopywritingTipsForBeginners #CopywritingCourse #CopywritingTuturial

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  •, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe from with another quick copywriting tip.Today I’m talking about the most powerful copywriting skill you can learn to give your copy a big boost in persuasiveness…Which is writing killer BULLETS.Now, if you don’t know what a bullet is – it refers to those lists that usually start with a dot (looks like a bullet hole) and then give a short and punchy benefit statement.In my opinion, a bullet is the single most effective tool you can use in constructing your killer sales message…Because IF it’s written properly it will light a burning curiosity in your prospect and an all-consuming itch which will ONLY be satisfied by giving in to buy what you are selling. But that’s not all. Bullets are often used as the foundation of writing headlines, pre-headlines, calls to action and can be used in the offer and post-script. One good bullet is often enough to push someone off the fence and make them give in to buying. How? By hitting the right emotional hot buttons which affect your prospect on a deep personal level… And will keep them up at night until they find out if what you are promising your product or service will do, REALLY works.Any sales copy can be improved IF you bombard your reader with a whole bunch of KILLER bullets…So, what are you waiting for? Start polishing up on your bullet writing skills today!!!Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • Go to to download a FREE Copy of My new E-book that reveal my easy 5 step process for writing million dollar headlinesHey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe with another quick copywriting tip.Today I’m talking about sub-headlines and why they are so important to the flow of your sales copy.Basically, sub-headlines perform the crucial task of keeping your reader READING from the beginning of your copy, all the way to the end of your sales message.They provide EYE RELIEF by breaking your copy up into easier to read chunks plus help convey the benefits of what you are selling to the skimmers among us.The best way to do this is to have a sub-head which is almost as powerful as your main headline placed every 200 to 300 words throughout your sales letter or sales page. It should be bold and larger than your regular text. My preference is to have the main text 12 point and the sub-head to be 16 or 18 point, so it really stands out. Sometimes I will also make it a different color like red to contrast the black text of the body copy.If done right the sub-heads should act like additional headlines which both focus your attention and progressively unveil the story behind your product or service, as well as shout the big benefits of what you are selling. The ultimate goal of the sub-heads is to move your prospect along through your sales message all the way to the close… … or at least raise their interest enough to get them to go back to the beginning so they can read ALL of the details which were missed when they were “skimming”.Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • Here's another quick copywriting tip which is all about Sales Psychology in copywriting.#Copywriting #CopywritingTips #CopywritingCourseHaving success in sales comes down to figuring out what someone wants and then finding out a way to give it to them.Yes, there’s more to it but I like to break things down to the simplest way of looking at things.Now, if you want to be as successful as possible, it’s important to drill down to the most urgent WANT, NEED, DESIRE or PROBLEM your prospect needs to solve.You want to target what they are already thinking about.You want to zero in on something they are so consumed with, they are even having trouble sleeping at night or concentrating during their work day.Then when you find a way to reach them and start out your sales message by addressing that which you know is important to them…… it is SO much easier to grab their attention in order to give them all of the details of what you are offering them.If you have a product or service which solves a problem or fulfills a desire and you can then get…… the RIGHT message in front of… the RIGHT audience and make… … the RIGHT offer… … you can compel them to act.Then if you test and prove you have a winning formula, you can go back to it repeatedly, steadily increasing your advertising investment and truly make a fortune with even just one product.If you could use some help writing killer sales copy for your business, then please send a quick email to me at [email protected] and we’ll set up a time to talk about how I can create a truly powerful sales message that grows your bottom line… FAST!Thanks again for joining me!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • Go to to download a FREE Copy of My new E-book that reveal my easy 5 step process for writing million dollar headlinesHey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe from with another quick copywriting tip Today I’m talking about being RUTHLESSLY HONEST in your copy to gain a sales advantage.Look, no product is perfect, and your prospect knows it.If you try to act like your product has no flaws, then your prospect won’t believe anything else you are saying.So, go ahead and strategically reveal a flaw or two…It will go miles to create a rapport with your prospect and will make the benefits you are stressing in your copy seem all the more believable.You will gain the all-important TRUST of your customers which will build the confidence they need in order to pull out their wallet and buy from you.Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • Go to to download a FREE Copy of My new E-book that reveal my easy 5 step process for writing million dollar headlinesHey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe from with another quick copywriting tip.Today I’m talking about how to write your order form.Your order form should act as a mini-sales letter for your product, reinforcing the BIG IDEA …BIG BENEFIT … or …BIG PROMISE … … which is the main selling point of your copy.This is your chance to remind your prospect of the GREAT decision he or she is making by buying your product…… and all of the BIG BENEFITS coming their way as a result of completing the transaction.It never hurts to flatter your customer by telling them how smart they are for making the decision to buy but make sure you don’t ever come off as pandering.If you are selling a good product you truly believe in and know it is really going to benefit the buyer then why not…… BE PROUD and TELL THEM!What Are Some Important Elements to the Order Form?Your order form should always include…A Call to ActionA Summary of the BenefitsAll Payment OptionsAn Explanation of Shipping Charges (If Any)Reinforcement of Your Risk-Reversal GuaranteeThe order form should be so simple, clear, direct and fool-proof that even a small child should be able to fully understand the process of completing the transaction.If your typical fifth grader couldn’t easily finish the order, then keep on simplifying it until they can!By sticking to the proven winning elements to closing the deal you are sure to have more overall success. And should prove itself in the only way which really matters… a fatter bank account.If you could use some help writing killer sales copy for your business, then please send a quick email to me at [email protected] and we’ll set up a time to talk about how my sales copywriting services can create a truly powerful sales message that grows your bottom line… FAST!Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • This video is about creating landing pages that convert.First of all, when I say “Landing Page” I’m specifically referring to lead generation pages normally with the purpose of gaining an email address.This is all so you can follow up with targeted email marketing.Now, I’ve got to tell you. When it comes to landing pages, I’ve written ALL KINDS for my copywriting clients including very fancy looking landing pages, long copy landing pages and short and simple landing pages.Typically when it comes to “Direct Response Advertising” which is my specialty as a copywriter the rule is LONG COPY outperforms SHORT COPY…But in my opinion, when it comes to writing a lead generation landing page… SHORT and SIMPLE is the clear-cut winner.Not just with the copy, but also the design.I’ve personally tested out several different types of landing pages for my own business and have found SHORT and SIMPLE just works better…I think it’s because you’re not asking for a sale.You are asking for contact info in exchange for something so what you really need to do it quickly convey VALUE and CURIOSITY with what you are offering…So, you really only need THREE main elements when writing a high converting landing page.#1. A headline that promises a big benefit for opting in#2. A short description that elaborates on that big benefit and then calms any fears your prospect might have about being spammed by giving you their email address#3. A simple opt in box that only asks for the email address (Not first name, last name, or anything else that could cause someone to NOT be comfortable) and has straight to the point “call to action” button… … something like SUBSCRIBE, JOIN or DOWNLOAD NOWNow if you want to see a perfect example of what I’m talking about then head on over to to download a FREE digital copy of my new E-book and to check out the extremely simple landing page I used.Remember, this new E-book reveals my most closely guarded and powerful headline writing secrets…Secrets that YOU can use to supercharge the success of your business faster than you ever dreamed possible!!!Again it’s yours for FREE right now at If you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!#Copywriting #DigitalMarketing #AffiliateMarketing #LandingPages

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  • Go to to download a FREE Copy of My new E-book that reveal my easy 5 step process for writing million dollar headlinesHey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe with another World Class Copywriting and Marketing Quick Tip.Today I’m talking about the first deadly copywriting lie that you should avoid like the plague…What is this LIE?It’s that copywriting is EASY, if…What I mean is, there are plenty of so-called copywriting “GURUS” who will tell you copywriting really isn’t hard…It’s actually easy and there’s a big IF.Usually the big IF is followed by a pitch to buy one of their products that apparently work like a magic pill to make you a top copywriter.Typically the purveyors of this LIE are the pushers of overpriced and under-delivering information products who could care less if you actually learn any real-world skills.The fact is that copywriting isn’t much different than learning to play an instrument…Yes, some of us might be born with more natural talent than others, but for the most part if you want to be really good at playing say the piano or guitar, it comes down to STUDYING, PRACTICING and VERY HARD WORK.The same is true if you want to be a good copywriter.Personally, I spent YEARS reading every book on copywriting, spent THOUSANDS of dollars on copywriting courses…And spent HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of hours copying classic advertising pieces by hand to neurologically imprint the process of writing great sales copy straight into my brain.The truth is that YES there are great tools to use as idea starters, and to keep you on track sticking to winning structure, but the bottom line is that copywriting is HARD WORK…If you want to write truly killer copy that gets the RESULTS you want and need.When I write a sales letter or long form sales letter for one of my clients, it’s normally 4 to 6 weeks of extremely hard and often tedious work to make sure my clients get a maximum amount of sales and profitsAnd you know what? It’s worth every single minute if my clients are happy…For me there is no better feeling!!Be sure to check out future episodes as I’ll dive deeper into exactly what goes into that 4 to 6-week copywriting process.Thanks for joining me and don’t forget to head on over to to download a FREE digital copy of my new book that reveals my most closely guarded and powerful headline writing secrets…Secrets that YOU can use to supercharge the success of your business faster than you ever dreamed possible!!!Again it’s yours for FREE right now at howtowriteheadlines.comIf you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • Go to to download a FREE Copy of My new E-book that reveal my easy 5 step process for writing million dollar headlinesToday I’m talking about creating your customer avatar.An avatar is marketing speak for defining a 3D image of who your ideal customer is.This is so you can speak directly to their most important WANTS, NEEDS, DESIRES and PROBLEMS they need to hear you address in your sales copy.You must be able to get into the head of your prospect…You want to know what they are thinking about in their daily lives, what’s really important to them and are keeping them up at night…It’s also CRITICAL to know what you need to say in your copy so your prospects will trust what you are saying in order to be able to influence them to buy.So, how do you create this Avatar?Through research…This is where you will find the answer to questions like:What is their average age, sex, economic status, geographical areas, political leanings…And then most importantly what their most pressing desires or problems are.You should go as deep into this research phase as you possibly can until you can literally SEE your prospect in front of you and you can write your sales message like you are having a personal conversation with them.It’s CRITICAL to know what makes your avatar tick…If you can talk to them like you ARE one of them, then they will ultimately reward you with their hard-earned dollars.Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • Go to to download a FREE Copy of My new E-book that reveal my easy 5 step process for writing million dollar headlinesHey, it’s Robert Sean Pascoe from with another quick copywriting tip…Today I’m talking about developing The Big Idea in your copywriting.The “Big Idea” Is… … the central theme…… the overwhelmingly interesting, exciting and intriguing element…… that your entire sales message or marketing promotion is built around.The “Big Idea” should always include a Big Promise you are making to your prospect of what your product or service will do for them…… and may include what we call a “built-in benefit” which makes the reader want to know more by piquing their curiosity.You can start formulating your “Big Idea” by figuring out what the core, singular concept of what your prospect most wants your product or service to ultimately do for them.Your Big Idea should be the element that makes your promotion different from your competition and gives your product a UNIQUE, competitive edge in the marketplace. Now, here’s a great “Classic” example of a Big Idea that was remarkably successful as a headline (written by the legendary Gary Halbert):“The Amazing Secret of a Marketing Genius Who Is Afraid to Fly”When you read this your natural reaction is to read on to find out what the story behind this headline is.If you could use some help developing the “Big Idea” for your business please send a quick email to me at [email protected] and we can set up a time to talk about how I can create a truly powerful sales message that grows your bottom line… FAST!Thanks again for joining me!!!Remember if you sign up for my VIP Email Newsletter today I’ll give you a FREE digital copy of my new E-book that reveals my five-step headline writing system…Get it NOW at a special bonus I’m also including my personal multi-million-dollar headline swipe file, list of power words and more…Again it’s 100% FREE at Now if you enjoyed this tip and found it valuable then please be sure to subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode…And especially SHARE SHARE SHARE on your social media!!!

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  • If you are an entrepreneur who needs to write sales copy to boost your conversions or if you are an up and coming freelance copywriter, you can't go wrong if you stick to these 10 commandments of direct response copywriting.

    In the last episode of The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast, we covered the first of five commandments which are:

    1. Give A Reason for Every Claim You Make
    2) Write With Passion
    3) Only Write to One Person at a Time
    4) The Only Purpose of Advertising is to GET THE SALE
    5) Write Like You Talk

    In this new episode, we cover commandments six through 10 which are:

    6) Always Try To Establish Your Authority Before You Sell
    7) Be Willing To Admit Flaws With Your Product or Service
    8) Respect the Power of Your Words
    9) Remember What People Are REALLY Buying
    10) Just Get Started

    If you study these commandments, take them to heart and actually put them to work in your business, you'll see amazing results you can count on!

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  • Aren't rules meant to be broken?

    Well, YES and NO... but before you can even consider "stretching the rules" you need to know what they are!!!

    In this first of a two part episode, we'll take a close look at my 10 Commandments of Direct Response Copywriting.

    I guarantee if you learn these rules and stick to them 90% of the time that you'll see positive results you can take to the bank.

    As a special bonus, if you sign up to listen to this episode through my Soundwise App at you can download my 10 Commandments of Direct Response Copywriting E-Book.

    It includes a chapter on each of these 10 commandments PLUS has a few special bonus chapters to help in your overall copywriting education.

    RESOURCES: For more about copywriting and marketing please visit where you’ll find many free articles and resources to build your business empire. 

    If you need profit pulling sales copy to SUPERCHARGE your sales and SKYROCKET your profits, then contact “The Practitioner of Persuasion” – Freelance Direct Response Copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe at [email protected]
    to schedule a 100% FREE and NO OBLIGATION consultation.  

    *** FREE GIFT *** 

    The headline is the absolute most important factor in your advertising and marketing.  

    In my new E-book “Seven Figure Headline Writing Secrets Revealed” I give you my step-by-step system for writing MILLION DOLLAR HEADLINES that can create blockbuster breakthroughs in your business. 

    For a limited time, it’s available for FREE as a big THANK YOU for joining my VIP email list where you’ll receive free copywriting, marketing, and business success tips, as well
    as special VIP ONLY offers. 

    Go ahead and GET IT NOW

    Subscribe to The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast on Soundwise

  • Do you think you know it all when it comes to copywriting?

    Well, even veteran copywriters often forget about the BIG secret to writing a truly persuasive marketing message that REALLY connects with their prospects.

    In this episode of The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast - Freelance Direct Response Copywriter and Marketing Strategist Robert Sean Pascoe dives DEEP into the secret ingredient that will cause a TSUNAMI of increased profits to flood into your bank account... FAST!!!

    For more about copywriting and marketing please visit where you’ll find many free articles and resources to build your business empire.

    If you need profit pulling sales copy to SUPERCHARGE your sales and SKYROCKET your profits, then contact “The Practitioner of Persuasion” – Freelance Direct Response Copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe at [email protected] to schedule a 100% FREE and NO OBLIGATION consultation.

    *** FREE GIFT ***

    The headline is the absolute most important factor in your advertising and marketing.

    In my new E-book “Seven Figure Headline Writing Secrets Revealed” I give you my step-by-step system for writing MILLION DOLLAR HEADLINES that can create blockbuster breakthroughs in your business.

    For a limited time, it’s available for FREE as a big THANK YOU for joining my VIP email list where you’ll receive free copywriting, marketing, and business success tips, as well as special VIP ONLY offers.

    Go ahead and GET IT NOW at  

    Subscribe to The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast on Soundwise

  • Who Else Wants To Unlock The Secrets of Truly Powerful Copywriting?

    Before you start mastering the NINJA level tactics of writing that persuades, influences and sell, you MUST learn the critical first steps of Kick-Ass copywriting, including:

    What to say and NOT to say in your copywriting to maximize results...The ONLY things that are truly important to your target audience...The 12 questions to ask BEFORE writing a single word of sales copy...What the "Holy Grail" of persuasion is (and how to use it to SUPERCHARGE your copywriting success)...The 3 key ingredients to a crafting a wicked effective U.S.P...

    PLUS much more in the most info packed episode of the World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast yet!!!

    For more about copywriting and marketing please visit where you’ll find many free articles and resources to build your business empire.

    If you need profit pulling sales copy to SUPERCHARGE your sales and SKYROCKET your profits, then contact “The Practitioner of Persuasion” – Freelance Direct Response Copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe at [email protected] to schedule a 100% FREE and NO OBLIGATION consultation.

    *** FREE GIFT ***

    The headline is the absolute most important factor in your advertising and marketing.

    In my new E-book “Seven Figure Headline Writing Secrets Revealed” I give you my step-by-step system for writing MILLION DOLLAR HEADLINES that can create blockbuster breakthroughs in your business.

    For a limited time, it’s available for FREE as a big THANK YOU for joining my VIP email list where you’ll receive free copywriting, marketing, and business success tips, as well as special VIP ONLY offers.

    Go ahead and GET IT NOW at  

    Subscribe to The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast on Soundwise

  • Great copywriting is emotional copywriting.

    Your copy should be SOAKED in emotions in order to be successful.

    In this episode of The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast, we'll look at the core emotions that make people BUY, specifically:

    * Greed

    * Flattery

    * Anger

    * Guilt

    * Salvation

    * Pride and Danger

    * The Desire for Gain …

    with the overwhelming most persuasive emotion being FEAR.

    Most importantly, you'll learn how to use these emotions to hit these "Hot Buttons" in your advertising and marketing to persuade your prospect to take ACTION.


    For more about copywriting and marketing please visit where you’ll find many free articles and resources to build your business empire.

    If you need profit pulling sales copy to SUPERCHARGE your sales and SKYROCKET your profits, then contact “The Practitioner of Persuasion” – Freelance Direct Response Copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe at [email protected] to schedule a 100% FREE and NO OBLIGATION consultation.

    *** FREE GIFT ***

    The headline is the absolute most important factor in your advertising and marketing.

    In my new E-book “Seven Figure Headline Writing Secrets Revealed” I give you my step-by-step system for writing MILLION DOLLAR HEADLINES that can create blockbuster breakthroughs in your business.

    For a limited time, it’s available for FREE as a big THANK YOU for joining my VIP email list where you’ll receive free copywriting, marketing, and business success tips, as well as special VIP ONLY offers.

    Go ahead and GET IT NOW at  

    Subscribe to The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast on Soundwise

  • Do you know what the true heart of direct response copywriting is?

    It’s writing that SELLS.

    In episode two of The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast, you’ll discover:

    What top copywriters say the is #1 factor in being a genuinely GREAT copywriter…The fundamentals of “Making a Sale” in copywriting…The ONLY things your potential customers or clients really care about…A “No Fail” 3 step formula for getting better results from ALL your advertising…The Two critical questions you MUST ask before writing a word of sales copy…

    For more about copywriting and marketing please visit where you’ll find many free articles and resources to build your business empire.

    If you need profit pulling sales copy to SUPERCHARGE your sales and SKYROCKET your profits, then contact “The Practitioner of Persuasion” – Freelance Direct Response Copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe at [email protected] to schedule a 100% FREE and NO OBLIGATION consultation.

    *** FREE GIFT ***

    The headline is the absolute most important factor in your advertising and marketing.

    In my new E-book “Seven Figure Headline Writing Secrets Revealed” I give you my step-by-step system for writing MILLION DOLLAR HEADLINES that can create blockbuster breakthroughs in your business.

    For a limited time, it’s available for FREE as a big THANK YOU for joining my VIP email list where you’ll receive free copywriting, marketing, and business success tips, as well as special VIP ONLY offers.

    Go ahead and GET IT NOW at  

    Subscribe to The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast on Soundwise

  • Copywriting is a profitable skill for entrepreneurs to master, in particular this amazing specialty called Direct Response Copywriting…

    In fact, it’s maybe THE single most powerful weapon you can utilize to IMMEDIATELY increase your sales and ultimately your profits.

    In episode one of The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast, you’ll discover:

    ---> Why direct response copywriting is such a powerful skill

    --- > What emotional “Hot Buttons” are and how to use them

    --- > The ONLY things that are really important to your potential customers

    --- > What you can learn from a classic movie to increase your sales success

    --- > The single most important aspect of successful advertising

    For more about copywriting and marketing please visit where you’ll find many free articles and resources to build your business empire.

    If you need profit pulling sales copy to SUPERCHARGE your sales and SKYROCKET your profits, then contact “The Practitioner of Persuasion” – Freelance Direct Response Copywriter Robert Sean Pascoe at [email protected] to schedule a 100% FREE and NO OBLIGATION consultation.

    *** FREE GIFT ***

    The headline is the absolute most important factor in your advertising and marketing.

    In my new E-book “Seven Figure Headline Writing Secrets Revealed” I give you my step-by-step system for writing MILLION DOLLAR HEADLINES that can create blockbuster breakthroughs in your business.

    For a limited time, it’s available for FREE as a big THANK YOU for joining my VIP email list where you’ll receive free copywriting, marketing, and business success tips, as well as special VIP ONLY offers.

    Go ahead and GET IT NOW at  

    Subscribe to The World Class Copywriting and Marketing Podcast on Soundwise