This sorrow filled episode is in honor of our beloved Moose who unfortunately was laid to rest due to his illness.. You were the best pup a hooman could ask for, and the best big brother to Noodle who didn't get enough time to play with you.. Be free barking all you want at all the snow plows/ garbage trucks/ heavy machinery you want bubba, you deserve to let it all out!! We all love you here at the Butter Podcast, Myself(Richie) especially...
Now that the sad part is out of the way, the trio discuss RECORDS.. music and movies! Why would the academy do this? Well, to make Richie look like an idiot! Why else!! Don't forget about I'm Popular! A game in which Kris and Richie face off deciding who was Googled more during/after this past National Football League season! We hope you enjoy this episode and hate some of these movies as much as we did!!
Dear Dukes,
Please accept Producer Richie's ignorance in his knowledge of books and movies, or at least the difference between them...
Anywho, Join the gang in their discussion of a horrible bills ending of a season.. Also how well do you know movies? think you know a certain movie the best? Well us fellers beg to differ and are gonna put you in your place based on our knowledge of these movies we specifically picked to show you up on... So HA! Take that! Welp, we hope you enjoy this episode, and know less than we do! Please feel free to let us know what movies you think you know best, and maybe we will put you to shame again! *sticks tounge out* Bye!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It looks like Producer Richie is back on track! Back to back episodes coming in hot! Grab your tissues, your furry friend, and squeeze them extra tight! Kozy and Richie share some sad stuff about their four legged pals, but don't worry, they get right back to their silly selves playing a little game called "Whats Bigger?" Get your head out of the gutter you sicko... Kozy also has a theory about the movie Groundhog day... listen in to get the deets. Any who, Butter 67 is there for your overall enjoyment! So go enjoy it!
Well well well, what do we have here? another delayed episode by the one and only Producer Richie... What a slacker... Anywho, buckle up, turn up your reading glasses, grab a cold metamucil and enjoy these clowns thinking they are smart with know stuff from places and things and such. Oh also a quick holiday recap seeing as those were just a few da...weeks... back... Enjoy!!
Welcome back and enjoy yet another wonderful reading experience! Curl up in your cozy reading corner, cover up with a blankie, heat up some hot coco and enjoy this frigid episode! Some cold sports talk, and also christmas talk! who doesnt love a good christmas talk. Merry belated Christmas, and uh, also i guess have yourself a belated New Year! From OURS to YOURS!
RICHIE'S MICROPHONE STILL SUCKS... so sorry about that viewers! We hope you enjoy Kozy and Richie trying to pick their date based loosely off the answers given to questions by random women! Kozy and Richie are the random women. We don't know who to date!!! Who would you pick??
Welcome one, welcome all. please accept our sincerest apologies for Richie's poor mic quality. It seems there is an issue with that... Quality Assurance must be slacking, and new microphones are expensive... other than Richie sucking a bit, listen to the guys discuss the movies they forced each other to watch. once you feel like the movie has been spoiled for you, or you feel as if you've already watched it, watch these clowns try to draft a team based off a random number generator! It gets pretty dicey. Anywho, hope you enjoy!
Our great pal Jon turned FORTY!!! Our other great pal Jon L has a song about birthdays. IYKYK... Listen in for some good news, some wild names being thrown around and find out what movies were assigned to the hosts! This way our readers can voice their opinions on the movies we watched! lets just say we learn something about Richie that is not all that surprising! Enjoy!
Good 'morrow viewers, I hope this day has brought well wishes and happy endings! I have no idea what I'm talking about... Here is an episode as unprepared as this description! Enjoy your favorite trio blind draft some things or categories or something.
Wowzerz, Butter 60 has got some treats in store for you! Learns our favorite Gestures, ya know, like givin' the bird and such. We also discuss what kind of technology would blow 12 year old us's minds! That's not good English, but you know what we're saying! And the piece de resistance, the SNL Cast Member Draft! Watch who we draft and if your as old as Skuzzy or Kozy, maybe reminisce on the good ole days of the funny SNL cast members you used to love watching!
This is a jam packed butter for you here folks, and we don't mean there's actual jam in your butter. We mean there is so much stuff in this episode that we actually left stuff out. Learn more about our great friend Matt A's birthday party extravaganza. Music? Yeah we got music too! Check out some of these gems and if you have any suggestions for a future music homework draft let us know! Now sit back, open your ear holes deep, let the fizzy oreo coke slide down your gullet and enjoy this well churned butter!
50 Bucks says you guys will love this episode! That's right, we are gambling! On what you may ask...? listen in and find out! You will also get to hear us try to sift through some piles of bullshit... Do we really know our favorite athletes? Turns out, obviously not! Duh! And last but not least! Find out why Kozy hates the Dutch!
Dear Dukes,
This episode is all about being a fly on the wall. And we would love to be a fly on the wall while you're deciding to sponsor us! We are also going to cover some rejected names for things, the butterlympics, and a quick draft to make each other only have to poop during these situations while also never having to poop during them! It's like our hate draft, but this one is personal!
I reckon yall weren't expecting this twang when yall read cheese and baseball, but down yonder where the fields are diamond shaped and cheese comes in slices, this is what yall darn tootin gonna get! Join these three fellers as they hit their spatoon and yap about ye ole America's favorite past time, Cheese! Wait, baseball. Yes baseball. Injuries and Cheese as well! Find out the worst cheese and the best starting 9!!!
Hello there, and welcome to another riveting episode you've all been dying to read! I mean watch. There is a surprise in store! Anywho... Its summer, what better way to enjoy summer than building a team of fruit and reminiscing on childhood outdoor activities!?!?! there is a little surprise in store for all listening this week, so tune in to learn about how little Richie actually knows!!! And peep the surprise! Did i mention the surprise...? SURPRISE!!!
Listen up you SWEATY BUTTER HOGS, here it is for your listening delight! This is only so we don't get the podcastsealteamsix to end your sweet butter boys! Now stop yelling at us...please...we're fragile...
The following people are on notice per Skuzzy: Landscapers, BT Speaker in public users, Birds.
Bad fast food draft, a hater draft of bad foods.
Madtransmaxmarioformers, it's exactly what it sounds like.
Enjoy! We're all gonna cuddle up and cry together now!
Welcome back everybody! Enjoy our hatred for everything but the Pythagorean theorem, a neighbor sans shirt, and BIRDS. Fuck birds. We learn that there may be immanent death of a child who just wont learn...(all satirical) and we dive into some more reverse lyrics with the help of AI. I mean, we crawl out of correct words without hinderance of ordinary ignorance. Yeah, that sounds right. I hope your ear holes enjoy this wonderful episode of Butter!
Welcome to another fun filled episode of things we hate, learn about Kris's Broadway dreams, and CARS CARS CARS!! Can you name the brand based on the model of the vehicle being named?? I tell you what... we had a hard time... But either way, enjoy this bumbling episode!
Wow. This episode came with homework... And boy did we cheat! I mean, do it correctly! The fellas choose movies they know the others haven't seen. Then they watched them! Listen in on their takes on the movies!! Also BEES! Also Power Outages! Also Noodle! Also please enjoy!
Butter Fuckers! How are we? Ready to enjoy an ice cold glass of Coke Zero Cherry Vanilla while listening to O.J. Simpson? TOO BAD! They are both D.E.D.; dead.. On that highly upsetting note, enjoy Kris and Richie struggle to name as many movies by a single actor hand picked by Kozy! it gets real rough... No skunks here today either! SO breath deeply and inhale the wonders that is There's No Fixin' The Butter, The Podcast Version!
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