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Camille Parle Sexe, votre podcast bien-être sexuel inspirant.
Avec mes invité.es ou en solo, je vous propose la crème de la crème en sexologie pour réfléchir à la sexualité. Et, ainsi, vous offrir le meilleur de l’éducation sexuelle.
C'est une invitation à prendre un moment pour vous, pour réfléchir à la sexualité. Dans sa forme, mais surtout dans son fond. Pas seulement des techniques et des positions, mais surtout apporter une vision plus variée de la sexualité.
Vous pourrez entendre les plus grands noms de la sexo : Emily Nagoski, Dr Lori Brotto, Margot Fried Filliozat, Lyvia Cairo, Emmanuelle Duchesne, Erika Lust, etc.
Ce podcast ne constitue ni un avis médical, ni des conseils personalisés et ne remplace donc pas une consultation.
Prenez dans vos oreilles ce qui vous parle et pour le reste faites preuve de discernement.
Partagez vos retours sur mon compte instagram : @camilleparlesexe ou par email à [email protected]
Podcast made with love by Camille Bataillon 🧡
Bonne écoute !
🎶Jingle by Josselin et Guard de Team Creativ
🗝️Mots clés : sexualité, podcast, sexologie, couple
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
The Midlife Sex Coach for Women™ Podcast helps women address their sexual concerns and create the sexual intimacy of their dreams. If you are not sure how to fit sex into your busy life or perhaps you feel your libido has died and you’re not sure how to fix the problem, then this podcast is for you! Certified life coach and sexual counselor, Dr. Sonia Wright is here to help! Join her weekly as she addresses sexual issues from a caring, respectful, and humorous perspective. Sexual difficulties do happen, and they can be resolved! If you are ready to create the sex life of your dreams, visit!
Welcome to the only podcast exploring the messiness, awesomeness, of masculinity of being a gay man over 40. Each episode is about sparking idea, addressing challenges, and diving deep into what it looks like to be a vulnerable gay guy. We talk about the stuff us gay guys have a hard time talking about, man-to-man: masculinity, sex, careers, our bodies, parenting, sexuality, failures, success, and aging, relationships, coming out - nothing is off limits.
40 Plus: Gay Men Gay Talk is the revamped version of 40 Plus: Real Men. Real Talk podcast and is a short format podcast that's easy to digest. We take deep dives - one topic at a time - digging up the truth of what it’s like to be a gay man, instead of some contrived expectation of masculinity. We’re reclaiming manhood and our masculinity by facing our fears, making bold moves, and living life without apologies. Join us, but you've got to drop your BS, forget posturing, and be ready to explore the comical dysfunctions of our lives as gay men 40+ years of age! -
Gay After Thirty is a podcast about all things gay and grown. Host Kee Tobar discusses all the things that matter to those who are gay and over thirty. She discusses everything from the homebuying process and choosing the right investments, to family planning, dating, navigating family, and everything in between.
Bienvenue sur Pause Culotte, le podcast qui te parlera de sexualité décomplexée. Je suis Lindsay, et une jeune femme, mère qui souhaite lever certains tabous sur la sexualité à travers mes réflexions et questionnements personnelles . Sans filtre, bienveillant et sans jugement, je t’invite à écouter mes prises de consciences faites à haute voix.
Je te donne rendez-vous tous les jeudis soirs, avec un nouvel épisode, qui parlera d’expériences personnelles qui pourront te faire échos et te sentir moins seul.e, face à certaines situations vécues.
Bonne écoute. -
Dr. Laurie is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a specialty in Sex Therapy, and has been a practicing Psychotherapist for over 30 years. She is also the author of The Sex Bible For People Over 50: The Complete Guide To Sexual Love For Mature Couples. Her show "PASSION" has been a Canadian Radio favourite for close to 30 years. NOW, the podcast continues to answer your questions about love, relationships and sex.
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Pourquoi j’ai mal ? pourquoi aller chez la gynéco m’angoisse ? Pourquoi ma sexualité ne ressemble pas à ce que je vois, entends, autour de moi ? Pourquoi je ne suis pas normale ?
Deux fois par mois, c’est une discussion sur des sexualités en dehors des normes et des représentations qui s’ouvrent. Plus proches de la réalité. Pour faire la paix avec sa vulve.
Ce podcast, c’est un peu comme le rdv chez la psy manqué. L’occasion de parler de ce qui ne va pas. -
Enlightens and Educates Support this podcast:
Let's talk about the marvel that is our bodies, all they can do and what they need to thrive. We bring together some of the top minds, professors, doctors and influencers in the world to discuss complicated and stigmatized issues. We discuss topics like sexual wellness, mental health, menopause and overall healthy lifestyle. Plus, we delve into some of the barriers that exist in our world today such as technology, religion, politics, war, charity and all things that can enhance or prevent equality. We believe that women are at the core of all change and if we invest in them, we, as a world, will thrive.
Anne-Marie Zanzal, M.Div is the creator and host of Coming Out & Beyond | LGBTQIA+ Stories. She deeply believes that in the hearing of another's story we can often here our own. Her podcast focuses on sharing the coming out stories of the Queer community. . Coming out stories is what connect everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community. These stories are compelling, heartbreaking and inspirational. But this podcast does not stop there. Straight media focuses so much on the coming out part, they often miss the "Beyond." Anne-Marie's guests have created lives of creativity, joy, authenticity and services to their fellow humans.
She started this podcast because she felt the need to normalize exploration of questioning sexuality/gender at all ages, plus visibility is vital to the LGBTQIA+ community. It is never too late to be who we were created to be. Her guests prove that.
Anne-Marie is a graduate of Yale Divinity School, an ordained minister in the progressive United Church of Christ, bereavement counselor, a coming out and divorce coach, conversationalist, spiritual wanderer, later-in-life lesbian, change maker, blogger, author, a northerner living in the south and trying to figure it all out.
Anne-Marie has been featured in print and digital publications including Oprah Magazine, New York Times, BBC, CBC and iNews. She has appeared on numerous podcasts including Two Bottles Deep, Life (Un) Closeted, The Love Fix, Virgin Beauty Bitch, The Late Life Lesbian (YouTube), and many more. You can learn more about Anne-Marie at -
A podcast about real bodies, with real people and real stories.
'About Your Body' is an educational initiative founded to demystify the bio-female reproductive system. On Instagram, 'About Your Body' breaks down complex information in simple illustrations and uses colloquial language to make it accessible for all education levels. In this podcast, we dive deeper into the experiences of people with bio-female reproductive systems with the aim of empowering you to understand your body.
Check out 'About Your Body on Instagram! -
In diesem Podcast erfährst du, wie du als sensibler Mensch Zufriedenheit in der Sexualität und in Beziehungen erlangen kannst.
Der Podcast richtet sich an sensible Männer und Frauen mit besonderen Eigenschaften wie Hochsensibilität, ADHS/ADS, starker Introvertiertheit und Schüchternheit oder einfach Menschen mit einem ausgeprägten Bedürfnis nach Berührung, Intimität und Körperkontakt.
Es werden Themen in der Liebe und Sexualität beleuchtet, die heutzutage noch immer sehr schuld und schambesetzt sind.
Ich begleite dich auf deinem Weg zur Selbst-Annahme, zu mehr allgemeinem und sexuellem Selbstbewusstsein, Erkennung des eigenen Wertes im Innen und Aussen und zu deiner ureigenen Intuition.
Du wirst viele wertvolle Tipps und Inputs mitnehmen können, die dir helfen, in deinem Liebesleben aus den Vollen zu schöpfen. Ich werde mein Bestes geben, um dir regelmässig wertvollen Inhalt zu liefern, wovon du garantiert profitieren wirst.
Komm gern in meine kostenlose und geschlossene Facebook Gruppe unter
Wenn dir dieser Podcast gefällt, dann freue ich mich, wenn du ihn gleich abonnierst und mir eine Bewertung hinterlässt. Danke von Herzen und bis zur nächsten Folge.
🧡🧡🧡 Lot's of love
-deine Anne
. -
A group of Dommes get together on Twitter Spaces hosted by Goddess Mari every Saturday at 12pm EST to discuss Female Domination, Financial Domination, subs that fund it, and of course their Pps! Episodes range from one on one interviews to round table conversations with Dommes and occasionally their subs. Take a listen! Support this podcast: