Jennifer and Jacques continue their reflections on the latest events in the US, clearly demonstrating a new Authoritarianism that shouldn't be ignored. They talk about the implications for Australia as well as people in the US, the selective silence of our leaders, and how the new wave of Trumpist Authoritarianism is reported across our media. Lastly they make a call to be both alert and active.Trump is kryptonite for PM, Dutton’ by Peter Hartcher Saturday Age (15/03/2025)‘Pulling the Strings: Australia offered the US a deal on critical minerals, and Trump sold us fool’s gold…’ by Matthew Knott Saturday Age (15/03/2025)Nick Bryant (2024) The Forever War: America's Unending Conflicy With Itself (Viking/Penguin/Random House Australia)Simon Mccarthy-Jones: Spite (see ref. in Carlos Martinez in the Morningstar
Jennifer and Jacques reflect on recent world trends toward Authoritarianism, and what we need to take good notice of.Quoting Henry Giroux, they argue that our task is to refuse the limits imposed by neoliberal fatalism and authoritarian rule - but not only to resist but to widen the horizon of the possible.Henry Giroux (19/02/2025) Neoliberalism's Embrace of Cruelty and its Assault on Social Bonds in the LA Progressive (Giroux occupies the Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the English and Cultural Studies Department; he is the Paulo Freire Distinguished Schoar in Critical Pedagogy at Mc Master University in Canada)Nick Bryant (2024) The Forever War: America's Unending Conflict With Itself (Viking, Penguin Random House Australia)Chris Hedges speech at the Workers Strike Back conference in Seattle (go to Chris Hedges substack)J. Boulet (2021) 'Social-Media-weaponised populism and community development' in Kenny, Ife & Westoby (eds.) Populism, Democracy and Community Development (Bristol: Policy Press/Bristol University Press)Kant Immanuel (1795) Zum Ewigen Frieden: ein philosophischer Entwurf (Towards an eternal Peace: a philosophical proposal)
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Jacques and Jennifer talk about the recent roller coaster of international events, led by US President Trump. Chief among these are the incredible public shouting match between the US Trump-Vance duo and Ukrainian Presient Zelensky, and Trump's idea for the Palestinians to evacuate Gaza permanently giving up their land for a high-priced seaside resort.Overall, the US has dropped its mask of benevolent keeper of world order, and its blatant self-interest has been laid bare - which places onus on other formerly-compliant nations to respond, including Europe and Australia. To listen to Jeffrey Sachs delivering his astonishing speech to the EU go to: Jane Fonda, receiving recognition from the actors Union for her lifetime acting and other achievements and tell the Hollywood audience to start resisting, go to:
For this episode Jennifer interviews Jacques about the results of the latest German election, with surpises including a worrying boost for right wing racist party AfD, but also, more hopefully, for left wing progressive party Die Linke.Jacques talks about trends in German politics from WW2, to give some context for latest voting results. He finishes with some linking this to international trends. from Jacobin:After Germany’s Election, the Left Can Hope AgainJulia Damphouse
Teachers are key agents of changes and improvements in their classrooms. Yet spaces and opportunities for teachers, and others in the human services, to have control over their working lives and professional learning, have drastically diminished. Janette and Mary talk to Marie about their project to address this, by supporting teachers' reflection and self-directed learning and improvement. The evaluation of their project was overwhelmingly positive, with principals and teachers valuing the opportunity for professionaly supportive reflection, especially in a safe space outside the school environment.ReferencesAllen, J.M. (2019) From “Telling” To “Triangle” To “Tentative Truth”: How The Use Of The Positioning Theory Triangle Enabled Multiple Layers Of Truth To Become Evident. Paperson social representations, 28(1), pp 5.1-5.18.Allen, J.M., Hattie, J., Redman, C.R., (2022) Ticking boxes?: How teachers perceive their professional learning within a performance and development process Leading and Managing 2022 Vol. 28 Issue 1 Pages 1-19Baxter, L.P., Gardiner, A.E., & Southall, F., (2021), Trialling critical reflection in education: the benefits for school leaders and teachers, Reflective Practice 2021 Vol. 22 Issue 4 Pages 501-514Clandinin, D.J., (2006) Narrative Inquiry: A Methodology for Studying Lived Experience, Research studies in music education 2006 Vol. 27 Issue 1 Pages 44-54Creagh, S., Thompson, G., Mockler, N., Stacey, M., & Hogan, A., (2023) Workload, work intensification and time poverty for teachers and school leaders: a systematic research synthesis, Educational Review 2023 Pages 1-20Creswell, J.W. (2007) Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches, Sage Publications Gore, J.M., Miller, A., Fray, L., Harris, J., Prieto, E., (2021) Improving student achievement through professional development: Results from a randomised controlled trial of Quality Teaching Rounds. Teaching and Teacher Education 2021 Vol. 101 Heffernan, A., Bright, D., Kim, M., Longmuir, F., Magyar, B., (2022) ‘I cannot sustain the workload and the emotional toll’: Reasons behind Australian teachers’ intentions to leave the profession”, Australian Journal of Education, Vol 0, p. 1-14Hunter, M.A., Broughton, G. (2025) Professional supervision for principals: A primer for emerging practice. Cambridge University Press, online. (+ LinkedIn announcement of book)Moghaddam, F.M., , Harré, R., & Lee, N. (Eds) (2008). Global conflict resolution through positioning analysis. New York, London: SpringerNetolicky, D. (2016). Rethinking professional learning for teachers and school leaders. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1(4), 270-285.Timperley, H., Ell, F., Le Fevre, D., Twyford, K., (2021) Leading Professional Learning ACER Professional supervision course for educators
Jacques and Jennifer talk about some of the unravellings happening in our society, with reactionary forces being unleashed in the US and rippling into Australian politics.The unravelling of Australian society Allan PatienceAmid President Donald Trump’s rollback of diversity, equity and inclusion programs throughout government and the Defense Department declaring “identity months dead,” concern grew this week that Black History Month could be in danger.
Jacques interviews Josh Bornstein about his new book: Working for the brand: How corporations are destroying free speech. (2024 - Scribe Publishers)Josh explains how corporations are exercising unprecedented power over what we say, in a way that we wouldn't accept from our governments. He offers examples of lots of large corporations including Qantas and our universities...Other books recently appeared and documenting the failure of the major institutions and systems in the capitalist political economy to create and maintain equality, justice and ecological safety and security.Eric Bleecher (2024) The Men Who Killed The News: The Inside Story of how Media Moguls Abused their Power, Manipulated the ruth and Distorted Democracy (Sydney: Scribner)Grace Blakeley (2024) Vulture Capitalism: Corporate Crimes, Backdoor Bailouts and the Death of Freedom (London: Bloomsbury)Rick Morton (2024) Mean Streak: A moral vacuum & a multi-billion dollar government shake down (Sydney: Fourth Estate/Harper-Collins)Naomi Klein The Shock Doctrine (2014) and Doppelganger (2022)
Jacques and Jennifer continue their exploration of possible and probable political developments in 2025, started the previous week.They include some 'highlights' (or low lights) from current events, and touch on how we need to change direction.
Jacques and Jennifer discuss unfolding developments internationally and what we might expect in 2025, especially relating to the US-centred vortex, a vortex that has been smouldering since the early-1800s Collinson, CNN (Wed. 08/01/2025) Trump’s threats to Greenland, Canada and Panama explain everything about America First’
Jennifer and Jacques cover the latest events in the Middle East, with Israel's expansionism and its opportunistic bombing of Syria.They comment on the one-sided local response in the media and by our politicians, evidently cowardly responding to a strident Zionist lobby and to the demands of Australia's hegemonic 'biggest friend' the US.References:
Looking back over an almost 40 years-long academic career, moving from Melbourne (Melbourne and Monash Universities) to the UK in 2016 (Bath University) and since 2022 in Germany, as Chair of the University of Cologne Research Hub for Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities, Kate Rigby talks with Jacques about the evolution of her endeavours to integrate our ways and means of being and thinking as 'humans' into the relational reality of our ecology, of Mother Earth. The conversation implicitly also opens up questions about Australia's Tertiary Education and whether it remains fit and prepared to play its role in the necessary thinking and practice our times demand. Below are links to some of her publications. 2023: Meditations on Creation in an Era of Extinction, New York: Orbis Books. ('Day Three' available open access here)2020: Reclaiming Romanticism: Towards an Ecopoetics of Decolonization, London: Bloomsbury Academic (open access)2015: Dancing with Disaster: Environmental Histories, Narratives, and Ethics for Perilous Times, Charlottesville: U of Virginia P.(Chapter Two available open access here)2004: Topographies of the Sacred: The Poetics of Place in European Romanticism, Charlottesville: U of Virginia P.Other links:Manifesto of Australian National Working Group for the Ecological Humanities (c. 2001)Environmental Humanities JournalUniversity of Cologne Research Hub for Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities (MESH).Sophia's Spring Eco-feminist Church Community, CERES, Brunswick (if interested in attending service on December 22, at which Kate will be speaking, please contact the coordinator, Christina at
Jennifer and Jacques talk about how we have taken on the administration burden once carried by government bodies and companies, including utilities, services and financial institutions. After all, we already pay for those utilities and services but are now required to 'manage' them ourselves... and spending hours at doing it being punished when we don't... This trend is being accelerated with new digital technologies working hand-in-glove with the neoliberalism of the last few decades and the mass marketisation of every aspect of our lives.This day-to-day admin burden has become part of the background wall paper of our lives, so Jacques and Jennifer thought it worth highlighting and exposing it, and putting it into the conversations we are having.
Lew Zipin and Jacques have a conversation about the variety of politcal and economic and personal 'troubles' we experience presently and how a different more active, reflective and engaged approach to schooling and education more generally would assist innot only dealing with them but better prepare 'us' for changing the conditions under which those troubles arise...Below a full list of suggestions for further reading provided by Lew..Berlant, L. (2011). Cruel optimism. Duke University Press. Berlant, L. (2016). The commons: Infrastructures for troubling times. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(3), 393–419. Boomer, G. (1999). Pragmatic radical teaching and the disadvantaged schools program. In B. Green (Ed.), Designs on learning: Essays on curriculum and teaching (pp. 49–58). Australian Curriculum Studies Association. Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In J. G. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education (pp. 241–258). Greenwood. Eckersley, R. (2024). The US political system and its capitalist, imperialist agenda has failed. Pearls and Irritations. Florida’s State Academic Standards – Social Studies, 2023 (2023). Freire, P. (1993/1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Continuum. Gramsci, A. (1948/1971). Selections from the prison notebooks (Q. Hoare & G. Nowell Smith, editors and translators). International Publishers. Hall, S. (1988). Gramsci and us. In S. Hall (Ed.), Thatcherism and the crisis of the left: The hard road to renewal (pp. 161–173). Verso. Lowe, K. & Galstaun, V. (2020). Ethical challenges: the possibility of authentic teaching encounters with indigenous cross-curriculum content? Curriculum Perspectives, 40, 93-98. Marx, K. (1869/1991). The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. International Publishers. The Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 (2023). Mandate for leadership: The conservative promise. Mayes, E. (2023). Young people learning climate justice: Education beyond schooling through youth-led climate justice activism. In J. Wy, H. Cahill, & H. Cuervo (Eds.), Handbook of children and youth studies (pp. 1–14). Springer Nature. Moll, L. (2014). L.S. Vygotsky and education. Taylor and Francis. Moll, L., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge for teaching: Using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms. Theory into Practice, 32, 132–141. Pusey, M. (1991). Economic rationalism in Canberra: A nation-building state changes its mind. Cambridge University Press. Pusey, M. (2003). The experience of middle Australia: The dark side of economic reform. Cambridge University Press. Vygotsky, L.S. (1997/1926). Educational psychology. CRC Press. Wallerstein, I. (1998). Utopistics or, historical choices of the twenty-first century. The New Press. Wallerstein, I. (2013). Structural crisis, or why capitalists may no longer find capitalism rewarding. In I. Wallerstein, R. Collins, M. Mann, G. Derluguian, & C. Calhoun (Eds.), Does capitalism have a future? Oxford University Press. Yeats, W. (1919). The second coming. Zipin, L. (2009). Dark funds of knowledge, deep funds of pedagogy: Exploring boundaries between lifeworlds and schools. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 30(3), 317–335. Zipin, L. (2020). Building curriculum knowledge work around com- munity-based ‘Problems That Matter’: Let’s dare to imagine. Curriculum Perspectives, 40, 111–115. (open access) Zipin, L. (2024). Curriculum for living structural crises towards socially just futures: Bringing diverse funds of knowledge into participatory-democratic action around lifeworld problems that matter. Curriculum Perspectives, 44, 249–262. Zipin, L. (2024). Activist educative response to the Palestine crisis: A Jewish anti-Zionist perspective. Curriculum Perspectives, 44, 383-388. (open access) Zipin, L. & Brennan, M. (2024). Opening school walls to funds of knowledge: Students researching problems that matter in Australian communities. In M. Esteban-Guitart (Ed.), Funds of knowledge and identity pedagogies for social justice: International perspectives and praxis from communities, classrooms, and curriculum (pp. 41–46). Routledge.
Jacques and Jennifer do some post-Trump analysis, looking at how Trump's victory in the US elections could even happen.They argue that the rot has been there for centuries, with an individualist ideology embedded in the psyche of the people from the US's inception. Conditions have ripened for the triumph of a cult figure like Trump in more recent times, including a poorly educated populace, struggles with the cost of living, the dominance of neoliberal policies favourable to big business, desertion of the disenfranchised by the Democratic party, and the take over of electoral processes by big money (just to name a few).The Politics of Cultural DespairIt is despair that is killing us. It fosters what Roger Lancaster calls “poisoned solidarity,” the intoxication forged from the negative energies of fear, envy, hatred and a lust for violence. Chris Hedges (
Andy Schmulow, Associate Professor in the School of Law at the University of Wollongong, talks about the deliberate tax evasion strategies of mega rich corporations, robbing the public purse of much-needed billions of dollars. Meanwhile the Australia Tax Office (ATO) takes a softly softly approach to bringing these corporations to heel. In fact, Andy believes the ATO's approach could actually be encouraging corporate tax avoidance.Senator Barbara Pocock has described the situation as one law for the rich and well connected and another for the battling and intimidated. Certainly a different approach was taken to Centrelink recipients in the government's notorious 'Robodebt' scheme, and we seem to be at the beginning of NDIS 'crackdowns' in a similar vein.At the same time we are told that there are no funds to address the housing crisis, and other social necessities - and the climate crisis for that matter.ReferenceParliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial ServicesAction:Contact your local federal MP and Senator and tell them that this is a crucial issue and the recommendations from this report must be acted on.Find your local electorate and MPs
Ben Rivers talks about the play he wrote and performs, 'The invaders' fear of memories: A play about the colonisation of Palestine'.The play is based on the diaries of his great-grandfather, Yousef Nachmani, who fled Tsarist Russia in 1907 for Ottoman Palestine. Full of Zionist ideals, he became complicit in the displacement of thousands of Palestinian people.Ben's father (Yousef's grandson) became a peace activist, and Ben continues his father's path with this play, believing that descendants have a responsibility to bring attention to history and tell the truth. As he points out, this history can help us understand what is currently happening in Palestine, and the ideology and conditions that have allowed the State of Israel to attack Palestine with such impunity. THE INVADERS’ FEAR OF MEMORIES: A PLAY ABOUT THE COLONISATION OF PALESTINETo buy tickets for the Melbourne performance, go to: MC Showroom, Level 1, 50 Clifton Street, Prahran, VICFriday, 15 November 2024, 7:00 pm Saturday, 16 November 2024, 7:00 pm Duration: 75 minutes performance + post-show Q&A. (Doors open 30 minutes before the show).The production is being organised by the Loud Jew Collective with support and endorsement from the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) and the Averroes Centre of Arab Culture. Additional note from Ben: I would also like to mention that in each location I perform, there is a guest actor who performs excerpts of a poem called 'On This Land' by the renowned Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish. The title of the play is taken from this poem. The poem is woven into the text towards the end of the play. The person performing this poem in Naarm, is Yousef Alreemawi - a Palestinian academic and musician and founder of the Averroes Centre of Arab Culture. Yousef will also be joining me onstage after the show for an audience Q&A.
Jacques' guest, Suzan Saka, talks about the fascinating history and rich culture of the Alevi people, and their substantial presence in Australia. We wonder why we don't hear more about them!For those who want to learn more and have a good day out, there is an Anatolian Alevi Festival at Coburg Lake Reserve (metropolitan Melbourne) Sunday 17 November from 11am. You can also learn more about the Alevi culture and history here: go to facebook: Alevi Federation of Australia (AFA)28-32 Williams Road, North Coburg VIC 3058p: (03) 9354 8154e: alevi.federation@gmail.comw: @Alevi Federation of Australia New interview program in Turkish
Jacques and Jennifer ruminate on the state of politics in Australia and the role of independents in disrupting the dominant duopoly of Labor and Coalition.They talk about how community development fits in with this, and they hark back to their very first program on relationality - the idea that we exist and thrive within a living network of relationships. This certainly explains a lot of the success of the grassroots campaigning by the independents.Cathy McGowan (2024 2nd edition) Cathy Goes to Canberra – Doing Politics Differently Melbourne: Monash University Press
Jacques and Jennifer talk about Israel's denial of its genocidal onslaughts on the Palestinian people and the different ways it seeks to mask the truth in strategies of 'occlusion'.Examples include the planting of forests over 'emptied out' Palestinian villages in a mass exercise of 'green washing', the building of a 'Museum of Tolerance' on the site of the largest and most important Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem, and the frequent declaration that Israel is a 'democracy' despite the opposite being obvious to millions around the world (and why 'we' need to support Israel against presumed 'terrorists' and presumed other 'non-democracies'...). ReferencesRashid Khalidi 2024, The hundred years’ war on Palestine: A history of settler colonial conquest and resistance, London: Profile Books.Saree Makdisi 2023, Tolerance is a wasteland: Palestine and the culture of denial, US: University of California Press.
Jennifer and Jacques continue their conversation about the Australian political system as we approach municipal and state elections at the end of this month, and a federal election before May 2025.Our two-party system comes under fire, especially the unrepresentative nature of the two main parties, and their use of power to keep out other players. Jacques and Jennifer also express their disappointment in 'timid Labor' once more.
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