
  • “Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we've got 24 hours each.” --Christopher Rice

    If there was one thing I could give every smart, ambitious woman it is this: more time.

    How do you get more time?

    You don't. You start to use it much more wisely.

    Deadlines help. Lists can keep you on track. But the productivity of smart, ambitious women starts way before we squeeze 2-hour projects in 20-minute time slots. (And yes, we've all tried that before...)

    The real answer is where you decide to focus your time.

    Make the decision in the morning and watch how quickly the day comes together.

    I understand that kids get sick, deadlines change, people run late. Those are things you can't control.

    What can you control? Is precisely how you spend your time in the margin. Consider these few ways to help you accomplish more of where you focus your time:

    Have a daily planning session with yourself. (This can be done as part of your morning routine, in the car before you go to work, or the night before.) Set a routine and stick with it. Write it down. (The science proves that writing things down helps you stay more focused on the task.) Break down the big goals into small checkpoints to examine your progress. Check your progress throughout the day. At lunch is a great time to evaluate what comes next. (This is why lists work. You can see where you are in the process.) Give yourself space to accomplish the goal. (No more 20-minutes for the big stuff.)

    No one has more time than you. It's about the choices made and where you put your focus.

  • Your Monday Maxim

    Today's Quote:

    “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Actions breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” - Dale Carnegie

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  • Ep. 122 - Adapt and Succeed

    Thanks for joining us on Think Enriched. I’m delighted to have you here!

    Welcome to Your Monday Maxim with Amy:

    This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    Today’s Monday Maxim

    Oh my gosh! My friend, we’ve got it all wrong
 that quote, the classic Darwin theory that tells you, “Survival of the fittest
” is WRONG.

    Do you know what he really said?

    “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is more adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin

    As smart, ambitious women, we are continually adapting. That is our power skill! If we were all playing Super Heroes, wearing our capes, masks, and tights, we could always use our superpower of adaptability to make the situation work for all those involved.

    And we do it without even thinking about it.

    Just this morning at the bank, because the internet was down, the computer system at the bank was down. They were working slow. I was there right as the bank opened and there were about 12 people in front of me in line. And people were freaking out.

    The young girl in front of me texting like her life depended on it and rolling her eyes at everyone around her...just stopped, huffed out loud and stormed out of the bank.

    Some people cannot adapt to change.

    We see people around us stuck. What they did 3 months ago
 or 3 years ago
 or when they were 23
 is exactly what they plan to do right now. And tomorrow. And forever.

    These people aren’t happy. They aren’t looking forward to making things work. They are unwilling or don’t know that they need to adapt.

    The big secret? You can’t change them. You will not change them. The change willingness to adapt comes from within.

    What about when you find yourself stuck? You can always yell, “Plot twist
” and move on.

    “And the most successful people are those who accept, and adapt to constant change. This adaptability requires a degree of flexibility and humility most people can’t manage.” - Paul Lutus

  • Remember Lean on Me, the movie of the New Jersey high school principal, Joe Clark? He's sharing some insight today on your Monday Maxim.

    This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    “Self-respect permeates every aspect of your life.” - Joe Clark

    I lived in New Jersey for nearly a couple years. That's where I learned to speak Spanish. That area, Paterson, New Jersey, is where I was assigned as a missionary for my church.

    Our local congregation's leader lived right around the corner from Eastside High School in Paterson. First, Crazy Joe had to kick out the drugs and problems and focus on those who were coming to school to learn.

    This is a perfect lesson for each of us today.

    Kick out the stuff that doesn't belong. Focus on the good.

    The respect you give yourself is the same respect that others give you.

    How do you start to give yourself respect? You earn it.

    Be dependable. If you say you are going to get up when the alarm rings, do it. Don't hit snooze. Get your feet on the floor and walk. It feels great once that warm shower hits your body.

    Commit to yourself. When you make a commitment to your family, friends, or work, you know that job will be completed. That's what makes you a smart, ambitious woman.

    What about you? If you tell yourself you are going to exercise at 7:30pm, but someone needs your help... you push it aside, don't you? Of course you have. No more. You can tell your family & friends, "Look, I will happily help you, but first, I'm going to do this..." then walk out the door, they may be stunnned. But they know you are serious. The people in your life aren't taking you seriously because you don't take yourself seriously.

    Kick out the junk. It's spring here in the Pacific Northwest. I'm on a spring cleaning high! I love getting rid of all the junk that has accumulated over the winter...(Where did all of that stuff come from, anyway???) What is left is space to move and breathe. A better environment for all of us here.

    It's the same with your habits. You may have collected a few that are holding you back. You know it's time. Replace those habits with healthier ones and see how those tiny steps add up to big changes in your life.

  • Thanks for joining us!

    Did you know you can support the show? Click here to contribute.

    Welcome to Your Monday Maxim with Amy:

    This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    “If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” - Fred Rogers

    Support the show here.

  • This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    “No man who is occupied doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self-respect.” - George Bernard Shaw

    Consider what you go through in a day:

    Taking care of others Keeping the house clean & in order Ensuring proper nutrition & exercise is taken care of for you & yours Work responsibilities Church responsibilities Volunteer & Civic duties

    This is the list when everything is going right.

    What about when it's not going right? How do you get things in order?

    Lucille Ball once said, "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."

    To really love yourself, you must:

    Stop comparing yourself with others Start appreciating what makes you YOU. Start finding ways to be more of yourself amidst the craziness of the world.
  • Today's Monday Maxim: “Love yourself-accept yourself-forgive yourself-and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” - Dr. Leo Buscaglia In this video, he also said, "The hardest battle you are ever going to fight is to be- just YOU." "I'm really convinced, that if you were to define love, the only word big enough to engulf it all would be Life. Love is life in all of its aspects. And if you miss love, you miss life. Please don't."

  • Thanks for joining us today! I’m delighted to have you here. You can show your support for the show by going to Think Enriched on Patreon. This is a simple way support the show for as little as $1 a month. You’ll get insider information, direct contact with me and even a monthly meeting us to talk about what we achieve together. Click on the link and support the show. Welcome to Your Monday Maxim with Amy: This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE. “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” - William James Support the show on Patreon.

  • Thanks for joining the show!

    Welcome to Your Monday Maxim with Amy:

    This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    “Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Support Think Enriched on Patreon.

  • Let’s have the conversation before the conversation

    People get uncomfortable when we have a conversation about the rights of women.

    Like with your commitment to financial security, or your political party, or even if and to whom you choose to worship
there are so many levels.

    I’m not here to make you uncomfortable.

    But did you know, that the world is searching for gender equality? Google shared this video of the most looked up terms.

    And did you know that most looked up word in last year was feminism?

    Supporting Women's Day, does not make you against men. It is seeing how far we've come.

    Consider that, without women before us paving the way, we would not be able to vote. Or own land. Or a home. Or have our own banking account. Or pursue our own dream.

    Doesn't that just seem...outrageous? It does to me.

    That's why today, I honor those who made life better for me.

    Women’s International Day

    Did you know that WID has been observed for more than 100 years?

    International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.

    Here's How You Can Show your support

    You can support International Women’s Day by:

    1. Call Mom. Express your gratitude. Honor those who have led the way.

    2. Choose your words more carefully.

    “word choice makes a huge difference in how you portray yourself and how you make women feel. Men are expected to fulfill a stereotype of strength and aggression, while women are expected to be deferential and fragile.”

    3. Stand up so that all girls can have an education and work to support herself.

    2/3 of the 774 million illiterate people in the world are female 31 million girls of primary school age are out of school 80% of women in America become mothers by the age of 45 research has shown that childless women are penalized by our bias that women “will become mothers.”

    4. Support & celebrate men who support women & make family a priority.

    When men have a healthier work/life balance women are allowed are given space to realize their potential

    Men can join MARC, Men Advocating Real Change

    5. Help those who are re-entering the workplace.

    Path Forward is on a mission to empower women and men to restart their career after taking time off for caregiving. Our work with program participants and enlisting new partner companies is directly supported by your contributions.

    6. Make a donation. There are several organizations that support women’s roles and gender equality.

    7. Commit to supporting the #PressforProgress in the year 2018

    #pressforprogress in 2018

    Maintain a gender parity mindset Challenge stereotypes and bias Forge positive visibility of women Influence other’s beliefs/ actions Celebrate women’s achievements

    More resources:

    The Irish Times

  • Thanks for listening!

    Show your support for the show by going to Patreon.

    Here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius

    The key to remaining positive is to reframe the situation.

    Ask yourself, "What is one positive thing about this situation?"

    By reframing the situation, even very negative situations can give you positives examples and lessons in life.

    Show your support for the show by going to Patreon.

  • We’ve had some real growth in our audience and I want to welcome new listeners to the show. There are things that you, the long-time listener may not know about me.

    So in an invitation to you, new friends today, and in the future, we are taking a moment to let you in.

    My purpose is simple.

    Smart, ambitious women are rarely thinking about themselves. What do they spend time thinking about? Their family's needs; aging parents; work responsibilities; the community; and more. Stress can fill our minds and consume our lives.

    These women, like us, have forgotten to think about and take care of themselves.

    I’ve worked in marketing and sales for years. So those are topics we address. But it’s not a regular sales kind of show. This podcast, Think Enriched, is the place for smart, ambitious women. We come together to share, enjoy some self-care, laugh, and be kinder to ourselves. We learn new strategies for success, then go and do tremendous good in the world. It is that simple.

    Where has your experience led you?

    As a child we lived hand-to-mouth. Started off as a money blog As my journey has grown, the show has changed. This is my second version of a podcast. The friends I’ve made through this podcast are exceptional (online marketers & the listeners)

    Where is this going? What’s your vision for this podcast?

    Women are starving. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Beat the army of burnt out women. Single moms, single women, married, gay, straight, or otherwise, there is too much to take care of in our role. "the exclusive site for smart, ambitious women." CEOs, & power moms have more in common than they realize. Managing multiple people, projects and items have the same principles. Create the system to conquer our little should self-critic. We work so hard to avoid failing others we can easily fail ourselves. I imagine this group of power women that have met for weeks/months at a time online. That when we come together for our retreat/experience
and finally meet in person at this power event. We learn business strategies, networking skills, keeping your vision fresh, support for women, trusting your intuition and emotions at the same damn time. There's not a business conference that I know of that meet the needs of women. It's like feminist women trying to fit in the man's world. Which is crap. Our world is different. We lead and nurture. It's not about bringing home the bacon like it was before. It's more than that. Putting feelings and emotion in a process doesn't make you weak, it add passion. it increases the energy, giving you momentum and power, and staying true The vision in my heart is BIG.

    Are you a family person?

    Family is the most important for me. My siblings are in different parts of the world and like any family, we have struggles. Military family which feels like, half-time 2 parents and half-time of single parenting. Support, love, and strength really is where it’s at. Home is our little bit of heaven.

    Are you all about the hustle and the grind?

    This is has been a big one for me
 finding the balance. I like to jump in the pool, or whatever it is, and then think, “Huh. That was kind of a big decision. It just felt right at the time.” Being Mom & wife and still being able to give to this business can be stressful. Turning off my mind to business ideas doesn’t seem to work. I’m constantly searching for solutions and applying my life to my business and vice-versa.

    Do you happily work 18 hours a day or get it all done in just six?

    I’ve struggled with this a lot. My husband said to me, “I can’t deal with talking about this all the time. I need you. Not the business right now.” I had to find a mentor/coach/mastermind/ colleague to discuss the business topics. Turning it off is as important, if not more so, than keeping the business ideas going.

    What do you do for fun?

    My favorite, FAVORITE thing to do is to share stories. I am down for a good game night. I love to play with markers, hand lettering, and color. Make-up is part of that. It’s so fun to try new looks. I feel really good when I My Mom had a beauty shop in our home. Doing hair is a lot of fun. Braiding hair is really fun, but I’m really slow.

    Twice a week I share a show so it’s here when and where you need it.

    Because let's be real, girl, those moments you need a podcast show up.

    Moments like when you are:

    Focusing on work projects all day long. Your brain feels like mush afterward. Driving and pretending to keep calm even though your kids are screaming non-stop. Feeling low after a day when it all went bad. So bad. Needing a laugh to help you have a break. Trying to remember the last time you had a girls’ night and need some social time. You're not Mom, the boss, or the spouse. You are simply YOU. Wanting to have a conversation that is real and makes you feel good. Just because. Wishing a good friend would pop right in and cheer you on!

    We all have felt like this at some point. For a long time, I thought I was extra needy.

    I’m not. You are not. We are smart, ambitious and kind. Those specific qualities make us powerful.

    But powerful does not mean you’re a superhero. None of us are.

    The REASON I make this podcast is this: Because You DESERVE to love yourself right now. You NEED to give yourself YOUR BEST. Even though you don’t think you have time. Especially when you don’t think you are worthy of it. Self-care is not selfish.

    You fill up your own cup so you have more to give. Because what the world needs is you and your best.

    That’s why I put so much work to craft and share different podcast episodes each week. I’m there for you. I understand how lonely it can to be to support all those around you and still feel so empty. It’s something no one wants to talk about and yet we can do something about it right now.

    It takes time to prepare the show each week. 5 minute Monday Maxims, that quick shot of your mental Vitamin B can take up to 1 hour of time to produce.

    Longer episodes take 8-10 hours for production.

    I want you to feel confident. Cared for. Secure. Successful. And oh, so sexy! When you feel good on the inside it radiates in all you do.

    Can you imagine if all smart, ambitious women in the world felt this way? We would change the world.

    We can change the world as we work together.

    Now, you have a decision to make. You could just move on and forget this page. Nothing will happen. Things will probably remain exactly the same as they have been in your life. Nothing happens unless you decide to make it happen.

    Or you can do something different. You can contribute and become part of the movement. You can help move this force of powerful women forward. You will be first to know when we get together, in real life. Imagine the chance to hug one another, laugh, learn and work together to do even more good in the world.

    By contributing to the show, you’ll be sharing part of the quality and consistency others count on. You are becoming part of the team. Your insight will help shape the show for others who need it.

    When you contribute, you’ll be doing something special. You’ll help us keep the podcast free. You'll help keep it out there in the world for another person who is struggling and really needs it. You are paying it forward, literally, so others can join us.

    Click on the link and let me know how much this means to you. Your support at any level means a lot to me and to all the listeners who cannot give $1 a month.

    You are a star. Shine on.

  • Welcome to Your Monday Maxim with Amy:

    This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    “Women have to take the time to focus on our mental health- take time for self, for the spiritual, without feeling guilty or selfish. The world will see you the way you see you, and treat you the way you treat yourself.” - Beyonce

    No more self-talk that is so cruel to yourself.

    Self- care:

    1. Is not bubble baths and massages. Find what works.

    2. Is personal to you. Just because it works for a friend doesn't mean it is going to work for you.

    3. Lifts you up so you are filled. Your soul has a gas tank and the truth is, most of us are running on fumes. Time to fill up.

  • You're a smart, ambitious woman. You know you're supposed to value yourself.

    You make sure that the work gets done.

    That everyone contributes.

    And that tiny details are taken care of, things are turned in on time, and you are serving others.

    You value the lessons learned in the work.

    While you teach others to learn, grow and progress.

    This is all so very important, but you know what else matters?

    Answer this honestly inside: Do you value yourself?

    This is something it seems, that every smart, ambitious woman is so busy looking out for all the things... the stuff of life, the details are taken care of and things keep moving forward.

    You miss the chance to look back and enjoy that moment when you had that tiny win (that was more than just a tiny win... it was setting you on a whole new path for your life.) When you should savor it.

    You rush to the next thing, because it's on the list. Yet, you haven't processed the last thing.

    So as you have more things going on, you can lose yourself in it.

    Don't devalue yourself.

    Stop missing the moment.

    Instead, be all there. Feel how good your life is right now.

    I know, you're thinking, "But my house is still not as clean as I'd like... I haven't made that next promotion... I haven't lost the weight... I'm not there yet..."

    Of course not. That's the future.

    You are here. Right now at this moment.

    Answer the Emergency Text

    It's late at night, you are about to go to bed. A close friend that you haven't seen in a while texts you and says, "I'm feeling low. Remind me why I'm a good person."

    At that moment, you have no idea what's going on in her life. You don't know if she just broke up with a boyfriend, or her job is a nightmare or any of that.

    None of the matters right now.

    What do you do? Immediately, you instinctively send a text, or two, or several, reminding this friend what a wonderful person they are. You look inside to their heart and tell them of the exact moment when she stood up and did the right thing. The memories of the time when you both laughed yourself to tears...literal tears, comes up and you can't help but smile while you continue to text.

    Mostly though, you remind your friend that she is loved. Just because.

    And you are there for her, no matter where the world takes you.

    Then you wait.

    It takes a minute or two, but she answers you with a heart and "tears streaming down the face" emoji. She remembers that time, too. And in that tiny moment, you feel that peace.

    You feel love.

    Imagine Your Screen

    We've all had moments when we've felt like that. It doesn't matter how successful you are, where you come from, how nice the car you drive is...

    If you don't value yourself, no one else will see you. All of you.

    You know what's crazy about that?

    You're a smart, ambitious woman.

    You. Right now. You have so much value.

    You are the one serving in the community. People say to you, "Girl, how do you do it all?"

    People see what you are doing on the outside. Imagine if they saw what you were doing to yourself on the inside. If we all walked around with our own, little speech bubble/ screen sharing the thoughts and conversations we are having with ourselves, imagine what that would look like.

    The screen above the of exhausted-looking woman in front of you in the check out with 3 screaming kids would say, "I haven't slept in 3 days. But I can't get sick. How will we survive without my paycheck? I'll just push on..."

    The screen of the superwoman who bakes delicious goodies and gives them to neighbors says, "These are so ugly! You can't do anything right. Why don't you just quit? This will never be a business!"

    The working woman, supportive friend, that hasn't settled down woman's screen reads, "Why does it matter if I have a man or not?!? I would love to settle down. Quit asking about my dating life! My worth is not based on being someone's wife!"

    Your screen, what would it look like? What do you say to yourself that you would never say to another person?

    Perhaps you need to write it down on a paper. Just so you can see how those words aren't helping you. In fact, they are hurting you. These words are holding you back.

    So rip that paper to shreds. Destroy those useless words. Burn the paper if you need to, but don't you dare let that inner voice hold you back.

    Be There for Yourself

    We all have days when we are feeling low. That's part of this human experience.

    We need you. The full you. The you that answers your own emergency text when you're feeling low. The you that reminds yourself you are good. More than good. You are wonderful. That you give and serve. That you are doing so much to make our world better.

    And mostly, that you are loved. Just because.

    You are feeling the value that you have.

    Bring more of that to our world.

  • President Abraham Lincoln said, "I am a slow walker, but I never walk back."

    Great thought for each of us. We are pushing forward on our goals and even if we're slow, we keep moving forward.

    Have a great week.

    Shine on!

  • Welcome back to the Email Marketing Series!

    In episode 103, we started talking about what your email marketing needs to be effective.

    Then in episode 105, we discussed your email marketing strategy.

    In this episode, we'll look at why you hate selling online; how you can create relationships with customers and make more sales using email to connect with your audience.

    Something you may not have considered: The reason you hate selling online is that it feels disingenuous. It doesn't feel like YOU.

    Example, board a flight and the person scanning your ticket or your phone says, "Enjoy your flight."

    The worst example was when our family was booking tickets to Disneyworld in Orlando. We had to make an adjustment and after the call transferred to another someone on the phone lines, the customer service person said, "Have a magical day." But it certainly did not sound magical.

    These are prime examples of disingenuous expressions.

    You are not disingenuous. You are real. This matters to you because you are concerned about having integrity and being true to you. Even online.

    Now, think of your last movie recommendation to a friend...

    Or, the recommendation I received on a restaurant in town we haven't tried, a friend said, "You gotta try the fried pickles. They are phenomenal."

    These are very specific. They are recommendations. And you LOVE sharing it.

    The key is to build more trust in your online business.

    You build that trust by following :

    1. Reveal yourself. Share what you are doing, where you are in a process.

    2. Involve your audience in the conversation.

    3. Recommend the solution that works for you.

    Think about infomercials. We've all seen an ad, you know it's an ad while flipping through channels. You listen for a few minutes and realize a half hour has passed.

    What happened? You were involved.

    So, how do you do this with your email marketing?

    You build the trust. Follow the same steps in this way:

    1. Reveal yourself. Share what you are doing, where you are in a process.

    You reveal yourself when you Tell a Story. Don't write a novel in your email, just a few sentences is enough. Make the picture evident.

    2. Involve your audience in the conversation.

    To involve your audience, Ask a Question. You've just painted the picture, you can easily ask, "What would you have done?" Or, "What do you think happened?" Or, "So guess what she did?"

    3. Recommend the solution that works for you.

    The story and question now give you a chance to Share the Solution (that is, What You are Selling) to explain how it worked. Be sure to share the most important part, The Results. It's about those results.

    4. From there, Make Your Offer.

    Tell your customer what they must do now to get those same results. Emotion makes the sale. Be sure to talk about how it feels to use your product/service/offer.

    By following these specific steps, you make more sales through email. But you're doing it in a way that is genuinely you.

    Build trust and credibility as you make more money. That's email marketing success.

  • Welcome to Your Monday Maxim with Amy:

    This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    Today's quote is:

    “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” Ray Goforth

  • You've started your online business. Things are going well.

    You know you need to have an email list to make your business grow, but every time you hear someone mention it you think...

    What do I even write about? How do I get someone to sign up for my list? What makes someone decide to learn more?

    That's all part of your email marketing strategy.

    The cycle of email marketing runs in a circular pattern:

    Outsider >> Acquaintance >> Ally >> Insider

    How do you do that?

    When someone considers subscribing to your email list, they are considering if they would want you at their dinner party...

    1. Offer them something to initiate that first, critical interaction.

    So what is that? It's called an opt-in, a lead magnet, a giveaway, etc. We'll call it a lead magnet.

    Your lead magnet helps your potential client/customer:

    Succeed at a new skill. Make a purchase. Get started on a first step. Learn some secret information. Save them time. Eliminates extra steps.

    2. Before you create a lot of extra work, consider the following:

    What does my customer want? What is the best method to connect with my customer? What do I already have to offer? What do I offer exceptionally well? What is the first thing my customer needs to know?

    3. I've created a guide for you with 20 ideas for a quality lead magnet. You can find that here.

    Just like your closet or your pantry, when you focus on your email list remember, "Quality beats Quantity. Every time."

    This is section one of the email marketing guide. Next time we'll talk about how to make your first automated email sequence.

  • Monday Maxim with Amy 2018:

    It’s your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

    "Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway." -Eleanor Roosevelt

  • If I could go back at the start of my business, I would tell myself one thing, "Master Email Marketing."

    These next few episodes are all about the lessons of email marketing I wish someone would have taught me.

    Your success is in your hands now. It feels like I'm giving you the keys to a brand new Tesla.

    Start her up. Set her on autopilot and watch your business take off.

    Here is your email marketing primer, the broad strokes.

    1. Set Up Your Strategy.

    Establish your rules for business. Show them what to do next. Walk them through the process.

    2. Be You. The Real You.

    Share what is happening in your life. Authentic vs. Being Transparent (Authenticity is sharing how you feel inside, what you are learning intellectually. Transparency shows the whole mess. All of the pieces falling apart. It's like a country song gone wrong... Don't lose credibility.) Use your real voice as you are making an offer to your customers.

    3. Build Community

    Make the connection with your group. Show how what you offer helps others. Build interdependence within your community. Focus on your own group. Get their input. Ask questions. Take a poll, etc.

    4. Tell a Story

    Think of the 3E's:

    Show your empathy. Be the expert. Share your eccentricities.

    Paint a picture of what is happening.

    Business is about trust.

    You don't have time as a business owner to talk to people for hours on end to make a sell.

    Now, you send messages out as packages to build those messages of trust.

    5. Be the Teacher

    Say to yourself, "Guide My Group." You already know how to do so many things... now you can share that with your group.

    Break a project down into small steps. Think about your system. Write down a brain dump...look at the big picture. Avoid the curse of expertise. (That is, you work at a level 9 or 10, while the rest of the world thinks about this at level 2 or 3.) Make it simple. It will feel like you are dumbing it down. You are making it so easy so that you can explain it in basic bones components. Be the person to show someone how to do the beginner's guide. Tutor the beginners. Instant Pot example.

    6. Be a Reporter For Every Email

    Answer the questions before they ask. 5 W's: Who, What, When, Where, Why Show them the How... Find ways to walk them through the steps. Remember 7th grade? You don't know the Algebra teacher...and once he starts talking, Math becomes so much fun. The teacher has inspired you. That's what you'll do with your email sequences.

    You already have high-level relationships in many areas of your life.

    Use email right and you will have lots more people coming to you to learn how to excel.