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The Save Your Sanity podcast offers episodes filled with the expert insights, validation, strategies, and support you need to recognize, manage, and recover from relationships with the relentlessly difficult, toxic--and often disturbing--people that host Dr. Rhoberta Shaler calls Hijackals®.
She offers invaluable help to stop the second-guessing, undermining, and crazy-making traits, patterns, and cycles you have encountered in relationships with folks like those. Understand the ways, whys, and hows that verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse affect you over time. Whether the Hijackal is a partner, parent, ex, or colleague, what you will learn here will strengthen and empower you to step up, speak up, and stand up for yourself in healthy, assertive ways.
Many Hijackals have behaviors that are considered the same as those who are diagnosed as narcissists, borderlines, psychopaths, sociopaths, and histrionic personality disorder. These insights will help you to make the changes--and good decisions--to move from pain to power, and that's exactly what you want to do! Listen now.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Chłopaki, imprezy, randki, romanse, związki, wpadki, dramy, rozstania i powroty... Z perspektywy osób, które sobie w życiu nie żałowały niczego z powyższych, a teraz zostało im tylko o tym opowiadać 🍌 ZAMÓW NASZĄ KSIĄŻKĘ TUTAJ:
Opowiadają, knują i się śmieją: grabari i Irené. -
Papiery Rozwodowe to podcast małżeństwa - MishOn i Człowieka wargi, czyli Ola i Maciek rozmawiają o związkach, komentują bieżące wydarzenia i sytuacje w kraju i na świecie, a które dotyczą związków właśnie i zapraszają gości, którzy uwaga, uwaga...rozmawiają z nimi o związkach:)
Bästisarna Klara Elvgren och Alice Stenlöf möts i studion varje vecka för att prata om livets kontraster och sanningar. Klara skildrar verkligheten bakom karriären och familjelivet, vad innebär det för Klara att hon nu ska bli tvåbarnsmamma samtidigt som karriären stegrar som snabbast? Alice navigerar det nya kärlekslivet och det inte alltid så glammiga influenceryrket samtidigt som hon är uppstartsfasen med sitt nya klädvarumärke. Hur håller dom alla bollar i luften samtidigt? Går det? Det är högt i tak när tjejerna kliver in i studion för att spela in nya avsnitt om vad fan var det som hände? En podcast om livet, karriärer, relationer, sex och kärlek. Avsnitt släpps varje onsdag.
Klipps av Victor Ganguly
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hosted by celebrity esthetician & industry expert Lori Crete, each Beauty Biz Show episode is designed to help you tap into your best success and leave you feeling inspired to build the beauty biz of your dreams! Featuring industry icons and gurus, revenue-driving tips and motivational messages, Lori and her guests inspire you to burst through stagnant industry norms to flourish in your profession and make a beautiful, abundant living doing what you love.
A finalist for American Spa Magazine’s 2017 Women in Wellness Mentor of the Year, Lori is a highly sought after industry expert and licensed celebrity esthetician. Owner of Southern California’s Spa 10, she is also the founder of The Beauty Biz Club™, a success-based society dedicated to helping beauty practitioners around the world fill their schedule, increase profits and break through to the 6-figure mark. For more about Lori & the Beauty Biz Club, visit -
Welcome to our podcast where we dog moms discuss modern, enlightened dog parenting! Each week, we’ll take a dive deep into the human-dog connection and explore strategies that will inspire you to create connection and cooperation with your obedience training needed!
We meet up at the intersection where training and behavior meet Heart and Soul...and where we leave behind the 'power over' obedience training paradigm we inherited and lead the way to an enlightened 'power with' approach. Join us for an inspirational and educational journey as we explore what living in cooperative partnership with our beautiful dogs looks like in real life.
Brilliant Partners are kind, loving, calm, clear, confident, and cooperative ... and when WE learn how to be a Brilliant Partner, our dogs do too.
Kathy Kawalec is an author, writer, the founder of Dancing Hearts Dog Academy and creator of the Brilliant Partners Academy, The Foundation Formula, Herding Partners Academy, and Creative Alchemy Passion Plan. -
Hi redheads and everyone else tuning In! We are so excited to bring you the first redhead beauty podcast since 2018! We're Adrienne & Stephanie Vendetti, sisters and co-founders of the vibrant How to be a Redhead (known as H2BAR) lifestyle and beauty brand. You may have seen us on ABC's Shark Tank (Season 15, Episode 14) and with over a decade plus under our belts since the launch of, we are always excited to discuss topics with redhead celebs, experts ranging world-renowned dermatologists and hairstylists, influencers and more. Red hair is more than a color, it’s a lifestyle! Follow us on social media, tag @HowtobeaRedhead and use #HowtobeaRedhead.
Jewels are the starting point to discuss past eras, romance, lost fortunes, revolution, precious stones and personal histories. This podcast explores every facet of jewellery – from who makes it, to who wears it, and why – and is a must-listen for everyone who loves jewellery or might be buying a piece of jewellery; anyone interested in design and history; and all those who love a rollicking real-life story. Carol Woolton is Britain’s leading authority on jewellery and gemstones and has entertained and informed the readers of British Vogue and Tatler as Jewellery Editor for more than 25 years. She is a writer, lecturer, historian, editor, curator, stylist, and author of five books on the fascinating subject of jewellery. She has contributed widely to magazines, newspapers and online supplements around the world including the Financial Times, Vogue China, Vanity Fair, Air Mail, American Vogue, Tatler and the Daily Telegraph. Carol mentors and promotes young jewellers and designers and is a founder member of the Leopards charity (#londonleopards), established in 2016, to preserve the expertise, innovation and design excellence in jewellery as well as identifying and nurturing young talent critical to its future.
Podcast dziewczyny po trzydziestce.
Jakiś czas temu przeczytałam komentarz, że moje życie i moje problemy są niepoważne. Prawdopodobnie z powodu braku męża i dzieci. Ponieważ mój podcast nie traktuje o cenach pieluch, ani przepisach na kotlety dla umęczonego pracą i życiem małżonka.
Moje życie wygląda zgoła inaczej. Miałam okres bawienia się w dom, przez 12 lat.
Zatem podcast ten dedykowany jest wszystkim dziewczynom, które tak jak ja, są wolnymi duchami, randkują, uprawiają seks, bawią się, ale też płaczą z powodu złych wyborów i niewłaściwych mężczyzn, a czasem po prostu tęsknią za bliskością.
Mam tak samo jak Ty.
Jeśli te tematy nie są Ci bliskie, to nawet nie włączaj tego podcastu, bo się rozczarujesz.
Hej besties🎀 Tu wasze ulubione przyjaciółki Lila i Werka. Chciałyśmy stworzyć bezpieczne miejsce dla wszystkich dziewczyn (i nie tylko!) Ten podcast tworzycie razem z nami podsyłając swoje historie, pytania czy dylematy, a my staramy się obgadać temat i udzielić Wam jak najlepszej porady, dokładnie tak jak w gronie przyjaciół <3 Nie możemy się doczekać aby przeczytać co macie do powiedzenia!
Przesyłajcie swoje maile na adres [email protected] -
Is Blake Lively a bitch or being misconstrued? Will Elon ever stop cringing us out? And why is everyone using slurs again?
Every week Polyester's head girlies Ione Gamble and Gina Tonic take you down a weekly rabbit hole of online discourse and pop culture - from trad wives and surrogacy to porn stars and unhinged press tours. Exploring the intersection of IRL and URL through a feminist lens, the Polyester Podcast is your weekly digest on absolutely everything everyone on the internet is talking about.
With guests like Tavi Gevinson and Sofia Coppola collaborator Stacey Battat, and special episodes beamed into your ears from cultural centres like London’s Tate Modern and Barbican Centre, every Monday we offer a down-to-earth take from the front lines of the internet, feminism, and the weird world of celebrity it has spawned.
Hosted by Editor in Chief Ione Gamble with Senior Editor Gina Tonic. Edited by Olivia Graham. Have faith in your own bad taste!
Support our work and become a Polyester Podcast member <3
Polyester is a self published, intersectional feminist arts and culture publication aiming to bridge the gap of URL cyberfeminism with the IRL world.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.