I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 4th of March, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go straight to the Gospel of John 8:44. Jesus said to the pharisees:
âYou are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.â
The devil is the father of all lies. Then we go to Revelation 20:10:
âThe devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstoneâŠâ
The devil is a robber. He is a liar and the father of all lies. Folks, his neck was broken when Jesus said, on the cross of Calvary, âIt is finished!â The victory is ours. The only thing the devil can do to you and me is to tell us lies, and if we believe him, he will kill us with his lies, but he cannot touch us physically because he is defeated. We need to understand this.
You know, what you believe can actually make or break your quality of life. Fear of Godâs final judgement, rejection - a lot of people are afraid to die because they donât know what is going to happen. Now I want to tell you, the Lord is not here to condemn us. Okay? It couldnât be further from the truth. Jesus has paid for all of our sins. Romans 8:1:
âThere is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,âŠâ
Do not allow the devil to rob you of your joy, of your peace, and most of all, your relationship with Jesus today. Remember, our faith impacts the quality of our lives. Folks, I am talking particularly this morning to young people, scholars, and students, where the devil is telling you youâll never make it, you will never pass. Do you know that Abraham Lincoln is rated as one of the greatest presidents that America has ever had? I donât think he had more than two or three years education. Donât underestimate what God can do through you if you trust Him. Winston Churchill, they tell me that his father back-handed the establishment to push his son through the different grades because he wasnât interested. Some rate him as one of the greatest orators that has ever lived. What about Helen Roseveare, that missionary who came to the Congo? She taught orderlies, you know, the cleaners - she taught them how to do operations. God has given you a brain. Use it - donât listen to the lies of the devil!
Jesus bless you and goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 3rd of March, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Psalms 94:19:
âIn the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.â
Are you feeling anxious today? Are you feeling that your thoughts are running amok? Well, the Lordâs got a very good message for you. We go to Isaiah 26:3:
âYou will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.âToday, we need to put our trust in the Lord. Is your mind racing this morning? Are you feeling totally overwhelmed? âLord, I canât do this.â Are your busy thoughts totally out of control? Oh, I understand so well how you are feeling this morning. I cast my mind back to an event we had a few years ago when I was about to walk onto the platform and address over one million people live, a sight I will never forget. But I had to come aside and be quiet on my own. My mind was racing, all kinds of thoughts coming into my mind. All things having to remember, so much to remember, and I felt the Holy Spirit say, âCome aside and I will give you My peace.â Do you know that beautiful scripture, John 14:27:
âPeace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.â
Sitting there quietly, collecting my thoughts, concentrating on the Lord Jesus Christ and His call upon my life, not being persuaded by the devil that I will never make it, the people will not listen to me, they will go home - no, none of that rubbish! Concentrating, the Lord said, âI called you, I anointed you, I appointed you for a time such as thisâ, and then I walk onto that platform with Jesus standing right next to me, almost physically, and the confidence, and the joy and the peace of God overflows my soul.
Do it today, you will be surprised how your attitude will change immediately!
Jesus bless you and goodbye.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 2nd of March, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Gospel of Mark 13:32:
âBut of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.â
No one knows the time when He is returning, not even Jesus. We need to be careful that we are not fooled by a man who says he knows when the Lord is coming back. The truth is not in him because the Bible tells us not even the angels in Heaven, not even Jesus Himself knows the hour. Donât be fooled!
You know the gypsy that goes along with his little painted wagon with his wife and children, along the country roads, that beautiful painted wagon, pulled by the horse, he comes to the farmerâs gate and he says, âHave you got anything for me to repair?â He normally sharpens knives, he repairs pots and pans and he sells all kinds of trinkets for the children and his wife says, âI can tell your fortune.â And the housewife is fooled, the husband is working in the field and she sits down with her crystal ball and she starts looking into the ball and she tells the housewife everything she wants to know. âYou are going to have a lot of prosperity, things are going to go well, you are going to write a book, you are going to be famous.â Then the housewife says, âHow can you prove to me that you know what is going on?â
You see, the gypsyâs wife is very clever. Before she knocked on the door, she went around the back and she saw all the washing on the line. She saw the husbandâs overalls, she saw two little dresses, one probably for a girl about fourteen and another about ten, and a little boyâs trousers - must have been two or three years old, and she tells the gullible housewife, âOh yes, I know that you are married.â
She said, âHow did you know that?â
âOh no, I know, and your husband is a big man.â
âYes, that is right, he is!â
âAnd you have got two daughters, one is about fourteen and the other aboutâŠâ and the lady is sucked in by lies.
But on a serious note, you say, âWell, what can we do if we donât know when the Lord is coming back?â Well, if we look at Mark 13:37, the Lord Jesus says: â
And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!â
That is what we have got to do, watch and pray. We have got to be ready for the coming of the Lord. Oh, for me it couldnât be soon enough, but letâs carry on and letâs work hard like He is coming in a thousand years, but letâs be prepared so that even if He comes tomorrow morning, we will be ready.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 1st of March, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start off in the Book of Isaiah 55:8. The Lord says:
âFor My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,â says the Lord.â
If we go to the Book of Micah 4:12:
âBut they do not know the thoughts of the Lord,âŠâ
Folks, we must stop arguing with God. You know, Job, the farmer, I can identify with that man so much. Job was arguing with God, remember? You can go to Job 38 and you will see where the Lord has had enough of the arguments, enough of the senseless continually questioning God instead of believing Him. He says: âWhere were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?â I just love it - He says, âStand up like a man and I will question you.â Maybe God is going to question you today, my dear friend, and say, âWhere were you when God created? How dare you question God and His integrity and His authority. Letâs stop questioning God and letâs start believing God.
You see, itâs also okay when people come to you and they ask you, âHow can God allow this to happen?â You can say, âI donât knowâ because you are not God, but that is the time that we can say like the farmer Job when he came to his senses, he said, âEven though He slay me, even though He kills me, yet will I still trust Himâ, (Job 13:15), because he knew the heart of God.
Corrie Ten Boom is one of my heroes, that Dutch lady that was put in a concentration camp with her old dad and her sister, Betsy, and her dad died within weeks and Betsy got sick. She was a Christian and Corrie was nursing her on her lap and she was dying, and Corrie was so upset about what was happening. âGod, where are You? How can You let this happen to my sister?â And she heard a little voice whispering. She looked down, it was her sister, and the little voice said, âCorrie, if you know Him, you do not have to ask why.â
Letâs stop arguing with God today and start believing Him because He always has our best interests at heart.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,
Goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 28th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go to the Gospel of Mark 13:13. Jesus says:
âBut he who endures to the end shall be saved.â
That very same scripture you can find in the Gospel of Matthew 10:22:
âBut he who endures to the end will be saved.â
Now, the Amplified Version says, but the one who [patiently perseveres empowered by the Holy Spirit and] endures to the end, he will be saved.
There was a missionary going back home who had been in the Congo in Africa for over 40 years, preaching the Gospel, praying for the sick, building churches, schools, and hospitals, and now he was on his way home. He got onto the ship and eventually the ship arrived in America. He went in, through the gates, passed the Statue of Liberty. He came to the dock. He was standing at the back of the ship with his little suitcase all by himself, but on that same ship was a team of football players. They had just come back from Europe. They had won the championship and all of their supporters were there. Streamers were being thrown over the ship, hooters were being blown, people were singing and praising this football team that came back with the cup, and the poor old missionary who spent his whole life preaching the Gospel to the poor, and he stood at the back of the ship holding his little suitcase, all by himself.
He looked up and he cried out to the Lord. He said, âLord, my whole life has been dedicated to You. There is not one person here to welcome me home, and then he heard a small voice of the Holy Spirit saying, âBut son, you havenât got home yet. Wait for the reward when you get home to Heaven.â
Today, persevere. Let the Holy Spirit empower you to finish the job which the Lord called you to do for Him.
God bless you and have a wonderful day,
Goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 27th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go to the Gospel of Mark 12:42 (Amp.Version): â
A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a mite.â
Then we go on a little bit to verse 44, and Jesus said:
âFor they all contributed from their surplus, but she, from her poverty, put in all she had, all she had to live on.â
Folks, a very small coin, worth a fraction of a penny. Now, some young people donât even know what a penny is anymore, but the older people listening to this message, if you look at the picture, you will see I took a photograph of a one penny, a South African coin minted in 1946. You see, people often give from their overflow. That old lady gave from her very substance. She gave the very money that she had left.
God doesnât need your money, God doesnât need my money, He wants our attitude, He wants our heart. Some of the most generous people I have met in my life are wealthy people. It is not about the money, it's about the heart of the thing. When we give, we must give not expecting a return. You see, when you give to a poor person, it is as if you are giving to God because there is no return from that person, and God knows that. That is why He says in Matthew 25:40:
ââŠinasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.â
Aah but folks, come on now, we know the heart of our God. Our God is a giver, He gave us His only begotten Son so that we, you and I, would have eternal life. You see, God is a giver by nature. So we donât give to God like an investment, like we want something back. No, we give to God because we love Him. If you want an investment back, go and give your money to a bank or an insurance company where you will get a return. When you give to God, no strings attached. You give it to Him because you love Him, but He will give it back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over.
Jesus bless you and have a great day,
Goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 26th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go to the Gospel of John 19:38:
âAfter this, Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly,âŠâ
Folks, I have the privilege of participating in a funeral service but the lady that we are going to remember is not famous, no. She is a mother, the wife of a minister. She has brought up children and grandchildren. Yes, sheâs a washer of dishes, a cleaner of the house, the one that makes the beds every day. Yes, she is a band of one of the feet washers that no one ever hears about, but what a lady! If you think about it, everybody knows who C H Surgeon is. He is called the Prince of Preachers. At 21 years old they built the London Tabernacle for him that could seat 10 000 people but no one knows about the farm worker that was preaching one Sunday night in a terrible snow storm this young man was trying to seek refuge, he wasnât going to church, and he slipped into the back of the church, where the farmworker, nobody knows what his name was, was preaching the Gospel, but that young man heard one verse, âLook unto me and be savedâ. His life was changed. Yes, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, but you donât know the name of that farmworker. No, he was just an ordinary person.
What about Mordecai Ham? Howâs that for a mouthful? Mordecai Ham - do you know who Mordecai Ham was? No, of course you donât, but I want to tell you that Mordecai Ham was preaching. He was a country evangelist, and he was preaching one night and a young boy, 16 years old, came into the meeting. His whole ambition was to be a professional baseball player. He heard the word, came forward, gave his life to Christ. Yes, Iâm talking about Billy Graham, probably the greatest of all modern day evangelists!
Then of course weâre talking about Joseph of Arimathea, a businessman. Yes, when all of the disciples fled and left Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, took his reputation and his life in his hands and asked Pontius Pilate if he could take the body of Christ off the cross. He put the body of our beloved Master in his own personal grave - Joseph of Arimathea. These are a band of feet washers.
This lady Iâm talking about, Marion, was the wife of the man who ran the church where my wife Jill and I got saved 46 years ago. I remember her very well, just a lovely, beautiful person. We always felt welcome in her home. She had a lot to do with our conversion and walk with Christ. She is now receiving her reward from Jesus in heaven. Donât despise the feet washers.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,
Goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 25th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go to the Book of Jonah 4:1:
âBut it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry.â
Then we go straight to the Book of Luke 15:28:
âBut he was angry and would not go in.â
Jonah was so upset because the whole city of Nineveh got saved from their wicked ways. He was very upset about it. He said, âItâs not fair.â Have you been like that? What about the young son, the two boys? The one was an absolute rebel, a prodigal son, he went off into the far country, wasted all his money, came back and his father loved him. The older son never went anywhere. He stayed at home, worked hard, he was a good boy, and there was his father having a beautiful banquet because his lost son had come home. He was very angry about it. He wouldnât even go into the party. The Bible tells us that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. âOh but itâs not fair.â Oh folks, we need to be very compassionate with people who come to Christ at a late stage in their lives.
We praise God through Jesus Christ our Lord, that we serve a God who is a Friend of sinners, a God who is slow to anger, abundant in loving kindness. Thatâs what Jonah said about the Lord and the Lord relented. It means He changed His mind. He did not blot out Nineveh off the face of the earth. No, He relented. He changed His mind and He gave them a second chance and He did it because Jonah went and gave them an opportunity, but Jonah couldnât see what he had done. He was just upset because they got saved. Have you ever been in that situation?
You know, I remember when my children were quite young. One of my daughters, when she was a beautiful young teenager, came to me and said, âDad, you know, I donât have a testimony, like some of these other people I read about - you know, of an alcoholic turning to Christ and being completely set free, of a drug addict, of a prostitute coming to Christ, of a thief being in jail, coming out, changing his whole life and coming miraculously to Jesus.â I said to her, âOh my sweetheart, you have no idea what these people have been through before they come to Christ, the pain, the shame, the guilt that theyâve had to go through, the grace of Christ that they have to lean on in order to get through one day at a time.
If you come from a Christian home you should be so happy and you should go and thank your parents that theyâve brought you up and spared you from the ravages of the devil. Today, do not be sad, do not be resentful that you havenât got a testimony. Youâve got a fantastic testimony. Just keep telling people about Jesus!
Until next time, God bless you and goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 24th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Jonah 3:10:
âThen God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented (He changed His mind) from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.â
Jonah went to Ninevah. Ninevah was a massive city, it took three days just to walk across the city. The King and all his people repented and God saved them. Then we go to the most well-known scripture in the whole Bible, John 3:16:
âFor God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.â
Then verse 17 says:
âFor God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.â
God of mercy! The Lord loves us so much today, my dear friend. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to save us. You know, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd left the ninety-nine sheep to go and find that one lost sheep. Maybe you are that lost sheep this morning and the Lord is crying out to you and saying, âTurn from your wicked ways, follow me, I will forgive you. I will heal you and I will give you eternal life.â
A while ago we got a letter sent to us in the office by an old gentleman who had written to us. He said heâs very lonely, he lives all by himself. Heâs coming to see us and I felt the Holy Spirit say that Jill and I must rather go and see him. So we got the details of where he lived and we went to visit this old gentleman and I want to tell you, what a lovely old man. I will never forget that afternoon we spent with him. It took us three hours to find his farm. The road was so overgrown that I could hardly find my way to his home. Heâs living there all by himself with his little dog, and when we arrived at the gate, he came out of his house and he was astonished. He looked at me and he couldnât believe it. He said, âWhy have you come to see me?â I said, "Because sir, God told us to come and see you.â He was totally overwhelmed. You know, we could hardly get away from him that afternoon. He gave my wife three beautiful swans. His wife had died, you see, and these little ornaments obviously were special to his wife and she had died two years before, and he lived in that little house all by himself.
I want to say to you today, go out and find the lost. Jonah didnât want to go to Ninevah, but the Lord said he must go and He pursued Jonah until He went, and the whole city was saved.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 23rd of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We start in Psalm 18:6:
âIn my distressâŠâ (are you distressed today, my friend?)
âIn my distress I called upon the Lord,
And cried out to my God;
He heard my voice from His temple,
And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.âIsnât that a wonderful thing to know, that the Lord is hearing every one of our cries? Then we go straight to the Gospel of Matthew 8:25. The disciples are also very distressed because the boat that they were travelling in was about to sink in the middle of Lake Galilee:
âThen His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, âLord, save us! We are perishing!â
Call out to the Lord Jesus Christ today, my dear friend, and He will hear you in your depths of despair. Call upon His name and He will undertake. I looked up in the dictionary âdistressâ means extreme pain, unhappiness, suffering, agony, or danger. Are you feeling like that today? Well then, this message is for you and the Lord is saying to you today clearly, âCall upon My name, I am listening.â Despair means complete loss or absence of hope. It causes depression, misery, causes one to give up, to lose heart. Are you there today?
Oh, I know it well. I have been in that position myself, many times. I have shared that story with you, it is in the movie, âFaith like Potatoesâ, when that fire was going to jump over the fence from our farm and go into a massive forest of pine trees and I was totally stressed out. That is the honest truth. I was a brand-new Christian, and I remembered, the Lord said, âCall to me when you are in times of despair and distress." I got on my knees in the dust and I said, âPlease Lord, help me. If this fire jumps into the neighbourâs pine plantation, we will be ruined.â And what happened? The wind changed, gentle rain came up from the south and the Lord put that fire out.
Today, He will put the fire out in your life. I donât know what it is. Maybe it is a sick child, maybe it is a work situation, maybe it is a financial problem. Today, call on His name. He saved the disciples, the boat did not sink, and He also saved David, âthe apple of His eyeâ, as He called out in his distress.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,
Goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 22nd of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Jonah 1:12:
âPick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will become calm for you. For I know that this great tempest is because of me.â -
Dying to self, preferring your fellow man. Then we go to John 11:50 and of course, the chief priest, Caiaphas, did not even know what he was talking about when he said:
ââŠone man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish.â
He was talking about Jesus. Jesus Christ was sacrificed for you and me, my dear friend. You see, Jonah knew that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and so in order to save those crewmen and to save the ship he said, âPlease throw me overboard.â When the high priest soldiers came into the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus, you know what He did? Yes, the same thing that He always does. He said, âLet these go their way I am the one that you want.â (John 18:8) He was prepared to sacrifice His life for you and for me.
Iâm just thinking of William Carey, that country boy from England, who went all the way with his young wife and children to India to preach the Gospel. He became a great Bible translator. He translated the Bible from English into many other languages. Sanskrit was a very difficult language. This man was uneducated, but He did it for the sake of the Gospel but it cost him dearly. He lost his wife, she died there and some of his children. He paid an incredible price.
Jim Elliot went to the Amazon jungle to preach the Gospel, and at the age of 29 years old, he was murdered, but through his death, many came to Christ. He said, âIt is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.â
Today, you and I, let us lay our lives down for our fellow man and then we will really start living for Christ.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 21st of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go to the Gospel of Matthew 19:13-14:
âThen little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.â But Jesus said, âLet the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.â
Folks, we need to look after our little children. I want to share something with you which touched me very deeply. I got a little clip from TikTok, and on the clip, there was a young mother who was videoing her little child. That child could have only been 4 or 5 months old, sitting on the couch watching the television. One of my programs was on the tv and that little child watched that program and did not move. I donât know the concentration span of a child of 4 or 5 months old, but I want to tell you that the Word of God never returns void.
I really want to tell you, moms and dads, you must pray with your children every single day, preferably morning and night and you must share with them the things about God. You say, âNo well, theyâre a bit too young.â They are never too young. Anytime they will take it in because the Word of God is in them. You see the Lord has put eternity in the heart of man when He created man. So for a child to receive the Word is very easy and I want to say something to dads particularly. Itâs not so much what you say to your children but itâs the lifestyle that you live that makes the impact.
Dad, if you are aggressive towards your wife, your son will be aggressive towards his wife when he grows up. Heâll hate himself for it but itâs what youâve taught him. Donât say to your children, âDonât do what I do. Do what I tell you.â It doesnât work. They will do exactly what you do. If you are a drunkard, they will become drunkards. If you are a womaniser, they will become womanisers. If you are forever moaning at your husband, Iâm telling you, your daughters will do the same.
Looking after children is a very serious responsibility. Jesus said that the children must come to Him, doesnât matter how tired He was. He was always ready to speak to the little children. As I get older, I want to tell you, I love children so much. That little clip of that 4 month old baby touched me so deeply. You know if Donald Trump and Cyril Rhamaposa want to speak to me, they must get in the queue because the little children must come first.
God bless you and have a wonderful day,
Goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 20th of February 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We start with Jonah 1:3:
"But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord."
You can't run from God. Don't try and run from God. The Lord told Jonah to go to Ninevah, warn the people, and tell them to repent. Jonah didn't do that; he ran away, but we know the end of the story. Jonah didn't win! You know, folks, when God calls you, you must obey Him. I have found, in my life, that happiness comes only through obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, Jeremiah had the same situation. Jeremiah 20:9:
"Then I said, "I will not make mention of Him,
Nor speak anymore in His name."
But His word was in my heart like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
I was weary of holding it back,
And I could not."You see, they made a mockery of Jeremiah. They put him in the city square in stocks. They hurled abuse at him, and probably rotten vegetables and everything else. He said, "I have had enough, Lord. I am not doing this anymore. I am not speaking up for You anymore." And then he says, "But there is a fire in my bones, and I cannot help myself. I have to keep on preaching."
I had an incident many, many years ago as a young preacher. I was invited to a little town, and from the start, everything went wrong. The venue was a bad choice; it was a hotel on a Friday night, and all the boys, their girlfriends and/or wives were there, having a massive party. I was supposed to speak at about 6 o'clock, but the food only arrived at about 8 o'clock, so they put me on the floor at about 9 pm.
Many of these people were under the weather already, and I preached my heart out and made an altar call. I told them to come forward so that I could pray for them to accept Jesus. Folks, not one single person responded! I have never, ever forgotten that. I stood alone in that hall by myself, and they all sat in their chairs at the tables, arms folded, some sniggering, some smiling, and some of them not even with us. I stood alone. I will never forget it. I prayed and went home to the minister's house for the night. I didn't sleep that night, folks; I wrestled. I was in a cold sweat. "Lord, why am I doing this? They don't even want me here. Lord, there is a church on every street corner. I am a successful farmer; I don't have to do this." I felt the Lord say to me, almost tangibly, "Are you going to do this or not?" And I said, "Okay."
We had a men's breakfast the following day, and two men came forward. That was a start; on Sunday, we were in the township, and I want to tell you the dam broke, and multitudes came forward. Don't give up today. You are on the brink of a miracle. Just obey the Lord!
Jesus bless you, and goodbye.
I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 19th of February 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We start with Obadiah 1:21:
"âŠAnd the kingdom shall be the Lord's."
Then we go to Psalm 22:28:
"For the kingdom is the Lord's, And He rules over the nations."
The last scripture is Matthew 25:34:
" Then the King will say to those on His right hand, 'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
The kingdom of God shall never fall! Where are we investing our time and energy? We live in a time when nothing is secure and solid. Where do you invest your money? Where do you go for peace and quiet? What country in this world is at peace at the moment?
In 1939, Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, went across to Munich, Germany, to meet with Adolf Hitler, who was bent on conquering Europe then. Chamberlain wanted peace, so Hitler said to him, and I quote: "No more territorial demands to make in Europe." He flew back to Britain. Photographed as he got off the plane - that very famous photo of him showing the people of Britain that he had got a peace agreement with Hitler - No more war. Folks, he had barely said that, and Hitler continued his conquest of Europe and declared war against Britain.
Where do we find peace? Where do we find solitude? Only when we meet the Prince of Peace! Peace is freedom from anxiety and war - but the peace I am talking about this morning is your peace of mind, folks. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. In John 14:27, He says: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Today, let us invest in eternal things; let's invest in the peace of God; let's spend time with Him.
Father, I pray for my friends listening to this message right now. I pray that You will give them Your peace. Peace that cannot be found in this world, peace that will last forever. In Jesus' name, Amen.
God bless you and goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 18th of February 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Obadiah 1:3:
âThe pride of your heart has deceived you,âŠâWho will bring me down to the ground?â
The Lord will bring us down to the ground if we continue to walk in pride. He says He will do it for our sake. We go to 1 Peter 5:5, and the Bible says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. God will not stand for pride or arrogance, folks.
Do you remember the rich farmer? He had a bountiful crop. He said he was going to build more barns to take in that massive crop, and then he is going to sit down and drink and be merry, but the Lord said, âFoolish man, tonight your soul will be required of you.â Itâs a dangerous place to be sometimes when you are succeeding because you think nothing can bring you down. Folks, the safest place for you to be is on your knees because you cannot fall any further. When you are on a pedestal and people put you up there, it is very easy for that pedestal to be kicked out from under you. When you get to the top of Mount Everest, where do you go from there? There is only one way and that is down. We need to be very, very careful.
We are most vulnerable when we are succeeding. We need to be careful. That is why there are few sports teams that become world champions twice in a row, because the first time they become world champions, they have worked blood, sweat and tears to get there, and then they tap off, they ease off and they canât do it the second time. There is no more incentive, there is no more power, there is no more determination, and that applies to our faith also. We have less prayer times, we are less disciplined, we take things for granted and we become soft, and then we start to wing it but it doesnât work and then the fall comes, and how the mighty have fallen. Donât do it today, keep humble, give the glory to God and keep pressing on with what God has called you to, and He will enable you to stay in that position of success.
Jesus bless you goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 17th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go to the Gospel of Matthew 24:35. Jesus said:
âHeaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.â
Jesus puts His word even above His name, the word of God, the power of the spoken word of God. What you say is what you get. What are you saying about yourself this morning, my dear friend? Do you remember that old clichĂ©, âSticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm meâ? That is totally wrong. In fact, itâs the other way around. If you have a broken bone it can be healed but words said in anger, words of death, are very, very hard to get rid of. You actually need prayer. Words are powerful.
If we look at the Gospel of John 1:1, this is what it says:
âIn the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.â
Jesus has always been, from the beginning, Him, His Father and His Holy Spirit! I want to tell you a little story that happened yesterday. A senior gentleman, a very, very well-known man, came to see us. He said to me that he had a word from God that he was going to be healed when he came to Shalom. Now I want to clarify something here. This has got nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with Shalom, it has everything to do with the spoken word of God. He was very persistent, he has been trying to get to see us for months, if not even longer, but he would not give up. It reminds me of Bartimaeus, the blind man, who was persistent. When everybody said, âKeep quietâ, he said, âNo.â He shouted louder and the Word of God heard it and His name is Jesus, and He healed his blindness.
This manâs wife had told me he had been prayed for many, many times but nothing had happened. He arrived on the farm and he was walking with crutches. Very, very gingerly, he came into our office. He told me that he had a word from God that he was going to be healed today at Shalom. Folks, I was just a vessel, not a very good one either. I anointed him with oil, I prayed the prayer of faith. He gave his crutches to his wife and he walked out from this place, totally healed. Why? Because that man believed in the power of the spoken word of God.
Today, go out and believe what Jesus said about you, and it will come to pass.
God bless you and goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 16th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Isaiah 26:3-4:
âYou will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.âThen Psalm 20:7:
âSome trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.âTrust - who are you trusting in today, my dear friend? Are you trusting in politics? Are you trusting in your own efforts? Are you trusting in your personal belongings, your personal riches, your efforts, the things that youâve built up, or are you trusting in the promise of God?
Iâve got a dear friend, we have walked together for most of our lives and he is a lawyer by profession, and one day I spoke to him and I said, âLeon, what is the ultimate trust that we can put ourselves into? He said, âThere is a word in Latin and this is what it says, âuberrimae fideiâ which stands for utmost trust.â He says, âThe promise and the word of a person is more trustworthy than any document.â He says, âThat agreement that youâve signed on that paper is not even worth the weight of the paper, itâs the promise that a man gives you.â
Now God has promised you, He will keep us in perfect peace if we concentrate our minds on Him. Itâs the trust that we have in the Lord that gives us His peace. Jesus Christ has promised you and Heâs promised me that He will never leave us and He will never forsake us, and that is where our faith comes from, and our peace, and our hope, and our future.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,
Goodbye. -
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 15th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Luke 17:6:
So the Lord said, âIf you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, âBe pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,â and it would obey you.â
âHave faith in God.â
Mark 11:22Thatâs it - have faith in God. Without faith, we cannot please Him. Now Luke 17:5 says:
âAnd the apostles said to the Lord, âIncrease our faith.â
Now, even the disciples asked Jesus, âPlease, increase our faithâ, because they realised without faith, we can do nothing. Today, maybe youâre struggling to believe God for a promise Heâs given you. Maybe He gave it to you many years ago and your faith is starting to wane, starting to lose power. How do we regain our faith? Well, if you look at Romans 10:17, the Word of God says:
âSo then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.â
Spending time reading your Bible, spending time believing what the Lord has said about you. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, My Lord will supply all of my needs according to His riches in Glory. We need to get started this morning. We need to get back to walking the faith walk. You see, faith is a way of life, not faith in faith, but faith in Jesus Christ, and the Lord always honours faith.
Now Iâm sitting here thinking about the first campaign I ever organised - it was in that little town of Ladysmith about probably an hourâs drive west of where we live. It was ten minutes to seven in the evening. The service was going to start at seven oâclock and I was downstairs in the dungeon. I was waiting for the people to come. The band which we had brought up from Port Elizabeth were bravely on the platform playing music and I climbed up the steps, opened the door, had a look in, there was no-one there.
I was devastated. I mean, Iâd been praying and weâd been trusting the Lord. I went down and I said, âLord, if nobody comes, Iâm going to preach to the chairs.â This is the honest truth. At seven oâclock, by faith, I walked up, I opened the door and the hall was half full of people. That was the beginning. Well, I want to say to you, we started off with the Mighty Men Conference on this farm with 240 men, and we ended up with 450 000 men at our last meeting on this farm in 2010, and Iâve got news to tell you, that this year thereâll be twenty Mighty Men Conferences happening all over the world.
That mustard seed of faith! Trust the Lord, my dear friend, Heâll do it for you.
Jesus bless you and goodbye
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 14th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go straight to the Gospel of Mark 11:2: ââŠand He said to them, âGo into the village opposite you; and as soon as you have entered it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has sat. Loose it and bring it.â
Now folks, we talk about the Miracle-worker. That is one of the titles of our Lord Jesus Christ. You know, He raised Lazarus from the dead after Lazarus was lying in the tomb for no less than four days. Now, in the Middle East when a person dies, they bury them the same day because the body starts to decompose, and yet Lazarus came out of that tomb, well, healthy and strong. Jesus gave people their sight back, their hearing, He caused the lame to walk, He fed the five thousand. Jesus is the Miracle-worker. He is the One who walks on water.
I want to tell you this story as a farmer. A male donkey is called a jack, that's a young colt. That particular one had never, ever been ridden before, he had never had anybody on his back. I want to tell you, a donkey is a highly intelligent animal and yet the Lord rode that donkey for the first time in his life, not only did He ride him, but He rode him through a cheering, shouting, clapping crowd, which is a miracle! Folks, if you understand animals, I want to tell you, it is a huge miracle to me. It takes us a long time to âgentleâ a horse. I didnât say âbreakâ a horse. We donât believe in that, but to gentle that horse so that you can put a saddle blanket on him, you can put a saddle on him and then you start walking him around in a confined area and, slowly but surely, you introduce him to riding.
Jesus got on that jack and he had never, ever been ridden before. I looked up the behaviour of a donkey. A donkey is very stubborn. He is not easily intimidated by anybody. I know some beef farmers who will put a donkey in amongst his beef bulls. Why? Because a donkey will not tolerate fighting. When the bulls who are way over a ton, start fighting each other, this little donkey who weighs probably 150 kilos, will separate them, and then of course you know the donkey has got a cross on his back. Do you know that, young lady, young man? - Right down the spine and across his shoulders, a cross. One old friend of mine, every time we would go to collect some staff in the lowlands, we would go past a group of donkeys, the old gentleman would raise his hat, tears would fill his eyes, and I would say to him, âOom Johannes, why do you do that?â He said, âBecause that animal carried my Saviour into Jerusalem.
So today, remember, we serve a miracle-working God!
Jesus bless you and have a lovely day,Goodbye.
I greet you in Jesusâ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 13th of February, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Amos 5:4
âFor thus says the Lord to the house of IsraelâŠâ
Thatâs you and me,
ââŠSeek Me and live;â
Then we go on to verse 6. He says it again, a second time:
âSeek the Lord and live.â
You know there is the most beautiful song, Iâm sure youâve heard it. Itâs a wonderful song sung by many of the great Gospel singers. It is entitled,
âGive me Jesus.â
Take the world but give me Jesus,
I donât want anyone else,
I donât need anything else.
You are everything to me,
You can have all of this world,
I donât need anything else.If you have Jesus Christ, oh, you have everything! But how do we find Him? How do we find Jesus? Well folks, that was the question that Thomas asked of Jesus. Often we mock Thomas, the doubting Thomas, but you know, I donât think he was a doubting Thomas. I think he was like many of us. He really wanted to know the truth. Well, in John 14:5, Thomas asked Jesus, âHow do we know the way?â And then Jesus answered in John 14:6. He said, âThomas, I am the way.â Oh folks, if youâve lost your way this morning, I want to tell you Jesus is the way. He loves you. It doesnât matter what youâve done, what you havenât done, what you should have done, but if you have Jesus, you have everything.
I want to tell you a little story thatâs very dear to my heart. Probably a couple of weeks after Iâd given my life to the Lord, on 18th of February, 1979. We were reffing a game of polo-crosse, thatâs rugby on horseback, a rough game. I was standing behind the post with a very dear friend, his name was Jannie Barnard and Jannie said to me in the middle of the match, Angus, "Thereâs something that happened to you. Whatâs happened?â I smiled. I said, âJannie, a couple of weeks ago I met Jesus and Heâs all I need.â He said, âI want Him as well, Angus. Please, I need Him. Iâm desperate.â I said, âIâll see you Monday afternoon, in my green cathedral, in the mealie fields.â Jannie and I prayed the sinner's prayer together and Jesus was all he needed, and it wasnât too long after that that he was called home to be with the Lord. Today seek the Lord and then youâll have everything.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,
Goodbye. - Laat meer zien