
  • There are five stages of business you'll move through as your business evolves from startup to its final destination. As you move through these five stages, your business follows certain recognizable patterns.

    People have questions all the time about how to navigate the growth of their business, not just mentally but practically. And every stage comes with its own questions and considerations.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn about each of the five stages and the patterns that occur in each as you grow your business. I’ll also give you questions to ask yourself as you move through the stages so you can have a clear idea of what’s necessary for the growth and scale you desire.

    2:54 - The simple but crucial first stage of business

    6:19 - Signs that you’re in the “survive to thrive” stage

    9:28 - Your concern as an entrepreneur at stage three of your business

    12:38 - The added priority and shifts necessary for moving on to the final two stages

    15:03 - A review of the five stages and identifying which one you’re in right now

    Mentioned In Five Stages of Business and the Decisions to Make as You Grow

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Simplicity and Confidence Workshop

    “Understanding the 5 Stages of Business Growth” | Lucidchart

    “Identify Your Business Growth Stage to Maximize Profits” by Brandon Matthews | Alliance Virtual Offices

    “The Five Stages of Small-Business Growth” by Neil C. Churchill and Virginia L. Lewis | Harvard Business Review

    “Learn how to make better decisions with 3 powerful habits” by Maggie Wooll, MBA | BetterUp

    “I’ve Got This” Coaching

    Runway to Freedom

    Vision to Action Intensive

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    This podcast is brought to you by the What's Your Productivity Archetype quiz.

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  • In your mind, are you an employee, business owner, or CEO?

    Each of these scenarios involves taking a specific approach to how you allocate your time and money for achieving the result you want. But not everyone who is a CEO has a CEO mindset. To get to that place, you have to upgrade your mindset as well as how you use your most valuable business resources.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll hear about the three stages you might go through as you start, build, and grow your business. I’ll discuss the different mindset approaches in each stage, which depend on how you think of yourself.

    1:41 - Why you might feel like an employee, not a CEO, in your business

    5:58 - The scenario where you really start to think of yourself as an entrepreneur

    9:34 - What you focus on when you have the CEO mindset

    Mentioned In Are You Behaving Like an Employee, the Business Owner, or the CEO of Your Business?

    Zone of Extraordinary Achievement Matrix

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    “I’ve Got This” Coaching

    Runway to Freedom

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  • Think you don’t have the time, bandwidth, or interest in learning how to get a grip on the numbers in your business?

    Ciara Stockeland is back for the third time to show you how! She’s the genius who helps business owners with inventory create profit, so she loves digging into the numbers and getting her clients to learn to fall in love with it, too.

    We always have great conversations, and this one is no different. Even if you don’t have inventory, you’ll still want to listen in as she has so many great ideas and tactics that can apply to your business.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn how one small step can help you get your business financial house in order. Ciara will also reveal examples of what happens when you start small, how urgency and distraction help lead to a loose grip on understanding your numbers, and so much more!

    2:26 - What many entrepreneurs tend to do with a sense of patience versus a sense of urgency

    4:35 - Why it feels like you don’t have the time or bandwidth to start handling your numbers and how to start small

    7:47 - What happens when you take that first step towards better understanding the financials of your business

    14:33 - When it pays off to add something to your business (and why many business owners feel compelled to do so)

    19:11 - Contemplating the choice to do or not do and one way to mitigate the urgency factor might feel

    23:33 - Why you’re never too far gone to get a grip on your business finances and speed round questions with Ciara

    Connect with Ciara Stockeland

    Ciara Stockeland is a mom, wife, triathlete and serial entrepreneur who built a seven-figure retail business. She was featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and even invited to the White House. But in over 10 years of business, she never took home a consistent paycheck
 until she learned the numbers and understood what they meant. Now as an inventory and cash flow expert, she helps her clients get focused on the right things in their business so they can finally get a consistent paycheck.

    Ciara Stockeland | Instagram

    Inventory Genius: Create More Profit and Keep More Cash by Ciara Stockeland

    The Inventory Genius Podcast

    Mentioned In Fall In Love With Your Numbers By Starting Small with Ciara Stockeland

    “Thinking Big and Eliminating Complexity, Interview with Andrea Liebross” | The Inventory Genius Podcast

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  • You schedule a consultation call with a coach because some part of you wants to say yes to working with them. After all, you’re not going to spend the time having the conversation otherwise.

    Yet, when it comes down to it and decision time arrives, you hesitate with reasons to say no. So what’s stopping you from investing in yourself and your business?

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn 10 reasons why you might hesitate to invest in a coach (or anything, really) and why these objections aren’t entirely true. I’ll also teach you how you can begin to overcome any of these objections so you can level up your business and life.

    4:34 - The irony of statements like “I don’t know enough yet” or “I’m not ready”

    7:01 - What your worry about the benefits of investing in something is really about

    9:12 - A “scary” requirement (and common fear) about investing that makes you hesitate

    11:16 - How you let creating your own requirements get in the way of investing in coaching

    13:51 - Why letting economic uncertainty or perceived complexity stop you from investing is futile

    17:10 - The perceived value justification that might make you hesitate to say yes

    19:57 - Concern over opportunity costs and the problem with letting it prevent you from moving forward with an investment

    22:09 - How your self-assessment and high expectations can create doubt and cause you to say no

    26:25 - How to start dealing with any of these objections you might have

    Mentioned In 10 Reasons Why You Say No to Investing In a Coach When You Want to Say Yes

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    “I’ve Got This” Coaching

    Runway to Freedom

    Book a Call with Andrea

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  • As much as it feels great when you reach a goal, it can feel equally awful when you miss one.

    Now, you might not achieve a goal you set for several reasons. But there could also be an underlying factor sabotaging you that you don’t even realize is tying you down.

    Whatever your goal is, is it really yours? Your goals are influenced by your kids, parents, spouses, and others around you...and not always in ways helpful for you.

    In this continuation of our “Mom Series” on Time to Level Up, you’ll learn reasons why you might be striving for goals that aren’t your goals. I’ll also give some examples of what this looks like and discuss the importance of having a compelling reason for your goal and how to lighten the heaviness of goals you set.

    4:31 - Example of how someone’s goal might reflect deeper issues that have nothing to do with the goal

    7:20 - The consequences of striving for a goal that’s really someone else’s

    10:12 - Why trying to prove yourself to yourself or other people doesn’t work well

    15:11 - Other reasons people have for setting goals they don’t actually desire to achieve

    19:14 - The thinking you need to shift to so you can lighten the load of your goals

    Mentioned In Are You Missing Your Goals Because They’re Not Really YOUR Goals?

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Jody Moore

    Simon Sinek

    Vision to Action Intensive

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  • Imagine spending a couple of days in an 11-bedroom, three-story house with private bathrooms for everyone.

    That was the beautiful setup for Runway to Freedom mastermind members on our spring retreat in Destin, Florida. And while everyone enjoyed the house, the catering, the kayaking and more, participants also had the space to do the deep work and big thinking to level up their business.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at what went on and the kind of experiences available to you as a mastermind retreat attendee. I’ll walk you through what we did on each day of the retreat and how having this time and space away helps create big thinking that produces big wins.

    3:30 - How I advised the attendees to prepare for the retreat and set themselves up for success

    5:49 - How I coach during mastermind retreats on day one and the most impactful part of going on the retreat with peers and a coach

    9:29 - The second day and the wins that participants got thanks to having this space to relax, refresh, and reflect

    14:36 - Four things some of the attendees implemented when they returned home

    Mentioned In Relax, Refresh, and Reflect: Behind the Scenes of a Mastermind Retreat

    Runway to Freedom

    Andrea’s Links

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

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  • We all know people who put all of their attention on focusing on tasks in their business or home, or connecting with others in their business or family.

    You’ll see this imbalance depicted as the workaholic type who works late hours every day and is never home, or the social butterfly who amounts to nothing career-wise in the eyes of family and friends. Most people are naturally inclined to lean towards focusing on tasks over making social connections, or vice versa. They haven’t mastered the balancing act needed for maximum success.

    So how do you figure out where you are on the focus and connection scales as a mom and business owner? And how can you integrate a better balance that’ll have you feel like you’re at your best?

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll hear about the paradigm between deciding what to focus on as a mom and business owner and whether that could jeopardize your chances of connecting with others. I’ll teach you about the importance of balancing your focus and connection in your business and personal life, how to find the right spot on these spectrums, and examples of the positives of doing so and the consequences if you don’t.

    2:10 - Why you need to balance your focus and connection as a mom and entrepreneur

    6:30 - What you need to understand to help you find that sweet spot for success in your business and personal life

    9:06 - Examples of rewards and consequences of striking a balance between focus and connection versus being all in on one over the other

    15:47 - How to figure out where you want to be on the focus and connection spectrums and find a better balance in business and life

    18:24 - How to know you’re not in your sweet spot and what integrating better focus-connection balance requires of you

    Mentioned In How to Find Your Focus As a Mom and Business Owner

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    “10 Ways Working Moms Can Balance Competing Priorities With Ease” | Career Mom Community

    Andrea’s Links

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  • If your partner or spouse isn’t necessarily on board with your business ambitions, you’re not alone.

    Lack of (emotional) support is a topic that comes up often for women business owners. In fact, it came up several times among attendees during my April mastermind retreat and even after everyone went back home.

    Striking that balance (lacking a better word) between your role as a big-thinking business owner and your role as a relationship partner is challenging to find. But it’s not impossible!

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn eight reasons why your significant other can be unsupportive of you pursuing your business dreams. I’ll also teach you four things to do to resolve it and make the situation (and the conversation about it) a little easier for you both.

    6:11 - Eight reasons why your partner might be opposing your business dreams and aspirations

    18:26 - Four steps to create a balance between your big-thinking business ambition and happiness with your significant other

    23:58 - What to do and what not to do when speaking with your partner or spouse about their support for your business dreams

    26:30 - What your level of compromise in this situation will depend on and how to know you’re on the right track

    Mentioned In How to Handle an Unsupportive Spouse or Partner As a Big-Thinking Business Woman

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Vision to Action Intensive

    Andrea’s Links

    “My Partner Doesn’t Support My Career Dreams” by Kurt Smith | Psych Central

    “What to Do When Your Spouse Doesn’t Support Your Dream” | Laura Noel | Stretch Into Success Consulting

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  • It’s one thing for me to tell you what the Vision to Action Intensive experience is like. But it’s another to hear the whole journey in the words of someone who’s done it.

    When I walked you through a session in a previous episode, you heard clips from some actual clients. Now, you get to hear an entire story of what happens before and after you extract your vision mentally and turn it into physical action.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn about Hillary’s journey going through the Vision to Action Intensive. She’ll reveal key principles she had to grasp to get the most out of it and other realizations she had along the way, how it helped her process through her struggle with goal-setting, the changes she’s undergone since the session, and more!

    2:32 - The first thing you should know about being a big thinker and walking into an Intensive session

    4:02 - Two key principles Hillary had to grasp for the Intensive to have the desired impact

    7:23 - What Hillary realized about the investment she’d made when she saw how we were turning her vision into action

    9:26 - How the Intensive helped Hillary overcome her struggle with successfully setting goals

    15:10 - The permission you receive from the session and how business dynamics have changed for Hillary as we continue working together

    17:18 - How going through the Intensive has affected Hillary the most and deciding if you want to expedite turning your vision into action

    Mentioned In A Journey Through the Vision to Action Intensive: Case Study with Hillary

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Andrea’s Links

    Vision to Action Intensive

    I’ve Got This Coaching

    174: Your Roadmap to Clarity: Inside the Vision to Action Intensive

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  • Let’s put the finishing touches on your vision-to-action plan!

    In previous episodes, you’ve heard me (and others) talk to She Thinks Big Live attendees about creating WILD goals to turn your vision into action and adjusting your vision to elevate your business. Now let’s get into part three of the third session of the event, where we finish covering the action plan in depth.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn how to narrow down your WILD goals, create a list of 25 things you’re willing to fail or suck at, and contemplate things that could prevent you from turning your vision into action. To help you brainstorm ideas, you’ll also hear plenty of examples from the participants at the live event.

    00:22 - Questions you can ask yourself to narrow down three (or four) WILD goals

    7:52 - A few participants share one or two of their WILD goals for the year

    15:00 - Plenty of examples of things (among 25) you can be willing to suck or fail at

    27:56 - Obstacles that can get in the way of you sticking to your goals and turning your vision into action

    37:16 - Some obstacles that attendees expect to face and differentiating between what you can and can’t control

    48:38 - Why not taking yourself too seriously is a superpower worth wielding

    Mentioned In Narrow Down Your WILD Goals and Think of Potential Failures and Obstacles

    173: How Adjusting Your Vision Helps You Elevate Your Business

    172: How to Turn Your Vision Into Action with WILD Goals

    Vision to Action Intensive

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  • You know how you’ll sometimes struggle to get clarity on what you want to do and where you want to go in some aspect of your business? It’s as if you’re too close to the situation to get a clear view and see all the options and opportunities available to you.

    That’s when turning to another pair of eyes and point of view can be helpful. And when it comes to forming your vision and turning it into action, you need help.

    That’s precisely what the Vision to Action Intensive is designed to do! But are you ready for it? And are you the perfect person to join it?

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll figure out whether you’d benefit from participating in a Vision to Action Intensive. I’ll share a few quick snippets from recent participants about their realizations, and even walk you through how I work with you on the day of an Intensive.

    Even if you’ve already done one, you’ll still want to tune in! You’ll hear things that’ll have you reflecting on who you were and how you and your business have changed as a result.

    2:04 - How to know if you’re the perfect person to participate in a Vision-to-Action Intensive

    7:49 - What happens on the day of the Intensive and how we work together

    10:25 - What you might realize as you explore and try to extract your vision

    15:32 - Reasons for resistance to going deeper into your vision and why you can’t effectively do it alone

    Mentioned In Your Roadmap to Clarity: Inside the Vision to Action Intensive

    Andrea’s Links

    She Thinks Big

    Vision to Action Intensive

    Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman

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  • There comes a point where you need to adjust your vision or shift what you’re doing. It often happens when you’re at a new growth stage in your business or when you realize your plans just aren’t working out.

    She Thinks Big Live attendees Nicole Teal, Aileen Paszek, and Terri Fisher all found themselves in circumstances where they needed to shift what they were doing. In the second part of session three of the event, these three action-takers took the stage and shared their stories while highlighting the significance of having a vision, adjusting strategies when necessary, and seeking support in their entrepreneurial journeys.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn about the importance of supportive communities, showcasing perseverance in overcoming challenges, and pursuing continuous improvement for business evolution and success. They’ll also discuss transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship, managing time effectively while making growth-focused decisions, and seeking guidance through coaching and community. As you hear their stories, you can apply their insights to reflect on your own experience.

    2:45 - Nicole, Aileen, and Terri introduce themselves and their businesses

    6:11 - Initial hurdles when Nicole and Aileen decided to go for it and the necessity of evolving your business vision

    11:58 - One hurdle many business owners worry about but don’t really talk about

    15:37 - How Terri had to take action by creating her dream opportunity for herself

    18:42 - Feedback the panel received after telling others they were going into business for themselves

    21:57 - What tends to happen just when you think you’ve mastered your business (and why it’s actually to your advantage)

    28:43 - How you get better at the process of decision-making

    31:26 - The panel’s business goals for 2024 and what helps them decide their next step

    Mentioned In How Adjusting Your Vision Helps You Elevate Your Business

    The Cake Bake Shop
    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross
    Runway to Freedom
    Vision to Action Intensive
    Full Focus Planner | Coaching
    Book a Call with Andrea
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    This podcast is brought to you by the What's Your Productivity Archetype quiz.

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  • How do you turn your vision into action?

    Your dream doesn’t have to stay floating in your head as a nice thing to have. Creating an effective action plan is a foundational step in turning your dreams into tangible results.

    Sometimes, though, you have to do things that seem a little wild. While SMART goals help give you direction, combining them with WILD goals helps you achieve a balanced approach to setting goals that also keeps you motivated.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll hear part one of session three at She Thinks Big Live and learn about how to create WILD goals and how they differ from SMART goals. Andrea will teach you why you need to embrace failure, align your actions with beliefs, adopt a “let it be easy” approach, and let fun be a critical motivator in your goal setting.

    6:56 - Why you need to be willing to suck at something and fail

    11:59 - What failure really is, what happens when you’re afraid you won’t succeed, and how to take the right action

    18:44 - How you should feel about the goal you set and an example of overcomplicating things instead of letting them be easy

    22:49 - Your reason for setting big goals and going beyond what you’re currently doing

    Mentioned In How to Turn Your Vision Into Action with WILD Goals

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Jody Moore

    Runway to Freedom

    Vision to Action Intensive

    Book a Call with Andrea

    Andrea on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook

    This podcast is brought to you by the What's Your Productivity Archetype quiz.

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  • Moving can be a nightmare!

    You have to put your house on the market, find a new house to move into (or, in my case, wait for yours to finish being built), and juggle with where you’ll stay in the interim if necessary. In the meantime, you’re packing and unpacking, hemming and hawing over what to keep and what to throw out or donate, and so on. Oh, and you’re still trying to run the rest of your life and business, too!

    But you don’t have to take it all on by yourself. You can even hire experts like Maria Baer to help you with unpacking, decluttering, and organizing everything! She owns the Indianapolis-based home organizing company The Baer Minimalist and really helped make the transition of moving into our new house easier. She also knows the value of having help--the personal support she provides for clients domestically she had to get for herself in her business.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn about the benefits of having an organized home and its effect on other areas of your life. You’ll also hear about the perks of giving up control and decision-making power when necessary and how hiring out support helps Maria with work-life integration as a mom of two five-year-old boys.

    1:41 - Maria’s introduction and how she helped make the move into my new house easier

    5:38 - How Maria works with clients, the pros and cons of unpacking and organizing items, and why giving up control doesn’t have to be hard

    10:33 - Why Maria loves organizing, how things function in her house, and the benefits of having an organized home

    18:15 - Two things that prevent people from organizing their homes on their own

    22:05 - How Maria’s journey working for other people’s businesses eventually led to the start of her own business

    27:33 - How having support helps Maria balance working on her business and in her business (especially with two preschool boys)

    34:39 - Maria’s speed round answers and the link between her donation guide and how she wants to be remembered

    Connect with Maria Baer

    Maria Baer is the Founder and Lead Organizer of The Baer Minimalist, focused on helping busy families across the Indianapolis metro area Cut the Clutter, Donate + Do Good and Cue the Confetti. Founded in 2017, The Baer Minimalist helps breathe life into your space, highlight the things that matter most, and find a better system for being both organized + stylized – whether you’re prepping for a bundle of joy, settling into your dream home or finally tackling that growing mystery pile in your closet.

    The Baer Minimalist

    Maria Baer on Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

    Mentioned In The Benefits of an Organized Home on Your Life and Business with Maria Baer


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  • Think you don’t have time to complete your goals? Or that you always need to be striving towards something in any area of your life or business? Or that you can’t get into the habit of making time for yourself? Well, think again!

    Stacie Simpson is a time and Full Focus expert and one of the coaches available to work with as part of my membership programs. In part two of Session Two at She Thinks Big Live, she joined emcee Nicole Pence Becker and me on stage to talk about what she sees working with clients, particularly in terms of their focus and time.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn how to integrate work with life better, how to get time on your side (instead of treating it as the bad guy), how to trick yourself into making time for yourself when you need it, and more. I’ll also teach you about the four parts of yourself and how they combine to help you create what you want (including the person you want to become).

    3:43 - Stacie introduces herself, the Full Focus system, and her love-hate relationship with the phrase work-life balance

    8:30 - How the work-life pendulum can suddenly start swinging when you’re trying to integrate or find balance

    12:16 - How to evaluate whether you want to (or should) stay where you are or get things moving

    16:14 - Why time is not the villain and why you can use it to your advantage

    23:04 - How to track so you can discover “found time” that went missing

    27:54 - How to create opportunities for strategic pauses with yourself as time investments

    36:09 - How to deal with frustration and reframe your thinking around any goals you don’t accomplish

    40:52 - The four parts of you and how you integrate them as part of your lifestyle design

    53:09 - How to figure out what (and when) to start automating in your business

    57:06 - The key to dealing with the challenge of taking the time to honor yourself

    Mentioned In How to Find the Time to Focus on Yourself, Your Goals, and Your Lifestyle Design with Stacie Simpson

    Stacie Simpson Consulting

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    VIA Character Strengths Survey

    Full Focus Planner Store | Full Focus Coaching

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  • How did you imagine your life unfolding when you became an adult?

    So many have hopes of a dream life when they graduate from school, get their first “real” job, or just move into a place of their own for the first time. Then they realize--five, ten, twenty years down the road--that they haven’t come close to achieving it. They stayed stuck in hope mode.

    But your dream lifestyle doesn’t just create itself. You have to be intentional about creating the life you desire, and a life plan, along with some key principles, can help you do it.

    At the She Thinks Big Live event, I shared the five key principles to create the lifestyle you want. In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll hear a recording of that session that reveals the keys and examples (including from my personal experience) of what their application can look like in your life.

    8:38 - Choices you make and their impact on the lifestyle you want to have

    15:30 - The importance of being honest about your personal needs

    16:55 - What you need to define for yourself to help make your life better

    18:12 - One thing you don’t want to blindly do to achieve the lifestyle you desire

    19:33 - An example of how authenticity can help make things simpler

    Mentioned In 5 Key Principles to Create the Lifestyle You Want In Your Life Plan


    Brendon Burchard

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Runway to Freedom

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  • When you hear the words “strategy” and “plan,” do you think of them as synonymous? A lot of people do.

    Certain topics keep coming up again and again in coaching conversations. Whether or not to utilize a certain marketing tactic, such as starting a podcast, is one of them.

    But before you can answer that question, you need to have a marketing strategy and plan in place. And you need to realize how a strategy differs from a plan before you can create either one.

    To help, Terri Fisher has returned as a podcast guest in her new guise as a marketing strategy expert. She lays out what having a strategy versus a plan means and how they work together to give you results.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn the definitions and differences between marketing strategies, plans, and channels and how to create them for your business. You’ll also discover what you need to know prior to coming up with your strategy, when’s the right time for you to strategize, and why people find marketing to be such a challenging thing.

    1:30 - How Terri transitioned from working in professional services to founding her marketing strategy firm

    5:54 - What having a marketing strategy means and two reasons why you need to write yours down

    7:52 - What you need to know before you create your marketing strategy

    12:03 - The difference between a marketing strategy, a plan, and a channel and how they all work together in harmony

    15:01 - How to create or reevaluate your marketing plan and the metrics you need to look for

    21:05 - How to know when you need a marketing strategy

    24:12 - What makes marketing (and creating a strategy for it) a challenge for many people

    29:45 - Three scenarios that signal it’s time to reach out to a marketing strategy expert like Terri

    Connect with Terri Fisher

    Terri Fisher is the founder and owner of Strategy Light, a marketing strategy firm focused on small B2B businesses seeking to transition from organic to dynamic growth. After 15 years of focusing on marketing strategy, branding, and business development for large finance and accounting consulting firms, she decided to start her own firm. Terri is inspired by the small business owners she has met who are dedicated to their craft. These owners have an abundance of creative ideas for expanding their businesses. Terri enjoys working with clients to bring those brilliant concepts to life.

    At Strategy Light, we help small businesses optimize their marketing budget by ensuring they have a strategy that works. We guide clients in understanding which metrics matter most to confidently invest in the right areas.

    Terri resides in Indianapolis with her husband and three young boys. She enjoys cooking, running, and travel.

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    Mentioned In How a Marketing Strategy and Plan Work Hand-in-Hand with Terri Fisher

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  • What does it take to pull off a big event like a retreat?

    There are a lot of moving parts when you want to hold something like She Thinks Big Live. But as a coach or consultant, you probably want to offer something more than just a grand experience. You want your guests to walk away with something tangible they can use to level up their business or life beyond the event.

    Those who attended She Thinks Big Live last month walked away with a plan on how to create an extraordinary 2024. Planning the retreat required embodying big thinking in how to create and execute it successfully. As a result, I lived through the very principles I was sharing in creating the event itself.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at what happened in the days before, during, and after. I’ll walk you through the kind of deliberate planning that goes into an event like this and how the execution of my plan aligned with four key areas covered at the retreat.

    1:50 - Day-by-day structure and why this event required putting my big thinking hat on

    4:48 - The belief necessary to pull this retreat together and how my belief plan fulfilled two objectives

    6:56 - How hiring an event planner allows you to integrate business with life and show up as a host

    10:52 - The action plan (and people) it took to create this mastermind event and make it a success

    16:21 - Planning the use of time and some of the feedback received after the retreat

    20:38 - The response that shows exactly why I did She Thinks Big Live

    Mentioned In She Thinks Big Live: How a Big Event Comes Together

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Runway to Freedom

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  • How’s your marketing investment working out for you?

    Many entrepreneurs get discouraged when their marketing efforts or hiring decisions falter, and they struggle to find the right clients as a result. But can the cause be tied to a lack of clarity on some aspect(s) of their business or a missing piece in their marketing altogether?

    My podcast producer, Stacey Harris, often sees this with those looking to invest in marketing and support for their show. Today, she’s here to dig deeper and help you discover what’s going on so you can avoid more failed marketing efforts or new hires that don’t provide the level of results or quality of service you expect.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll learn what you need to know about your business before you invest in marketing or hire support. You’ll hear Stacey’s tips and recommendations for marketing your higher-end programs and services, why your leads from short-form marketing aren’t converting, turning marketing assets into sales assets, and much more!

    4:07 - What you need to know before you can hire others to help you and why just getting more leads isn’t always the solution

    10:04 - The importance of aligning your marketing with your offer and one thing you need to consider if you sell long-term programs or services

    13:25 - A better way to use short-form marketing and the piece between lead generation and conversion that many entrepreneurs try to skip

    17:04 - The consequences of not having (or being able to convey) clear ideas about what you want when hiring support for your business

    19:53 - Why you should embrace being messy in the beginning and how your process can evolve

    24:15 - Helping a client find the right messaging and advice for when you’re ready to start investing in support

    30:09 - The benefits of having someone else ask you questions

    Mentioned In What You Must Know Before You Invest in Marketing Support with Stacey Harris

    Uncommonly More

    The More Profitable Podcast

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    Vision to Action Intensive

    “Using Your Podcast to Launch a Book with Andrea Liebross” | The More Profitable Podcast

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  • Where do you start when building a new business? Or maybe the better question is, where should you start?

    You always hear about action plans. You’re encouraged to think about step-by-step processes, timeframes, and so on.

    But do you believe? Do you believe in yourself, your capabilities, your business idea?

    You've heard me talk about the importance of having a belief plan on this podcast before. During the first session of the first-ever She Thinks Big Live event, three members of my Runway to Freedom mastermind came onstage to discuss this concept and how they’ve really embraced it.

    In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll hear how Whitney, Rebecca, and Cynde formed their belief plans and what these plans really entail. You’ll also get a sense of the differences you can have in beliefs from others while still having the profitable, thriving business of your dreams.

    6:54 - How Whitney, Rebecca, and Cynde first reacted to the concept of having a belief plan

    11:41 - How getting support with your family can help you be a better leader and grow your business

    15:29 - Is the same belief mindset necessary with everyone you hire? Or an understanding of your business from everyone in the family?

    21:41 - Advice on how (and when) you should approach your belief plan for your business

    24:33 - A few things from this mastermind case study session that I want to highlight

    Mentioned In Embracing a Belief Plan: Mastermind Discussion From the She Thinks Big Live Stage

    Runway to Freedom

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    This podcast is brought to you by the What's Your Productivity Archetype quiz.

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