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The Trail and Adventure Motorbike Podcast is created by Clive Barber and Noel Thom. They are not inspirational, and they will not provide motivation to get you off your butt and travel the world. They are quite a good laugh though, like a couple of old blokes you overhear in the pub, and wish you were sat at their table. Except you don’t need to because they record their conversations. Weird. Yeah, probably. The Trail and Adventure Motorbike Podcast aims to be informative, interesting, and fun. With a mix of ‘celebrity’ and ‘citizen’ storytellers, instructional episodes, beginners guides the podcast is a great way to while away the hours when you can’t be out on your bike.
Bugün yeni bir kabına sığamayan ile tanışacaksınız. Dinleyeceğiniz hikaye öyle büyük kârlılıklarla hacimli işler yapmış bilindik, özendiren ve başka dünyalardanmış gibi çınlayan başarı öyküleri değil… Aksine çok daha bizden ve eğlenceli hikayeler. Başrol oyuncuları da sizin bizim gibi işinde gücünde olan, sokakta yanımızdan geçen, sıra beklerken elindeki bozuk parayı düşürüp yuvarlanışını acıyla seyreden; ama bir yandan da kolay kolay akla gelmeyecek işlere soyunup, hayatlarında bambaşka sayfalara yer açabilmiş insanlar. Tuhaf gibi görünen ama aslında herkesin merak edebileceği cinsten sorular sorup, “hadi be” dedirten yanıtlar alacağız onlardan. Çünkü oluru olan her ilginç şeyin eğlenceli ve ne kadar zaman geçerse geçsin, dinlemeye değer bir hikayesi olduğuna inanıyoruz.
Welcome to the British Airways Official Podcast. Every month we will be discussing key subjects around the airline.
Each episode will see hosts joined by special guests who also work at British Airways, to delve into some of the exciting activity going on at the airline.
The podcast is a first for British Airways and will be hosted by four of its colleagues, who work in different areas of the business. Julian Marshall, a British Airways 777 training captain; Paul Ewen, a customer service manager (CSM) based at London Gatwick airport; Molly Armstrong, a team leader based in the Manchester customer engagement centre; and Caroline Ali, a customer experience representative based at London Heathrow airport will spend each episode finding out more about little-known areas of the airline.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Studying Pixels combines game studies and a joyful engagement with video game culture. Every Sunday, game studies scholar Stefan Heinrich Simond and Japanese scholar Dan Hughes cover anything from reviews of contemporary games to news stories and from academic deep-dives to controversial discussions—all wrapped up in a sincere appreciation of everything geeky.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sicherheit oder Leben? Von der, die Angst vor einem Auslandssemester hatte, bin ich nach kleineren Anläufen voll ins Leben gesprungen. Nach Lehramtsstudium folgte die Beamtenstelle an einer Schule - und die klare Erkenntnis: Das ist nichts für mich. Im Wohnmobil lebend erfülle ich mir nun meine Träume: Ich bereise fremde Länder, führe das mir bestmöglich Leben genau dort, wo ich gerade sein mag. Dabei erkenne nach 30 Jahren als Sportmuffel, dass "Sport = Mord" NICHT stimmt, denn fürs Kitesurfen lasse ich alles stehen und liegen!Das Ganze finanziere ich mir, indem ich Online Französisch unterrichte. Weitere Projekte (Geführte Wohnmobiltour, Buch) sind in Planung.Komm mit mir auf die Reise: Die Reise in andere Länder, die Reise als "Digitale Nomadin", die Reise zu dir selbst. Denn das Leben ist FÜR dich.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Car Talk From The Main Street of America is an automotive odyssey of epic proportions. It is an introduction to fascinating people, the sharing of America's story, the evolution of the American auto industry and inspiration for the great American road trip. It is a fun filled, fast paced adventure with America's storyteller Jim Hinckley of Jim Hinckley's America as your host, and Stan Hustad as producer.
Korlas'ın sunduğu SÜRÜŞ'te, Arkın Çelik Türkiye motosiklet kültürüne değer katan sürücüler, eğitmenler ve yarışçılarla motosiklet ve sürüşe dair her şeyi konuşuyor.
Ducati, Triumph, Scrambler Ducati, Fantic, Moto Morini, Italjet, Royal Alloy, Electric Motion ve Kosy markalarının ürünleri, yeni çıkan modelleri, yurt içi ve yurt dışı sürüş rotaları ve eşsiz deneyimleri dinlemek için SÜRÜŞ'te bize eşlik edin. -